HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-9-23, Page 8TIDE BRUSSELS POST
SEPT. 23, 1887
Is the best and healthiest
sweet known,
And at.1i> cents per potmd will compare
for olleapnesswith other sweats. It is
said that honey—unlike Sugar—requires
no labor on the part of the liver to pass
it through the system and therefore com-
mends itself to all, but especially those
who are biliously inclined. It should be
found on the breakfast table of every
family in the lapid, We guarantee ours
Pura and of the best Quality.
Druggist and Apiarist, Brussels, Ont.
sats aERN EXTENSION, W. O. tb 11. e.
Traiaaleave Brussels Station, north and
southas follows:—
Coibg 5011th. (1011Ig Nort1,.
3tntl.... . 7:0.3 non.Mired 8•.30 Ron
Express 11:30 a.m. I }Atil e'50 p.m
Mined,, 6:45 p.m. I Express.......,. 0.35 p.m
A clliel's among ye taldn' notes
Au' faith he'll Arent it.
FALL moving.
Su7Nems for sale at Amont Bros.
SINaLES for sale at Ament Bros,
EAST Huron Fall Show on Oct. 6 do 7.
Solon teachers on the move for next
JosT whet I was looking for at Strachan
SATunnAY of next week will be the 1st of
Srx bars of Electric soap for 25 cents,
at Thomson's.
THE showers on Wednesday have done
a great deal of good.
CnOICE rigs, 111) box 10 cents at Coats'
grocery, New fork store. 10
THE prize Het of the East Huron Fall
Show may be read on pages 0 and 8.
Fon the largest stook and best value in
Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, gooto
Aux amount of ripe Tomates fresh from
the vines. Send in your orders at once.
T. H. HLuraniEs and bride arrived in
town on Tuesday and have settled down
to the stern realities of housekeeping,
Born the waterproof and pair of shoos
severtised in THE POST found owners on
Saturday. "It's wonderful how we do it,
but wa do.'
J. JA'1Rs hes purchased the house and
lot on John street adjoining the Army bar.
racks on the south, from Councillor
Tan passenger trains from the east
have been late almost every day for the
past two weeks, owing, no doubt, to the
A'MawCr delivery wagon has been pur-
chased by Geo. Thomson, baker and gro.
oer. The rig was painted by Messrs.
Smith t$ Ross.
GEo. Fonsvrn, ex -Reeve of Morris, is
home from an extended trip to the West.
Ile has the situation of affairs in Mani.
toba down fine.
A tip-top stock of 3111 heads, letter
and note heads, envelopes, statements,
memorandums, tags, etc., kept always in
Mocked Tine POS0 Publishing House,
ON Thursday of thie week "Paddy," a
14 year old poodle belonging to Send.
Swale, passed away to dogdom. He was
blind, deaf and toothless, at the time of
his departure.
MRS. ALEXANDER is home from Toronto
with all the latest. fashions, novelties,
- &o., for the millinery season. Her open-
ing days will be announced shortly. lGive
her a call.
Two gentlemen administered a dose of
chloroform to a dog, one evening this
-seek to prove a scientific point, but the
dose was too large and the canine turned
up its toes in earnest.
A COLT shock hands with F. W.
O'Brien, V.S., this week, but outside of
some scratches on his face ho camped
uninjured. He came nearly being out
on a "foul" tip, however.
15 Moums.—Tire POST will be sentto
all new subscribers from now until Jan -
nary 1st, 1889, for 961.60 in advance, or
on a trial trip for the balance of 1887 for
26 cents in advance. Tun POST will be lubbed The 92.25 in as
To Lo mote.—W. R. Wilson and wife,
Mrs. W. H. McCracken, Bishop Ward
and wife, A. Bruoe and wife, T. O'Neil,
Jas, .Roes, A.. Currie, Alex. Hunter,
Noble Gerry and a large number of others
are seeing the sights at the Western Fair,
London, this weak.
Dozer forget the basket social in the
basement of the Methodist church on
Friday evening of this week. Each lady
is expected to have provisions enough for
two. The baskets are numbered and a
dublicate ticket is put on a table. The
gentleman pay 25 cents, select a ticket,
and secures hie basket and the fair own-
er is his partner while the refreshments
hold out. A good program of music has
been provided.
A Success.—Last Tuesday evening the
sciopt1con exhibition, given by A. W.
Struthere, of St. Thomas, was hold in the
Methodist church, and was largely attend-
ed by both young and old. The views ex-
hibited were amusing, entertaining and
instructive, The Scenes in the life of
Christ were very fine, and cannot fail to
accomplish good. Everybody who has
the opportunity should see thie exhibition.
Rev. M. Swann and 13. Garry spoke in
the highest terms of the ex
hibition. A
i on
usie bearing e lectlans
04 m
ref a
number g
Cho. views, weld sung by the audience.
We commend bit Struthers to churches
and societies desirous of doing the young
people good. The protoeds of the enter-
tainment amounted to over 925.
Sn11ie0Ea for sale at Ament Bros.
Snrniuzsfor sole at Ament Bros, -4
Bre the new Dress Goods et Strachan
Jon. BALLAN'roNE, of Clinton, is home
for .a week.
Exrey vslne in Pure Fielding Vine.
gars at Thomson'a. . 4 -
Mee. Nawrox and eon, of 3ariock, are
visiting at Sand. Rivers'. .
Wu,L give glassware at your own prise
at Coats' grocery, New York spore. 10
Miss 1'3A S33105Y was home from Luck.
now over Sunday. Miss Emma. Belcher
accompanied her.
Tnn Misses Holmes have opened a
dressmaking establishment in rooms over
Mrs. Kirk's fancy goods shore.
Copncu,Loi Gamuen has returned from
n brief holiday trip. His plane was filled
on the market by James Laird sr.
Ross BROS. now manufacture Choir own
buttons for suits with a new,button mak.
ing machine. It works to perfection,
lam W. F. Vewsroaii, MTS. Wm. Moon-
ey and Mrs. Thos. Hayeroft have all been
under the care of their physioians this
A mum, cum of money. found. The
owner can have it by proving property
and paying for this notice by applying to
Jas. Buyers.
Los•r.—A pair of women's. hods 04
between Brussels and Walton , Finder
will please leave them at Ten Post Pub.
belting House. 10
Tnz Howe property, on Elizabeth
street, put up for sale, was purchased by
George Howe for 91,700. It is a very de-
sirable property.
Fos the next SO clays we will sell china
tea sets at cost, to make roots for our Fell
stoehs. Come and see at Coats'gr000ty,
New York store. 10
W. C. T. U.—A meeting, of this body
will be held in the basement of the Meth.
odist church on Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock. The ladies are doing a good
work and should be encouraged in their
WHILE attending the funeral on Tues-
day afternoon Mrs. R. G. Wilson and
baby and Miss Avery were thrown out of
their buggy by another rig coming in
contact with theirs. No one was seri-
ously injured.
CotimotoN service will to held in Mel-
ville ahuroh next Sabbath morning. Rev.
J. L. Murray, M. A.,.of Kincaraine, will
preach both morning and evening. Rev.
D. B. McRae, of Cranbrook, will preach
on Saturday at 2 p. m.
Ltex Saturday our old and highly. es.
teemed friend, B. Fralickt called on us
and presented us with a .choioo lot of
apples of the Black Detroit variety. The
most of them measured 115x12 inches,
and they were of the riohestiflavor.
Taff Woman's Foreign Missionary So.
cieby in connection with the -Presbyterian
congregations here despatched boxes, con-
taining 850 pounds of clothing, to the
Broadview Indian Mission last week.
This is their third annual donation to
this mission.
LAST Tuesday morning J. R., Grant ar-
rived home from Manitoba. He kept on
the move while in the West and says he
never saw such splendid crops as has re-
warded the tiller of the soil Ln that land.
The market is opening.we1l and the pros-
pects are very encouraging.'
003inEN01310 with this week we purpose
adding to the interest of THE Pose by
adding a Children's Column .oaoh week.
There are many boys and girls who are
very regular readers of oar journal and we
purpose to make it as interesting as pos-
sible to our young friends.
CAPT. WELLw00D, of Chatham, and a
cadet from the same plscepnow hold com-
mand of the Army corps here. The re-
ception the lasses reosived one evening
last week at the barracks stamps the
blackguard on the perpetrators. Captain
Cook and Cadet Myles have gone to
Owrso to some dispute over the price
of the Armstrong farm on account of the
recent fire, Wm. Armstrong, of Hallett,
gave up the place and Livingston Bros.,
the flax kings of Canada, purohaaed, the
price being 95,300.. It is their intention
to put up a new flax mill, barna, &c. 011
the farm. The farm is splendidly located
for them.
Oaxr.—Last Sunday evening Jeremiah
Blashill passed over to the great majority
after a very severe illness, aged 35 years),
6 months and 11 days. He had been i
for some time with muscular rheumatism
and this wag followed by hemorrhage and
vomiting until death came to his relief.
The funeral on Tuesday was largely at-
tended, the services being conducted by
the Salvation Army, to which body the
deceased was a loyal and consistent mem-
ber. Mr. Blashill was born in Yorkshire,
England, and came to Canada with his
parents in 1865. After living III. Toronto
and Caradoe townships. and the Staten for
a while he became a resident a 'Brussele
about 6 years ago. He married Miss
Mary Ann Clark, of Blyth, 12 years ago
and she and five children are left to
mourn the lose of hnsband and father.
Although a hard working man he never
accumulated much of this world's goods
and consequently Mrs. Blashill' and fam-
ily are in rather straitened circum-
NORTH HunoN Tittonnns' INorxrcrn.—
Tho semi-annual meeting of the North
Huron Teacher's' Institute will be held in
the Central School, Brussels, on Thum -
day and Friday, Oct. 18th and 14th, 1887.
The following program will be presented :
—1, Uniform Promotion Examinations,
introduced by W. E. Groves ; 2, Written
Examinations, S. Y. Taylor ; •6, Interest
and Attention, F. D. Hutchinson; 4, How
to keep pupils constantly at wbrk, R•
Hioke; S, Prime Factoring, J. Thomp-
son; 6, The Teacher in Sooioty, G,
Blackwell ; 7, Delegate's Report! A. M.
Burchill ; 8, First steps in Writing, Miss
Catley. Dr. McLellan will address the
meeting on two subjects of interest to the.
profession and' will deliver a public 1ec'
tare on Thursday evening, J. Turnbull,
Clinton; D. M.'Matlooh, and 0. Clark.
son, Soaforth, have been appointed a
eomnnittee to deed with the queetiona sub -
raided in the
ub.raittedinthe question drawer. Questions
meet be sent to the firs mentioned not
later than Oot. 6th. T e =were will be
en on Friday mornir
•to c
tifioates entitling the h idol
i e
'q1 . purnigined o
i 1 b r t`
radioed fares, w p
plication to the Secretary, A.131, Burchill,
S1nxoLEs for sale at Ament Bros.
Six mills on the dollar local rata for
R. J. CLOita spout last Sunday in
Cooren & Saiilu's Boots tC Shoos at
Strachan Bros,
Tan bricklayers are pushing the new
planing mill of Smith Bros.
('n\31031n sots, all new patterns, °heap
at Coate' grocery, New Yorlc store. 10
Wm. g. noWA3 left last Tuesday for
Calgary where be has taken n situation
as Weer.
Mets, JAS. Boas and daughter and Mrs.
D. Boss, sr., aro visiting at 5t. Johns,
Ont., this week.
Miss Moons has
of F, 0. Rogers.
R. WENN, the Dr
MoIndoo. of Wingh
town. Joe likes B
B3 33011, eggs,
store, will give the
Rev. J. L. KERn
W. W. Leech who
THE dwelling of
dergoing a thoroug
ing, new aiding put
alter -
Miens made.
A. OALnoOR has p
diff sr. He has mo
provements. 7l. is
25 czars NORM
once of 1887. By
get it for three mo
26 gents. This is
troduced. Toll you
about this offer.
TENDERS are aske
stcnsjwing-walls toj
McCracken. Tend
price per cubic yard,
the Wingham post
Dr is stated the
were elibpeened Ra
Aot 03150 at Blyth
match. At the tri
drank nothing but'
'the opinion that th
the calf about umpi
contain a full amount
Minneapolis, Minn.
the partioipanls,
presents. A copy
mailed free to any
taken charge of the
mantle making department at the stole
ummoud boys and Joe
31m,sponb Sunday in
Rev, R. Penn's
new cottage is being
pushed to completion. It will be a cam -
Sortable home when
potatoes and onions
wanted at Coats'
Grocery, New York
highest price. 10
preached on the Alma
circuit the past tw
o Sabbaths for Rev.
was away for his holi-
Seel has been un -
h renovating. A new
foundation has bee
n put under the build -
on and other altsr-
urchased the cottage
on Turnberry stree
t owned by Mark Car-
ved ft to the contra of
the lot and will make a number of im-
a very pleasant situ -
25 POST for the bal-
subscribing now you
nths and a half for
n trial trip to get it in -
r neighbors and friends
d for the building of
tine north abutment of
the Brussels bridge
Plans. and epeoifi-
oations may be see
n at the office of Reeve
ors are to state the
and will be received
until 4 p. m. on Monday of next weak, at
t nearly all, if not
everyone, of the Clinton base ball club,
witnesses in a Scott
They had called
there going home f
eom Brussels base ball
al they all aware they
"milk." We wore of
ore was a good deal of
re Burgo,
Tan "Housekeeper" for October will
int of the wedding of
the manageress of
that paper, in the
Exposition, on the
evening of September 28, together with
accurate descriptio
Re and illustrations of
wedding dresses and
of this issue will be
of our lady readers
sending their address to Tho Buckeye
Publishing Co., Mi
OneapolIa, Minn.
Os Wednesday, 7th inst., the house,
barns, whole season's crop, pigs, sheep,
poultry and ell the household furniture
belonging to the father of Mies Mattie
Devitt, near Brookville, were destroyed
by fire. A neighbor was clearing oft a
piece of new land and the high wind
caused the fire to spread, with the above
result. There was no insurance. Miss
Devitt had all her clothing burned and
knew nothing about it until her return
from a neighbor's.
BEGARDL\e the Departmental Examina-
tions for July, 1888, for 2110 and gird class
non-professional oertifioates, nobioe has
been given from the Department of Edu-
cation that candidates will not be allowed
to write for both grades, and that only
the following classes will be eligible to
write for 3rd elms ;—(1) Those who hold
3rd class certificates and wish to obtain
2nd class. (2) Those who wrote in July,
1887, for 2nd class (whether they then
held Srd class or not) and failed. (8)
Those who at any previous 3r0 class ex-
amivation obtained the aggregate requir-
ed, but who failed in one or more subjects.
Lnstruotions will be given to High Sohool
masters and the presiding examiners in
1888, to see that none but the classes
above defined are allowed to write in 1888
for 2nd class certificates.
TIM Rev. Mr. Bowers' lectures in the
Town Hall lately were poorly attended.
His leading ideas on scepticism went to
show that on account of the misinter.
pretation of Scriptures it made many
honest doubters disbelieve. The time
was now dawning arid men's hearts and
minds were now opens to receive and
comprehend higher and clearer doctrines
on theology that heretofore were misap-
prehended Swedenborg, he stated, was
a man instrument, providentially provid-
ed to reveal, by correspondence, the in.
nor sense of the Word, quoting Ralph
Wald. Emerson and other eminent
minds, who had pronounood that "Swed.
enborg was a mountain of strength, far
ahead of whole colleges of learning," also
what Henry Ward Beeoher said that "He
who would understand modern theology
must needs read Swedenborg."
Buorzn MUSING CoulnsT.—By way of
novelty on the second day of the East
Huron pall Show a butter making con-
test will take plane on the Show grounds,
open to the ladies of East Huron. The
contestants are to provide the churns,
oream enough to make at least 5 pounds
of butter, and all other neoessaries to
have butter in marketable condition.
The let prize will be a beautiful set of
china dishes, (44 pieces) worth 98.00 ; 2nd
price a handsome set, of stoneware dishes,
(44,pieoee) valued at 95.00 ; 8rd prize set
of glassware, valued at 02.00. There will
be no entrance fee required if the persons
are members of the Society. Competent
judgee will be secured, who, in addition
to judging( the quality of the butter, will
take the time of making into account.
There must be three (entries or no 2nd
prize. The prizes are on exhibition in
the window of Tine POST Publishing
House, This will allow the young ladies
an opportunity. of providing these very
useful articles for future use. Conteet
will commence at 2 o'elook p. m. A
with les 11 be roVid•
witl tab &°. will TO RENT. ---'A GOOD
rm R14I
platform, atia p A
' n. Will 1 bo a sight nem:Brunets to rent, r
' occasion. It {y 1 FARM
710 Brn Sa 5 3 , 00 mime
well for ore o g F
worth seeing and {vii] no doubt draw cleared, Mures under grass, balance under
It great many people to oltr show. Re. tillage Apn1y to Bnisaol0 P, 0. or to Cho.
member the data, Friday,Oct.7th. 03000 0sp( at Ronald'° Fanndr Bruesole,
oat, •r,-tf JOHN B1toAiooT.
Mown printed tea set very cheap at
Coats' grocery, New York store. 10
11iae11AN's Eleotrio soap 5 MAR It bar,
at Coats grocery, New York store, 10
Tnsnn was Blame repreeelitation from
this motion at the Temperance Conven-
tion in Clinton on Tuoeclay,
BOAT, WmsON, of Clinton, was in town
for a few days last week. He took hie
old place in the town Band on Saturday
Tnz railway meeting announced for
Monday was held in the Town Hall, In
addition to delegates from Listowel,
Blyth, Manchester, Brussels and the ad.
joining townships, Mayor Whitehead and
Reeve MoMurchie, of Clinton, and Reeve
Wilson and Dr, Coleman, of Ssaforth,
were present, 40 in all, Beovo MaCraok-
en was called to the chair and. F. S.
Scott appointed Secretary. Sbort
speeches were made by Dr. Sloan and
Reeve Kelly, of Blyth ; D. D. Campbell,
of Listowel; Mayor Whitehead and
Reeve MoMurobie, of Clinton, and sever-
al others. Nothing particular was done
and the meeting was adjourned to moot
at the call of the obairman.
Ceantaaitaaa Ne'we'.
A (mink went over the Michigan Cen-
tral railroad recently, on w101011 w05
printed: "Carrie Crittenden. Blood
and fuel Salvation Army, God is lova.
Repent or perish I "
The championship laorosse snatch play-
ed at Montreal on Saturday between the
Montreal and Shamrock clubs was won
by the latter, who took three games to
their opponents' two.
Prof. 311e, of Toronto, says of the wat-
er submitted to him by the Guelph peo-
ple for analysis : "The river water is not
fit to drink, and the water in the basin,
th ough only fairly good, was still better
than that which is supplied to 0oneum-
Mill owners e,t the Ohaudiere fear if
rain does not come soon, and that abund-
antly, sew mills will have to close down
owing to low water. The water in Otta-
wa River at the present time is four Mab-
ee lower than the lowest record, and the
reoord extends over a term of fifty years.
Mon for the lumber woods are very
scarce around Ottawa, and lumbermen
who are late in hiring aro going to be
short-handed. Neal Gareau, one of the
Upper Ottawa lumbermen, visited the
Capital to hire thirty or forty men, and
could find only three who were willing to
go, although he offered the highest wages.
The Provincial Sunday School Asso
elation will meet in Queen's Avenue
Methodist church London ou Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday, Oct. 25. 26
and 27. Arrangements are being made
for a convention of more than usual in-
terest and profit to Sunday school work-
ers. It is expected that probably 850
delegates will be in attendance.
A Farmers' Institute has been organ-
ized for the South Riding of Bruce with
the following officers : President, James
Tolton, Brant ; Vica•President, James
Johnston, Oaarriok; Sec.-Treas., J. C.
Bokford, Brant ; Committee for Brant,
John Diarstein, Abram Rowand ; Com-
mittee for Carriok, Riobard Rivers, Levi
Heath ; Committee for Culross, William
Scott, Yenry Arkell ; Committee for RM.
loss, Jacob Niohols, Thos. Stewart.
BEH.t3RELL—BOLL—On September 21st,
at the residenoe of the bride's father,
by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. William J.
Boharrell to Miss Rebecca Bell, all
of Grey..
BLtsaoLL.--In Brussels, on the 18th inst.
Jeremiah Blashill, aged 85 years, 6
months and 11 days.
East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oot. 4.
East Huron, Brussels, Oot, 6 and 7.
Western Fair, London, Sept. 19-24.
Northern Fair, Walkerton, Oct. 4-7.
North Perth, Stratford, Oot, 6 and 7.
Guelph Central, Guelph, Sept. 20-22.
Great Central, Hamilton, Sept, 26-30.
Wallace, of Listowel, Sept. 27 and 28.
Brantford Southern, Brentford, Oct.
i1 and 12.
Agr'l and Arts Association, Ottawa,
Sept. 19-24.
mR '31$ 31 MAR FJ'2'S_
Fall Wheat 75 80
Spring Wheat 60 80
Barley 40 50
Oats 26 30
Peas 48
Butter, tubs and nolle.... 16
Eggs per dozen 15
Flour per barrel 4 50
Potatoes 50
Hay,per ton. 7 00
Hides per lb 55
Salt per bbl., wholesale... , 60
Sheep skins, each 50
Wool, per lb.
0 00
1. 00
BON, 01EL, Apply to MRS. GEO. TBOM-
Pon BALE at bargain. For full par -
Maniere as to prion ;locution, its., anuly to
W. B. DIOKSON, 845
Italian Bees for Sale Cheap. Apply
to J. It,. SMITH, at A. M. Melfay & 000 Hard -
Ware Store,Drug:ole. 5-tf
on Phomas Street, Brueeels. 7 rooms,
largo cellar, stable and acre of land. Clear
deed given for $000. Apply to
040 , ROBERT 8028,
`lJ A -few Oplendld',.ilnproved forme for
solo in the township Of Goy, Morris and
Idcatnap, Apprr to. h. DMO :GA.7TY, Co,
A mblenoa r ,13 rug0ole P. O. •
debted. to the late ilrm 0f lleYoroft
Bros aro requested to call and settle the
game AT 0E010, The books racy be found at
the stare of MMoults, ISayyerof1 & Turnbull,
J. G, BEENE, }ExlieuT'ons,
8.1f J, H, you/4G, f
.l) gamin Pon BALE,—Tho u ndorsignod lean
leased, from Mrs. Win. Shine, it Stone
prepared tolurnleh anyfquantity of Budding
and (Murex SbOno at a reasortabbi rate, -Per-
ilous intending bo build elloold remember
that I ORA cup 1y. all the Stone, m addition
to doing lbe Mason Work, W. F. KELLY,
BANI{E11S -:• 311050038
Transact a G'cnel'oi Banking
Notes to hand dl000uuted,
lateraltallowedon deposits repayable on
Prompt attention given t0 oolleotlono,
'RWW1917r FOR 0313.11.—Tho subscriber
offers his excellent 100 acre 'farm, being lot
12, eon,10, Grey, for sale, Tiara aro 80 acres
cleared and under crop, the balemoo timber-
ed with hardwood. Tnore is a stow a throning
house, frame barn and .tables , good orchard,
two voile and all the mummy Oolyonlono-
oe on the pisco, 'phi farm is boated 8
miles from the flourishing village of Brus-
sels. Por further ,eartlonlars as to ''[i,rico,
terms &o„ apply, on the premises, to J0111.1
VINCENT, 1'roprl etor, ti rueoels P. 0. 10.95
L' 01011111111t offers hie valuable 100 acro
farm:, being lot 3, con. 13, Grey Township,
Huron Co„ for sale. Tbero are about 75
acres cleared and In good heart. There is a
log hones, geed hank barn, bearing orchard,
and all the nsoeseary conveniences on tbo
premises. Por further particulars, se to
price, tome, ata, apply to the Proprietor,
PHOS. HISLOP, Clare P. C., N. W. T. or to
2-10 DCUGALD 8T10A010AN, Brussels
Pon awn.—Bonne lot 14, 000. 10, con-
taining 100 acres, It is partly cleared. the
balance well timbered, 4 never failing
moo crosses the placeandit ie well adapt•
ed for aitbor farming or grazing. I will like-
wise soil 30 maria, being oast part of lot 14
oon.15, nearly all cleared and in a good
state of cultivation. A good frame barn
with a good stone stable underneath a11,1 a
never falling woll is also on the plata. For
further ]particulars apply to the proprietor
on the a,lane. This lobe opposite tie oth-
er. GEORGE AVER V, Proprietor. 1-t1
JJLL eonmEn offers his excellent 125 acre
farm for sale, It iseituatodoo eon. 0,Grey
being lot 8' and west part of lot 0, There is
about 100 aoro0.cleared. The bnildings aro
good. Two bares with atone stabling, meas.
ure 45040 foot and 34x55 feet respectively.
There aro two frame dwelling houses, young
orchard of l5 sores, and all the convenien-
ces. Thereis a never -failing spring areas on
the place. Possession could be given at any
'time. The farm is 41 miles from Brussels
and is in a splendid locality, near to the
school, :Murata. &o. For price, terme, etc„
apply to. the Proprietor on theppremi5eo,
541 JOHN SMITH,Proprietoz.
411onBEI nrm forOR sale in CEhu
Township of Morrie in the County of H noon,
being south half of north half lots 25 & 20
and south hall of 25 in 5th con., 000taining
200 acres more or lose, 125 soros mostly
clear of stumpo and in a good state of eulti.
ration, There is a young bearing orchard ,a
good house and hank barn 05 x 50 feet with
stone stable underneath. The farm le situ-
ated within a mile of the Village of Brussels
and is a good farm for grain or stock rais-
ing as Itis watered with the river Maitland
and never falling spring creek. Posseseion
will be given at any time. Por further par-
ticulate apply on the premises or to A.131.
ROBERTSON, Brussels. P. 0. 0.tf
Parma B'o.- Seale,
Theeubeoriuero8orefoQ Salo hie valuable
Fermin the Township of Grey, aemprising
lots 8 and 7, con .11 in said township. This
farm contains 200neroe audio within it miles
from the thriving village of Brussels, with
good gravel roadleadiog thereto. About 150
0,0100 arc cleared, free from stumps audio a
high state of cultivation. The balance le
flatly wooded, This farm is pareioularly
wellfenced,nearly the whole of the fences
being straight and having been °rooted in
1805 and '88• On the promises there is a com-
fortablelog dwelling house and agoo dframo
barn with atone stabling underneath in
which there is a well with an abundant sup-
ply of excellent water. Thera is likewise a
new frame implement bonne, 403120, well
floored, above and below, and neatly sided
and painted. Perpartioulars apply to tbo
Proprietor, JAMES DIOESON,
Registrar, Huron 00,,
1tf3- Goderlob.
Executors' Notice.
All parties having claims against the IOs-
tate of the lata E.T. 91101,81031, of the Town-
ship of Gm, in the ()minty of Huron. who
died on or about the 7th day of May, A. D.
1887,are, on or before the 1st day of October,
1887, t0 send by post (prepaid) to either of
the undersigned their Christian and ern: -
mimeo, address and description, with full
particulars of their claims, a etatement of
their amounts and nature of their securities,
if any,held bytb em, and in default thereof
theywill b0 peremptorily excluded from
participating in the said estate, and we
hereby also 6ivo notice to all particle indebt-
ed to the said estate, whether by book a0•
count or otherwise, to pay the same to A. M.
StaBay or W. Mammon, on or beforetho
above mentioned date.
Dated in Grey thls 17th day of Aug.. '87.
A. M. MOKAY, Exzourons,
0.5 000 1
Industrial and Art Exhibition,
LONDON, C./LA/dial.
loth to 'fa 19cp131 'S7.
aro being Droyyided for tiro forthcoming Job.
ileo 18zbibttion at an estimated 0055 0f
i1A1,F A 111,LL10N 250111.3300 will bo tap.
resented by the Lave Stook display,
Grand. EXhibits in Painting, Statuary
The Committee on Attraotlol9 aro 1100 -
paring a splendid program. Bettor than
Sendy our addrose cn a postal earl for
oopyofthorrlreList, For all information
write t0 the $oerebary.
A, '77', 7.0rte, iillatei,EVEd553roown.,
Pnnalno0T, SIIMMTAny.
Y ► Tnn0, &a, Onfoo in Lealcio's block,
Brussels. Money to Loan,
• Garrow &Proudfoob, Gaderlch) Bo-
lio[tOr, Convoy:moor, dm. (Mee, Great's
block, Drossels. Money to loan.
.Li the fourth Division Court, Co, Herren,
Oonvoyanocr, Notary Public, Laud, Loan
and Insurance Agent. Punds invested and .
to loan. • 00.1eobiona made. Oiiloo in Gra-
ham's !Dock, Brussels.
J_, moved his otlloo 10 J. Harpreayeo'
Drug Store, ltosidenon on Milt Street
T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D., 0.
ty • M. L, R. O. P. Edinburgh, Pbysiolan,
Surgeon and A000m:her. Office, Mrs, Ohlol'e
block, Turnbcrry Street.
M. F. OALE, M. D., 0. M.
Mombe4oitho Oolleoo of Physicians and
Burgeons of Ontaaio by examination,
Moo andllosideuo—Main St. East, Ethel
I) ETN Tlk+T.R,Y.
G. L.Ball,L. D. S. Honor Graduate and
M.1i.0. D. S., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Prloso graded and as low
as good work can be done for.
Office over Johnston's Hardware Store,
Aa1DN'I 1ST.
W, T. Pear,L,D S.Graduate ofTo-
ronto School of Dentistry. All °por-
atione guaranteed. Ofnoo—Oady's
Block, Soaforth.
Artificial teeth, first Duality¢rand a
guaranteed tit, for $12.00 per set,
131C DirTI keel' .
M.a.RT=1,, x , a, S„
Honor Graduate o1 the Royal Oo11oggo of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nimes Oxm1
Gee administered for the pain,ees extrac-
tion of teeth.
OFEOCE.—Garlleld Block, 150018SEL6,
of Marriage Licences, 001100 at his
Grooery,T urnberry Street.
.53.o rlago Licenses, by appointment o1
Lieut: Goyernor Commissioner, &0., Q. B.
0anvsyeneer and Agent Fire Ineuranoo Co.
Offioo'at the Granto r:0k Post Ofllloo.
. Graduate of the Oeteri° Veterinary
Gallego has resumed the practise of John
Nott, V.B„ and is prepared to treat all dis-
oases ofdomoetiontod animals 011 ocientitic
andapproved principles. Treatment of dol-
ioato foals a specialty Ofiloe two floors
North of Bridge, Tulnberry street.
Babchor, thanking
his many customers for than:
liberal support in the past
wishes to inform them that at
his shop in Smale's block he keeps nothing
but first -ohms heats, all kinds of Poultry
and Sausage Meat Delivered to all parts of
the town free. Cash paid for Pat Stook,
Hides and sheepskins bought for trash.
90nlnEn offers for sale his valuable 100
acre farm, being lot 0, eon, 10, Grey, and
situated l} mites from Brussels. Tho place
will be sold with or without the Drop and on
0aay 00rms Possession will given at any
time. Ororiurther particulars as to prima,
terms, dm., apply to the proprietor 011 the
88.50 R. MaNAUGHTON, Brunets
P010 rums the following Properties in
Brussels at vary low figures :—Two Houma
and Lots. on 111111 Street West ono 10ouse
and lar ge Lot on MI11 Street Bast, Stable and
small Lot rear of Grant's Block, also a fine
Building Site on Main Street adioloing
bloo$,titlo porleot. J. It. 0011e1NT. e0 -
Royal Mail Steaffzslzsps.
SATr..47.11'01-,9- -
PROtr L1VE11P00L, 0T11A1mR. P11011 3117.EnE0.
Aug 18th Sarmatian Sept. 8th
Aug 25th..............afraa0aian........ Sept. 10111
0 . 1st Sardinian Sopt.22nd
Sept. Oth- Polynesian...,,.,,, Sept, Seth
Sept. 15th Parisian Oot. Oth
Sept. Mud 9=motion - Oat, 19tH
Sent. Both dimension Oet, Slat
Oct, 618 Sardinian Oat, 27th
Oct. 18th Myrmidon Noy. 4th
Oot.20th Parisian Nov.iOth
Oot. 2701 Sarmatian Nov. 1711.:
SteeragePassengersaro /reeked to and
from London, Quoonston,Derry ,Bslfastand
Glasgow at 00131e rates at Liverpool,
Rates of passage by the Mail Steamerefrom
Qeobooto Londonderry and Liverpool 0--
Oabin-.300, 872 and $80, Return -8110,
8130 and 5150, lntermodiato-$00, return
vee. Steerage -820, roburn, 540.
The last train mime -Una at Quebec with
the Mail Steamm'esailing from that port on
the Thursday,
las as Toronto o
e theWed
nasally morning, Who aat train e0nnootisywlth the Extra oL amena sailing on the Pr
doY, loaves Toronto onthe lhorsln morn.,
ing. For titlhOtb and every information alp
My to
J. Zl., GRANT,
AegvT, 731111801 a
11e :
111 1104
0i the;
i diol