HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-8-12, Page 8Game of Croquet. 1Wy who intend buying a Set of Croquet would do well to Ball at (moo, as we !lave some about 20 per cent, • cheaper than last year. Boys' Wagons. We have the fatuous Iron Axle, which tiro soli at very email advance over the orifinary wood axle. Remember the place, at G. A. Deadman's • Dre;,,a;,,,':. fi P'lat'y Goods Store. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. eov'rHEBti ETTEx0ION, W. 0. & n. R. 'S'reivaleavc Rrussels Station, north and -math ,hs follows :- CsriargSouth. lilting North. wr,,,l.....,. ,.._ 7:02 elm, ' Mixed 0:90 0.10 Bxpress......M45 a.m.I Mail 2:50 p.m 9fiaad....„.... .8:45p.m, I Express 0,95p.m ,nor samosas .orad. A chiel's amano ye takin' notes Au' faith he'll Arent it, THE BRUSSELS POST Semmes for sale at Ament Bros. Aires Ems home is visiting friends in 'Kincardine. Mea, H. Wn:L),Atls and daughters are *visiting in Flint, Mioh, Tug Misses McGuire, dressmakers, are taking a few weeks holidays. Six bars of Electric soap for 25 cents, at Thomson's. 60. J. Sounev LLE, ex -M. P., of Lucknow, was in town last Tuesday. A. S'i'EACHAAS and J. W. Shaw are doing Stratford and Goderioh this week. THE Misses Graham, of Attwood, were visiting Mrr. R. G. Wilson this week. ExTRA value in Pure Pickling Vine. gars at Thomson's. 4- O•vse 000 tons of flax delivered already at the Erussels.mill and about as much more to be hauled in. Tins week J. MoJain and sister,. of Attwood, were visiting friends in this lo- cality for several days. Mos. Jam. E. SMITH and sou, of Bran. don, Man., former residents of Brussels, 'oto -spending a,few weeks in town. Fon the largest stook and best value in ,Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, go to Thomson's. 50. Mos. GEORGE Cnooxs presented us with .'mostly n barrel full of beautiful harvest •apples this week. She hes our best thanks for her kindness. C. R. VAVeTOP E was;home from Elsi- :norefor Sunday. Con. did not leave town until he saw the "Maltlands” do up the Teeswater base ballists. H. CLEGG, of Mitchell, L. H. Towers, L. Wolper, Mrs. C. H. Wolper and son and Miss A. M. Lucas, of Exeter, were visiting at D. A. Smale's this week. THE regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will .be held next Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, in the basement of the Metho- dist church. A larged attendance asked. PLUME Los's. -The undersigned while driving his hearse between Brussels and Walton, lost from one of his horses a white plume. Finder will do a favor by .leaving the same at R. Loatherdale's, .Brussels. Iu the announcement of a Temperance meeting in Kincardine our 01. P. is re- d erred to as follows : --In the evening a public meeting will be held in the lecture room of the church, at which en address will be dr}uivered by that clever and popular member of the House of Com- mons, Dr. Macdonald, of Wingbam, and others. THE following from the Schuyler Quill, Neb„ refers to a young man known to a good many in town :-Wm. Hogarth will not go to Rogers and take charge of the station when opened as was intended, bit5lla5 accepted the position of agent at 'Papillion instead. Tue latter is a very important post, it being a joint office of the Union Ps lifio and Missouri Pacific, ..4bbout the neat thing we hear of Hogarth •will be that be has been made a division • al.augerintender t. Jas. B. Hogarth, a .brother, is station master at Cozad, a large shipping point, the depot receipts averaging et8,000 per month. Scincsreor Twmihv,-The scarcity of binding twine is retarding very material- 1•y4ho progress of the harvest. On Sat- urday a farmer went to Guelph city for some and failing to get any in the hard- ware stores there drove to Fergus. He rwas equally unsuccessful there. Many self -binders are standing idle in Gara- h-aaa'because they have no twice, The old reapers are being brought into requisi- tion and the farmers are tying the grain by hand. The cause of the twine famine May bo traced to the immense sale of binders effected by implement men this year. It was much greater than was ex- ; rioted. So malty being in use the output Jean the twine factories have been quite inadequate. One Guelph firm has al. ready disposed of fifty tons of twine this seaamn, Peoer,r one money is sosroe.-Rain .vould do a "power" of good to both man :.arid boast. -Fall trade will soon cum. menses harvest is almost a month in admen of other years. ---It's a bard mat. tor to find a place the size of Brussels that ran beat us at athletic) games and spurts. -You can't find better 51.00 a day sheaths in Canada than are in Bruesels.- Thho old Clipper base ball club should get together aid give the Me.itlands a whirl for 0 innings. -Tho intense hot weather has a demoralizing effect on the health c'f the public.- Our Fall Show should be ;boomed right along up to the data of the show. --It takes a terrible long time to give the result Of the Crd alibis Teachers' SuINOLEe for sale at Anhent Bros. Mus. J. A. Mehl/atriums is on the efek list. • W. Meow/ems, of Paisley, was in town this week. REMEMBER the excursion next Tuesday to Goderioh. sit Aat NDN Strachan aLuso. a Brampton, is vi- ingTnn A, 0. U. W. do nob intend making an assessment for August. Una. W. IL Moss is visiting in Ram. ilton and neighborhood. Geer. Elliot, of Blyth, was smiling on hie Brussels friends this week, Berns stranger coming to town is put down as boodler MaGarigle, of Chicago, Jas. Dssws and family ate removing to Strathroy, their former place of residence. Rev. Mn. Acta., of Palmerston, and Rev. Juo. Ross, B. A., exchanged pulpits beat Sunday. Mits. 8. i3. LAIRD and daughter, Miss Dot. Laird, Miss C. MODonaid and Miss J. Bawtiultimer were vieitiug at Wing• ham last week. ADAM Scott, of Edinburgh, Scotland, eon of our old friend, Adam Scott, of Morris township, was in town this week visiting friends. A sTEAM fire engine, two hose carriages, 1,000 feet of hose and all appliances are being shipped to Milton from the Fire Engine Works. A BIBLE class for the study of the Sunday school lesson has been organized, to meet on Friday evening. Rev. R. Paul will take charge of it. AT Miss O'Connor's concert, S. Smith, the well koowu basso of Wingham will assist. Tho Broom Brigade, under the command of Capt. 3, W. Shaw, will also give a drill exercise. Om thanks are due to the Luoknow Caledonian Sooiety for the noun' comp. limentaries to their games on Wednes• day, Sept. 7. They expect the Lieuten- ant Governor as a visitor. Realms Bnoseroor, of Kansas, a former well-known and well-to•do resident of this locality, is here on a visit, He likes the west well but says the dry spell has played havoc with rule crops in many places. J. BUMBLE MILLS was in town push- ing the oleims of The Merchants' Pro- tective and Collecting Assooiatian. A number of the business men became members. See the announcement in this issue. MONDAY morning's train was delayed two hours by the breaking of the driving bar, when near Whitechurch. The con- duotor drove to Wingbam and got an- other engine. The disabled one was tak- en on to Palmerston for repairs. THE Huron Land Agency is a new company organized in Goderioh with Alex. Saunders, Treas. ; E. N. Lewis, Solicitor, and Wm. F. Foot, Secretary and office manager. They purpose handling real estate, aolleoting rents, valuating property, &c. A LETTER from James Broadf00t, of Kansas, formerly of Brussels, . says his crops are all burned up with the long drought and everything totally destroyed. People cant sell cattle, even at 1 Dent per pound. No feed for the future is the dread of the inhabitants of that scorched section. SAcITAnr: During the long continued heated, dry spell it is most necessary to be careful with our bank yards, oellare, olosets, &c. A shovelful of fresh ashes thrown over any and every stagnant place will neutralize all offensive odors. Tbie should be done every few days while the warm weather lasts. Every person in town should make a specialty of their premises and thus guard their families. THE GREAT EVENT Or THE SEAsoN•- The Western Fair and Jubilee Exhibit- ion to be held in London, Sept. 10th to 24th promises to far excel that of any previous year. New grounds,new build- ings and a new half mile race track have been provided at a cost of $120,000.00, whioll is indisputable evidence of the en- terprise and push of the Forest City and fittingly commemorative of the Jubilee year of Her Majesty. Very liberal prem- iums are offered this year in the various departments and the committee on at- traction are preparing an immense pro- gram. better than ever. Low rates have been arranged with the railway com- panies for passengers and freight. The people of Western Ontario will do well to take in the Western Fair this year, See advertisement in another column. THE): ARE PRAuns.-It is learned that partes representing themselves to be Ontario Government officials,are travel- ling through the province victimizing owners of steam threshing machines, and other machines. They assert that a law was passed last year providing all persons within the province having charge of or operating any steam boiler or other de- vices under steams pressure, shall be ex- amined and licensed before assuming or attempting to operate a device of any kine, under pressure of steam, and they olaim to have been appointed examiner's with power to license persons whom they doom competent. and from whom they receive the required fee. It may now bo stated that such a bill was introduced in the Legielature last session, but it was not passed, therefore all persons claiming to be appointed examiners as above are frauds and should be handed over to the authorities. LITTLE LOCAL[ AT A CENT EACH: -Busi- ness is livening up, -The Council intends trying aoroe gravel walks instead of plank. -D, Lowery has the contract of a brick house near Molesworth, --A new verandah and porch is being put up at W. H. Kerr's, John street: -The river is very low. -The dust on some streets in town ie something terrible. -A. Dow by- law would be a good one, Se the • bovines are very destructive on sidewalks: -The dwelling owned by Miss Montgomery, corner of John and Market streets, ie undergoing repairs. --:The blagksmiths aro reaping a harvest Betting buggy and wagon tires =R, Sperling shipped a car load of butter last week to Montreal. - New wheat coming in. -Eggs have taken o slight chop. -A. change ie talked of in one of the business firms in town. -Rev. J. L. Kerr preaches at Malcsworth and Trowbridge nest Snatchy and Rev. R. exalninations.-Tina Pos'r is a tip-top lo- Paul goes to Drayton, --60 cents, it ad - cal paper and (Mee not miss many iterate Vance, 9400(4 TUE Pose to Tan. let, 1888.- 2n f.i toreet.---Brussels market will boom A cat created quite an alarm in a liwel- this Fall and lead the other towns, as ling on King street ono night recently, „:usual, T5 o liouee was saalmhed far burglars. EventRODr le wishing for rain. Summer for ealo at Asoont 111'oe, 4. Taos. PLETcricu and wife were in Luoknow over Sunday, Uses Swann left Brussels last Monday for Lucen, where she will visit ,ler mater, 1110a. (Rev.) S. Sollory, Moss Asmara, of Toronto, is renewing old ecquaintanoes in town, G. A. Swarm, L. D. S„ of Glanooe, vent IMO Sunday with hie parents. Mao. CUNNINGHAM, of Mitchell, ie visit, ing her slaughter, Mrs. W, Nightingale. ' Mite, W11. Aspen= has been enjoying a holiday among relatives and friends in Maldintand Co. Mae. TAMES AIMS and children, of Hamilton, aro visiting at Adam Mslitol- land's this week. JAsEe Caine'of Stratlard, was 1n'town last week on a of with his brother, of the firm of Plum ib Clark. Bncsesrs' civic holiday on Tuesday of next week. It will be observed ae a gen- eral holiday by our residents. A TROUT was killed at the mill dam, by being etruolc with a stone, that measured 14 inches and weighed one pound and six ounces. Oun best thanks are due to Mrg. Jno. Hill, of Grey township, for a basket of splendid harvest apples. They were very acceptable to THE POST staff. LAST Sunday Rev. R. Paul preached at Lncknow for Eev. F. E. Nugent, and Rev. 1. L. Kerr occupied the pulpit of Rev, Mr. Stevenson, Presbyterian minis- ter of Molesworth. AT Mise O'Connor's concert on Thurs- day evening, 2.5th inst„ the cantata "The Star of Bethlehem" will be produced, along with solos, duetts, &o. Prof. Whipple will be there. His performances are well worth the admission fee. Seo posters. TIME youths, R. D., J. C., and S. H.. secured a livery from Beattie Bros. to go out a mile, but instead went off to Oran - brook. The proprietors smelled the rat and followed after the trio, made them "whack up" for both riga and left them to foot it home. Verily, the way of the transgressor is herd. A wossnEnerm aimm or SOlte*Ear•-DEAR Stair -When anything marvellous or un- common scours in a neighborhood it is generally reported to some of our local papers for publication, a practioe which, no doubt, is of great use and interest to the public and hone, we crave a spare in your valuable paper for an account of one of the most remarkable oases of surgery on record. A few years ago John Wiggins, of Fordwieb, and his wife migrated to Michigan, where she became seriously troubled with an ovar- ium tumor, and after spending a great deal of money with the dootors there, without receiving any benefit, she resolv- edto go to Toronto to see if any of the medical faculty of that city could do' anything for her. While staying for a time with friends near Fordwiah she was persuaded to consult Dr• McKelvey, of Brussels, and after doing so she, feel- ing from her extremely low condition. that there was no hope of recovery, re- solved to place herself under the Doctor's' care. On the lath of July lest the Doc- tor, assisted by Drs. Gunn, of Bruceflold, Rose, of Clifford, and Spence, of Ford- wiclt, successfully removed n• doable ovarium tumor weighing not leas than 85 lbs. The operation lasted three and a half hours. The patient is now doing exoeedingly well, is able to be up and is enjoying life better than for years. Pato Boxo Peewee, THE WEEseeens.-The Livermore (Cal.) Herald of July 28th Bays ; About a hun- dred admirers of athletic sports gathered at the theatre last Saturday evening, to witness the long -expected Gtslco=Roma• contest between the two greatest heavy- weight athletes and wrestlers in Califor- nia, Gideon Perrie, of Livermore, and Thomas Carroll, the "Brooklyn Giant," of Oakland. There has been a sharp rivalry between the two ever since Per- rie's arrival from Canada. Carroll was formerly the champioh at all the games ; but in Perrie he found a competitor who generally left him second bust. They have had several tussles at wrestling, with Perris something ahead ; but Car- roll and his backers evidently believed him to be the better man, for they ac- cepted Perrio's recent challenge and made the match for last Saturday evening at 5100 a aide. Carroll .was accompanied from Oakland by about a dozen of his friends, who evidently believed implicitly in their man. There was very little pool -selling before the first fall, but in what the; was, Perrie was the favorite, nearly two to one. This probably seemed peculiar to the strangers, for Perrie ;Seem. ad thin, in bad condition, and greatly in- ferior in physique to Carroll, Both showed Oa0tion, but being warmed tip in thofirstbout, did some very pretty work, both very.cloverly escaping falls. Fin. ally, Perris lifted Carroll, and threw him to the floor, with one shoulder down. Ile turned, and escaped ; but the next Instant Perrie got a nook -hold, and forced the giant down, till both shoulders touched the canvas. Now, strange to say, Car- roll's bankers began to bet, and in a few minutes were making even wagers that their man would wit the two falls in spa cession, necessary to secure the match. They were accommodated to the erten of the Livermore wealth, but when time was called for the second bout, there was still Oakland stoney uncovered. The second bout wee short and very tame. Both men were wary, but after five mins ntes of hand -grabbing and fingering, Por. ria suddenly secured a •hip -bold, and turned Carroll in all instant Ag he went down he leaped onhim and secured a fall. In a moment there wee a scene of wild commotion. The Oakland contigent was Wild with exaltenimit and rage. Carroll eat on tho floor looking dazed, while the crows. filled the floor mound the van. quisited wrestler. One Norton, a prize- fighter, from Sacramento, who was an extensive backer of Carroll, claimed that there woe no fall, and became clamorous and abusive, but was soon silences, by Marshall Murphy, who had expected trouble, and was prepared for it, Norton wanted to have another bout, for 0500 a aisle, but his man had had enough. Por- riopeoposed to wrestle again in two woeke, for 6500, but the offer wee not accepted. Norton lost about 621.0, and MoGinness, , of San 1' s rentioco 200..The .total losses 01 the Carroll men wore fully. 0000. The Livermoreans all ,tot of I'errio, and con- sequently was. Smarms for sale ab Amont Brea. lisevEse apples aro a drug in the market. Esse Huroh, Fall lillow at Brussols on Oct. 0th and 7th. Oen Pebiio Moot will re -orlon ono week from next Mendes', Neuter GEnsx is laic, up with whet threatens to be typhoid fever, Mas. WALTER Came and daughter are away at Clinton visiting, Walt, is keep- ing batch. J'AS. As,oso, wife and ohildron, of Tavi- stook, were visiting at R. G. Wileon'a this week, Tan brioldayere will commence work at Smith Bros. new planing mill next week, it is expected, REEVE MaCaseeno is off to Peterboro' this week attending the Grand Lodge of the I. 0. 0, P. Order. KEEP the excursion to Goderieb on next Tuesday in view. Train loaves Brussels at 8;15 a,m, Return fare only 70 cents for adults and 85 for children. Teter Friday evening Sam'. Holmes, who is visiting at Dr. Holmes', had the miefcertuno to have one of the bones in hie right arm broken. Along with a number of companions he wee going to a field to play ball and had jumped off a fence and In reaching the' ground fell and before he could get out of the way one of the party stopped on his arm,. breaking it near the wrist. Canl7.11iftn NeW,e. A duel with revolvers was fought on Mount Royal on Friday night, between Mr. Bolvin, editor of a Frenal), paper in Montreal, and Viscount Daignault, who is connected with a French theatre. Three acts were tired on both sides, but no harm was done. It is said blank cartridges were provided by the seconds. The young daughter of Joseph Lemieux, a farmer, of Levis, caressed one of her father's horses, which had always bean regarded es a quiet. animal. • It seized the young girl however, and bit her in the bosom, and would probably have killed her had not some one providential- ly come to the rescue. She was rather badly injured, The Germans are a strong element of the population of Hamilton. They have one Catholic and two Protestant ohurhee, and a lodge of Knights of Phythias, in addition to their ordinary social organiz. ations, and now a German Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters is to be in- stituted. The new Court will be .called • after Prince Bismarck, A fife and drum band paraded the east- ern part of Toronto Thursday evening. The result was, as usual, a fight, which broke out about ten o'clock in the neigh- borhood of Queen and Sumach • streets. Tho police, who had been in readiness for a row, sailed in and used their batons freely, dispersing the mob with several sore heads among them, Coal has been found on the properly of Mr. Nix, a farmer living about nine miles east of Campbellfosd. The quality is of the best, having been tested by an expert chemist in Toronto, and indica-Sone of a large seam are good. The proximity of this bed of coal to the iron beds is of the greatest importance to the country. Ex- perienced miners from Pennsylvania are expected there in •few days, when further developments are expected,, Samples were found by Mr. Nix some years ago, but he paid no attention to the matter untilDr. McCrea, of Oampbellford, inter• sated himself in the case. The Banff' correspondent of The Cal- gary Tribune says :-Hon. Alex. andMrs. Mackenzie are quartered at Dr. Brett's plane near the hot springs. Tho ex -Pre- mier takes the baths regularly and pro- tests that they are doing him good. Of oourse it will be some time before their effects will be appreciable, but ho gays he is feeling beater and that is a great deal in itself. It is singular the unanimity of sympathy that is expressed for the old man, and the great respect that is shown to him by. everybody Isere. Mrs. Mac- kenzie is in excellent health and her bright cheerful spirit makes her the omh- tral figure in any company that may sur- round her. _ — - msORN_ Riaosroos -In Morris, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr. R. T. Hingston of a son. MA1.2,MIfCa_ Lower-Sn:tol'.-On the 10th inst. at the residoneo of tlto bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. Swann, Mr, Alfred.J. Low. ry, of Brussels, to Miss Eliza Sharp, of the township of Morris, mamma_ WILris.-In Gray, on the 8011 Inst, George Henry, third son of Wm. Willis, a god 11 years, 6 months, 10 days. JAMsssou.-On Saturday, July 80th, at thcMethodistparsonage, Cavan, Mrs. Marion Jamieson, beloved mother of Rev. W. S. hinder/ens 'formerly of Brilseels, in the 701h y'eat of her age. -..� mows ssi x E M-faF'.mamTS-. CORRECTED CARBFOLLT EVs:itr wEEs, ,Fall Wheat 71 . 78 Spring Wheat 75 78 Barley 40 50 Cate 28 80 Peas ,,,. 48 50 Butter, tube end rolls.... 12 111 Eggs per durou. 14 16 Flour .per barrel........ 4 50 00 Potatoes .. 50 . 00 Bay per tot 7 00 8 00 Hides per lb 53• 0 Salt per bbl., wholesale,00 80 Sheep skins, each.,,50 1 00 Wool, per lb 20 23 Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 5-17., East Huron, Brnssole, Oot. G and'>f. ' Western Fair, London, Sept. 10=24. • Northern' Vane 'Walkerton, Oct, 4-•7, North forth, Stretford, Oct. 0 and 7. Guelph Central, Guelph, Sept. 20--22. Great Central, Hamilton, Sept. 20•-80. Waliaoe, of Listowol, Sopt, 27 and 28. Brantford Sentient), Brantford, Oct, 11 and 12. Agr'l and Arts' Atha/Motion, Ottawa, Sept. 10-21. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMNS SERVANT GIRL WANTED AT oneo,-Apply to 3M118, 1'. PLitTCHER. 201::80B00( alian ki oofLONIESnlOF PURE or Bo hopppl to J, R, SMITH, sot A, M. MoK eyCd5 00.• Appyy0 Ilard- waro Store, Brussels. - 0.tt BOOK LOST BETWEEN Brussels and Corrie. Was done up in bleak oilololh Dover, Tum Ander will confer a roar favor by leaving it at 051,0 POW Publishing House, Brussels, 0- C1IOIOE FARMS FOR SALE.- solo splondld, im��1trovoct farms for ealeln the township of (*ret, Morrie and MDBlllop, Apply to A. Oii ZuGAT'0Y, Co, Auotioaeer,Bra80ols P. 0.3 AGENT WANTED AT BRUS• pass for rho Loddon i,sd Lnnoaeltire Jiro Inauranoo Oo. Liboeal tarmo to a gourl man. Address, with rofero0000, 00 5 4 W. 0. SIMS, Manager, Toronto, 1714 ARM TO RENT. --A GOOD ..LL Farm 'near Brussels to rant. 00 a0005 cleared, 80 cores under grass, balanaa natter tillage, Appy to Brussels P. O. or to the undersigned at Ronald's Foundry, Brussels, Out. 0.01 JOHN BR0A1)FOOT, 7. 1ARM FOR SALE. -THE SUB. JA. seaman offers for sale his valuable 100 aero farm, being lot 0, sou, 10, Grey, and situated,} milds from Brussels. Tho plaeo will be sold with or without the crop and on envy tonna Possession will bo given at any time. For further particulars ns to pries, terms, ,4c., apply to the proprietor on the promises. 88.5m B. MoNAUGHTON, Brunets. I.7ARMFOR SALE. -THE SUB- sontmtn oars bis valuable 100 sere fsrm,being lot e, eon. 13, Grey Township, Huron 00., for sale.. There aro ahmtt 75 acres elaared and in good heart, 'Phare is log house, good bank barn, beating orchard, and all the necessary conveniences on the premises, For further particulars, as to lmioo, terms, Ote„ apply to the Proprietor, THOS. HGSLOP, Diem 1 . 0., N. W. T.. or to 0.01 DOHGALD 8TRA0HAN, Brnssole, I'ARA2 IN GREY 'TOWNSHIP Aon sols',: Beint' lot 15, con, 16, con- taining 100 nom. It is partly cleared. the balanoo well timbered. A never failing oreek Drosses the place and it is well adapt• ed for either farming or grazing. I will like- wise eo1140 mares, being east part of lot 14, eon.16, nearly all cleared and In a good state of cultivation. A good frame barn with a good atone stable underneath and o never falling well is also on the place; Dior further Vartioalars apply to the proprietor on Oho plane. This lot is opposite the -oth- er, GEORGE AVERY, Proprietor, 1.02 20 O ACRE FARMFOR SALE. A first-class farm for sale in the Township of Morris lu the'pou my of Huron, being south half of north half lots 25 R 26 and south half of 26 in 60h can„ containing 2100 acres more or lose, 125 acres mostly clear of stumps and In a good state of aulti• vation, There Is a.young bearing orchard ,• good house and hank born 56.x 06 feet with stone stable underneath. Tho farm is eitu- oted wltbin n mile of the Village of Brussels end Is a good farm for grain or stook rais- ing ae ,tie watered with the river Maitland and never failing spring meek. Possession will bo given at any time. Poi -further par- ticulars apply on the premises or to A. h. ROBERTSON, Brussels, P. 0, 6.05 Farm For t!iale. The sabsorloeroffers for sale his valuable Farm in Oho Township of Grey, oomprising lots 6 and 7, son .11 in said township. This farm contains 200 acres andis within 14 miles from the thriving village of Brussels, with goodgravel cleared,free from eotumpe and in5a. High state of oultivativa. The balance is Sntly wooded. This farm is particularly welllenaetl,nearlytho whole of Oho tones being straight and having boon erected in 1886 and '86, On the premises there is a com- fortable log dwelling house and agoo diramo barn with stone stabling underneath In which there is a well with an abundant -sup- ply of excellent water, There is likewise a now frame implement house, 40x20, well floored, above and below, and neatly sided and painted. For particulars apply to the' Proprietor, 1,051515 DICKSON, Registrar, Huron 0o., 18-01 Goderioh Voters' List, 1887. Otsurteipaliip of the Village of Brussels, 155 the Oo utty of Hrtron. Notice ishereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persona mention- ed in the Sad and 4th sections of the "Voters' List Aot," the copies required by said Bootie to bo transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to this Act, of all porous ap- pearing by rho last revised assessment roll of the saidMunioipality, to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for tbelfembers of Oho Legislative Aesonrbly and at Municipal Elections, and that the said List was limb posted at my oMMoo, itt the Village of Brussels on the 2nd 0t Aug„ and remains there for inspection. Electors aro called upon to examine the said LIet aid if any omissio,Ourother errors aro found,to take immediate proceeding eto have said Ore xora oorreoted according to hum, F. S. SDott, Clerk, Brussels, Aug. and, 1587. 4.2 MORTGAGE SALE 1 'ander and by virtue of a power of Bale oontaiued in a certain indenture of mart - gage made by. Joseph Backer and wife, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be sold by0nblio Auction on the Promisee, in rho VtLLAOE oc 00. 1111nnOE, in too Township of Gree, in rho County of Bur. on, 010 Wednesday, Aug. :31st, ' 1887, Wit air, . ADthony Bayrnann, Auctioneer, at 1 0000015,8.10,, subleet•to .stab eo'iditions as shall thou bo'produoed.,Otto following valu- able Village property, vis ;- All and singular that certain parcel or tract of laud and premises situate, lying end being it the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, aid Province '05 Ontario, containing si0ty'eix and Iwo thirds equnro rode, more or lose. Being oomnoeed 09 n Dart of farm 108 mmnboi' olxt0on, ss, rho twelfth concession of the said township of Grey and bettor described as follows: Com- mencing at the Northwest earner of said Int' theaoe easterly along the northerly Hmft of said lot, six and two -third rods: thence southerly, at right angles to the said northerly limit of said lot, ton roc's thence westerly, parallel totha said northerly lim- it of said let, six and two -third rods to the wesiorty limit of sail, -lot ; thence: northerly along the said westerly llmit of said lot, ton rods to the pinoo of beginnte Them aro on the said land a 11 story brick dwelling hedge, 24x62, with atone collar. A good 11 awry frame dwelling honed with stone Dollar: A bluoisOmith ghee, a good frame "barn 18051 with stone foundation, Theabove property is situated In the tltriv- ing Village Df Oratbrook, and Li it geed bus - loess stand, Timis en SaLE.-71ou per cent, down "t the time Of sale , and the balanoo within ono month, For 7m'tber partioulers apply 00 the Awe tionoer,orto 32.Lio1` & 005LIO A Vendor's Solicitors, Exeter, Ont. Dined this Ind day of Asgnat 1887. 0 -ii AtuGua'r 12, :SST. BANKING. MoINTUSU tE MOTAGGART, BANESIIS -;• B12USSELS Transact a General Eaailctng Business. Notes tohand discounted. Interest allowed on deposits repayable 015 dwuand. Prompt attention given to collections. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ADE & SINOLAIR, BARRIS- r '1a1:ne, &o, DIOno In Leckie's block, Brusseld, Moneyto Loan. WB. DICKSON,,(LATII WITH 1' • Garrow ,b Pr0neroot 4oder)ob) SO - Bettor, Oonveynnoer, die• office, 0rant'o block, Ilrussels. Blaney to loan, A LEX. HUNTER, CLERK OF .L7._ the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary public, Laud, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loon. 0o,loeilono made. Oiaoo 111 Gra- h em's Bleak, Brussels, MEDICAL CARDS, 61R, HUTOHINSON HAS RE - J_/ moved his aloe to J, Hergroayes' Drug Store. Bosidenee on Mill Street T A. NIoNAUGHTON, M. D., C. • M. L.10, 0, P. lldinburgh, Physician, Surgeon and Miaow:her. 0210e, Mrs, Shiers bleak, Turnberry Street, \'\7M. F. CALE, M. D., O. M. Member of the College of Physicians and Burgaoas of Ontaafo by oxaminatfon. Otfieo ansi Itaeidauo-Main Bt. East, Ethel Ontario. DENTAL. LIEN r3'Isdirr .IZ'y. G. L.13•11,L. D. S. Honor Graduate and 0f, R.0. D. B., of Toronto, .Nitrous Oxide Gas administered. Prlooe graded audio low as good work can bo done for, Oflloe ever Johnston's Hardware Store, Boaforth. D1.N%It 5T. W. J. Foar,L, D 0, Graduate of To. route School o1 Dentistry. 4.11 oper. adieus guaranteed. OHlao-Oady's Blook,Soafo;tb, ArtintIe teeth, 5retquality, ands" guaranteed fit, or S12.00por cot: • 73EINTI`i'�. m. A, A2A'£uTx313,, L,, a, s„ Honer Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons,Toronto. Nrmuoo ()UDE GAS administered for the painless extrac- tion of booth. arm:E.—Garfield Illock,• B@YISBELS. BUSINESS CARDS. VETH.oCRAOKEN, ISSUER. 1bI• of Marriage Licenses. Office at his Gr000ry,Turnberry Street. AMoNAIR, ISSUER 0r' MAR - . nage Lioenaas, by appointment of Lieut. -Governor, Oommissiongr, d0.„ Q, B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Cc. Oates at the OranbrookPoet omoo. J M. O'OONNOB, FIRE, LIFE, • Accident and Loan Insurance Agent (or seine of the best and most reliable Com- panies In the Dominion. 011100 B Heir Torr. ace,Turnborry street ,near the station. W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR L • Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College hoe resumed thepractice of John Nett,V.B„ and la prepared to treat all die• cane ofdomesticated animals on seioatrflc andap5rnvod prinoiplot, Treatment of del- icate tools a specialty OM1ee ' two doors North of Bridge, Turnberry.street. J Robert Cunningham INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, Ontario. M. BIASHILL, Butcher, thanking his ofguy customers for their liberal support In the past.-.• wishes to. inform them that at his shop in Smale's biooit ho keeps nothing but first-class moats, aid kinds of Poll Ivry and Sausage Moat Deliver d to n11 per of the town free. Gash paid for Fat Steak, Hides and sheepskins bought for cash. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS non SALE the following Properties in Brussels at very low figul'es :-Two Houses and Lots on Mi11 Street \Vest ono House andlarge Lot on Mill Street Heat, Stable and smnllLob roar of Grant's Bleak; also a fine Building Site ou Maio Street adiolaing block, title: perfect. ,r, 1;, 011402T. 50. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steaf72s1b2Js. '87. SUMMER ARit•ANGEMENT. '87. t�AS.T�SNC-1•d. FRO1 LIynnla0L. [MEATIER,,.. 015015 QUEBEC,April 28th.. Parisian ,,„,.May NthMay 6111 Sarmatian May 20th May 1St IO]roasaian' Jun0Ord Mayleth Sardinian June 0th May 27th JPolynoeims .. Juno 17th Jima 2nd Parisian June 20r05 June Oth Sarmatian Juno 0000 Juno 17th 1 Circassian July 8th Juno 03rd Sardinian rely 1411a July let 41,0y2201ton July 22nd July 7th Parisian July 2800 ally, 14th Sarmatlan Aug, 4th July 22nd t Cfroasslan Aug 15th July 20th Sardinian... Aug:. 1800 Aug 4th ............ ” Polynesian ,,,,, Aug,211th Aug. 11011 Parlisian - ' Sept.'lst 1 Extra Stoarnors, The Steamers above Waned do not tarry cattle, elioelt or pigs. • Steerage Passenger& are booked to and from London, Quoongtan,Dorry,Bolfa0t end Glasgow at sante rotes aOLiverpool. hates of passage by the Mail Steamersfrosn Quebec. to Londonderry. and Liverpool:- Gabin-000, 500' 's itd $80, Roturh-$110, 5160 and $150. Intoriuodiater_a10, return $00. 81om'nge-$20, return, $40. The last train amuuoctitlg at Quebec with the Steil 0toamorsoailtng from that port On the Thursday, leaves Toronto on the Wed- nesday 11101.0114 Who last train oonnootlnR with Otto Extra 000amers sailing t110 Fri- day, leaves Termite on the Thnrsday maga. Inn. Fee tickets mid. Very information ap- ply to T_ 7a- C1 -1,2,-..1,1W, AGont, Mr'storaelst. r