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The Brussels Post, 1887-9-23, Page 6
---0F TILE ..__ East Huron Agricultural Society's Fakibition TO 137: HELD IN Brussels, on Thursday andFriday', October Gth, & 7th 1337,, HORSE S—HF.AY1 DRAUGHT. 1ST $9 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 22 00 8 00 Brood mare, having raised a foal in 1887, Horse colt, Mare colt, Two year old filly, Two year old gelding, Yearling filly, Yearling gelding, Heavy draught team, GENERAL PUIUPOSE. i3rood mare, having raised a foal in 1887, Horse colt, Mare colt, Two year old filly, Two year old gelding, One year old filly, One year old gelding, Span of general purpose horses, ROADSTERS. 8 00 2 00 2 00 200 2 00 2 00 2 00 8 00 tun $2 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 '2.00 .1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 . 1 50 1 50 2 00 Bao $1 00 1 00 * 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1.00 1 00 1 00 Brood mare, baying raised a foal in 1887, 8 00 2 00 Horse colt, 2 00 1 50 1 00 Mare colt, 2 00 1 50 1 00 Two year old filly, 2 00 1 50 'Two year old gelding, 2 '00 1 50 One year old filly, 1st, $2 bridle by L C. Richards, 1 50 One year old gelding, 2 00 1 50 Buggy horse. 9rd, $1 by P. Scott, 2 00 1 5 CARRIAGE -16 HANDS HIGH. Brood mare, 1st by F. C. Rogers, 2 00 1 50 Carriage or saddle,horee, 2nd, $1.50 whalebone whip by B. Dennis, 2 00 Carriage span, 3 00 2 00 THOROUGHBRED CATTLE—DURHAM. Milch cow, having calved since last show, 4 00 8 00 Two year old heifer, 2 00 1 50 One year old heifer, 2 00 1 50 1 00 Bull Calf, 2 00 1 50 Heifer calf, 2 00 1 50 NATIVE OR GRADE CATTLE. Cow, having calved since last show, 2 00 1 50 Two year old heifer, 2 00 1 50 One year old heifer, 2 00 1 50 Two year old steer, 2 00 1 50 One year old steer, 2 00 . 1 50 Steer calf, 2 00. , . 1 50 Heifer calf, 2 00 1 50 Fat cow or heifer, 2 00 1 50 Fat ox or steer, • 2 00 1 50 SHEEP—LE1OESTERS AND THEIR GRADE+"S. Aged ram, 1 50 Sbearling ram, 1 50 1 00 Ram lamb, 1 50 1 00 Pair of ewes having raised lambs in 1887, 1 50 1 00 Pair of shearling ewes, 1 50 * Pair of ewe lambs, 1 50 1 00 COTSWOLDS AND THEIR GRADES. 1 00 1. 00 1 00 1. 00 1 00 2 00 Aged ram, Shearling ram, Ram lamb, Pair of ewes liming raised lambs in 1887, Pair of shearling ewes, Pair of ewe lambs, 1 50 1 00 Pair of fat ewes or wethers, any breed or grade, 1 50 SOUTHDOWNS AND THEIR GRADES. Aged ram, 1 50 1 00 Shearling ram, 1 50 Ram lamb, 1 50 1 00 fair of ewes, having raised lambs in 1887. 1 50 1 00 Pair of shearling ewes, 1 50 1 00 Pair of ewe lambs, 1 50 * SHROPSHIRE DOWNS AND THEIR GRADES. Aged ram, 1 50 * Shearling ram, 1. 50 * Ram lamb, 1 50 1 00 Pair of ewes, having raised lambs in 1857, 1 50 1 00 Pair of shearling owes, 1 50 1.00 Pair of ewe lambs, 1 50 1 00 PIGS.—BERKSHIRE. Boar, over one year, 1 50 Boar, under one year, 1 50 1 00 Sow, having littered in 1887, 1 50 is sow, under one year, 1 50 1 00 1 50 * 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 SUFFOLKS. Boar, over one year, Boar, under one year, Sow, haying littered in 1887, Sow, under one year, CHESTER WHITES. Boar, over one year, Boar, under one year, Sow, having littered in 1887, Sow, under ono year, POULTRY. Pair of Guinea fowl, Pair of dark Brahmae, Pair of light Brahmae, Pair of black Spanish, Plymouth Rock, White Leghorn, Brown Leghorn Silver Spangled Homburgs, Black Homburgs, Pair of Polands, Pair of Bantams, Pair of Hondans, Pair of Dorkinge, Partridge .Cochins Wyandottee, Pair of bleak turkeys, Pair ant/bite' turkeys, Pair of bronze turkeys, Pair of buff geese, 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 50 0 1 60 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 060 025 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 60 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 60 25 50 25. 50 2r, 50 95 1 00 THE BRUSSELS POST Pair of white geese, Pair of gray geese, Pair of Pekin ducke, Pair of Muscovy (lecke, Pair of Aylesbury decks, P1tir of imported canaries Pair of Oauadiau bred canaries, Collection of fancy p3goone, Pair of pea fowl, IMPLEMENTS:. 'Wooden axle or patent arm wagon, One horse buggy, open Ono horse buggy, covered, Two 'torso baggy, open, Two horse buggy, covered, Pheeton buggy, Field roller, Iron harrows, Turnip seeffler, Fanning mill. Two horse cultivator, Turnip cutter, Paint), Wide furrow plow, Turnip seed drill, General purpose plow, Double mould board plow, Subsoil plow, Set doubletrees and neckyoke, Farm gate, Sat of horse shoos from hammer, Wheelbarrow, GRAIN. Two bushels White Fall .wheat, Two bushels Red Fall wheat, Two bushels spriug wheat, any other variety, Two bustiele spring wheat, Lost Nation, Two bushels barley, 2 rowed, Twa'busliels barley, 4 or 6 rowed, Two buslrele white oats, large, Two bushels white oats, small, Two buahela blank oats, Two bushels small peas, Two bushels large peas, One bushel timothy seed, FRUIT. HIf dozen Baldwins, Yellow Bellefiower, Winter Belleflower, Ben Davis, Fameuse, ,< Grimes Golden, King, of Tompkins Co., <, Mammoth Pippine, Northern Spies, Newton Pippins, Peck's Pleasant, Pomme Griee, Rambo, It. 1, Greenings, Russets Golden Seek no Further, Spitzenburg, Tolman Sweet, 20 oz. Pippins, Wagner, Ribaton Pippins, Colverb, Roxbury Russets, Alexander Duchess of Oldenburg, Fall Pippin, Hawthornden, Maiden's blush, Porter, Swear, St. Lawrence, Oheuango Strawberry, Beet collection of apples, greatest number 4 of each, Best 6 winter Pears, " 6 fall Pears, <' 2 dozen Plums, " 4 clusters of Grapes, " Half dozen Peaches, " 1 dozen Crabs, • 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 50 60 50 50 00 50 50 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 75 75 75 75 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 85 25 25 25 of varieties, 1 00 50 50 50 50 50 ROOTS AND HOED CROPS. Bushel Early Rose potatoes, Bushel White Elephant, Bushel Mammoth Pearl, Bushel Beauty of Hebron Bushel Late Rose, Bushel Eureka, Bushel Pearl of Savoy Bronze Ring, Bushel White Star, Bushel potatoes, any other variety, Six Swede turnips, Six turnips, any other variety, Six long field carrots, Belgian, Six Altringhatn carrots, Six Scarlet Nantes, Six Early Horn carrots, Six long blood beets, Six blood turnip beets, Six white sugar beets, Six parsnips, Six mangel worsels, long red, Six. Yellow Globo mange's, Six Red Globe mange's, Six Long Yellow mange's, VEGETABLES. 12 onions, from seed, red, 12 onions, from seed, Yellow Danvers, 12 onions, from seed, Giant Rocca, 12 onions, from tau sets, 12 onions, from Dutch sets, let by George Bader, 1 60 Ono quart of top onions, seta, 50 Ono quart Dutch sets, One gallon potato onions, Six ears of corn, Yellow Canada, Six ears of corn, White Flint, Collection (Acorn, named varieties, Four heads of winter cabbage. Four heads of curled Savoy, Four treads Red Pickling cabbage, Two heads Cauliflower, Pumpkin, Squash, 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 t Colleetiou of garden prodnoe, 25 , One dozen tomatoes, largo, 25 Oue dozen plum or cherry tomatoes, 25 Quart of bettor beans, 25 Quart of white beans, 25 Quart of any other variety of beans, 25 Two citrons, round etripeil, 25 Two citrons, long Californian, 25 Three water melons, 'iliruo musk melons, Three encumbers, fit for table use, 6 plan's celery, white, 6 plonle eelerv, pints, 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 00 50 50 50 50 20 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 50 25 25 25 25 24 25 50 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 25 50 26 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 • 50 25 50 95 50 25. 25 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 60 25 1 00 50 60 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 t$x1'T. 23, 18b7, 1 00 50 50 25 00 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 26 60 25 50 25 "u0 25 50 25 DAIRY PIIODUUE. Twenty five uonnde 1 ab butter homo made, lst prize, lamp worth $'2.50, by B.Gorry ; 211d prize by Str.,chan Bros., $2 worth of goods ; 8rc1 prize by R. Leatherdale, $1.50 in goods ; 4th, $1.0Q.; 5113, 750. Five pounds of table butter, let prize by Ii. [tial- eolui, fauoy etand tvurtli $2,50 ; 8n5, by A. McKay ,4 0o., 1 set of knives and forks, worth $2 8rd, by A. Good, te fine pair elippere, worth $1.00 ; 4th, 75e. ; 5th, 500. 60 pounds creamery butter, 2 00 1 00 50 pounds faetory cheese, 2 00 1 00. 10 rounds home made cheese, 1 00 50 DOMESTIC MAN(TACIT URIES. Ten yards of flannel, 75 50 Pair of blankets, 75 50 Oountorpane, 75 50 Skein yarn, home epun, 75 50 Gentleman's snit, Canadian tweed, 1. 00 75 Ten pounds inaple eager, 50 25 Quart of maple molassee, 50 25 Hooey, comb, 50 26 Honey, eiraiued or extracbed, 50 25 One bottle of grape wine, 50 25 Rhubarb wine, 50 25 Tomato wine, - 50 25 Strawberry V,. lin, 50 25 Elderberry wino, 50 25 Tomato ketchup, 50 25 Loaf of baker's bread, .. 75 50 Loaf of home trade bread, 75 50 Collection of canned fruits in glass jars, 75 60 MANUFACTURIE S. Collection of leather by the manufacturer, 1 50 1 00 Double sot of farm harness, 2 00 1 50 Single buggy harness, 1 50 1 00 Saddle and bridle, 1 00 50 Pair of fine beote, 75 50 Pair of coarse boots, 75 50 Spinning wheel, 75 50 Reel, 75 50 Axe handle, 50 25 Collection of tiuware, 12 pieces, 1 00 50 Specimens of cooper work, 2 pieces, viz. :—churu, pork barrel, and washtub, 1 00 50 Panel door, 1 00 50 Rustic work, 1 00 50 Picture frames, 1 00 50 Flower stand. 1 00 50 Collection of shelf hardware, 1 00 50 Paireof sashes, 50 25 Bost specimen of turner's work, 1 00 50 Beet specimen of joiner's work, 2 00 1 00 LADIES' WORK. Ariscene work, ' Applique work, Braiding, Berlin wool work, flat, Berlin wool work, raised, Berlin wool and bead work, Berlin wool flowers, Bead work, Bonnet, ' Berlin wool and Bill: flat, Oono work, °rowel work, Gard board sotto, Crotchet work, Darned not, Embroidery, cotton or muslin, Embroidery, on worsted, Embroidery, on silk, Fine ehirt, Fancy knitting in cotton Parley knitting in wool, Fancy flannel shirt Feather flowers, Feather stitching, Hair flowers, Specimen of lace, Lambrequin Berlin wool and beads, Lamp mat, Leather work, Pair of woolen mitts, Pair of woolen gloves, N, Patcettinghwork quilt, Log cabin quilt, Crotchet quilt, Tufted quilt, Fancy quilt, Knitted quilt, Rag mat, Shell work, Sofa pillow, Berlin wool flat, Sofa pillow, Berlin wool raised, Sofa pillow, braided, , Sofa pillow, patchwork, Pair of stockings, woolen, Pair of stockings, cotton, Pair of socks, woolen, Pair of socks, cotton, Seed wreath, Straw hat, '.fatting, Wax flowers, Wax fruit eolleoSon ; Wax shell collection, ' , INE Collection of photographs, and FferrotyApRTes, S, - 75 50 Collection o! enlarged photos,, 75 50 Collection of stuffed birds n naso, 75 50 Collection of stuffed animals, Pencil drawing, 75 50 Water color, (landscape) • j 7575 50 50 (CONTINUED 0S Plain 8.) 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 75 76 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50' 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50