HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-9-16, Page 64 MULISH LN BNOLtND, WeU.KIIewI I't,b Us asuThey ere ialllellt' eA London correspondent of the Chicago Tribune says that "Eng, lish as ebo is spoke,' differs in so 'past fifteen years. Tins represents. many wars in England and Amer- only a fraction of the murders onht• press au others, steamed f, ice that a list of some of the priu• witted ou holplese Hindooe, The 13anlen's boethoneo wharf at 4:45 eipnl varying phrases should be of enforced widowhood of Hlndoo with the owner of the vessel at the use to new travellers and of interest women is alleged as the ctese Of 1heln1. Five loientes later the oarN • to the more sensible people v'bo these murders. The Ind0tu Wit• men got the word to go from the eta}' at home. ;boat of the more •nese says, "tile battle meet proceed, referee, O'Contlor got the start, imminent words and expressions The social earthquake must come.” He b1 dipped for his second stroke Bev. 3. inoullon, a 11.ealeynu before 11:IA11111'a 1)oet got away !roan missionary of scholarly attainments his flag, The water was compare - and unusual culture, among the alt tively smooth. The men settled twos of the Friendly Islands, estab. down directly and oommenoed to lished a college in which the flower pull a remarkably pretty race, Aurnrcee. Examine. of the Tongan youth are being eau- O'Connor maintaining the slight Railroad, Railroad, gated, and the influence of which ii ad%all tago Iia had gained over Ills Ticket utliee, Booking af)iee, felt throughout the whole populuti •u. oppollout at the start. For the Station agent, Station clerk, Cloak -room, kis. Moulton has also tranelltted the first half mile Hamm pulled 34 Baggage.room, Car, Carriage, New Testament, hymns, calaohieins, strokes and the Toronto oarsman '32 Baggage, Luggage,etc., into Tongan, and has found strokes to the minute. Wbou tho Baggage -car, Luggage -van, I the students quick and eutbueinetlo. referee's boat left the wharf the bet. Mail -car, Gu.....0 ' I .A. missionary in Eastern Bove], ting was even. Now it was 75 to Conductor. THE BRUSSELS POST ian Jews, fully 80,000 copies lieve tenet) easily diatingtusb'ed from the Brussels Lime Works beim used. Dartmouth luau, John llanlou'a A Brahmin in India has publish- little etetim h%nuolt, The Reseee, ed a tract on infanticide showing which curried the referee, Jim that the murder of 12,542 infanta Reopen,Iialnm`'1 backer, Joe, Thesnhnerll•erntatnttl; npp„rLunitY �t rSurno the fnhrt6ltnuts u! bas been made public during the Bogert', who bnokod the Toronto In„kGeenil;g antduvu1.o5nu,itty..rnr past pntro,nagu, 0ardman, represetltit tives Of the auabo(.trie'ate that l,nring mol sovsrnl •-, l n• 11,00 IA la now I kin, nu i n"nto ni horning 441: no n,a• In n 6514ar Vusltl5n 19TILL AHEAD. -which differ materially in the two countries are given below, beginning naturally with terms pertaining to travel and passing to those relating to the table dress etc. : Engineer, Fireman, Freight -car, Trunk, Valise, Satchel, Street ears, Hotel diuing.rcom, ]:levator, Crackers. Driver, while engaged in dolling books and Stoker, preaching, was roughly jostled by a Goods -van, crowd. Just at that time nn tile. Box, hunt driver nfdetl his ei.phout Portmanteau, p g Bag, Tramways, Coffee -room, Lift, Biscuits, Broil, Grill, Dessert, Sweets, Lettuce, celery, etc., Greens, Lemonade, Lemon squash, ' Croach, Cookroach, Pia plant, Rhubarb, Pulverized sugar, Sifted sugar, Pitcher, Jug, (Thicken, Fowl, Preserves, Conserves, Dress coat, Bodice,yoat, Vest, Suspenders, Braces, Gaiters, Boots, Boots, Top -boots, Overcoat, Top -coat, Pocketbook, Purse, Street oorner, Street turn, Curved street, Circus, Read of street, Street top, Foot of street, Bottom of street, Store, Shop, Druggist. Chemist, Coal, Coals, Public stable, Mews, The sands, . Sea beach, Casins, Pomp.room, Bathhouse, Bathing machine. There are any quantity of other phrases not so easily to classify. In America we can go to market to cater for the table, here they go as the case may be to the poulterer, fruiterer, butcher, green grocer, and fishmonger. They buy vegetables unknown to us, such as sea kale, vegetable marrow, eto., and cakes like the simnel, Yorkshire parkin, ormekirks, bunters' nuts, curled brands snaps, hot cross buns, maids of honor, and so on indefinitely. Many of these specialties are wholly obscure or intentionally misleading in their names, but what sort of moral character can you expect in a people who speak English, but .never ealt their butter ? Perhaps, however, their errors are of the head end not of the heart, and, like Capt. Corcoran in the old Greek drama of "Pinafore," they "mean well but don't know." Missions and Missionaries. Rev. Dr, B. G. Wilder has resign- ed the editorship of The Missionary Review, and will return to India as .a missionary without delay. Miss Lily Lyman, daughter of Mr, Theodore Lyman, Montreal, goes to Bombay as a missionary un• der the American Board of Missions. A Seminary for the Education of IYIissionaries among the Jews has been eetablisbed at Leipzig, under the personal direction of Professor Delitzscb, This is the eecond in- stitution of the hind in the world, the other being in London. Missionaries in India who cannot endure the fierce heat of the warm ;months on the plains are in the habit of visiting some native semi. Melina. Thus those in Central In- •dia go up to Kashmir. The mem- 'bars of the Telugu Mission have re- •oently secured a retreat at Coonoor, on the Nirgiri Hills. It is 6,000 feet above the sea and this elevation makes the air always cool and sweet. In this way the heavy expense of a return to America is saved. Twenty years ago Jacob Schein - mann, a Palish Jew, came to the conclusion, through independent thought, that the Nfessiah, the sun of David was the true Saviour. For this ho was transported to Siberia, where for fifteen years, almost un- heeded, he labored among his fellow exiles. He chanced to pick up a pamphlet by the eminent Rabinow• itz, with whom be at ones) commun. icated. Since that time he has been busy disseminating his views through pamphlets called "The Voice of One Crying in the 'Wilder. nese." Delitzech'e Hebrew trans- lation of the New Testament Id e]ng' oily read and studied by the Siher- 50 on O'Connor. Both ; m013 were polling under the disadvantage of having only one flag to mark the 0o11rse between the 'start and the through the crowd to where the tuffs- turn. There was a remarkable siouary stood, mad, causing the lack of interest in the race and the beast to kneel demi, asked the mis- , absence of pleasure boats that ns- slonary to mount it. This he did wallyheat in a great part of the course iu au exciting aequatio event did not tend to lessen this dised- vantage. Consequently Hamas steering was very faulty. When he got to within one hundred yards or to of the turning buoy he was twen- ty-five yards north of it and had to row in. O'Connor steered a better couree and turned the buoy several boat lengths ahead, of Hamm. Then followed a very pretty contest for the next half mile, dnriug which Hamm continued to gain on O'Con- nor, After two miles or a little more of the course had been cover- ed, Hamm was nearly even with O'Oonnor, but just after getting out of his water the Dartmouth oars- man crossed over and fouled O'Oon- nor, who had the south side of the course. O'Connor called foul and throw up his hand. Kamm alert threw up his hand, probably to indicate a fon.. Both men had stopped rowing. O'Connor started off again almost immediately, and was leading by half a dozen lengths when Hamm commenced to follow. O'Connor continued to gain, and confidence in his chances of euoeess went tip so rapidly that a bet of 100 to 60 in hie favor was made in the aeferee's boat. 'O'Connor steadily increased his lead and finished fully sixteen boat lengths ahead of Hamm in 20:16 minutes. Hamm did not continue after O'Connor passed the vinning point. O'Connor rowed up beside the referee's boat and called out "How's that referee ?" to which Dave Ward replied, "All right." Nir. Keenan was much dismayed. over the result of the race. He said : "Hamm has lost half a dozen races in just the same way aa he lest this one." The race was for $2,000 a gide. When O'Connor finished the race he was rowing 25 while Hamm was rowing 32 strokes to the minute. O'Connor has a fine, long, easy, swinging, steady stroke, into which he seems to throw the whole weight of his body. and from Ins position on the els• phenl's back sold over 170 portions of the 'Scriptures—more than he had done en any other day during his journey. The driver was 0 Mussulman, but he wanted to see fair play. Prof. Drummon, in a missionary meeting at Northfield, referred to cant in mission and other entorprie- es. On being asked by one of the students what be meant by cant, he said : "There is such a thing as the religion of a young man and there is euoil a thing as the religion of an old woman. Now, when a young man talks as if he had an old woman's religion, that is cant." The Missionary Review, published at Princeton, N. J., is perhaps the beet missionary magazine iu Amer- ica. Ito founder and editor, Rev. Dr. R. G. Wilder, wad for many years a missionary in India and has an intelligent acquaintance with mission work in all parts of the world. Dr. 1Vilder has resigned the editorship of the Review that he may spend the little strength and few yeare left in and for India. His wife and daughter, both devoted missionaries, go back to India with him. Dr. Wilder, although broken in health, hopes to be able to gather a native audience in his own house, help educate native converts, pas- tors and preachers and do some- thing in improving and increasing the Dlarattli literature. He ie a most devoted, courageous and her• oto missionary. Rev, W. H. Murray, a Presbyter- ian minister in Scotland, has made a most .important discovery of a method by which the thousands of blind people in Chino can readily learn to read by the use of about only 400 characters, It is propos- ed to use these blind readers as Bib- le readers to the Chinese, to whom it will be a marvellous thing that blind beggiars---in China the blind are always baggers—should become readers attracting crowds. The system of study has now been so -greatly improved as to en- able our missionaries m China to make as much progress in acquiring the Oiliness language in nine months as they formerly did in fir - teen, Dr. Milne, speaking of the difficulty in his day, eaid :—"To ac- quire the Chinese is a work for men with bodies of brass, lungs of steel, heads of oak, hands of spring steel, eyes of eagles, hearts of apostles, memories of angels and lives of Methuselahs." Hudson Taylor, speaking in Scotland recently, said : —"The acquisition of the language is no insuperable obstacle ; among the many who have gone out to China I have never known ono, male or female, who had absolutely failed iu mastering it, while most of them have gained a practical ac- quaintance with it in a compara- tively short time." The O'Connor -Hamm at Toronto. Race The debut of William O'Connor, of Toronto, as a professional single Bonller, in hie race with Albert Hamm, of Dartmouth, N.S., on Saturday afternoon, was fur him a most satisfactory one. Tho oars- men were called out by Referee Dave Ward about 4:30 p.m. Hamm appeared first in a Ruddick boat. FIe was dressed m blue and wore a blue cap O'Connor, who wee on than nvnr buola to 5u11' ly the 1'06110 with I11',11 1't 1x14 Lime. '1'1, i 1.,..1 0.4 t,,,- 11 It 4111 tit .. A, 111 cur 1"teiht 1II g4 111 11 len.I MAI laving given nt lnnfla t ,t xh<ti t ss. Lu-, thti 41118110 11 e,, 1.1, 1 111 t 1 tr,attuoeb and tl1',x111 ,,1.1.,LIVIn hint x Fil+ I t I„ 1t 141 a, nax 1 t the kiln, We ale bol n it N.., 1 Lila for flustering at 1)1 cue . Reuss th.r Lw amt ltfus,ele Unto 1Tullis. Al Town & Son, Canadian .N'e'ws. Winnipeg business mon talk hope- fully of the business situation. Loesee by the Newburgh fire are now estimated at. $150,000, while the insurance amounts to but $20,- 000. Storms on the Newfoundland coasts have wrecked several fishing vessels and caused serious loss of life. A true bill was found by the. Montreal Grand Jury against Me- Garigle and others for conspiring against Mr. Baxter, and bunch war- rants issued for their arrest. A. great meeting of farmers and others at Picton declared in favor of Commercial Union, with only three dissentients. Wolfe Island farmers were similarly unanimoue at a meeting held there. The Belleville Ontario alleges that Kingston has the worst -looking woman in Canada, and The Kings- ton News intimates that only their plain woman could be induced to meet The Ontario's representative, The proposed scheme for the set- tlement of Crofters in the Canadian Northwest will he in abeyance until the Imperial Government obtain security for the payment of interest on the money they are asked to advance. Within one year from the date of his appointment W. C. Robertson, Mosinee Inspector for ]Vest Middle- sex, laid 72 informations and emir - the water soon after in a Wharin ad 54 convictions for violation of the boat, also wore blue, tint had on a! Scott Act --at the rate of three con - red cap, by which he wee at adi's- ! victions to ono dismissal. MON EY TO L0iAN. PRJJ". i t'LS FUNDS. +ir 11,A 9,4j of Private Fuutls have ,just been placed in my hands for In- Veatduont- AT 7 PEn CENT. Borrowers cite have their loans complete in three days if title- is satisfactory. Apply 1., I,. E. WADE. • 'Wear Spectacles and Eye -Classes that will preserve your Eyesight. Tr. DDAZA±LUS Manufacturing Optician, late of the firm of Lazarus & Morris, 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, London, England, has ap- pointed an agent for the Renowned Spec - Moles and Eye -Glasses which have been before the public for the past 25 years. Lazarus' Spectacles never tire the eye Last many years without change. For Sale by H. L. JACKSON, BRUSSELS, - ONT. Smith ' Ross are prepared to attend to CARRIAGE PAINTING in all its branches, as well as Sign, and O7'1"f•c1.7n in,? all They have had years of exper- ience and they guarantee their work to give satisfaction. A rig well painted is half sold. Estimates and terms cheer- fully given. GIVE US A CALL. Shop in the old 'Pon' Publishing House, Thug street, Brussels, Smith & Ross. iIMP)RTA?T TO ALL or arotroubled with dandruff thin or gray Dr. Ifo rerawancl't I ow's the Chance With a view of extending circulation of �a u SHPT. 10, IS61 Money to Loan, Money to Loan on .Farm Pro- perty, tit the LOWEST RATER, we will tend it, on tt Trial Trip for the Ba• a".,doe of 1807 for the small 511111 O1 in Advance. .'e. t.ts —0 -- Now is the time to 00m111e11c0 as our NEW STOJ —ENTITLED— "Pill Aar BERTHA M. CLAY. —0- 52 MONTHS FOR 50c. Tell your neighbor of this Offer. BLYTH Woolen Mill. R. Forsyth de Son, formerly of the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg to inform the Fanners in this vi- cinity that they have Now in Op- eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth, and hope that by adhering to their old plan of making noth- ing but Sound, Durable Goods and trust that by so doing to gleet a liberal patronage. CUSTOM WORK of all kinds promptly and care- fully attended to. The HIGHEST P1ICP paid for Wool in Exchange for "'weeds, Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etc. A Trial Solicited ! Satisfactions Guaranteed R. Forsyth & Son. MEN, CUES AND JD DLI YI HAIR MAGIC ! is tho greatest tonic for strengthening the growth of the stair over dieoovered. It stops all falling, out of the hair, removes all treoos of dandruff, restores gray hair to its original toots oker aro nnd ot daelroyed, it wines at whore rot uoahn 1uxnriant crop of train Take warning 1f your lair is 1n a .feeble elate got a bottle at once belera it is too ]ate, Dr. Aoxonwend'e Nair Magill," is on Bale at all oriental Drug Stores, Ask for 11,0011110118 nothing else, • G. A. Dsrdbol,v an J.IINinliahv00 61: Co., An14s.re volt Tinuss>rns. A. Doren we n tt Bolo ?lnnufnetarer,'roronto, Canada. A, Derenwantt 'aarn0 the largest flair Goode establishment in Cantle. POIVA'fE AND COMPANY FUNDS W. 73. DICKSON, Solicitor, Brussels, Out. l!!9 ONr'Y 10.L0AN Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 d 6: Pei' Gent. Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to If you want your watch put in good running order go to J.ONES8 THE WATCHMAKER, Dealer in Ladies' and Gent'e solid Gold and Silver Watches, duff Muttons, Broaches, Tar -rings,. Gent's pins, roll plate wet chains and Neeltlets, lie has also a nice stools of WALNUT, NICKLE AND FANCY CLOCKS; in foot everything that is kept in a first- class jewelry store. jr Special attention given to the re- pairing of Watches. Natiefal'tion guer- auteed. . Jas, Jones, Queen's hotel Block. A. Hunter, 7)i•t+isimm•Coltrt Clerk, 13lvasscls. HURON AND BRUCE Loan &Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money ou Farm Security at LownsT ReTLs or INT1;Ri3aT. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BAN$ BRANCH. 8, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time Iet. OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, Godo - rich. Horace Horton, A.IANAGER. HERE WE ARE AC --AIN ! After another long winter end lots of op. position I am still alive and in a bettor position than ever to attend to the wants of the Public, having just Removed to the Store South of J. Buyer's Carriage Works. I am prepared to Execute all Orders Promptly. GRAINING, GILDING, SIGN AND D2COItATIYP+, PAINTING in all its branches. ,/.q iENI.N'GS u1N'D SHOP BLINDS Done Up in Style. • PAPER HANGING a SPecialty. WM. Roddick, P•ni' Y'O UR DEBTS. MEROHANTS' PROTECTIVE —A13n— COLX,ECTING ASSOCIATION —DOING 311:152x050 =— CANADA. AND DJNITBD STATES. —wAt— as'r.A.a .xsM-Xas+ MU" o.sae . Ilavingfor its objoot to collect from all that is possible to eolleot from, then pub- lish the 4250150 of all that cannot or will 1101 pay 'which list is supplied to every member of tho dssoeiatlon throughout Canada and 'United states. Thol membership now num- bering many thonannds, and is eoknowledg- edby all to be the most powerful Organiz- ation le existence for tbo COLLECTION OF DEBTS, Slaving aver 2.0d Established Agencies. Membership Fee ,• ret year $le 1 Shit year 81 110 1 3811 '0argll, if renewed with.. In 1 11te,L11t actor ntentbet'ehlp, - expttce, ., dntlnpenreceipt of which, Certificate of notioesMembership. do1111vent book, tun supply of wdth complete instructions for using A50eeiation will be sant, Send for tostimon- ials, t. stIittV1i8,1, 111111,9 ,1i dlo. argr'a, :r-xa,m.Sl.toxa, O21.t.