HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-9-30, Page 811111111111,
School Books
ante all necessaries for school%,
of all kinds in Stock or can bo
proal:red an short notice,
ll,ll importation from England
8001.1 to arrive.
A. Deadman.
Druggist, Bookseller d'' Raney Goods Dealer.
90U'rUERN E\TENSION, W. O. & n. 0.
Trains leave Brussels Station, uorth and
south as followa:—
Gning South, Going North.
alatl7:02 a.m. I Nixed .....,....O:so am
Express 11:1s a.m. Mail 2:50 p.m
hIiaod... .... 8:45 p.m. j Express O.a6p,m
COIC.01:71.S.Ata...422, 61:.!=.609281111011
.or;i esus jttl11.S.
A. ohiel's among ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll pront it.
SIi1CGLEB for sale at Ament Bros.
8amonls for sale at Ament Bros.
BAD colds are very prevalent.
SEE the new Dress Goods at Strachan
Bitumen School Board meeting on
Friday evening of next week.
Sze bars of Electrio soap for 25 oents,
at Thomson's. 50.
W. F. KELLY has the contract of build-
ing the atone wing.walls to the Brussels
Two cars of eggs were shipped to New
York last week. They still hold up to
16 cents.
Any amount of ripe Tomates fresh from
the vines. Send in your orders at once.
Taos. KELLY.
THESE are about two dozen wells dry
in Brussels and the owners of them are
looking anxiously for rain.
Time is some little difficulty being
experienced in securing enough cars to
accommodate shippers at our station.
QUITE a lively interest was taken here
in the result of the yacht rase at New
York this week. Some of our sports had
money up on the race.
Tae funeral procession of the late Mrs.
McGuire and Charles W. Cormack met
at the cemetery Tuesday afternoon,
rather an unusual occurrence.
A tip-top stook of Bill Treads, letter
and note heads, envelopes, statements,
memorandums, tags, eto., kept always in
stook at THE PosT Publishing House,
A rare treat for ladies will be the in.
speotion of Mrs. Alexander's millinery.
Roguish, Stylish and Coquettish, Xenon
Chapeaux, Hats and Bonnets, reoher-
S'IILLINERY.—The grand millinery open-
ing for the Fall season at the Garfield
House will take place on Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday of next week. The
attention of the ladies of Brussels and
surrounding country is invited to this
announcement. 12
I;aroarAax.—"There 13 a little matter
that $ome of our 3ubacriber3 have Seem-
ingly forgotten entirely. $ome of them
have made u$ promi$e3, but they have
not kept them. To u3 i t i3 a very im-
portant matter. I1'3 nece33ary in our
buifine33. We are very mode3t and
don't like to beak about it."
LAST Sunday a fire broke out in the
residence of Gibson Pelton, Innerlrip, by
which his brick dwelling was reduoed to
ashes. Mr. Pelton expressed his sincere
thanks to those who so bravely risked
their lives to save the contents, quite an
amount of which was rescued from the
burning building. The lose will be about
01,300 or 31,500. Mr. Pelton is the
father of R. S. Pelton, of THE Pon staff.
BASSET Socx.L,—Last Friday evening a
basket social was held in the basement of
the Methodist church. After the con-
tents of the baskets had been examined
and sampled, Reeve McCracken was call-
ed to the chair and the following pro•
gram announced :—Solo, "Ask me again
and I will not say no," Mies Lottie Hill;
solo, "Don't marry a man that drinks,"
C. B. Hartle ; quartette by the Misses
Moore, Thos. Moore and A. McKay ;
speech by Rev. M. Swann ; solo, "Dream
faces," Mies Minnie Gerry ; quartette,
"Viotory," by Mrs. Gerry, Mrs. John
Hill, H. Gerry and T. Moore ; speech by
the chairman. Miss Lillis O'Connor
played several of the aecompanimente.
Over 315.00 was added to the Trust Fund
of the church as the proceeds of the soc-
The semi-annual meeting of the North
Huron Teachers' Institute will bo held in
the Central School, Bruseela, on Thurs.
dayand Friday, 001.18th and. 14th, 1887.
The following program will be preeented
—1, Uniform Promotion Examinations,
introduoed by W. E. Groves; 2, Written
Examinations, S. Y. Taylor ; 3, Interest
and Attention, F. D. Hutchinson; 4, How
to keep' pupils constantly at work, R.
Hicks ; 5, Prime Fetatoring, J. Thomp-
son; 6, The Teacher in Society, G.
Blaokwell 7, Delegate's Report, A. M.
Burchill ; 8, First steps in Writing, Miss
Cathay. Dr, McLellan will address the
meeting on two subjects of interest to the
profession and will deliver a publlo leo.
tare on Thursday evening, 1. Turnbull,
Clinton ; D. M. Malloch, and C. Clark-
son, Seaforth, have been appointed a
committee todealwitb the questions sub.
milted in the queetion drawer. Queetione
must bo sent to the first mentioned not.
later than Oat, 6th. The answers will be
giver, on Friday morning. Railway ccr.
tifieates, entitling the holder to wino at
reduoed fares, will be furnished on ap.
]ioation to the Secretary, A.M. I3nrehill,
SnINOLEs for sale at Among Btpe.
SwNense for sale at Ament Brae. .4
Jeer wbatl-wee looking for at Sheehan
Loon out for Coats' advertisement next
Exvst value in Pure Piokling Vine
sorest Thomeou'e. 4-
R. Bosom, tonsorial artist,. has re-
moved from Councillor Bmker'e.blook to
Dr. Graham's.
Fon the largest stook and best value in
Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, go to
Thomsons. 50.
jams Rose has had his dwelling newly
shingled and will put on new siding and
have it painted.
THE houses of Messrs. Taylor and Roz -
ell are being brightened up by the an.
plioation of a coat of paint.
Rev. Mn. MORDIE, Who officiated for a
couple of Sabbaths in Sons church, has
accepted a call to a station near Niagara
Fon the next 80 days we will sell china
tea sets at cost, to make room for our Pell
stooks, Como and see at Coats' grocery,
New York store. 10
FALL shows are in full bloom this week
at Wingham, Listowel and Seafarth.
The big pumpkin and the lop cabin quilt
will now proceed to take their innings.
THIS place has been about smothered
out with the dense smoke from burning
swamps to the south of us. A good heavy
rain is badly needed to clear up the at-
25 CENTS secures THE POST for the bal-
ance of 1887. By subscribing now you
get it for three months and a half for
25 cents. This is a trial trip to get it in-
troduced. Tell your neighbors and friends
about this offer.
Tun Agricultural Hall will be open on
Thursday evening of next week, when
the inside department of the East Huron
Fall Show will he on exhibition. A good
program of vocal and instrumental music
Will be provided.
Moses OATES, the Toronto weather
prophet, predicts warm weather until the
middle of October, broken by a compara-
tively 000l spell occurring the latter part
of September, which month will have un-
usually high temperature.
16 MONTES,—THE POST will be sent to
all new subscribers from now until Jan-
uary let, 1889, for 31.50 in advance, or
on a trial trip for the balance of 1887 for
25 Dents in advance. The Globe and
THE POST will be clubbed for 32,25 !n ad-
novelty on the second day of the East
Heron Fall Show a butter making con-
test will take plane on the Show grounds,
open to the ladies of East Huron. The
contestants are to provide the churns,
cream enough to make at Ieast 5 pounds
of butter, and all other necessaries to
have butter in marketable conditiop.
The 1st prize will be a beautiful set of
ohina dishes, (44 pieces) worth 38.00 ; 2nd
prize a handsome set of stoneware dishes,
(44 pieces) valued at 35.00 ; 3rd prize set
of glassware, valued at 32.00. There will
be no entrance fee required if the persons
are members of the Society. Competent
judges will be secured, who, in addition
to judging the quality of the butter, will
take the time of making into ao0ount.
There must be three ;entries or no and
prize. The prizes are on exhibition in
the window of Tan Pose Publishing
House. This will allow the young ladies
an opportunity of providing these very
useful ertioles for future use. Contest
will commence at 2 o'clock p. m. A
platform, with tablee, &o., will be provid•
ed for the oaoasion. It will be a eight
well worth seeing and will no doubt draw
a great many people to our show. Re-
member the date, Friday, Oct. 7th.
Onrr.—The people of this locality were
not very much surprised last Saturday on
bearing that Charlie Cormaok had passed
quietly and peacefully away to his long
home at 4:30 o'clock e. m. The deceased
was born in Brussels and from his boy.
hood was an active, intelligent and steady
going youth. At 12 years of ape he oom-
menced the study of drugs with J. A.
Garlick, of Brussels, and on the removal
of his father's family to Teeswater be
took a position in McArthur's drug store
in that village. In April of 1881 he went
into the Dominion Telegraph Company's
office tad, under T. Fletcher, learned the
telegraphing. In the Fall of the same
year he secured a situation in Glencoe
and shortll, after went on the Great
Western railway staff of operators to
Ohatham and was soon promoted to the
Detroit office, Ile was offered a lucrative
position in Toronto, but after workipg
there for a while and not having good
health he went to one of the first offices
in Chicago, where his skill as an operator
put him in the front renk. Two years
ago Charlie went toNew York, and, along
with his brother Harry, who is also a
splendid operator, remained who,
last Fall, when, having a desire to be
nearer home, he accepted of a• situation
with Cox & Co. and was sent to Wing -
ham. He bad been working such long
home at New York that his health was
somewhat shattered and, aonbraoting a
cold, which settled on his lungs, he came
home to be nursed. After reoovet'ing
from this attaok, another cold followed,
and along with it pleurisy. On the let of
May, along with his sister and brotber-
in-law, a 'trip was taken to Nebraska
with the hope of recruiting his health,
but it proved unavailing and it soon be-
came apparent that consumption was do-
ing its work and he gradually grew weak-
er until death closed his eyes. The fun-
eral, on Tuesday afternoon, was attended
by a large concourse of relatives and
friends. The casket was covered with
wreaths of dowers. Two from the em-
ployees of Cox & Co. were very hand.
some. One bore the signature "30,"
which in telegraphing' is the sin for
finished, and on the other were the in.
itials "C. 0.," Charlie,a signature as
operator. A wreath, in the shape of a
cross, Was sent from Detroit. The do.
ceased wag a tiniversal favorite 'with all
who knew him and always took pleasure
in doing.kindly deeds. Better than all,
bre sought the , friendship of the Lord
Josue, and when death drew near be
could say "Though I walk through the
valley and shadow of death &o." and
talked most hopefully of a family re-
union in the better land. Mrs. Coemaok
and the members of the family share the
sympathise of the people of this com-
Snrrtolzne for sale at Amens Bros.
Sesan' errand boy wanted. Adam Good.
Himmel at Coats' grocery, New York
THANneozvzxu day on Thursday, Nov-
ember 17.
Orernue, the Brat Of the eeaeon at
Coats' grocery.
Coons & Suzru's Boote & Sboee at
Sheehan Bros.
Sown talk of another grocery being
started in town this Fall,
Reeve McCndpxnn captured 27 prime
at the Wingham Fall Exhibition.
Dotes fail to witness the butter mak-
ing oontest at the Fall Show next Fri.
day afternoon.
A tiswxnoo of the Brussels Curling
Club will be held in the Council Ohara.
bsr, ab 8 o'clock, on Tuesday evening
W. J. G. Donne brother to the well
known E. Sing Dodds, of Toronto, was
in town this week in the interests of The
A cocpxa of communications have
been received this week Noising the ne-
cessary signatures to ensure a place in
our columns.
Ate exclusion under the auspioes of the
Knights of Labor will bo run to Toronto
on Friday noon train and Saturday of
this week. Return ticket 32.75, good
until Tuesday.
SEvaneL persons have signified their
intention of competing in the butter
making oontost at the Fall Fair. The
prizes aro well worth scouring and a nice
set of dishes cannot be got much easier.
AN overcoat and pair of gloves belong-
ing to Jas. Stretton junr. wore torn to
tatters by J. Hargreaves' young dog one
night this week. The canine was stool -
dentally closed In the room where the
coat was banging,
Tames who have strayed cattle about
their premises should now have them
advertised as the law requires. This is
a matter which a great many neglect, and
often render themselves liable for all
costs. THE POST le the best paper to ad.
vertise them in.
MEncaA ire and business men requiring
bills,aposters, circulars, or any other kind
of job work, are informed that our faoil.
ities for turning out firet.olaes work,
either plain or fancy, is second to none
in the county. All orders executed with
neatness and despatch.
Oa Thursday of this week W. G. Mont-
gomery, who learned roller milling here,
left for Walkerton to visit his parents
before leaving on Monday for Winnipeg,
where he has secured a position in Ogil.
vey'e mill. His Brussels friends wish
him success in the West.
Boole AND SaoMS.—While thanking the
public for their past support I desire to
state that I am prepared to manufacture
all kinds of Boots and Shoes from the
beet stook and a fit guaranteed every time.
Repairing promptly and neatly attended
to. Shop at the Bridge. Jim. MoCeL.
LIIM, 12-01.
Os the second day of the East Riding
Fall Show (one week from next Friday)
the ladies of the Women's Christian
Temperance Union intend providing a
ner and lunch in the store formerly ore
melded by W. Nightingale & Co. They.
will charge 10 centefor a oup of tea or
coffee and a sandwich. ;
THE Leadbury correspondent of the
Seaforth Sun says :—Mr. Gilpin, of Erue-
sele, Inas made a great =tabor of sales of
sewing machines and agricultural imple-
ments in this vicinity during the last few
weeks. He is a gentlemanly agent and
hails from 13banshard, a township which
has given this county a nomber of said
county's choicest inhabitants.
CEuaen Norns.—Rev. J. McNabb, of
Luoknow, preached in Knox church last
Sunday. Next Sabbath Rev. P. Slraith,
of Holstein, will occupy the pulpit,—Bev.
R. Paul will take Bev. J. T. Logear's
work on the Ethel circuit next Sunday,
the latter being away preaching anniver-
sary sermons at Milverton,—Rev. J. L.
Kerr preaches one of the dedicatory ser.
mons at Wagram, Teviotdale oirouit, next
Sabbath evening. -It is said aBand of Hope
will be formed in connection with both
Melville ohuroh and the Methodist
ohuroh in Brussels.—The Presbytery of
Maitland has had 2,100 oopiee of the
resolution passed by that Presbytery,
bearing on the Scott Aot, printed, and
will endeavor to put one in every family
belonging to their ohuroh. The resolu-
tion may be read in our Temperance
Tan Paisley Advooate speaks of a
gentleman well known to a number of
Brusselites as follows : HxueN's Amen. --
There was a very pleasant gathering on
Thursday morning lest at the reeidenoe
os Reeve Porteous to witness the nuptiale
of Hector Gowan and Miss Allie, second
daughter of Mr. Porteous. The paste
were with one exception confined to
friends and relatives of the bride and
groom and were about a scorn in number,
representing as one of the ladies present
remarked, all ages from ninety -nue to
less than one year. The guest referred
to as ninety-one Was Mrs. Hay, grand-
mother of the bride who was there in
her ninety second year, quite hale, hearty
looking and bright, and with her child-
ren, grand -children and great -grand,
children around her elle regarded the
prooeedinge with apparently as keen a
sense of enjoyment as any one present.
Mr. and Mrs. Porteous did all in their
power to make everyone at home, and
contributed to the enjoyment of all pres-
ent. The guests being all assembled in
the drawing room, the bride entered the
room oonduoted by her father, and Rev.
A. Tommie, of Southampton, performed
the marriage ceremony, in which B.
Porteous, jr., barrister, of Toronto, of-
ficiated as groomsman and ;Rias Cowan,
of Seaforth, as bridesmaid. After this
followed congratulations of friends, and
next came the wedding breakfast, when
everything was provided that could sat-
isfy the appetite 07 regale the taste, Be.
fore rieing from the table the health of
the bride proposed was cad in a
p p s pooh b
R. Porteous, jr. Whish wag necessarily owing to the . limited time before
the train was due. The wedding tyros.
encs from friends ,in Toronto, Parsley,
Seniorth and elsewhere, wore numerous,
handsome and costly. A number of the
wedding guests accompanied thio happy
couple) to tiro station whore they loft by
the'10:85 train for a trip to London, Do-
ttiest, Sarnia and : other 'places, folbowod
by the well•wiehoe of their many 2010058.
SHPT. 80, 1887
People We 8n,optr.
Mrs. Salnl, Pearson ie away at Hamil-
Q. S. reporbe himself as "511 O,H." out
in Montana,
Dr, Holmes made a short visit to New
York this week.
5, M. MoIntosh made a flying visit to
London last week.
' Mrs. Smith, of Poneolnby, is visiting
'her mother, Mre. Dobson,
Mrs, W. H. Leech, of Goderioh, wag
visiting in town this wook.
Mise Mary Barber, of Toronto, is mak.
ing a visit with her sister, Mrs. Birt.
Miss Rate Robertson, of Kincardine,
is visiting her sister, Aro. R, Malcolm.
Mies- Maggie Taylor, of Blyth, was
visiting Miss Hargreaves last Monday,
Willie Gilpin, of Listowel, eon of Rev,
J, W. Gilpin, was visiting his uncle tide
J. J. Gitpin, wife l son were
at Dentist Whipplo'e,Kincardine, haat
Harry Cormsok is in town this week.
He has been in tho eastern section of the
Province for the past few weeks.
G. A. and Mre, Powell, of Stratford,
spent Sunday in Brussels. They re-
mained for the funeral of the late Char-
lie Cormaok,
J. McFarlane and family intend re.
moving shortly to Galt where Mr. Mo.
is employed with the well known firm of
Goldie & MoCulloch.
Mesere. Tisdale, Stone, Gereter and
Talbot, of Wingham, were in town last
Sunday. There's no danger of missing
the train on Sanctity, boys.
Sohn Dillane, wife and daughter, of
Tottenham, were visiting at Sas. Buy-
ers'. Mr. Dillane is father to Ars. Buy-
ers and has attained the advanced age of
over 80 years.
George Smith, wife and children, of
Newark, N,J,, ore visiting at Dr. Mc-
Helvey's, Mr. Smith stands about 6
feet 4 inches and weighs close on 240
pounds and is a speaking picture of good
Mise Diokeon and A. M. Kay, of Gode-
rioh, were in town several days this
week. Mr. Kay intends pushing the
book, stationary and fancy goods business
for the future along with his partners,
Messrs. Fraser and Porter. They have
two stores.
D. M. Ferguson, of Stratford ; J. W.
Shaw, of Blyth ; C. Williams, of Wing -
ham ; Robt. Clenahan and wife and Mrs,
Andrew Clenahan, of Glencoe ; and Mrs.
Farquhar, of Dorchester, were in town
this week attending the funeral of Char-
lie Oornraok.
J. W. Shaw closed his term as Prin-
cipal of the Blyth Public School on Fri-
day of this week and leaves on Saturday
for the Toronto School of Medicine. A
social farewell party was tendered Mr.
Shaw last Friday evening at Milne's
Hall, Blyth. A number of Brusselites
attended and report having a good time.
BLesann.—In Brussels, on the 8th insti.,
the wife of Mr. William Blaehill of
a daughter.
TAYLoa.—In Morris, on the 2715 inst.,
the wife of Mr. )ongald Taylor of a
Cowne—Ponrnus.—In Paisley, on the
15th inst., at the residence of the
bride's father, by the Rev. A. Tel.
uric, Mr. Hector Cowan, barrlster,
to Miss Christena A. Porteous,
second daughter of Mr. R. Porteous,
the reeve.
Centrece—In Brussels, on Saturdry, 24th
inst., Charles W. Cormaok, aged 22
years and 12 days.
MOGuren.—In Grey, ou the 25th inst.,
Annie, beloved wife of David Mo.
Gaits, aged 41 years, 11 menthe and
26 days.
East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oat. 4.
East Huron, Brussels, Oct. 6 and 7.
Northern Fair, Walkerton, Oat. 4-7.
North Perth, Stratford, Oot. 6 and 7.
Brantford Southern, Brantford, Oct.
11 and 12.
8R'CT0100 Z,H MARS CiTIM. .,
Fall Wheat 77 80
Spring Wheat,..,...,70 80
Barley 45 58
Oats 27 80
Peas,. .. 89 58
Butter, tabs and rolls.... 10 18
Eggs per dozen 18 00
Flour per barrel 4 60 00
Potatoes 50 00
Hay per ton, , 7 00 9 00
Hides per lb ............. 5} 0
Salt per bbl., wholesale.,, , 60 80
Shoop Elkins, each. ... .... 50 1 00
Wool, per lb. .... . . . . 20 23
Ginn. Apply to MRS, t100, THOM.
ii -
undersigned has a thoro'.bred Rerk-
shiro Boar for service on lob 12, ton. 0, Grey,
Terms 70 cents with privilege of returning if
neseeeary. WI[. MABRIRE, Proprietor.
Executors' N'otioe.
All parties havingelalme against the He.
tate of the late E.T. Ordsrrtroly, of the Town-
ohsp of Gre3,iu the County of Huron, who
died onor about the 7111 day of May, A. O.
1887, are, on or before the tat day of October,
1887, to Bond by goat (prepaid) to either of
the undersigned their Ohrietian and
s a d description, wick full
particulars o
e their Lureclaims, a statement of
their a000unte and nature of their securities,
if any, Bold bytb ole, and in default thereof
they will be peremptorily excluded from
participating fn the said estate, and we
hereby also give notice to all parties indobt-
edto the said estate, whether by book aa,
shunt or otherwise, to pay, the sumo to A. N,
8f016ey or W Steinman, on or before tho
above ed in =Grey this 15th dayof Aug,.
A, IL McKAY, 1 1 v1tcUTons.
tiV111. S:taMMON, j .'
0.0 not 1
Fon SALE at a bargain. For full par-
Ueulare as to prion, location, etc., apply to
W. B, 1)101650N, 8.01
m1 Thomas a tract, Braaeela, 7S0/1.0014,E0 r Clear largo cellar, otable and f aura of land, Clear
deed given for 3000. Apply to
e -t!
ROBERT 11088.
A few splendid, Impraooyvved farms for
Wein the
Apply to oA, Grey,
Auotioneer,llrnssels P, 0.
Farm near Brussels to rent. .00 sores
cleared, Apply to Brussels P. 0. or to the
undersigned at Ronald's Foundry, Bn1 eels
Out, 0-tf 00 soros under grass, I/airmen under
JOHN 13110ADF001.,
of the undersigned, Lot 8,00n. 8, Grey,
A a
sorra 1 mare, with light mane and tall, Owo-
er la requested to prove property, pay
charges and take her away,
1281 TH08, BTIIA JILbN,
Brussels P, 0,
Es of 811,, unrlereigoad, lot 10, eon. 0,
Grey, on or about let o1 July, a yearling
steer, rein color. The owner le requested
to prove property, pay expellees and take it
away. GEC, P0017570, Y9-
STONE Iron BALD,—Tho undersigned has
leased, from Al re, Win. Shine, a Stone
Quarry, for a number of years, and is now
prepar ad to furnish any gUantit 0f Beltdln
and Corner Stone at a reasonable rase. Pert.
sous Intending to build sbo:ald remember
that I eau supply all the Stone, re addition
to doing she Meson Work. W. F. 1U iTy,
5.8m Brueools,
offers his exoellone 100 novo fnrrn. beingg Int
19, eon, 10, COroy, for Bale. There are 80 acme
cleared and udder crop, the baiaaee timber.
house,=frame hardwood. Tam's)
and stables, good orabard,,
two wells and all the neaeee, y convenienc-
es on the place. The farm la located 8
miles from the flourishing village of i0rua-
sele. For farther particulars as to jerloe
terms, &e, apply, on the 07emleee, to JOHN
VINCENT, Proprietor, Brussels P. 0. 1 +
farm, ooffers
9, econ. 10 valuable
Huron Co., for sale. There are about 7a
mores cleared and in good heart. There is a
log house, good bask barn, bearing orchard,
and all the necessary oonyenieaaes on the
premleee. Fax further p5rtieulars, as to
C1aeyyProprietor.THOS.RISIAP,rB O, N.W. or
Pon BALE,—Heine lot 14, non. 18, con-
taining 100 acres. It is partly cleared, the
bcreek crosses the lace and it le well adap1trg
ed for either farming or grazing, I will like-
wise sell 40 sores, being east part of lot 14,
005.10, nearly all cleared and in a good
state of cultivation. A good frame barn
with a never fails goodstone well ietalsoa nu- the nplace. eatha For
further plane. This loty to isopposite the T
er. GEORGE AVERY, Proprietor, 1-tf
farm for sale. offerse sitrliatedon aeon 61, Grey,
being lot 8 and west part of lot 0, There is
about 100 aures cleared. The buildings are
good. Two barns with stone stabling, meas.
tire There pre t0 wo frame dand wellings bowies,ityoung
orchard of 11 acres, and ell the convanion-
eee. Thereto a never -Sailing spring creek on
the place. Possession could be given at any
time, The farm is 41 miles from Brussels
mad is iu a splendid locality, near to the
eobool, church. &e. Por pries, terms, ate,,
apply to the Proprietor on thepremisos.
041 JOHN SMITH, Proprie tot.
Township of Morris in the County of Barons,
being south half of north half lots 20 & 20
and. south halt of 20 in bah con., containing
200 acres more or less, 125 acme mostly
v 6lotr if There fe a younin ggbearing orehardta
otosabeunderneath. hank barn stable Thfam lsitu-
within a mile of the Village of Brussels
and is a good farm for grain or stock rais-
ing as Itis watered with the river Maitland
and never failing Boring creek. Possoseion
will be given at any time. For further par-
ticulars apply�on the eremites or to A.S..
ROBERTSON, Brussels, P. 0. 0-01
7N'n:•nit Vox- &gale,
Thesuirsorioerofferefor sale hie valuable
Fermin the Township of Grey, comprising
lots 0 and 7, eon .11 iu said towship. This
farm contains 200aares audio within 11 miles
from the thriving village of Brunetti, with
good gravel road leading thereto. About150
acres aro aleared,iree from stumps and in
high State of cultivation. The balance ie
finely wooded. This farm is lfarticularly
wellfoneed, nearly the whole of the tonne
being straight and having been eroded in
1885 and '80. On the premises there is a oom-
Sortable log dwelling house and a goo dfram o
barn with stone stabling underneath in
ply iof excellent water. Fater itTherebie likewise a
new frame implement house, 40x25, well
floored, above and below, and neatly sided
and painted. For particulars apply to the
Proprietor, JAMES DI0&SON,
Regletrar, Huron O o„
1115. Goderloh,
I cannot give you that but I CAN give
you the Best Value on Earth in all
kinds of
of all kinds.
In the Grocery Department I defy
Como and see me and you will find
your fond dreams realized, your expoota.
tions more than gratified by Offerings of
Unparalolbed Generosity.
LATEST STYLES, Iput beforeY ou,
This is What I PREACH, ,
bdn't .Forget 2/101 Klass.
J. G. Skene,
RED Sa'Gxn.
is Agent fab' Parker's Dye Works.
a General BonlPtnp
Notes to hand dleoouu tad.
Intereetalloivedon deposits repayable on
Prompt attention given to oolloctlons,
atans, 5e, Office in LOokio'e block,
Brussele..Money to Loan,
Garrow & Prondfoot, Goderiehl Bo-
lioiter, Oonveyancer, &a. Oi6ao, Grant's
block, Brussels, Money to loan.
y,orsilu("mixt, OooaConvoscerNotary Public,
and Insurance Agent. rondo invested and
to loan. Oodootions made. Office 1n Gra-
ham's Block,Ilruaesl8,
moved his o121ee to J. Huryreayes'
Drug Store. ltosidenee on Mill Street
• af. L.11. 0, P. Edinburgh, Physician ,
Surgeon and Amoucher, Office, Mre, Shlol's
block, Turnberry Street,
�]v M. F. OALE, M. D., 0. M.
Member oftbe College of Physicians and
S Ogdleboand
?4.12)..3b -Main Bt Enei, Ethel
G. L.Ball ,L, D. S., Honor Graduate and
M. R. O. D. -S,, of Toronto, Nitrous Oxide
Gas 'administered. Prime graded audits low
as good work can be done for.
Office over Johnston's Hardware Store.
1.4]01•7'1 I15T_
W.J. Fear,L.D 8. Graduate of To-
ronto School of, Dentistry. All oper-
ations guaranteed. Office—Cndy's
Block, Beatorth.
Artificial tooth, fi ret quality, and
guaranteed Ot,for $12.00 per set.
A, so .a -m N', y, a, s,,,
Drat:Mate of tho Royal
ltZtaSurgeons, bi rii xDss
Gag administered for the palates extrac-
tion of teeth,
OFFICIAL—Garfield kiosk, BRUSSELS.
► T • oi3[arriage Li00a0ee. ()Mae at his
Gsocery,Turnberry Strout,
Lieut, -Governor, Oommbsaiouer, appointment ,a Qt • 113.
Conveyancer and Agent Piro Isurauce Cc.
Otliee at the CranbrookPost OMoe,
LVt l •
College Graduate of tho Ontario Veterinary
Nott, V.8 tan d is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domeeticoted animals on ocientrfic
andappr,vad. principle. Treatment of del-
icate totals a specialty 'Moo two doors
North of Bridge, Tltruborry street,
INennANOE, '
his many customers sa
liberal 0301315000 in the pest
wishes to inform them that at
his chap in Bmale's block he keeps nothing
band t Sausage MeataDeliveredito all Poultry
the town free ..05005 paid for Fat Stook,
Hides and sheepskins bought for cash.
L. debted to the late arm o1 Eayoroft
Bros. me requested to call and settle the
sumo AT 07000, The books may be found at
the store of Moesra. Haycroft & Turnbull,
.7. G. SNDND Exr.so s
8-ff x, H; VOTING, _.
acre farmnnn baing slot 0, sale hie
Grey, ale nd
situated 11• mites from Brussels, Tito place
will be sold with or Without the crop and on
may tern=s Porso0eros will be given at any
time. For further . partfooiare as to pries,
toima, &0„ apply to the proprietor on the
pro98.Gm R. MONAUG.HTON, Braaeela,
Royal Mail Steants/ttjis.
Ana. 18th Sarmatian Sept, 8011
Aug, 20th Oireassian.,.,,,.,, Sept. 1005
5opb,.let Sardinian Sept.22nd
Soot. 0th POlyqnvesian Sept, 30th
Sept. 15th P4rielan Oat, 0th
Sept, 22nd .....,.,.Sarmatian Oat. lath
Sept. 10th ciroaesian Oot. 21st
Oct, Otb Sardinian Oct, 27th
Oet, 1805 Polynesian Noy, Oh
Oct,20th Parisian Nov.10:11
Ont. 27011 Sarmatian Nov. 17th
Steerage Passengers aro booked to and
from London, Qu0onsten,Derry ,Bolfaet and
Glasgow at Dame rates at Liverpool.
flake 01 passage by the Mail Steamers from
Quebec to Londonderry and Liverpool:—
Oabiu 300, 370 and 380, Return -3110,
0180and 5110. Inbormediato-320, return
M. • Steerage -820, return, 049.
The last train oonnooting at Qtrebeo With
the Mail Steamorosailing from that port on ..
the Thursday, leaves Toronto on the Wed-
nesday morning 'libeled train oonnooting
w1111t eBxtraSteamers sailing onthe Pri-
ddy, loaves Toronto on tho'1'hnleday morn•
Mg. For tbalsatoand every information ap.
ply to
AGENT, BnrseELs,