HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-8-19, Page 6c THE BRUSSELS POST TREWS 'l't1.1T A it 0310 t 1N'1 110. Shoot straight. • See any beauty in a rival. Keep trach of a base ball match. Sit down without mashing her Weft Endure the smell of a stranger's cigar. tint en old admirer without holt• seg hack. Hold up her dress without show- ing her hose. l . See the extravagance of anything aka wants. Tell her child's right age to the azar conductor. , • Take nu iuterest in the vital questions of t1 O day. Lose a fiver ori the races withent ,retrij* a headache. Remain iu an auction room with• out losing her head, . LAMENT FOR THE HIRED MA.\. who swallowed it, a pearl worth' around the ake it bleed freely. ohand- kerchief limbabovethe l@ . �+ls000opue paid for a single dish wound. (live epirita and water to 180,000. drink. p Holiogabalue spent for one meal To remove tan and suaburu use a r Enmings ruiiirx aoatiiosispp li ey 000i 220,000.preparation oampoeed of equal party arnasale and via luity for past istronago Luoullus usually spent £20,000 of glycerine anti rosewater, to which imps ftboStets ea Lanhaving male sovarai I Brussels Lime Works i STILL AHEAD. fora repast. Mesaala gave £400,000 for the house of Antony. NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY. ,Heavy plain link bracelets are still. fashionable. In ladies' girdle obains the heavy cable link is still in demand. Button -hooks of oxlidized silver, with handles of Egyptian desigur, are in vogue. A tortoise shell pin, wish n golden floral design for a head, is a unique hair ornament. Li canes the latest idea is an ivory handle partially covered with a heavy coating of silver. Long narrow strips of silver, with monogrammed endo, are being used as boon marks. A novel design in match -boxes is formed of oxidized silver in repre- sentation of a domino. Sprays of forget•me note or a rough wild -rose in silver or enamel are popular designs fur lace pine. LaCo pius of translucent enamel flowers, t�itli centers of brilliants, are favorites %vith the fair ones. Silver, cigarette.boldere, with •ambtr mouthpieces, are presented in a great variety of designs, Silver tlaske are in great. demand. Very small ones, capable of bolding a gill, are carried by ladies. An elegant pin, reoently eeen, consisted of an eagle poised on a creeeent. The design was studded with diamonds, contained 110 atones in all, and allowed no gold what- ever. Silver gantalines, ..or glove: -but• tonere, are being used to a ,great extent se lawn tennis prizes.;• The neweet design has a tents racket, a ball' and a slipper pendant from three email amine. A yellow sapphire, cut perfeotly round:and having • the appearance of a canary diamond, mounted with a fine, round, white diamond on. each side, is a new and pleasing pat- tern in belcher rings. lilstor Coburn reports in his vi- •,nseioles "Live Stock Indicator" a conversation with an old Missouri 3ormer who was looking around the. suarketfor a hired man, and "kinder Loped he wouldn't be able to find him," bemuse "he is no good any longer,." for tho"following reasons : — ••I+irst and foremost, times have changed, and the hired man chang- ed with 'em, Abi •air, it makes me &Id when I think of the hired men ere bad .before-' the' war -great big £ailowe with the strength of au ox and the vim' of a locomotive. I -didn't.trnve•to holler my lungs out to get 'oat out of bed at 3 o'clock in eke morning, and it was all I could do to coax. them o go to bed at 10 o'clock at night." ' T.l►e extreme sadness of this ease rim ted the tender-hearted lietener, whore sympathetic ejaculations led to the appended Iurther statement "Sortie farmers want .a man to work all day and all night, but that ain't ine. I have never asked one to git out of bed before 8 o'clock- waver,," 1 allus give my mac . three. quarters of an houre.at. noon unless the hogs git out or the cattle break in ora shower ie•ceming up. A.fter amauhas worked right along for at Beast nine hours his. system wants al Yeast half an hour to braoe up in. They don't quit work on some farms till t3 o'clock, but I'm no such elave- • driver. At half -past 7 I tell ,my anon to knock off. All he has to do after that is to feed the stook, out a little wood, mow some grass. for. the horses, milk four cows, start a smudge in tbe'a"mokehouse, and pull aferv,"weede in the garden. 1 never had n man who didn't grow fat on say work, and they alias left me feeling that they hadn't half earned tier wages," $e stopped long enough to wipe a fear from his eye, and then went on ::— "And µAnd now, look at the hired man to -miry:. Be won't eat with a knife. He wants napkins when he eats, and. if we don't hang up a clean tows' once a week he wipes on `e, 'handkerchief. Call him. at 8 and he gets irp at 6. He wants a whole lour at noon, and after supper he grate off to a singing school or site down- to read the "Live Stook Thai. Bator or The- Tribune. Fifteen years ago if my hired man was sick Soy half a day I could dock him. If • 'se died I could take out a month's wages foe the troulble."• He was glad to get store ordera for his pay, and me would wash in the rain barrel and wipe on the clothesline. There haa boon a change, sir—an awful ehamve, and if a reaction don't' set in pretty soon you'll witness the downfall of agriculture In this country." In conclusion he "couldn't say" whether or not he would hire. Work eras powerful presein' ; but certain - lay lie. should want to know in ad - Vanes that the candidate wouldn't OM .es his plats for more ,treat and inters,, nor insist on having starch and in doing up hia shirts. !riti•atR Redlines in Ancient Pintos. Cronus posgesaedin'landed pro- perty a fortune equal to 21,000,000, tosidee a large sum of money, slaves sand furniture. 'The philosopher Seneca had a fortune of :22,500,000. Lentulus, the soothsayer, had a fortune of £3,500,000. Lentnlus, at his death, £28,6,'S,- Lgtlil', which Caligula spent in leas than ten months. Caesar, before he entered upon any office, owed £2,008,000y Antony owed £300,000' at the :Ides. of March, paid it before the Kahane of April and squandered +.4i4tl,000,000 of the public money. Apicitis expended in (ic,llt iebery ,8500,000, Cleopatra, at an entertainment, add the juice of two lemons after having strained it through fine moue• lin, More or less rosowater may be used to make the preparation the required aonsistency, as it 19 rather disagreeable if sticky. Freak freck- les may frequently be removed by touching the discolorations with a tiny camel's-hair brush dipped iu lemon juice. PRACTICAL . HINTS. A Maine doctor says bilious fever is a mild yellow fever. The best promoters of health are, fresh sir and sunlight. Bran poultice is said to lee an in- fallible cure for poison -ivy. A simple remedy for neuralgic headache is the juioo of a lemon taken in a cup of black coffee. Changes of dress Irom thick to thin should always be made in the morning, as then all the vital forces are in full play. It is not always necaecary to have teeth extracted when they ache. The nerve may be deceased and the tooth still perfectly sound. ,. In a case of slight sore throat, let a little powdered borax be placed on the tongue and allowed to dissolve and run down the throat. "Enough is as good as a feast." Remember that it is better to leave the table a little hungry than to suffer the pangs of indigestion after eating heartily. The habit of continual spotting which attends the showing of tobac- co and gums, induoes debility, not only of the salivary glands, lent of the system generally. Keep your . sleeping rooms well aired even in cold weather. Many a headache and unpleasant taste in the mouth is caused by sleeping in impure atmosphere. Man in liminess have a very bad habit of keeping their hate on in- doors. To this cause may be ascrib- ed the distinguished mark of the middle-aged American—baldness. None of the minor "ills" is more troublesome than an ingrowing nail. By pouring hot tallow over the nail the hardened flesh about it is shrunk• en and relief is immediate. When any part of the skin hoe been frozen apply ice, snow or sold water. The vicinity of a fire and lIOUSEI'U)LI) uIiflS. Milk bread dries out faster than water bread. Do not let e:alo flowers remain in a sick chamber. Scald peached and the akin can bo removed much easier than by peeling without scalding, In baking apple or peach dump• !lugs fill the pau two thirds full of water ; they are not so dry and hard. In baking custard set the poi, containing it into another pan eon - taming hot water, and it will nook much better. Wash your flatirons iu soapsuds nod dry thoroughly, if they tit all trouble yon by ' dropping blank specks. A few leaves of green wormwood, scattered where black -ants congre- gate, is said to be effectual in die• lodging them. It is claimed that the juice of it lemon squeezed into scup of stroug coffee will afford immediate relief in neurlilgio hekdache. For a gunpowder burn, keep the wounds wet with a mixture of lin- reed oil and lime water for three .days;.and then apply vaseline to heat"• .;llen't ask a convalescent if he would like this or' that • to, eat or drink, but prepare the delicacies and present them in a- tempting way. A half cup ammonia to a pail of warm water will cleanse hard fin- ished walls nicely ; of course, the water should be changed when much soiled. Perhaps Home ladies would like to .know that milliners nae an ordinary poliali far ladies' shoes to renovate old black straw hate. Brush ant the dost first, For poisoning from bhosphorue, as when children auok matches, give a tablespoonful of magueais, and then, freely, gum arabin :rater; leas magnesia if only a little plies. phorus Is taken. A few forms fur use in hanging up clothes. may be purchased at any hardware store for five or ten cents, and will keep a garment presentable a grant deal longer than when it is hung upon it wail or hook. A. man's clothes are - al- most ruined by banging in folds, and these• forms will preserve Ilse. shape of the suoulders and keep out wrinkles. t In their i u and mode of burning they ors 1144 lu a better position thou ever hof .re ", supply the Public with y'irst•t;lasa l,l nu 'Phis bele;, Ens t'idrtnantli Salmon of our busie ass dealings lu. H ruesols, and having given untjuulillatd s,aftoclou so far the nubile ata rely to Cd +i ting good treatment and a First.01 t u A tb t from U. lrirst•tds , .t r ,1 111 can is et the kiln. We oleo bur, t 6-,4 5 (ansa for Mastering at seat,., lte,nemi,. t a 4,055 -•-Brussels Elate Works. It Town & Son. 111f'oy I;i Til l,t),IN TR 1''U1rDS. a 000 warm room should be avoided. If the part blisters, treat it as you would a burn.' A drop of cold water placed in the lobe of the Oar will put a stop to hiccough, or if this does not produce the desired effect, press firmly on the arteries of the wrist, where the pulse is felt. No peraon ehott d bathe when the body is fatigued by either mental or physical labor, or immediately after a meal. For bathing' purposes, in summer, the water should be about 70 degrees, in winter, 80 degroas. ' Yn care of being bitten by a snake or dog, suck lbo wound (spitting 11 gave Antony, delivered to vinegar, oat) bathe it with warm water to of Private T!'uuds have just been placed in IUy Blinds for In- . vestment. AT 7 PER CENT. Borrowers can have their .loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory. Apply to - A Chatham boy named Skervireg, nine years old, pet it very enroll - fish -hook in his mouth while lee was eating an apple, and forgetting what be haddone, swallowed hook and all, but, as yet. at leasty, has suffered no injuriolss effects. Rev, Solomon Peter Hale deliver- ed a lectnre in St. Thomas the other evening, about 41d being present. Among other things Solomon said that he. and the chairman woulfai be seated side by Bide at the throne of Grace. The chairman was 0. Roo: 1 ARRTAGES E. E. WADE. eav Spectacles and Eye -Glasses that will preserve your Eyesight. F. IJAZARTTS Manufacturing Optioiam, late of the firm of Lazarus es Morrie, 2S Maryland Road, Harrow Road, London, England, has.ap- pointed an agent for the Renowned Spec- taoles,and Eye -Glasses which have been before the publio for the pest 25 years. Lazarus' Spectacles never tire the eye Last many years without change. Tow's the Chance ! —0 -- With a view of extending the circulation of For Sale by H. L. JACKSON, BRUSSELS, • ONT. A nice assortment of Baby Car- riages on Exhibition at H. Dennis', where you oan also got a Splendid Trunk, Handy Valise, or Satchel at a Low Price. Full lines of Light and Heavy. alatZWIMODa Whips, Comb:, Brushes, &c, in Stock. We Lead but Neve,' I+'oll0ft. H. DENNIS; C:anal L. A. 1 of E -- ,Sif/72 Q}' Big ,�'(![)tl'}L Collar. Bair (loons cstahllahmnnt in canadn. the will send it, on a Trial Trip for the Smith 6- Ross are prepared to attend to CARRIAGE PAINTING in all its branches, as well as Sign /And Url«rrzentol raintl;ng. Balaioe of 1837 for •the small sum of They hare load years or exper- ience and they guarantee' their work to give satisfaction. A rig hell sainted is half so'lld. Estimates and terms cheer- fully given. GIVE IIS A CALL. 50 Cents in Advance. Shop in the old 'Porn' Publishing House•,. King street, Brussels, Smith & Ross. IMPORTANT TO ALI. who are hall or whose hair is thin or gray or are troubled with dandruff. Dr. I7(i r e sa were sed'r' —0— Now is the time to commence as our • NEW STORY, —ENTITLED— "Poi Asunder;, AUGUST 19, 188i. Money to Loan, •Money to Loan 00 Farm Pro- perty, at LOWEST RATES. S. —BY— BERTHA M. CLAY. —0- 52 MONTHS FOR 50,c; Tell your neighbor of this Offer. PRIVA(E..AND COMPANY FUNDS BLYTH Woolen Mill. W. B. DICKSON, Solicitor, Brussels, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN: Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 d 6A Per Cent. Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to R. Forsyth & Son, formerly of the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg to inform the Farmers in this vi- cinity that they have Now in Op- eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth, and hope that by adhering to their old plan of making noth- ing but Sound, Durable Goods and trust that by so doing to meet a liberal patronage. CUSTOM WORK. of all kinds promptly and care- fully attended to. The- HIGHEST PRICE paid for Wool in Exchange for Tweeds, Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etc. A Trial Solicited ! Satisfaction action Guaranteed ! R. Forsyth & Son. !AMA MOM AND JEWELRY. HAIR MAGIC ! is iho greateft UAW fon strengthening the growth oftho hair over dlaoovered. it stops all falling out of the lfelr,removes all traces of dandruff, restores gray hair to its original 061orand in aloes of lsaldness, where the r6atoare not destroyed, 11 will produce a luxuriant crop of haft. Take warningif your hair is in a faoble plate got a bottle at once Worn is is too late. Dr. Daroawend'a "Emir Magic," is on Salt at all principal Drug Stores, Ask for 1t and trite nothing else. G. A. I)¢Aba[av ,tan J. Iitnonnavlig R Co„ Aoian is lrm: I3irs sola.:. A Doren we nd ao10 L(annfaatnrer, Toronto, r l) •en vend koe ,e the lar est A. Hunter, Divisio'u ovrt Clerk, Brz[ssele. }jURON AND BRUCE Le$fin &Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at LOWEST BATES OF INTEREST. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4, and 5 per cont. Interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time let. If you want your watch put in good running order go to JONES, THE WATCHMAKER, Dealer in Ladies' and Gent's solid Gold and Silver Watches, Cuff Buttons, Broaches, Ear -rings, Gent's pine, roll plate vest chains and Necklets. Ile has also a nice stook of WALNUT, NICKLE AND FANOI' CLOCLfS, iii fact everythingthat is kept in a llrst- ele:a jewelry .store. • 5lteeini attention given to the re- pairing o e•pairingi,, of Nati+tuts. antislltt;titln guar- anteed. Jas. Jones, Queen's dote' Bi'lok. W. R. Wilson. OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, Gode- rich. Horace Horton, MANACSEn. HERE. WE ARE AGAIN ! After another long winter and lots of op• position I am still alive and in a better position than ever to attend to the wants of the Public, having just Removed to the Store South of J. Buyer's Carriage Works. I am prepared to Execute all Orders Promptly. GRAINING, GILDING, SIGN AND DEooiRATIVE PAINTING in all its branches. eI •WRINGS ..IND SHOP BLINDS ! Done Up in Style. PAPER HANGING a Specially. Wna. Roddick. THE WILSON FOUNDRY. AT GBEA'TLY no&i .oca Pzioes We have on hand the following : Laud Rollers, Plows, Harrows, Scufders, Horse Powers, Straw Outtere, Turnip Cutters, Grind- ing or Chopping Mills, best make, and .I Good Second Hand Lunabsr Wagon. TA1C1: 'NOTICE. We have started' a Planei, and Matcher to work. Parties wishing to haV'e Lumber Dressed and Matchecl, or Flooring Sized, tongued! and grooved may rely on getting first-class jobs on the most reasonable terms. Repairs of all kinds • promptly attended to at'. the Bnusslnrs Pomona.