HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-8-19, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST .extr lusT 19, 1887. teentlinallIIENt Game of Croquet, Any who intend buying a Set of Croquet Would do wen to call at once, as we have soma about 20 per cont. cheaper then last year, Boys' Wagons. We have the famous Iron Axle, which we sellat a very small advance over the ordinary wood axle. Remember the place, at G. A. Deadman's Drug, Book S Fancy Goods Store. .o aaMMISO , GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sotTEERS OX 111111011. W. G. tC B. R. Trainsleave Brussels Station, north nud south no follows:- Going ollows.Going South, I.oing North. Mail....... ... -vale a.m.' Mixed 9:80 aim Express 11:e5 0.m, Mafl...............2:50p.m Mixed 3:46 p.m. 1 E xpress...... ..,0.1611.m not litii35 Vous, A chiefs atrium ye takin' notes An' faith he'll prent it.- Exa000I011$ are very common new. SINGLES for sale at Ament Bros. W. 11. Moss is away for a holiday trip. Taos. FARROW, ex -11.P., was in town on Thursday. Sox bars of Electric soap for 25 cents, at Thomsons. 50. SoaooL opens in town one week from next Monday morning. Miss L. O'BRusx, of Barrio, is visiting her brother, F. W. O'Brien, V. S. W. M. Stemma and wife are enjoying a holiday visit at Goderich and vicinity. 1'oa. the largest stock and beet value in Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, go to Thomson's. Rev. M. Swam spent several days in LuCan this week with his son.in-law, Raw S. Sellery, B. D. A main number of our residents went toWalton to see the fire at McDonald's mill on Thursday morning. W. P. VAtisxoxE has sent two car loads of ash and cherry lumber to Boston and he will go to the hub shortly. 'Miss O'Corroe's concert will take place in the Town Hall on Thursday evening of next week. It will be a good ono. Jeo. Saiw, Principal of our public school, was chosen as one of the Stewards at Grand Lodge of I. O. 0. F. last week R. LEATUERDAL1 is the local agent for crayon portraits and has a nicely executed one of himself on exhibition in his shop window. RoST. Noir, of Abilene, Kansas, is in town this week. He has sold out in the west and talks of going to California on a prospecting tont. ELrsni ARasxnoxe, formerly of Brus- sels, has taken a situation in R. T. Hinge. mill's mammoth dry goods store, in Lon- don. He is coming np. ONE of the best ordered and regulated driving barns and stable we know of in this locality is the brick struoture recent- ly finished by R. Leatherdale. It is well worth seeing. A.M. TavLon and wife, of Aurora, were in town for several days this week visit- ing old friends and acquaintances. Mr. Taylor is enoceeding well in the practice of his profession. PLUME Losv.-Tbo undersigned while driving his hearse between Brussels and Walton, lost from one of his horses a white plume. Finder will do a favor by leaving the same at R. Leatherdale's, Brussels. dns. Jorrs attended the Band tourna. rent in Guelph this week. He is an en- thusiastic admirer of good band music. In the let class competition Bowmanville 1st money, with 464 points ; Sarnia, 2nd prize, 458 pointe, and Waterloo 3rd place, 414 pointe. Gosnie base ballists are expected on Friday forenoon to play the Maitlands, and the Clinton olub is coming to have a hook at the Clippers in the afternoon. Evidently base ball is booming and the best games of the season should be play- ed on Friday. The visiting teams ate good ones and will no doubt play a rattling game. Tan pupils from Brussels did well at the Third class teachers' examination, at Seaforth, bliss Carrie McKenzie, Thos. Knechtel, U. McFadden and Thos. Mo- Lauehlin passing. When the ages of the candidates are taken into consideration it Makes the showing better than ever, It would be a great deal more satisfactory to all concerned if the report published gave the name of the High School instead of the District number. Puma NOTICE, -The Postoffice Depart. melt has issued the following notice: - All local or "drop" lettere const be pre- paid one cent each by Canadian postage stamp, otherwise, in order to enforce the law, they are sent to the dead letter of- fice, to be there opened, if not bearing a specific address, and returned to their writers. A letter bearing a sped&e ad- dress is not opened, but forwarded to its original address, with the ordinary dead letter oharge of two cents per oz. rated thereon. Dovlerot CocisT Bnsn*Eas.-The report of the Inspector of Division Courts for 1886 is just issued. From it we gather; the following facts ooncerning Division Court transaction in the county of Huron : • -There are 12 Courts in the County, and the number of suits entered, exclusive of Transcripts of Judgment and Judgment Summonses, was 779. The total amount of claims entered was $80,860. The total amount of suitor's money paid into Court was $10,106, Seventy suits were entered wherein the amount claimed one over 4100. Seaforth Division Court had the larggest number of oases entered, 388, whilethototel ameunt entered wag larger in Clinton Court than in any other, being over 810,001 SEISM -ES for pale at Anseeo Bros. SHINGLES for sale et &nissit Bros. 4 - Moron Humans is •MaoronBumansis visiting at Palmer- ston. Rua W. E. Kenn, of Alma, is home for a few days - EXTRA vain in Pure Pickling Vine- gars at Thomson's. 4- Mna. (Da.) Wilgus, of Listowel, was a guest at the Methodist parsonage this week. A OAR load of cattle was shipped to Tor- onto on. Thursday by Mr. Gregg, of Me- liillop, from Brussels station, J. R. Gana: leaves ou Friday of this week on a trip to Winnipeg. His place will be taken In the poet office by A. M. Bay of Goderiob, THE Brussels Hand is arranging for s grand concert in the Town Hall on the evening of tate Caledonian games, Friday, Sept. 2nd. It should be well patronized by our residents, On the let Sunday in September Rev, G. A. Gifford, M.A., of Ripley, will preach anniversary Sabbath School sermons in the Methodret church, A platform meet- ing will probably be held in the afternoon. Particulars will be given later. THE boys say Jimmie Stratton did a great streak of ostohing behind the bat at Teeswator on Tuesday, and did not allow many of Grewar'e curves to go by. They also speak in the highest terms of the hos- pitality of the hotelkeopers. Ix his sermon Rev, Mr. Kerr, of Mit- chell. said that the Churoh of England very properly refused to make secular an- nouncements from the pulpit, and that the ooluma of a newspaper was the prop. er channel through which notices of the kind Maenad. reach the public. STORIES are told around roma about marriages and it bothers the people to know whether they are abhite-lied or not. Ono person says she would rather do without a seal skin sacque if she could secure a mackintosh, while others say when they go in to win they would live on grahura broad rather than give up. Ho 1 for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Roches- ter andlUhantangna, Tmn,sDAY, SEPTEMBER lex, by the 9th Annual Popular Excur- sion. Tickets to Buffalo, Rochester and Chautauqua good for 5 days, Niagara Falls, 2 days. Special inducements are Low Fares, and a guarantee that Buffalo and Rochester passengers will arrive at either place without delay. We guaran- tee Close Conneotions and Fast Time, Don't miu 11 Beet and Last Excursion of the Season. See posters and hand- bills, 6.2 MOSES OATEs, the Toronto weather prophet, gives this forecast of the weath- er to coma : "If the meteorological oos- ditions are favorable we will have, on the whole, general warm summer weather until about the middle of October, brok- en by two comparatively cool periods, one commencing very soon and lasting from ten to fourteen days, and another occurring in the latter part of September and beginning of October. Notwith- standing this cooler weather, I expeot August to be warmer, as a whole, than usual, while very high temperatures will be noted in September and hot weather, for the season of the year, in October. As to dronth, there is nothing in the bar- ommetria condition in the far west to indicate 1ny cessation of the present dry spell. August will have more rainfall than July, and what rainfall comes will be in thunderstorms, and wo need not look for rainy days until about fair time. I wouldn't be surprised this roar to find some rainy days break in on the fairs. I think we will have a thunderstorm very quiokly." A aODStEa BOTOSELITE Ia TEE 'WRECK. - Almost everybody has heard of the ter- rible railroad disaster that befell the Pe- oria, Illinois, excursion brain, last week, while en route to Niagara Falls, (the de. tails of which are given on page 3 of this issue) but few were aware that Miss Mary Movies, daughter of S. B. ?dories, of Wingbam, formerly of Brussels, was among the wounded. The following let. ter received from Mrs. R. G. Wellwood, of Peoria, sister to Miss ?dories eay5 :- Mn. Kaon, DEAR FIREND,-Doubtless you have heard before this of the terrible rail. way accident of the 10th inst„ and perhaps you will hear that Mary is dead, as some have it here, so I thought I would write to yon and tell yon that she is not dead nor nearly so. She has a good many pad braises and is very stiff but is doing nicely. She slept well last, night and has is. good appetite consider - hag. Mr. Wellwood went to her at once and brought her home as soon as there was a way provided, arriving here at 2;30 a.m. Friday. The city is in mourning and there are funerals all the time from daylight till dark, nearly,. They began to bury at 7 this morning and one funer- al was in the cemetery lash night after dark. An engineer, McClintock, was buried and his head was found after- wards. Oh 1 you can't imagine the des- olation and sadness that is here. Now, if you wish to do so, you may print a slip in Tim Poem to the effect that Mary is safe and recovering fast and her friends will see it and be comforted. Peoria, Ill.. Aug. 18, 1887. C70.11.11.01au Wows. Five thousand dollars will be spent this year by the Militia Department in repairing buildings under their oonttol in Ottawa. The municipal maohine of Aldborough has some to a dead stop. The Council recently dismissed the Clerk, ne he al- leges illegally, and he refuges to give up the records and seal. The annual crop report from Nova Scotia showe that while considerable dam- age was caused by June frosts and sub- sequent dronth, bay, grain and potatoes will be about an average yield and the apple crop decidedly under the average. Most of the grading on the Rod River Valley Railway will bo completed by the 201h inet., and all will be finished this month. The grading on the Northern Pacific branch, to connect with it at the boundary, will not be finished for some 'time afterwards - Tho Dominion Conned, Royal Temp. lore of Temperance, have adopted the report of their Committee on Temper- ance, urging on the Dominion Milano to snake prohibition a practical (sena in politics by bringing out prohibition can. didatos for parliamentary honors in all the constituencies. The whew? harvest is in fail swing in Manitoba. A company has been chartered to build re railway and aline of warehouses along the river front in Winnipeg, John Wellaoe, just appointed Col- lector of Customs at Hillsboro', N.B., is nearly 70 years of age. Funny appoint. meet. A 48.pound salmon was brought down from the Fraser the other day and erhib. ited in Victoria, B. C., as a speoimen Of what British Columbia can do. The remnant of the Soughes tribe In British Columbia is said to number only 185 souls, men, women and children. Thirty years ago the tribe was some 5,000 strong. J, M. Dykes, the old-time draughts champion, was arrested at Werdeville on Thursday of last week, on a charge Of forging :b promissory note and offering it on August 6th, At Seymour. the other day, n man was found dead in the wools. with •a child playing beside the dead body, but boo young to convey any information. An investigation is to be held, The new $8,000 hotel to be built at Wiarton during the present season is now a settled affair and work is to be oommencod at once. H. Charlton will be the manager, both in the erection and after completion. In breaking the ground in a place near Kincardine the other day, a skeleton, which, to all appearance, is that of n wild boar was found. All the bones, in- cluding the tusks and teeth, were in a splendid condition, theugll it is thought they have been lying there for one or two hundred years, The Canadian schooner Hodgkinpae5- ed down the Welland Canal on Tnesday with the largest load of lumber aver tak- en through the canal on a vessel. It con- sisted of twelve hundred thousand feet of pine lumber, and was piled twelve feet high on deck. The vessel draw thirteen and a half feet of water. A few days ago a young man named Albert West, aged 25 years, employed in the harvest field on his farther's farm near Baltimore, in West Northumber- land, was noticed to fall suddenly, and when his father, who was working a short distance from him, went to see the cause, he found that death had been instantan- eous. Edmonton Bulletin: A thirst dance has been in progress this week on the Two Hills Indian reserve, opposite town. About 50 tents of Indiana took part. The thirst proper of two days' duration ended last evening. Those who take part in it dance as often and as long as the music plays and neither eat nor drink during the whole forty-eight hours. One of the women taking part was upwards of 100 years of age, and bad a number of great grandchildren on the ground. The apple crop in Lambton oounty is likely to be very large this year. The summer apples are now being gathered, and a large shipment of them was made the last week. The winter apple orop will also ha very large, and, with more moisture Very fine. The plum Drop is slight. Rae peach crop is prospectively very large, and will be very fine. The summer varieties are already placed on the market at good figures. The grape crop for the ground planted is simply im- mense. The fruit is likely to be clean and pretty iu bunch and berry. All small fruits have been safely gathered in unusual excellence and quantities, not- withstanding severe drought. Local markets are easily glutted with these pro- ducts, and we feel our need of an outlet for them in the sparse regions •of Michi- gan and the Western States. Commer- oial privileges with these openings are what the fruit -growers of Lambton now very much want. Chatham Banner :-It is our painful duty to record the death of Stephen White, reeve of Raleigh. Mr. White was a son of Wm. White, the pioneer of the Middle Road, Raleigh, who Dame from Pennsylvannis in 1828, and took up lot 24 in the llth and 12th concessions. For twenty odd years Stephen White was seas of Raleigh, occupying that position at the time of his death; and in 1870 be was warden of the County. He was a staunch Liberal, and in 1875 contested the west riding of the County in the Lib- eral interest. He removed to Chatham a few years ago. He was a prominent figure in the Provincial Agricultural and Arts Association of Ontario, having re- presented thisdistriot continuously in the council ever eineeits institution, and acted as its preeident in 1872. Io 1876 he serv- ed on the Canadian Centennial Conimis- sien with great satisfaction to the gener- al public. He was a recognised author- ity on municipal law. In religion he was a Methodist and he was several times a representative in the General Conference. One day last week in a house at Wood - stook, N. B., a series of fires broke out without apparent cause. Within twenty- four hours the family were called upon no fewer than forty times to extinguish flames in different parts of the house. A correspondent says :-"These fires can lye traced to no human agency, and even the scientist are staggered. Without premonition and with no lamps lighted or stoves in use, various articles would buret out in flames. Now It Would be a ourtain, high up out of reach ; then a bed quilt in another room would begin to smokeand smoulder, and, as if to still further nonplus the thooriests, a carpet. covered lounge, was found to bo all afire underneath among the jute stretched above the springs. A basket of clothes in the shed bust ditto dams and the basket itself was partially oonsumed. A child's dregs hanging on a hook, a feather bed, e, straw mattress, no two artioles h1 the same roofs, were ignited and would Have been consumed but for the water copiously pored on them." The Wood- stock Press Offers this ' eoletion of the mystery :-"A few Woke ago an inmate of the house is snid-to:have keen attacked with typhoid .fever, and .afterereoovery quantities of sulphur were used as it disinfsetaat up to a recent period, The fumes from the burning sulphur impreg- nated the .colon articles around, bad ventilation and .the pj,eeqnliar state of the atmosphere oot?irrented to; bring about this mysterious ' breaking cub of the fire in sundry artiolpt. A' parallel case ou- burred in a provinoidl town in the North of England some yore ago,' The %nye. terious firms have caused great excitement The Stratford officers of the 28th Bat. antaliond arobugle endhandeavori, ng to orgenizo 'a fib Clerk Abbott, of London, leas received a reply from the Governor-General say iningegthat owing to an engagement to be present in the Eastern towneltips, the cannot open the new Western Fair build - Hanoi oounty fanners aro driving ben and twelve miles to Lake SI. Clair to 1111 their water barrels, and there is a ,con- stant procession of etoolt beinj driven along all roans leading to the river and lake, One farmer near the Hume lino who has a running well has made more than 4100 by selling water at 50 cents a load, Two oars were thrown off the traok at Strathrcy, Friday, as the 11 a. no. train was leaving for London, by a switch being turned at the wropg moment. They were full of pass•ugers, and wore hauled over two culverts at the street crossing before the l000motive was stopped. The oars were then replaced ou the raile with- out much damage. Tho uonviot Grelish, who was sentenc- ed to two months in tho Central and 50 lashes for outraging a little girl, received his second installment of the oat Satur- day morning. When he stripped in the presence of the warden, dootor,reporters, guards and prisoners he looked defiant, but the first stroke brought out a howl of pain. and during the progress of the 25 the fellow yelled and bellowed for mercy. All Ingersoll paper status that a wealthy cattle drover from Iiiuoardine was found wandering around the streets on Tues- day evening by Obief Henderson, who in- vited him to spend the night in his office. He' told the chief that he had been to Buffalo and sold a load of cattle, remit- ted the money he received for there to his bankers and Rept $15 to get horns on. Getting on a spree at the balls he got aboard the excursion train and brought up at Ingersoll. He proceeded on his way yesterday morning after thanking the chief for his kindness, 330 was a fine looking man and well dressed. MnCoars.-In Brussels, on bhe lath inst., the wife of Mr. J. B. T. McComb of a son. • ao:ARRiaL.. LEaOAI-Fisaan.-At the residence of the bride's parents, Goderioh, ou the 16tH inst., by the Bev. G. Salton, as- sisted by Rev. G. R. Turk, Rev. J. T. Legdar, of Ethel, to Miss Addie Fisher, of Goderich. Sxrnas--Cor.Lrs,-In Vermontville,Micb., on the 16th inst., Mr. Chas. N. Sny- der, Df. D., of Shaytown, Mich., to Miss Maggie Collie, formerly of Blue - vale, 001. axes_ SWITZEI.-In Grey, on the 12th inst., Christopher Switzer, aged 32 years and 5 months. BRVSSEUMS 3a2ARF'S9TS. OORRECTED CAREFULLY EVERY MESE. Fall Wheat 75 Spring Wheat Barley 40 Oats 28 Peas , .. 48 Butter, tuba and rolls..,. 12 Eggs per dosen 14 Flour per barrel 4 50 Potatoes 50 Hay per ton 7 00 Hides per lb 5a Salt per bbl., wholesaale60 Sheep skins, each ..... .,50 Wool, per Ib 20 78 78 Sd 30 50 13 15 00 00 8 00 6 80 1 00 23 FA?•T• 31,30wS. Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 5-17. East Huron, Brsssels, Oat. 6 and 7. Western Fair, London, Sept. 19-24. Northern Fair, Walkerton, Oat. 4-7. North Perth, Stratford, Oct. 6 and 7. Guelph Central, Guelph, Sept. 20-22. Great Central, Hamilton, Sept. 26-30. Wallace, of Listowel, Sept. 27 and 28. Brantford Southern, Brantford, Got. 11 and 12. Agr'1 and Arts Association, Ottawa, Sept. 19-21. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. SERVANT . GIRL WANTED AT onee� Apply to MRS. T. FLETCHER. AYOUNG GIRL OF 14 OR 15 years waatod to assist in general hone. work. Applynt once nt Tse Posy Publlth- 1ng $ones. 6- HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Phomas Street, Brussels. 7 rooms, large cellar, stable and 3/8 acre of land. Ap- ply toBOBERT ROSS. 6- 20 OR 30 COLONIES OF PURE ItalianBees for Sale Cheap. Apply to J, R. SMITH, at A. M. McNay d: 00.'0 Hard- ware Store Brussels. B0OT1. LOST B E T W E'N Brussel,' and Gerrie. Vas done up in black oilcloth cover. The finder wtil canfei a great favor by leaving it at Trim Poet/ Publishing House, Brussels. a- CHOIOE FARIIS'FOR 'SALE .- A few splendid, improved farmsfor Wein the towuthip o1 Grey MorrIS' and MoKiltop. Apply to A. D10LG \TTY, Co. Auctioneer ,Brussels P. 04. • A GENT WANTED 'A'I' BRUS- saLefor the Loadaa and Lanesehire Fire Insurance. Cu Liberal terms to a good man. Address, with references, to 5.4 W. A. SIMS, Alanager, Toronto. FARM TO BENT, --A GOOD Fenn near Brahmin to rent. 90 acres cleared, 00 soros under grime balance under tillage,' Apply to Jimmie i', 0. or to the undersigned at Ronald's FOundreBrussels, Out. 6.11 JOHN B1bOADP00T, 1.71ARM FOR SALE.—'sola SUB. L somnnn offore his excellent 126 Aare farm sg for sale. It.leeituated oh eon. 6, Grey, abeet bo eo and west part olhe tbuild nos is g azo good. Twoboanewith Ostone 1tasfpssinose• ore rex40 few and 84x66 lint rock, young 'shore are two trema dwelling Lomeli, young oroharder to a, never -felling arid all the d'onvenfon- one. Thereto a sss)00f00uld be given meek on the place, Th farm s 4 could be given u any time, The farm is 4i =flee cram Brussels and fs in a splendid leoality.h1near to the lu the locality. 0.15 JOT5N BM-ITIa,'Prapriotol. eshaol, in, i' Jia. For price, terms, eta,, apply to 4110 Proprietor erg' roulisos. RMFOR SALE13E SUB• aonmRA offers hie valuable 100 sore ferns, being lot 3, eon 18, Grey Tele alrlp, Huron Co., for sale, There eve about 75 acres olsarod end In good heart. There Is a log hoose, good batik barn, beashig eroherd, and all the nooessery eonyenieneee en the premises. .Por further partioolare, as 10 11rice. tering, eta„ apply to the Proprietor, THOS. RItmo», Clare P 0., N.W. T„ or to 3-15 DOUGALD BT16AOHAN, Brussels FIARM IN GREY TOWNSHIP Fon son, -Baine lot 14, con. 10, OOP' Mining 100 nares. It fe parllY olsarod, the bnlsnco well timbered, A never failing creak arossoe the 111000 and it ie well adapt. ed for either fnrmmp or grazing, 1 will like- wise sell 40 sores, being east pert of lot 14, 000.10, nearly all cleared and in a good state of cultivation. A good frame barn with a good stone stable underneath and is never failing well is also on the plane. For further parsieulare apply so the proprietor un the place. Thin lot is opposite the oth- er.. GEORGE] AVAS 0, Proprietor. 1-81 200 AORE PARK FOR SALE. A nrst-class farm for sale in the Township of Morrie In the County of Heron, being south half of north half lots 26 R 36 and south halt of 26 in 615 eon;,. containing 260 soros morn or less, 120 nares meetly clear of stumps andin a good state of colli• votlon. There is a young bearing orchard,e good house and hank barn 65 x 56 feet with atone stable underneath. Tho farm is situ- ated within a mile of the Village of Brussels and le a good farm for grain or stook rais- ing as itis watered with the river Maitland and never failing spring creek. Possession will be given at any time, For fur thorpar- ticulars apply 0n the premises or to A Js. ROBERTSON, Brussels, P, 0. 0.111 Varna For, e4ale. The snbscrlo or offers for sale bis valuable Farm in the Townehlp of Grey, oomprieing lots 0 and 7, 0011 ,11 in said township, Thie farm contains 200 stores and is within 14 miles from the thriving village of Brussels, with good gravel rsadlending thereto. About 100 acres are a]earetl, free front stamps and in a high state of cultivation, The balance la flinty wooded. This farm Is particularly well folioed, oearlythe whole of the fences being straight and having been erected to 1886 and '86. On the i,remisoethere is a coin-' tortable log dwelling bowie and agoo dframe barn with atone stabling underneath in which there is a well with en abundant sup ply of excellent water. There is likewise a new frame implement house, 40505, well floored, above and below, and neatly sided and pointed. Per particulars apply to the Proprietor, JAMES DICKSON, Registrar, Huron Oo„ ilia- Goderich Executors' Notice. Alt parties having claims against the Es- tate of the late E.T. BLRStoWN, Of the Town- sh,pofGrel,inthe County of Huron. who died on or about the 7th day of May, A. 0. 1887, are, on or before theist day of October, 1887, to send by post (prepaid) to either of the undersigned their Ohristlan and sur- names, address and description, with full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and nature of their seouritier, if an y, held by th em, and in default thereof they will be peremptorily =eluded from tt,artiotpating in the said estate, and wo hereby also give notion to all parties indebt- ed to the said ostate, whether by book ac- count or otherwise, to pay the 51010 to A. At. MoHay or W, Slenunon, ou or before the above mentioned date. Doted in Grey this 17111 day of Aug., '87. A. M. 11'ICKA', Bitumens. WM. SLEMMON, } 6-8 Oct 1 MORTGAGE SALE I Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain indenture of 'mort- gage made by Joeoph Backer and wife, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be sold by Pablie- Auction on tb0 Premises, in the VILLsOE of ORANDEoox, in the Township of Grey, in the County afHur- on, on Wednesday, Aug. 3lst, 1887, by Mr. Anthony Reymann, Auotioaeor, s/ 1 o'OL005, r 10., subject to such conditions as shallthen be produced, the following valu- able village property, Viz :- Aliand singular that certain parcel or Minot of land and prelate,' a situate, lying and being 1n the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario. containing sixty-six and two thirds square rods, more or 1055. Being composed of e Pert of farm lot number sixteen, in the twelfth concession of the said township at aroy and better described as follows: Com- mencing at the Northwest eornor of said lot • theme easterly along the northerly, limit of said lot, six and two -third rode l; thence southerly; at right angles to the said northerly limit of said lot, ten rods; thence westerly, parallel to the said northerlyllm- 7t of said lot, six and two -third rods to the westerly limit of said lot ; thence northerly along the said westerly limit of laid lot, ten rods to the place of beginning. There are on the said land a 1; story brick dwelling hoose. 24x31y with atone cellar. A good 11 story frame dwelling house with stone cellar. A blsokemitb shop. a good frame barn 18124 with stone foundation,. The above property is. situated In the thriv- ing Village of Oranbrook, and l5 a good bua- 011eae stand. Taunts Or BALE. -Ten per sent. down et the time of Sale , and the balance within one month. For farther particulars apply to the Ano. Bowser, or to . ELLIOT'& ELLIOT, Vendor's Solicitors, Exeter, Ont. Dated this 2nd day of. August 1887. 5.3 WESTERN Ft/III? Indtestriad and Art Exhibition, LOXDOJV, C✓1.7V,/Drg. BANKING. oINTOSH & MoTAGGART,I BANKERS •:• BRUSSELS 1'ran&act rt Genct'al I3anktng Btt&'itte8&. Notes to Mond discounted, In tem mt allowed on deposits .repayable on deinaod. Prompt attention given to oollooiono. LEGAL ANO CONVEYANCING. ADE & SINOLAIR BARRIS- V I Vane, dm, 011lee in Lookie's block, Brussels, Monoyto Loan, ] B. DICKSON, (LATE WITH • Garrey & Proudfool Goderich) So- licitor, Convoyanoer, dot. Oidoo, Grant* block, Brussels. Money to loan. ALEX. HUNTER, OLERI OF the Fourth Division Court, 00, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Oo.leotioos made. Office 1n Gra- ham's J31ock, Brussels. MDICAL CARDS, �R. HUTOIIINSON HAS RE. moved his once to J. Ltarproayes' Drug Store, Residence on Milt Strout T .1..11IcNAUGHTON, M. D. C. \I, L. It. 0. P. Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon and Am: id:her, Office, Mrs, Shiel's block, Turnberry Street, WNI. F. CALE, M. D., 0. M. Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontaafo be examination, Omos and liesieeue-Mala St. Last, .G thei Ontario, DENTAL. IIs;ENTT 1TECIr. • G. L. Bai1,L, D. S., Honor Graduate and M. R. 0. D. 8., of Toronto, Nitrous Oxide Gas administered. Prlooe graded nudes low as good work oan bedone for. Offtoe over Johnston's Hardware Store, Soatorth. DENT W,J, Pear ,L,D S.Graddate of To- ronto School of Dentistry. All ape?. Miens guaranteed. Ohtoo-Oady's Block, Sooforth. Ar al teeth, 01 retquality , and a guaranteeddt,for $12.00 per set. TZ) 131NTIS+T. =. A, 2t6ARTZ2w, I . St. 6„ Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. ?linos firma GAB administered for the paining extrac- tion of teeth. OFFICE.—Garfleld Bleck' BRUSSELS. BUSINESS CARDS. ytT H. MoOBACKEN, ISSUER T V . of Marriage Licenses. Ofllge at hie Gsooery,Turnberry Street. A 1icNAIR, ISSUER 0' IIAR- riago Licenses, by appointment o4 Lieut. -Governor, Commissioner, dco„ Q. B. Cenyeyaneer and Agent Fire Ineurasoe Oe. Mee at the Oranbrook. Post Moe. W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR • Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College has resumed the prtotioo' of John Nott, V.8„ and is prepared to trdat, all 'dis- eases of domesticated animals on scientific andapprr.ved principles. Treatment of del - Mate foals a specialty Omoe two door, North 01 Bridge, Turnborry circlet. Robert Cunningham INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, Ontario. TVM. BLASHILL, Bucher, thanking his many customers for their liberal support in the past wishes to inform them that at his shed In amide's block he keeps nothing but first-class meats, all kinds .of Poultry and Sausage Meet Delivered to all parts of the town free. flesh paid for Pat Stook, Hideo and sheepskins,bought for oaeh, ARM FOR SALE.—THE S7J1' • BOMBER offers for sale hie valuable 1.0 acre farm,being lot 5, eon, 10, Grey, and situated .l4 miles from Bruesals. The.. place willbe Bold with or without the Drop and on easy terms Pdseessi0n will be given at any time, For further parttoulers tie to prise, forme, AO., apply to. the proprietor on the premises. • 88.5m B, MoNAUGHTON. Brussels 'r TIIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS. 1 808 SAVE the following Prouortit4 in Brussels at very law figures; Two gonna and Lots on Mill Street West, one House andlarge Lot on Mill Street East, Stable and email Lot roar of Grant's Block, also a fine Building Site on Maio. Strout. adjoining block,title perteet. T, 1t. GRANT. 60. 1912. to 24th k4ept.' . ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steanaslups. LIBERAL PREMIUMS , -1'015- LIVE STOCK, MACHINERY, ETC: NEW GROUNDS,NEW BUILObNGS, NEW RACETRACK Am losing orsyldad for the forthcoming Jnb- floe Exhibition at an. catenated net of p�10 20 000. 41r r BALE A3331,LiON DOLLARS will bo rep- resent ed ep-resented by the Live, Block display. Grand Exkthlte In Painting, Statuary Sculpture.• , The Oomnlittne bn Abtraabiops are pre- paring a splendid Program. Bettor than OV Or, Soul your adrireSS Oh a /Metal card for copy of the7.'riso List. for all lnfOrmation write to. the $ssretaay, A, -.7.r. P oxte, Cron. i2c666xoora, ; PniueI100s11 l'. 3ECRETAaY, 1 '87. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 17. SAYS.S3arcxem. onioio Lrmanreuu. OTasOsEn, mini Ur/MSC. A,ig.18t1 Barmatian Sopb, MU Aug. 20th Olroaselen Sept, 10th Sept. 1st Sardinian Sept.22nd Sent 0111 Polynesian Sept, 80th Sept 18th ,,.,......Parisian 001. 0th Sept -22nd Sarmatian - OM. 13th 8554 Seth Oiroassian Oot, Met 068, dib Sardlnlan Oob, 07th Oet, 18th Polynesian Noy, 4th .001,20th .,Parisian Nov.lObh Cot, 27th Sarmatian Nov, 17th Steerage Paesongore aro booked to and from London, Queoneton, Derry ,l3 oiled and Glasgow at same rates. at Liverpool, Rates of passagebythe Mail Steam ors from Quebec to Londonderry and ,Liverpool dabin-500,$70 end 980, ltoturn-Alio, 8130 and 2100. Intermediate -$1b, return 800. Steerage -000, return, 640. The lest train ebunooting at Quobeo with the Mail Stoamore sailing from that port on the Thursday, loaves To5Onbo on 6110 Wed- nesdaymorning, The last brain connecting with the Extra Btoambre eailiug On the 5r5 - day, leaves Toronto 015 the Thursday morn- ing. For Wolcott, and every information ap. ply 40 S. R. sI1 .2 10T', Agorib, 8xtxao:ola