HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-8-5, Page 8TRE BRUSSELS POST AUGUST u, 11M7 Game of aro uet throne ce for sale et Amont Bros, 4- S1xiiiuhl:e for Bale at Ament Bret. Su1Nnies for sale at Ament Bros, HAT Boos., of Listowel, pnr0hased four SmxoLes for Salo at Ament Bros, oar loade of wheat from Oouuoilloe Gra. `fns town 8011001 will open on the 29th ham, inst. Scnoor.Board meeting on Friday even. Any who intend buying a Set of Croquet i Bunn schools will reopen on Monday, ing of this week. would do well to call at once, as we have some about 20 per cent, cheaper than last year. Boys' Wagons. We have the famous Iron Axle, which we sell at a very small advance over the ordinary wood axle. Remember the place, at G. A. Deadltlan's Dray, Book & Fancy Goode Store. rte® GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOOT1ELN EXTENSION, W. G. & B. R. Traineleave Brussels Station, uorth and south as follows:- Going ollowerGoing Routh, 43oing North. Mali............ 7:02 a.m. Afixed 9:80 am Mxpress 11:46 a.m. I Mali...............4:60.p.m Mixed 9:45 p.m, I Express 035p.m Korai #e1vs cl#em s, • 'A chief's among ye talcin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. AVGprT. RAIN is badly needed. S>Mimons for sale at Ament Bros. Penman Jars Cheap. ADAM Goon. A good job -of graveling has been done on Flora street. Srx bars of Electric soap for 25 cents, at.Thomson'a. 50. R. SPAIMING shipped a car load of eggs to New York this week. 10 TONS of butter were shipped to Mon- treal this week from Brussels. WHAT about some attraction for our Fall. Show? NOW is the time to move. Wes. Bursas is extending a platform overtbesiver bank to show buggies, &c. on. Baena should be very careful about are while everything is so dry and tinder - like. A Fnun i Barrel St.tLeon tapped. Re- commended by the Medical Faculty. A. GOOD. FALL binding and big threshing will now take their innings, big potatoes, berries, &o. taking a book seat. Two little boys were brought before Reeve McCracken last week for destroy- ing property at the skating rink. Mise STEvvNson, of Brantford, was the successful applicant for the vacancy on the teaching staff of the Brussels Public School, A GREAT many cases of Canadian chol- era in this locality. The hot weather and green fruit are likely responsible for the most of it. 50 anise, in advance, secures TM Pon for a trial trip up to January let, 1888. Start with the commencement of our new story, "Put Asunder." • Tan Band boys axe arranging for their new uniform. They have purchased a new baritone instrument, which will make *Too music all the better. Tan roadways to the river for the fire euggineshould not beallowed to be filled up. Abell hours delay might mean the lose of thousands of dollars 1f a fire oc. carred. NEw wheat was ground at Wm. Ross' last week and'made ft mill on Thursday o le of o ur. he wheat tip-top •to sem T a P � was grown on Wm. Habkirk's Sarm, 9th con., Grey. Six quart a lots in the village of Brussels' 11 be sold at the Co. Treasur- er's Bale for taxes on Tuesday, Nov. 8th, at the Court House, Goderich, common°• ing at 1 o'clock p.m. Ir is reported that Ohas. Holland has purchased the corner lot, immediately north of his carriage shop, from Van - stone Bros., paying 5800 for the same. A blacksmith shop will be put up, we un- derstand. Ler week a game of tennis was play- ed -between members of the club and the team that played the match with Blyth. An easy victory was won by the latter. This week the members of the club are playing off to see who will go to Blyth. TEE annual pastoral address was read in the Methodist church last Sunday morning. The regular quarterly meet- ing will be held next Sunday, sacrament after the morning service and the fellow- ship meeting after the close of the even- ing service. Miss O'Coxxoe is making arrange- ments for a grand concert to take place on the 26th of August. It wilt not be a whit behind former efforts. The ser- vices of Canada's famous whistler, Prof. T. W. Whipple, has been secured and the public will have a rare treat. Keep the date before you, Aug. 25th. A BASEBALL orank who thinks he was also born a poet hag sprung the following effusion upon an innooent public : The shortstop had a hiccough, Just as there oamo a piocougb;. Which it just caused him to !Marble, Made the manager, grumble, " And raised a regular kiokougb. A MAN from the country objeote to the ferocity of the dogs owned in Brussels. Be says. his canine had to fight 8 or 10 bottles in running the gauntlet on Main street. The meanest part of the per- formance is the owners of the "pups" do the most of the "sicking on."'He wants to know whose business it is to see that it is stopped. Owen CALL. -On Wednesday night as W. Thompson and 0, Turnbull were go- ing home along Mill street they noticed afire blazing along side of R. Williams' stable. They got two pails and carried water Prase the river and put it ant. The fire was in the manure pile and was caueed,ne doubt, by spontaneous com- bnation. Had 11 not been discovered when it was, a serious conflagration would no doubt have been the result, When the manure pilo was turned over there wag found quite a quantity of Piro smouldering. 15th unit, Mau value in Pure Pickling Vine. gars at Thomson's. 4 - REV, Mn. DAxny, of Varna, will preach in Knox church, next Sunday, FnooT,sugar and preserve jars cheap, 52 Adam Good. Oven 100 tone of flax have been deliver- ed elivered at the Brussels mill already this seas- On. Fon the largest stools and best value in Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, go to Thomsou's, 50. Tux dwelling of Win. Roddiok, on Al - bent street, looks as good as new after receiving a freshening up with the paint brush. TREES are 375 voters on the Brussels voters' list this year. 105 in Div. No. 1 ; 147 in Div. No. 2, and 128 in Div, No. 8. 110 are competent to serve as jurors. Tum flax mill commenced work on Wed. nesday of this week. There is an enor- mous big crop to handle this season. J. T. Ross hos charge of the weighing again this year. As addition has been built to the car- riage shop of Walker &'Humphries, D - Ewan occupying the part used for the wood working department as well as the front chop. This 1s a good sign. Toe subscription list of Tuts POST oon- tinues to increase, Our new story, "Pot Asunder," is well worth reading and we are now offering THE POET to January 1st, 1888, for the small sum of 50 cents in advance. TELE constable is after persons driving over the bridge faster than a walk. The law applies as much to either end of the siructure as to the middle. One youth had toay a fine this week, and more will follow. TELE painting and renovations of Mel- ville church is completed and the op. pearance of the building is greatly im- proved. Robb. Roes did the walls and ceiling and Simon Grant had the job of painting. IT is stated that the Teeswater base ball olub will be here on Monday of next week to play a match with theMaitlande. The boys should keep up their practice so as to sustain the reputation they have already attained of playing good ball. FIFTEEN years old I THE Baussere PoeT has gained another year, and has now been in existence a decade and a half. The Pon is a good, lively journal and keeps the Brussels people well posted. May it still go on and prosper. -Mitchell Advertiser. THE nicely situated Armstrong farm has been sold to Wm. Armstrong, of Hui- la township. The price paid was 55,800. The farm adjoins the corporation of Brussels on the west and on 1t is the race course. It is a desirable piece of farm property. SuxsrnozE.-A physician gives some valuable and seasonable information about sunstroke. During the hot weather, when exposed to the sun, headache, lid - dines% nausea and disturbance of sight accompanied with great prostration of the physical forces, are indications that suns stroke is probably imminent. The best plan is to immediately retire to a cool p ace, and apply some simple restoratives aromatic ammonia, ey1d it clan no ou t be prevented, Those exhausted b P f ith the heat havea coot moist skin,a r rapid, weak pulee and respiration mve- ment, and the pupil is dilated, immed- iate unconecioosnesa frequently results from heat apoplexy and is likely to prove fatal. Hot foot baths, bleeding, etc., is the.besttreatsuent in such oases. In thermic fever the patient is 000008elons and oonvuleed, and the body temperature may be 10 degrees above the normal state, and the akin is very hot. An ap- plication of ice to the head and cold water to the body is the best treatment, as the object is to soot the body immed- iately. Itis always best to obtain medical advice in 0501015 oases. AN UPMET.-It would bo difficult to find a more beautiful scene than the Maitland river presented last Tuesday evening. The bright, full, harvest moon shone in all its beauty upon the bosom of the placid water, making a pathway of Light across this pier -glass mirror of Nature, spreading ite silvery sheen over tree and shrub, etherealizing, beautifying all .around. As "evening was drawing her sable mantle around her and pinning it with a star," several of our young people congregated upon the river bank and three boats were soon skimming over the water, while gay snatches of song and merry laughter awakened the echoes. When in mid -stream two of the boats nearly col- lided, and in pushing off an oar went under the larger boat, thus causing the one containing four young people to over- turn, month under, and left its occupants in about eight feet of water. Then a scene of confusion ensued. Those in the other boats, one too far up the stream, and the other manned by an unskillful oarsman, were of little assistance. Then were heard cries of "0', I'm drowning," "Come and help us," "Go to them," "Hang on to the boat," &c., 111c, Only one of the four wee able to swim. How- ever all had presence of mind enough to grab for the boat as it rose to the' surfaoe. Ono of the girls with one hand clung to her support, and the other arm went around the ewimmer'e neck in a convul- sive hang -on manner. The other young lady, after a few yells, managed to climb on the top of the inverted boat, and thus they were guided to shore. The other boat and its occupants were surely worthy of a glance. The oarsman stood up, wav- ing both oats in the air and giving vent to hie feelings with groans unwritablo. The other young man quickly and deftly was freeing himself of all unnecessary wearing apparel. One of the ladies, in her zeal, steed up, nearly mapsibed, and exclaimed, "Divx, 0-, dive," then concluded to faint, to vary the program, while the. other two werelusing their voloes usually so musical, in hoaree, unearthly yell's. Wednesday morning, in many a baok yard may have been seen garments of all aorta waving in the breeze. All's well that ends well, but had the boat pinned any of the 'number under as it turned, the fun would not have been so groat, and the moral is , but find it for yourself. Tara Fire Brigade will turn out for practice this (Friday) evening at, 7:00 o'olook. W1ximee er was somewhat warm and according to reporte the thermometer registered are high as 96 0 in the shade in some parts of the town. A good shower of ram would do good, BEET the exoursion to Goderich on Tuesday, 16th inst., fu mind. The re. turn fare is only 70 cents, ollildren half price, and there will be over 6 hours at the lake. The train will leave Brussels nt 8:16 o'olook a.m. Tide is a tiptop op- portunity to visit the Co. town and en. joying the 000l breezes of Lake Huron. Nam Henan Guns. -We notice that the Grand Trunk authorities have just com- pleted a new set of cars for horses, whioh have been speoially adapted to secure the greatest possible comfort and convenience for the animals shipped. They aro oons- tructed on a plan submitted by J. Kim- ball. Tho oars are 50 feet by nine, divid. ed into two sections, thorougly ventilated, and each horse is in a separated stall, the partitions allowing space for twelve or sixteen horses, according to size. Then, instead, of being placed side ways, as heretofore, they are placed"fore and aft," with their faces toward the centre of the oar. The feeding and water troughs are placed 10 position, and space is provided for trappings and provisions for a journey of 2,000 miles. The cars are oonstrnoted on passenger mooch springs. In cavo of accident or trouble to any of the horses, the attendant can now easily remove or attend to one withoat disturbing bels others, which is a great' boon to the men, as considerable difficuty has always been before experienced in such oases. PunELY PEnson±L.-Miss Maggie Hun- ter and Geo. Halliday are visiting friends in Detroit. -Miss Clara Creighton is having a holiday at Seaforth and Gode- rich. -Miss Ettie Langdale went home last Friday for her vaoation.-Mise Min- nie Moore is visiting at Stratford.-Mre. W. A. McOnlla and daughters, of Bramp- ton, Were visiting for a week at Rev. J. L. Kerr'e, Mr. McCully is the M. P. for Peel County. -Addie Cormack left Brus- sels for Duluth last Friday night. He went by boat from Xinoardine.-Mrs. O'Neil, of Clinton, is visiting Mrs. J. W. Sbiel,-W. Pieper and family started for Manitoba this week. Mr. Pieper has a good opening there with the Ogilvie Co. A Mr. Bright will enooeed him here. - Mrs. Edward Town is home on a visit from Flint, Mich. -Wm. Mooney is home from the "Soo, '-Jno, Drewe, of London, is having a holiday with friends in town. -W. A. Calbick and family spent Sun- day in Seaforth.-Arthur Whitmore, of Durbam, is visiting with Willie Stewart. -Miss Moss, a former resident of Brus• eels, is renewing old acquaintances in town. -We are pleased to state that Joe, G. Ament, of Seaforth, who has been on the sick list for several months, 15 im- proving a great deal. We hope it will oontinue.-The 23rd annual session of the I. 0. 0. F., Grand Lodge of Canada, will be held in the Court Hones, Peter: boro', August 10th to 12th. The Grand Encampment of Ontario will hold their 18th annual session at the same place on August 9th. Reeve McCracken will re. present Brussels lodge and will leave for. Peterboro' next week. -Mrs. W. A. Cal - hick ie visiting in Toronto. -Mrs. Thos. Ainlay leaves this week for Pont.. Hope, where her father resides. She will be away for a month or so. -E. Detwiler, of New York. was in town last week visit- ing his old friend, Charlie Cormack. - Conductor Quirk, the genial ticket puncher on the W. G. & B., is off up the lakes for his holidays. Conductor Frank Broad is taking his place. -Charles Buyers has been transferred to the Lon- don asylum. We are pleased to hear that his case is a hopeful ono.-Mre. B. Ross has been in Toronto for the past week, visiting her mother, who is very: ill. -T. A. Rose, of Palmerston, was in. town over Sunday. -Jae. Lamb, of Dun., des, was visiting old acquaintances in town last week. -Mr. and Mies Meikle - Ojohn, of Bolgrave, and Miss Cally, of akville, were at Wm. Vanetone'e over Sunday. -Capt. McMichrel, of Listowel corps, had'oharge'of the Army on Sun- day. Capt. Cook was at Listowel. - Charlie Parffitt, of Delaware, is visiting Joe. Rogers. -Two sons of D. Watson, L. D. S., of Brantford, are Laving a holi- day visit with John Broadfoot's family. - Mrs. Mathias, mother to Robt. Matthaei, of this place, came on a visit to Brussels last Tuesday. -Herb. Jackson is down sick with what 15 pronounced to be ty. phoid fever. -Saul. Holmes, of New York, is visiting at Dr. Holmes'. -The little daughter of Jae. Rose has been very ill this week but is some better now. - Wm. Honing went with Wm. Pieper to Manitoba last Wednesday. He sold his home and lot to Dayid»-,.Haise for $400. Mre. Rolling will not go to the West un- til next Fall.-Mre. Jas. Addie, of Tor- onto, is visiting friends in this locality: -- Mrs. John Wilson, of Seaforth, is visit. ing her sister, Mrs. Jos. Grieve. -W. R. Tiffin, superintendent of the Western Division of the G.T.B,, was in town on Tuesday. -W. J. Hennessy andwife, late of Toronto, are visiting Mre. '2, O'Neil this week. -Daniel Stewart has been laid up with a bad attack o1 sciatica. - Mrs. T. R. Thompson, of Seaforth, was in town this week visiting old friends. -A. G. Diokaoli left for .the Old Country this week. If you can' rely on hearsay he will bring Mrs. Dickson beck with him, -Mies Terry Parfitt, of Dela- ware, 1e visiting in tbwn.-W. J. Norton is visiting his relatives in this locality. • t„'enera'1 Now,.'. Up to the 10th instant three hundred divisions had been taken in the ISouse of Comtnone''this sepsioyn-that is to, say, that one hundred' hours, equalling, ;at eight hours a working day, a fortnight's portion of the session, had been Occupied, Last Friday afternoon a fire on Gest street Cieoinnati, O„ near Harriet, des. Cholera is raging at Peshawar, in tIio Punjaub, The German Crown Prince is rapidly recovering his health. The Russians are leaking further pro. grass towards Afghanistan. Charles H. Reed,, Guiteau's counsel, has been pronounced insane, Telephoning !along distanoe is making rapid progress 1n the States. The match between the Canadian and Durham orioksters was drawn. The King of Sweden etas a great pas - siert for farming and Ana cattle. There are 672 colored preachers in the sity of Raleigh, North Carolina, It is believed that Gen. Boulanger and M. Ferry will have a duel with pistols. A despatch from St. Paul de Loeuda further discredits the report of Stanley's death. London has a police army of 18,849 men. The Chief has a salary of 510,500 a year. The Columbian Bank, of Philadelphia, suspended on Saturday with heavy lie - Sir John Pope Hennessy is suing The Lonclol Times for libel, damages being set al £20,000. Lord Salisbury has warned his follow- ers to be on the lookout for a dissolution of Parliament. The arms manufactories of Stahl have received ordora for 500,000 side arms for the Turkish army. "Boulanger souvenirs," in the shape of silver.watohes, wore distributed amongst the Paris polioamen, • An ox-Torontonian named West is wanted by the St. Louis authorities as the murderer of a girl there. It is estimated that reduotion of the Public debt of the United States during July will amount to 55,000,000. The smolloet jockey in America is De Long, a most unappropriate name. He weighs only sistyeight pounds. There are over 8,000,000 children in the United States, between 1 and 12 years old, whose lives are insured. The Arabian press announce that King John of Abyssinia hoe coked the Queen to mediate between Italy and Abyssinia. Yellow fever has made its appearance in Florida, and is likely to make its way northward during the remainder of the 60010150. There are over 100,000 horses used in hauling street oars in the United States. Chioago has 8,626, Oincinnatti, 2,175, and St. Louis, 2,815. A young man in Jackson, Mise., is eatiog peaches off a tree that grew from a sprout with which his mother "correct- ed" him years ago. He stuck the twig in the ground and it grew right along. A thunderbolt struck a small boy in Middletown, N. Y., the other day, and scooted down his trousers' legs. s they picked him up he exclaimed with agonin. ing earnestness: "Oh, teacher, I'll be good.' The Detroit authorities have given notioe to all companies interested that no more wires of any kind will be allowed to be strung on the streets, and that in 1 ature they must be buried. Any new wires put up will be cut down. Oeoar Wilde is editing a ladies' maga- zine in London. He does up his long hair in a very neat knot and wears a bustle under his coattails. He wears a light blue corset and a rod neoktie, and is, fact, just a little bit sweeter than ever. It is reported that Adani Forepaugh the veteran showman, has discontinued the use of lithographs, and will spend $75 a day additional in newspaper advertis- ing. Mr. Forepangh probably knows what he is doing as well as any other man. Toronto property holders on Tuesday again voted on the by-laws for 5190,000 for local improvements and general pur- poses, for harbor improve- ments, and 100 00 $ P P menta, whish were defeated last month, as also by-law for 5100,000 for new drill - shed. When showing the German Emperor through his great iron works, the late Alfred Krupp pointed out the very spot where, au illfed boy of ten years, he was glad to take from ono of his father's workmen a piece of bread to appease his hunger. Harry B. Cox, a young eleotrioian living near Oinoinnatti, has, it is said, invented a trumpet to be used for tele- phoning at sea, with which conversation in an ordinary tone of voice can be car- ried on between parties four and a quart- er miles apart, There are 150 female physicians in New York to -day. There are quite a number who have incomes of 510,000 ; two or three make yearly mama ranging from 515,000 to 520,000, and one has averaged for the last four years a steady income of 526,000. MARRS37a- HENxmssz-D.EE CAoTr3Lox.-At Thorold, on June. 29th, by Rev. Father Sul. liven, at; the church of our Lady, Mr. W. J. Hennessy, of Toronto, to Mies Agnes De Cabtillon, of Toronto. Masimixn-MoDONALD,--,Tn Akron, Mich„ by the Rev. T. W. Monteith, at the residence of the bride's fath- er, on July 20th, Mr. Alexander Mo- Farlane,tb Ann, second daughter; of Mr. A. MoDonald, formerly of Grey. 8R'sTSS-=7-a MA.Racasom'S.� oonnnoTEn aAni1ULLY 105140 *ENE. White pall Wheat,....... 78 80 Bed Winter 78 80 Spring Wheat Barley Cate 60 80 40 48 28 80 Peas 48 60 Butter, tabs and rolls.... 12 18 Eggs per dozen 14 15 Flour per barrel 4 50 00 Potat000 50 00 Hay per ton .. 0 00 7 00 Hided per 11h... , 6, . .0 Salt per bbl., wholesale,.' 60 80 Sheep sarins, each 60 1 00 Wool, per lb„ 20 28 F.arx.,x. srxo 0 r'm. troyo l 26 old buildings and cow stables. Western Fair, London, Sept, 10-24. Fifty owe wero burned alive, Several Ago 1 and Arts Association, Ottawa, firemen were prosbratedxvith Beat, Capt. Sept. 12-24. Batchelor and John Q, Adams, clangorous' Brantford Southern, Brantford, Oot. 1 11 and 1.2, iy, Total loss „ R 00,000 Guelph Central, Guelph, Sept. 20-22. Great Central, Ilamilton, Sept. 311-30. Industrial, Toronto, Sant. 0-17,, Northern Fair, Walkerton, Cot, 4-7, North Perth, Stratford, pot, 6 and 7. Wallace, of Listowel, Sept. 27 and 28, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 1OR SALE. --AN EXCELLENT cow about calving, Apply at 3.1 Tun POST PubliShiug House, BOOK LOST BETWEEN Brnasele and Gerrie. Was done up In block oilcloth cover. The finder will confer a great favor by leaving It et Tun Poe, PubIIshing Roue 0, Brussels. a• C.iOIOL FARMS FOR SALE.- kJ A few splendid, improved farms. for sale In the township of Grey, Morris and MsKIllop,'''Apply to A. DIILGAT'r'Y, Go, Auction ear, ruseels P. 0,1 A GENT WANTED A9 BRCS - mut for the London and Lanoaehire Fire Insurance Co. Liberal terms to a geed lean. Address, witb referonoes, to 2 4 W, A. SIMS, Manager, Toronto, EIF ER 1?TRAYED.-STRAY- un on the nremisos of the underyeare • elgned, note Owner 4, xray, a teeter rising 2 property, Uwnor is and take to prove property, pay ubargges,mdtake bar away, 61-t1 ABRAHAM 000li, ilrue5ele. STRAYED. -STRAYED FROM the premises of the undersigned, lot 12, con. I0, Grey, on the 14th of may, a eteer rising a years old, potted red and white. Any person string information that will load to its recovery will be liberally rewarded. 52.2" JOHN VINCENT, Smoot a. PRAYED. -STRAYED FROM 1M rLot 10. Con,10, Grey, about the 5th of Jens, 4 head of cattle one year 01,1, 1 red steer. 1. grey steer and 2 rod heifers with W hite spot On head and aide. Any informa- tion leading to their recovery will be thank- fully received- VALENTINE SIM EON, 2.0" 0ranbrook P. 0. 'WARM FOR SALE. -THE SUB- eommrn offers hie valuable 100 aero farm, being lot a, eon. 10, Grey Township, Huron Co., for Bale. There are about 75 sores cleared and to good heart. There is a log house, gooclhank barn, bearing orchard, and all the necessary conveniences on the premiers, For further partioulars, as to price, tame, etc, apply to theProprietor, THOS. HS8LOP, Clare P. 0., N.W. T.. or to 2-tf DOUGALD STICACHAN, Brussels. -WARM FOR SALE. -THE SUB- -22 Bowman offers for Bale his valuable 100 acre farm, being lot 0, eon, 10, Grey, and situated l} miles from Brussels. The place will besoldwith or without the crop and on easy terms Po.eeesioa wi11 be given at any time. For further partloulara as to prion, t erms, fie., apply to the proprietor on the premises. 38.601 B. MSNAUGHTOly, Brose519, VARM IN GREY TOWNSHIP 1' Fon aux.-twine lot 14, con. 10, eon. taining 100 ao.er. It is partly cleared. the balance w811 timbered. A never felling creek cremes the plaoo and 1t as well adappt- ed for either farming or grazing. I will like- wise sell 40 acre:, being east part of lot 14 con. 15, uearly•alI eleored and in 0 good state of cultivation. A good frame barn witha good atone stable underneath and a never failing well le ales on the pine o. For further ppartfoulnro apply to the proprietor un the pldue. This lot is opposite the oth- er. GEORGE AVER Y, Proprietor. 1-tf Farn't IP Or f iate. The eubserloer offers for sale has valuable Farm io the Township of Grey, comprising Iota 6 and'?, eon ,11 in said township. This farm contains 200aeres midis within 14 miles from the thriving village of Brosnan, with good gravel road leading thereto. About 150 acres are eleared, free from stumps and In a high state of cultivation. The balance. Is flatly wooded. This farm isar11cularly welltenced, nearly the whole of p the tonnes being straight and having boon erected. In 1805 and'86. On the promises there is a com- fortable log dwelling house and a goo (Brame barn with stone etsbling underneath in which there is a well with an abundant sup• ply of excellent water. There is likewise a now frame implement house, 411x20, well 'above Ind below, peat ly sided ePand For particulars spray to t h royrlator, JAEB DICxSu, Reglatror,Huross der 18-t! GOderloh • Voters' List, 1887. Municipality of the Pillage of Brussels, in the County elf Huron. Sotto° 18 h.roby given that I have trans- mitted or deliver ad to the persona mention- ed in theard and 411 sections Of the "Voters'. List Act," the copies required by said antic to be transmitted or delivered of the Ilei made pursuant to this Act, of all persona apP- peering by tho last revised assessment roll of the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote in the maid Municipality at elections for the Members of the Legislative Assembly end at Munioi al Elootione, sod theI 3110 not d Lie* eves llret 1poatoci at my office, in the Village ofBrus.ole on the and of Aug., and r0mam5 there for inspection. Electors aro palled upon to examine the said List and if any omieeibne or other error's aro found, to take immediate proceedings to have staid er- ror' corrected according to law. F. e, Scott; Clerk. Brussels, Aug. 2041, 1887. 4.1 St. Leon Analysis. Chloride of Sodium 677.4782 grains Potassium 18,6170 „ Lithium 1.6147 „ Barium .6099 „ Strontium ,,5075 „ „ Caloium . 3.8388 Magnesium59.00139 Ibdide „ Sodium .2479 Bromide of Sodium .8158 Sulphate' of Lome...... , .0694 Phosphate of Soda .1099 , Bi -Carbonate of Lime,,,, 29,4106. „ , „ Magnesia 82.1280; ' Iron .0856 , Alumina .5880 „ Sites 1.5094 „ Density 1.0118 I hereby certify that I have analyzed a mamplo of "St. Leon Water," taken from the bulk from the stdre °entrain Montreal, and I am able to confirm the general re- sult of the analysis published by Dr. T. Starry Hunt, F. 1t, 5„ pablished in the report of the Geological Survey, 1868 ; also the analysis of Prof. C. P. Chandler, of Columbia College, Nov York, made in 1879. (Signed) 'JOHN Biosin Elf WARDS, Ph. D., D. C. S., 3?. C. 5:, . and Ex -Pro- fessor of Chemistry and Public Analyisb. • Adam Good, r Agent, 13russelfL BANKING. MaINTOSH & MoTAGGART, BAN1.L11S •;- BRUSSELS Transact ft General Hankins B718t Hess. Notes to band dismounted, Interest allowed ou dopoaits; repayable On de,nnml. Prompt attention given to eolleetiono. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. vADE & SINCLAIR BARRIS - TL+Iia, Am Office Is Leskie's block, Brussels, Money to Loan, CAT B. DICKSON, (LATE WITH V V Darrow i4 Prondfoob, Goderich) Be- llcitor, Oonvoyaooer, duo. Office, Grant's biook, llrussele. Money to loan, ,% LEX. HUNTER, OLERK OF . _ the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Loan. endInauranae Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Omlootioue made. 011103 in Gra- ham's Aleek, Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. "FIR. HUTCHINSON HAS RE• moved his °Mae to J. Hargreaves' Drug Store. 13esidence mss Mill Street T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D., C. . M. L.10. 0, P. 1Bdiaburgb, 31158101an, Surgeon and Accoucher. Offioo, Mrs, Shiol's block, Turnberry Street. W M. F. CALE, M. D., 0. M. Member of the College of Pbysioians and Surgeons of Outaat° by examination. Odle° and Residenc-Main 8t. Plant, nib 01 Ontario. DENTAL. 1)E r•I TISST.RY . G. L. Be11,L. D,S., Honor Graduate and M, R. C. D. S., of Toronto. Nltrous Oxide Gas administered. Prices graded and as low as good work °sn be' dodo for. Offoe over Johnston's Hardware Store; 8 oaforth. 1)]GNri II►iT. W, 3. Fear, 1.D S. Graduate of To- ronto Scbeol of Dentistry. 5.11 oper- ations guaranteed, Obese-Oady'e Block, Seaforth, Artificial teeth, frstquality, anda. guaranteed dt,for $12.00 per set. DEN TItiT. £. A. Tin , Z. a, S," Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Mines Oxmr, Gee administered for the pala'ese extrac- tion of teeth. OFFICE.-4arneld Bleck, BRUSSELS. BUSINESS CARDS. 1T . Hof M14aIror0aRgeACiBoN,, OItSUnEe Gr000ry,Turnberry Street. A MoNAIR, ISSUER Olt' MAR- riago Marmites, by appointment of Lieut. -Governor, Commissioner, fie„ Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Go. Office at the Cranbrookpost Ofloe. T M.O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, 1.0 . Accident and Loan Insurance Agent for aome of the best and most reliable Cam pantos in the Dominion. Office Brick Terr- nee ,Turnberry street ,near 'the station. FW. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR . Graduate of the Ontario Votertnari' College bus resumed the practice of John Nott, V.B., and is prepared to treat all die - oases of dometicated . e oe, animals. eoiof de - sada raved specialty Trent f p e, mento der - Mate p p tests foals a e ocinit p v OfOe two doors North of Bridge, TurnDerry street. Robert Cunningham INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, Ontario. • TTM. BLASHILL, Butcher, thanking 1 his many customers for their liberal support in the past wishes to inform them that at tie ghee in Elmale's block he keeps nothing but first-class Weare, all kinds of Poohry and Sausage Meat Delivered to all part. 1 the town free. Cash paid for Fat Stock, Hides and sheepskins bought for clash.; rp rtE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS _L 9014 54.05 1210 following Properties in Brussels at very low figures :-Two Houses and Lots on Mill Street West, one House and large Lot on Mill Street Emit, Stable and email Lot rear of Grant's Block nleo a fine Building Site ou Main Street, edit:UMg block, title porleet. J. lt. GIEANT. 50. ALLAN .LINE Royal Mail Stea77ashaj.s. '87+ SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 087. MAsxlssrc+s. F50M LIw5n0O0L. 80134.M010. Priest 500Enn0, April 28th Parisian May 18th 'May 5th Sarmatian May 260h MayllIth b0ireaseian June Bid May 19th. Sardinian June9th May 27th... .. .,, ,,.1Polynoeinn ....'u>lo. '17th Juno lel Parisian June' 28rd June 0611 Sarmatian ,June 80th Juno 17111 t Cirodsniaa July, gib June Ord Sardinian ..July. 14th July fat 1 Polynoaian,,..,,July 22nd July 7011 Parislan July 28511 July 14tH Sarmatian Aug, 4th July 22nd t Circassian-, •... Augloth July '28th Snrdiulan Aug 18th Aug 4th 1 Polynooian Aug,0th Aug. 11/h .............. Parisian Sept. 1St '6 Extra Steam are. The Steamers above named do not' carry cattle, Sheep 09 page. Steerage Passengers are booked so and from Loudon, Quoenston, Dorry,Belfast and Glasgow at tomo rates at Liverpool. Rate' of passage by the Mail steamers from Quebec to Londonderry and Liverpool ;- Cabin -A00, $70 .and :590, Itoturn-$110, $180 and $160, Intermediate -$140, return etrain return, $4q oonoefo Quebec: with the Mail Steamers sailing mhport ou the Thursday, leaves Toronto on the Wed- nesday morning, The last train connecting, with the Extra Weathers sailing on the Frt- day, leavCe Toronto on the Thursday morn lug. For tiaras and every information ap. ply to T. R. GRA14TT, ,A.tgoaat, Maus:Molts.