HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-9-23, Page 2Ireatary of Churches and Soo chest 3ilu.vtra,a OiCL'1 '' _Sabbath Sorvioos at 11 a. eu, and 0::30 p. in. Sunday 0011011 at 2:130 p. In. Rev, John Ross, Ti. A-, pastor, ICvax gn 30 , in etbSundayath rvices at 11 School at 0: 0 .:n 0;30 v. 2:80p.r 1 1ClI pastor.S.Jene9, ST. Jim:es Cncncn,—Sbbatle Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School et 0:30 a.m. Rev. W. T. C1uff, incumbent. Ma.'rnel,10r Cutocu.—Sabbath Services vday at 10;30 it. in. and 0:30 p• School at 2:30 p. m. Rev. M. Swann, pastor. Ro11:1.y C.1T1ioLIa 0111111011.—Sabbath •Servide third Sunday in every month, at 11 a.m. Rov, P. J. Shea, priest. Opp FELtmrs' LofieA every Thursday evening, in Graham's block, MAsoxra Londa Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A. O. U • W. LODGE 011 1St and 3rd Mon- day evenings of each mouth. FOmasrsa'r Loves 2nd.andlast Monday evenings of each month, in Smale'0 hall. L. 0. L, 1st Monday In every month, in Orange Moll. POST °MMMCE.—Mee hours from 8 a.m• 7:30 p.m. MEC1.4141iae' I.l`al'ITGTit, Reading Room and Library, in Holmes' block, will be open from Oto 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Lib- rarian. Vetriettiere. The best kind of a lawyer : One who can 'pull proofs,' She: Why, your friend George has crape on hisbat t Is be in mourn- ing ? He : Yes. His uncle has just recovered. 'Why Employ floaters, Consult a doctor, fora 6 or 6 oz. bottle of medicine 91• -consult your druggist and be will gtvo you a16 oz. bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Oure for Al, and a valuable Beeipe Bock free. A New York dudino accompanied by a pug applied at the ticket office of a country railroad station—Am I required to purchased a dog ticket? 05, no, you can travel as an or- dinary passenger. My friend, said a temperance lec- turer, lowering his voice to an im• preseive whisper, if all the grog. shops were at the bottom of the sea, what would be the result ? And the answer came : Lots of people would get drowned. The best regulators for the stomach and bowels, the best cure for biliousness. seek headache, indigestion, and ell affections arising from a disordered liver, are without exooptiou Johnson's Tonic Liver Pills. Small in size, sugar coated, mild, yet ef- fective.I Sold L G. A Dead Said a sharp attorney to a rum- bling witness; Now you utuet give exptieit. and exact answers, You said you drove a mill: wagon, did you not ? No, Sir, I didn't. Don't you drive a milk wagon ? 1 o, sir. Alla 1 What do you do, sir? 1 drive a hoes, 91r. The principal of an Academy in New Jersey advertises in the pity papers that he prepares boys for bus, or ool. Backward boys taught pri. If you have a boy who is a little slow in his gram. or dilator, in his Pith. or weak in his Let, that you want to run for a bus. pods)]. or a profesh., you should write a let. to the prino. of this acad. for a (tiro. and a cat. containing terms curric. The prof's head is level. Profitable life. Pow 111011 bap0 0ocomplished 8710 same 00100110 of work and good 011 this world as the celebrated Dr. Obese. Over 600,006 of his works have boon sold in Canada alone. Wo want ovary person troubled with Kidney Oomplaiat. Dyepepsitl, Headache, y Urinary Troubles. to sail in at your drug- (llure,16'wi13et00Sou MeDdlal Chase's lmilia Book 51.00. How ie it that you charge me fifty cents for this little pinch of blear• bouate of soda. when you gave me three times as much for ten cents, yesterday? Druggist : We are fit - ling a prescription to•dsy. Sup- pose we are going to translate Latin for nothing ? My dear sir, you don't beets to appreciate what it costs to obtain a classical education. Rold on I I've given you oxalic aoic. That boy's always shifting them bottles around. Not a Book Agent. hr. Deadman, Druggist, le not a book agent, but has the agency in Brueseis 10s Johnson's Toaio Bitters, which he eau hoortay recommend for any complaint to his valn bletmedi ane has been ,e d with most astonishingly good results in casae of gener- al debility, weaknose,irregularitie0 peculiar to females, extreme paleness, impoverish- ment of the blood, stomach and liver eral waimoont feelliof png that nearand ly every that one is troubled with at some part of the year. Don't forget the name, Johnson's Tonic Bitters,l0s.and 811 er bottle at Deadmail's drug store, Brussels. Mr. Jones was dancing his little eon on his knees, wheu the boy looking up into his father's fade, said. Pa, do you know what I want next Ohritsmae ? No, my son, I don't know what you want next Christmas. Well, 1'11 tell you, pa, but you mue'nt tell anybody; I want another mamma. Why '1'om- rny, why do you want another THE BRUSSELS POST Qr it °,encs+ 1( (triter, Money to Loan, slier CARR] .AGEi7 �. 1i0ML$IC1C. Foolish bootie baud to make fools of their readers, it truth well illus- trated by the following pioturo, which we commend to boys who are beginning to hanker after lives of adveuturo. Experienoe is a hard schoolmaster, and it is advisable to get such lessons, ae far as possible, at second hand. "By others' faults wise men eorreot their own." A little fellow, not over twelve years old, wee eitting behind a box at the Ointtba depot the other morn- ing, (trying softly and looking very dirty and forlorn. "What's the matter ?" we asked. "Haint nothiu' the matter," he said defiantly. sitting up straight, hastily brushing away his tears, and pushing back his jacket a little so Ag t0 display the mantle of all old revolver in his pocket. Tlien he looked off noross the river at tho strange buildings, and lost his bran. ery, and buried his head again and sobbed through his tears : '0 mister, I've been a•ruuin' away, en' I want to go home 1' "What made you nut away ?" "I thought it would be nioe, but it haiut, no, it taint," and he rooted his face in his Ilande and looked the picture of woe. "Dick Dagger bad a heap o' fun, but 1 haint had a bit." "Who was Dick Dagger." "Didn't you ever hear o' him ? He was the boyscouto(tlle Bookies, an' I wanted to be like him. There haint Indians what'll hurt a feller round here, is there 2" "I wouldn't shoot 'em if there was, Dick allot 'am, hut I don't want to. I want to get back home, but mebbe I never will," and once more his :care flowed. "Where did you live 2" "011, I lived down at Mariou, in Illinois, and it just killed me riding in that old freigllt•oar; and I hurt my knee, an' I'm cold, and haint had 110 breakfast nor eupper, neither. I wish I'd never heard of Dick—I don't see how he got along so well— aud if I ever get home agaiu, and see my—my—my—ma"—but the thought of hie mother was too much for him. "I don't want to hunt Indians, or bears, or nothiu', nor rescue no maidens, an' I'm tired of that old thing 1" and he pulled a rusty re- volver out of hit pocket that hadn't been fired for ten years, and threw it across the track. "Please, inns. ter, get me something to eat, an' I'll work all day for you," and ho looked up pitifully, and straighten• ed his little cap on his eurly head. We took him along, and he ate three or four meals in one, but oven after that he didn't say 0 word about exterminating the Indians. Tho next day a grave -looking father ar- rived, looking for a very homesick boy, and they went back together. So the Government lost another scout, but an anxious mother got back a boy, who will never run away again. bb:lrl:rsee. wenn, Mr. R. Walker, of Waterford, says :— "Dyspepsia has been my wife's trouble for a long time past, and she has suffered greatly with it ; but, thanks to Dr. Car- son's Stomach Bitters, she is eomplotely cured. It acted very Wooly, and did not sicken or gripe her while taking it. If people only knew about the Carson Stom- ach Bitters there would not be so much suffering in the world." man, 38ots. a bottle. u y . you on, this one man,Brulsels. mother ? Why, y Now, Abs'lum, I'e bought yo a never leaves the key in the pantry new hat, en', min', if ye' wail it out door, and if I had A new ono pet - die summah, yo' kain't bah'nudder. haps she would have more oonfi- Rin 1 wall it In de house ? No ; deuce in mo, course yo kain't. Wal, den, gran. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. if I mus's t wall my hat in do house an' if I linin't wah it out, To cure seed warts rub with bak• what 1 given to wah it ? ing soda. It is u sure cure. SURE PROTECTION. can be kept wrapped in The maintenance of a healthy state of the system is the surest protection against paper and packed in a barrel of disease ; experience has shown that by the ashes. woof Dr. Cersou'BStomach and Coustipa- It is best to buy raisins in small tion Bittern, a perfect state ui health eau bogmS, as they are injured by time. be assured. It frees aha system from all Far raspberry stains A mixture of impurities, cleanses and purifies the blood. Por sale by all Druggists at 50ets. weal{ ammonia and water is best. a bottle. For quinsy use mulleu leaves A young man politely offered his steeped in milli. Apply hot and seat in a street oar to au old gantic often. man, and the went and stood un a Wash out oil stains 013 clothes in on the platform. I am glad to see, cold water ; ink stains dip in milk. sir, said a fellow passenger, a young For coffee stains put thick gly• man litre you pay that roepect and cerins on the wrong gide and waah deference to old ago, which it shonld out in lukewarm water. always command. Yes, sir, replied A. severe hub euro cure for corns the youth, that old codger is worli is said to be creosote. Wet the $1,000,000. corns several nights in suceeesion. newness. rein noir, Ce. Dusting cloths must be washed Those who aro bald, who have gray or thin hair, or who aro troubled with dandruff often or they will carry more dirt should invest in a bottle of Dr. Dorenweu,l'e "hair Magic." II is the 01)est preparation into the rooms than they take out. for the hair and scalp now in use. Itis rap. Ammonia and whiting will clean idly eup000047ng all other hair tonlos. It stops falling, restores, the original odor to nickel dilating nicely. lltake into gray hair and Por baldness, where thorn are a paste and apply ; then rub until the [slightest possible roots, it will produce a ane growth of hair. Do not ,tet until too bright wibh another cloth. late but get a bottle at once, G. A. Dead- `Yellow furniture that has not man and J. Hargreaves iC Co., Agents, Brua- tuds, been stained or painted can bo 001. Whopper : Sall, 1n 700r washed with salt aud water and a paper of yesterday morning you re- brush ; dry thoroughly before es• ferrel to me as a badly -scared veto- posing to the duet. ran. You promised to correct the Clean brasses nu mahogany or error this morning. Editor: Well, other furuiture by rubbing with it is all right in this morning's chamois akin dipped 1a either pow- paper, ain't it ? Ool. no, gall, it dared whiting or rotten stone mix. now reade that I am a 'bottle• ed with e,veet oil. scarred veteran.' Now, cab, if you To prevent a felon, take a cup make one more correlation, Ell hold of cold water, put into it a teaspoon. yen personally responsible, sat, fel of ealeratus, set it on the stove ; MILD. A131300T, 21 Adelaide Street West. ut the fin gee threatened with the Toronto, writes:—"For a long time I have p been troubled with a disordered Stomach, felon into the cold water and keep and at last I got so bad that I was ocm- it there until it is so hot you tau• polled to quit work, and for days 1 could not bear it, and the felon is killed. ' neither eat nor sleep, and the pain in my Fresh menta aud game should al- ined was most intense, I was induced to try a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bit- ways he kept in Cl. dry, pool place, tore. After taking three dozes I was al- but not whore milk and butter are most oompletoly restored Is health, My kept ; the latter, being rapid ab- appetite came batik; the racking headache sorbents, will goon be injured in was gone, and I never slept sounder in my Savoy if allowed to remain in the life." A lady, who had recently lost her same small enclosure with meat or husband, and a friend wore eating vegetables, dinner together at the reeidenee of To clean sliver, moisten some the latter. 1 sympathize with you very finely pulverized whiting with from the bottom of my heart in spirits of hartshorn, rub the silver your great sorrow, Said the friend. with it, let it clry, then rub off with It must be terrible to lose such a a soft cloth and polish with chamois man. Ali, ins, yes, sighed the Widow. It is only the hope of 00on meeting him in a bettor land that gives me courage and desire to live. Money to Loan on Forum Pro- perty, at LOWEST RATES. PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS W. B, DICKSON, Solicitor, Brussels, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or 'Village Pro- perty, at 6 d 611 Per Cent. Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying wbou required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. URON AND BRUCE Loan &investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at LownsT BATES OF INTEREST. Mortgages Purchased. SAYINGS BANS BRANCH. A nice ttss0l'tulent of Baby Car- riages on ]Exhibition at IL Dennis', where yeti call also got a Splendid Trunk, Handy Valise, or Satchel at a Low Price. Full lines of Light and Heavy Whips, Combs, 13rushos, &cc. in stock. 8, 4, and 5 per cent. interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time let. 10.06661510011111.11.0000121> 101111,0130.00101010 BT 1Y'I�I Woolen Mill. OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, (+ode- r1C11. Horace Horton, MANAGER. EEUXIMALleit I HERE WE ARE AGAIN Ire Leacl Lal Nero. Follow. H. DENNIS, Sign of Big Scotch Collar. After another long winter and lots of op- position I am still alive and in a better position than ever to attend to the wants of the Public, leaving just .Removed to the Stole South of J. Buyer's Carriage Worles. B. Forsyth c5 Son, formerly of the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, bog to inform the Farmers in this vi- cinity that they have Now in Op- eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth, and hope that by adhering to their old plan of making noth- ing but Sound, Durable Goods and trust that by so doing to meet a liberal patronage. CUSTOM WORK of all kinds promptly and care- fully attended to. The HIGHEST PRICE paid for 'Wool in Exchange for Tweeds, Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etc. Steady Employment to Good 11Idfl. None need be Idle. Previous Experience not essential. We pay either Salary or Com- mission. 100 Ion Wanted To Canvas for the Salo of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. I am prepared to Execute all Orders Proiltjitly. GRAINING, GILDING, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTING in all its branches. a lf:NINGS SHOP B.T ENDS ! Dorso Up in Style. leather. To clean silver plate, A9rial Solicited 1 moisten the whiting with met oil and proceed 00 above. If well done Satisfactio92 Guaranteed I the silver will keep clean a long time. R. Forsyth & Son. PAPER HAliGiNG a Specialty. Win. Roddick. SEPT. 23, 1887. WOOL A ny Quantity of Wool Wanted •--AT TI11(1 BRUSSELS- -Woolen Mill. The Foothill Nurseries, Largest in Canada, Over 400 Acres. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class References, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work. ADDRESS Stone & Wellington, tWttrser finen, Toronto, O,et. PAY YOUR DEBTS. MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE —AOn— COLLECTING ASSOCIATION —1)021(0 Tinsm ane rt.`— CANADA AND UNITED STATES. —wag- 57ST.A.mI.,TS1.iSE1L ZIT atem , T. FLETCHER, Highest Market Por Paid in exchange for fine Tweeds, coarse TweedsCheck Flannels, in all wool antiunion, Grey Flan- nels, and Blankets. Also Shoot- ing, in both Gray and White, flue and coarse Yarn, &c., of which I have a good supply Ji OW ON TI4JV'D• Practical 'Watchmaker d; Jeweller Thanking the Publio for poet favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage. We aro opening out fulllines in Having for its object to oolloot from all that is possible to nolloct from, then pub- lish the names of all that cannot or will not payw711ah11etiesuppliod tooverymembor of tltoAgooniation througbout Canada and United Maths. Thal membership now num• boring many thousands, and is aokuowlodg• edLT all to be the moat powerful orgauis- @tion 10 existence for tho COLLECTION OF DEBTS, Having OVor e00 Established Agencies. Sletnhersbll, tree i 1st year Mile; 'turf year :l7 60 1 srtt year 35, If renewed With- in 1 taonth after membership cxplree, And upon reoelpt of which, Oorti00ato o1 gotidaswithcomrl085Blnttractions rsupply tieing Agaoalatiou will be sent. fiend for teat, mon- 1als, .5, 11(a1 int, 1111.:,x .1, uo, 0fpr'o, I3o.rmiltozr., Ora.t, Gold and Silver Watches, Silver Plated Ware from established and reliable makers, fully warranted by 08. Clocks of the Iota designs. I am prepared to do all kinds of manufacturing, such as ROLL CARDING, SPINNING, WEAVING, TWISTING, COLORING, FULLING, i&o. Jewelry : Wedding Rings, Ladies Gem Rings, ]3roaebcs, Borings, dm. Also have in stock a full lino orTiolins and Violin Strings, Pipes, &Co. tS N.B.—Isenorof MarriagoLioenses T. Fletcher. !ATM, COCKS AND JD 'DLRY. tittali"�.; Satisfaction Guaranteedo All kinds of Knitted Goods Made to Order. Give Me a Call before dispos- ing of your Wool elsewhere. Yours truly, GEO. HOWE. NEW FIRM ! Robert Matticc, of St. Themes, and W. Johnston, of Salem, de- sire to inform the Public gener- ally that they have formed a co -partnership, and have leased the blacksmith shop from lar. John Wynn, lately occupied by John Alexander, where they will be prepared to do all finds of If you want your watch put in good running order go to TONES, THE WATCHMAKER, Dealer in Ladies' and Gont's solid Gold and Silver Watches, Cliff Buttons Brosahss, Ear -rings, Gent's phis, roll plate vest chains and Necklets, He has alae a nice stook of WALNUT; SICKLE AND FANCX CLOOXS, in fact everything that is Relit hi a brat. chase jewelry store. t^ -r Special nttoittloh given to the re- pairing of %'Vetches. Satisfaction guars aliteed. Jas. Jones, Queen's Hotel Block. BLACKSMITHING. Plows, Wagons, Carriages, &c. made or repaired. Horsesl'loeing A Specialty. Interfering, over -reaching and flat footed horses treated with tho best results. Wo have had 20 years experience in dealing with these diseases of the feet and have worked in'tho leading holes - shoeing' shops in Canada and the United States. We aro prepared to, temper Stone Hammers, or any edged tools. Please give Us a Cali. Shop near the Town Hall, op- posite Beattie's Livery Stable. Repairing promptly attended to. MATTICE & JOH STON, Proprietor