The Brussels Post, 1887-6-24, Page 8THP $FUSLS POST
JUNE 24, 1887.
P. fresh shipment of the above
just received and guaranteed
pure, just the thing for the re-
moval of POTATO Boos.
We have received a very val-
u able book upon the manufacture
and care of butter, which all
should have. It is a large book
size, 6-ix10 inches, and contain-
ing over 100 pages and only 25
cents each. It is published with
the aid of the Parliament of Can-
ada so as to encourage this in-
Druggist and Bookseller;
Trains leave Bresssis Station, north and
south as follows: -
Going Beath. Going North.
Mail........,7:02 a.m. Mixed .......,...9:30 man
Express 11:95 a.m. I Mail 9310p.m
Mixed - 8:46 p.m. 1 Express,. aesp.m
fora! Rehys affem5.
A chiel'e riming ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
Boors at cost price. Adam Good.
PRxsEoVE Jars Cheap. ADAM Goon.
PRESENTS with our 35o. Ten. A. Good.
Tam best bread in town at Coats' Gro-
Nan Friday will usher in the month
of July.
Two Cans of Tomatoes for 25 cents at
Thomson's. 47-
Ootio and see our $5.00 china tea set
at Coats' Grocery.
Baseline Caledonian games will not be
held until next Fall.
Is you only spend 25 cents you will get
a present. A. Good. 48 -
TEE public schools will close next
Thursday for the summer vacation.
Tars small boy has been in MS glory
this week over the flaming °iteus bills.
A Emmen of our residents take in the
horse races at Listowel on Friday of
this week.
Ice Orman and Strawberries for Jubilee.
Vanilla, Lemon and Pine Apple flavors.
Evsam el:delighted with our 35 and
37}bent Tea with choice nap and saucer
at Cilias' Grocery.
Tama was service in the Roman Cath -
olio church last Sunday morning. Rev.
'Father Shea officiated.
Fouso.-A euro of money. By proving
property the money may be obtained at
THE POET Publishing House.
SmvMR top to a gent's cuff button lost.
The finder will be rewarded by leaving it
at TEE Pear Publishing House.
Tama is being got ready for the erec-
tion of a foot.bridge near the flax mill.
A cedar pier will be built in the centre.
THE interesting story of ''Little Lord
Fauntleroy," by Frances H, Burnett, is
on sale at THE Poen Bookstore. Only
25 dente.
NOTICE. -All accounts due Grant its
Co. not paid before SATURDAY, JuNE 25th,
w ilibeplacedin Court for collection. A
w ord to the wise is sufficient. GRANT .& Co.
WANTED. -Applicants (males preferred)
for a good situation involving excellent
business training. Must be not less than
17 years of age, of fair edhoation and
wall recommen dad. Apply at THE Pose
Publishing House. 48
TEE Brussels band was awarded the
Int prize at Seaforth last Tuesday,
amounting to $60.00, and will probably
apply it an their proposed uniform. The
boys are plucky and aro doing well and
the town should back them up. The
Band never played better than it does
As there is nearly always a number of
sharks following in the wake of all travel-
ling shows our residents will do well to
keep a sharp look -out on their valuables.
Keep your eyes open for the "soap"
vendors, &c. They'll beat you every
time, and yon don't deserve anything
better if you tamper with them.
Two Brussels youths went trout fishing
en jubilee day and, in addition to about
fiver dozen trout, they got wet through
with the heavy showers, fell in the oroek,
and ono of them gave his pantaloons such
Ie rent that bis companion had to use his
fishing line to sew up the tear and enable
them to come home in the dusk of even-
ing. There's more fun in going fishing
than you could shake a stick at.
Fon Sam. -As I did not dispose of all
my goods on the day of my auction sale
I will sell by private sale, on tame to
suit. 1 horse, 1 binder, 1 seed drill, 1
buggy, 1 plow, 1 set single and 1 set
double harness, and household effects,
consisting of bedroom suite, sideboard,
° extension table, parlor table, hair oloth
sofa, one doz. sitting room claire, kitch-
en chairs, 000k and box Stoves, cough,
and a host of other household artialea.
Ion 9an•,in 07S.--Jno, Roddick shipped
7:50 barrels of eggs last Monday to New
York, and R. Sperling sent off a oar load
• on Tuesday to the same plane. On the
25th of June, 1886, eggs were quoted at 9
• cents per dozen, and that paid in trade.
' Tho low price was owing to the lank of
competition, D. D. Wilson regulating the
market to a large extent. This year, with
Brussels buyers in the field, eggs' are up
to 18 cents a dozen, and oath paid for
them. It must be very plain to the farm
ing community that this is of groat ad
vantage to them and to our market in
general and our egg dealers should re
eeive the hearty support of all our busi
news men. The intorsats of Brussels de
mandthle and if our produce dealers push
oho business and build up trade'hore they
should have precedenoo over any outsider
The difference of 4heeprice shoolcl not cents
er dozen on
Drvlsres Court on Thursday of next
Onziersl apot in town for groceries is
at Coate'.
Sac bare of Eleotrio soap for 25 cents,
at Thomson's. 50.
F meires's hams and bologna sausage
at Coate' Grocery, 50.
Has gallon gem jars at $1.50 per doz-
en at Coate' Grocery.
ONE thousand Fruit Jars just to hand
tonsgallon. size $1.45 per dozen at Thom.
s 50.
Fon the largest stook and best value in
Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, go to
Thomsons. 50.
Rev. S. Jenne expeots to occupy his
pulpit on Sabbath morning next at the
usual hour.
A o011lmmroATroN from Rev. J. S. Cooke
was received too late for this iesue, it will
appear next week.
A PUBLIC reception to Rev. M, Swann
and family will be held in the basement
of the Methodist ohuroh next Wednesday
TEE= will be no service in Melville
church until the second Sabbath of July,
when it is expected the pastor will be in
his place.
THE National anthem was sung by the
choirs of St. John's ohuroh and the
Methodist ohuroh last Sunday in honor
of Her Majesty's jubilee.
J. K, Baena, of Henfryn, brought us a
sample of Sax pulled in his field on Tues-
day that measurrd over 4 feet in length.
That will bo bard to beat.
"1°ALmx. STEwenr bas a pear tree that is
bearing fruit and has now a second lot of
blossoms on it. They are on the new
growth on the top of the tree,
Two Italiana were in town last week
and discoursed some (harming music on
the violin and harp. Their rendering of
The Mooking Bird was immense.
Owino to the indisposition of Rev. S.
Jones the pulpit of Knox church was oc-
cupied by Rev. J. L. Kerr last Sunday
morning The evening service was with-
A I<Aartoru stlrawberry, grown in the
garden of Mrs. Turnbull, measured a
plump 5 inches in circumference. It
would not take many of these to fill a
Oma thanks are due to Rlohard Hinge -
ton for a box of mammoth strawberries.
This is the first season for Mr. Hingston's
berry patch but he will have quite a few
to dispose of.
A moo many Brusselites talk of going
to Goderioh on Dominion day to enjoy
Huron's breezes and take in the Caledon-
ian games, Goderioh is a very pretty
place in summer.
THE other night some boys went into
Thos. Kelly's garden and destroyed a lot
of flowers. He is prepared to rake them
fore and aft with a little common salt if
they repeat their visit.
A scrENTIeT has discovered that the
mosquito's mission is to purify stagnant
water. Why, in the name of common
sense, doesn't he keep away from people,
then, and attend to business 7
Tris Victoria base ball olnb, made up
of juniors, some of them very junior,
went to Wingham last Friday and played
a game with the young men of that town.
Score 22 to 4 in favor of the home team.
TUESDAY was a very quiet day in Brus-
sels. Some of our citizens interested
themselves in base ball and cricket, oth-
ers went fishing and others, who remain-
ed home, worked all day. It was a dull
Bnussmrs grain market leads the van
and has done so for some time. This is
an established fact as farmers from near
Blyth, Winthrop, the eastern part of
Grey, and Turnberry haul their grain'. to
Brussels in preference to markets nearer
to them.
THE Methodist ohuroh was crowded
last Sunday evening and an interesting
discourse was prowohed by the pastor on
the Transfiguration. Next Sabbath Rev.
Mr. Smyth will close his pastorate in
Brussels and will remove to Stratford on
the following Tuesday.
ON Friday evening of this week the
Ladies' Aid of St. John's church, Bras.
eels ,purpoee holding a strawberry and
ice cream festival on the grounds and in
the basement of the church. The Brus-
sels Band will be in attendance. The
public cordially invited.
AMONG the eggs received at Jno. Rod-
dick's egg emporium this week was one
with a natural door or cap, hinge and all
that could be opened and the inside of the
egg seen. It is on exhibition at Tom Pose
Publishing House. Its a new pattern
some enterprising hen has got out, we
Mies Arnim LUCAS, who is travelling for
the Constitutional Corset Werke, of Brus-
sels, sold over 230 pairs on a recent trip
up in the Georgian Bay and Muskoka die.
tricts. The "Constitutional" takes
wherever shown. The young gentleman
who gent Mies Lucas will do well but
there's a person in Exeter towers above
all others.
Tare week 0. Ostrander removed from
Brussels to Tilsonburg, where he enters
into partnership' with his son-in-law,
who is now in business. Mr. Ostrander
has been here about 10 months and has
done a fairly good business in the lines he
carried, viz., boots & shoes, ready-made
clothing and gents' furnishings, but he
thinks be can do better in his old home,
Tilsonburg, and has consequently moved
there. THE POST wiehes him success.
A BIG Snow.-Burk's naw great ore-
ation. Indefinite announcements of the
((ming to Brussels of this grand and
new amusement enterprise have been
quite suffioient to make a sensation and
now that Tuesday, June 28, is positively
announced at the date of its appearance
there will be a regular old-fashioned
awakening. Surely the bills tell of
enough to drive sleep from the eyes of the
young and to revive in the hearts of the
old moth of the consuming circus are of
youth. Exchanges from every quarter
speak of the show in the highest terms
of praise after seeing it and no doubt it
will be well patronized here. People ere
expiated in Brussels on Tuesday next,
the date of the great show, from ell the
surrounding towns and country. Im-
moose preparations are being made for
its reception. Tho Buffalo (N.Y.) daily
Courier says :-"Had the Burk show no
Other features than the Wild West and
troupe of educated horses it would then
as now be the very best show that ever
pitched tents in our city." 50
Fru bare of sleotrio eon 25o. A. Good.
Sim iia in the local news items, Don't
be so modest,
Mnotiun Water, gilaranteed to aid Di.
gestion, relieve Dya epeia, Costiveness
and regulate the Bowels, ADAM fon,
Fon SAzi,-J, W. Fear, who is leaving
town in a few days, has a number of good
fowl, a lot of house plante, &o„ to dispose
Of by private sale. They can be bought
cheap. 50 -
FEED. AND Wolin HINDEa left Bronchi
for Sault Ste Marie last Wednesday,
They went per C.P.R. to Owen Sound
and thence per boat, purchasing their
tickets from Thos. Fletcher, loofa agent.
Pmnsosume,-Mise IdeStacey has
been home from Luoknow on the sink
list. -Mrs. T. Fletcher is visiting in To.
route this week. -On. Thursday evening
of last week W. B. Dickson and wife and
Charlie and Harry Cormaok returned to
Brussels. The trip west did not improve
Mr. Cormaok's health, -J. J. Gilpin, wife
and eon were visiting at Wiarbon for sev.
oral days this week. -As will be Been by
notice elsewhere in this issue W. R.
Squier, a former well-known judge in
this county, died at Brighton on the . 9th
inst, The deceased was at one time one
of the best known men in this county,
and enjoyed a correspondingly wide
oirole of personal friende, Possessed of
splendid abilities, a wide education, and
many excellent personal qualities, he bad
even great possibilities before him in hie
profession. After his departure from
Goderioh he spent a year or two in Win.
nipeg, and eine that has resided in
Brighton. -Thos. J. Leatherdale, brother
to R. Leatherdale, of Brussels, was re.
oently married to e. Miss Gallagher.
Tom. is commencing married Iife young
enough. -Mrs. Grills and daughters were
visiting at R. Leatherdale's last week. -
We regret to hear that Mrs. A. Bans.
laugh is ill, but hope she may soon be re-
stored to good health.-Robt. Wilson was
home from Clinton for a few days: -Joe.
Ballantyne and J. Kollo, of Blyth, were
in town last Sunday.--Jno. Varcoe visit.
el the Queen city on Monday of this
week. -J. Bargees was home from Luck -
now on Tuesday. -T. G. McCracken, of
Harriston, was in town this week. -J. T.
Ross, wife and daughter were visiting at
London this week. -Mrs. James Rod-
dick and children are visiting relations
and friends in Stratford. -H. J. Whitley,
of Seaforth, was in town for a few days
this veils. He likes Seaforth very well
but he likes Brussels too, you know. -
Charlie Dutton was visiting in Stratford
this w sok.-Miss Lily Moss is away visit-
ing at Burlington for a few week14-7asp
Ballantyne went to the Stratford Cale-
donian games on Tuesday of this week. -
Miss Dickson, of Godsrioh, was visiting
at J. R. Grant's and Robt. Diakson'e
this week. -W. R. Hamilton, wife and
daughter, of Teeswater, were visiting at
Walter Coate' this week. -Geo. Phippen
and wife were visiting at Wingham.-Mrs.
G. E. Cooper and children are visiting
at Toronto this week.
Canadian Newel.
The Grand Lodge of the Canadian
Order of Oddfellowe will meet next year
in London.
Albert Shaw, a Chatham volunteer,
was fatally stabbed by a London painter
on Saturday night.
The Dominion Government has decid-
ed not to remove the arms taken from
the Battleford Home Guard out of the
It is understood the official reporters
of the House of Commons are to be de-
tailed to ,report the election trials during
the summer.
L. W. P. Coutlee has been appointed
Registrar -General of Manitoba, J. D.
Cnrran, Law Clerk and G. G. Mills, At-
torney -General.
The proposal to subsidise a Canadian
Pacific line of steamers is expected to
meet strong opposition in the 'British
House of Commons.
Mr. Van Horne makes a positive deo.
laration to the Mayor of Brandon that no
branch lines will be built unless the op-
position to monopoly ceases. •
The death sentence passed upon the
man Shearer, convicted of murder in
British Columbia, has been commuted
owing to doubts as to hie sanity.
At a meeting of the Liberal Conservat-
ive Union of Ontario, held at Ottawa on
Thursday, it was decided to divide the
Province into'distriote for the purpose of
Work on the Sarnia tunnel has been
vigorously carried on since last accounts
and it is expected that the repairs to the
leak oan be successfully accomplished in
few days.
Sir John Macdonald who it was report-
ed would go to England after the session,
will go to Banff instead to see his laugh.
ter. Afterwards be may proceed to Riv-
er du Loup.
It is reported that Arthur Felland, the
well known Calgary merchant, now in 06.
taws, is to be appointed to one of the
unfilled Senatorsliips for the Northwest
Senator Trudel has announced in the
Senate that the heads of 927 families in
Lawrence and Lowell, Mass., were organ-
izing a movement in the direction of a
return to Canada.
John Rea, who resides on the Lake
Shore, Yarmouth, is the owner of 600
head of poultry, and he colleats 130 dozen,
or 1,560 eggs per week from the hens. He
has supplied the M.O. R. for the past five
The Canadian Pacific train, bringing
passengers and freight from the steam.
ship Abyssinian, from Yokohama to Van-
couver, arrived at Montreal on time on
Monday morning, and made the quickest
time on record from Japan to Montreal.
Among the passengers are a number of
Japanese, who will proceed to England,
and expsct to make the quickest time, by
several day, from Japan to London.
The following are the officers elected
at the Universalist Convention hold at
Ruthven recently :-Bobo. Wood, Nixton,
President; James T. Middleton, Hamil-
ton, Secretary ; Thos. Theal, Fulton,
Treasurer ; J. Anderson, Port Dover,' 1t,
R, Bruner, Olinda, T. S. Young, Bloom-
field, Trustees. The delegates to the
General Convention, to bo held in the
City of New York, on Ootober 19th, were
appointed 5,e follows a -Rev. W. S. Goodell,
Smithville; 2. C. Barrows, Nllestown;
Thee. 'Meal, Fulton.
The Frgntenao Grand Jury has deolar-
ed in fo,yor of the Soobt Aob,
Hon. Edward Blake has resigned the
Ohanoelloreliip of the Diocese of Toronto.
The Miniaber of Interior will leave for
therogatioNtortn:liivest a fortnight after the pro.
Mr, Hope, of Bow Park farm, Brant,
has a cow from which he has bred four
mires that have sold far 618,000.
1tev. Messrs. Crossley and hunter will
commence speoial servioes in the Metho-
diet church in Sarnia on June 28th,
It is expiated that the Presbyterian
General Assembly will adjourn on Thurs-
day, and that a large party will leave
Winnipeg for the Pacific Coast on Fri-
Thos. Greenway, the leader of the Op-
poSition in the Manitoba Legislature, has
been presented by his friends in the party
with a parse of nearly $1,000 in recogni.
tion of services rendered,
While attempting to olimb on to a
wagon loaded with wood, Lorne Irwin,
of Ripley, Huron County, was accidental-
ly run over and almost instantly killed,
only living hall an hour after the acci-
James Hearn, of Tilsonburg, has a lin.
net which he claims oan talk ns plainly
as a parrot. It is so tame that he allows
it a holiday occasionally by letting it
outside, but the bird always returns of
its own accord.
The first prop bulletin of the Manitoba
Department of Agriouluure has boon is.
sued. The reports aro moat favorable,
The area under spring wheat i9 placed at
492,134 acres, being an increase over 1886
of 47,693 acres. Oats are 5,854 anise less,
and barley shows a falling off of 13,455
Mr, Orton, the travelling freight audi-
tor of the Grand Trunk Railway, has dis-
covered a shortage of about $1,000 in the
accounts of four clerks in the freight
office here. Tho clerks, who are well-
known in London, were suspended pend-
ing an investigation, which will be
brought on shortly.
Sir Charles Tupper gave a sessional
dinner on Thursday night of last week.
Among those present were Sir John Mac-
donald, who sat on the right of the host,
and Mr. Mills, who sat on the left..
Messrs. Trow and Soriver, of the Op-
position, and Messrs. Gigault and Du-
pont, of the bolters, were also present.
Joel Leduc, director of the Hoohelaga
Bank, returned to Montreal from Chica-
go Tuesday, and as the result of his non.
ference with Parent, the absconding
eashior, he expects to recover $10,000
which Parent has in oaah, and which,
with $3,000held by theBanque du Peupls,
will Dover a large portion of his defalca-
The annual oonversazione of the Brant-
ford Young Ladies' College was held the
other evening, when the reception of the
following graduates took place ;-Missee
McDougall, Kensington ; MoMeano,
Brantford; MaQuarrie, Wingham; Old -
right, Toronto; Thornton, Stoney
Creek ; Weyme, Brentford, The prize
essay was read by Miss Lizzie Farm,
The farmers of the county of Peel who
were induced toive their notes for wheat
at 215 per bushel to the Ontario Grain
and Seed Company, of London, are ad-
vertising, cautioning any person against
purchasing the notes, as they were given
without consideration, and they intend
to contest their liability to the utmost.
This is the company to which K. Ohio -
holm, M.P.P., drew the attention of the
Ontario House during the last session.
I6 is stated Mr. Leacock, M. P. P., of
Manitoba, has prepared an open letter to
the Governor-General of Canada, setting
forth the case of the Province of Manito-
ba and the treatment accorded her by the
Dominion Government. Itis stated that
his letter is to be published as an open
letter, both in England and Manitoba,
should the Dooninion Government persist
in the policy of disallowance now exer-
cised by them against the Province of
Carlisle D. Graham launched his bar-
rel -boat at the Maid of the Mist landing,
on the Amerioan side of the Niagara
river, near the Cantilever bridge, on Wed-
nesday afternoon of last week, and found
be could not properly balance the sand
ballast so as to shoot the rapids riding on
top of it, so he took out the sand and
jumped into the barrel, and want through
the rapids about 5:20, much to the disap-
pointment of thousands of spectators,
who lined the banks on both aides of the
river, as they expected ho would ride on
the outside of the barrel, as ho advertis-
ed. He was taken out at the whirlpool,
nous the worse for bis trip other than re-
ceiving a shaking up.
At a recent meeting of the Provincial
Board of Health held in Toronto it was re-
solved that the Education Department
should be notified that the Board had pre.
pared clauses amending the Public Health
Act so as to compel householders and local
health authorities immediately to notify.
school teachers of the existence of any con-
tagious disease in the family of children
attending school, and the Board recom-
mended bloat teachers should be provided
with blank forme for recording came of
sickness, with separate blanks for (1) ab-
sent, sink ; (2) names of pupils absent
through the sickness of others ; (9) date of
reoeivingnotifioabion; (4) thine of die'-
ease ; (5) date of certificate of recovery and
re -admission to school, with the name of
physician certifying ; (6) enquiriee by
teaohers regarding suspected cases and
results ; (7) general remarks.
The following are the offioers elected
at Owen Sound by the Grand Lodge of
Oddfellows for the' ensuing year t• --Grand
Master, T. V. Gearing, Toronto ; grand
secretary, 0. P. Parkinson, Hamilton ;
deputy grand master, E. A. P, Cook;
Hamilton ; grand treasurer, Geo, Boxall,
Toronto. 'Grand Trustees -S. R. Barrie,
A. R. Welch and Thos, Dean, all of To.
ronto ; grand chaplain, Rev. Alfred Os-
borne, Gravenhurst;. grand warden, E.
Webster, Owen Sound; grand guard, 1b.
MoMurchy, Owen Sound • district deputy
grand masters -No. 1 dsstriot, 13, Rich.
rade, Toronto ; No. 2, Thos. Parry, Ham-
ilton ; No, 8, J. J. McNeil, Gravenburst ;
No. 4, Edwin Millett, London ; No. 5, 11'..
Harrison, Owen Senna; No. 0, W,
Spencer, Hepworth ; No. 7, (British Col.
umbin), deferred ; No. 8, W. Robinson,
Unionville ; N0.0, G. W. Ellis, Niagara
Six rich and benevolent ladies of Mont.
real have agreed to subscribe $18,000
amongst them to purohsse the land ne.
pessary for the Protestant Insane Asy.
Among the reports which were read at
the High Court Canadian Order of For-
esters, at Berlin, was the R. W. H. Sea.
rotary's, It stated that one year ago the
Order had 141 Courts, with a membership
of 5,131, and that since bloat time 53
Courts, which new had a membership of
1,157, had been organized, makntg a total
of 194 Courts, with a membership of 0,-
288. The R. W. H. C. Ranger reported
that all the Courts were prospering, many
of them growingvery rapidly. During
the year the Orer's standard had been
firmly planted in the Province of Mani-
toba, and its interests have been material-
ly strengthened in the Provinoe of Que-
bec, and the probalities were that the
time is not far distant when it would be
established in every Provinoe of the
broad Dominion. The following officers
ware elected for the ensuing year :-R.
W.H,C.R., Brother Robt. Elliot, Listo-
wel, (re-elected); R.W.H.V.O.R., Bro. E.
Towe, London ; R.W.H. Secretary, Bro.
Thos. White, Watford; R.W.H. Treas.,
Bro, John Neelands, Wingham ; (ro•eleot-
ed by aoolaaiation) ; R.W.H. Registrar,
Bro. Geo, Sinolair, I arkdale; R.W. Chap-
lain,Bro. J.Williamson, Arkona; R.W. MEDICAL CARDS.
H.S. Woodward, Bro. W. T. Clarke,
Grimsby; R.W.H.J. Woodward, Bro. J.
H. Hainsworbh, Sherbrooke, Que. ; R.W.
H.S. Beadle, Bro. A. Keffer, Berlin ; R.
W.1f.J. Beadle, Bro. Adam Reid, Wing -
ham ; U.H. Medical Board, Bro. Dr. A.
M. Stanley, Watford; Association on
Medical Board, Bro. Dr. Snyder, Inter-
ville ; High Auditor, Bro. H. Gummer,
Transact a General Banking
Notes to hand discounted,
Xnterset allowed on deposits repayable on
Prompt attention given to oollootlono,
5' Tana, &s. Offio5 lis Leokio'o block
Brussels, Monaybo Loan,
• Garrow & Proudtoot, Goderioh) So -
Bettor, Clonvoyapoer. &o. Offiao, Gran
block, Brussels. Money to loan.
the Fourth Division court, Co, Huron,
Oonvoyanser, Notary Publlo, Laud, Loan
and Insurance Agent, 'Funds invested and
to loan. 0odes0ions made. Oflloe in Gra-
ham's Block, Brussels,
BD,ALE.-In Waterford, on the 18th inst.,
the wife of Mr. H. R. Swale of a
JmwITT-OLVAn; Tn Morris, at the rssi•
dance of the bride's parents, on the
14th inst., by Rov. N. S. Burwash,
Rov, Geo. Jewitt to Miss Priscilla,
daughter of Mr. Emmanuel Olvar.
on the Oth inst., Thos. J. Leatherdale,
of Galt, Ont., brother to R. Leather.
dale, of Brussels, to Margaret, fourth
daughter of James Gallagher, of
FADLENE0—PAT1EEeoN.—On the 14th
inst., by Rev. J. R. Isaac, at the resi-
dence of the bride's mother, Mr.
Joseph Faulkner, of Grey, to Miss
Sarah Patterson, of Oarthage, Perth
00., Ont.
McQuennrE.-In Brussels, on June 18th,
Ula Fiunettah, daughter of Peter and
Isabel llioQuarrie, aged 1 year and 8
Souren.-In the village of Brighton, on
June 9th, Wilmott B. Squier, bar-
rister, in the 45th ygar of his age.
nb vssax s MAR C=TS-
White Fall Wheat........ 80
Red Winter 80
Spring Wheat 00
Barley 40
Oats 28
Peas .. 48
Butter, tubs and rolls.... 11
'Eggs per dozen 13
Flour per barrel 4 50
Potatoes ... 50
Hay per ton ............ . 9 00
Hides per lb 54
Salt per bbl., wholesale50
Sheep skins, each • 50
Wool, per Ib 21
1 00
4Spply at THE POEM Publishing House.
Phaeton Buggy, sot of Single Harness,
Clutter and two Robes for sale Apply to
REV. R. PAIIL, Ethel.
Lor to Lot, well fenced, cellar, abode
trees. pleasant neighborhood. 83.00 per
gat J. B. GRANT.
A few aplsndld, improved farms for
sale in the township of Grey,Morris and
MoKlilop. Apply to A. Dr1GATTY, Co.
Auctioneer,Brussela P, 0.
undersigned win keep on lot 1, son. 0,
Grey, "Red Hero f, a fine young thor'-bred
Durham bell for service. Terme-51.00, with
privilege of returning if necessary. DUN -
CAN MoLAUCHLIN, Proprietor. 40.55
1J isos tit the undersigned, about anis 0th,
o yearling heifer, It is red in color, has two
small white spots on the outside of iia right
leg and a white ring on the end of fts tail,
Any information as will lead to its recovery
will be suitably rewarded. F. LEBON,
50- - Brussels.
-The subserib5r 0Rere her house and
lot on John streo6, for sale. There aro
0 rooms in the. house, wobdebed, hard and
soft water, &o: There is 3 acre of land with
fruit trees and currant bushes, also 1 good
stable. Par terms and conditions of sale
apply to MRS. THOS. OIAYOROFT, Brus-
sels. •40.4
hereby cautioned against negotiating a
promissory note for '215,e0, drawn in favor
ofJosepn Young, or bearer, 4 months tram
June 1St, 1887, os 16 has beenlost and pay-
mentstopped. Any personreturningoho
emu° to the undoreigned, whoa° name is on
the note will confers great favor. JAMES
JACKSON, Brussels P.O. : 47.4*
17 00dors 100 repairs auOt the 8obool'Houso
In &B. No. 6, Morris, will • bo reoe) the
Timeliest up to the 0th day of July next,
Spooi0antions of the work to bo dpne oan be
been at PAID, eon,. 6, Morris.
Morris,Juno 17,'57 50.2 GEO,H00D, Boa,
_ ton situ the following Proportion is
limeade at very low flgurosi-Two Housoe
andZaota on 1.1111 Street Weat, one House
andlarge Lot on Mill Street East, Stable and
small Lot roar of, Grant's Dtoolr, Moo a lino
Dialing Site on Main Street, adlolning
brook, title perfect. J. 1t. GlLAN1'. 30•
moved bis office to rooms over the
Postoffics, Residence on Mill Street,
• M. L, Ti. O. P. Edinburgh, Physician,
Surgeon and A000uohor, 00150, Mrs, Shiol's
block, Turnberry Street.
W M. F. GALE, M.D., 0. M.
Member of the College of Pbystoians and
sur&&eous of Ontnni° by examination.
010co and Resideuo-Main St. East, Ethel
G. L,Ba11,L, D.8., Honor Graduate and
M. Xt, 0. D. S., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Prices graded and as low
as good work can be done for,
Office over Johnston's Hardware Store,
W. J. Fear ,L.D S,Graduate ofTo-
ronto School of Dentistry-. 411 oper-
ations guaranteed. Offioo-Oady's
Block, Bealorth,
Artificial tooth, fl ret quality, ands
guaranteed dt,for s19.00por set.
Honor Graduate of the Royal College
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. NoTnoo OxIDE
GAS administered for the painless extrac-
tion of teeth.
OFFICE.—Garfield Itlo5k,2 BRUSSELS.
• of Marriage Licenses. Office at his
Grooery,Turnberry Street.
• rlage Lieenees, by appointment of
Lieut, -Governor, Commissioner, &s., Q. B.
Conveysncer and Agent Firo Insurance Co.
Offiee at the Oranbrook Post 0Sloe.
r.., • Accident and Loan Insurance Agent
for some of the beat and most reliable Cera -
paaree in the Dominion. Office -Brick Tarr -
see ,Turnberry street meat. iho station.
• Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Ooilsge has resumed the prsotioo of John
Nott,V,B„and is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animals on scientific
andapprnved principles. Treatment of del-
icate foals a apeolalty OMoe two doors
North of Bridge, Turnberry street.
Robert Cunningham
Guelph, Ontario
13 nicker, thanking
his many customers for their
liberal support in the past
wishes to inform them that at
kis shop in Bmale's block he keeps nothing
but 11ret•alaei meats, all kinds of Poultry.
and Sewage Meat Delivered to all parts of
the town free. Cash paid for Fat Stook
Hides and sheepskins bought foroash.-
undersigned will keep during the sea-
son, et his hotel, Oraubrook, a thoroughbred
Shorthorn Bun.
Tmnsrs,-81.00 per sow, with privilege of
returning if neeeesary.
Royal Mail Steamships.
Pa0M LI5141100011. 0TE DIEn. , MUM Qnn0E0.
AV x11 28th Parisian - M'oy loth
lOay nth Sarmatian May 15th
May lath - Idireaseian June 3rd
May loth 9erdluiaa Juno 0611
May27th tBo7yneeiau .,,Juno 17th
June and Parisian Judo 23rd
June gbh Sarmatian June 10th
Juno 17th l Circassian July 8611
Jana 58rd Sardinian ...,.. Jnly 14th
Julylst 1 Polynesian July 92nd
July 7th Parisian July 28th
July 34t11 .. ...........Sarmatian Aug. 4611
July 22nd 1 Circassian .... . Aug 12th
July 98th Sardinian.... Aug. 18th
Aug, 4th 1 Polyynesian...,.- Aug. 20th
Aug, 11th Parinian Sept, 15t
1 nitro. Steamers. The Steamers above
named do not carry cattle, sheep or pigs,
Steere8ge Passengers aro booked to and
frau London, Oneenston, Derry ,Bol fast and
Glasgow at some rates at Livoritool, •
Bated of nasaage by (halted Steamers from
Quebec) to Londonderry and Liverpool i -
Cabin 38 , '470 aril 080, Return -8110,
6110 and 6150. Iutormediate-$00, return
500. Oteerago-e20, return, 440.
The last train oounooting at Quebec with
the Mail Steamers ending tram *heliport on
Cm Thursday. leaves Toronto on the Wed•
Doadaymorning, The last train oounooting
with the ltixtra Steamers sailing on tho Fri-
day, 4eaveS Toronto on the'y'hnrsday morn.
ing. For ticket arid every information ap-
ply to
T.1:2.. 052iAST'S', .A.gerkt, 53r+a0nol,t.