HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-10-21, Page 22 eta Dirootory of Churches aid Sociotiiooi lift 1,vm11t Onium Sabbath Services at 11 a inand OM p al. Sunday School at 2:80 p, m. Rev, John Ross, B. A,,. pastor, KNOX 01111101X. --Sabbath Services at 11 0, in. and 0:30 p, m, Sunday School at 3:30 p. m. Rev. S. Jones, pastor. ST, :OEM's Cnvucll,--Sabbath Services at 11 a,m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9:30 am. Rev. W. T. Muff, incumbent. Marruonzer Cnonen,—Sabbath Services at 10:30 a. in. and 0:30 p, m. Sunday School at 3:30 p. tn. Rev. M. Swann, pastor. Rotten Ce'ruolac C,uvncu.----Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 11 a.rn. P.ov. P. 1. Shea, priest. Cin, FC11.ows' Lonely every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. Meaa1IC Lunen Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A. 0.U. \.Loess on let and 3rd Mon- day evenings of each month. FON Terna1'' Lovas 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month. in Snmle's ball. L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month, in Orange Hall. POST Ore'ree.—Office hours from 6 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Macxaures' 101), Reading Room and Library, in Holmes' blook, will be dpenfram oto 6 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Lib- rarian. oil iCf?i°c11'S &alt.er. PUZZLE. My first is the name of a boy, And the name of a cat, as well, To my second, please add one letter ; A beast of burden 'twill tell. My third means "to talk quite idly," My fourth is a heavy weight, Hy whole was a strange boy poet, Whose death in August had date. • THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE AT SAN FRANCISCO. The Queen's Jubilee was cele- brated at a zoological garden in this city. It is a wonderful place, as you will see when you come here. Lions, ostriches, seals, baboons, swans, lakes (of course), birds and bisone. There is a great amphi- theatre, also. When the songs were gung, and the speeches, honoring the great Queen, were ended, the thousands flocked into tho great space which hacl been dedicated to athletic eporis and games, to witnese those which were to be performed under the auspices of the San Francisco Caledonian Club. Among them was the time honored English one of climbing the greasy pole. The prize to the winner was to be a suit of clothes worth fifteen dol- lars. The contestaute were legion, being boys whose ages, I fancy, ranged from ten to fourteen years. They were limited to ono trial apiece. 'Tile height of the polo seemed about thirty feel, and it was surmounted by the flags of England and America. It was vert tall, very straight nod very slippy One after another, by rir'ennous effort, reached midway up, only to make the downward, inglorecue unci rapid stride. What dietlppointed faces and tired knees 1 At length a slender little fellow with stubbed boot tags, who had I been patiently awaiting his turn, I began the slippery accent, with his 1 blue eyes fixed upon the flaps way• ing so high above hint. 1 lilted his earnest face, and wished he had not begun the climb—disappoint- ments are so hard to bear 1 When half way up he paused ; strength seemed failing ; leu thousand epee were watching him, but no one spoke; when suddenly there rang OUT, clear and shrill as a trumpet's call, the cry : "Keep on, Ray ; you'll win 1" The sound was behind and near me. I looked. There stood Ray's comrade, a boy of his own size, and at that moment's oblivious of all on earth or above it but the success of his friend. Ray caught the strength of the cheesy sympathy, and a few leer more were cleared. Again the little arms and legs paused, quivering with weariness, when again there rose above the murmur of the now excited multi- tude, Ciao shout : "Try agein, Ray, you're moat there 1" and in another minute Ray had reached the flags, and was victor. How the ilrowd cheered and clap ed their glad hands. "I knew he could do it if I'd help him," said the loyal -hearted com• rade, the proudest and happiest boy, that moment, in "Woodward's Gardens." Great deeds are to be wrought 1 Great moral heights to be climbed 1 Great helpers aro needed to make great successes 1 Will you, dear ones, be firm oomoades ? Waren Notetose, Stool traps belted wi4b l °Yt5llon feathers aro good to catch hawks, Boiled sweet milk is good to cheek diarrhoea in Waite or fowla. Next year bo careful and kill the baby enterpillers ; then you will not be troubled later, ' It 38 a physical impossibility to put impure water into a cow and get pure milk from her. DYSPEPSIA CURED. Mr. R. Walker, of Waterford, says "Dyspepsia has been any wife's trouble for a Long time past, and she has euffered greatly withit; but, thanks to Dr. Car- son's Stomach Bitters, she is completely cured. It acted very nicely, and did not Bickel or gripe her while taking it. If people only know about the Carson Sten: - nob Bitters there would not be so much suffering in the world." Breeding of pare -bred stook is the best move that can be mode in poultry circles, and Cho more "fan - Mors" we have the better will be the average fowl. Divide the surplus sweet corn be- tween the poultry elud pigs. Give the stalks to the pigs turd the ears to the poultry. Strip the husk back and let the fowls peck off the grain. SURRE. ritoTeCT10N, The maintennuce of a healthy stats of the system is the surest protection against disease ; experience has shown that by the use of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipa- tion Bitters, a perfect state of health cau be assured. It froos the system from all impurities, cleanses and purifies the blood. F,.r sale by ell Druggists at 60ets. a bottle. in feeding pumpkins fleet remove the seed. To store them place tiler under the hay, or cover in any manner that will keep off the frost. If they become frosted they will not be injured nnidea thawed out too suddenly. Mn. D. ABBOTT, 31 Adelaide Street West. Toronto, writes:—"Fur a long time I have been troubled with a disordered Stomach, and at last I got so bad that I was ccm- polled to quit work, and for days I could neither eat nor sleep, and the pain Si my bead was most intense. I was induced to try a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bit- ters. After taking three dozes I was al- most completely restored to health. My appetite came back; the racking headache was gone, and I never slept sounder in my life." Look closely to the cellar. In the average dwelling house it is the breeding ground of many of the ills that affect the household. Per- mit no decaying vegetables, stag- nant air or other foul thing to re- main there for an hour., Baldness, Thin Hair, Sc. • Those who are bald, who have gray or thin hair, or who are troubled with dandruff should invest in a bottle of Dr, Dorenwend'e "Bair Alectc." It is, the finest preparation for the hair and scale now in use. Is Is rap- idly snpercediug all other hair tonics. It stops fathog, reetorog the original Dolor to gray heir and ror baldness, whose thorn are the slightest possible roots, it will produce • tine growth of hair. Do not wait until too late but get a battle at once. G. A. Dead- man and J, Iiargreaves & Co„ Agents, Brus- sels. The use of salt on asparagus is confined to the keeping down of weeds during 0011528 time. Too mueh of it will injure asparagus, but a light application is harmless ; as for pinus food, salt does not answer, and we must look to good manure and fertilizers for this pur- pose. There is indeed no trouble in growing asparagus at all Dom• mensurato with the comfort of hay- ing a good ;apply of it. CatoictQiair 1%de-wee. Barney Riolen, the oldest man in the Ottawa valley, died recently, aged 110 years. George Grier, of North Orillia, for saving :1 freight train from go- ing over it burning bridge, has been given $20. heal6b, ar trouble daughters with b:mesa are G 111 hat seems incurable, or if they suffer from gen- oral debility, llervouonese, lengour, weak - nose, or loss of appetite, procure at 0000 a bottle of Johnson's Tonle Bitters, and you will not regret the outlay. , The Tonic and generally strengthening effort of this medi- eine is truly m arvelloue, Sects, and 01,00 per bottle et Deadman'a Drug store, Brunets, Her Majeety has conferred the honor of knighthood upon Chief I Justice Wilson of the Court of ' Queen's Bouch of Ontario. More ltenu,rinible Still. Pound at losI what tho nubile has been looking for these many years and that is a medieiuo which, although bet lately intro- duced ,hat madofor itself a reputation see - end to none the medicine is Johnsoh sTania Bitters, which, in conjunction with John- son's Tonto Livor Pills, has performed some most wonderful aures. Impure and im- poverished blood soon becomes pnriflad end enriched. Biliousness indigestion slob headache, .livor complaint, languor, weak - nese, bo„ soon 1118 appear when treated by these excellent tonic medicines. Por sale by G. A. Deadman, Brussels, .A. cable suggests the probability that H.R.II..the Princess of Wales may visit Canada next year, as the representative of the Queen. She will get a most royal welcome from the whole people of this country. Tubs and board should be wiped dry llf,onday night and put away, If you have pictures hanging against an outer wall protect them from any possible damp by cover- ing the backs with sheet lead, or else keep them from contact with the wall by corks faotenacl to the lower end of the frames.. - THE BRUSSELS POST ayscrosuan 111A Casli Grucery, Our stook of Groceeies, Provisions, and Fruits is large and well assort ed, being bought from the Goading Grocery Houses in the Dominion at the Lo,veat Cash Prides, which wo are selling considerably cheaper than those who have bought in the usual way of business. Teas, Coffees and Spices. Our Teas, Coffees and Spices consists of some of the finest grown, be. ing superior and better value then those offered with presents. Our 40c. Japan Toa and superior blended Coffee stands unrivalled. Crockery & Glassware. A large assortment of Combination Dinner and Ten China, Dec- orated aid White Granito,Tsa Sete, Decorated and Toilet Sete, and would call special to our Colored Toilet at $3, also a large assortment of Granite Goode at very low prices, We are offering Extra Value in being bought under special circum- stances. attention White Glassware, Sots, Plain Sets A Full Assortment of Lamp Goods. Bakery Department. Fresh .bread, Buns, Pastry, and a full assortment of Oakes always on hand, and of the finest quality. Wedding Cakes a Specialty, ,Agent ter Tueisel2mann Co's Compressed Yeast. QUALITY OUR LEADING FEATURE. Geo. Thomson. with every Lb. Tea purchased from mo, consisting of Cups and Saucers, Mustard Pots, flings, Jugs, &o. Come and See and be Convinced. W. COATS, New York Grocery. Dead on the Peddlers. Just fancy oto Prices -85c., Vic., 40c., 50c., GOc., and a Hand- some Present with each lb., at W. COATS', New York Grocery. China Cup and Saucer. Will give you a Choice Japan Tea at Vic. and nice China Cup and Saucer with every lb., at . W. COATS', New York Grocery. China and Glassware. We would call special attention to our large and fancy stock of China and Glassware which is the largest and most variod.in Brus- sels, which we are now opening, at • W. COATS', Now York Grocery. Fancy Crockery. We want every lady that lives within 1,000 miles of Brussels to call and see our stock of Fancy Crockery which is the choicest in the town. Call and see and pass judgment, at W. COATS', New York Store. Fancy China and Glassware. Come and see our large and varied stock of Fancy China and Glassware, whether yon purchase or not. Wo will consider it a favor if you call at W. OO ATS9 New York Store, OCT, 21, ltil17 ALLet���i�a it -,AMy� � 9s A 1%--> We are showing the Latest and illost desirable Dress Goods in the Market, with Buttons and Trimmings to snatch. OUE RAPIDLY INCREASING IJHESS —GOODS — testify to the Excellence of this Department. Come . In ana Sore cvu°or.tment 1 zaar Paste *,ii New Styles Always in Stock and Monthlies Given Away FREE. We have Received a nice line of Ulster Cloths which w''ill bo just what you have Seen looking for. C�Ed i Fiauei Ve�l� Teeiis i Goa Value in Everything. A COMPLETE STOCK OF , LOTS & SI -170=S. Vlore aro n0 hotter to be had, so comp early and get a a114iito' of the stock.. HATS & CAPS 411I9QROQER€S! r { ,, or" r ;,1