HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-9-30, Page 6C Hezo aluoug hia old noighbora tip 11a�"Qj� �17 11J'1. and kiuclred Sam Jones is king, _.. 'Tore is nothing litre it. Tiloee Tata kIOB li FROG.who havo known him longest love him best. A 110r8a'8 beef is furnished with They admire bis gonitis, , they lire proud lef iris unexampled which apo event stie pad, 'the leanid lmal e f frosuccess. They heart oo confidence d in slipping, It offers a double renis hie earnest piety ; they e Lane(); being pointed in front to re- the preleee of lid unst1ued liberal. dist In one direction. and is semi ity, Lie aboaudfug celerities, Iib care of the poor and sick and dove cloven that ib may resist in the con• trary direction. The Rev. J. G. Woods, known to our renders ea a naturalist, says he never realized the value of the frog to a horse walking on 0 smooth, sloping, wet surface, until his second voyage noros. the Atlautio. On his first voyage he lied been annoyed and his limbs endangered • by slipping on the lust, smooth, in arum Contains seats for a hemmed their moiehmututte. 'filo gaug pinutt olinetl deck. Before he made the singers, and they are lot by two iu le pushed out incl yon reach tauis la ez shore. A rush is at ours made by the doultey boys for the traveller and not until tho castigating baui• THE BRUSSELS POST s>......�, ,.w,11r trrmsemt;rsru'n�r, tun and ourowu a%ty, but never W to such is .pull throwa over the hearts of his hetarere es right here to Ortrt• ervills• "A prophet is not withal; honor alive Irl ilio OWU ocunary" 8eetile ti :int; 118 eXOapttan in hall Geurgiti pretaoher and genius SCLiNF?f IN ,i NILE t ITI, A ew;ee on the Nile is time do, dun to every iut,treet of hia felluevr. scribed by a writer in Scribner'e 1 wish 1 could Bare is deeoription of tfagaztue ;—Gtl'Ie tonne bearing tap the crowd that seems to grow larger oil their ]leads and arms ail sorts or and largely daily. Picture to your• self a gently sloping bill side with trees and a apace oi' about five aures ur more ineloeed with gates opouiu;; into it from all sides. The seats are comfortable, and will tt0eouauto• ado. lint the crowd which hay date over four thousand. Tho rue gathered to far more interesting than articles for sal°—eggs, onuliflowor, oraugee, buffalo milk, lettuce, len tits, hviug fowls, and what not—Buell ns are stored in labunclanoe upon the deck. taveu \eater is offered for seeuud voyage, he nal a to Y stlrumeutsnood iu harmony, tau of India -robber axed to the solos Bstey, urc1au and t. Grand Piano, of the boots, shoes and slippers lie Iu [rout 1the delk for the praaaher. A man from Oliffordpiolted up a wheel tire while driving along the road, and did not notice until told by another that it was off hie awn llarrtetotl ""hotel keepers— have agreed to olos0 their ho0808 lied enables and withdraw their nooses after' tee next prosecution of any 0f thelia. Pit stat \'tel• Stilton, of Guelph, has 11001 it reeidenl of that place ivr 710 piers. 13o is a veritable tee. oyoluptali t of the history of that :mama A targe matrimonial hat•vuit is just about rips in Peterborough. Oen first tut'\ urtlore iu for Mariam wedding nage; to hu atipplied with - 111 tt ln.>It\tt,- Port Arthur is rejoicing over the completion of atraugomonte for the iuiln.'di''b't aunetrilttt+,17 nf'40 util68 of the Port -Arthur, Dnluth tf. West• ern italway. The rate of taxation for 1887 in intended to wearon eauseipbnt ha Uuderneat , the platform is a etor• boo of the learned dragoman hits Streetsville le 25 mills on the dollar. been applied to their bare, brown Orangeville requires 28 mills. Arab shoulders can the anxious Brampton asks for 17t•. Oshawa ceereber for experience be started up levioe .22 mills on the dollar. the grimy on donkey -back for it 31otlienie lie.\, N.W.T., Times : "prelunivary drive." The town is If Gov. Dewduey would shut off not yet all awake. Here .nil there pergiite from the nlembere of the ti watchman is found eleeping ou Nortltwe t Commie the lieeuse syn• his wicker bed in the street or on tom would at once bo adopted. the poetics of a house or bazaar. O,tlgery journals state that there i+arjtber on groups of early risers is every prospeut of fall wheat be - are found Bquatted before a tiny coming a sueeess in Alberta terri- charcoal fire, where they "pool" for tory. The few experiments so far breakfast and dtoeast a dozen data: made. lasses proved eattsfactory. u few pumpkin seeds whsle they Rev. 1:t. Sutherland, of Ripley, watch and wait for the m11810 of the Ont., has 1100 congregations—one coffee-pot. Even yet it ie very 2,000 members, which he addres• quiet. The donkey -boy follows ou 604 in Gaelic, mud au English con - behind, rather whispering his "eye. gregetiou of about 500 members. pall" than speaking it to hia uowili• It will require three trains per ing motor. Ocoaeioually he drops day for 194 days to move the clan. a cabalistic word into the long ears, itoba wheat for °snort alone this which has tate effect of increasing eeaeon. At the present rate of pro• the donkey's speed. "Gehenna" is gross it will not be long before one said to be that awful word. - It al- railroad will be unable to move the ways seems to be a surprise to the crop of the country. animel, at least, and sometimes The report on the prize farm causes him to lotver his haunches competition in Group No 1 award• and creep entirely away from hie ed prizes as follows : Gold medal rider. Sorrow and repentance are to John Pothergdl, Burlington, sure to follow each au oeourren0e• 0ouit•by of Halton ; first silver mod - Now a swirling sound is heard in the al, Jus. K. Meiviiehl$1, Waterford, air. Your donkey -boy pushes you Norfotic ; second silver medal, 0. with your-doultey to one nide. A Barker, Paris Station, Brant ; lac; clothed in whits comes rennin bronze medals to each of the follow - toward you shouting• to you to "Get ing : J. E. Bretboar, Burford, out ot the way. Look out for your 'Brant ;11. Trtuder, Simcoe ; Jelin oars, your cyst', your neck, for my 11. Martin, Oayaga ; J. 0. Shaw, master is corning," Thou a white Woodburn, Wentworth ; D. r3. ass Appears bearing the sheik of the Horton, North Pelham, Monk ; town. This dignitary, hearing of G. Barrio, Waterloo. your arrival is hastening to the quay The Selkirk. lioe., Record nays to collect Ma fee for the privilege of in a recent issue :—A rather un - driving a stake into his mud, A re- usual battle tuolt place iu town last tura to the dahabeeh reveals a swarm Tuoeday, in which Master Frank of natives, awaieiug all the same Ferrier, n little boy of seven years, ntissfon as that of the sheik. Tato very nearly lost one of his eyes. It case i a a hopeless one, seemingly, seems that among the fowls bo. fur there is 1nore business than you longing to Mrs. Ferrier is a rooster, can attend to nod keep faith with between which bird and Prank the spirit ruder which tho journey there is a constant dispute as to was undertaken. Your only salvo- which is boss of the yard, and tion is in reciprocity. Hat in hood while engaged in settling the clis- ltnd with hearirenderiug voice, pate after the approved style, the therefore, bog bttokahcesh yourself if rooster suoeeeded in driving his you would drive the enemy from spurs into the boy'° face and scalp, you long enough to oscura to your one spur penetrating deeply into desk. the temple nearthe eye, and the other through the scalp behind the Canadian Newt. ear. Blood spurted from the wouude and the rooeter was left Dog races are to be a feature of master of the field. He had a roug i p g aroom .where uheoke are given could walk on the caeca even when forge laagguge, uiarceltt nota previsions. apxumanuiie ou it seemed like molar- .All the hour for service ttpprouebee ing ou the wet slates of a House- the scene just uneside the taberneele roof, and he never once had a fall. is a nude nue. rho :..ur„ada havo ,Hie esperien0e enabled him to uu• uuluaded their packed Darr and the derstauci both the value of the frog people are puuclu into too grounds. to the horse, and the cruelty of cut. 1 1 1 g ting it away, so las to throw the 'Tu touts of those who have come animal's mei tib u on the flat, p1epared to remain throughout the shoe. P meeting are pitched and , gleaming smooth, iron The horse's boor is strong enough timid the pines, farmers from a distance come 1u great wagons cov- ered with white canvas, the "prairie schooners" of the treat. Others in carriages end buggies, on horseback or rather mulebatk. Such a num- ber 01 mules congregated together I never saw, and every now and then would be startled with an un- to resist the hardest road, and yet ie so sensitive as to be an organ of touch. The followiug narrative, written for 31r. Wood by John Bellows, a Quaker, and the author of a valuable French dictionary, proves and illustrates this apparent- ly incredible fact. Friend Bellows earthly sound. Nobody else seemed says: to notice it ; it was familiar to all "When my father was quite a ears—Elie "brttV' OF tau ass. little churl, he frightened his mother by trotting aer0ae the street in front The utmost good feeling prevail.. of their House, and tripping up es ed The heat is intense and stifling wetly in front of a team of horses but the packing pea on. The call drawing a heavy wagon. of the usher.\ is, Move closer," "As he fell, the leader horse set "make mare room." hie great hoof on the child's head, • When the prom:her rises to speak and his mother aspected to pick him au audience of six thonsaud meets up dead. hie eyes. The tabernacle is full, "But no ! He used to say that all more than full, and crowds hang ou his life afterwards he kept a moat the outside of the building eager to distinct remembrance of the soft catch every word. It tea genuine and gentle touch of tits horse's hoof religious awakening—a sptritnal re• pressing him to the ground ditto :a freuug coming clown from the sponge,' and 'holding him. there un presence of the Lord. 31r. Juuse til Ids mother relieved him. preached the opening sermon, and "Tim home bad pulled up to the reminded his fellow citizens and twinkling of au aye, and brought kindred of the °bengod, blessings, the rest of the team to a stand -still. the trials and comforts that had But he seemed to know that the i taken anus in alio year that had child was safe lying still and thorn , passed eine° he bade them goad.bye on this spot, His text was "Pre- pare ye the way of the Lord." lis bore heavily upon shuns church members who were ready to parade their particular exoelleneioe and hide their besetting sins ; who say I haven't danced or played cards in a year, and I wish you'd hit those who've done both. There Is a heap meaner things done in the church thau a dance Int home, and late of villauy in the ohnroh that's more thau a game of social card playing. Some ot you have .°fused to pay your honest debts, and many of you have Licked a poor fellow when he is down. And how you have talked 1 If you've said things that wasn't true, confess and beg par- don. Prepare for this meeting by emptying oat the hatred, scandal, evil speaking, dishonesty and hypo• crisy and then conte up and let the Lord 011 you with something better, If it tortes you until tomorrow to empty the jug, we'll excuse you. Did you ever see anybody try to put water in a jug full of molasses ? Neither can God put anything into you while you are full of the Devil. Prepare the way for this meeting by stopping your tonguee. Don't talk. kitting around talking and discussing the sermons. Go silent. he lilted. The pretty creature was • ly from the meeting to your homes 18 Rept him," PET atICE. 'What child has ever grown up without at least one cage of wbite mice, which mamma endured as long tis she could, till the mows odor became intolerable, and was then banished? Now, this odor may all be dispensed with if one only knows how, and the little folk at least will thank me for the direca tion. Simply place a box with a little chloride of limo in the cage. A good way is to put it in a tin box tacked near the top, and take care to keep the cage neat, when all will be sweet. White mise are rather sleepy and uninteresting, and, as in the ease of the rats, never so intelli- ;entas the common brown mouse. The little browu•coatod fellow is capable of being taught tricks and amusing performances. He es quaint, odd, mud inquisitive, and his special and particular delight in a house is to rummage workbasket$ and boxes and other receptacles. He is gentle, affectionate, and very susceptible to kiudnoss ; once ad• enitted into one's.alfeations, he lea tomes doubly attractive, and I havo heard of a lady who attached her pet brown mouse by a fine gold chain io her dram, and let him play around her shoulders and neck as 1 t ' and to ra or. Some of You moll decorated with ribbons, and was a p Y y greatly prized pet. and women come here ovary year Kuala has boon written about nod go off no bettor. Yon remind singing mice, and bir. Buckland, me of a male that has to be beaten as well as other nob so well known to do anything. You come here, observers, testifies that a mouse can, let triose preacher:: kick you all and sometimes does, sing high- about, toll you of - your meamoes pitched sharp notes an octave in face to face, and like the mule you range, and very tepidly uttered. (tome beak t0'be kicked tot you have Says Mr. Buokland :—"Tho song is a thick hide and a short recollect. a genuine song, as good and musical ion, Al the eonclusion of his ser - as that of a lark on a•eine summer anon he urged the people to show morning." A singing -mouse living near a canary has been known to closely imitate its song, and even re rat suocesafuily learned the twitter. ing notes of a common English goldfinch. SAM JONES. Rev. Hugh Johnston, B. D., or Toronto, has been on a visittoll'ov. Sam Jo13e8' home in Georgia. Hero is what he says about it the Lineolu county fair. A Rocliview sport ce pturecl five `h0 Hamilton Sp°eea110 Bays 1 1 that the bettor portion 0f rho people coons one night hat week. of that city were eeandalized by ate Two St. Tomas men drew $5,- exhibition of Boynton's feats on Sun - 000 in the Louisiana lottery. day last. It says :—Paul Boynton, Watford fruit drying factories the renowned hero of the water, is etre running day and night. travelling with Barnum's show. At Two now Bapbist ohtn•ch°e are 4 o'olook the bluffs overlooking the under conebrnation in Toronto. bay, above Baetien's boathouse, A North Hastings farmer was were crowed with people. '.There fined $50 for watering his milks were probably, ashore rind afloat, Lake Ontario has fallen one foot 25,000 people, all eager to sect Clap. within three weeks at Hamilton. lain Boyton in his lifo•saviutt suit. Ni. O'Donnell, of Peterborough, The captain Boynton presently_und- has a notions young pig atripotl line dlecl out. The first ttcoomplishmont a Eiger, was at the speed be attained. He London estimates its population propelled himself, feet foremost, at 40,000 including all the sub. through the water as fast as ono urge, ordinarily rows iu an ordinary Tho Reformer figures up the new rowboat. Then he built a roil, buildings pub up this year in Galt fished, fired rockets,ehoisted salts as amouriting to $.200,058. and made the wind propel him, and. ear. Parry, Liberal ALP. for conducted himself as if he •was en - Prince, P.E.I., has been sustained tirely at home in the water, It in his seat by the Election Court, was an exhibition ot what %edemas The poopelior Newburg went and the inventive genius of man through Welland canal in 11 boure eau accomplish In the way of nuke 50 m1n. The usual time ie 10 to 20 ing the water oafs, and robbing ib its terrors, The people of this city aro not acouetomed to exhibi- tions on the Sabbath day, and the manager . of Barnum's circus made his disapproval of the performance manifest by inflicting a heavy Ane upon his employee, After walking upon the water 1n his rather roomy boot , aha oapbaiu headed or rather 110)1x6. hospitality to the strangers by The Six Nations Agricultural So. throwing open their homes. He said piety Nolte its annual fair at the "My door 1s open and my table is grounds, Obswoken, on Sepb. 28, 29, sway sat for sty man that will (some tn." and 80. And it is so indeed. The table is The Port Dover Harbor Com• largo.. Never less than twenty sit parry has recently been making ex - down to 11 at each meal, and there tenaive lmprovement:i on Its what - d table when en- vas at the Port is always a se(toteg • orally ae m0ny 1n010 900101E04 It Josepli Monkhouse threshed re,. s00m6 10 me that the finest tributo eenlly on tho farm of John Ham. that can be paid to any man ie giv tner'sley, Puslinah, 1,808 bushels of en to Sam Jones in these wonderful grain in tan hours, 000 bushels of meetings. I have soon him ad• thew) were oats and were threshed dressing thousands in Obioago, Bos' in four hours. 161 e footed for Bayview, and untie the trip across the bay in a credibly short time, attended by such sfleet of steamers, yatchs, sailboats, row• boats and amuses as only Hamilton can turn out, Brussels Lime Works! (STILL AHEAD. Tito subscribers Cabe Nils opportunity of returning amino 10 the inhabitants of Brussels nod ('10)1303 for vast patronage. anti bog to stats that baring mads sovornl tutt,rat'ontante in their ktte aria mode of btlt'ttitg they aro TAU .y in a bettor position than over 000 r 10 nuvply the Puo watt A'Irat•Ulass r,ttuo. This hoing the P.htrtnenttt tioa:eon of our business dealings in Brussels, anti btayittg j uilllc anti Tony on lott ottving if.0 1 treatmehe nt tint ti Bunt-nlnsa Article from no. Piret.Oiasa Lime at Ya aorta tit tits kilts. Ws also burn u Ne,11,it,tO for Pla9Carlug at IS soots, iiounotnbar talo spot----ECi•tlBecls LI ate 63'oriel. it Town & Sori. SE1;2. 30, 1857. •�, ,. _.n.lic,Lisalst7saseswasseaceu MONEY '1'0 LOAN. PEI E42 L FUNDS. of Private Funds hitve,just been placed in my hands for in- - vestment. AT 7 PER CENT. Borrowers can havo their loans complete in throe flays if title is satisfactory. Apply to E. E. WADE. =Iv Grist and Flour Mills ! The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in First Class Running rder and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new ones as possible. Chopping done. Flour and Alwayz Maul. Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. Egg _11_ WY!. MILNE. GS HAVING OPENED) OUT AN iota In Grant's Block, B tGsscls, Next Door 1.o the Post Office, 1 air prepared to Pay CAsir for any quantity oflEggs. BRING ALONG ALL YOU HA VE and Remember the Stand. EAST HURON rri •—,lIANUTAOTVRI1E 0AItRIAGES, DEM001RRd.TS, EXPRESS WAGONS, BUGGIES, -• WAGONS, jIITO., ETO., ETO. All mado of the Best Material and Anished in a Workmanlike manner...... Eeperir ing and Pa mtinij promptly attended to. Parties intending to buy should Call before purchasing. 13'np.RISNCIas.-•--Mars(len Smith, B. Laing, Jas. Cott and Wm. Me- lielvey, Grey Township ; W. Oamerou, W. Little, G. Brewar and 1). Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town. and W. Blashill, Brus- sels ; Rev E. A. Fear, Woodham, and T. Wright, Turnborry. BEMEi11'PJ D THE STAND—SOUTH Or BRIDGE. JAMES BUYITIRS.