HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-8-19, Page 22 Diroatory of Churches and Sooistissi 1IELYIF,LE euenc1i,—Sabbath Serviuee at 11 a.m. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday School at 2:80 p. in, Rev. Jolie Bose, 13, A., pastor. KNox 01i0acu,—Sabbmatihd8 Services at 11 at a. m. and 0:80 p. 2:80 p. m. Rev. S. Jones, pastor. Sr. Tous's 0numi.—Sabbath Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 8:80 a.m. Bev. W. T, Cluff, incumbent, ME111Oninn Council—Sabbath Serviees at 10:80 a. tn. and 6:30 p. rn. Sunday School at 2:90 p. in. Rev. Id. Swann, pastor. BoMAN CATuoLIo OuuBcn,--Sabbath Servide third Sunday in every month, at 11 a.m. Bev. P. J. Shea, priest. Ono FELLOWS' LODGE every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MASONIC I+onol Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A. O. UJ,W. LODGE on let and 8rd Mon- day evenings of each mouth. Fon1smanT' Lonol 2ndandlast Monday evenings f 1st Mondayeach s in Smale's hall. L. . L in every month, in Orange Hall. POST OFFICE.-0ffioe hours from 8 a.m. p.m. MECHANICS' I1B'rITUTE, Reading Room and Library, in Holmes' block, will be open from 6to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Roes, Lib. rarian. �'+ aaehliolk Notes. Floret fans are a late fancy. "Blotting Doper pink" is a new color. Epaulettes are on many imported dresses. Orepon is a new French fabric, looking like crinkled veiling. marvelous. One dose of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure will pure sick Headache, D3zsinore, acd Sour Stomach. 1 to 2 bottles are warranted to cure Liver Complaint, Indigestion, and Bilionenera. Sold by all Druggiete, Grey is the fashionable summer Dolor in Paris and London. You can't get too many jets on a wrap of either silk, lane or grena- dine. A. favorite French combination of tints is that of lightblue with la- vender. In order to be fashionable, one must, even now, wear a jetted wrap no matter how warm it ie. Ladles. Only. The complexion ie often rendered un- sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots, and Yellow- ness, There. it is well known, aro. paused from an inactive Liver andbad blood. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure purines the blood and whole system. Seo Recipe Book for toilet reoipoe, hints and suggestions on how to 'reserve the complexion. Sold by all with a striped border, such as is soon on the handkerclllef'o of the Norman peasantry, The substantial -ooden handle is fioielled by a let hero, strap *bat slips on to the A new fad in traria is the "chat noir" for shirt studs and cuff but. tons, 'rhe idea is a blaok-oat on a poreolain ground, supposed to have originated in the brain of somo habitue of the "Chat Noir," a fam- ous resort for artiste on the other side of the Seine. The same eat will probably be worked into a porta bonbeur, and in time takes its place with the pigs and owls, and spiders of the past. Varieties. Waiter to country groom --'Will you have French bread, sir ?' Country bride to husband—'Take ordinary household bread, John. French bread must be tante before it gets here.' Inviable but Instantaneous. Alll pane or aches will be instantly remov- ed by a fey/ drops of Fluid Llgntning applied over the affected parte. No time loot • no nauseous medicines needed; no poultioing. or using greasy liniments. It will not blister or discolor the skinreaves, Sold at 225x. per bottle ts. Suffer. urs from Neuralgia enure ue thatsthey uev er tear it Fwhen th sir house contains a bottle of Fluid 'So you have got a stepmother 2' elle earl 10 a little girl of seven. 'Yee.' 'Well, I feel sorry for you.' 'Oh, you needn't do that 1' replied the little one. 'Please feel sorry for pe.' 'Johnny, is your sister in 7"I don't know. Let ane-- What's your name 2' .'Mr, Betues.' 'All right, ltir. Baines. You just sit down and I'll ask cis whether she's at home ; but I don't thick that's the name.' Raldnes0, Thin Bair, sta. Those who are bald, who have gray or thin hair, or who are troubled with dandruff should invest in a bottle of Dr. Doreawend'o "Hair Magic." It is tho finest preparation for the hair and scale now in use. It Is rap- idly superceding all other hair tonics, It *tope Lalling, reetoreg the original color to may hair end roe baldnaes, where there are the slightest possible roots, it will produce a Sino growth of hair. Do not wait until too late but get a bottle at once. G. A. Dead- man and J. Hargreaves & Co„ Agents. Brue- cele. A. little boy, playing, fell down the steps and hurt himself severely. His mother scolded lum for his carelessness, and he sobbed out • 'Mamma; please don't scold me till rughs e. i t I get through Hurting It has been said that women nes- I Pueblo Barber (pausing for a er invent anything, yet Mrs. F. C. Floyd, of South Boston, has jnat in- vented a waterproof bonnet. The log of-muttou sleeve, it ap- pears, is simply the result of a con- spiracy among fashionable dress- makers to drive out the jerseys. Important Nuts Item, Cooasmwl,—"Mrs. Campbell has boon troubiedtor a number of years with foal. gestion and Constipation, and was maimed to try Moeregor's Speedy Ouro andfound it all that was needed, She would reonmm end Ste use to any person similarly troubled." This invaluable remedy's sold to every part of Canada at OOcte. and 01.00 per bottle. Sold. at John Hargreaves & Ws drug store, Brussels. Large butterflies, and dragonflies made of feathers, with their delioat ely pencilled wings, so true to na• tura as even to be etre +'n over with velvety dust. ars beautiful and un- commonly graceful ornaments for wearing in the flair. The bodies and feelers are set with precious stones. Salt Rheum Cared. McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Oorate has been tried and found to oe the only positiv(': aura for Salt Rheum, Pimples, Blotches on face or hands.Outs, Burns, Bruises, or any Sore that nothing else will heal. Bo sorb and get the genuine, made by McGregor 0 Parke. Prior 250. Sold. at Hargreaves Drug store,Brussels. - Spangles in jet, gold and silver are the fashion of the hour. They are applied to crepe de chine and foulard when used as draperies on skirts. They glitter on the small• mantles now worn, and on bonnets, 10 gay nothing of shoes, which be- come more and more dainty. Mothorr I I! your slaughters aro in 311 health, or troubled with paleness that seems incurable, or if they suffer from gan- erai debility, norvousnese, 'augour, weak- * once a bottle orlossto 0 appetite, Ton procure n battle of Johnson's Tonle Bitters, and you VIE not regret the outlay. 'The Toaio and generally strengthening effect of this nodi- cine is truly marvellous. eOoto, and 01.00 por bottle at Deadman'e Drug Store, Bru0sols. The young women •who have con- sumed quarts and quarts of .expen- sive paint to adorn the "hat band" of luxurious youth will now have a chance to lavish their favorite horti- cultural designs on hie necktie. Hand -painted satin scarfs are en regle from this date until the 'arrival of the next popular lunacy, DYSPEPSIA CEREO, M},. R. Walker, 6f Wator(ord; says;— "Dyspepsia has been my wife's trouble for o long time past, and she has Suffered greatly with it but, thanks to Dr. Car- son's Stomach Bitters, she is completely oared. It acted very nicely, and did not eioken or gripe her wlalo taking it. If people only know about tho Carson Stom. soh Bitters there would not bo so much guttering In the world." French ladies are using the Nor- mandy umbrella for long drives in the'country'or along the seashore. This is a huge parasol of red cotton moment in bis reckless par -nit) : 'Were'you going to say something. sir 2' Customer (faintly) : I w -wanted to ask you w -where you b -bury your dead.' THE BRUSSELS POST Baseball clubs are credited with making an Honest living in spite of the fact that they, indulge in. so meal 'biteo. atenlixig.' 'Glytl Abe view boardor, ilbatayor ale wltntd,'; .:segs, au experienced ocuniry shark, 'and you will got hie money. He will est cucumbers, and milk, and green apples, and honey, and pioklec, and then lie will send fur the doctor and go with- out eating for a week, while all the tune his board bill is going on,' Elderly gentleman (to little boy who is buying candy) :—'Yly young friend don't you think that instead of spending all the pennies you get it would be better to put some of them airily for a rainy tiny ?' Little boy :-'Naw. What's the good of money on a rainy day ? Ma never lets me stir out of the house.' SURE PROTECTION. Tho maintenance of a healthy stets of the system is the oureet protection against disease ; experience has shown that by the use of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipa- tion Bitters, a perfect state of health can be assured. It frons the system from all impurities, cleanses and purifies the blood. For sale by all Druggists at $cote. a bottle. Baggino : 'Hallo, Scrabblee, what's the cause of your lameness ?' Scrabbles : 'A. bad dream.' B : 'A. dream 2 How 00 2' S : 'Why, I dreanod the other night that fda- tilda's father was dead, and I awoke believing It true So I wont up there and found him alive.' 'Alive ?' 'Yee, alive and kicking i' Not That Kind of a Baby.—It was at the baptismal font and the clergyman bad the baby in his arms. 'What is the name ?' he asked the god -father. 'Josephine Newton.' 'Joseph E. Newton, I baptise thee in the name--' 'Not Joseph E.—Josephine,' interrupted the mother in great alarm. •alts not that kind of a baby.' BcGregor'e Lung Compound. HAFT you a bad Cough,. a Chronic Hoarse- ness, a foaling of Lightness in the Choat Weak Lungs, or any similar complaint? Il ao,boy a bottle of McGregor's Lung Com- poand at once., It will cure you. It con - taloa entirely now speoioe, of which one dose is inure effectual than a whole bottle of the old time remedies. It is put up in 500. and 61.00 bottles. Sold by John Har. peeves & Co., druggists, Brussels. Try it. and you will never have reason to complete. 'I have ventured,' he said, 'to buy this diamond ring, fondly hop• ing that you would allow me to slip it on your finger as a token of our engagement.' '1 am very sorry Mr. Smith, but you are too late—I am already engaged ; but if you put either cold water or ico into Mn. D. AnnoTT, 21 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, writes :—.'For a long time I have been troubled with a disordered Stomach, and at last I got so bad that I was acm- pelled to quit work, and for days I could neither eat nor sleep, and the pain in my head was most intense. I was induced t0 try a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bit- ters. After halting three dozes I was al- most completely restored to health. My appetite came back; the racking headache Was gone, and I never slept sounder in my life." 'My father got run away with last night 1' he shouted to a boy across the street. 'Did the hired girl or the horse run with 7"The horse, of course.' 'That's no sens- ation. Wait until you have some- thing to brag of.' 'How styles have changed since I was a girl,' said an old lady. 'When I wall young we weed to wear our dresses up to the neck, and gloves with only one button. Now they wear gloves up to the neck, and only one button on the dress.' Ai ore Remarkable Still.. Found at last ,what the public has been looking for these many years and that is a medicine whioh, although but lately intro. duoed,hn0 modeler itself a reputation sec- ond to none the medicine is Johnson's Tonic Bitters, vhfeh, in ooafnbotion with John- son's Tonle Liver Pills, has performed 00010 most wonderful onre0... Impure• and i01- poveriehed blood soon becomes purified and enriched. Biliousness indigestion Inuk headache, liver complaint, languor, woak- ness,.&c., Boon disappear when treated by theme excellent tondo- mediainee, For sale by G , A. Deadman, Brussels. t e man good morn- ing, m little , y remarked au old ing, pleaean/ly gentleman as he Stopped and past.' ed a little boy on the head. 'Have you any brothers and eiders 2' 'Yea sir, got four, but I'm the only one that mounts to anything,' replied the urchin. 'It's dangerous to be under this tree in a thunder storm ; one of us might get killed,' said a lightning rod agent. 'Well, if you are killed you wou'1 be able to talk any more; ,and if I am killed I caul hear you, so I guess we'd better stay,' said his victim. A' little Massachusetts avenue boy wee saying his prayers at his mothers knee, and just before reaching the end he stopped' 'Go on, Freddie, you haven't finished yet,' said his mamma. 'Bless papa and mamma,' he continued, 'and now goodbye God. Lent is over, and I guess. you won't Bear from us till this time next year, amen,' Who be to blame 2 If other mel eon make it pay, why canoe* I ? These are questions every fanner should ask himself, for they are staring hip ii the face. All the difference between faihire and 8000088 11011 in the rule adopted for expenditure "Spend more money than you earn and fail, spend lees thou you earn and succeed." Adopt some moth• od that will increaee your income or else out down your expenses. P. T. Barnum, the great showmsu, in hie renowned lecture on "money got*• ing" says : 'When you find you have no surplus at the end of the year, mark down on paper every item of expenditure. Post two sol. ones every day or week headed 'necessaries' ; (or oven 'comforts') and 'luxuries.' You will find the latter column double, treble and frequently ten times greater thou the former." Dr. Franklin says, "It is the eyes of others and not our own eyes that ruin us. If all the world were blind except myself I should not Dare for flus clothe,' or furniture." THEY WILL ALWAYa SELL.—Tilers is no secret or mystery about the breeding or raising of good. horses. A person will succeed or fail in this branch precisely as he devotes in. telligeuca and judgment to its pros :mutton. Random and ill•direeted efforts produce unsatisfactory re- sults,. while intelligence brings ample reward. Let a person stand upon the street corner stud make a mental note of all the hereof' which pass by. Ho will see them of many kinds, The m5SSiv0 and slowly moving draft horse, the elegant and stylish carriage team, the dapper and swift moving roadster and the diminutive Shetland driven by the children—are all here in obedience to the law of supply and demand. There is a demand for all these horses, and there are persons in oth- er slates to supply this demand. Why should not the farmers of this Province supply it ? Why should 'not they have the money that is borne swiftly away to other places ? Why should not these fields be covered with accumulating wealth in the shape of live stock 2 You have tens of acres for the pun. pose, and the whole world wants Canadian horses. IDE AND 00LD WATER IN CIIURN- INO.—It is not a usual practice to AUGUST 19, .!h57. the horse may bo made very sore by contact with the frozen bit. The 'bot e110111d always be warmed before being placed in a horse's mouth. Plies aro very annoying to horses, and the use of the net, or some proparatiou that will keep tbo flies away, is well repaid. Care in atilt - log is of the greatest importance. Flow often du 190 see an animal drivou until wet with perspiration, and dotted with foam, standing without blanket or protection of any kind from the cold northern winds. When in such condition, he evidently suffers intensely ; be- sides the danger of contracting din eases (rout whlcli he will never re- cover. If any law ou our statute book should be more rigidly enforc- ed than another, it in the one against fast driving, When iu use, blankets should always bo provided iu cold weather, so that they will dry without chilling. Protect them from drafts when warm, and either rub down, or let them stand m a stable, where cold air cannot strike them. will have it altered to fit my little cream when churning. The time to introduce cold water is at the breaking stage of the cream to pro- duce perfect separation of the but- ter. I doubt very much if there is any necessity for making cream or milk colder than can be handily done with the ordinary temperature of well water, say at 48 ° or 60 0. I have "thinned" cream with warm water in the winter to make it more fluid when I did not chance to have milk to do it with. The far bettor way is to cool the Dream down to the churning point, or a degree or two below, before putting It into the churn. If the churning is im- mediately proceeded with, the rise in temperature in .the churn will not be enough to require extra cool- ing, unless the room is very hot. Then the better way would be to have a cooler working room. While water 56 ° would not injure the grain of the butter by adding it to the cream, ice at many degrees colder would probably chill the Dream too much, end so harden the globules that they would refute to unite in the gathering process, and warmth would be required. In the large creamery near me, the use of ice has been wholly abandoned, as with it uniform results seemed im- poesiblo, but with abundant spring water at 48 ° , and a big open tank of water in the butter room, with double walls to govern outside in - finances, the process of butter mak- ing has been more satisfactory. Where ice was used at the differ- ent stages of manufacture and the storage of butter, there was muob complaint made in regard to the keeping quality of the butler, but when the temperature all the way through was about 45 0 and below 55 the results have been very sat- isfactory. Be RIND TO YOUR HORSE.—Kind- nees with the family horse is one of the utmost importance. Always cultivate an acquaintance, and be on social and friendly terms with him. If be is tired and worn out, it is astonishing how these little at- tentions will, encourage and cheer Lim up. When not in use he should be given a reasonable amountof daily exercise. No am. inal will do well without exercise. It promotes a good notion of their doseu't coat much and wilt come in limbs, and assists digestion. The handy on many oecesions. harness should be made to fit, thtia "FARMING DONEN'T PAT."--lt avoiding clitfes and bruises. In ' down'* eh ? Why doesn't it pay "1 cold weather the lips and tongue of finger, I will ehower upon you the wealth of a eiater's affection.' Ina certain town in New Hamp- shire a minister being on trial for a grave offence, one of his brethren was so anxious to clear him that he said to the judge, 'May it please your Honor, I had a dream last night, and saw two angels who de- clared the prisoner not guilty.' 'Very well,' returned the judge, 'cause them to appear aa witnesses, and I'll swear them." 'Yes,' said an old man, visiting the graveyard in his native town after long years of absence, and reading an inscription :-'Here lies Sam Brownlow.' I might have known he wan lying somewhere, for he iieveraold the truth that 1. can ever remember of an all his life. But it's kinder mean throwing it up, to Lim that way after he's dead and gone and can't hit back." 'Papa,' she said softly and blush- ingly, 'young Mr. Simpson is in the library an wishes . to speak with you.' `Ten shesank into an easy chair, and her heart beat so fierce- ly that it made the gas fitting rat- tle. Presently the old man return- ed, '011, papa,' she said, 'did he— was he—what did be want ?' 'He wanted to borrow n dollar to pay his cab with,' said the disappointed old gentleman. Farm N otew. AC,'LAP AND pa a A BLE ROOF.-- i3uild the roof of cheap boards, well Supported on strong joists. Cover with strong three-ply tarred paper, tacking it down well and lapping generously over the joints of the paper. Lath may bo used to put the nails through to make. it still More durable. After the paper has been put on, smear it with .melted coal tar, using a swab or broom for this purpose, and putting the tar on generously morn the, seams and,. lath. While the tar is still hot, sprinkle with sand containing some gravel the size of peas or coarser. This will, make an excellent and durable roof for implement sheds and all other cheap buildings. The expense, will be vary slight indeed, N0 farm of any size can afford to be without a barrel of coal tar. It wOINVINA A GIE:ITS WAITED: Steady Ernplopnaeratto Goad itIc?a. None need be Idle. Previous Experioneo not essential. We pay either Salary or Com- mission. 100 Men Wanted To Canvas for the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. The Fontltill Nurseries, Largest in Canada, Over 400 Acres. Don't apply unless you Gan furnish first-class References, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work. ADDRESS Stone & Wellington, _Nurserymen, To?'onto, Ont. T. FLETCHER, Practical Watchmaker cG Jeweller WOOL! Any Quantity of Wool Wanted —AT THE BRUSSELS— Thanking the Public for past favors and support and wishing still to mere your patronage. We are opening out full tines iu Gold and Silver Watches. Silver Plated Ware from established and reliable makers, fully warranted by 08. Clocks of the Wes designs. Jewelry : Wedding Rings, Ladies Gem Rings, Broaches, Earingr, deo. Woolen Mill Also have in stock a full line of violins and Violin Strings, Pipes, &o. far N.B.—Issuer of illarriageLicenses T. Fletcher. Banos ! —Fon N T X e+t:o Bargains ! THB— 077.0 4Ce DAYS in Plows, Steel Harrows, Seed Drills, Bain Wagons, Buggies, Organs, Sewing Machines, Sulky Plows, one four spring Wagon, one 1 horse Wagon, and one sec- ond hand Lumber Wagon. Land Rollers for $25, best i11 the market, Three kinds of Seuffiers, Port Perry Grinder and Horse Powers, Clothes Wringers, Churns, and ANYTHING YOU SIAM ENQUIRE FOR. Goo. Love. Highest Market Price Paid in exchange for fine Tweeds, coarse Tweeds, Cheek Flannels, in all wool and union, Grey Flan- nels, and Blankets. Also Sheet- ing, in both Gray and White, fine and coarse Yarn, &o., of which I have a good supply ,NOW ON EIXD. I am prepared to do all kinds of manufacturing, such as ROLL CARDING, SPINNING; WEAVING, TWISTING, COLORING, FULLING, &o. Satisfaction Guaranteed. All kinds of Knitted Goods Made to Order. Give Me a Call before dispos- ing of your Wool elsewhere. Yours truly, GEO. HOWE. NEW FIRM ! Robert Matticc, of St. Thomas, and W. Johnston, of Salem, de- sire to inform the Public gener- ally that they, have formed a co -partnership, and havo leased the blacksmith shop from 11Ir. John Wynn, lately occupied by John Alexander, where they will be prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMIT.HIN'G. Plows, Wagons, Carriages, &c. made or repaired. Horseshoeing A. Specialty. Interfering, over -reaching and flat footed horses treated with the best results. We have had 20 years experience in dealing with those diseases of the feet and leading have worked in the hof se - 1 g shoeing shops in Canada and the United States. We are prepared to temper Stone Hammers, or any edged tools. Please give Us a Call. Shop near the Town Hall, op- posite Beattie's Livery Stable. Repairing promptly attended to. MATTICE & JOHNSTON, Proprietors.