HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-8-26, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST
Ttatp.erenTre Otlohnint.
—They aro fighting for the person.
al liberty to make the liquor dagger
drink the precioes blood of onr
noble motherhood.
They are lighting for liberty to
send yonr son, or brother, or kin.i•
mau to n felon's cell.
They are ilehting for a traffics that
thrives best when moat human
hearts are crushed,
They are fighting to dynamite
They are fighting to depopulate
happy homes and people the abode
of despair.
They are fighttug for the privil.
age of crowding aeylums and pris•
MIS 1% it h wrecked apirits.
They are fighting to tax public
ivealth to harbor and support their
debased and impoverished product.
_ .
Talking is like paying on a harp ;
there i as much in touching the
strings to stop their vibrations as in
twanging them to bring out their
It is impossible to bo too uon-
acientious, but it a quite possible to
develop this quality in a very one-
sided way, and to neglect to examine
er to verify the principles on which
it ts supposed to rest.
Everyone who values his or her
happiness and peace of mind in this
world would do well to cultivate
patience. Without it man is like a
ship minus a rudder, at the mercy
of his impulses, which, if he obeys,
may lead him into all sorts of diffi-
culties and disasters that may even
take a lifetime to undo.
Pereerverance and indomitable
energy are the secret forces which
lead up to the high places ; without
these agents, the mind becomes de-
pressed at the first failure, and, in-
stead of moulding ciroumetances to
suit the need, the mind is moulded
by them, ane reflects itself in the
weak, unsteadfast character of its
Children cry from two causes—
either from temper or from illness,
It is the duty of every mother to as-
certain whether the latter cause in-
duces the fretfulness In her child,
and, if so, to take means at once to
remove this cause if possible. But,
il no ;symptom of suffering be dis
covered, tbe ease immediately de-
mands other treatment, and the pas-
sionuteness or obstinacy must be
overcome by moral force.
True sympathy brings judgment
and tact to its aid, and quickly en-
lists the interests and sympathy of
the one it would help, thus working
with, not in spite of him. The
friendly word in season, the timely
help m temptation, the kindly fel-
low feeling that gladly listens to and
fakes into account the side not seen
at first, will do more good than all
the counsel, be it ever so wise, or
admonitions, however pertinent, de
livered from a height of fancied sup.
eriority and falling with an unwel-
come sound on the ears of those ad. -
In all talk about persons it is
their merits that we should hasten
to disclose, their good deeds that we
.should gladly unfold. In all dis.
.oussion on character, the good
should come into prominence. In
all our uttered hopes for the future,
our highest ideals should receive the
•empisaais. Troth, and not error,
light, and not darkness, love, and
mot hate, should be our themes. So
enay we increase and perpetuate all
that is good by frank utterance while
evil will decrease and. disappear
under the thick drapery of silence.
"Nu man's enemy but his own"
happens generally to be the enemy
of everybody with whom be is in re-
lation. he leading quality that
goes to make bis character is a reek -
less improvidence and a selfish pur-
suit of selfish enjoyments, independ-
ent of consequences. "No man's
enemy but his own" runs rapidly
through his means; calls, in a
friendly way, on his friends for as-
sistance ; leaves his wife a beggar,
and quarters orphans upon the pub.
lic; entails a life of dependence on
hie progeny, and dies in the odour
of that ill -understood reputation of
harmless folly which to more injur-
ious to society than many positive
Canadian News
Hanover has two brass bands.
Durham has a fighting assessor.
Wm. O'Connell, Guelph, is over
100 years of ago.
The G.T.R. will build a large
new depot at Stratford.
Bush fires have done great dam
ago around Brownsville.
Three of tSte seven inutatea of the Petrolia's new town hall will coat
Elgin omit), jail are Mamie, $10,000.
A drools 01 earthquake was felt in A wild oat has killed several
Loudon, Ont., an Wednesday night. sheep near Elora,
The peach crop around fit. (lush. One agent Hold 51 binders it)
ethics* this year is the beeriest ever Walpole towuebip this season.
known. 1 St, Catharines will build a track
The Ball Electric Light Co. have if they can get the bioyole meet next
secured the tender for lighting Situ- year.
eta with 10 NOIR. It is expected Hutt voting on a
A. magnificent rainbow was wit repeal of the Scott Act in Renfrew
;leased on Lnke Superior, at 12 will take place in Noveinber.
o'clook, ma night recently. A 12 menthe old ehild, of Perla,
Vancouver has made pleuty of appalled its mother when she saw
preparations for growth, as it thin; at the top of a 14 foot ladder.
claim an acreage of 0,000 acree. The "meanest man" showed up
L. A. Mafire, of Montreal, is re at Comber, Ont., the other day
ported to have caught a black bass where ho overturned the corner
in Bromo lake weighing six and IL stone of the new English church
half pounds. nud took the coins which wt re
During the Kenn dance at Fort placed underneath it.
Macleod en Indiau Wtt* Wally shot A young Indy of Tottenham, Out.
by a ball glancing off a stone and .,tie married last Eriday, and after
striking him. the unittl wedding breakfast the
Au unknown laborer ;them 45 happy couple darted for their
years of age, was run over and !tilled honeymcon tour on a tricycle, mul
by a Grand Trunk tram Saturday showers of ries and good wistaa.
near Montreal. St. Thomas Journal ; Such is
Conductor Snider, of the G.T.R., the scarcity of aster in at least one
occupied the pulpit in the Metho• part of the city that a gentleman
dist chinch at Port Elgin, on a has had to pack his wife oil' ou n
recant Sunday. month's visit to her friends. Their
A. man named Jit MOB Delaney own well ran dry and their neigh -
was sunstruck on Friday near bor's, and then ho thought it tfmo
Dublin, Perth cmuity, and when to suspend housekeeping operations
pieked,up was dead. until the rain fell.
Geo. Simpson, of McGillivray,
cut and bound eight acres of vory Prof. Alphonse lag, the roan
heavy oats in 'four hours without who has been giving exhibition))
removing from his meat. throughout the country of his
'watershoes', crossed Niagara river
.A. uumber of boys entered a Mil- Sunday on a ‘water bicycle,' (meth
ton genilaman's cellar, during his
absense, and drank ball a barrel of er invention of hisThe start Was
bear, which he had left on tap. made just under the Suspension
bridge. The bicycle consists of
Upwards of 14,000 cars, six.aev- two hollow stuk floats. Above and
oaths of them loaded crowd the below ie the frame work of a bicycle
cantilever bridge over the Niagara, with paddles. The wheel is four
during the first twenty.five days in feet in diameter.
July. St. Thomas Times : A citizen led
David Ashbaugh, of Tyneside a bull dog uutside the corporation
sowed his peas on May the 4th and limits last evening to give it its
had them pulled and in the barn by quietus. The weapon of iminol-
July the nth. They will average colon was a revolver. The first
30 bushels per acre. shot laid the canine out, and while
A cave between 200 and 800 feet he laid there the remaining six
in lenght and from four to fifteen cartridges were emptied into his
feet high, has been discovered on commis and the presumably dead
the farm of John Dean, lot 4, in animal thrown into a bole. When
the 5th concession of Tyendinagathe citizen returned home hie sur -
One day last week a (laughter of prise can be imagined when he
Hugh Haggerty, whits picking ber• found the mdentical dog calmy
ries, in the township of Moulton, seated on the door step, apparently
Htildimand county, killed twelve as well as usual,
rattlesnakes—an old one and eleven There was an incident in the dis-
yourig ones. aster near Chatisworth, 111., which
A story comes from up the St. was not only remarkably in 'Le way,
John River, 14.B , to the effect that but (thews how terribly those six
a lady sat down on a lighted cigar, coaches were jammed and ,mashed
which burned through her dress together. When the accident oo-
and caused her celluloid dress bn. curred Andy Mooney, of Peoria,
prover to explode. and Conductor Stillwell, wait in
The Elmira Advertiser says : charge of the train, were three cars
Mrs. Weissmueller presented her from each olhor. Mooney was in
husband with a r air of bouncing the second oar and Stillwell in the
twins on 'Monday. Twin Hill has fifth. The next instant they found
proved itself to be very fruitful, this themselvee literally in each other's
being the eighth pair of twine which arms, the ate in which the °endue -
were born on this very bill. It is for was riding having been carried
rumored that several families are over the two in front and dropped
looking around for residenceon top of the one in which Mooney
other parts of the town. sat. The strange part of it Wee
that neither man woe hurt.
A young farmer and hie wife
were in Waterloo, Que., last week A few days ago the editor of a
to attend the circus. The woman Port Arthur paper wrote about the
watched the three shell game and first discovery of gold in Algoma,
made up her mind that she could and the intelligent compositor made
tell every time under which shell him write about 'When God was
the ball was concealed. She got firet ,cliscovered inAlgoma.' The
her husband to put up $5, and she Alg°thene aro indignant. This in*
picked out an empty obeli, losing trident recalls a story told by a Brit-
the five times the fond husband ish Columbia pioneer about the
staked $5 and five times his wife visit of two Americans to that prov•
missed the shell and lost it for himin" roanYears ago, when the
He looked reproachfully at his wife Hudson Bay Company were in pos.
and the couple walked off with just gession of the whole country, and
enough money to get into the side when almost every building, fence,
show. flag and vessel bore the letters 'H.
An exchange reports a curious B. 0.' One of the visitors asked
accident that happened in Arthur the other what it meant. Tke par-
ty addressed said he did not know,
township the other day. A Mr.
McGillicuddy has a mulls cow of but that he presumed. they signified
a somewhat pugnacious disposition, 'Here before Christ.'
and there is also in his herd anoth. On July Kith, whilet a little four
er bovine who rejoicee in the pos. year old daughter of A. G. Mc -
session of a pair of horns 61 large Dougall was amusing herself upon
and graceful proportione, which the prairie near her father's real -
curve upward& and inwards until denee, Virden, Man., accompanied
their points come within about six by her 'father's dog, she was attack.
inches of each other. While being ed by a large garter snake with head
driven home the cows, as is the Greet and out•starting tongue. The
wont of animals of their kind, en. snake was observed by the dog
gaged in sundry scuffles and trials which seized it by the tail and drew
of strength, and at last the horn• it back several times, thus prevent.
leas one charged recklessly upon ing it reselling the child. The net-
tle other. They came together ion of the dog was observed by
fiercely and the head of the raulley Messrs. Ingersoll. and Borwn, who
when they met slipped upwards be- where engaged in roofing a huilding
tweou the horns of hor rival until for Messrs. McDougall. They cal•
the points of the latter's horns wore led to the child to run or the snake
firmly fastened behind ber jaws, would bite her, but she did not
It was hard to say which cow was seem to relived any danger, rather
in the worst position then, and all gemming to enjoy the sport. Mt.
efforts to separate them for a long Brown then jumped down from the
time proved futile. It was at first building and succeeded in killing
imagined that the only way to Op. 1110 snake, which proved to bo about
arate them would bo to knock the 84, feet long. Tho dog seemed do -
horns off. A half dozen MOH un- lighted at the termination of the
der the direction of Dr. Brawn ef. battle, and could not be got near
reefed their sepal ation after some the maim Now that it was dead
I hard workit seemed Very epughitfit to him.
Brussels Lime Works I jewis the Chance
STILL A114-40.
The subscribers Mho this opportunity of
returning ;Minks to the inhabitants of
lirniciele andrieloity for past mitre:mite,
and hstat
og to e that having made several
iMpreroniel Le their and mode of
burning they ere nos in a helperposition
than over liof,280 to supply the with
V1114.1310%4 1,Imo.
Thie llblrootith 21,0 on of our
liolIeBo 10(1 I1 11! ,2,1 haring
Hiroo m401011 satishiction fioDfur, the
publle ono rely on rotolving 5,o.1 treatment
no a 0 Nirst.til ins A /Mole from us.
Eiret-tilex, 1,1 Oft 1‘14 111 ounte at the It111.
Wo else low ,/ S11.1 Limu fur Plexturfog il
18 conk.,
is t.- •-itrushels 1108
TOVlill & Son.
1,41- oNEY I,DAN
PR fr. '1 '/ FUNDS.
of Private Funds have just been
placed in my hands for In-
A'l' 7 PER CENT.
Bovrowurs cau have their loans
complete in three days if title is
Apply t,, E. E. WADE.
Vicar Spectacles
and Dye -Glasses that will preserve your
Manufacturing Optician, late of the firm
of Lazarus ti; Morris, 28 Maryland Road,
Barrow Road, London, England, has ap-
pointed an agent for the Renowned Spec-
tacles and Eye -Glasses which have been
before the public for the past 22 years.
Lazarus' Spectacles never tire the eye
Last many years without °hangs.
For Sale by H. L. JACKSON,
Smith &' Ross
aro prepared to attend to
in all its branches, as well as
Sign, aid Oraanzental
They have had years of exper-
ience and they guarantee their
work to give satisfaction. A. rig
well painted is half sold.
Estimates and terms cheer-
fully given.
Shop in the old 'Posx' Publishing
House, King street, Brussels,
Smith & Ross.
who are held er whose hair Is thin or gray
or aro troubled with dundruff.
nr. 1Dorenwesad's
AUGUST 26. 1Soi.
Money to Loan.
Money to Loan. on Farm Pro-
, porty, at
With a view of extending the LOWEST RATES.
circulation of
we will send it, ou 11 Trial
for the
23alzioe of
for the small sum of
in Advance.
Brussels, Out.
1887 Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or 'Village Pro-
perty, at
6 d 61 Per Cent. Yearly.
C' ts of repaying when required.
Straight Loans with
Apply to
Now is the time to commence
A. Hunter,
Division owl Clerk, Brussels.
Loan &Investment Co.
"PI AS11110"
5i MONTHS FOR 50c.
Tell your neighbor of this
Woolen Mill.
R. Forsyth & Son, formerly of
the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg
to inform the Farmers in this vi-
cinity that they have Now in Op-
eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth,
and hope that by adhering
to their olcl plan of making noth-
ing but Sound, Durable Goods
and trust that by so doing to
meet a liberal patronage.
of all kinds promptly and care-
fully attended to.
The HIGHEST PRICE paid for
Wool in Exchange for Tweeds,
Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etc.
A Trial Solicited !
Satisfaction Guaranteed
R. Forsyth & Son.
is the greatest tonlo for strengthening the
growth of the hair over dlsoovorod. It Stops
all falling out of Ole hair, removesall traces
of dandreff, restores gray hair 10 fie original
color and in oases of baldness, whore the
roots are not destroyed, it will produce a
leittriant orop of hair,
Tato warning. 11 10(8 hair le in a feeble
State got 14 bottle at ono o bolero 11 Is toe late,
Dr. Doronworicrs " flair Monis," loon Sale at
all principal Dong Stereo. Ask for 11 emirate
nothing oleo,
G. A. D gnaw; AND J, nAltollniltii it Co.,
A, Doren wend sole licanufactn ter,Teron to
1212(1' (4,4,1 QotObi(SIITIICI(l (11 Uni,aln,
If you want year watoh put in good
'tinning order go to
Dealer in Ladies' and Gent's solid Geld
and Silver :Watohes, Cuff Buttons,
Broaches, Bar -rings, Gent's pins, roll
plate vest chains and Necklets, lie has
also &nice 510012 of
in tact everything that is kept in a first.
elan jewelry store.
Special attention given to the re.
pairing of Watenes. Satisfuniion guar-
Jas. Jones,
Queen's Uotol 131ook,
This Company is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at LowEsT
Mortgages Purchased.
8, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest
allowed on Deposits, according
to amount andtime let.
OFFICE.—Corner of Market
Square and North Street, Oode-
Horace Horton,
After another long winter and lots of op.
position I am still alive and in a better
position than ever to attend to the wants
of the Public, having just
Removed to the Store South of J.
Buyer's Carriage Works.
lam prepared to
Execute all Orders Promptly.
in all its branches.
Done Up in Style.
a -Specially.
Wm. Roddick.
named Primo 7.
We have on hand the following
Land Rollers, Plows, Harrows,
Scuffiers, Horse Powers, Straw
Cutters, Turnip Clutters, Grind-
ing or Chopping Mills, best
make, and 1 Good Second
Hand Lumber Wagon.
We have started a Plano.
and 'Matcher to work. Parties
wishing to have Lumber. Dressed
and Matched, or Flooring sized,
tongued and grooved may rely
on getting first-class jobs on the
most reasonable terms.
Repairs of all kinds promptly
attended to at the BRUSSELS
W. R. Wilson.