HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-8-5, Page 2Diroatary of Churohooa iotios.!
Mii Unimcm—Sabbath Serving
at 11 a.m. and 0:80 p, in. Sunday Soiled
at 2:80 p. nt. Rev. John Boss, B. A.,,
Hilox Cilinton.—Sabbath Services at a
it, in. and 00 P. m, Sunday School at
2:80 p. to. Rev. 5, Jones, pastor.
ST, om's CEIMMI.—Sabbatii Servioes
at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at
2:80 am. Rev, W. T. Oluff, incumbent.
MurnomsxUltcH.—Sabbath Services
at 10:30 a. In. and 0;80 p. m. Sunday
School at 2:80 p. in. Rev. M. Swann,
Serviee third Sunday in every month, al
11 a.m. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
ODD FELLOWS' LODGE every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
MASONIC LOME Tuesday at Or before
fun moon in Garfield block.
A. 0.1f. W.LODOR on let and 8rd Mon-
day evenings of each month.
FORESTEET' LODGE 2na and last Moody
evenhlIgO of each month, in Smale's ball.
L. 0, L. 1st Monday in every month,
in Orange Hall.
POST OFFICE.—Oftme hours from 8 am.
Mucattucs' Leszieutz, Reading Room
and Library, in Holmes blook,
will be
open from 8 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Lib-
Some petients who have suffered
for years from that extremely an•
noyieg affection 'ca' report
filet, After tieing unstecoetiefully
uatherless remedies, UK have
°dud thH i yielded quickly to tea-
apooll rut dotal of the fieur of eule
plint. They took it every morning
for I. week, then omitted it for three
days, and again wept ou until a
euro was affected.
Stiok to one business young men.
Concentration is the secret of
Always soorn appearances and
you always may.
Nothing is at lest steered but the
Integrity of your own mind.
Let a man know his worth and
keep things under his feet.
The maintenance of a healthy state of
the system is the surest protection against
disease; experience has shown that by the
use of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipa-
tion Bitters, a perfect state of health oan
be assured. It frees the system from all
impurities, cleanses and purifies the
blood. For sale by all Druggists at dOote.
a bottle.
HOUSEHOLD HINTS. A snake liar in Dakota Lute dis-
covered a serpent that sings, pre-
lims powdered starch to take fresh
diming a sound 'like the music of
disteet bells.'
stains out of table linan.,
Diluted hartshorn is good for
taking mildew from woollen goods.
A. poultice of cranberries is said
to be an excellent thing for eryeipe.
Use a heated knife to era het
bread and the letter will not be
If paper has been laid under the
carpet all dust may easily be remov-
ea with it,
One dose of Dr. Obase's Liver 01170 will
tore Sick IIoadooho, Dizziness, and Sour
Stomach. 1 to 2 bottles are warranted to
cure Liver Complaint, Indigestion, and
Biliousness. Sold by all Druggists,
For many forms of kidney diffi-
culty, a tea de of peach leaves is
o Sure Cure.
Rub silver spoons with finely-
eifted wood ashes to remove stains
left by medicine.
The dietreseir g paleness so often observed
in young girls and women is due is a, great
measure to a lack of the red corpuscles in
the blood. To remedy this requires a med-
icine which produces these necessary little
blood constituents, and the best yet discov-
ered is Johnson's Tonic Bitters. Price Wets.
and 51,0C1 per bottle at G. A. Deadman's
Drug Store, Brussels.
Keep hops tightly packed in a
dry, .close place. By exposure to
the air they lose their flavor.
Put a few drops of ammonia into
your sponge bath and you will be
astonished how it will cool the
• Salt Rheum Cured.
ItoGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cavite has
been tried and 10010(1 00 00 1110 only positive
cure for Salt Mean] Pimples, Blotches on
1000 00 hands.Outs, Burns. Bruises, or any
Sore that nothing else will heal. Se 51170
and get the genuine, made by McGregor &
Parke. Priori 150. Sold et Hargreaves Drug
store, Brussels.
Turpentine, iu doses of twenty
or thirty minims, will not roily re-
move the headache, but prodnce, in
a wonderful manlier, a soothing me 1'
fluent:le. Me. D. Ampozz,21 Adelaide Street West,
Toronto, writes:—',For a long time I halre
'It's too 'eon to marry when one
is young, and too Mu when one is
old. The interval may probably be
devoted to reflection.'
Mr. R. Walker, of Waterford, says
"Dyspepeis has been my wife's trouble for
a long time past, and she has suffered
greatly with it ; but, thanks to Dr. Car-
son'e Stomach Bitters, she is completely
cured. It acted very nicely, and did not
sicken or gripe her while taking it. 2f
people only knew about the Carson Stom-
ach Bitters there would not be so much
Buffering in the world."
A. little boy said he would rather
have the earache than the tooth-
ache, because he wesen't compelled
to -have his ear pulled out.
An agrieultural papers stlys that
crows won't bother corn if 11 15 soak-
ed in kerosene. We shouldn't
think that men would bother it very
much either.
McGregor's Lnug compound..
Have you bad Cough,. Chronic Hoarse-
ness, a.feeling of Lightness in the Chest.
Weak Lungs, or any similar complaint? It
eo ,buy a bottle of MoGregor's Long •oom-
pound .0 0000. It will enre you. It con-
tains entirely now species, of which One
dose is more effectual than a whole bottle
of the old time remedies. It is put up in
500. and 81.00 bottles. Sold. by John Har-
greaves & 00., druggists, Brussels. Try it,
and you will never have 100000 00 complain.
'Money is round, and made to
roll,' said a spendthrift teit iniser.
'That's your way of lookinat it,'
replied the latter, 'I think 'that
money is flat and made to pilo up.'
A little girl, visiting a neighbor
with her mother, was gazing curi-
ously Pt the hostess' now bonnet,
when the owner inquired : Do you
like it, Lame; ?"Plie innocent re-
plied : 'Why, mother said it was a
perfect fright, but it don't scare
'erne Notes.
Aiken and learpwell Couuties,
South (04:x014311,1 011 tbis seeeree
eetee e,09..eetseees1or, nelkpe, Lt
year 4Ogs-AafeB 'were grown.: '
will reeteye le287, ore to Mallet
the ()rep.
A. good deal or Limo and labor 15
wasted by planting too many var-
ieties of the same fruit or vegetable,
when, for all praotioal purposes, one
or two would answer as well.
• Invisible bat Instantaneous.
All p0105 00 echo vrill be instantly remov-
ed by a few drops of Plaid Lignthin s 0011104
over the affooted parte. No time lost •, 110
ntheeous medicines needed ; no poulticing
or using greasy liniments. 10 will not blister
or diger:dor *to skin. 501(2 .0 Me. per bottle
by Jno. Hargreaves & Oo„ Druggists, Suffer.
era from Neuralgia assure us that they noV er
fear it when 111020 110000 contains a bottle of
Fluid Lightning,
Take care not bo over -work hors -
GS that ore shedding their (mate,
and feed them well; also groom the
animal thoroughly. Horses that
have not been worked regularly
during the winter require good care
leo W.,
The beet place for soap suds from
the wash kitchen ai this season is
the encumber and melon patch.
Saturate the ground around the
whenever you have (nide, and there-
by not only supply mo•ieture, but
also.a meet excellent plant food.
In open dishes the sediment at
the bottom after the spring floods
have eubsided is generally rich, and
will repay the labor of cleaning out
to use as !nurture. If thrown on
heaps and allowed to dry it out may
be carried away with WM, labor than
if tackled while wet. This dried
sediment is an excellent mulch for
beariug tram. It keeps down the
grass and. draws the roots of the
tree nearer the surface.
Baldness, Thin Moir, sec.
Those who aro bald, who have gray or thin
hair. or who are troubled with dandruff
should invest in a bottle 01 0,. Dorenwend's
"Hair Magic." It is the finest preparation
for the hair and scalp now 10 000. It le 000
i 01
525'ilgradigt01111(°1t11106r001;ii1fftf.°01X; 10
gray hair 11 nd ror baroness, wnere there are
the slightest poseible roots. it willProdium
fine growth of hair. Do not wait until too
late but get a bottle at 0000. a. A. Head-
man and. 1. Hargreaves & 00., Agents, Brus-
There is' no sort of live: ttock
Oil of 010001011 ‚will cense the ills.
appearance of warts', however hard,
large or dense they may be. The
application gives rise to neither pain
nor supperation.
Ladles Only.
1116 oaMplextoD ifl often rendered un -
Sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots, and Yellow-
ness. 111050. 11 is well known, an caused
from an inactive Liver an d bad blood. Dr.
Chase's Liver Cure purifies the blood and
whole system. See Recipe Book for toilet
recipes, hints and suggestions on how to
preserve the complexion. Sold by all
To produce a good glom' on linen,
pour a pint of boiling water upon
two ounces of gum arable, cover
and let eland over night; add a
spoonful to the starch.
In toothache, if the eavity is so
great as to allow the air to reaoh
the nerve, get some spirit of nitre
and tnix wall alum; saturate a Stile
cotton with themixture and place
been troubled with a disordered Stomach,
and at last I got so bad that I wag con,
pelled to quit work, and for days I could.
neither eat nor sleep, and the pain in my
head was most intense. I WAS induced. to
try a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomaoh Bit-
ters. Alter taking three dozes I was al-
most completely restored to health. My
appetite came back; the racking headache
was gone, and I never slept sounder in my
A. Buffalo citizen gave his small
sou a $5 bill, saying that he could
buy a hat and it pair of shoes and
spend the rest in fireworks. The
boy got a 85.oent pair of shoes, a
15 cent hat end $4.50 worth of fire-
Some wag started the story in
England that the Queen would pre-
sent six guineas and a silver cradle
to every child born on Jubilee dtty.
Already. over 400 applications have
been made to Her Majesty to fulfill
11 10 the eavity. This is claimed to
be a cure.
Important News Mem,
COogsanwic.—"Airs. Campbell has boon
troubled for R. number of years with DIM.
gestion and Constipation, and was induced
to tryliloeiregor's itipeedy Cure and found it
all that Weil needed. She would neon:Imo:id
It5 useto any person similarly troubled,"
This Invaluable remedy is 'old in every part
of Canada at 600te. and 11.01 per bottle.
Sold at John Hargreaves ric Co.'s drug store,
Wheel perm, and all other
greese, on cotton goods may he
taken out with cold, soft water and
any good soap; eoft soap is the best.
In cases of long standing, wet the
spot with keroaene oil and let it
soak for sane hours, then wash as
before directed,
Two mama of soda dissolved eni
o (park of hot water will make
ready end useful solution for cleen-
ins old painted work preparatory to
repainting. This mixture, in the
above peeporken, should be applied
whdn' warm, and the woodwork some of the thuncleringest eyelets()
efterwarde washed with %vetet to lies eVer told and I don't wank to
remove all traces of soda. 1 disgrace the ohurehe
her promise.
°More Trouble may be EXpected,',
If you do not heed the warnings of nature
and at once pay attention to the mainten-
awe of your health. Bolo Ofteh we see a
person put off from day to day the purchase
011 10 medicine which, if procured at the out.
start of the disease,would have remedied it
almost immediately. Mew, johnson'e
Tonic Liver Pills had been taken when the
not uneasiness made its appearance the.
illness wouldliaye been I•nipped,in the bud."
Johnson's Tonic titters and Liver Pills are
decidoly the best Medicines on the market
for general tooie and invigorating proper-
ties, Pills Wats. per 1100110. Bitters BO cents
and $1 per bottle, Oold by G. 4, Headman,
Druggibi, Brussels.
'I guess I'd bettor withdraw from
the church for two or three Mantles'
said a Dakota man to the minister.
how's that, brother ; what's
the mattes 0' inquired the paraor,
'I feel three or four cyclone(' lies
sort of working around in my mind
and they*ie got to Come ootb. Just
eV() me leave of absence for say
ninety dap and 111 bo back again
next fall. I believe there will be
growing in value now faster than
good sheep. Arigyou going to try
give the family a rest. from the
regulation salt pork they have about
866 days in the year; to eat down
the briars and fence corner weeds';
to leave a little of the best fertiliser
here and there where it will do the
meat good, and to raise some staple
wool that is ripe for the market end
will spot eau/unto ;the family. ex-
chequer at a time of year when
scarcely anything else does'7:—Live
Stook Journal. •
• The Couutry Gentleman siva e—
"The first and most important es-
sential is 01 free growing sbock, so
that the bark will separate freely
from the wood, and receive the in-
serted bud. If the growth of the
Mock 19 slow, and the bark cannot
be lifted ()Redly, it is best for'you to
omit budding, and graft the treea
next spring, bo obtain now and vig-
orous shoots to•bud into. Second-
ly, you want feiirly matured buds, a
sheep leuife with a thin blade to opt
them from the shoot, and ligature
just sufficient to make the face of
the inserted bud fit closely 'to the
denuded wood. Observing' these
requisites, any boy or girl who can
handle a knife may soon learn to
bud, and will find it a pleasing re.
• The National Stockman gives the
following interesting statistics on
the production And consumption of
butter ;--"The United Kingdom
produces about 80 per cent. of the
butter it consumes, and uses 18
pounds per capita every year. Ger.
many, Austria and. Italy produce
about as much as they consume, the
rate being respectively 8 pounds, 6
pounds and 1 pound. ramie. pro-
duces the alight emcees of 5 per
cent..ad eats 2 pounds per head of
popttlatiou. Belgium can export
25 per tient. of ite butter product,
and centimes 6 pounds per head.
Holland has the same rate of con -
gumption, and can spare about 88
per cent, of its production for other
counteies. The Frenchman eels 4
pounds of butter, and exports 80 per
cent. of the total he makes. The
Scandinayian eats 11 pounds and
has a surplus of 27 per cent.
Europe, taken as s; whble, consumes
about 8e. pet 'cent, more butter than
peoduces. Taking the census of
1880 as a basis for calculaeion, the
,cothitunption of butter in the Unit-
ed States and Canada was about 14
ponnde per capita, with a surplus
of about 8 per cent. In all these
figures the rate of. consumption
imams low, yet it is probably not far
from the truth. The surplus pro
deiced ill this country since the con..
sus year is undoubtedly much lug -
or than at that tinee.
Bigger, of Montreal, who mean
himself famous at the Colonial Ex.
hibitioe by his intelligent Advocacy
ef Ilea' question of Camsdian Atte.
outti#e, eoininerneatee the fellowtug
valuable poiotore on salting butter
for Englieh merket :—"The point
urged in your pamphlet, that Cana -
diens over•salt their batter, Is very
hypertext. Canadians in Loudon
may notice that what Londoners
look upon as the best butter, tastes
rather fiat. This is because there
lo comparatively little salt in it. It
was the common verdict that the
very best samples of our butter at
the Colonial Exhibition were not
liked, for this reason, and some
complained to me that there was
even a bitter twang to it, robs -thing
probably not only from excess of
salt, but from salt of a poor quality,
Or at least, having chemical elements
which should not be preseet. The
letter facts may account partly for
the early rankness 0( 00100 samples
of our butter. The fact is that
Canadians eat more salt than Eng-
lishmen do, and if they wish to re-
gain their held on the English
market, they must make a radical
change in the use of salt in their
butter." It is in the interest of our
dairymen that there be a reform in
the direction of lighter salting of
butter. Well-niade light -salted
butter will satiety the English lik-
ing already educated to it, and its
supply will soon educate our own
people to a similar liking, all of
which means more profit to the
butter -maker, resulting from ton in•
creased demand for the higher
quality—for such it will be—at pos•
sibly higher prices.—Truth.
Horse Pointer for Hot
The National Stockman recom-
mends the following considerations
for horses during hot weather :—
Handle horses that are subject
to colic with the outmost °ate,
Prevent horses from being rained
upon if.poisnible when they are hot.
Water frequently. A. horse that
is given water but two or three
a few, to make scene mutton and times a day is apt to drug' to meeh
at a time.
Beware of overheating horses.
It is an easy matter to ruin a horse
in a very, short time at thie season
of the yeter.
Remove the harness as soon as
the work is done. It will pay to
take the harness off for the noon-
ing hour.
Groom and clean up the working
horses twice a day morning and
evening, making the evening clean-
ing the principal one.
Drive slowly during the heat of
the day, If speed is necessary it
should be made early in the 'nerv-
ing and late en the evening.
Avoid hot stable!' as numb as
poesiblo. It is a good plan to put
up temporary feed boxes under
shade trees for summer use.
Select the feed with a view to
quality. The less the bulk the
better, so that 'the strengthening
qualities are contained in the food.
Keep your teams from becoming
excited .as much as you can. Ex-
citement and fright are 100,08 opt to
heat horses up than hard work.
Mares with sucking milts should
be given a paature field to them-
selves. In fighting the fliee older
horses are liable to injure the colts.
Provide plenty of shade for your
idle horses. If there are no trees
in your pasture put them up tem-
porary sheds for protection agniust
the sun's rays.
Steady Employment to Good Men.
None need be Idle. Previous
Experience not essential.
We pay either Salary or Com-
100 Bien Wanted
To Canvas for the Sale of Oan-
adian grown Nursery Stook,
The Ponthill Nurseries,
Largest Canada,
Over 400 Acres.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-elass References'and
want to work. No room for 11127
men, but can employ any num-
ber of energetic men who want
LANES.—Tho St. Thomas 'Times
says that intelligence reached that
office of the death at !lancet* Co.
Infirmary, Findlay, Ohio, on July
8111, of John G. Johnston, Deceased
was known in every printing office
on the continent, having travelled
all over the United States and Can-
ada. .11 has gone through many
vicissitudes, and served in the Am
Moan wee. A man of more than
average nbiliey, he allosved liquor to
obtain the mastery over him, which
hes proved his rum. In 1869 while
working at bis trade in Guelph, he
married the eldest daughter ote J.
Wilkinson, then publisher of the
Advertiser, now of the St. Thome
Timer', by whom he had a son. But
his wayward propensities soon led
to the practical dissolution of their
melee, and duce that time till laid
up by sickness he has wandered all
oVer Cicada and the Stades, and hie
wild, reckless life earned for him the
title of the "Terror of the Lakes,"
by which he was known in every
printing office in the country. He
hat often before been reported dead,
but we judge the news of his demise
is authentic.
Stone &Wellington,
Toronto, Ont.
Practical W atchmalor di Jeweller
Thanking the Public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure your
patronage. We are opening out fulllines
Gold and Silver Watchee.
Silver Plated Ware from established
and reliable makers, fully warranted by
Clocks of violates designs.
Jewelry :
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem Rings,
Also have in stook a full lino of Violins
and Violin Strings, Pipes, &o.
tar N.B,—Issuer of Marriage Licenses
T. Fletcher.
Bargains! Bargains !
-FOR 111E—
.A.usinvr t, 1887.
Alq Quantity of
Wool Wanted
in Plows, Steel Harrows, Seed
Drills, Bain...Wagons, Buggies,
Organs, Sewing Machines, Sulky
Plows, one four spring Wagon,
one 1 horse Wagon, and one sec-
ond hand Lumber Wagon.
Woolen Mill.
Land Rollers for $25,
best in the market. Three kinds
of Seuffiers, Port Perry Grinder
and Horse Powers,
Clothes Wringers,
Churns, and ANYTHING You MAY
ENQuenn FOR.
Geo. Love.
A nice assortment of Baby Car-
: riages on Exhibition at H.
Dennis', where you can
also get a
Splendid Trunk,
Handy Valise,
or Satchel at a Low Price.
Full lines of Light and Heavy
Whips, Combs, Brushes, &e. in
We Lead but Never
Sign tif Big Scotch Collar.
Paid in exchange for fine Tweeds,
coarse Tweeds, Check Flannels,
in all wool and union, Grey Flan-
nels, and Blankets. Also Sheet-
ing, in both Gray and White, fine
and coarse Yarn, &c., of which I
have a good supply
NOW ON ff.4.11rD,
I am prepared to do all kinds of
manufacturing; Rich as
All kinds of
Knitted Goods
Made to Order.
Give Me a Call before dispos
ing of your Wool elsewhere.
Yours truly,
Robert Matticc, of St. Thomas,
and W. Johnston, of Salem, de-
sire to inform the Public gener-
ally that they have formed a
co -partnership, and have leased
the blacksmith shop from Mr.
John Wynn, lately ocenpied by
John Alexander, where they will
be prepared to do all kinds of
Plows, Wagons, Carriages, &c..
made or repaired.
A Specialty..
Interfering, over -reaching, and
flat footed horses treatectwith the.
best results. We have had 20
years experience in dealing with
these diseases of the feet and
have worked in the leacIding,hoi se -
shoeing shops in Canada and the
United States.
Wo are prepared to temper
Stone Hammers, or any edged
Please give Us a Call.
Shop near the Town Hall; • op-
posite Beattie's Livery Stable.
Repairing promptly attended