HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-10-21, Page 66 THE BRUSSELS POST C.G11xpt iiltC•C FACTS AND I'IGURES ABOUT DRINK. Siuee 1840, the annual consump• tion of distilled spirits in the Unit. ed States hoe increased in round number; from 42,000,000 gallons to 72,000,U00 gallons, The simnel consumption of wines within the same period has increased from 6,- 000,000 to 22,000,000 gallons. These may seem to be startling fig- ures,. but the first impression re- oPived from them is oorrooted when the iuereaee of population is a180 taken into account. As a matter of fact, the consumption of distilled spirits per capita of population has diminished since 1840 from about ! be drank mor, than a gcall0ii. The are so attracted by?[ise Gilder. two and a half to about one and ee:eat rolled off front him like rain. eleevo ; she has no figure, itntl— quarter gallons, that is to say, i Then be suint off and.' thous ht ante Bruthnr Charley. No figure ! Well, ,a out one hundred per cell , 'nue but hu was sleeping, urs it It round half• wines, the average and as qui,tly ae n chi In the tractive figure, la'ou t h ce to maw sumption per capita has increased ! 1I morning, when the (lector camp, he what is ! from 0.20 gallon` in 1840 to 0.00 in I t°eked whit time. the mato died. Pedestrian : i1lulr.m, a boy whom I am told is your son ha+just thrown a stone at me, eausiug a wound that is very painful, what 1 ;aero sick with tbo fever, and among rant, the eecoucl mate. The doctor had given him brandy to keep hili` up, but I:thought it was n queer kind of 'keeping up,' Why, you see, it stands to reason, that if' yon heap fuel ou the fire, it will burn the flatter, and putting the brandy t.i a fever is just the ethnic kind of a thing. Drawly is more very Meld, t•ir. Did yeti ever try than half alcohol, you knew. Well, my l:.leetlic Scalp Invigorator and the doctor gave him up, and 1 wail ,bead.+ere Flair Itestorer ? Ouslom- set to \Latch with lhilu. No medicine or. Yes ; flint's what made me driving ins neit;hbor'e ileus away with clnbe and eteeee fixes up tt nice Leta in hie or,0 yard for them to lay in. Dr. Torrey, of l;oeiou, married e pair iu eight seeonde. There are uttat.y young persons who would like to make to minute of thin, ;Barber to customer, Yon are was left, for it wait of Ito ugo, Noth- iug could help him, and I bud my diroetioue what to do with the body when the wee dead. Toward mid- night ill, naked for water. I got him the coldest I could find, and gave him all he avaoted,•aud, if you'll be. Bove me, in less than three boot's bald. Whitt woucierfal patience those fisher m on have I exelnimod au idler to a Eotssinlc Mend. hero I have heel) \catching that fellow for three whole, hours, and lie hasn't yet bad a bi:e. Matilda, I can't see why you eau aboat d d t Of � hu `tin. g l 1 million isn't ,,u at_ annual 001] 1'111 1 1 11 •1 1 1880 It is noticeable, however, ;Won't vein go in and look at him ?' 'that, since 1880, the tendency lura LandL. Ho recut in and tools the bean downward, the consumption in`le't h:and. ,Why .' said he, 'the per capita in 1880 being 0.88, or mien is ret dead 1 lie'8 alive, and ere you going t0 do about it ? nelarly one-third less than in 1880, doing 't 1l ! Zt hal leave you been ; Mother : r dour! know ; have you and only about one-tenth greater l gear, him ?' Water, simplytried arnica ? bear, in 1840. \Vhon we coins to ' %Water, and all he wanted of it., It ie Raid that at least 400,000 boor, the figures shote an euormoua said 1. I don't know as the doctor i meteors fall from the heavens and increase in the total amount eon- learned anything from that, but I strike file earth Ivory hour during sumed, tend a large increase o pu riot,eisa 1110, and IOw u0 doctor puts 141301101 the soar; and yet when a man goea lively t0 the increase of population, I down me, or any of my folks, for a home with a damaged hat and tells Mr. Switzler estimates that the , fever' I can tell you 1 I ani a plain, bis wife that he was struck by a consumption of malt liquors in 18• 40 was 28,810,848 gallons. In 1880 unlettered man, hut 1. know too meteor she will not believe him. it was 042,907,720. This involves much to let any doctor burn mo up Do you believe in Commercial an increase per capita from 1.80 to with x1001101." Union ?Raid young Popinjay to his 11.16. By far the greater portion girl the other evening, jest to keep up the conversation. 'Commercial of this increase hoe been in the years since 1860. In each of the Union ? Certainly not, Archibald ; elle replied blushing. I think mar• decades from 1860 to 1880 the an• rying for money re mean and low. nual consumption of beer in the Eddie, lla, aro you an angel in disguise ? ilia, why child, what put such a silly notion in your head ? Eddie, cause I heard pea tell a elan that you might be ono, but if you was you hide it better than any fraud he ever saw. Mrs. Grander : We're going to organize a botanical party for Tues. day, of course you'll join ne 2 Mise Hemlock of Port Huron : I'd like to awfully, but maw objotos to my going on the water, oven it the boate are safe as a gentleman -of - war. Lawyer to his client. Did you ever try to settle this matter with! the plaintiff ? Client : Yee, I did l all I could to settle it. Lawyer : What did he say ? Client : He told me to go to the devil. Lawyer: Well, what did ,you do then ? Client: Why, then I Cama to you. She watt not to blame.—Junk : Ethel, I am ashamed of you. I saw tiiai Frenchman in tho enema vatory kissing you repeatedly, why didn't you tell him to s:op 2 Ethel: I couldn't Jack, Jack : You I eouldn't 2 'Why not ? Ethel : I can't speak French. Mrs. 13oolihan : Foix, Dennis 1 An' phot are yez afthor doin' now 2 O'Hoolihan : Pegorre, Rosy, it's myself as has bought a mesio -stool far Katie, an' Oi've boon woinding the bastely thing up for over an hour, an' not a dhrop of music can Oi get out of it at all t Remember the example of George Washington, my boy, said the care- ful father. Who was George Wash- ington, papa, queried the hopeful. Why he was the man who ootilcdn't tell a lie, of course. What was the matter with hum—couldn't he talk ? There was much anxiety in the paternal miud as to the youngster'` future. United States more than doubled, Dorn is cud for nausea and cranPo and it bids fair to do the same in berry for 9dmalaria. the decade from 1880 to 1890. The Clogged wicks caa be cleansed report gives an estimate made by by boiling them in soapsuds. W. 2 . Barrett, editor of the Amari• Bread thoroughly burned and can Grocer, as to the comparative made to ashes is a good dentifrice. expenditures for alcoholic liquors, A teacup of lye in a pail of `Water and for food, clothing, and shelter, 1 `• by the people of the United States, ' ''ill teacup improveo the color of black The sum paid yearly by consumers I goods. for spirituous aad malt liquors is If strong sopsuds is added to $700,000,000. Mr. Barrett adds stove blacking it will make it etiek that the wholesale cost of these li- and polish onsy. quors is not more than $800,000,- A teaspoonful of borax iu a quart 000, which leaves a profit to the of warm water makes au excellent dealers of more than half. lite cal wash for the hair. oulates that the American people For neuralgia try a flannel wrung spend from $12 to x$'17 for the Dec. out of hot water and sprinkle thickly oesaries of life, to every dollar paid with black pepper. out for liquor: It mast be remem- To keep an irou pot from rusting bared, however, that the outlay for each time before puttiug it away liquor is made by about one•quarter rub it with grease that has no salt of the population, and amounts, in it. therefore, to nearly 850 per capita If soot is dropped on the carpet, of the drinking population, which cover thickly with salt, and it may ie one dollar out of every four. The be act opt up without' injury to the conclusions to which the statistics carpeta point, are, that the consumption of Tao taste of fish may be removed distilled liquors is steadily docreas- very effectually from knives and iug in this country, and that the ;forks by rubbing them with fresh lighter stimulants are taking their °rrang° or lemon peel. place. This is by no means all In sweeping carpets use wet that could be wished • but we do newspapers wrung nearly dry and not hesitate to say that it is a torn to pieces. The paper collects obange for the better. Few per- th0 0081. but does nut soil rho "r- am's will dispute the claim that Pt. beer is a leas hurtful beverage than To take ordinary ink out of linen, whiskey ; and most, we think, will 1 clip the ink spot iu pure melted tel• agree, that the temperauoe wcrlc of ;low, wadi out tallow, and ink will the last twenty-five 30008 has had i come out with it. This seldom the effect both of abating drunken • faits. ness and making it appear more For ingrowing toe nails use equal odious. But this has been gainad parts of mutton tallow, motile soap at the price of such tremendous i and white sugar made into a salve. efforts that we have a right to ask, i Apply until the swelling is down, where would we have been now then trim the nail in the centre. I had there been no temperance ----- work work 2 tlOU:sEUOLt1 HANTS. To clean zinc use strong vinegar. Hang up the brooms they will last longer. - WITH, THE DRINK AND WI"T'KQUT IT. "1 bad a little vessel on the 3o:.16 . with a crew of font. I had my wife and two children on board, The night was stormy, and my brother was to stand watch. The seamen prevailed on him to take ono glass to help him to perform his duties, but being nnacoustonled to liquor, he fell asleep. In the night I awoke to find my vessel a wreck. I took ono of my little ones iu my arms, and my wife took the other, and we battled with the cold waves. After hours of suffering, the waves took my little ono from my embrace, and then swept my other little one from my wife's arms, and our two little dears wore lost from ns forever, After more battling with the storm and wave`, I looked at my wife, and sho was cold In death. I reach• ed the shore, and hero 1 am—my wife, hny children, and all my earth- ly possessions lost for 'ono glass of rum.' " Ai:ether man Says :--"I've been fourteen years a sailor, and I've found in all pails of the world I could get along jtteit as well without alcoholic liquors as with them, and bettor too. Some years ago, when we lay in Jamaica, several of na Varieties. One . swallow does not make a summer but several swallows may cause a fall. There is more or lose sorrow in the word "Good•by," and yet how we like to hear some people say it. Scene, grammar school, dialogue between teacher and Johnny. Teacher : What is the future of "He drinks 2" Johnny : "He is drunk." Little girl : i12a, was Adam the first human being 2 Mother : Yes, my dear. Well, who shoved him In hie baby carriage ? Little Elsie seeing for the drat time a calf. 01). mamma 1 These must be the little cows that give condensed milk. What ehall we do to bo saved 2 welted la revivalist. And la small boy in the rear seat shouted. Let's trado teams with Toronto. The orator is frequently obliged to use trochee, but the average woman can talk a hundred words a minute with a month full of hair- pine. A Georgia colored woman Bund a diamond ring in an egg. The only scientific explanation of this is the old one, that the colored woman lied. He is a wise man who, instead of aarrs¢.sr .v s..11.tamsemac®marrmavm210.1.11ssra fear Fp otalcles and Eye -Glasses that will preserve your liyo..oigbt. z1 A. TT F3 Manufacturing Optician, lata of the firm of Lazarus t3, Morris, 58 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, Loudon, England, has ap- pointed an agent for the Renowned Spec- tacles and Pyo-Olasaoa which have been before rho public for the past 25 years. Lazarus' Speotaele9 never tiro the eye Last many years without ohango. For Salo by 11: L. JACKSON BRUSSELS, • ONT. BLYTH Woolen Mill. It. Forsyth & Son, formerly of the Wroxetor Woolen Mills, beg to inform the Farmers in this vi- cinity that they have Now in Op- eration a Woolen 1'Iill in Blyth, and hope that by adhering to their old plan of making noth- ing but Sound, Durable Goods and trust that by so doing to moot a liberal patronage. CUSTOM WORK of all kinds promptly and care- fully attended to. The HIGII);sr PRICE, paid for Wool in Exchange for Tweeds, Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etc. A Trial Solicited ! Satisfaction Guaranteed ! R. Forsyth & Son. 'ard A.:tel 1E111) A. Suitable Mose to 1310 dtny nton,l Sewing .Machine Crafts. Geo. Loco. •I am prepared to Pay C:tsu for any quantity oflEggs. Oom, 21, .. ,rtes istneste ovist zaysnfi:Rtlerotatteminctoto Pnewir esome: rersensire 'ss esmr in enterer, Brussels Lime Works 1 STILL AHEAD. ".Cho snbsarlbors talto this oppportunity of returning thanks to the inhabitants of larussois andvicinityfor past tjnatronnga and bog 10 etato' that bavbtg nifnl° auroral twpreyomants in their kiln and mod° of burning they aro now to It bettor 009101011 thmt over botorp to supply rho public with lint -Close Limo. Phis being 0110 Xl lrtnnnttt Houma of our business dealings in erussol8, and having given unqualtasd satisfaction so far, rho public can re10 on resolving g,0,1 troatm°ut and n ]t'irst.Olase A Adele from no, O'irst•Clnss Limo nt 1e soots at no kiln. Wo also burn a 310,1 Limo for plastoring at 10 soots, notnombot• tho 9p03 ---19194$$e19 Uwe `Works. 11 Town & Son. MONEY TO LOAN. PRI Val '-'17:61 FUNDS'. mai J,cco of Private Funds have just been placed in my hands for In- vostmont, A`1' 7 PE11 CENT. Borrowers can have their loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory. Apply to E. E. WADE. Grist and Flour Mills I The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in First Class Running Order and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new ones as possible. Chopping done. Vieux and Feed Alvrayz ®, liand. Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. -WM. MILNE. HAVING OPENED OUT AN Egg Emporia in Grant's Block, Brussels, Next Door to the Post Office, REMOVER T. ire x011: siJ PRACTICAL BOOT mVrhli t'Of®EI-Il is still at tine Old Stand. 1118 boots and shoes need no cubing as they aro made from the best material by No. 1 workmen and wear first-class. Vine Boots Made to Order and a Pit Guaranteed. We melee a Specialty of Boots and Shots for I'arnios and their Families, and those who have over worn 009 make say they give Satisfaction every time. Repairing Promptly Attended to. GIVE MIl A CALL. JOHN The 1?oopice' 8hoo111alcor. Haying removed 10 my new premises 1 deetre to return my thanks to the pub- lic for past support and ask a oontiuu- anoo of the same. ELEGANT STOCK OF Ladies' and Gent's solid Gold and Silver Watohos, Cuff Buttons, Broaches, Ear -rings, Gent's pine, roll plate veal chains and Necklets. He has also a nice stools of WA.LNTIT, NICibt ll AND FANCY CLOCKS. • tS" Simla' attention givyen to titers• pltiring of watches. Satisfaction gime• arltoed. Jas. Jones, Graliam'e Block, BRING ALONG ALL YOU HAVE and Remember the Stand. -MANUFACTURER —tiXAN'UFACTURREIR or— CARRIAGES, DEMOCRATS, EXPRESS WAGONS, BUGGIES,. WAGONS, ETC., ETC., ETC. A11 made of the Bost Material and finished in a Workmanlike. manner. Repairing C172CZ Painting pi"oimpLr'Zy attended 'lio. Parties intending to buy should Oall before purchasing. 141a1E1t3Ncrs.—Marsden Smith, B. Laing, las. Cult and Wm. Me- Kelvoy, Groy Township ; W. Camoron, W. Little, G. Brevar and D. Breckouridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blashill, Brus- sels ; Bov E. A.. Foar, Woodham, and T. Wright, Turnberry. , ELMIJMBEB THB STAND—SOUTH OF BRIDGE. JAMES BUYERS.