HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-9-16, Page 88
Sm'T. 16
Ia the best and healthiest
sweet known,
And at 10 manta per pound will compare
for cheapness with other sweets. It is
said that honey—.unlike sugar—requires
no labor on the part of the liver to pass
it through the system and therefore coo,
mends itself to all, but especially those
who aro biliously inclined. It should be
found on tho breakfast table of every
family in the land, We guarantee ours
.Pure and of the best Quality.
Druggist and Apiarist, Prussels, Ont.
serTNE0N EXTENSION, W. G. it 11.11.
Trn ins leave Brussels Station, north and
South se farms:—
Going South. Poing truth.
liaA .....,7:0] a.00.lU 1Tr.d +1.0
Express 1i ,0 0.100, I Me17 . ep.m
Mixed 45 p,m JFcr rr. ".menu
`�`�l 111
,,ota �le�'s ltc S.
A chiefs among 3•e tat:iu' notes
An' faith he'll preut it.
SHnIGLEs for sale at Ament Brea.
6 BARS Electric Soap for 25c. A. Goon.
BREVE MoCnaozaN is away at Toronto.
TORT what I was looking for at Strachan
Ste bars of Electric soap for 25 Dents,
at Thomson's. 50.
MRS. LONG, of Ripley, was visiting her
con last week.
SPICES and Vinegar, pure and cheap.
8 AaAx Gobn,
Jam. LEE, of St. Marys, is enjoying a
holiday at R. Sparline's.
COOPER 4% SMITH'S Boots & Shoes at
Strachan Bros..
MRs. MCINTYRE and two children, of
Mitchell were visiting at Adam Mulhol.
land's this week.
MRs. Sites Cox and Mrs. Chas. Craw-
ford and son, of Lakefield, are visiting ab
Mrs. Thos. Dunford's this week.
Roza. 1)Ewsow captured an owl fn a lo-
cust tree on John street last week. He
knocked it out of the tree with a stone.
FoB the largest stock and best value in
Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, go to
Thomson's. 50.
GEO. LOVE'S new advt. came to hand
too late for this issue. He is pushing the
Raymond sewing machine with a ven-
R. LEATHEIODALE is at Toronto this
week attending the Undertaker's Conven-
tion, also the lectures on embalming at
the Toronto School Medicine.
Lax ALEXANDER was seriously hurt
while riding in T. Fletcher's wagon, last
Monday, by being thrown out of the
rig. An ugly gash was out in kis
A snaring of the W. 0. T. U., will be
held in the basement of the Methodist
church on Saturday afternoon of 'this
week, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance
On Wednesday of this week our towns-
man T. S. Humphries Was united in
marriage to Miss Minnie Thompson, of
Hastings. THE Pose wishes the happy
couple prosperity.
Tan date of the Temperance Canyon.
tion at Clinton has been changed from
the 14th to the 20tH inst. There should
be a large turn -out. Rev. Jno. Smith. of
Toronto, and others are expected to ad-
dress the gathering.
JOSEPH CLEW and A. Dames shipped
three car loads of stook last Monday. A..
R. Robertson will take charge of the lot
in crossing the briny deep. He is getting
to be a regular old salt and hie voyages
have greatly benefitted his health.
Ova milliners have returned for the
Fall trade. Miss Green will hold. the
fort at F. C. Rogers' ; Miss Hood will res_
place Miss Lack at A.. R. Smith's ; Mrs.
'Alexander will continue to wait on her
customers. and Miss Smith will manage
the millinery department at the Garfield
House. hiss Lack has taken a position
in Soli's dry goods store in Harriston,
FnIE.-On Thursday night of last week
or early Friday morning the alarm of
fire was sounded in the westerly emotion
of the village. The fire was in the barn
and stables on the Amrstrong farm, but
the flames had got such a start that
nothing could be done but to keep the ad-
joining buildings from eatching fire. In
the barn was stored over 40 tons of bay,
10 acres of wheat and 10 acres of oats, a
self binder, rake, wagon, buggy and a lot
of small articles. There was a small
amount of insurance on the buildings and
contents. The wage of the fire le un.
Nome HunoN TEACHERS' INsrxrprE.—
The semi-annual meeting of the North
Huron Teachers' Institute will be held in
the Central School, Brussels, on Thurs-
day and Friday, Oct. 1311i and 14th, I88'i.
Tllefollowing program will be presented:
—1, Uniform Promotion Examinations,
introduced by W, E. Groves; 2, Written
Examinations, S. Y. Taylor ; 3, Interest
and Attention, F. D. Hutchison ; 4, How
to keep pupils constantly at work, R.
Hicks ; 6, Prime Factoring, J. Thomp-
son ; 6, The Teacher in Society, G.
Blackwell ; 7, Delegate's Report, A. M.
Burchill; 8, First steps in Writing,, Mies
Catley. Dr. McLellan will address the
mneeting on two subjects of interest to the
profession and will deliver a public leo.
ture on rThursdaytvening. J. Turnbull,
'Clinton ; D. M. Malloch, and O. Clark-
,ecst, Seaforth, have been appointed a
committee to deal with the questions sub•
witted in the question drawer. Question
must be sent to the first mentioned not
later than Oct. 6th. The answers will be
given an Friday morning. Baihvay cer-
tificates, entitling the holder to come
reduced fares, will be furnished on np-
plication to the Secretary, A. M. Burchill ,
SHINOLE9 for.sale et Ament Bros.
SuraoLr•.s for sale at Ament Bros.
MISS ADDIS VAxst0NE is visiting in To.
Gnaens, Peaches and Tomatoes, Adam
Good. 9
Sax the new Dress Goods et Straoban
AoAo Goon wants a numberof boys to
fly kites. Gond wage.. 9
Ex'TR& value in Pure Pickling Vine.
gars at Thomson's. 4 -
Coosa flge, 1113 box 10 cents at Coats'
i rSPENew York store. 10
CIAL Council mating next Monday
evening to stripe the rate for the year.
D0Nea00 0 Electric soap 5 sante a bar,
at Coat's grocery, New York store. 10
Mas, Jas. HAnsiaavgs, of Paisley, was
visiting friends in town fora few days
lass week.
Geo. Lovn visited the Industrial last
week and kept his weather eye open in
the machinery hall.
A PELEoATION from town attended the
Conservative Convention in Toronto on
Tuesday of this weok.
Mann 180 tickets were sold at Brus-
ecls station to persona attending the In-
dustrial Exhibition at Toronto.
Benz; eggs, potatoes and onions
wanted at Coats' Grocery, New York
store, will give the highest price. 10
Lost.—A pair of women's boots lost
between Brussels and 1Valton. Finder
will please leave them at TnE Pon Pub-
liebing House. 10
Fon the next 30 days we will sell ohina
tea sets at coat, to make room far our Pall
stooks. Come and see at Coats' grocery,
New York store. 10
LAST Tuesday Geo. Martin left Brus-
sels for the Dental College, Philadelphia,
where he has already pet in a term. Geo,
will get there because he's a worker.
JAS. Jonas and R. Barrett have leased
the owner store from Dr. Graham and
will run a partition through making a
jewelry store' and a tonsorial artist's de-
partnleut. It is a good situation.
Tne Mitchell Advertiser says :—Gorrie
beat Brussels at a game of base ball with
a score of $2 runs to 14 last week. No
wonder Brussels got beaten, for in the
Gerrie team there are 2 editors, 1 dentist,
1 druggidt and a University student ; all
they lack is a lawyer to be able to beat
the world.
Rev.' SAM JONES is billed to give three
lectures in London during the time of
the Western Fair, the 21st, 22nd and
23rd being the evenings selected. The
meetings will be held in the Princess
brick rink and the admission fee is only
25 cents. This will afford Brusselites an
opportunity of hearing this celebrated
NORTH'S Philadelphia Musical Journal
for September, is without exception the
bast number that ; has ever been issued
during the career of this most excellent
of musical journals. Among its contents
is a fine portrait and biographical sketch
of Herr Maurits Leefson, a musician who
recently located in this country, and is
probably the greatest pianist in America.
"The Raconteur" relates an interesting,
though concise history of America's Na.
tional and Popular songs: Louie 0. El-
son, the Boston critic, gives his expori-
enoe on a fishing expedition ; he certainly
writes an amusing and entertaining let.
ter, and trough the musical season, fur-
nishes most excellent articles on subjects
most interesting to members of themusi-
cal profession. There are other interest-
ing letters from the leading musical cen-
tres, editorial briefs, educational articles,
book reviews, a musical story, by George
D. Cox, entitled "The Trombone Player's,
Ruse," musioal news, foreign and domes.
tic, and many other instruotivo and es.
tertaining articles. It also contains four
choice compositions, viz. :—"Dannoing
Fairies Schottische," "Buds of Promise
March," "Sons le Saloon," and a vocal
selection, entitled, "Fair Mollie," making
sixteen );ages of the latest new music.
These pleas, if purchased at any music
store would cost $1.15. The price of the
Journal is only $1,b0 a year, Single copy
10 conte. Published by F. A. North de
Co., 1308 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
who announce that every subscriber to
their publication receives $2.00 worth of
music seleoted from their extensive list
as a premium, in addition to sixteen
pages of music which appear in every is.
sue. The Journal should he in every
home where music is admixed.
S010001OON Exnnnrrtoa.—A. Soioptioon
Exhibition will be given in the Metho-
dist church, on Tuesday evening of next
week commenoing at 7:80 o'clock, by A.
W. Struthers, of St. Tbomae, "The Life
of Christ" showing the principal events
in His life from His birth to His ascen-
sion, will form the leading part of the
program. The pictures are shown full
life size and the entertainment is pro-
nounced one of the best by both pulpit
and press. Rev, 0. E. Stafford, of Mit-
chell, formerly of Brussels, in speaking
of it says:' --On the evening of July 28th,
1887, Mr. Struthers of St. Thomas gave
one of leis fine Soioptioon Entertain-
ment: in the Main street Methodist
church, Mitchell. The audience was
large, and everyone present was highly
delighted and I think benefitted. The
soeneo in the life of the Saviour, as
shown upon the canvas, are such as can-
not fail to affect the heart and make a
deep impression ' on the mind. One
young person was so deeply affected by
the scenes illustrating the Saviour's pas.
sion, that on returning home after the
entertainment he sought and found
Christ, Mr. Struthers' exhibition ought
to be patronized by the people of this
land. (Signed) 0.E.STAPDORD, Pastor
Main street Methodist church. The
Aoton Free Press adds :—Tho Jubilee
entertainment, in the Methodist church
on Tuesday evening was quite a success.
The attendance was good and the exhi.
bition of an unusually excellent character.
The views, which were thrown on canvas
tweloe or fourteen feet in diameter, were
superior to anything of the kind hereto-
fore shown here. They embraoe all the
prinbipal savants in the life ofChrist,
from the manger to the resurrection and
aeconsion. They were invariably beset-
WM and impres5ivo,and the coloring
VMS rich and. attractive, The 'Rook of
Ages' and 'Simply to Thy Cross I Cling,
are crowning works of art. ,A. number of
views with revolvinglights and humorous
anbjecto were also exhibited. A seemed
visit by Mr. Struthers will bo hailed with
Suiwateca for sale at Ament Bros.
Neer the railroad meeting next Monday
in remembrance,
Wa,L give 'glassware at yonr own price
at Coats' grocery, Now York store. 10
Rev, MR, STRwAR'r, Of Belmore, will
preaoh in Knox church next Sabbath.
Came printed tea set very cheap at
Coats' groeory, New York store, 10
Caxacon sets, all new patterns, cheap
at Coats' grocery, New York store. 10
A tiptop stook of Bill heads, letter
and note heads, envelopes, statements,
monoernndunns, tags, etc„ kept always in
stools at Tire POST Publishing House.
C. c. It. Cheap Excursion to Winnipeg
and return fOr B25,00 Tuesday, Sept. 20,
Tickets good to ratnra until Oat. 90th,
For further particulars apply to Thee.
Fletcher, (0. I': at. Agent, Itrueeels.
JACOB SEuvres, of Woodstock,
mother to Mrs. F. S. Scott' of Brussels,
died on Monday of this wok, at the ad-
vanced age of 78 years. Tined uneral Was
on Wednesday, afternoon.
inIP you see anybody going around lifnp-
g or with a finger or thumb tied up you
need not ask what hurt them. They
played base ball last Tuesday. We've
been there and know how it goes.
J. A. CREIGHTON, station agent at this
place, expeots to have his well earned
holidays this week and will visit Hamil-
ton, Toronto, Montreal, Portland and
perhaps Boston. It will be a splendid
A New counterfeit Americans silver dol-
lar is in circulation. The lines of the
engraving are not at all sharp, like the
original, and the coin is notioeably thick-
er, the milling lines on she edge longer,
and the diameter slightly shorter. The
"5" in the word "pluribus" is noticeably
THE GREAT FAIR,—The Fifteenth West-
ern Fair to be held in London next week,
promises to be a groat suoaess ; the en-
tries are a long way in advance of last
year. There will be an immense exhibit
of horses; the management will be obliged
to provide further stabling to accommo-
date exhibitors. The new main building,
containing 26,000 feet, will be crowda4 to
its utmost capacity. The Superintend-
ent of Poultry states that the new pool
try building nest in the Dominion) will
not hold conveniently, the large exhibits
in thia department. The new and com-
modious hall provided for carriages, will
be two small for the large number of en-
tries in this department. The mam-
moth structure erected for the display of
agricultural machinery requiring power
and containing 15,000 feet is nearly all
taken up. The exhibit in sheep audbogs
also promise to be very fine. About $5,-
000 bee been expended in preparing a
new half -mile nonce track. A grand list
of attractions has been prepared, send
for program. Low rates have been ar-
ranged with 'all the railway companies,
especially for those going long distances.
With new grounds, new buildings, big
prizes and grand attractions, our readers
will find no better time to visit this, the
greatest Fair of the west.
BASE Bono. --A very memorable battle
was fought on the diamond on Victoria
Square on Tuesday afternoon, the con-
testants being nine married men who did
not belong to any base ball club, and
nine young men not members of any
base ball club. Where the fun calve in
was that a change of battery was ordered
for every innings. - The bachelors went
to bat first and scored 0 runs, A. Bans -
laugh pitching and Geo, Armstrong
catching. The benediots followed and
piled up 17, P. Jackson and R, Beatty
the battery. In the 2nd innings the
youngsters made 9 and repeated it in the
8rd innings in spite of all their opponents
could do. Geo. Armstrong and A. Bans -
laugh and H. Dennis and W. Nightin-
gale doing the fausy work as pitcher and
catcher in the two iunings. The old
codgers were not to be snuffed out that
way and by magnificent play made 13 in
their 2nd attempt but only got 4 in the
8rd. Jackson and Beattie retired from
their position in the and innings and in
the 3rd Ross McGurn and las. Turnbull
did the pitching and catching. The
snore now stood 34 to 27 in favor of the
married men. In the 4th and 5th bouts
the score of the bachelors was kept down
to 7 and 7, which totalled them 41. The
married men made 10 in the 4411 innings
which put them 8 ahead and as almost
everybody was fairly well tuckered out
they did not play their 5111. Muffs, over-
throws, passed balls, ogled halts and
tumbles were quite common and the
spectators were most enthusiastio. The
married men playing were A. Bauslaugh,
G. Armstrong, H. Dennis, W. Nightin-
sale, Sarni. Laird, D. A. Swale, E. Dun -
ford, E. Grundy and W. H. Herr. F.
W. O'Bris'n, captained the bachelors and
was supported by A. McKay, J. Dunford,
R. Beattie, A. Strachan, P. Jaokson, A.
R, Smith, J. Turnbull and B. McGurn.
Tho score by innings was :
Innings 1 2 3 4 5
Benediots, 17 18 4 10 x-44
Bachelors, 9 9 9 7 7-41
Jas. Ross umpired the game most sat
isfaotorily, although some of the married
men called "rats" at some of his "foul"
decisions toward the close of the game.
A monument has been erected at Ham.
ilton by the members of the Thirteenth
Band, in memory of their late comrade,
Albert Stares, the talented cornetist. Mr.
Stares was, at the time of his death,
leader of the Woodstock band.
While several young lads were out with
a gun at Markdale the other day a nephew
of Mr. Seargent had the misfortune to
got shot through the faoe. Tho bullet
rested in the back part of the bead, and
at last accounte hie life was in limminent
FEE,—In Brussels, on . adopt. 2nd, the
wife of Mr. T, N. Foe ofa son.
Vaiesrona,—In Bruesels, on Sept, 5th,
the wife of Mr. W. P.1'anstone of a
Huurnnras—Titou'P5ON. Ab the residence
of the bride's father; on the 14th'
haat., Mr. T. 8, l3ulnphries, of Brus-
sels, to Miss ;•Minoio Thompson, of
OeaaEv—Latour.—In`Grey, at the rosin
donne of the btlilo's parents, on the
14th inst., by ,Sion, D. B. MoRae,
Mr. James Oakley to Mies Jossio
Lamomt, both of Grey township.
Heo zaroN—Hann.—Ab 6110 residellee of
the bride's father, on the 14t11 inst.,
by Rev. M. Swann, Mr. Jas. Hamil-
ton,of Toronto, to Miss Ida, daugh-
ter of Mr. James Hall, of Grey town-
Srbirsoe—Bucrnuiuw.—At: the . reeidenoe
of the bride's father, Ohesloy. Lake,
Enloe Co., on Sept. 7111, by Bev. Jno,.
Moore, Mr. Thomas P. Simpson, of
Ethel, to Mise Tone, third daughter
of Peter Bartleman,
SEnvxce.—In Woodstock, on the 12tH
inst., Mrs. Jacob Service, egad 78
VANsrONE,—In Brnesols, on Sept. 5th,
tine infant slaughter of W. 15. Van -
It5cGun1 .—Ab Sb. Thomas, on the 12th
inst., Ethel, only daughter of David
McGuire, aged 5 years.
DANE,—In Gerrie on she 3rd inst., Win.
Alva, youngest son of Wm. Dltne,
nal 0 months and 15 days.
Certs.—In Ethel, on the 14th inst.,
Mary Ann, beloved wife of Francis
Coates, aged 32 years, 3 months and
13 days,
Av_vcsa01Y S.®-m.ssim.
Taullenai, SEPT. 22.—Farm implements
and furniture, on lot 10, con. 0, Grey.
Sale to commence to 1 o'clock. C. M.
Menarey, prop., A. Delgatty, Auot.
FRIDAY, Sam. 23.—Valuable farm,- 20
aures, being composed of part of south
part of lot 14, con. 10, Grey, and 20 abres
in Cranbrook, adjoining the other. Salo
at 2 o'olook p.m., on the promisee. J.
Hollinger, prop., A. Reymann, Aust,
Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 5-17.
East Wauanosh, Bclgrave, Oct, 4.
East Huron, Brasseis, Oot. 6 and 7.
Western Fair, London, Sept. 19-24.
Northern Fair, Wsllcerton, Oat. 1-7.
North Perth,' Stretford, Oot. 6 and 7.
Guelph Central, Guelph, Sept. 20-22.
Great Oentral, Hamilton, Sept. 26-80.
Wallace, of Listowel, Sept. 27 and 28.
Brantford Southern, Brantford,' Oat.
11 and 3,2.
Agr'): and Arts Association, Ottawa,
Septi 10-24.
..� $M0TYSS mI.S MARSin7TS. -'
1 all Wheat 75 80
Spring Wheat 75 78
Barley 45 50
Oats 27
Peasa ..,... 48
Butter, tubs and rolls.... 16
Eggs per dozen 15
Flour per barrel 4 50
Potatoes 50
Hay per ton 8 00
Hides per lb 5f 0
Salt per bbl., wholesale60
Sheep skins, scab 50
Wool, per lb 20
' 18
9 00
1 00
Fon stun at it bargela. For full par-
ticulars as to prioo, locution, oto., auply bo
W. 13. DICKSON,8-tf
Italian Bees for Sale Cheap. Apel?
to J. R. SMITH, at A. M. McNay & Co.'s Hard-
ware Store, Brussels. qti
• on Phomas Street, Brussels, 7 rooms,
largo cellar, stable and 8 sore of laud. Clear
deed given for $000. Apply to
rm7Nr1 between Brussels and Walton.
The owner can have it by proving property
and paying for Mile adyertieoment,
0- Pear PublishingHonso,
few splendtd, improved farms for
saloin the township of Greqy, Morrie and
Mo10113op, Apply to A. DL''LGATTY, 0o.
Auet1onanr,13r easels P. 0,
Farm near Brussels to rent, 00 urea
cleared, 00 acres under grass balance under
tillage, Apply to Brussels il, 0. or to the
undersigned at Ronald's Foundry, Brussels,
Ont. 5.4f JOHN 11150011)FOOT,
ciobtod to the tato firm of .Hrcyoroft
Bros. aro requested to call and settle she
same AT mum, The books may be found at
the store of Messrs. Hayoroft & Turnbull,
J.G. BREED,}'Exnoptoaa
8.ff J. H. Total G. f
JL..a. 5 Town Pon GALE.—The undersigned. has
10a5ed, from Mrs. Wm. Shine, a Stone
Quarry,for a number 01 years, rine is now
proper ed to furnish any quantity of Building
and ()Other Stone at reasonable rata, Per -
eons Intending to build. should remember
thatI own supply all the Stone, In addition
tb dote 511e Mason Work. W. P. MELLY,
8.88m Brunie.
V Tonneau. eau. Pon 9ALE,—The aubsoriber
offers hie exoollent 100 acre if arm, being lot
19, eon, 10, Grog, for Bale. There. are 80 awes
°leered awl under orop;tho balance timber-
ed with hardwood. There is %stone dwelling
house, frame barn and stables, good orchard,
two wells and all the nopossay convenienc-
es on the place, The farm is located 9
miles from the donrishing• village of Brus-
sels. For further &nartioulars ad to price
terms, &o, apply, on the,promises, to JOHN
V INCE Nm', Proprl (tor, B russet s P. 0. 10.9*
Voters' List, 1887.
Mnrnioipolit,I of the fotonship of 1tXo'ris tits
the County of Huron.
Nbtioe fa hereby given that I have' trans•
milted or delivered to the parsons mention.
ed in the 8rd and 4111 neaps of the "Voters'
Ltt1Arot," tho copies required by said section
to bo transmitted- or deliverer) of . the het
made pursuant to this Aot, of ,all Pereqqus ap-
j5oariug by the Int 'revieee, aeOeesmerlt' roll
of the aaid-wreak: "palfty, to bo ontftiod to
vote in tho dal dManig aliityyat olectlon5 for
tho Members of Um. .oglelativo Assembly
`and etMuniel1iM Iilbnbicno, and that the
teid List was first posted at my office, inthe
tolynsbin of Morrie on 'the 8111 of Sept, and
rommIns there for inepbat'i*. 'Miooters aro
Called Upon to examine thenafd List nod if
any omissions Or ethos onus aro found, to
take immodiato ptomaine sto have maid or.
rote oorr0otod aoanrding to lsw.
WM, bOLIMAN, Clerk,
Morrie, the Bap of Sept, 1887. 1142
60111001111 offers hie valuably 100 sore
farm, beteg lot 0, son, 13, 400y TownehiP,
Unroll 00„ for sale, There ate about 7s
08x09 cleared and In good heart, There is''a
log house, pod hank barn, bons ins orchard,
and all the nones00y senyenlonosa on the
promises, For Author partioulare, as to
Tprice, berme, 050, apply to the Proprietor,
HOS, HI8LOP, bhcre P 0., N. W. T,. or to
2-tt DOUOALD S''l(A0BAN, Brussels
Pon eALn.—ltolue lot 14, 0000. 16, con-
taming 100 aerse, It ie partly cleared, tho
butan=e well timbered. A never tailing
°rook crosses the plan and 1t is well adept
0d for either farming or grazing. I will like.
Wise 901140 acres, being east part of lot 14,
o00,10, nearly all cleared and in 0 good
stats of oultiv=tion. A good frame barn
with a good stone stable anclerneath and a
never failing well 30 aloe on tho place For
further particulars apply to the proprietor
on the place. This lot is opposite too oth-
er. GEORGE AVER X, Proprietor. 1-tf
R 80nln105 Oilers his excellent 1100 Aare
Surat for sale, Itle situated on eon. 0, Grayy,
being lot 8 and west part et lot 0, There is
about 100 notes °leered. The buildings aro
good, Two burns with steno stabling, moan•
ere 44xlO foot and 31055 feat. respectively,
There are two frame dwelling houses, young
orchard oft} acres,,aud all the oouveulen-
105. Thereto a nss'sr-falling spring 000030 011
the plass, Possession could bo given at any
time, Tho fer=n is 4t miles from Brussels
and Is in a splendid locality, near to the
school, ohuroh,. &a. For price, toms, etc„
apply to the Proprietor on thopramisee
U•tf JOHN SMITH, Proprio tot,
A drat -°lase farm for sale in the
Township. of Morris in the County of Huron,
beteg south half of north half lots 10 do 50
and south half of 10 in 3511 con., oontatuippg
_0d acres morn or loss, 125 acres Meetly
clear of stomps and in a good state of culti-
vation. There is a young bearing orchard,
good house and bank barn 00 x 00 foot with
atone stable underneath. The farm is situ.
aced within a mile of the Village of Brussels
mud is a good farm for grain or stook rais-
ing as Ms watered with the river Maitland
and never failing spring croak. Possession
will be given at any time. For further par-
ticulars apply on the promises or to A. Ai.
ROBERTSON, Brussels, P. O. B-tf
Farm For =talo.
The eubaoriner.offers for sale: hie valuable
Farm in the Township of Gray, comprising
lots O and 7, con .11 in said township. This
farce contains 200acresandis within 15 miles
from the thriving village of Brussels, with
g5odgravel road leading thereto. About 150
acres aro 015ar001, free from etnmp0 and In a
high state of bultivatioa. The balance Is
Rntly wooded, This farm is particularly
wellfeuoed,nearlytho whole of the tenon
being straight and having boon erected in
1885 aud'88. • Oa the premises there is 0 sore-
tortable log dwelling house and a goo dtram o
barn with stone stabling underneath in
which there is a well with an abundant sup-
ply of excellent water. There is likewise a
now frame implement house, 40x20,. wall
Aoored.above and below, and neatly sided
and painted. Forpartioulars apply to the
Proprietor, JAMES DIC1oSON,
Registrar, Huron 00.,
WS- - Goderiob.
Executors' Notice.
All parties having claims against the Es-
tate of tho late E.T. IMEttuor, of the Town-
ship of Gro), in the County of Huron. who
dlod.on or about the 7th day of May, A. D.
1507,aro, on or before the 1st day of October,
1887, to send by post (prepaid) to althea of
the undersigned their Oliziatian and sur-
names, address and description, with full
particulars of their claims, a statement of
their accounts and natureof their seagqrities,
if any, hold by them, and in default thereof
they will bo peremptorily excluded from
participating in the said astato, and won
hereby also Alva notice to all partiesiudebt-
od to the said estate, whether by book ac
oust or -otherwise, to pay the gamete 4, I11.
McKay or W. Shuman, on or before tho
above mentioned date,
5Detod in Grey this 17th day of Aug., '87.
A. 11L. MoB.AY, 1E.l'E001TOns.
0-t cot 1
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of Mann hi, 4. Mmwi, of the
Village of Ethel, in the County of Huron.
Nobble is hereby given that the above named
has made an assignment to me, uudor the
eroviai050 Of 011apter 20 Of 48 Victoria,
Ontario Statutes, of all her Estate and of
foots in trust for tho benefit of all her oremt-
nrs, 1 meeting o: the creditors of the acid
Estate is hereby convened and will ha bold
at the Law Office of Gibbons. MoNab do Mulk-
eru, ou Wednesday, tlid 14011 deli' of Sop tem -
her, A.D. 1807, at,1:90 o'olook in the after**,
for the appointment of Inspautore and 5110
giving of directions with reference to the &a -
pont of the said Estate. All oroditoro of the
said JC state are hereby required to Ale their
claims with my Oolloltore, Gibbons MoNab
& Mulkere,Lcudon, (as directed by the said
Statute)'ou or before the day of such meet -
tug, after Nov, 2,1887 I shall ptooeod to die -
tribute the said Estate having regard only
to snail claims a9.1 Oben have notice 01; and
I shall not be responsible . for the assets Of
the said Estate or any para thereof to any
person or 110x50015 Wteas Maim or shims
shall not havebeen filed,
0. 13. ARMSTRONG, Trustee,
GI1313 ON8, ai0NA13 & MIILli1911N,
Boltoftors for Trustbe, Lohdon,
Dated. Sept, 2nd, A, D. 1887. 0.2
Industrial lzfacl Art E.vhibitiog,
LONDON, • UN,11),d1
71Sat11 to 2 .L-t1,ic1pt.'&7.
are being provided for the fortboomingJob•
ileocErhibition at an estimated oost 61
BALE A M U l iOiI tepee iA,I33, will.: he rtip-
reaoutad;bythe rva Ottodkrdlsplay,
Grand ilxL1pi48 Sn,Plciudlpg,.Stotuary
'Vila Committee 010 ittrietidns aro' re -
paring a 0plend34 program,, Bettor than
Sent your adrlrOob on a 5001.51 card for
espy of the Prigs List, For all Information
write to she Boorotaty. .
A,'0707. }Porto, 8•1oo,S.n o,onms,
PxlsnnLecr. Snout:Taney,
Transact a General Banlatnq
Notes to ]land dismounted.
Interest allowed on dopoelbs repayable on
Prompt attention givou to eollsotiono.
i f x00015, &o, OOlco In Leckie's block,
Brussels. Money bo Loan,
• Garrow & Prondfoot, G'odoriah) 13o -
Hotter, Oonvoyaneer, dm, ()Moo, Grant's
blook, brussels, Money to loan,
the Fourth Division O our 6, Co. Huron,
Cnnvoyancsr, Notary Public, Land, Loan
and In00ranoe. Agent, Ponds invested aid
to loan, 00,looelone made. Moo 111 Gra-
ham's Blcolgl;ru8sols,
moved bis olfoe to J. Harpreaye,'
Drug Storo, • Jtosidonee on Mill Fbr000
T A. 7I4NAUGHTON, M. D., 0.
1f. L. It,0.P, Edinburgh, Physician,
Burgeon and Acoouohor. OOlco, Mrs, Shiel's
blook, Turnberry Street,
M. F. CALE, M. D., C. M.
Member of the College of Physio1a11s and
Surgeons of Ontaaio by examination.
OMce and llosiclono—Main St, East, Ethel
1:>EN TIST.R'y.
G. L. Ba3l,L, D. B„ Honor Graduate and
M. R. 0. D. S., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide
Gas adminletered. Prices graded and as low
as good work: eau bedone. for.
Office over ,Jollhsbon's Hardware Store,
1lEN7E Xt4T.
W,J.Fear,L.D S. Graduate of To-
ronto School of Dentistry. A11 °per-
atloee guaranteed. 08100—Oady's
Artificial tooth, first quality, anda
guaranteed At, for Stamper sot.
_, S.,
Honor Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Burgeons, Toronto. Nunn Oxmic
GAO adreinietorod for the pain,ess extrac-
tion of teeth.
OFFICE.—Carfleld Block, BRUSSELS.
of Marrlago Llomisos, Oilico at his
Glooery,Turnborry Strout•
,, riago 7.feonses, by appointment o1
Mout-Governor, Commissioner, an., Q. B.
Cenyoyaseor and A gout Fire Ineuranee Cc.
Oliioo at tho Cranbrook Poet Office.
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College has resumed the practio0 of John
Nott, V.B., awl is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of demestioated animals on ocientnfle
icate pfoals da 1130001 1;V 0810 two of del -
North 01 Bridge, Turuborry street.
Robert Cunningham
Guelph, Ontario.
Botcher, thanking
his many customers for their
liberal eup ort in the past
p s
wilaos to inform thaw that at
Ins bub first-class
ass moats,
kal ho keeps Poultry
but dmange Moo=te, 00 kinds 11 Poultry
and town free. O Delivered to all parte of
the town }see. Dash paid tor Fat Stook,
lades and sheepskins bought for nosh.
SCRIBER offers for Rale bis valuable 100
acre farm, being lot, 0, eon, 10, Gray, and
ettunbedli miles from Brussels. Tho place
will be sold with or without the crop and on
easy terms Posgcselon will be alum) at any
time Fori,trtbor pnrtionlars as to: prioo,
berms, &o.; apply to the proprietor en the
88.5m R. Mol4AUpHTON, Brussels
-11.. FOR sine the following Properties In
73rusoole at very low' figures ;—Two'Bonne
and Lots on Mill Street Wont, one House
andlarge Lot on 2,1311 Street East, Stable and
omall'Lot 1(111: of Grant's Block also a fine
Building Bite on Main Oiroe6, adaolning
block, title petted. .J. 30. GRANT., _,50-.
Royal' 'Mail Steamships.
51101I LIVERPOOL. seentmen, P11010010151000,
Atli/.181h Sarmatian Bopt, 851,
Aug, 11th. „Circassian Sept. lstb
Sept. let Sardinian' Sept, 010d
Bent. 8th Pol octan Sept, 130th
Sept. 10th Parisian Oat. 0th
Sept, 22nd Sarmatian Oot, 11th
Bent. 30511 ' Oirbaspia0 Oct, 21st
On. 0th ^ ` Sardinian Oct. 25th
Oot. 18th Polynesian NOy, 4111
Oot, 20th Parisian Nov10tb
Oct, 27th 'Sarmatian Nov. 17tH
Steerage Passbnge8o 'aro booked to and
from London, Queenston, Derry ,Bol fa at and
Glasgow at stone rates at Liver34001.
Raton 01 passage by the Mail Ellesmere from
QUebee t0 Lomlondorry and Llvokpdol:
.Capin -000; 570 rod 88q 111tnrn-0110,
$a,80 and 6280. Intermediate -,$g0, return.
530. Steerage -820, return, 540,
Tho last train Oonndotiug at q.osbaowith
the ]7ttial1 Steamers sailing from: that, port on
theThursllay, leaves Toronto on the Wed,
nesChy'morning Who last train connoting
with .tho :Bata Steamers soiling' on the Fri.
day, loaves Toronto on the Thursday moral,
fag, For tiokotoand eVary information apo
3110' to •
3, R. GRANT,