HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-9-16, Page 4JDt A,N.alltrt:15"2111Mtg. Lost—This Of(lee, Looals—W. Coats. Fair Waruiug—W. R. Wilson. Faun for Sale—John Virnsent. C.P.R. Excursion—T, Fletcher. New Fall Goods—Strad-Ian Bros. House and lot for sale - Robt. Ross. •161021921,1110M. .191113:192610.....166,09119 . . OIe Nrusstiz zst. FBIDAY, SEPT. 16, 1887. Nine Monday at 1 o'clock the members of the Brumes Railway Committee ere requested to ineet delegations from Blyth, Listowel and other municipalities at the Brussels Town Elall to formulate plane in connection with the ex. tension of the 0. P. R. from Guelph to Goderich, D is hoped all inter. acted will be in attendance prompt- ly on time BO as to come to some conclusion on the matter. OWING to t110 almost unprecedent- ed early harvest and the consequent early threshing grain will, in all probability, be marketed earlier than usual and as 0 natural result the Fall trade will commence soon. Our Brussels merobante nntioipat ing this are receiving large consign• menta of goods so that the best RS. sortment at the lowest prices will he placed within the reach of ens. leere aba the public generally, Bruseels grain and produce market stands second to none in the two Counties and the farming cummuu• ity will only be consulting their own interests in dealing here. THE Manitoba embroglio over the building of the new railway contin- ues to grow more interesting and at the eame time more complicated. Provincial Treasurer Lariviere, of Manitoba, says he has negotiated a loan with the Seminary of St. Sulpice, Montreal, by means of which he released 'the raile there. It dem not appear, however, that the bonds have been disposed of, The Ottawa Government aro now said to threaten the witholding of the Provincial subsidy in ease of further contumacy. A new election would probably bring the Govern- ment to their sensor/ and at the same time give the Manitobans an opportunity of giving expression to their feelings. AT 11 special meeting of the Do- minion Alliance Executive, at To- ronto, this week, the question of Prohibition was freely and fully discussed and a strongly worded resolution was carred unanimously. It was couched as follows :— If there be one and only ,me such candidate in the field, i le the ditty of Prohibitionists to vote fur inch candidate, and if they (mint Co en at least withhold their vetes, If there is no such candidate in the field, then shall the Prohibitionists put forward another and vote for bun. It is the immediate duty of Pro hibitioniste to organise and lengue. They recommend that politic -.l no tion be on the lines indicated by the following resolutions, the adoption of which your committee very strongly recommend to tl e con- vention :- 1, Resolved that it is the duty of Pro- hibitionists in every constituency to see that at every election, Parliamentary or municipal, there is in the field a known and outspoken Prohibitionist candidate, having the other neoessarx qualifications, for the purpose of bringing the whole strength of the Prohibition vote into active force in favor of immediate Pro- hibition. That all voters be canvassed with a view to the immediate enrolment under an agreement in accordance with these reeolutions, and their organisation into electoral associations to secure Prohibi- candidates. 2, Resolved that a Prohibition candi- date is one who favors, and from hie record can be trusted to support and actively labor for the immediate passage and thorough enforcement of a National Prohibitory Law. That the exeoutive of the Alliance be requested to present the subatanoe of this platform to the courts of those ecclesias- tical bodies whioh have expressed them- selves thoroughly in favor of Prohibition and urge their endoreation and active co- operation throughout the Dominion, and that they be requested to eonsider the desirability of bolding a general confer- ence of religious bodies for this purpose, That the Temperance friends agree as a settled understanding that all known advocates for the repeal of the Scott Act be opposed in the future for all public positions. 'I'he above will indite some of our politicians and would be M. P's and P's scratch their heads. If the temperailoe people are in ear- nest they have the cure largely in their own hands. TIM meeting for the discussion of Commercial Union will be held in the Town Hall, Clinton, Tuesday, ememeserimasinmeieseserenneseen 27th inst. Addresses are expected by Goldwin tSwilli of Toronto ; TbOs. Shaw, editorof the Stook Journal, of Hamilton ; Velem E. Fuller, President of the Permanent Fermis' Inetitute and otiii.rf, `hie meeting will oondmence at 1 o'clock pan. Reduced fares aro prouneed on the railways. We hope the farmers of the E'ast Riding of Hur- on, who wore the first to move iu this important matter in this Coun- ty, will be in attendance and do MI in their power to help themselves. IT would appear that Caledonian games have about mu their race for the time being in this locality and the society will in all probabil- ity not contnthe these annual gath- erings for a few years at least. We would suggest, however, that Bras - seta hold an annual celebration of come kind on the Queen's Birthday or Dominion Day and let a regular old fashioned lift of gaines and sports be made up so that the prizes will be competed for by the reeidents of this locality. Other to mug do this and why should not 13ruseels Years ago successful gatherings of this kind were held and a good deal of fun was enjoyed but they were allowed to die out. Of course it is too late to do anything this year but we jn up the subject new so as to give opportunity for disoueeion and prepare the way fur 'totting a day apart early next year. Citinneteass 14e-siv Evangeliet Moody is to be invited to conduct services at Montreal. The contract prioe of the iron bridge now building for the Niagara Central Railway at Thorold is $88,000. The steamer D. Foster has been burn- ed to the water's edge at Port Burwell. Insured in the British American for $2,- 000. One of the longest barns in Guelph township was raised last week on the farm of D. & 0. Sorby. Its dimensions are 150 x54 feet. Mrs. Jas. Bmitb. of Ayr, has completed a patch -work quilt containing 18,150 pieces of silk. It will be a feature of the fall fairs. ABattleford special says :—"Dr. Nilier was found dead in hie room with his brains blown out. Deceased was a med- ical officer of the Northwest Mounted Police. It has just been learned that when the British Columbia sealing schooner Alfred Adams was seized in Behring's sea last month she gave the Yankee cruiser the slip. The 'United States revenue cutter Rush had taken the Adams' sealskins and tackle, put two men on board the prize and ordered the captain to steer for Sitka. Instead of obeying the orders of his captor, however, the captain of the Adams sailed for 'Victories B. C., where he arrived a few days ago. There is little doubt that Agnes Ma - Cormick and Bella Lauder were driven out into the lake and lost at Port Oredit. They were boarding at Morse'e farm- house, a mile west of Lorne Park. Miss McOormick was a strong girl, but knew little about the management of a boat. Mise Lauder was younger and an invalid. They started to row to the park, but the wind was blowing strong off shore and the waves were high, and they were driv. so out in the lake and probablydrowned. The Rebellion Claims Commission has completed its labors, and the various awards made by it have been paid by the Governnaent, Over $90,000 have been paid during the last two or tlIMA weeks in the Calgary district alone. The Com- mission rajeoted a large number of claims, and awarded only a fraction of the amount claimed in many others. The clahnants in these oases feel aggrieved, and many of them have decided to sue the Govern. ment in the Exchequer Court. The Bell Parra Company have alreadytoken as. tion and their example is being followed by a number of others. For some weeks past R. Sylvester, of Sylvester & Bros., agricultural works, Lindsay, has been trying to obtain a good well on the property where hie new mansion is being erected. A small spring prevented digging, ao drilling was attempted. At thirty feet water was struck. The water continues flowing at the rate of 2,000 gallons a day from two inch pipe. Other wells are running at various places in town, and there is great rejoioing at the preepeet of a public water supply. An agreement has been signed by the Council of the town of Lindsay and the Grand Trunk Railway, whereby workshops for the midland division of the G. T. IL is being located here. Al- ready one brick building two hundred and twenty feet long is in oourse of emotion. At Toronto about 8 o'clock on Tuesday night what might have resulted in fright- ful loss of life was only averted by steam- ers being not far from the wharf at the time of the =Melon. Three ferry boats conveying passengers to and from the Exhibition Grounds collided opposite Brock street wharf. The Gertrude was coming from the wharf, the Queen City from the Exhibition Grounds and the Sadie from York street wharf. Neither the Sadie or the Queen City saw the Gertrude till she was in lino with them both, and before any of the boats could slow up the Queen City struck the Gert- rude in ono side and the Sadie on the other side, smashing in her railings and knocking four mon into the water. Three men were saved but the fourth was drowned. His name could not be asoert tained. All the boats were crowded with passengers and there was tremendons exciternedfor a short thne. The Gertrude was towed into Verli street wharf and sank before she could be tied up. The captain of the Queen City ie first far not keeping out of the Way of the other two boats, as she was the fast- est, and, secondly, for signaling, which she should not have done. A marching investigation will bo made. THE BRUSSELS POST SEPT. 16, 1887. MettkVMMIRKWIMMZUZIMMICOMILTZIteetsce=1M55254tarAWMA2,====rnrwl-apro- 7-71,22=1,3=2,112191_9121F.5Fgasydsmagankadliti A Blood Indian was allot on Sunday by a white settler near MaeLeod. The Wiarton schools are so much over. crowded that some children have got to stay at home. Hon. Edward Blake has arrived home from his sojourn by the seaside, looking brown and well. A committee of the Toronto Council has boon appointed to consider a scheme for the establishment of BID Inebriate Asylum. The Rev, P. IdoF. MeLsod, of the ()on. tral Presbyterian Churoh, Toronto, has been chosen moderator of the Toronto Presbytery. In nearly every town and village about Guelph typhoid fever is raging to all alarming extent. Over 100 oases are re. ported in Orangeville. LI the election for the Northweet Coon - oil in the MacLeod district 8'. W. Haul. tain, of MacLeod, is 47 ahead, with Pin- cher Oreek to boar from. Toronto has passed to its third reading a measure providing that all works of street maintenanee watering and lighting, shall be paid for on the frontage plan. Mr. Hardy, M.P.P., has refused Chat- ham's application for an enlargement of the town's limits, owing to the fact that there are about 000 acres of vacant Ian in the corporation. P. 0. Pague, a new member of the To. ionto polios force, was ducked in a horse trough by roughs Monday night. He subsequently captured one of his tor- mentors, Francis Flynn. Mrs. Fergus, of Morden, Morden, Man., has died from the effects of a dose of carbolic acid, administered by her broth• er-in.law, Wm. Morrison, in mistake while the lady was ill of typhoid fever. Our London correspoudent reiterates his statement that on behalf of Canada the Fishery Commission will request the free exchange of natural products in re- turn for fishery concessions to the States. The arbitrators in the ease of the On- tario Government and the 0. P. R. have awarded $4,100 as the price of the right of way through the Asylum grounds, the company to pay the costs of the arbitra- tion. Mrs. James Smith, of Ayr, and her husband have been sixteen years celled- ing silk for a patchwork quilt. It con- tains 18,150 pieces, some of which belong- ed to the Queen, Princess Louise, Mrs„ Langtry, Sara Bernhardt and hosts of other celebrities. It is reported that there has been dis- covered near Tilsonburg an immense bed of marble, side by side with the finest sandstone for building or paving purpos- es, and greet deposits of felspar (with suitable clay for mixing), from whish the finest white ware can be made. The Alpha Oil and Gas 0o. of Sarnia, have a location of thirty scree, situate directly upon the St. Clair River, with tankage facilities of 70,000 barrels of oil. There are eight immense iron reeeptaelee called oonverters, which have a capacity of manufacturing 1,100 barrels of crude petroleum into merchantable oils every twenty-four hours. This Mr. Hall says, will consist of kerosene oil, 75 percent; gasoline or oil stove, 10 per cent; gee oil or liquid fuel, 15 per cent. The petroleum in the receivers is treated by heat and electricity, andproceeds in vapor through pipes into enormous wooden vats holding 5,000 barrels of water which condenses the vapor into oil. The combination of electricity and steam, it is claimed, forms a new combination of gases which greatly inoreases the volume of vapor before reaching the condenser, In the latter apparatus it is claimed that the condensed steam liberates the oarbon from the oil and washes oat all impur- ities. Mr. Hall claims that when the works are in full running order he can turn out every twenty-four hours 800 barrele of kerosene, 200 barrels of gas- oline and 400 barrels of liquid fuel of 20 gravity. A prominent structure on the grounds ie the 'agitator,' an immense circular iron tank, 95 foot in diameter and 45 feet high. The ordinary method of treatment is to introduce sulphuric sold into the oil, tieing only two pounds to the barrel, which effeots a large Baying. An inexpensive chemical compound is substituted, the materials at Which are secret. In connection with the refining of oil Mr. Hall is also erecting a gas ma. ohine, which he claims will make 2,000,- 000 feet of good clear gas every twenty. four hours, out of steam and liquid fuel. Electricity is used to convert them both into a gas. It costs to manufacture about five cents per 1,000 feet, and 20,000 feet is equal to a ton of coal in heating power. The invention also covers the production of oil for paints and lubricat. ing. The oil for points is claimed to be bettor than linseed oil and Bells for from 75 (Ants to $1.25 per gallon by the car- load. FAIR WARNING! For the next 80 days we will soli the following firet-olaes Plows, all guaranteed to give satisfaotion, with OAST STEEL ICOARDS The Hill Plow, worth 010.00 et $12.00 No, 18 Thistle Cutter Plow $10.00 at 012.00 No, 18 „ „ „ $14,00 at 010.00 Firstealass Lumber Wagon and 1 Set Knee Bob -sleighs to exchange for wood or lumber. We have on hand the following :— LAND ROLLERS, PLOWS, HORSE pownns, STRAW ouTTERS, TURNIP PULPERS AND SLICERS, CHOPPING MILLS. Pointe fax all Plows kept con. stonily on hand. Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to at LOWEBT FIWORS. A quantity of first-class Hardwood Flooring on hand, well seasoned. Planing, Matching and Band Sawing in first class style at the BRUSSELS FOUNDRY. W. R. WILSON, Proprietor. THE POST BOOKSTORE, nis 1. COBIPLETE STOOL OF S014001.1 BOOES, SLATES, COPY BOOKS, SCRIBBLING BOOKS, INKS, PENCILS, &a. The Scholar's Uompailion, made up of a Neat Box containing Ruler, Lead Pencil, Slate Pencil, and Pen Holder, 5 CTS. Special Bargainz IN TOTS to make room for Xmas Goods. A. few more EXPRESS WA G0,71,8 ! ECASZCZT'S in stock. GIVE US A CALL! .61:0:0.990.1=611., Iles41.021:121110100:01. 01,90111.rd CHANGE OF BUSINESS CORSETS BY STEAM POWER ! On 'mount of the increasing trade of our Celebrated Constitutional Corsets and which requires our whole attention and necessitates more commodious -premises wo have decided to drop the Fancy Goode and Berlin Wool trade and confine ourselves exclusively to the Manufacture of Corsets, consequently we will, during the Next 00 Days, run off our well assorted stook to make room for Steam Power, Additional Machines and Operatives. BUY YOUR FANCY GOODS AND WOOLS NOW AND YOU WILL S.A.VM M01\T“MY.! If desired the stook will be Sold En Moe, Brussels Tramiel:big a first-olass opening for the same. Stook can be viewed and particulars obtained on Application. D. .1. SHALE, STEAM COESET WORKS. P. ft.- 3 or 4 more Good Agents Wanted itt Once. Some of our Agents aro elear- fug 025.00 per month. We aro showing the Latest and most desirable Dress Goods in the Market, with Buttons and Trimmings to match. OUR ILIPTDLY INCRE4SING DRESS GOODS - TRADE! testify to the Exe,ellenc.o of this Department. Come In and See our Azsortment I Bazaar Patterns! New Styles Always in Stock and Monthlies Given ' Away FREE. te 'rt 44 - NAT,' We have Received a nice line of Ulster Cloths which will be just what you have been looking for. Chlp P111111cls Elmo Teals Good Value in Everything. A COMPLETE STOCK OF Cooper & Smith's POOTS 8.z SIO1is There are no better to be had, so come early and get a choice, of the stock. HATS & CAPS ! 1-1011QE C+ROCERIES Strachan. Bros.