HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-9-16, Page 2Directory of Churches and Societies,
alaavnr.E UHvrien.---Sabbath Services
at 11 a,m. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday School
at 2:80 p. m. Bev. John Mess, 13. A,,
Kot Cuuncn.--Sabbath Sorvicos at 11
m. and 11:80 p. in, Sunday School at
2:80 p. m. Rev. 9, Jones, pastor.
ST. JoHN'e Cuuncn.--Snbbatb Services
at 11 a,m, and 7 p.m. Sunday School at
0:80 a.m. Hey. W. T. Muff, incumbent,
ME'rtionleT Cuenca. --Sabbath Services
at 10:80 a. m. and 0:30 p, in. Sunday
School at 2:80 p. In. Rev. 114. Swami,
Bouts CATHOLIC Cnuncn.—Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
11 a.m. Rev. P. J, Shea, priest.
Onn FELLewe' Londa every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
M.tsoNIC. Lamm Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A. 0. U. W. LnooE on let and Srd Mon-
day evenings of each mouth.
Foi,sorelwT' Lotion 2ndand last Monday
evenings of each month, in Smale's hall.
L. 0. L. let Monday in every month,
in Orange Hall.
POST Oooric1.—Office hours from 8 a.m.
7:80 p.m.
and Library, in Holmes' block, will be
open from 0 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Lib-
warm N totem.
The plough used by the India
farmer consists of a metal point
fastened on a rough crutch of wood,
the whole costing about thirtysix
cents. With thie implement and
the cheap labor of the country, In•
dia is competing with Europe and
America to supply the wheat mark•
ets of the world ; and the chief hope
or western nations in the rivalry
lies in the use of the best Labor-sav-
ing appliances and the quickest and
cheapest ways of transportation.
What the issue will be when the
India farmer takes to the use of the
meet approved machinery, and get
railway commt.uieation established
between the great wheat, area of the
interior and the seaports, no one
cosi tell. We think the que$tiwl is
far more serious than Mr. Dodger Of
the U.S. Department of Agriculture , clueed great improvement !among
fries to make it appear. ellen and cattle, the same • results
Asiatics or Dorkings, after they are
two or three months old.
A too scanty supply of grain fre•
queutly canoe diarrhoea, from the
fowls taking an noose of green
Select the. pullets and coakrele
you intend keeping for next year's
stock. Keep them separate. Patten
the oulls for table purposes.
"They 1nove a larger sale la sly distrIo1,
ears a well•knawu dre ggiet,"t tutu any other
p111 nu the market, mud give the beat sada
lactiOn fur tick hoadaube. blllt,etnesa, in•
uq,e0t nn, oto., nud when coal blued 0111
,i ultusvn'a Tonle Hitters, J"batmt'a '.Tete
Li ter Ville p l.i perform what no other 111ad
ieiue hue done befure tor so itoring humor.
11),' PH'S2a 001110 per bottle. ititter0 GU
vents and FI nor bottle. 0010 ab Coachman's
drug atore, l;r11seals,
For ernssiug with common fowls,
none excel the Plymouth Rock.
Males of that breed. placed among
farm poultry soon make 'au im•
Cold weather will soon be here.
Get all your fixing up done as soon
as possible. If you contemplate
building a new chicken house, don't
delay ; or bad weather may inter-
fere with your pians.
The early symptoms of roup are
at first identical with catarrh, but
the discharge soon changes, and
loses its transparency, and has an
offensive odour. The affected bird
should be at once removed from the
Mr. R. Walker, of Waterford, says :—
"Dyspepsia has been my wife's trouble for
a long time past, and she has suffered
greatly with at; but, thanks to Dr. Oar-
sou'e Stomach Bitters, she is completely
cured.. It acted very nicely, and did not
sicken or gripe her while taking it. If
people only knew abort the Carson ,Stour -
nob Bitters there would not be so much
suffering in the world."
As scaly leg is contagious, the
affected birds should be doctored
before the complaint is general.
Partly fill a pail with water,, and
pour in some coal oil, which will
float on top. Let the fowl stand in
the water for two or three minutes,
then waiih the' lege with soap and
Although imbreeding has pro.
The maintenance of n healthy state of
the system is the surest protection against
disease ; experience has shown that by the
use of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipa-
tion Bitters, a perfect state of health can
be assured. It frees the system from all
impurities, 81eansec3 pat ;,armee the,
blood loot sale by 111 pianists at nets.
a bottle.
On allnoet epery fecin there are
waste Ogees where trees migut be
eatning dollars for their owners,
growing by ' he brook, or the river,
or on hill sides and overhanging
cliffs, too steep for cultivation ; and
there are at least tt half-dozen odcl
days in every season when the
planting work might be c.:'rie ou
—when no other work of equal val-
ue is crowding the hueban'.tnun.
The greatest trouble with apple
growers is the gathering of 1110 fruit
eepecially upon tall trees, 01' with
Genie of the varieties, su011 as the
Red Astrachan which do not ripen
evenly. It was our pleasure it few
days ago to try it simple invention
that will do away with most of the
above trouble, and the breaking of
branches, as is often the case under
the old method of climbing trees.
The implement is a small tin pail
having wire prongs around the edge
between which the stock of the
apple is caught and broken, the
fruit dropping into the pail. As
the distance to fall is short, there
ie no danger of bruising, but with
delicate varieties a small piece of
flannel or cloth clan be placed in
the bottom of the picker. There is
a socket beneath for fixing it upon
a light pole, the length of which
will of course depend upon the
height of the trees, The best plan
is to have two poles, one to reach
the lower, and a long one for the
higher branches, but, in either
ease, the poles should be long
enough fur the operator to keep his
elbows on a level with his chest,
else the work will be more fatigu•
ing. With a lew minutes' practice,
a person can go over en orchard,
selecting the finer specimens with-
out any damage to the remainder
of the fruit left upon the trees.
The patent is the invention of W.
W. Burcbees, of Mimics, and
simple as the implement looks it
took years of anxious thought to
perfect the idea. For many years
fruit•growers have been desirous of
gettiug a reliable picker. Several
have been brought, but were not
found practicable 'But in the
"Pioneer Fruit Picker," we have
an article that has dome to stay.
By ha aid peaches, plume, pears
and apples can be gathered without
fear of bruising the fruit. Its cap-
acity is about two quarts.
The bosh birds for capons are the
have ut:t been achieved . with poul-
try. A1thOugh the mating of fowls
of near lain mils reeult in improved
appearance of ahe offapxing, it is
too often followed by impaired sou•
11111. D. Amens21 Adelaide Sired west;
Toronto, writes "For a long time I hart
been troubled with a disordered Stomach,
and at last I got so had that I was cora.
pelted to quit work, and for days i eOuld
neither eat nor sleep, and the pain in my
head was mostiuteuse. I was induced to
try a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bit.
tors. After taking three dozes I was al-
most completely restored to health. My
appetite mime back; the racking headache
was gone, and I never slept sounder in my
in pocking poultry for shipment
to market, wrap each separately in
paper. It will prevent straw and
duet ttaboring to the fowl, and make
it present it better appearance.
Don't pack till thoroughly cool. As
much depends upon the manner of
killing poultry as on dressing it to
have it fit for market, a bag) made
Of strong cotton cloth in shape of a
V, havirog a hole in the bottom to
put the bird's head through, will
prevent the fluttering of the wings,
and soiling feathers. It can be
made large enough to envelop the
whole of the body, and tie around
the legs.
)3 aslaion Notes.
.9.n attractive lace pin is a golden
shell partially open, showing a,pearl
ho its centre.
Sailor knots, Roman knots null
lovers knots are the prevailing lfuu•
cies for hairpin tope.
It will be No vember befevee the
bonnet of the winter will be intro-
duced in fullest feather.
A largo bow of bright ribbon tied
ou the right elbow is a new femiti.
ins fashion at Newport.
"Never Tried
WhatNever tried Johnson's Tnnio'1 -Hit-
ters! Then do do at onoo, it's positively' the
',est general tome on the market. I've efteu'
heard of it but thought that it was to 'bo
Placed ou Vitalist of the many trashy' tiro-
pNattonathat hood our market. but ' sluice
you roeommenh it so highly I'll give;'ib a
trial. De SO, Ws good Tor any comlllaint
wotahatonic isofbexent,audeau be taken
e en, wodran, or child. 1108115. rod 01 8'o
bottle ut D eadm en's timid Starer 13ruasole..
Girls who havelplttid tops to their
walking' shoes are ordinarily the
ones whn uses slang exps'ee ions.
A pretty brooch Is in the -shape
of a beetle, with gold legs, diamond
neck, ruby eyes and wings wf car -
A miniature barrel filled with
pearls and hanging in the bentre
of a coil of ropes is ti novelty in
Sashes oonetantly grow in popu-
larity; nearly all gowns have one
loop and two long ends set under
the basgne.
Nothing ie more appropriate for
eecotid4nourning wear than sardo-
pyx •eco pins, set in flower designs,
with sprays of pearls.
Bangs are steadily increasing in
favor, Every ono whose face can
stand the severity of tho style
eoliths the hair straight back in a
loose, careless pompadour,
Blue grey, known as old plus;
Gobelin blue, a somewhat deeper
tint, and a warm pinkish grey will
be the fashionable shades to new
autumn costumes, always, it is nu,
deretood, combined with white.
Cook's plumes will be much worn
on the autumn hate. They are
dyed to match ell shades of cos•
turves and are made up in erect,
etiflly curled bunches, which have
n very military effect and in no way
resemble the natural, graceful fall
of the plumee when not stiffened by
artificial moans. The breaeta of
birds, stiff winge and multitudinous
bows of ribbon, will trim the coin-
ing season's headgear.
Itnldne0a, Thin hair, ate. is
Those wbo are bald, who hero gray or thin
hair. or who are troubled with dandrolr
ahovld invest in w bottle of Dr. Dorenweu d's
'Hair M gin.' Itis the Ghost preparation
for the Laband 00010 SOW iu nae. It le rap-
idly ,lperoodtug all other hair tonics. It
amps falling, restores the original order to
gray hair ehd ror balduos0, where there are
the slightest possible roots. it will produce a
floe growth of hair. Do not unit heal too
sate but got a bottle at once. G. A. Deed -
wen and J.Hargreaves& Co., Agents, Brus-
The tendency in gloves for the
new season is that they shall be of
a shade to match the costume.
Many of the newest have the strips
of kid between the fingers of whites
in line with the fancy for combin•
ing white with the costume in every
way poeslble, but the effect is scar
cely desirable, as it increases the
apparent size of the hand. In
walking gloves the heavy English
glovee is the favorite, with the broad
black atiching and largo buttons.
These are always used for riding
or driving.
London tailors are using smooth
clothe for dressy suits, combining
two colors in one costume in rather
marked contrast. For these com.
bination cloth costumes the lighter
dolor will be used for the lower
skirt and waistcoat, with dark bas
que and drapery. One has drapery
of serpent -green over a grey skirt,
which is braided with the green.
Another has a skirt oftobaeoo-
brown, braided with Waal the shade
of the drapery, had the coat, child
matches flits P0stume, is also bine.
There Oils are worn with hate or
bonnets trimmed with the shades.
Little Johnny (in re the latest
baby):—Hie face ie just the colour
of ncle George's. My word but
he must be a hard drinker !
I like cold weather she said there'n
no danger of perspiration tatting
the powder off your hoe when you're
Who is the god of battles ? Mar,
answered little Johnny Henpeck.
Mare, you mean, Johnny, corrected
the teacher. No, I don't neither.
I only got Dns mar.
Why Employ Doctors,
Consult a doctor, for a 0 or 8 oz. bottle of
medicine e1 -consul► sour druggist and Qte
will give you ala oz. bottle of Dr, Chase's
Liver Cure for 01, and a valuable ibeeij,o
Book free.
Rather pointed,—Hiss Golddol-
lar—Excuse me yawning, Mr. Seek-
er. Mr. S.—Certainly. tl suppose
you have many tiresome callers ?
,Miss. G.—Oh no. Votere the first.
Domestic.—What Will I get for
breakfast ? 'There !isn't a bit of
bread in the house. Mrs. Young -
wife. --Dear, dear"? That is too
bad. I euppose you had better
make some toast.
Undertaken—Arid what kind of
trimming will you have on the oof-
ffn ? -None whatever, a plain cof-
fiin. ''It was trimmin's that killed
him.' Undertaker.—What ? Widow.
—Yes ; delirium trimmins.
•Young man (whispering to jewel-
ler) -That engagement ring 1 bought
of you yesterday— Jeweller—
Wbat'e the matter with it ; didn't
it fit ? Young man (cautiously)—
Oh 1 It didn't have tt chance.
Gimme collar buttons for it.
A. i'801llable Lire.
Paw mon have socompllehad the same'
omouut of work and good in this world as,
the oelebratvd Dr. Chaco. Cve0 000,000 of
hie Works have been Bold 1n Canada alone.;
we want every person troubled with Liver
Complaint. Dyspepsia, Headaohe, Ilidney.
Urinary Trouble., to call In at your drug.
slab and buy a bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver;
eurko, 01.tY will.10. care yeti. illedicino and n0010b:
She would never oomplain.—hen-;
nei, said a young lady, turning,
away from the mirror and addres-
sing a companion, what wouldtydu'
do if you had a moustache on your'
lip ? If I liked him I would'keop
quiet was the demure reply.
Chambermaid --Wait, Mary, it
isn't time to look up the house yet.;
Mies Ethel's young man is in the
parlor. Kitchen girl--'lic'e gone,
Sarah. Did you hear the front•
door shut ? No, but the gas in the',
parlor is turned up again,
Little Tommy:—Ikfotber, what
part of heaven do people go to wile
aro good, but not agreeable ?
A. safeguard.—Bessie—lf that bull
should attack no what would you do?
Tom—I oottld roach that few to
less than two Mil] Jeeeie—
Yea, but what could Ido ? Tom --
You ? Why, your parasol would
keep his attention until I was Pure-
ly over I
Tho thing that coats.—Buebaud
—Yes, it is a very pretty dress pat-
tern, indeed. flow much did it
coat? Wife—Fifteen dollars. H.
—But I gave you fifty dollars. W.
—Oh 1 that's all right. The re.
malodor of the money is for the
making. It's the matting that
Court officer (to Qualm Victoria)
—There's an Hamerioan gent hoot -
side as what wants to see your ma-
jesty. `.Cho Queen—It's I\I.r Phelps,
I suppose. Toll him I've gone over
to the tower to the if Kohinoor 18
all right. C. 0.—It's not Mr.
Phelps ; it's Buffalo Bill. T. Q.—
Oh, show him up at once.
A youthful barber was at work on
the chin of a stranger, who had
been in Austin a few days. There,
you have out me again 1 exclaimed
the stranger. I should think you
would lose all your customers, if
that's the way you all.avo them. I
dont shave the customers at all.
Pa shaves the customers. He only
lets me shave strangers.
An unfeeling remark. --Mrs. Yer-
ger—I believe I will accompany our
daughter, Clara, to the ball this
evening. Col. Yerger—What is
your object ? When the people see
how lovely she is they will say: how
lovely her mother must have looked
when she was young. No, that's
not what they will say. What will
they say ? When they see you at
the ball with Clara they will say,
see how ugly Clara will be when she
gets to be as old as her mother.
011, you brats 1
Report is a quick traveller but an
unsafe guide.
Our oharitiee and indulgeucies
should be mutual.
Whoever learns to 38011)1 111000
must learn to fall alone,
Tile heart ought to give charity
when the baud cannot.
Youth should bo patient, because
the future lies before it.
What appear to bo calamities are
often the sources of fortune.
We always find wit and iiiefih, in
those who look at us with tldtnira-
Tba gold of the liallattlary must
be tried befc'ie itis tOteepted, and is
thrown into the fire, hot beoatiso it
is of no 'Value, bat because it i3 so
WW1 we reflect that the rattling,
rollidiciug boys of today will soon
be 'the men who manage the affairs
df the community, the state and the
nation, the importance for training
them properly cannot be over-esti-
mated. 18 is an important point to
start them right, as it will be hard
work to get them on the right track
if their early associations are wrong.
Somebody has written the following
for boys, aeifl it ooulaine golden
advice :—
Hold on to yoer tongue when yon
are just ready to swear, lie or speak
Hold on to your hand when 'you
are about to ecratch, steal'or do any
improper act.
Hold on ito your iaot when you
are on the .point Mf kiokiog, running
away from study, or pursuing a path
of terror., •'shame or crime.
Hold on to your temper when you
are angry, ,excited or imposed upon,
or others are angry with you.
Hold on to;youi'theart when evil
assoclatss,sesk ,your company and
invite yon to.join 'in their mirth,
games and'revelry.
Hold on to your -good name at all
times, for itis 01 amore value than
gold, high,place or fashionable at•
'Hold on to thettruth, for it will
serve and'do.you good throughout
Hold on to'virlue—it is above all
price t'o'you at all times and planes.
Hold on lo•your good character,
for it is and ever will bo your best
'The boy Who acts upon these wise
suggestions will not cause his par -
onto to'blush because of his mix.
'deeds. 'ThowihI brake a trustworthy
man;'deeerviug the respect of his
fellows and sure to win the appro-
bation of heaven. But the vicious,
profane, cigarette•smoking boy is
not a character the angels can smile
over or good people admire. Boys,
dttre•to do .right.
A nice assortment of Baby Car-
riages on Bxhibition itt H,
Dennis', where you can
also got a
Splendid Trunk,
Handy Valise,
or Satchel at a Low Price.
Full lines of Light and Heavy
Whips, Combs, Brushes, &c. in
TVe Lead but Never Follow.
Sign of Big Scotch Collar.
Steady Employmieutto Good Iden.
None need be Idle. Previous
Experience not essential.
We pay either Salary or Com-
100 Men Wanted.
To Canvas for the Sale of Can-
adian grown Nursery Stook.
The Lonthill Nurseries,
Largest in Canada,
Over 400 Acres.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class References, and
want to work. No room for lazy
men, but can omploy any num-
ber of energetic men who want
work. Annitnss
Stone /Si Wellington,
Toronto, Ont.
Practical TT'atchntaker Car Jeweller
Thanking the P011ie for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure yo'av
patronage. We are ripening nut fentsi3Cs
Gold afia Silver hatches.
Salvor Plated Ware frail established
and reliable makors,Mt'' :y warranted by
Clocks of thoxaias designs.
Jewelry :
Vifedd':t ig Rings',
Ladies Gem Rings,
Borings, bo.
Also have in stock a full line of Violins
Find Violin Strings, Pipes, dm.
N.B.—.Issuer of Marriage Licenses
T. Fletcher.
Bargains ! Bargains !
—FOR T1.1)r•—
in Plows, Steel Harrows, Seed
Drills, Bain Wagons., Buggies,
Organs, Sewing Machines, Sulky
Plows, one four spring Wagon,
ono 1 horse Wagonand one sec-
ond oud hand Lumber Wagon.
Land Rollers for $25,
best in the market. Three kinds
of 5cuflier4, ,Port Perry Grinder
and Horse Powers,
Olothes Wringers,
Churns, tend ANIZTnaNn You EAT
Geo. Love.
Any Quantity of
Wool Wanted
Woolen Mii1.
Paid in exchange for fine Tweeds,
coarse Tweeds, Check Flannels,
in all wool and union, Grey Flan-
nels, and Blankets. Also Shoot-
ing, in both Gray and White, find
and cokrse Yarn, &c., of which I
have a good supply
I atm prepared to do all kinds of
manufacturing, such as
All kinds of
Knitted Goods
Made to Order.
Give lllo a Call before dispos-
ing of your Wool elsewhere.
Yours truly,
'Robert Mattiec, of St. Thomas,
and W. Johnston, of Salem, de-
sire to inform the Public gena. -
ally that they have formed 'a
co -partnership, and have leasrecl
the blacksmith shop from Mr.
John Wynn, lately occupied by
John Alexander, where they will
be prepared to do all kinds of
Plows, agons, Carnitines, &c.
made or TWopairecl.
A Specialty.
Interfering, over -reaching and
flat footed horses treated with the
best results. Wo have had 20
years experience in dealing with
these diseases of the foot and
have worked in the leading hoi se -
shoeing shops in Canada and the
United States.
Wo are prepared , to temper
Stone Ilammers, or any edged
Please give Us a Cali..
Shop near the Town Hall, op-
posite Beattie's Livery Stable.
Repairing promptly attended