HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-10-21, Page 3KATL1 IFAS MADE A PILI. "1 oeimot ask you up, Ben Blend To dine with Kate and me ; Thus spoke a drummer to his friend, And sighed right heavily, know I promised to, bat then" A. tear stole from his eye, "The cold, frost bitten foot is, Ben, My Bate has nude a pie." "Tho pie is not so deadly when An export wields tho plata ; But that's a different pie, door Ben, From pins oompoeed by Kate. She's not an artiste with rho hour, The spice, the lard, so I Cannot invite you to our bower, For Kate has made n pie. You aro an honest bachelor, Ben, Let mo some truths unload ; Some little facts to ponder when You're out upon the road, Our honeymoon was filled with joy, No cloudlete swept the sky ; Things might have thus continued, boy, But Kate, she made a pie. "A parody upon the pies My mother used to make A thing to breed a wild eurprieo Mixed up with stomach ache. A. pie to eenjnro spirits up From Sheol's sulphurods stale On which might Maoboth'e witches sup— That pie first made by Kate. "What strange fatality attonds The young wife's pio-us art? Pro -matrimonial pastry blends Not with the wifely heart. Before the orange blossom fades Wide opens many an eye ; E'en usophisticated maids Should make a better pia. "And so I cannot ask you, Den, With us to come to dine ; Some other day --some Sunday when My wife has ceased to shine As Empress of the Kitoben Bongo— Grown more discreet—and iiy— So,Ben, old boy, don't think it strange, But—Kato has made a pio." .JUBILEE CAMPAIGN TEMPER- ANCE SONG. .1113—JGJXN BLOWN" -13 FLAT. (.hick response, my temperance comrades, to the ringing trumpet's call, In the cry of saddened millions, drinking wormwood mixed with gall ; Pleading with you not to falter, not to let the banner fall ; For death still marches on. Gamins.— Glory, glory, hallelujah 1 Our canoe will win we do assure. Glory, glory, hallelujah ! For God is leading on. Don't you hear the clank of prison chains and shriek of maddened brain ? Have ye pity none for victims who re- demption sock in vain ? We must stop this desolation of our world for cursed gain, That good may march along. Glory, &o. In this conflict for the freedom of our !tomes, and church and state, We contend with those whose human love this trade has turned to hate, To this wo give no quarter ; push the bat- tle to the gate ; And peace shall march along ! Glory, &c. Lot the brewer and distiller, (Ind all drunkard makers hear, That their day of retribution swiftly, surely draw eth near ; While their cup. of compensation brim - moth o'or with wrath and fear. For justico marches along I Glory, &a. They say our "Legislation" does not do the good required. Our answer is, "All laws am weak" till people's hearts are fired With conviction strong, and purpose true, and zeal that's never tired ; [along. Then the law goes marching Glory, de. Some are asking' compensation" for re- pression of their trade, Well, they'll got it when they've settled for the ruin it has made ; With the balance left (?) we'll bury the late jubilant "Victualler's Aid,' As rho world goes laughing along. Glory: to. IIo I yo heirs of "Magna Marta," rouse to fame of knightly deed, In tho Bate of "Human Suffrage," the modern Runnymede, Be yo barons all for Jesus, for His scrut- ineer doth read, How your vote goes inerohing along, Glory, &o. Be ye brave of heart, my brethren, and behold the dawning bright Of the better day that's earning with the triumph of the right, When human life shall taintless be, from drink'e accursed blight, That day is marching out Glory, &o. Let the bannored hosts of temperance keep the goal of faith in view; "Prohibition" bo our watchword, for the love of Christ bo true; Till the promiee is fulfilled, and alts "Heavens and earth mode new." For Christ 10 marching on I Glory, &c. A3'ashioea Noteel. Seal skim will bo more in demand than over. ,'Trains will bo worn at rooeptiono and churoh weddings this winter, htit dancing•dresses will bo made °bort. Beaded °paalete aro still faehion- ably employed for giving ti drossy offset to the bodice, as well as abort• 1 ening the length between the high collar and the top of the eleevee. There ie hat little °hangs to note as yet in the fashion of fere, The most important this season is the introduction of a pelorine, with long square.panelled fronts, after n fash- ion in vogue over a hundred years ago. A revival among the season's fashions is the making of eleovos of a different material from the bodice, those very usually of a fabric match- ing the vest and panels. In point of economy this is an excellent ar- rangement. In point of good taste or artistic offset, the fashion le not a success. Importations of French millinery reveal tho fact that there le but slight difference iu the effect of trimmings, there being no radical change either in the general style and contour of the new models. Tho,, garnitures are placed but to trifle lower upon the bonnet, and a bit more of breadth is given at rho sides. Now velvety felt bonnets are daily brought out in very handsome fall shades. Those are ehaped with coronet fronts, pointed brims, much reseinbling the Tao -Peep model of last spring, and also the brim toque so becoming to oval faces. The felts are trimmed with row upon row of pinked felt, cords of velvet with loops to match, embroidery, and changeable and watered velvet. Hoods aro again added to every sort of wearing apparel upon which they can appropriately be placed. Clerical booth' aro worn upon the backs of the olose•fitting English top coats of tweed, as well as upon many other models. Though most hoods are ornamental, some are designed to be useful as well. Bounded, at, pointed, shirred, pleated and even heart - shaped they appear upon New - markets, pelerines, visitee, ulsters, tea -gowns, matinees, waterproofs, and B'rench-made night-dresses, of Chinese washiug, silklaoe-trimmed. All the cbanges having been rung en basques, bodies and jackets, polonaises will receive a large share of favor this winter, and the soft eamole'-hair goods, melonta, and suitinge of various kinds will be utilized for the long stately reding- otes to be worn over striped, plaid- ed, or plain velvet skirts. One of the new wool etuffs has heavy lines woven in triple rows that are so wide and so prominent that they re- semble Soutocbe braid applied in bias rows. This is tho result of the furore for braid trimmings that so widely prevailed. Pale almond and delicato rose, combined with dark green velvet, arc throe colon which aro to be ox, ceedingly fashionable this winter in evening toilets of various elegant kinds. Different shades of these exquisite hues aro equally becoming to blonde or brunette, and their beauty will bo euhanoed by silk em- broideries and garnitures of a new, beautiful lace, whose weblike mesh and intricate designs closely re- semble the daintiest patterns In real point, but, being executed by ma- chinery under a new and wonderful progress, the lace costs less than a fifth of the value of the real. PROVERi1S. MOH CENTRAL AFRICA. Some of our miesiouaries have collected a number of Central' Afri- can proverbs. Many of them ap. pear as old friends in a new dress, but most have a freehnoss of the soil about them. Others, again, aro as prosy as—well, as provorbe ought not to be. A fete of them are as follows :— Ito that injures another, injures himself, He who forgives le victor in the diepute. We should not treat othere with contempt. ' An inmate that cannot be tamed (said of fire). The sword does not know the head of the blacksmith (who made it). A misohief•makor will not do to tell secrets to. If the whole assembly of the town convene, they find no sacrifice to make against Borrow. Though many poste be absent, it is the cheerful mal wo miss. He who horraseos one teaches him strength. Tho pig has wallowed in tho mire, he is socking ie clean person to rub against (said of disgraced persons Who wish to koop good oompany). A strongman without economy is the father of laziness. H,olp to the end is the help we muet give to at lazy Ulan. THE BRUSSELS POST A bribe pute the judge's eye out, for a bribe never apeaka the truth. Tho thread follows the path of the noodle.. Gomm of "rllaoaag ht. A Christiau is God Almighty'e gentleman. Genius needs induetry as mush as industry needs gonias. Never contract a friendship with 'a man not better than yourself. Tho most misohiovoue liars are those who keep rubbing the edges of truth. The principle gives birth to the rule ; the motive may justify the exception. ' Tao what you aro. This is the first step toward becoming bettor than you aro. Ho who thinks ho can't win is quite sure to be right about it, for he has already lost. When a man wants to find fault he will do Bo if bo has to spend all his time looking for it, There isn't enough bare luck in the world, all together, to ruin one real, Live business man. He whose only claim to the "gentleman" is in itis clothes must necessarily be careful as to what he wears. The wise prove and foolish con- fess, by their conduct, that a life of employment ie the only life worth living. There ie a sort of sanctity about the very idea of it Christian hospit- al, second only to that we associate with a church. Would you pure or kill en evil prejudice ? Manage it as you would a pulling horse, tickle it as you would a trout. A man who strives earnestly and perseveringly to convince others at least convinces us that he has con- vinced himself. It is humility to think, not that you are less than somebody else, but that you are loss than you ought to be. The aspirations of the race for further and higher development nerve the arm which strikes down the barrier of an ignorant past. Nothing but the right can ever be expedient, since that eau never be true expediency which would sacri- fice a greater good to a less. Confucius said : To know that we know what wo know, . and that wo do no know what we do not know—that is tree knowledge. If you should over bo betrayed into philanthropy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand does, for it is not worthknow- ing. There would not bo half the dif- ficulty iu doing right, but for the frequent occurrence of oases where the lesser virtues are on tho side of wrong. Jealousy is said to bo the off- spring of Love. Yet, unless the parent makes hobo to strangle the child, the child will not rest till it has poisoned the parent. Polly consists in the drawing of false conclusions from just prinoip. les, by which it ie distinguished from madness, which draws just conclusions from false principles. We now no longer Damp as for a night, but have settled down upon earth and forgotten Heaven. We have built in this world a family mansion mad for the next a family tomb. How vigilant we are 1 Determin- ed not to live by faith if WO can avoid it; all the day long on the alert, at night we unwillingly say our prayers—and oonimit ourselves to uncertainties. The addition of a few drops of oil of almonds will keep ink from be - teething mouldy. Tho boot remedy for burns is claimed to be essence of pepper- mint and whiskey mixed. Wet e soft cloth or raw cotton, and apply. It stops the pain instantly, and draws out the fire. Cracks in floors may he neatly but permanently filled by thorough- ly soaking newspapers in paste made of a half -pound, of flour, three quarts of water and half a pound of alum mixed and boiled. The mix• two will be about as think as putty, and may be forced into the crevice with a case knife. It will harden hke papormache. To clean feathers, make a lather of ourd soap, boiling water and pearlasli ; when it is a little cool wash the feathers in it, gently squeezing it ; wash it again with loss lather and rinse in leold water, shaking it well before the fire, but not to near. Curl it by drawing each fibro over rho blunt edge of a fruit knife. If the color is not good use a little blue in the rinsing water. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- porty, at LOWEST RAT ES PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS W. B. DICKSON, Solicitor, Brussels, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 tf 6'- Per Cent. Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. URON AND BRUCE Loan &Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at LownsT RATES 01' INTEIt10ST. 'Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK. BRANCH. 8, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time let. OFFIOE.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, Godo. rich. Horace Horton, MANAGNO. R.:r` HERE WE ARE • AGAIN! After another long `winter and lots of op- position I am still alive and in a better position than ever to attend to the wants of the Publio, having just Renton -eel to the Store Souter of J. . 73upe7•'s Cat' -iage Works. I am prepared to Execute all Orders Promptly. GRAINING, GILDING, SIGN AND DEdomiTIv1; PAINTING in all its branches. 3 DO YOU WMT THE EARTH P I Gannet give you that but I CAN give you the Best Value on Earth in all kinds of DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, . FANCY GOODS, UNDER- CLOTHING AND FLANNELS of all kinds.± In the Grocery Department I defy Competition. Come and ace apo and you will find your fond dreams realized, your expeota. tions more than gratified by Offerings of Unparalellod Generosity, HONEST VALUE, 1 LATEST STYLES, I put before you. LOWEST PRICES, ) PRACTICE, This is what I PREACH, GUARANTE. Don't Forget the Place. J. G. Skene, LED STORE. r.. Agont for Parker's Dye Works. AGENTS WANTED: Steacly Employmentto Good Alen.. None need bo Idle. Previous Experience not essential. We pay either Salary or Com- mission. 100 Men Wanted To Canvas for the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. The Foothill Nurseries, Largest in Canada, Over 400 Acres. Don't apply unless you can furnish first -class References, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work. ADDRESS Stone a,'' Wellington, Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont. SING 9T THE NOTCH Ma, A new stock of Buffalo Robes, Goat Robes, Horse Blankets, Rugs, Bells, Whips, &e., just to 0.4 WXINGS .4A117) hand. SHOP BTINDS Done Up m Style. PAPER HANGING a Specialty. W?n, Roddick P.lIY, YOUR DEBTS. MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE —AND— COLLECTING ASSOCIATION --1)ars0 100515/155 311 -- CANADA AND UNITED STATES. • mw r.A.aa.,awn ma r. rr Having for Ole object to coiled; from all that is possible to collect from, then pub- tho namos of all that oannot or will not pay whloh list is supplied to ovary member of the Association throughout Canada and Dnitod States. Tho! membership now num- bering many thousands, and is aoknowledg- odbv all to be tho moot powerlol organls- ation in oxistosoo fox rho COLLECTION OF DEBTS, Ilnvlug over 200 llstablfehon Agencies. Membership Wee r 181 year :k10 3 and year ee 00 ; gtvl year 15, Ar rettewed'a'ith. a mentk aftertaentbeA•ship explree, And upon mesept ot. whfoh, Cortillonte of Moinh3erahip. doiienent book, fall slimily of tloil11snsenilfoteAssoihto 01 he entSrtdsimn labs. .9, 9tiD9t'Eltp, 91301,1.0 Co. Bilges, iMMeo iAltbx1, OaYt, A splendid assortment of Trunks, Valises and Satchels in Stook and sold at living prices. GIVE ME rel C4LL. Brussels. WM. J.,V.L . SMI H is prepared to attend to CARRIAGE PAINTING in all its branches, as well as Sign, amcl 07'1 a7MemtcdZ PGGin t7.77 . He has had ,yoal's of expor- ionee and guarantees his work to give satisfaction. A rig well painted is half sold, Estimates and terms cheer- fully given. GIVE HIM A GALL. S11op in t11e old 'Pos'r' .Publishing. Rouse, King street, Brussels, L Any Quantity of Wool Wanted —AT THE BRUSSELS— Woolen Mill. Highest _.. Market . Price Paid in exchange for fine Tweeds, coarse Tweeds, Check Flannels, in all wool and union, Grey Flan- nels, and Blankets. Also Sheet- ing, in both Gray and White, fine and coarse Yarn, &.e., of which I have a good supply JvOTV OX MINM I am prepared to do all kinds of manufacturing, such as ROLL CARDING, SPINNING, WEAVING, TWISTING, COLORING, FULLING, &c. Satisfaction Gila a.teedo All kinds of Knitted Goods Made to Order. Give Me a Call before dispos• ing of your Wool elsewhere. Yours truly, GEO. HOWE. IMPORTANT ORTPtN TO ALL who aro bald or whose hair is thin or gray or aro troubled with dandruff. craw eniel's • HAIR MAGIC ! is the greatest tonic for strengthening the growth of the hair over discovered. It stops all falling out of the hair, removes all traces of dandruff , restores gray !pair to its original color and in oases of baldness, where tho roots aro not destroyed, it will produce a luxuriant crop of hair. Tose warning if your hair is In a feeble state got a bottle at once boforo 1; is too late. Dr, Doronwond's "Hair Biagio,' 1s on Bole at all principal Drug Stores. Ask for it an atom, nothing else. G. A. DCAuyuN AND J. HA1Gm1APpla it Co., Aossxs roe Darssros. A. Doren vend Solo Manufacturer, Toronto, Canada. A. Daronwond keeps the largest Hair Goods ostablishmont in Canada. ¶P. F ,ETGR ;R Practical Watchmaker cO Jeweller Thanking the Public for past favors and support and wishing still to eeoure your patronage. We aro opening out fulllines in Gold and Silver Watches. Silver Plated Ware from established and reliable makers, fully warranted by ne. 0loe1csof thelatos designs. ----- Jewelry Wedding Rings, ',adios Gent Rhtgs,1 Broaches, 1!.aribgo, &o. Also have in stock a full lino of Violins and Violin Strings, l'jpes; &e. ±5±' N.11.—Issuer el ifeariagoLicenses T. Fletcher.