HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-8-26, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST -CLOVER- - HON/Y �Na $asswooa Is the best and healthiest sweet known, And at 10 cents per pound will compare for cheapness with other sweets. It is said that honey—unlike sugar --requires no labor on the part of the liver to pass it through tbo system and therefore com- srieuds itself to all, but eepeoially those who are biliously inclined. It should be found on the breakfast table of every family in the land. We guarantee ours Parr and of the best Quality. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist and Apiarist, Brussels, Ont, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. e0UTHEIiN ESTEN6ION, W. G. fi n. R. Trains leave Brussels Station, uorth and south as follows:— Cooing do sill, Going North. Mail..... 03 a m.I Mined 5'90 a m Express - 11 ..5 5 6.20. MBt1............ 2:50 p.m Mixed......... 8:45 p.m. 1 Express ...... .,.0.35 p.m r,exit Lotus Wtons, A chief's among ye tekir' notes An' faith he'll prent its Coon weather for Augusta SHINGLES for sale at Ament Bros. SHINGLES for sale at Ament Bros. 4. Femme Division Court on Thursday of next week, Srx bars of Electric soap for 25 cents, at Thomson's. • 50. RRy. FATHER SHHA, of Seaforth, has been on the sick list. Seam, honest, well made boots .for Fall wear. Adam Good. 7 AN otter has been seen in the river near the dam. It oeghter be shot. Tae frequent showers of late are re- viving the dried up pastures. Wer . McCercanou hes been on the rick list and is taking a week to recruit. Mass GRIFFIN, of Trowbridge, was visit- ing at Mrs. Watson Ainley's this week. JERRY SLASH= has been laid aside for several weeks from inflammatory rheum. atism. Foe the largest stock and best value in Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, go to Thomson's. 50. J. T. Hanr.soox and wife and Mrs. Hunt, all of Clinton, were the guests of Harry Dennie this week. OteMonday evening the Band seren. aded Alfred Lowry and bride at their home on Mill street. Bev. J. T. LEOEAi and bride, of Ethel, were in town on Tuesday of this week, en route to their home. IN speaking of the position Jno. Shaw had been appointed to, it should have read A.F.& A.M., instead of I.O.O.F. Lass Friday G. L. Ball, L.D.S., Mrs. Ball and Charlie Sheriff, of Sesforth, were in town calling on old friends and acquaintances. HARRY DENNIS and Jas. Ross are away at Toronto this week playing with the Listowel cricket club against the cricket- ers of the Queen pity. SEvzear, of our residents talk of going to the Falls on the exoursion on Sept. 1st. Return fare from Brussels 02.00. Train leaves our station at 7;02 a.m. Tire various departments of our public sohool will open neat Monday under the tutorship of Principal Shaw, and Misses Sayers, Richardson, Humbly and Stev. mason. Taos. Bair, florist and gardener, is growing a new kind of tomato this year called the Mikado. It ie a splendid var- iety and surpasses many of the old lash• ioned kinds. Joann' Chime shipped three oar loads of cattle from Brussels last Friday. They were a fine lot but as many of them were purchased by the lump we are unable to give their weights. Prams Lose.—The undersigned while driving his hearse between Brussels and Walton, lost from one of his horses a white plume. Finder will do a favor by leaving the same at R. Leatherdale's, Brussels. Wo understand that Semi, Walsh, the veteran stage proprietor, intends running a stage line to Seaforth whether he car- ries the mail or not. He understands hie work well and gives satisfaction to the public, WU. JoONSTON, who served his appren- tice -ship with Robt. Nott, tailor, in Brussels, has along with another young man, purchased Mr. Nott's business in Abilene, Kansas. Mr. Johnston's friends in this locality wish him euooese. AeaAEexnrzore are being perfected whereby the Band concert on the even- ing of the Caledonian games will be made a most enjoyable affair. It is ex. peoted that the Brussels Home Guards will be present and give an exhibition of fancy drill. Give the Band boys a lift by patronizing the.conoert. Posrsxooe NOT nzsm0eie.—Umpire at a base ball ex cricket match, especially if you don't do the equare thing.—Trying t0 please everybody at the expense of principal and manhood.. -Director of ceremonies at a oharivari,—Heels up and head down while riding a bicyole An opponent to woman's rights at a quilting bee. --Standing on the gallows with a rope around your neck Lecanee you would not pay the printer --lacing donned 40 times for a small account and then have to pay the debt and the costs of 5, Divi. Bion Court snit—'To be a rival suitor and get there a little late.— Getting to the station, after a hard run, in lime to eec the tail end of the train leaving the yard.—To be a judge at a fall show,— Seeing a burglar rifling the pockets of your pants and remembering that your "dissolver" is securely locked up in the bureau drawer downstairs.—Being too "tippy" at a fire and have the Bose turned on you.—Owning a fighting dog, or a trotting horse that is speedy enough to lose money. 1 ,AUGUTa 23, 1Sb7.. Sousoraefor sale at Ament Bros, Next! Thursday will be the let of Sep- tember. 140 ninn6ns of eggs were shipped to New York this week by R, Sperling. Miss Meaaln^ I.loe, of Galt, ie visiting with friends in town tide week. A snow, sermon for the children will be preaohed in Melville church next Sab- bath morning, Mos. Josh BROAnrooT and eon arrived home from a visit of six weeks among old friends at Chatham. We aoknowledge the receipt of eompll. mentarybadge and ticket to Wingham Caledonian gamee on Sept. lst. Our: business men ehonld got their dodg- ereready in good time for distribution next Fridey, Caledonian day. Tee Wizard Oil Company is in town. They furnish a good program of music, &a, free in advertising their business. Time has been almost a butter fam- ine for several weeks and when a roll or tub did come in it was quickly bought up. Be everybody tidying up a little our town will present a neater appearance to visitors. Don't be afraid to show people around town, LAsv Wednesday Jas, Jones, leader of the Brussels Band, accompanied the Sea - forth Band to a Foresters' demonstration at Brantford. THE travelling agent for Parker's Dye Works was in town this week. They are a.reliablefirm and are reproaented by J. G. Skene in town. A nrecreL meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held in the basement of the Meth- odist church nest Mouday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A. good attendance desired. AT the regular meeting of the W,C.T,U. Mrs. Swann was elected President. The ladies are making a push for the estab- lishment of a Band of Hope in Brussels. TME Jamestown base ball club is talk. ing about arranging a match with the Maitlands of this place. Our boys are alwaye ready to have a game with any outside club. To Women's Christian Temperance Union has Bent out a call to Christian woman in every land to observe Novem- ber 12 and 13 as days of prayer for the success of the temperance work. KEEP Brussels Caledonian games in view. They will be held one week from Friday of this week. A good program has been arranged. A grand Band con- cert will be given in the Town Hall at night. ST. Jomo's church Sunday school held their annual pie-nic in A. Delgatty'e grove on Tuesday afternoon. Although the day was a little on the cool side a good time was put in by the youngsters. In the way of amusements there were swings, croquet, base ball, foot ball, foot racing and a tug of war. J. W. SHAW, Principal of the Blyth school, has tendered his resignation and it will come into effect in October.. Mr. Shaw intends entering on the study of medicine and will attend the Medical College this Fall at Toronto. He has been a very sucoessfel pedagogue and we have no doubt but that greater success will attend him when he has M.D. at- tached to his name. Iy1AnsIEn.—Last Wednesday I. Bark- ley, of this place, forsook bachelorhood andwas united in marriage to Miss Mess- er, of Blusvale. A sister of the bride's and abrother to the groom assisted in the ceremony. Rev. A. Y. Hartley tied the nuptial knot. Mr. and Mrs. Barkley went to Cleveland on a wedding tour, Their friends wish them smooth sailing on the matrimonial sea. Soars person or persons visited the residence of W. F. Vanstone last Satur. day, obtaining ingress through a window, and after looking through the drawers of a bureau secured $2.00 after which they decamped. Mr. Vanstone was away at Boston and the thief evidently knew it. People should be on the alert for these prowlers and make them acquainted with 20 or 30 grains of buckshot. Tan Rvoxren OF THE Sus.—The total eclipse of the sun on August 27th will be remarkable on aodount of the lengths of the land line traversed by the shadow of the moon. In fact it will be many years before another eclipse will occur the path of which will be so continuously upon the land and so little upon the ocean. The shadow of the moon will strike the earth first at Berlin, early in the morn. ing. It will pass eastwardly from this point, and, traversing the entire width of Russia and Siberia, will reach the sea of Japan a little south of Viadivostook. Trending southerly, the shadow track will pees across Hondo, the main island of Japan, in a Iine running from Nitgaia, upon the western coast, to Mito. The observers upon the streets of Tokio will be favored with a sight of the eolipse a little south of the line of totality,. The giant shadow will rise and disappear from the surface of the earth at a point nearly 1,000 miles east of Japan in the Pacific Ocean. The eclipse will be observed by two American parties, one in Japan and the other in Russia—and observations will be taken by astronomers at various points in Siberia. THE POST 5E001105 THE MOTION, --The Goderioli Star remarks : Another lank, end ono which was particularly notice- able and commented upon during the large excursion last Tuesday, is of facil- ities for the comfort and amusement of pic•nio and excursion parties. Every other place making any pretentious as a resort of this character has a shed with tables and seats for the convenience of those bringing luncheon with them ; swinge, roller ooastere, merry-go-rounds, and such arrangements calculated to add to the enjoyment of the pleasure seekers. These are not to be found on private grounds alone, but in free pnblio puke, and if they were provided herewe could have two large excursions every week during the season. We anticipate an ob. jection made by some that these excur- sions ere not of sufficient benefit to the town to warrant any expenditure of pub- lic money in providing these features by assorting that carefttl snquiry as to the result of the large excursion on Tnesday will show, that nearly enough money was spent here by the visitors that day to Greet all these facilities. At present Visit. Ors And here abs lutely nothing provided by the town, mad he wonder is that un- der the oiroumstances so many gather - Inge conte here at all. It will pay to cul- tivate this trade. Let us do it, Selman for sale at Ament Brae. Suntonne for sale et Amid Bros, Burr= and oheese, ,Adam Good, 7 Mete Bbrla Anprs, of Stratford, is visit - hip friends in Shia looality. ExrnA value in Pure Piokling Vine. gars at Thomson's. 4 - WALTER SMITH, of Newark, NJ" is en- joying u holiday visit with liie cousin, A, R, Smith, NEW wheat is being marketed quite freely now and as usual Brussels is gett- ing a big share. J. J. Grum was at St. Marys this week arranging for the leasing of his farm on the 10th con. of Blanchard town. ship. Rev, Me. Jeereas, of Oakville, was vis- iting his sou -in-law, Chas. B, Harris, of Morris, and others i01 this looality last week. THE Olinton New Era says :—It is said that a Cliutonian has backed the Iced Stookings, in the match with Brussels to -day, to the extent of 1160. Mite, S. LIMAS, of Campbellford, is vie. itiilg her sister, Mrs. W. F, Vanstone. Mrs. Ludas was formerly milliner in A. R. Smith's store in town. Tan Council is trying a sample stone street crossing between the Garfield block and Dr. Graham's block, by way of ex- periment. Jas. Kelly has the job and ie assisted by Jno. Meadows. We be- lieve these crossings will give good satis- faction and outwear a dozen plank ones. Tee Wingbam Times saye : Ib is re- ported that a man named Jenkins, of Durham, is to start a paper in Brussels about the first of September in opposition to TEE Poso. He is being brought there by tho Conservative party, but we think if he don't make for himself 20 Brussels a better reookd than he heel in Durham, those who are bringing him there will be more anxious to get rid of him than they are to get him. At any rate he can't hurt THE PosT as it is a good local paper and will receive the support 15 deserves. Ho I for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Roches- ter andlOhautauqua, MUMMA!, SEnTEntnnn 1sT, by the 9th Annual Popular Excur. sion. Tickets to Bcffalo, Rochester and Cheutauqua good for 5 days, Niagara Falls, 2 days. Special inducements are Low Fares, and a guarantee that Buffalo and Roeheeter passengers, will arrive at either plane without delay.. We guaran- tee Close Connections and Fast Time. Don't mien it Best and Last Exoureion of the Season. See posters and hand- bills, 6.2 COMING 1 AND DON'T YOU p'enaso' Te Bun re', the old reliable 8700 of Parker's Dyo Works of Toronto, have de- cided to sendtheir fine order carriage here on Friday next. It randy is the finest trav- elling conveyance now on the rued. Don't fail to see them erfd hand them an your faded clothes and hpva them dyed any color and finished like new. They aro known far and wide forage work. Ladies' and gent's wearing apparel'beaSitifully finished with- out ripping, They have by tar the largest works of the kind in tb e Dominion and the work they turn. out is wonderful, even Sha most expert judge could not tall that geode have been dyed and they are finished so well. Be sure you have your geode ready and give thorn a trial and the work w111 speak or itself. 3, G. S8:EN10, Agent. Oaieadiasi Nevte Stallion races in Clinton on Sept. 1. Lucknow Caledonian games on Sept. 7th. Talk of organizing a Knight of Labor order in Goderioh. El. Bloody, of Clinton, is publishing a monthly entitled the Fruit Review, The township of Turnberry has 685 voters on its roll, and East Wawanosh has 615, according to this year's voters' lists. Messrs Colquohoun & Dow, of Exeter, have arrived with two beautiful Olydes- dale Stallions "Charming Charley" and "The Turk." T. McFadden,. of 4th con. McKillop, re. oently sold a fine Peroheron horse to Mr. McMann, of Seaforth, for the handsome figure of $240. Alex. Graydon, of Newbury, was fined 5100 and costs at Mount I3rydges for breach of the Scott Act. William Hayes' case was adjourned. Morpeth has a 13 -year-old boy, Arthur Smith, who hes recently passed the third class teaohers' examination. He is re- garded there as a prodigy. James Quirk, the well-known sprinter, has returned to Brantford from Loadvil- le, Colorado. A week ago Quirk suo- oeeded in nicking a world reoord, run- ning 101 yards in 95 seconds. The district mooting for the Methodist churches in Goderioli distriot will be held about the 7th and 8th of Sept. next, in Reetenbury Street oburoh, Clinton. It is expected that Dr. Potts, of Toronto, will be present and deliver an address on the College Federation scheme. The Exeter oorreepondent of The Clin. ton New Era writes a—A family living in this village, about a year ago adopted from the Orphan Home, of London, a ,bright youth, On Saturday last a lady, a relation of the family, was there, and Ordered the lad to go out and do some little chores. The lad. at once get about the work, but did not do it fast enough to suit this fair lady, who at once com- menced beating the child, until his Dries of murder, oto., were heard fully a block away. Not being stele/fed with Shia beating, she took the child by the logs and dropped him into a tub of water, keeping him there until he was nearly drowned, • (;o•oneral Newea. A. W. Franke has presented to the British Museum a most remarkable coin lately received from India. It is a deoa- drachm of the Bactrian series, the first ever met with, and boars on the obverse a horseman charging with his lance an elephant, on whose back aro two war- riors ; and en the reverse a king 01 Zeus, standing, holding a thunderbolt and a spoor ; in the field is a monogram com- posed of the letter .433, The ollverss re. cords Sema victory of the Greeks over the barbarians, and the merge may be a re- prosentatiotx of Alexander the Great, The coin evidently Domes from the die. triot of the Oxus, and wag etroek about ! the middle of the second century 8,0. Arrangements aro being made by the I Oanadiau Paoifla Beltway suthoritios of , the representatives of leading newspapere in all the older Provinoss to attend the faits in the Northwest Torritories, zexA7~sxsaa, BAnn ex—MEssnn,—At the residence of the bride's father, on the 24th inet„ by Rev. A, Y. Hartley, Mr, Ira Bark. ley, of Brussels, to Mise Jane, eldest daughter of Mr, Wm, Moseer, of Blusvale, 1•Iess—SLooN,—In Blyth, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev, A. Mo - Loan, Mr, Emil Hees, of Listowel, to Miss Allie, only daughter of Dr. Sloan, 7DIEa_ Wanes.--Tn SVawanoah, on tbo 18th lust„ Thos. Walsh, aged 61 years. CLAER.—Ill Morris, on the 20tH inst., Margaret Claris, aged 100 years and 0 months, Trrasts „—At Ethel, on the 28rd Inst., Mary, eldest daughter of the late Ben. Tindall, in her 25tH year. 23R v.703331.1a N2,8' v IlT5, 001111000En 051SBrULLY liexaY WHIM. Fall Wheat 70 80 Spring Wheat 60 80 Barley 40 50 Oats 28 80 Peas .. . 48 50 Butter, tubs and rolls.... 14 Eggs per dozen 14 Flour per btlrrel........ 4 50 Potatoes ... 40 Hay per ton .. 7 00 Hides per ib 5* Salt per bbl., wholesale00 Sheep skins, each 50 Wool, per 11. 20 PAIi\WFOR SALE. --THE SUB• summon oITers his velusble 150 =re ferns, being lot 0, cors, 13, Grey Township, $urou u„ for dein, Thorn aro 7a sores eloarod and egood heart, Thiamin; !a e log houeo, good bank 0,530, beating orchard, and ell e, uocue0urh r partleul es o0 the Promisee, For further parttuular9, as to price, terms, ole„ apply to the Proprietor, l'kf08.1fI81OP,01are.P G„ N.W,T., or to 2.10 DOUGALD BTRAOBAN, Breesolo, WARM IN GREY TOWNSHIP yon eA oo,—Peine lot 14, eon, 10, eou- tntning 100 =rep. 05 le partly °bared, the bala0oo well timbered, A never failing crook 0305050 the 'dace and it is well adapt- ed for either farming or graahig. I will like. wino dolt 40 sores, being east part of lot 14, con, 10, nearly all °leered and in u good state of nultivetion, A good frame barn with a good Mono stable und0reoatb and e novae failing well is nitto on the place, For further' perslcohsroapply so the proprietor on the pplum, This 105 is mynah) tee eth- er. GEORGE AVER 3, Proprietor. 1.51 ft i' oAORE FARM FOR SALE. v ll —A Rret-class farm for sale lu the Township of Morrie Ito the County of H anon, being south half of north half Io18 26 a:20 nod aouth hall of 20 In 5511 eon., eentafning Bed none mere or Inas, 1255 acres !neatly clear of stumps end In e. good state of antbi- vation. Tlfore is a young bearing orchard,a good houeo and hauk barn 05 x a0 feet wih stone stable underneath, The farm is situ- ated within a mile of the Village of Brussels amts a'good farm for grain or stook rain- ing as Ibis watered with the river Maitland and never failing spring creek. Possession will be given at any time. For further Par- ticulars apply on the premises or to A.A. ROBEIITSON, Brussels. P. 0. 6-tf 15 re re en Ir Ors rteale, 00 00 Thesubseelo or offers for salo hla valuable ' 50 8 00 8 So 1 00 2$ a:•`A2,i, 0230 EFTS_ Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 5-17, Bast Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oat. 4. Bast Huron, Brussels, Oat. 6 and 7. Western Fair, London, Sept, 19-24. Northern Fair, Walkerton, Oct. 4-7, North Perth, Stratford, Oct. 6 and 7. Guelph Central, Guelph, Sept. 20-22. Greet Central, Hamilton, Sept. 26-30. Wallace, of Listowel, Sept. 27 and 28. Brantford Southern, Brantford, Oat. 11 and 12. Agr'l and Arts Association, Ottawa, Sept. 19-24. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. SERVANT GIRL WANTED.— Apply to MRS. D. A. 8MALE. 7.1 SERVANT GIRL WANTED AT once—Apply to MRS, T. PLETCHER. ,t YOUNG GIRL OF 14 OR 15 li years wanted to assist in general house work. Apply at once at THE Poem Publish- ing House, 0_ TT OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on .Phomas Street, Brussels. 7 rooms, large cellar, stable and 3/8 acre of laud, Ap- ply to ROBJIiiT 8088. 6- Geo OR 80 COLONIES OF PURE Italian Beee for Salo Cheap, Apply to J. R. SMITH, at A, lu, Me5ay d Co.'e Hard- ware Store, Brussels. 6-5f BOOK LOST BETWEEN Brussels and Corrie. Was -done up in black oilcloth cover. Teo finder will confer a great favor by leaving it at Tan Pose Publishing House, Brussels. 8 - CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE.— A. few splendid, improved farms for sale in the township of Grey, Morris and Moli:lllop. Apply to A. DELGATTY, Co. Auatfoneer,liruesele P. 04 A GENT WANTED A2' BRCS - suns for the London and Lancashire Piro Ineuranoe Go. Liberal tame to a good man. Address, with references, to 2.4 W. A, SIMS, Manager, Toronto. FARM TO BENT. --A GOOD Farm near Brunie to rent. 00 acres cleared, 00 acres under grate balance under tillage, Apply to Bruesolt P. 0, or to the Undersigned at Ronald's Foundryy Brussels, Ont. 5-10 JOHN BROAD'k'OOT. FARM FOR SALE. —THE SUB• aoeman offers hie excellent 125 mare farm for Oslo, Itms situated on eon. B. Grey, being lot 8 and west part of lot 0. There is about 103 soros cleared. The buildings are good. Two barns with stone stabling, meas. pre 45x40 feet and 31355 feet respectively, There aro two frame dwelling houses, young orchard of 15 acres, aid all the sonvenien- cea, There's a never -failing spring creel on the place. Poeeession could be given at any time. The farm is 45` miles from Entomb and is in a splendid Locality, near to the sohool, church, &o. Por price, terms, etc., apply 6.10o the Proprietor 3011N SMITH,P oprietol, MORTGAGE SALE OF Valuable Property, IN THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. Under and by virtue of powers of sale eon- tained in a certain mortise 0, which will bo produced ffered at saleeati the Aniorf as Hotel. ile the Village of Brue eels on the sotto Day of September, 3887, &14 o'oleekin the afternoon, 0.11 and einem- lar those aortal° parcels or traoto of land situate in the Village of Brusselta, conspp,oeed of lots Land N and numbers 384 and 895 ac- cording to Halliday's survey Of pert of lot number 30iu the. 6th con. of Morris and the registered plan of Brueeale made by Thomas Woatheralti The above mentioned lots 384 and 380 are situate on the northeast Omer of Alexander and Catharine streets, Lot numbor 884 le elevate oh the northeast thrum of Catharine and Alexander streets], having a frontage on both etreste and is Bald to contain &beet One-fourth 0f as acre of land, Lot number 985 is situate on the east Bide of Alexander street lyingimmodiately north and adjacent to lot number 884. This let is also said to contain ono -fourth of an acre of land, Lot N is situate on the southeast corner of Eliz- abeth and Catbarino streets, having a front- age on both streets, Lot L Is situate ins - Mediately west of loth and a portion of the lot has a frontage on the west sine of Alexander street. Thoth two Iota are saidto contain four and a -half scree. Upon let N is. loreoted a two story brick dwelling with extension kitchen, said to be in good repair. Upon lot 384 isa frame dwelling bowie. all the above mentioned ',Mettles are said to be Weil formed, The property wilt b0 Offered for salt sdbjoot to a ragmen:, bid. Terms and conditionsreatlo known at time of sato. For furtherkilolitre apply to E.M.OHAD yyii�a Von Von apes rottener, 7 -an. Fermin the Township of Grey, oomprieing lots a an 7, eon .11 in said township, This far el contains 200 'soros and is within 15 miles trout the thriving village of Brussels, with good gravel road Leading thereto. About 150 acres are cleared, free !ror0 05ureps end In a high state of cultivation. The balance Is fiutly wooded. This farm le particularly wellf°need, nearly the whole of the feeees beaus straight mud having been mooted in 1885 and '85. On the premises there is a com- fortable log dwelling house and agoo dframo barn with atone stabling underneath in which there isa well with an abundant sup- ply of excellent water. There is likewise a new frame imp/azimut house, 40x28, well floored, above and below, and neatly aided and painted. For partiaulare apply to the Proprietor, JAMES DIOxSON, Registrar, Huron Co„ ltf9- Goderloh. Executors' Notice. All parties having claims against the lbs. tato o1 the late E.T, BLHirMON, of the Town- ship of Greg, fa the County of Huron. who died on or about the 7th day of May, A. D. 1887, are , on or before the let day of October, 1887, to send by post (prepaid) to either of the undernigned their Christian and sur- names, address and desorietion, with full particulars of their claims, a statement of their amounts and nature of their securities, if any, held bytb em, and in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from participating in the said estate, and we hereby also give notice to all parties indebt- ed to the said estate, whether by book ac- count or otherwise, to pay the Barna to A.M. McKay or W, Steams= , on or before the above mentioned date. Dated in Grey this 17th day of Aug., '87. A. M. eloKAY, I EYECBTOEa, 1VM. SLEMMON, J 8-t Octl ORTGAGE SALE 1 Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in certain indenture of +mort- gage made by Jeesph Banker and wife, willoh will be produced at the limo of sale, there will be sold by Public Auction on the Promisee, in the Vinr.eos oP 00AN0120on, in the Township of Grey, in the County of Hur- on, on Wednesday, Aug. 381st, 1887, by Mr. Anthony Reymann, Auotlonser, at 1 0'01,00x, p.m., subject to mob ooidibions es shall then be produced, the following valu- able village property via All and singular that certain parcel or treat of land and promisee situate, lying and being in the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, containing sixty-six and two thirds square rode, more or less, Being composed of a part of farm lob number sixteen, in the twelfth concession of the said township of Grey and better deaorlbed se follows: Com- mencing at the Northwest corner of said lot• thane° easterly along the northerly limit of Raid lot, six and two -third rode : thence southerly,at right =glee to the said northerly limit of said lot, ton rode ; thence westerly, parallel to the said nortberlyllm- it of said lot, six and two -third rods to the westerly limit of said let ; thane northerly along the said woetorly limit of said lot, ten rods to the place of begfunla g, There aro on the geld land a 15 story brick dweiliug house, 24082, with stone collar, A stdemeinshouse Rda cllar.0bcksmthhop,a oo frame barn 18x24 with stone foundation, The above property is situated in the thriv- ing Village of Oranbrook, and is a good bus- iness stand, TEntre or Beem,—Ton per cont. down .1 the time of sale, and the balanos within one month. For further particulars apply to too Auo- idoaeer, or to ELLIOT &ELLIOT, Vendor's So1fcitere, Exeter, Ont. Dated this and day of August 1887. 0.3 W ESTEPJV I'llI.R Industrial and Art Exhibition, LONDOJV,• C�gJV.flD,fl. 1Cetll tO 2 J5tll Sept. ,S3,7. LIBERAL PREMIUMS —pOR— LIVE STOCK, MACHINERY, ETC. NEW GROUNDS, NEW BUILDINGS. NEW RACETRACK aro being provided for the forthcoming Jub- ilee Exhibition at an estimated poet of 120,000.00. HALF A 1111,11000 DOLLARS will be 0011. rssonbs&uisttIisTsve 810051 display, (.rand Exhibits 115 Painting, Statuary Sealptltvc. The Oemm tt5e on Attractions aro pre- paring a splendid program. Stetter than over. Send your Odeon on a postal card for o t loP re Lia For iti ruts writ f 1 rss t, all Yo tfbn write to file 8eorotary, .ea„ `tr,7 , 1'ert01, G-r,,o, 0vic9.3soterai., Pnnernu5VT, SRn iii iaY, RANKING. oINTOSH & ItiroTAGGAR.C4 BANKERS .:- BRUSSELS . Transact a General .13anlrtnq Business. Notes to hand dleoountod,i Taterestallowed on riapoelte repayable on dnwau (1, • Prompt attention given to aolleotione, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCiNQ. U TADE & SINOLAIR BARRIS• v 1 TOW, ere, Mao in Lookie's block, Brassole, Al000yto Loan, )3. DICKSON, (LATE WITH. H Carrow & Proudfoot, Goderloh) So- licitor, Conveyaneor, &o. °Aloe, Grant's block, Brueaole, Money to loan, ALEX. HUNTER, OLERE OF the Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Lend, Loan and Insurance Agopb. Funds invested and to loan. Oo,lections made, °Moe rn Gra- hame Bleak, Br assets, • MDICAL CARDS. T\R. HUTCHINSON HAS RE • moved his =leo to 7. Heryroayoe' Ding Stora. llosidonee on Mlit Street _Tp A. MoNAUGHTON, 111. D., (I. C! • M. L, It. O, P. Edinburgh, Plnyoioinn, Surgeon and Aaoounh or, Office, Sirs, Shiel•s blu5k, Turnberry Street. IC F. OALE, M. D., 0. M. Member of the College of Physielens and Surggeoes of On5aaio by examination. Office and Residean—blain 8t. East., Ethel Ontario, DENTAL. 11 INT TIST.R.Tar G. L. BaIl,L, D.8, Honor Graduate and M. R. 0. D. B., of Toronto, Nitrous Oxide Gas administered. Prices graded =des low as good work can be done Ior. Office over Johnston's Hardware Store, Sesforth. DEPT ii4T. W.J. Pear, L.D S. Graduate of To- ronto School of Dentistry. 511 oper- ations guaranteed. O52eu—Cady'e Moak, Seaforth, Artificial teeth, Orat quality , anda guaranteed At, for $12,00pee est. DE1V7CIST. Il A, r2A2i3TSN, S5, Il, S., Honor Graduate of the Royal OoilsgBe of Dental Burgooue, Toronto. NiTna; Orrnis Gas administered for the palmers extrac- tion of tenth. OFFICE.—Garfield Block, RIir1S8RL8. BUSINESS CARDS. TT H. MOORAOKEN,' ISSUER • of Marriage Licenses. Chloe at hie Gtocery,Turnberry Sbreet. Ai11oNAIB, ISSUER 01" MAR• rismeLloenses, by appointment of Lieut..Goyernor, Commissioner, &e., Q, B. Oenveyaooer and Agent Fire Insurance Cc. Offiee at the Orsnbrook Post Ofiloe. W: O'13RIEN, V. S., HONOR • Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College has resumed the praetioe Of John Nott, V.8„ and is prepared to treat all die. eases of domesticated animals on scientific andapprovsd prineiples. Treatment of del- icate foals a specialty Office two doors North of Bridge, Turnberry street. Robert Cunningham INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, Ontario. 1; BLASHILL, 8abaher, thanking his many ouetamere fox their liberal Ruppert in the pset wishes to inform them that at bis shop in Bmalc's block he keepe nothing but first-class meats, all kinds of Poultry and Sausage Moat Delivered bo all parts of the town free. Cush paid for Pat Stook, Hides and sheepskins bought for FARM FOR SALE:—THE SUB-. Bauman offers for sale hie valuable 100 aore farm, being lob 0, eon, 10, Grey, and situated 14 miles from Brussels. The place will be sold with or without the Drop and on easy berme Poreeeeron will be Slyen at any time. For further particulars as to price, terms, &m, apply to the proprietor on the premises, 38-5m R. MoNAUGHTON, BBruesels THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS sou sena the following Properties in Bruseele at verylow figures :—Two Home and Lots ,on Mill Street West ono House andforge Lot on M1ll Street East, Stable and Small Lot rear of Grant's Block, also a fine Building Site on Main Street, adlolning block, title perfect. 7. 11, GRANT. 50 - ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamsla8Jis. '87. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, )87. sAszuva•s. Pn0M 121ynliP003, 500015150, MOM QUEBEC, Aug,18th Sarmatian Boppt, 8th Aug, 20th tlircoaeben Sept,10th. Sent, 1st Sardinian . 8ept.22nd Scut, 0th Polyynesian Bopt, 30th Beat, 11tk Pakielab . , Oot, gilt Sept, 22dd Bnrmotlen Oet. 11150 Sent 305H Oireaasliin ..,,...,. Oot. 21st Oct; 0th ...,,,....,,Sardinian Oob, 57tli OM,.19th Poignant= Noy. 4th Oat.20th Parisian Nov.leth Gob. 27th Sarmatian Nov, Nth Btoorage Passengers are booked to and from London, Quoenston,Derry ,Belfast and Glasgow at same rates at Liverpool Baton of htersage by the Mail Stunner Quotes 50 Loadouderry and Liverpool:— Cabin-40a iverpool:—Cabin-'•500, 970 and 580, Return -8110, 8180 and 8150. 1ntermodiato—$80, return fa, Steerage -820, re55ru, 0140. Tho last train oonneoting at Q0Obee with the Mall Stoamoresalling from that port on the Thursday, loaves Toronto oft the Wed- 0080o meriting. Who lent train connecting with the Extra Steamers sailing on the Fri- day, leaves Reroute on the Thursday snorh- leg. For Mean and oVery ieforniadlon sp. ply to J. 1t, GRANT, AenoT, BswsaDrg, tri P al m 1a ill fe tb th 0. la 01 et of in 4t sc 9, 01 to it di u 01 w 0, ti. w B 0c W J. G F, T A 3, G 11 1122 Id J. A j.W rzt 11, ie ai E4 ST '3 110 • 1fo qt of w ; nt Ia Oi jn er ti rn b - fa tr tb ill bl Ia B ca ae bt w th 05 pt wl w la T tr m co di ei y' a di dr fe wi pr o ab sti ex dr pa 0f fel co na gr ra be fe la w 80