HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-10-14, Page 8S THE BRUSSELS POST
OOT. 14, 1887
School Books
andall neo ssaries for Sohao]s.
of all lcinds in Stock or can he
Procured an short notice.
an innllortation from England
soon to arrive.
G. A. Deadman.
Druggist, Bookseller ce• Nancy Goods Dealer.
Trainaleave Brussels Station, uorth and
south a8 follows:—
Going South. 4.olfg North.
Mails..:.. .... 7:02 a.m. I Mixed 0:80 a,m
Express 11:4$ a.m. Mail 3:50 p.m
Mixed 8:45 p,m,l Express 0.85 p.m
prat ftm.s,
A ohiel's amang yo takin' notes
An' faith he'll prent ft.
SEE the new Dress Goods et Straohan
Tars month is signalized by having two
full moons.
Coorsn h Surra's Boots it Shoes at
Strachan Bros,
ExTTu value in Pare Pickling Vine
gars at Thomson's. 4-
30 POUNDS grapes for 01.00 Everything
Cheap. Amur Goon.
MISS MESSEB and Miss Barkley are
visiting Mre. I. Barkley.
Hut= Assizes will be held in Goderioh
Oet. 24th, before Justice Rose.
Md. Tiros. MCCULLOUGH, of Wingham,
was visiting ber parents last week.
A . erorrE breakwater has been built
along the north side of W. Norton's lot,
Mill street.
Fon the largest stook and best value in
Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, go to
Thomson's. 50.
Orsrans, haddies and all kinds of fish
every Friday and Saturday at Coats'
New York grocery. 18 -
Met. and MRs. Webber, recently out
from England, have taken up their resi-
dence in Brussels.
P. SCOTT took 201 prize for buggie
horse at Blyth Show and T. O'Neil 3rd
for his carriage team.
MISS GRACE ELDEn, of Seaforth, is at-
tending the Teachers' Convention.
She is the guest of Miss Kay.
Sao. Beads, who has been at Lnoknow
for sometime, has taken a position in the
Telegraph and Express office in town.
OWING to the Oonvention being held in
the Public school building on Thursday
and Friday of this week, the pupils en-
joyed a holiday.
MERE is about 100. sores of flax out
yet in this locality which will likely be
got in this week. The season's crop
amounts to over 1,100 tons.
FRESH Sausage, Bologna, Pork Loins,
Pigs Shanks, Sisooes, Oysters, Middies
and every delicacy. ADAM Goon.
THE Foresters Lodge room is reoeiving
a thorough renovating and looks neat in
its new dress of paint. The emblems of
the Order have been painted on the win.
Boar. AannaeoN paid $1.00 and costs ;
Robt. Denbow 01.00 and costs, and Geo.
Hartmier 02.00 and oosts, to the Reeve,
for interfering with the Salvation Army
and their services:
Tan smiling countenance of S. B.
Smile, of Amheretburg, was seen in town
this week. He has been holidaying for a
few weeks, He will return to hie em-
ployer in the course of a week or so.
15 Moerns.—Tat Pose will be sent to
all new subscribers from now until Jan-
uary let, 1889, for $1.50 in advance, or
on a trial trip for the balance of 1887 for
25 cents in advance. The Globe and
Tan Pon will be clubbed for $2.25 in ad-
Boors nen Seeoos.—While thanking the
public for their pact support I desire to
state that I am prepared to manufacture
all kinds of Boots and Shoes from the
best stock and a fit guaranteed every time.
Repairing promptly and neatly attended
to. Shop at the Bridge. JNo. McCee-
0001, 12.33.
Tun meeting in Clinton on Friday to
consider a re.division of the counties for
Orange purposes was not largely attend.
ed. South Huron had a slim represent-
ation. North Huron was represented by
Bros. G. Gibson, (Blyth), W. H. Clegg,
(Gorrie), J, H. Mooney, (Brindle), R.
MoManns, (Lucknow), M. Morrison,
(Walton), Jno. Barkley, (Belfast).
LAST week Geo. Hayorofl, of the firm
of Haycroft d/ Turnbull left for Califor-
nia where he intends spending some
months and escape the cold of a north-
ern winter. We hope the obange will be
beneficial. and that lie will return in the
Springreatly benefitted by his southern
trip. The usiness is being pushed in
his absence by his partner, Mr, Turn
0x Thursday evening of last week the
"Palace" at the Agricultural grountde
was thrown open to the public and be.
tween 800 and 500 found their way there
despite the dark night and muddy roads,
After the exhibits had been duly admir-
ed, the grain bags sampled, eke, the
magical program commenced. For non.
profeseional music on the organ Miss
Rachel Alexander was awarded let prize
and. Mist! Jennie MaLaueltlin 2nd. No
one competed in the vocal music except.
ing A. 11. Thouret who sang both in the
comic and sentimental olaee. Good
music was rendered on the harmonica
and organ by D..MoDonald and Ed.
Grandy, .and on the violin and organ by
D. Stewart, D. Ewan and A. Stewart.
Something ever $80.00 was taken at the
door at 10 cents a ticket,
Juee what I was looking for at Strachan
PaaaENTS from 8 to 10 p. m, Saturday,
Miss Aimee Weirs is visiting friends in
this locality.
Mass Issam Seven; Dame home from
Teeswater this week.
MlesnsBorn, of Seaforth, are visiting at
A. MoLonnan's in town.
Tan prize list of the Blast Huron Fall
show, appears on page 3 of this issue.
A NUMBER of Braeselites took . in the
Blyth Show on Wednesday of this week,
Tun Capt. and Cadet of the Army
were at Drayton this week attending a
Mies Renins, of Algoma, a former nasi.
dunt of this place is visiting friends in
this locality.
BEV. A. Y. HAMLET. of Bhrevale, con-
ducted communion service in Knox church
last Sunday.
Ownw to the amount of Fall show
matter in this issue several local items
are orowded out.
Gnome Deneex, who has been working
near St. Marys for several months, is
home for the winter.
Som. Merano, of Wingham, was an
exhibitor of light harness at our Fall
Show. He secured 1st prize.
Jxo. MoFuu.. xe and family and Mise
Wilson have removed to Galt this week
where they intend makingtheir home.
TBE window of W. Coas' grocery and
the windows of Walter Jackson's store
have been ornamented with neatly
painted signs. •
T. G. McCnuaszx was in town this
week. Thos. Watson was here last week.
Both are well known to a large number
in this locality.
°seen Ross had the misfortune to break
his arm while playing near the Town
Hall, last Tuesday. He is the youngest
son of Robt. Rose,
We understand that George McKay,
an old Brusselite, has changed his quart-
ers from London to Clinton, where he
has taken a situation. .
Loos out for our big display of fanoy
°rookery and glassware in a few days.
The finest ever in town at Coats' New
York grocery. 13 -
LAST Tuesday W. F. Vanstone pur-
chased a heavy draught horse from Cor.
nelins Moore, of Morris, to be one of a
team to be used this fall and winter at
their saw mill near Elsinore,
J. A. CREIGHTox, our station agent, is
away for his well earned vacation. He
went to Toronto and from there to Mont-
real and Portland. Believing agent Sud.
ton lel taking his place at the depot.
SCOTT Aoz.—Jno. Lambly and Robt.
Sage, of Belmore, and R. H. King, of
Wroxeter, were each fined $50 and costs
for violating the provisions of the Canada
Temperance Aot. Sage cleared out with-
out paying his fine, and Josiah McDonald,
of Lower Wingham, did likewise.
A TEMPERANCE Oonvention for the East
Riding of Huron will be held in Brussels
on Tuesday, November 8th. In the even-
ing of that day a public meeting will be
held in the Town Hall to be addri3ssed
by Rev. W. S. Griffin, D.D., of Guelph,
a well known temperance advocate, and
others. Further announoolnente will be
made in a later issue.
Dine. --Last Sunday, Wm, Bruce, of
Peel twp., Wellington Co., died, aged 68
years and 7 months. ]De illness had ex-
tended over two weeks, fever being the
trouble. He was buried in the Spring-
hill oemetery on Tuesday. Rev. James
Harris, his pastor, formerly of Brussels,
preached the funeral sermon, his text
being "Mark the perfect man and behold
the upright man for his end is peace."
By his removal the neighborhood and
church loses one whose place will be
hard to fill. The deceased was a brother
to A. Brune, of Brussels, who attended
the funeral.
Y.P.C.A.—At a meeting of Melville
church Y.P.C.A., held last Monday even-
ing, the following officers were eleoted
for the coming winter : Hon. President,
Rev. John Ross, B.A. ; President, Adam
Good ; let viae -President, A. M. McKay ;
2nd viee•President, Robt. Malcom ; Seo-
retary, bliss Kate Richardson ; Asst -Sao.
Mies Stevenson ; Treasurer, Mrs. Herr ;
Editor of "Good News," S. Y. Taylor ;
Asst. Editor, Mise Lizzie Wileen; Com-
mittee of four, Miss Annie Ross, Mies
Inman, John B. MaLauohlin and Alex.
Stewart, jr. The Association starts this
season under very favorable oircum-
stencee and anticipate a very profitable
and enjoyable time. Many of the most
prominet persons in Brussels have prom -
feed their assistance at its meetings
throughout the season.
MTLLaornr Orneases.—Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday of last week were the
opening days of the millinery room at
the Garfield House Mies Smith, wino
had charge of this department last year
and whose millinery geve such satisfac-
tion to the public, has everything very
neat, tasty and inviting. The opening
days were very sneoessful from a business
standpoint and Mr. Nightingale is well
satisfied with the out.fools,-The millinery
rooms of A. R. Smith were thrown open
to the public on the days mentioned
above. Miss Hood, suooeseor to Miss
Lack, showed ]ler good tette in the ar-
rangement of her display. To tell you
about trio etyles, shapes, tee., would puz-
zle you, but there is variety enough to
satisfy the most fastidious. If the num-
' ber of orders taken and goods sold is an
index of what is to follow a rushing best-
noes will be done at "90" in millinery.
WHAT WE MAY Exrsor.—Squaw win-
ter and Indian Bummer.—Thanksgiving
day and its accompanying shooting
=Mlles.—The tax collector.—Scarfs,
mita, Daps and overcoats to come into
general use.—A boom in boots and shoes
and dealers in those linos to feel happy. --
Bad oolde with their usual ac0ompani-
mant—rad flannel and goose grease.—The
winter's eupply of coal to bo tackled. --
The Reform candidate to be elected in
Bruce by acclamation, if not, to have a
sweeping majority.—People to commence
egnaring ult their accounts before the
Close of 1887.—Municipal matters to
loon up in the ward of a few wee)01.-1.
few more weddings in town.—A. big line
of mutters and sleighs turned Out by
Brussels wagon makers. --The skating
rink to be put in shape for the firet 105
before long.—A. foot -ball club to bo Or.
ganizod in town.—A big rush of 5011001
maeters and school maims to the Teach-
ers' Convention,
Mese JEANNsE STAOEY llao gone to Strat-
Terse W.O.T.U, will Inept on Saturday
G. L. Ball, L.D.S., and wife, of Sea.
forth, spent last Sunday in town.
f4ee. A. H. MAINNINO and daughter, of
Clinton, are visiting at Walter Coats'.
Ten School Board did not meat last
Friday evening as there was not a quor-
Wu. Pesos and sister, of Wingham,
were visiting in town for several days
last week.
J, W. Cotten, L.D.S., of Wardsville,
was visiting at Rev. J. L. Kerr's over
last Sunday.
BEV. Mo. MOLELLAN, a probationer,
will oonduot the services in Knox church
next Sabbath.
LAST Tuesday a slight shower of hail
and a few lakes of snow reminded us of
the approaching winter.
Oun thanks are due to Mre. Robt.
Henderson for kindly remembrance in
the shape of wedding oake.
W. I1. McCnacnEN was awarded 45
prizes at the , East Huron Fall Show,
making a total of 116 in all this Fall.
Wmoxs Snuxn has been laid up for sev-
eral weeks with a bad swelling in his
left leg. Hs is now under the care of a
B. B. Monate, who has been studying.
dentistry with G. L. Ball, L. D. S., of
Seaforth, as attending the Philadelphia
Dental College.
Ton millinery opening of Mrs. Alex.
ander takes place on Friday and Satur-
day of this week. 14
MRs. T. T. Surma and daughter, of
Winnipeg, are visiting at T. Fletcher's
this week. They purpose spending the
winter in Ontario.
Miss Conors MoH otz E has been en-
gaged as second teacher in a school sec-
tion in McKillop township. Uriah Mo.
Fadden is the 1st teacher.
R. Semites moved to his comfortable
new briok residence on Turnberry Street
this week. We wish him many years of
happiness in his new home.
A tip-top stook of Bill heads, letter
and note heads, envelopes, statements,
memorandums, tags, etc., kept always in
stook at THE Pon Publishing House.
EXCURSION To WiNonau.—M. H. MoIn-
doo, Dry Goods merohant, will pay the
return fare of any person in Brussels or
locality buying 05.00 worth of goods
from him. Give him a call at the new
Beaver Block, Wingham. 18-tf
Oen best thanks are due to our old
friend, Dan. Robertson, of Grey town-
ship, for a basket of tip-top pears. We
have been advising him to "pair" with
somebody for a long time but he still ad-
heres to single "blessedness."
THE North Huron Teachers' Conven-
tion is holding its semi-annual session in
town on Thursday and Friday of this
week. A very interesting program is be-
ing taken up. Public meeting in the
Town Hall on Thursday evening.
THIS (Friday) evening the Northern
Singing Brigade, made up of Capt. Glory
Tom Michiel, Capt. Happy Hugh Mc-
Donald, Lieut. Jennie Seabright, Adj.
and Mrs. Philpott and others, will be at
the barracks in this place and give a ser-
vice of song.
Mits. Mammon has purchased front
John Angus the house and lot on Alex-
ander street, known as the Hartwick
property. The price paid was $300.—
Mrs. W. H. Leach, of Goderioh, has dis-
posed of her eligible lot on Turnberry
street to Amenb Bros., for 0200.
NEST Saturday Ade ne Good celebrates
the Pall opening of his boot and shoe de-
partment by preeentin a pair of boot
lanes, a silver button hook, a stink pf
Jumbo or .jubilee Candy to every than,
woman and ohild visiting his store. It
goes without comment that a crowd will
be there.
AT the Fall Show last Friday the only
person who entered for the butter making
contest was G. A. Deadman. Miss Mag-
gie McNair did the work and ohurned 6
pounds of butter in 7 minutes and had it
worked ready for table use in 3 minutes,
making 10 minutes in all. The cream
was taken from the milk of one of Mr.
Deadman's Jeremy cows and made a
beautiful roll of butter. Other persons
had signified their intention of compet-
ing in this contest but the wet weather
hindered them from getting their neces-
saries to the ground.
W.C.T.0 —Owing to the unfavorable
weather on Fall Show day the ladies of
the W.O.T.U. did not give the dinner ad-
vertieed but held a social on Monday
evening in the basement of the Metho-
dist church. A splendid supper was
provided. An interesting program was
carried out as follows : Opening hymn,
"What shall the harvest be," by mem-
bers of the Union ; prayer by Rev. S.
Jones ; address by Mrs. Swann, the
President ;• song by Miss Bella Smith ;
address by Bev, A. Y. Hartley, of Blue -
vale ; duet() by Mai. Powell and Mrs.
Fletcher ; address by Rev. R. Paul ; song
by Mre. Smith, of Winnipeg ; address by
Rev, M. Swann ; duett by Miss Kay and
Mre. Powell ; address by Rev. J. L.
Herr ; song by Alex. Straohan ; hymn,
"All bail the power of Jeans name" by
the audience ; Benediction by Rev. 11
Paul. The addresses wore brief yet pithy
and pointed and the gathering all
through was enjoyable W. H. Kerr oc-
cupied the, chair. Tho proceeds amount.
ed to over $16.00 which will be applied
an the Iadies see fit in furthering their
work. As there was a superabundance
of provisions several baskets were sent to
needy families in this locality- A. num-
ber of signatures were added to the mem.
ber0bip roll which now shows about 80
members. The Union is destined to do
a gook work and deserves the support of
all lovers of temperance,
47Utllit(til�ma Nowai3.
Hy. Groff, the famous Shorthorn cattle
breeder, of Elmira, has made an assign-
ment of his estate to the Sheriff,
Colchester election has been fixed for
October 27. S. D. McLellan is oxpeotod
to oppose the Postmaster -General again.
.A, sow in the poesoesion of Wm. Cor-
bett, of Mose, has given birth to a pig
with two bodies, eight feet and ono head.
Telephone ooanmunioatlon between
Ottawa and Montreal, a distapoe of 120
miles, was opened on Saturday,
Stratford Herald : The ilag .in the
round house was floating in the breeze on
Wednesday ab fell mast, in honor of the
marriage of Wm. Brown, of the L000.
motive Department, to en estimable
young lady of London. This makes the
seventh marriage at the round house
this year ; not a bad showing, consider-
ing that this i0 not a leap year.
Dunoan C. Ross and B. Woods, the
sponte who were arrested at St. Thomas
for shameful abuse of a steer which they
had borrowed for the purpose of advertis-
ing their show on the street during the
afternoon, effected a settlement of their
eases on Tuesday, whereby the accused
paid costs and deposited the full value of
the steer, out of which the owner is to re-
ceive compensation for loss caused by its
injury, the balonoe td be returned to the
Umack Bros., a firm of lawyers of Me.
bourne, Australia, some time ago notified
a family named Pbilmore, residing in the
township of Bayham, and also the Fro,
licks, of Yarmouth, that they had been
left heirs to an immense fortune by the
death of one Edward Smith in that coun-
try. Already a considerable snrn of mon.
ey has been forwarded to these lawyers
for the purpose of advancing the estate
through the court, bit apparently with-
out success. Becoming suspicious that
all was nob right, they instituted inquir-
ies in Melbourne and were advised that)
Umack Broe, aro a couple of professional
swindlers, who had robbed thousands of
people in the same way, but had lately
disappeared from Melbourne to avoid ar-
rest, the detective having become award
of their transactions.
The Ayr Recorder says :—We have it
upon the authority of a gentleman who,
from going in among society of those who
have been roped into the swindle, is in a
position to know that they are trembling
in their shoes about tbe amount of their
notes. We are furthermore informed
that tbie 015 a bushel seed wheat has
yeilded stuff which will hardly realize
750 a bushel, some farmers even going BO
far as to say that they would not grow
it at any price. And yet the dupes ex-
pect to receive $10 a bushel from the
Company for double the quantity which
they purchased at 516 a bushel! Dont
they wish they may get it ! A little bird
also whispers that a leading member of
this Seed Company has turned his pro-
perty and other effects over to his wife,
to be safe from any efforts that may be
made to make the Company disgorge.
That is ominous. Oh, ye poor swindled
farmers, prepare to meet those notes I
Truro, N.S.,iwhieh has celebrated its
128th birthday, is one of the oldest of
the English colonies in the Maritime
Provinces. The settlers who came there
in 1769 had the advantage of some im-
provements made by the previous French
settlers, but notwithstanding suffered
great hardships for the first two or three
years, though on tbe whole they fared
somewhat better than the Piotou colon-
ists, who arrived a few years later. It is
related in Miller's record of the first
families of Colchester, that the twenty
families who name to Truro in 1759 had
been at the capture of Louisburg a few
years before. They built themselves
houses where Truro village now stands
and went back to New England, whence)
they returned the next year with their
families. The women, with one excep-
tion, went back the second winter, so
that it was not until 1761 that the' town
was fairly settled. In 1765 the township
was represented in the Legislature. Tru-
ro is now one of the most handsome and
most prosperous towns in Nova Scotia.
SnELTON.—In Drayton, on the 5th inst.,
the wife of Mr. Thos- Skelton of a
McOon0000n --In Brussels, on the 1.2th
inst., the wife of Mr. Wen. McCul-
lough of a daughter.
W.0 ice—McFAnnoo.—At the residence
of the bride's father, on the 12th
by Rev. W. T. sluff, 11Ir. David
Walker, of Morris, to 11Iiss Maggie,
daughter of Mr. U. McFadden, of
axaa- •
Bnuen,—In Peel township, Wellington
Co., on the 9t11 inst., Wm. Bruce,
aged 58 years and 7 months.
.& 0 CT1.ONIm-
WEDNESDAO, OCT. 19T11.—Faun stock
and implements, on lot 15, con. 12, Mc-
Killop, Sale to commence at 1 o'clock
on. sharp. Bobt. hIcOutaheon, Prop.,
Geo. Birkby, Duct.
MONDAY, OCT. 24Th.—Farm, farm stook
and implements, on lot 25, eon. 5, Grey.
Salo to opmmenoe at 1 o'clock p, m. slutrp.
Wm. Spouse, Execubor, A. Reymann,
Audi •
•4 �R'c 'mnnoI S tirAR2C3S1TS-
0111MOTen CAn000000 evnsr mom.
° 11 Wheat 75 80
P g
ria Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls,...
Eggs per dozen
70 78
46 53
27 80
52 63
18 20
17 00
Flour per barrel.......... 4 50 00
Potatoee ..... ...... 50 00
Flay per ton. 8 00 0 00
Hides per Ib 5 0
Salt per bbl, wholesale00 80
Sheep dine'
doh 50 1 00
Wool, per lb 20 28
ns of the undoreigned, lot e, eon. 13,
Grey, on or about Sept, lath, an aged ram,
The owner is revealed to prove property,
payohargoeand take him away, JAMES
MITCHELL. ]mussels P. 0, 13
A bylaw has boon passed in Galt ea- ono coal, the iabbev of now dsolgn, with
tablishing a police office. The clerk is open pate and nickel time ntingge,all salt5ble
10 00cnivk a munificent salary of 050 a fngho'angrgpauivp, Goos,odAay ocrwa, ll Afoaro sa togeamt
' 01 a coat stew. Apply atthe PostOftlee, 19gear,
good luvoetlmeet.--erortgagee tel•
Bala—form eoourity, Intoreeb 8, and !1 per
omit, security guaranteed, Apply at once to
A. HUNTER, Drawer 4, Breese's. 10.1
4ebted to the late firm of Hayoroft
Bros, are requested to call and settle the
some Ar 02100. The books may be found at
the store of memo. lisyeroft 0 Turnbull,
82(13°19, t Exnoorons,
8-ff J. H. YOUNG, i
5, of or about September 20th afar -
row cow, dark red in Dolor with white star
on her face, is 8 years old, Any information
that will lead to her r000voryy will t)5
thankfully received by WM, FARQITHAR-
SON,Ethel P.O. 10.33
A) of the undersigned, Lot 3, Con. 0, (live, a
Sarre 1 mare, with light maim and tail. Own-
er 1s requested to prove property, pay
charges and bake her awayy
1250 Brussels P. 0.
ES of the undersigned, lot 0, con.. 18,.
Grey, on or about) let oI July, a yearling
steer, red In Dolor, The owner is requested
to prove property, pay expenses and take It
away. GEO. P011881e. 12 -
hereby given that the sale notes reo0iv-
ed from the auction sale of David Purvis,
Morrie, fell due on October 20th and persona
interested are requested to settle them at
once. Notes will be found with Alex, Nich-
ol, of Df0rris township. A prelilp3 settle-
ment desired, 14.2
son SALE at a bargain, For full par-
ticulars es to price, loco bleu, ote,, amply to
W. 13. DICKSON,8-33
on Phonies Street, Brussels, 7 rooms,
large oeilar, stable and :l sore of land. Clear
deed given for 8000, Apply to
A few splendid, improved farms for
Wein the township of Grey,Morrie and
MoK,11op. Apply to A. DAGATTY, Co.
Auotioneer,Brussels P, 0.
Farm near Brussels to rent. 00 acres
cleared, 00 acres under grass, balance under
tillage Apnty to Bruseel■ P. 0. or to the
undersigned at Bonaid's Foundry,BrunetsOnt. 541 JOHN BROADOOT.
Mitinan offers for Bale hit Valuable 100
acre farm, being lot •e, son, 10, Grey, and
situated]} miles from Brussels, The place
will be sold with or without the Drop and on
easy berme Possession will be elven at any
time. For further partloolars as to prine,
terms, 40., apply to the proprietor on the
88.5m B. MCNATIGHTON, Brussels.
I 0 TONE 00n SALE.—The undersigned has
leased, from afro, Wm. Shine, a Stove
Quarry, for a number of years and is now
prepared to furnish any quantity of Building
and Corner Stone at n reasonable rate. Port
sons intending to build should remember
thatI can supply all the Stone m addition
to doing she Mason Work. W. b'. MELLY,
8.8m Brussels.
Towtsmr non situs.—Tho snbeoriber
offers his exoellent 100 acre farm, being lot
12, eon. 10, Grey, for sale. There are 80 ,nares
cleared and under crop, the balonoe timber-
ed wilb hardwood. Tomtits o ston a dwelling
house, Irate o barn and stables, good prober (.1,
two walla and all She neeeseay oonventena-
os on the place. The farm is boated 8
miles from the flourishing village of 13rue-
eels. For further uartioulare as to priori,
terms. Ca„ apply-, on the premises, to JOHN
VINCENT, proprietor, Brussels P. 0. 10.3"
eonln0n offers his valuable 100 acre
farm, being lot 8, eon. 18, Grey Township,
Huron Co., for eale. There are about 73
sores cleared and. In good heart. There 18 a
log house, good bank barn, bearing orchard,
and all the necessary conveniences on the
premises. For further parttoUlare, ae to
price,ternte, etc„ apply to the Proprietor,
THOS. Hd8LOP, Clare P. 0., N.W.T., or to
son si0E,—Berra lot 14, eon. 10 00n.
tinning 100 aoree. It is partly cleared, the
balance well timbered. A never failing
creek crosses the place and it 15 well adapt-
ed for either farming or grazing. I will like-
wise sell 40 acres, being oast part of lob 14,
eon. 16, nearly all °leered and in a good
state of cultivation. A good frame barn
with a good stone stable underneath and a
never failing well is also on the 1place. For
further partioulare apply to the proprietor
on the place. This lot is opposite the eth-
er. GEORGE AVERY, Proprietor. 1.52
BOMB= offers Ilia excellent 125 acre
farm for sale. Itis situated on eon. 0, Greyy,
being lot 8 and west part of lot 0, There i9
&bout100 soros cleared. Tho buildings aro
good, Two barns with stone stabling, meas.
110s 45x40 foot and nix55 foot roepeatively.
Therearo two pante dwelling hooses, young
Orchard of 1,3 acres, sea all Ike convenien-
ces There is a never -failing spring crook on
rho pleas, Poeeosslon could be given at any
time. The farm ie 4§ miles from Bruoecls
and in is a splendid locality, near to the
school, ohuroh. ke. For pride, terms, etc„
apply to the Proprietor on thepromises.
0.30 JOHN BMITH,Propriotor,
J A Ilrst-mhosFARfarm for saleSAie the
Township of Morris in the County of Huron,
beingen th half o[ north half lots 25
n aag
and south hale of r sss. 1 eon, containingms
ale acres more or len. .125 acres 3 ioeti
altar , Theretump and o a good state of or,1 c•
goodTemno is a young bearing feet with a
good house and hank barn 10 x 66 foot situ-
ated within
Mieruontlr, Tho form is eeobo
and s agoo a milt of the in or St ok rale
and s a g�oDd term for grain 1v stook rais-
ing as over alIIsg with the river Maitland
and never failing spring oreok. Possession
will be given at any time. For further »ar-
tieulars apply on the .promises or to A.11.
RUn11RThON, Brussels, P. O. 5-31
Farm. Ii or 30+arIe.
The eubsorioerofferetor sale his valuable
Fermin the Township of Grey, oomprlsing
lotsit and 7,eon ,llin said township. Thio
f arm oontaius 200aoroe mud ie within It miles
from the thriving village of Brussels, with
acres ere clearelleading frnt sthertumps and 110 a
high stats of cultivation. The balance 10
Maly wooded. This farm to particularly
wellteneed,noarlythe whelk of the femme
being straightand having boon eroded in
1880 5114'80. 00 the prorated thein to a mom-
fontablolog dwellinghoueo and agoo dfritmo
barn with steno stabling underneath in
whleh there lea well with an ab1100,11t Stip-
ply of oxoellont water. Where in likewise 5
now frame implement bowie, •40x20, well
I10or5d °above aril below, and neetiy aided
end painted. D"erpertleulero spiny to the
Proprietor, J413EB DICKSON,
lteglebrar, Iluran Oo„
3333• tlodarlob
'Transact a General Bail an(/
Notes to band di000untod.
Interest allowed on deposits repayable on
Prompt etteution given to oollootione.
TEno, dm, Office in Lookio's block,
Brussels. Money to Loan,
• Ga01000 & Proudfoot, Goderlabi So-
licitor, Oonveyanoes, d:o, Offioo, Grant's
block, Brussels, kronoy to loan,
the Fourth Division Oourt, 00. Huron,
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Loan
and Insurance Agent. Funds invooted and
00 loon. Oo.leotious made. Oihoo in Gra-
ham's Bloolt,llruesols.
moved hie- office to J. Ilerpreaves'
Drug Store. Residence on Mill Street
A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D., 0.
ei • M.L. R. 0.P. Edinburgh, Physician
Burgeon and Accoucher. Ofao8, Mre, Shiel'e
bleak, Turnberry Street.
V V M. F. GALE, M.D., 0. M.
Member of the College of Phyetolone and
Burgeons of Ontaeio by examination.
Ocoee and Residene—Main St. East, Ethel
G. L. Ball,L. D.8., Honor Graduate and
M. B. O. D. 8., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Prices graded and as low
as good work oanbe done for.
Office over Johnstone Hardware Store,
W,5.Fear,L,D S. Graduate of To-
ronto Sobool of Dentlebry. All oper-
ations guaranteed. Olfloe—Cady's
Block, Seaforth.
Artiflelal teeth, first quality, anda
guaranteed fit, for $12,00 per sot.
E; A.
Honor Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. limos Oxrmo
GAS administered for the pain,es° extrac-
tion of teeth.
0581031.—G airfield Block, 1112IDSSELS
�7f� enn Anotionoer. Sales conducted on
reasonable terns, farms end farm steak a
sp oaialty. Orders loft at THE Poem Publish-
ing House, Brussels, or sant to Welton poet
Melee will receive prompt attention.
li. DEB, is prepared to attend to salmi on
the ehorlest notice. Orders maybe loft at
Tim Poem Pnbllehing House, or addre seed to
Brussels P.O.
• is always readylto attend salve of
farms, farm stock, dm. Terms ohoorfully
given. Oraubrook P.U. Sales may be ar-
ranged at TEE Poem Publishing' .Rouse
W Y • of Marriage Licensee. Oflee. at WS
Grocery, Turaborry Strout,
C3.. riage Licenses, by appointment 01
Lieut, -Governor, Commissioner, 4a., Q. 33,
Oenveyaaeer and Agent Piro Insurance Co.
Offies at the Oranbrook Post office.
• Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College has resumed the preatioo of John
Nott, V.S,, and le prepared to treat all dis-
eases of dmnoetioated animals on ooiontffio
andepproved principles. Treatment of del-
imit) .fools a speafalty 011100 two doors
North of Bridge, Turnborry Otroot,
M Betoken thanking
�lf'ihismany customers for their
•,.�_- G„ liberal support in the past
wishes to inform them that at
his ahe»in 8male'e block he ]coops nothing
but first-class moats all Endo of Poultry
and Sauvage Meat Delivered to all 'parts of
the town free. Oath paid for Fat Stock,
Hides and sheepskins bought for cash,
undersigned has a eh
g 12, eon,
9, Drey.
shire Boar for , with
ro lot e o ern, r ing 1!
Terms r , Ws, with prr 1100. of retaining if
necessary. WM. HABRI1dli. Proprietor.
—The undersigned will sell three-year-
.00lte. Ono is a driver, part blood, and
the ether [three are general purpose ani-
mals. They will be sold either separately
or 551 teams as best sults the purchaser.
Now ie the time to buy at a reasonable fig.
urs, 3x0. 0001113, Ethel. . 14.8"
are oautionod against negotiating 10
joint note, drawn in favor of 'Wm, Patterson,
Morris, by Wm. and John Ashton, of Morris,
for a sum Lover $500, ae the note loos been
loot and payment stepped. The !held of
the noir) wilt berewarded by leaving it at
THn Poen Publishing House, B Meals, 14.4'
Thenarboerehlp, heretofore existing be-
tweonWm. 0. gm th and 'Theo, 4. Rose,
painters, doing bnoillees ando.r the mina of
Smith Ss Rogs, bee thin day boon dissolved
by mutual consent. Titoaccounts of the late
Sue Will be rendered immul0dietcly, mai set-
tlement must be 1310le with Wrn, Smith,
who willooutlnat the bust WSW 0110 pay all
the ilohtn.
Dated at brussels W. 8002010.
Oet,..0E 1,1887, 1 T. 1, RM.
Witoose i W. 13. limn, 10.4