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The Brussels Post, 1887-9-30, Page 4
4 grwo piont s,ti gnt . Looa1—A Good Locals—W Coats. Strayed—Geo. Forrest. Local—Mrs. Alexander, Strayed—Thos. Straohau. School books—G. A. Deadman, Dress Goods, i4c.—J, G. Skins, Berkshire Boar—Wm, H'abldrk. Boots and shoes—John McCallum, Garfield House—W. Nightingale d; Co. FRIDAY, SEPT. SO, 1887. WinrlAa O'Broax, M. P,, has been found guilty under the coerc- ion act of inciting to violence, and eentenoed to three months imprison- ment. 8e has given notice of ap- peal to a higher court and ons been released on bail. There is great excitement throughout Ireland ouer the sentence, and public opinion in England and Scotlead ie also being worked up. The feeling in Liberal and Home Rule circles ie that the arrest and imprisonment to part of a deliberate plan concocted to pro. Yoke the Irish people to 10908T80 - tion in the hope of breaking up the present alliance of the various dem. oeratio parties throughout the three kingdoms. The landlords hope to prolong their rule by fomenting a new wa^ of races. THE Toronto News Saye :—The probability of Mr. Meredith retiring from the leaderehip of the Ontario Opposition to accept a judgeship le being a good deal diecussed. That be should have remained so afeadily at hie post, fighting an almost hope. lees battle, at a very considerable pereuniary loss, is a powerful illus- tratioa of the fascinations of a politi- cal career. Unless he is of a more than ordinarily sanguine tempera- ment, the repeated defeats sustain ed by hie party in the Province mast have disheartened him, espec- ially when the mediocre abilities of his principal followers are consider- ed. Not only are the opposition ae far as ever from a victory which would give them control of the Gov- ernment, but they lack the inaterial to lora a cabinet, should any an forseen occurrence result in Mr. Mowat'e defeat. MR. NORQUAY, it is reported, has failed in hie negotiatious with the capitalists of New York. This is an extremely critical period for the people of Manitoba. Unfortuuately they have at the head of their affairs a Prime Minister whose sympathies with the Prime Minister of Canada are well known, and it ie by no means certain whether his failure to obtain the necessary funds for the completion of his road ari•ie from hie inability to obtain the money, or his want of interest in the ruc- case of the enterprise. WFe ere net at all sure that 11r. Norgnay is anxious to eucceed. Vie are nut at all sure that be would not be pleased to fail if ho could do 0o without hay. ing suspicion turned towards him. If Mr. Norquay does not obtain the necessary funds for the conutruettou of the Red River Valley Renew, the people of Munitoba will do well td in fibre late the otaue' of the: fail. ill'@,== Adv©t't19or, THE Canada Gazette contains the following Order in•Council with re ference to the Scott Act : —"Where- as, it is proscribed as a matter of administration that a uniform rule should be adopted in dealing with petitions praying for the revoeation of Orders-in•Counoil bringing the Canada Temperance Act into force, notwithstanding that three years have not elapsed from the date of the coming into force of the Aot under aaitl Order-in•Counoil. His Excellency, on the recommendation of the Minister of Justine, and by end with the advice of the Queen's Privy Counoil for Canada, has been pleased to order, and it is hereby , ordered, that no election for the re- vocation of an Order in -Council under the Clauedti Temperance Act shall be authorized to talcs place earlier than fifteen days before the expiration of three years from the date of the coming into force there- of lender said Ceder in -Council. Canadisr,u lelewca, The O.P.R. ta,thoritiss purpose erect• ing a mammoth hotel upon the site of the old Paaliament buildings at Quebec. The necessary funds have already been eubaoribed. Beare appear to be very plentiful in the north of Amaranth, near the blast Luther town line. A short time ago S. Burnside caught two nubs at the same line in the same Steel trap, a very rare o0aurrenoe indeed, The mother was eaught in the same trap the next morn- ing and shot. The Western Fair Rate receipts were nearly double those of the Provinoial Fair ab Ottawa. The Dominion Government has decid- ed not to disallow the Nova Scotia Li. quer License Aot of 1886, The Brandon Timee alleges that City Clerk Kerr, of that town, hat raised 700 bushels of potatoes to the more. Gaoler Dawson declares that whiekey is the cause of 68 per cent, of the cam- mitmente to gaol at Sault St, Marie. It is understood that Thursday, Oc- tober 20t12, is the date fixed for the open- ing of the Provincial Conference at Que- bec. During the paeb two months fines amounting to 62,900 have been imposed upon violaters of the Scott Aot in Bruce county. Two wealthy Brantford men have don- ated 65,000 each towards the establish- ment of a county house of refuge for that city and the county. Tho St. Catharines Journal says that the wife and ohild of MoGarigle, the fug- itive from Chioago justice, reoently ar- rived in St. Catharines. Wolves are said to be making sad havoc among the sheep in the north of Fronto. nen County, and by $eir depredations. the farmers are said to oe suffering sever. !0'D. Parker, of Wiarton, has been awarded the oontraob to build Govern- ment dooks at Tomala's Bay Oookkbnrn Island, to the amount of $10,000, the work to be commenced at once. The drillers engaged to go out to Aus- tralis to work for Jas. S. Loughed, of Petrolia, at his contract for sinking ar- tesian wells for the Australian Govern- ment are to receive 64 per day and board. As Neil Kay, of Red Bay, formerly of Kincardine, was returning home from a party about 10 o'olock one evening lately he was attaoked by a huge bear, which chased him for over a mile before it gave up hopes of squeezing him. The steamer City of Dresden, which has been plying been Windsor, Leaming- ton and Pelee Island, has been Bold tp Post th Co., of Sandusky, 0., the price paid being $7,500. She will hereafter be engaged in carrying fish from Canadian ports on Lake Erie to Saedueky. The work of constructing district Sal- vation Army barraoks, to cost 622,000, will be commenced at Ottawa on Friday. The building will be four stories in height and will have a frontage of eixty- ex feet, with a depth of ninety. The style is somewhat after the Toronto bar- racks, The Windsor Town Connell has passed resolutions instructing the Police Com- mittee to take official recognition of the brave act of officer Nash in jumping into the river and saving the lives of three persons and trying to save the life of the fourth on the night of the 1st of August. It appears to be the intention of the Connell to give him a medal and eulogis- tic address. The Councillors spoke in terms of praise, and it was suggested that the matter be brought to the notice of the Humane Society in Ottawa. The Toroutos have played 56 games on the home grounds this season, of which they won 44 and lost 12. Of these Crane pitched in 28 winning and 8 losing. iilfc- Kinley in 8 winning and 1 losing, Davis in 1 winning and 1 losing, and Baker in 5 winning and 8 losing. In this count is inohided the game on July 12, which To- ronto won, and in which both Crane and Sheppard pitohsd, Crane being injured about the middle of the game. This ie credited ae winning pitching to both pitchers. The exhibition game with IIamllton is also included. The season opened May 19 and closed September 27. The report of the Manitoba census of 1885.86, just published, contains many features of interest. The total popula- tion opulation of the Province is 108,640. The usu- al disparity between the sexes in a new- ly -settled country is shown, the males outnumbering the females by upwards of 10,000. Immigration has swamped the French population, as the French and French halfbreede combined only num- ber 11,100, or about one-tenth of the whole. They aro nearly equalled by the Germans, who number 11,082. The in. habltvnts of Ontario birth are almost one-third of tiro total population, The Napanee Beaver amid in a recent $esus : Abel Rook has shown us a sample of western corn such as he has now grow- ing on his farm, which measures ten feet in length, or six to the ears. He put in an acro about the middle of June with a seed drill. For the past three weeks he has been feeding eight milk cows and two young cattle from it, cut- ting a cart load every evening. The stook get nothing else to eat and yet they are thriving as well as if feeding on the best of pasture and are milking even better. He estimates that the sore of corn will keep ten head of cattle two months. If farmers would go into western corn for summer fodder the results of a drouth on the dairy interests would not he so ser- ious as this season.' Hon. Wm. McMaster, while address- ing a meeting in MoMastor Hall on Fri- day night fainted, and remained uncon- scious for some bine, He was removed to hie residence on Bloor street, where he died about four the next morning, He was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1811, and name to Canada when he VMS 22 years of age. He had a most successful business career, and held many most important positions. He waa one of the foremost men in educa- tional matters, and the Hall which bears hie name was endowed almost ex- olusively by him. As dispenser of pub- lic and private charity and pphilanthrop- ist'he was unsurpassed. Io leaves a widow, but no ohildren. By the Sen- ators's will property, both personal and real, is stated to be worth $1,200,000. He leaves $840,000 to hie nephew, J. S. Mc- Alester, London, Eng. to his widow the use of the house on Boor street during her life, and an annuity of $5,000. Tho balance of the estate he gives in trust as an endowment for McMaster University, Toronto, subject to the widow's annuity $2,000 a year to the Home Missionary fon support of the General Superintend- ent ; to an annuity of $500 to his sister in Georgetown, and $400 to Prat Mo- Vioer, of McMaster University. The ultimate provision for MoMaater Univor- eity will be about 6800,000 THE BRUSSELS POST 7.—FALL WINTER -AT I don't know as its any use advertising because everybody is aware of the fact that the Larged, Clleapesl & Be1 Stock is always to he seen at F. C. ROGERS, - - 1101INION IIOUSF, MILLINERY. ' !CLINE Y. The object of advertising now is to let the Ladies know that MISS GREEN has again returned for. the Fall Trade. From the entire satisfaction she has given during the last Three Seasons every Lady leaving her Order may be assured of getting the 1rEw ST (I.ES and the very best of Workmanship. MANTLE DEPARTMENT. MISS MOORE has been engaged to take charge of the Mantle Department. We guarantee a perfect fit and the very best of work. We would wish every Lady to Call and see our Mantle Cloths, which this season are simply lovely. We never before showed such beautiful goods and at prices to suit everybody. F. C. ROGERS. THE PADLOCK Ce THJi eD bvCs TIT-F) PADLOCK. PAILOOK. GlR.al Oul' Stook has been sorted up for the 6)M .00 FALL & WINTER TRADE f and we ask for an inspection of it by the people of East Huron. Sash and Door's, Builders' Hardware, Glass, Nails, Cow Chains, .Halters, Forks, Shovels, 4.e. on haucl, and everything else required by the public in our line, Onr motto is Small Profits and Quick leturns and a Call will satisfy you that our prices aro right. COME IN AND SEE US, A M. McKay & Co., HARDWARE DEALERS. brim. 30, gli FALL ONMS I + ... AT -- i a tan ii Bros. We are showing the Latest and most desirable Dress Goods in the Market, with Buttons and Trimmings to match, 0 UR RAPIDLY INCREASING DRESS — G000S — TRABE 1 testify to the Excellence of this Department. Como In 'and See our assortment Bazaar Patterns New Styles Always in Stock and Monthlies Given . Away FREE. Ulster CI�th! We have Received a nice line of Ulster Cloths which will bo just wbat you have been looking for. Cheap Flauuels I CVeap Tweeds 1 Good Value in Everything. A COMPLETE STOCK OF Cooper & Smith's 1300`, & sJaoi i�J. There are no better to.be had, so come early and get a choice of the stock, HATS & CAPS ! CHOICE QROCERIES__! Strachan Bros.