HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-8-26, Page 2The Baltimore papers tell us a1r8ot01'p 6f Ch1V hQ6 I!1>d lo pieties that Robert ttarrott is to eruct a hotel in that city Eleven ttaries high, ivELVILLE, Cumtee.'^-'Sabbath Services and at Acoot of hall a million of at11a,in. andO80p.re. Sunday Sergio] dollars, This may he said to be a at 2:30 p. m. Bev. John Boas, B, A'+ hotel which Las a Garrett al the bottom of it, Yon ask mo to bring you a little pin money, said a young husband to his wife. Yes, dear, said the lady expectantly. Well, to save you the fatigue of going out this hot weather 1 have brought you some pins instead. Salt Rheum Cured. pastor, Kr= Consul. - Sabbath Services at 11 a. re. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p, in. Rev. 0. Jones, pastor. sx, Jonm's Cnmtcur—Sabbath Services at 11. N.M. and 7 p.m. Sunday Sellout at 13:90 a.m. Rev, W. T, Cluff, incumbent. &IE'rnourex Onultou.—Sabbmatb Services at 10:80 a. m. and 0:80 p. y School at 2:80 p. m. Bev. M. Swann, pastor. RONAN O.cTEOLIO Cntimn.—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at m 11 a.. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest. ODD FELLOWS' LODGE every Thursday evening, in Graham's block, 1I8ASOntio LODGE Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. W. LoOcz on let and 3rd Mon. day evenings of each month. FonESTEE'r' LODGE end and last Monday evenings of each month, fn Smale's ball. L. 0. L. let Monday in every month, in Orange hall. POST OowxcL—Ofiiee hours from 8 a.m. p.m. MEcneNres' IYe'rrruTE, Reading Room and Library, in Holmes' block, will be openfrom G to 8 o'olook p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Lib• rarien. Vfarietiere. • Some snake -killer says the age of a political party may be told by its rings. An eeehange asks: "Does eti• quelte demand a vest on a hot day ?" If it does, it can have ours. • Marvelous. One dose of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure will cure Sick Headache, Dizziness, and Sour Stomach. Liter to Indigestion, and Biliousuers. Sold by ell Druggiete. The proper place for it.—You're losing your head, Josephine ; e amu of oil in my study ?" Well 1 but monsieur, it dose so spoil everything in my kitchen." 'Professor,' slid a graduate, try ing to be pathetic at parting, I'ni indebted to you for all I know. 'Pray do not mention such a trifle, was the not very flattering reply. Ladles Only. The eomplesinn ]s often rendered un- • lyemties'lnoa, and Yellow- ness. Theiwell aro from an inactive Livertlrand bad blood. Dr. wChase's S tem. OSee Recipe 1300k bleed toilet recipes, hints and suggestions on how to preserve the the complexion. Sold by all D It is a mistake to suppose that women have stronger attachments than men. .A. man is often attached to nn old hat ; but who ever heard Liver ems will perform what no other med. of a woman being attached to an old 1 ioine hie Sona before for suffering 1... l Bitters MoGreger & Parka's Carbolic oasts hag been tried and found to no the only positive cure for Salt Rheum, Pimples, Blotohes on face or hands.Oute, Aurae, Brulsee or any Sore that nothing else will heal, he sort and get the genuine, made by MtGroger & Parke. Prion 280. Sold at Hargreaves Drug etore,Bruseels. A hopeless tats.—husband— 1Vhat Shall we do for my wife to• day ? Doctor—Keep ler from talking for three hours and she will get well. Husband—Well, as you go down town stop in the uuder' teker'e and leave the order, will you. Important News Items. Coox0roWE.—"Mrs• Campbell has been troubled for a number of years with Ind!. gestlon and Constipation, and was inclined to try McGregor's Speedy Cure and found it all that was needed. She would recommend lie use to any person similarly troubled." This Invaluable remedy is sold in every' part So Canada Johnn at Deets. per bstore, Brussel e. Dangerous.—What a scare I've had I said Robinson the other day on meeting a friend : my room caught on fire yesterday. And then? I woe so afraid for my wife. Her life was 1n danger? Yee, you pee her disposition is so inflammable. IlcGregor's &nag Compound. Have you a bad Cough, a Chronic Hoarse- ness, a feeling of Lightness In the Chest,. Weak Lunge, or any similar complaint ? If so ,bay a bottle of McGregor'a Lung Com- pound at once. It will caro you. It 00i1- taihs entirely now species, of which one dote is more effectual than a whole bottle of the old time 50e, and 31.00 bottles. remedies. It tby Johnis put upHer- gnomes 0. . greaves & Co., druggists, Brussels. Try it. and you will never have reason to complain. Vehon a bashful young man finds himself in company where there is a Dreamy infant of ten months, the expression of his face, when the proud mother thrusts her tender offeprmg at him with the remark, baby, kiss the nice gentleman, may be imagined, but it cannot be con- terfeited. "They have a larger sale in my district," says a wall -known druggist, "than any other pili on the market, and give the best satis- faction for sick llendeolie, billiousnees, in. digestion, etc., end when combined with Johnsons Tonic bitters, Johnson's Tonin human. t 9 icy." Pine 26 Dents per bottle. 00 cents and 81 per bottle, Sold at Deadman's drug store, Brueeel8. The hull -dog iu the play, whose part was to seize the villain by the throat and hold on for deer life, succeeded the other night in Buffo!. lo in dragging from under the play- er's collar the piece of liver which coaxed him ou, and, taking it before the footlights, ho set down and quietly ate it, white the villain ee• aimed. A. New .England man has just had a patent granted him for 'an electric; switch. The particulars are not given, but it looks as if the future of the small boy was discour- aging. Entdoo80, Thin Hair, the, Those wbo are bald, who have grey Or thin hair, or who are troubled with dandruff should ihvestin a bottle of Dr. Doronweud's •'Hair ltagiel It is tho finest preparation for the hair and Mao now 18' 1100. 11 is rau- idly euperceding all other hair tonics. It stops falling, resterel the original color tel nl got', tvhem thorc ore gray hallaml mrh 2110 eligblest poselblo it 3.111 11)1 .1011 a fine growth of hair. Dn not 'sit until too man and 3. Hargret a eaves ,le at C Go, Agonts,DBrue- sels. Stioketh closer than '1 brother.— In a primary school. Victor, asked the Witcher. lvlh it animal shove the greatest nttaohmeut to man ? Victor thinks a moment and then replies: The leech, Kir. Both of ono mince.—Do you like men who flirt ? she asked, et,d he, uncertain what to ally, murmured; well it all depends, I do, was her decisive answer • and that settled it —he agreed 711111 her. Invisible but Hf.tantaneous. All pains or anhes will be instantly remov- ed by h few drops of Fluid Llgntning applied o ver the affected parte. No time lost; no nauseousmedicines needed; no poultfoing or using greasy liniments. It will not blister or discolor the skin. Sold at 200, per bottle ore from Neuralgia 808000 us that they never fear d it when • Lighn their house g. contains a bottle of John said the wife of a baseball umpire, Tommy has be en a very bad little boy today. Ttt that so? he replied, absentmindedly, well, find him twenty-five dollars. A farmer once called his now Zephyr, She seemed such en amiable hophyr ; Yet when he drew near She kicked off his ear ; And now the farmer's much dephyr. SURE I"IIOTECTION, Tho maintenance of a healthy state of the system is the surest protection against disease ; experience has shown that by the used Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipa- tion Bitters, a perfect state of health can be assured. It trace the System from all impurities, cleanses and purifies the blood, For sale by all Druggists at GOete, a bottle. What are the wild waves saying ? is the question. Just now they are saying not to go near them unl ese you engaged your rooms a mouth ago, or are willing to Bleep in the bowling alley. Lightning ltnoolced over three leen who were sitting en a box in front of a grocery store in Paterson, N. J. One of them was knocked sensel082. The other two exclaimed: "Legro 1 I'm coming right horns 1" ".Wever Tried IS." 'what! Navor tried Johnson's Tonic Bit- ters! Then do so et once, it's positively the best general tome on the market. I've often heard of it but thought that it was top be partitions that hood our market, butt' since you rsoommenh It so highly I'll give it a trial. Do so it's good for any complaint in whish a tonic is of benefit, end oan be taken by man, woman, or child. O0ete. and al per bottle at Deadman's drug stern, Brussels, Oh, no, ma'am, pleitded the tramp, you may think my life all annehine, but it ain't. Wherever I go I am besot by d1ngerd in'ehort, mental, I carry my life iu my halide. Ali, 1 sae I exclaimed his temporary lhoetese ; that accounts for your not wnsbiug your hands. You don't dare to dolt for fear you'll drown yourself. DYrlt'EPSIA CEDED, Mr. R, Waiker, of Waterford, says :— "Dyspepsia hie boon my wife's trouble ler a long time past, end she has suffered greatly with it ; but, thanks to Dr. Car- son's Stomach Bitters, she is completely oared. It acted very niasly, and did not tuiokeil or gripe her while . taking it. If people only know about the Careen stom- ach Bitters there would not be so much suffering in the world." A young lady was married the other dais, and a unwepdpor account of the event was heeded : "Joined in July." Attached w August will be the fate of those who come later in tho season. ,Likewise, some will be Spliced in September, Orange - flowered in October,, Nuptialized in November, and Doubled in Decem- ber. A Heroic remedy.—Doctor—My dear sir, you have too many irons in the fire, and I notice distinct symptoms of an incipient brain trouble You must drop your var., ious business cares, which are no wearing and conflicting, and con- fine your attention to some one duly, no matter if It lakes all your time, Patient—Think that will brace me up ? Dootor It will most assuredly, if you adhere to it for a month or two, Petiont--Hannah I bring me my Watrrburry watch. I'll wind it: THE BRUSSELS POST Ocerrn 1V otete. Plapt strawberries. Out the oats before they get too ripe, Select good, perfectlyclean seed wheat. Poor economy to be short of help et threehiog time, Use plenty of dietnfcetante around the sink -drains and privies. Gather a few barrels of rend duet for use in the privies in winter. Bawate of swindlers, patont•right meu, etc. Dog them off the place. Be sure the stuck have all the pure water they can drink. Keep the stock off the young clover if you want a crop next mason. Sprinkle slaked lime over the door and walls of the granary to destroy worms and absorb mois- ture. Run the harrow over the stubble. field that any foul seeds may ger. minale and be destroyed by the frosts of winter, Don't haul in the grain until it is perfectly dry better to get a shower of rain in the field than to must in the barn. Powdered borax, mixed with powdered sugar, and scattered in their haunts, will prove death to mahout and ante. Milk is good tor chicks eveu lu the hot weather of August, but do not gel out euough at once to last two or three days. Mn. D. Annoxr, 21 Adelaide Street West. Toronto, writes "For a long time I have been troubled with a disordered Stomach, and at last I got so bad that I was com- pelled to quit work, and for days I could neither eat nor sleep, and the pain in my head wee most intense. I was induced to try a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bit- ters. After taking three dozes I was al- most completely restored to health. My appetite name back; the racking headache was gone, and I never slept sounder in my life." Gather ends as they ripen—talose that come early are beet; label at once, and when dry and clean store in a dry plane away from mice. If fowls are shut up in a poultry yard where they cannot get insects to eat they ought to be fed with some animal food, gush as scraps from the table and butchers' offal, or at leaet with milk, sweet or sour. The "long -maned horse," Prince Imperial, diad July 20 at his owners' farm, at Marion, 0., aged 25 years. He was imported by the Marion County Importing Company in 1868. His mane had reached the length of eleven feet four inches. Masers. Howser & Sons bad owned him for many years. Fashion Notes. Bonnet brims grow larger. The lace frock is perennial. Plaice ribbons are conking in vogue.. Buckles on shoes are very fash• ionab]e. The stringless bonnet is the hat of the season. We are again promised bigger hats in the fall. Low shoes are the preferred wear at the moment. Sleeveless bathing suite are the latests seashore novelty. Th a full sleeve slowly, but surely, gains ground in popular favor. Every woman who has not a fat. !play foot, wears low shoes this summer. Chocked silk kerchiefs are utilized for hat trimmings, fichue and plas- trons, Small ',colored pocket handker- chiefs of silk muslin, linen lawn and batiste are in high favor. the sticks ne well as the goatee with red, blue, green, grey, yellow, silver and gold tinsel dots of varioue elzee.• Soft colorod, mediaeval, and oriental figured oretonuee make lovely draporleg for balcony, garden and summer furniture. The only finish necessary for these draperies, are netted fringed and pompoms of bright woole. Ladies who wish to bo Seen in the most English of summer hats must wear those Mately imported, having big beet eater crowns of puffe of lane, brims of porcupine, straw or chip, and for a trimming nothiug but a big high bow or rib. bon on one side, of the front of the crown, with two or more stiff teeth - ere etuok in it. Stringless bonnets and hats also aro fastened on the heads with all sorts of ornamental pine, gold and silver•Leadod, and set with imita- tion and real jewels, oat's eyes, tiger's eyes, oalrugorau stomas or Scotch pebbles and imitations of these and carnelian, coral, jet, ivory, and other stones in celluloid and other Substances. Some of these bonnets and coiffure pins are veritable works of art, representing not only belle and pearshaped orna• manta, but swords, lanoos, spare nod shields and the heads of animate and birds. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Bread ullould not be expend. to 111e air. A rine pudding is good without eggs if baked gently. All salted premien must be kept under the brine. In boiling a pudding leave room for it to swell. if cooked in a mould do not fill it full. Blueberry stains may be remov- ed from table linen by putting the part stained into boiling water. For sumac (dogwood) poisoning make a strong solution of alum wat- er and bathe the effected parte free- ly for a few times and it,will effect a curs. When the knives and forks are etained with egg scour them with common table salt. Medicine etaius can be removed from spoons in the same manner. To remove kerosene from a car- pet, lay blotters of soft brown paper over the spot and press with a s arm iron. Repeat with fresh papers till the spot ie removed. A glossy starch is made by mix- ing together a quart of starch, a teaspoonful of salt and one of white soap scraped fine ; boil after adding Lot water until as thick es you wish. Saturate the edges of carpets With a etrong solution of alum wat• er to deet toy moths ; if en unpaiut ed floor, awash the floor with it bo - fore putting down the carpet. Do the same to shelves where black ants appear. The French method of adminis- tering castor-oil to children is to pour the oil into a pan over a mod- erate fire, break an egg fain it and stir up. When it is done flavor with a little Dalt or sugar or cur. rant jelly. In toothache, if the pain extends upward towards the eye, or takes the form of neuralgia, get some horseradish leaves, take out the stoma, web them and apply to the face ever the pain. This will us- ually give relief. Oiloloth may be improved in ap poaranoe by rubbing tt with a mit• turn of a half -ounce of boeswas in a saucerful of turpentine. Set this Full blouses are eo much in favor in a warm place until they clan be that the revival of all sorts of belie thoroughly mixed. . Apply with a follows as a matter of course. flannel cloth, and tllon rub with a Pinked -out flounces, or rather volitutos lapping one over the other are seen on summer silk gowns. Travelling cloaks of pongee, foulard, mohair, checked wool, and linen oome with all•oorts of oonvon- ient pockets. before, behind and at tbo side, Pleated hnull and naineook ohe- misettes are more becoming and more feminine than the mannieh- lookiug linen f runts that have been in vogue. When the arms of a bather are not pretty enough to Near a sleeve- less bathing suet, she wears with it sleeves of pale eeru lisle thread of jersey webbing. A abutting head wrap for the seaside is a hood and cepa of bright yellow China silk, finished with gold ball fringes and a big bow of gold - colored ribbon on the top, The biotite bodice simply fastened at the throat and waist by buckles, the smaller at the top, gains Oleg• twee thereby, oven when made of the least expensive wash goods. The newest fans are of gauze, IBT ARM AGES!�' A. nice assortment of Baby Car- riages on Exhibition at H. Dennis', where you can also get a Splendid Trunk, Handy Valise, or Satchel at a Low Price. Fall lines of Light and Heavy Whips, Combs, Brushes, &e. in stock. We Lead but Never Follow. dry nannel. .12o take varnish off of furniture iso a solution of about eight pounds common washing soda to a gallon of water. Apply this to the work with a common paint .brash, and after allowing it to stand for a short time the varnish can be removed with an ordinary stiff scrubbing brush. Equal parts of strong ammonia water, ether and alchohol form a valuable cleaning oompouud. Pass a piece of blotting paper under the grease spot, moieteu a upongo first with water to render it "greedy," thou with the mixture, and rub the spot with it. In a moment 11 is diesolved, saponified and absorbed by the sponge and blotter. A man aughed into the 1.siingston Mews office the other day and ex- claimed : The Park Niue have a new pitcher 1 Who is he ? said the reporter. and the reply was, Mo• Garigle : but they can't get anybody who Dau "catch" him. The joke was considered such it good ono that crape or Hese, and spangled all over the main's life was spared, a H. DENNIS, Sign of Big Scotch Collar. .A E TS WANTED? Steady E?nploymen t to Goo -1 alien. None need be Idle. Previous Experience not essential. Wo pay either Salary or Com- mission. 100 Iden Wanted To Canvas for the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. The Fonthill Nurseries, Largest in Canada, Over 400 Acnes. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class References, and want to wort,. No room for lazy men, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work. ADDRESS Stone & Wellington, Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont. T. FLET0HER, Practical Watchmaker c11 Jeweller Thanking the Public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage. We aro opening outfulilinos in Gold and Silver Watches. Silver Plated Ware from establiehod and reliable makers, fully warranted by lie. Clocks of the lutes designs. Jewelry : tUGUS'I 20, 1887 .15111 WOOL ! .Any Quantity of Wool 'Wanted —,AT THE, 13RUSSELS— Wedding Binge, Ladies Gam Rings, Broaches, Borings, &o. Also have in stock a full line of Violins and Violin Strings, Pipes, etc, N.B.—Issuer of lIarriageLioensos T. Fletcher. Bargains ! Bargains ! —FOR T11]:— DAYS in Plows, Steel Harrows, Seed Drills, Bain Wagons, Buggies, Organs, Sewing Maehixies, Sulky Plows,one four spring Wagon, one 1 horse Wagon, and ono sec- ond eland Lumber We gon. Land Rollers for $25, best in tho market. Three kinds of Seufflers, Port Perry Grinder and Horse Powers, Clothes Wringers, Churns, and ANYTHING You ntAY Enema Fon. Ge®0 Love. Woolen Mill. Highest Market Price Paid in exchange for line Tweeds, coarse Tweeds, Check Flannels, in all wool and union, Grey Flan- nels, and Blankets. Also Sheet- ing, in both Gray and White, fine and coarse Yarn, &c., of which I have a good supply NOW ON IL/JND. I am prepared to clo all kinds of manufacturing, such as ROLL CARDING, SPINNING, WEAVING, TWISTING, COLORING, FULLING; &o. Satisfaction. Ch aranteeaa All kinds of Knitted Goods Made to Order. Give Me a Call before dispos- ing of your Wool elsewhere. Yours truly, GEO. HOWE. NEW LIRA ! Robert Mattiee, of St. Themes, and W. Johnston, of Salem, de- sire to inform the Public gener- ally that they have formed a co -partnership, and have leased the blacksmith shop from Mr. John Wynn, lately occupied by John Alexander, where they will bo prepared to do all ]cincis of BL.AOKSMITHING, Plows, Wagons, Carriages, &c. made or repaired. Horseshoeing A Specialty. Interfering, over -reaching and fiat footed horses treated with the best results. We have had 20 years experience in dealing with these diseases of the feet and have 'worked m the leading hof shoeing shops in Canada and the United Status. We aro prepared to temper Stono Hammers, or any edged tools. • Please give Us a Call. Shop near the Town Hall, op,' posits Beattie's Livery Stable. Repairing promptly attended • to, MATTICE & JOHNSTON, Proprietors..