HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-6-24, Page 6` ikaleatie5. wy Don't oell prevaricator. large, strong younoare as sure he man a is a p revarieator, hire an. other man to break the news to flim. Mother : 'Janet, did William kiss you on the front steps last night ?' Daughter : 'About what part of the evening, ma?' Neither wine, ale, porter, brandy. nor corsets have ever been manufac- tured in Japan. They make noth- ing there to get tight on. Old man: 'If I had fifty cents, aninto dereto get it to aau to penny, what wot ued ld be left ?' Street Arab : 'An old man.' A disgusted young lady writes to ask 11 a man always acts the fool because he is in love. No ; he does it sometimes because he is one. but worth re• It is an old story, membering—the Quaker's consider• ation for hie better half : 'All the world is queer, excepting thee and me, and thee is a little queer.' What he boped._ row youWhat about was it that Fogg y me ?' Bagga—'He said you were no better than you should be.' Brown—'Well, I hope you told him THE BRUSSELS POST the impression that he is iu great The American nail suffers from pain.the dryueee of climate. es a foreign Labellue Fecit Vinum.--Patron I picture painttid on panel suffers (to druggist), I want some old port { from the same cense, for medical purposee. Druggist (to Diplomacy bas a long, supple essietant) : Jimmie, hove those .port band and a beautifully kept huger labels come over Iron the printer's nail. The handwriting of a diplo- yet ? Jimmie : No, sir. Druggist ,natlet looks like a snake Drawling (to patron), Sorry, sir, but we away, haven't any. Patron : 13ut what An aptitude for criticism is shown has the label got tb do with it ? among people who bite their unite, Druggist : Everything, srr, in our These people are oy.nical and severe business—everything. Sill, if you uncharitable and bitter ; they write are not perti:nter, I can give you a small, cramped, illegible band. a little with the sherry lithe'. The Chinese have finger nails so long that they could write with MILLIONS OF FIMII. them, The tenacity of the Chinese — mail, which dose not easily break, DO)IINION IIATOHEE) AT SANDWICH, would indicate that they have more "We haven't man • fish note ; only lime iu their bones than we have. about 2,000,000, and they aro all The English Haile are almost nu• pickerel," said William Hale, es iversaily rosy and shell like, and Instant at the Dominion fibh hateli. cut to a rounded, slightly tapering ery at Sandwich, to a reporter the pans,'kept ale nye scrupulously other day. "I wish you bad come clean. The slain at the baso is a few days sooner. Our season will Pushed back to allow the Onyx, a. close in three or four days, The little white helf•moon, work of the hatchery, although not The, onyx of the finger nails is a large one, is of the greatest inter- carefully cultivated and polished by est to those living upon the lakes. the Creoles of New Orleans to show It is ander the charge, as has been that 1118y bay no blaok blood in stated, of Mr. Parker, a man very their veins. No matte how fair experienced and skillful in his busi• the oomplexion the valuable sign of nese, end is devoted to the props p . the blood iswanting wa nti lto the octoroon gation of two of the most important • food fishes of the waters, the pinker- A SHOWER Oe' BLACK RAIN. I was. A witty and attractive young el and the white fish. This is said lady asked the following question : with all respect to the Thierblack self What is the difference between nay- with all rasped of anglers noble coil re - the cud a .clsak? Mademoiselle, bfere to the feeding of thousands, not makea clock forgetne the hours and you to the sport of the few. The piok- us them, was the re• erel ltael, uutil recently, been but 1 littlepropagated,one of the reasons p FMay I ask what the middle S in beingthedifficulty of obtaining its your name signifies, Miss Bullion ?' eggs, and the coach lies onlyof late 'Certainly, Mr. De Crashhe. It gg . stands for Shazzar: 'Sbazzar ?' begun to rally from the process of 'Yee ; I was named after an eminent depletion. This year the Dominion woman mentioned in the Scriptures hatchery bas released in their wet. —Belle Sbazzar.' era 85,000,000 white fish aocl 25, - Her mother was sowing some 000,000 pickerel. The hitter, if un seeds, and tried to explain to Mag. molested, would reach such a size as gie how they were put in the ground to rank as No. 1 fish in about three little seeds and came up plants. years. Of course, the number ro- Oh yea! she said, her face brighten- leased would be enormously reduced ing. They go to bedbabies and get by the voracity of other fish, but if up growed people. the two gocernmeuts would pass and What is that big iron thing full of enforce laws to compel the fisher - holes ? Locomotive boiler, said men to so increase the meshes of Tom Laura looked thonghful. their note as not to lake unmarket. After a moment's silence she asked, able fish, a few years would sero bet - Why do they boil locomotives ? ter sport for the angler and better Tom, looking amazed, To make hauls for the fishermen than could them tender, he said slowly. have been found in the days of Pon• A man in a car on a Maine rail- fisc. The system in operation at road thought that he felt a bog Sandwich is such as has been often Drawling on his neck, and grabbed described, but a few words regard. for it. Then there was a scream, mg it may not ba amiss. The and the man found himself clutch• spawn is taken from the fieh in the ing the back hair of a woman who Loie reHllaron regy in on,a and is state noght had been sitting behind him with her to large boxes. The season for collect• in back to his. ing the ova is, for white fish in the prWell, doctor, is there any tism. autumn, October being the height morning in mylcoy fro thus of the sane 'n, and for the pickerel am afraidfng ? Hardly, my friend ; g in late April and earl May.Once of the you'll ange to be thinkingoobtained, treatment inearly o the great sometimes consider. You do, r- identical, althougb by reason of the course,ofdeah. the car- different temperature of the water, thinly death. Oh, yea, ryctore it requires five and a half months youht thought strikes mo every time to hatch white fish and about ten enter in room. days for pickerel. The hatchery 'Don'Lived oppose your has two engines, the larger, operat- couldraise,say couple lent church inga um g capable of drawing a could say a of thous. pump p and dollars for the leathern in my five inch stream from the river, and district?' Minister—'ButI thought during the active season there is there were no heathens where you constant income and outgo of pure are going. Missionary --'True, water, Up and down the hatchery there aren't any now, but then we proper are rows of racks upon which all live in hopes, you know.' are ranged great glass jars of several A. little Charlotte avenue boy did gallons capacity, giving the room not want to go to Sunday school. the appearance of a vast laboratory. His mother said: 'Why, Johnny, In these jars the eggs are placed don't you want to hear about heaven and through them is conducted a and the beautiful streets of gold ?' constant flow of water. The egg, Johnny thought a moment and then unhatched, is heavier than the wat- Enid, very decidedly : 'No 1 1 dens I er ; so soon, however, as the fish is don'f. If I hears 'bout it 1 won't free, it rises to the surface and be 'sprieed when I go.' passes, with the overflow, into a A lawyer was talking before a system of troughs, by which it is. Wisoonsin Judge on the weakness of conducted to a large storage tank, certain presumptive evidence when there to lamella until pecked in one the Judge interrupted him with :— of the large tin cans for shipment, 'You needn't talk any more. about A. peculiarity of the pickerel, not that. This court is presumed to even in the whitefish, is that as soon know something." To !hie the as the °Detente of the sack supplied lawyer murmured : 'Only another by nature for its nourishment dun proof of the weakness of all pro- ing its early infancy are exhausted, Bumptious.' it develops cannibalistic tendencies 'I like my Irish servant very and thinks nothing of eating its well," said a French lady, who twin brother. As a consequence, speaks English like a native. ,I pickerel cannot be kept for more like Bridget very well if she would than a week, and, if anything de - not try to educate me. She knows lays shipments, hundreds of thous. I em a French woman, sod she will ands of the little fellows are run persist in correcting my English. into the Detroit river through the For nearly ayear she has made a waste pipes. point whenever I have made any al- WHAT TOE 1INt ELtR TESTIFY.lueion to asparagus, to says : 'Spar. -rowgraas, ma'am, av you place. White hands with rosy palms, so "Riches take unto themselves beloved of our grandmothers have 'cringe and fly away.' said the teach- gone.out of fashion. er ; "wlab kind of riches are meant?' The American hand is Bra nller And the smart bad boy at the foot than the English hand, but the of the class said 'be reckoned ibey trails are not as handsome. must be ost•richesl' And the only It is said that people with imag- sound 'that broke the ensuing silende ination are apt to have long, taper wAs the sound that a real smart bad fingers and beautiful finger nails, boy makes when, without saying Bo in just so many words, be seeks to convey --and usually does convey— w, TCN C, &CCNS AND lig DLat A very strange atmospherical phenomenon was witnessed 10 Cas- tlecorner, Queea'e County, IJ.S., and surrounding district for about four miles on Saturday night, A general depression was felt all over the dis• tract at about 4 o'clock in the alter - noon, accompanied by lightning and thunder and a tremendous rainfall, which continued until about 7 o'olook. More lightning was ken apparent, and at 7:80 the towu of Castlecorner seemed to be envelop- ed in a thick black cloud. Animals were frightener!, dogs rushed to curd fro :n a wild and frantic state. At about 7:50 a thick blank ram fel!, sufficiently black to stain any white cloth and apparently impregnated with an insoluble duet. The water of the local streams and cisterns was discolored, and in many places conk' not be used for domestic pur- poses. The good natured °titles aro Feil to possess emel!, well.shapod nails, loaded frons plate to plate by Milos and tbeir handwriting is angular, of derricks. • . • ..,; 'il l liilll'. If yon want r"nr watch pat 111 good running order gu 14 JONES, THE iE WAT4D AKER, Dealer in Ladles' tt:nl Ueut's .olid Gold and Silver Watches, Cuff 13nttons, Bro•wltes, P:air-,anus, Gent's pins, roll plate vest chains and Necklets. Ho has also a nice stock of 'WALNUT, NIC1UJi AND FANCY CLOCKS, in fact everything that is kept in a first- class jewelry store. rS special attention given to the re - patting of tl'ate:u's. Salisfaution gliai- anteed. FLIRTATIONS AT SEA. Courtesy to fellow•passengers at sea is imporetivo. Nevertheless it is most unwise to form intimacies with ship acquaintonces.• Adven- turers of both sexes abound 00 the ocean vessels, and unfortunate in decd have been some of the compli- cations I' have known to arise from an indiscreet disclosure of family affairs to these persona. Reepoot- ing the flirtations which are so prevalent on shipboard, I wish 1 could "meet the eye" of every do• Dent girl who is about to traverse the ocean, and warn her, as she val- ues her good carne, tobewareof the many fascinating male foreigners whom business or pleasure calls on chipboard and who are ever wont to beguile the tedium of the trip by in- dulging in any amount permitted of flirtation, intrigue, or whatever you choose to dall it, with any nice•lnok• ing woman who will lend herself to their wiles. I recently made the trip on a vessel with a very 'respect- able family from one of our large western cities, an invalid mother, a groan daughter and some email okildreu. A very handsome young British officer, going out to join hie regiment in Canada, was among the passengers, and the girl's infatua- tion for him was so marked as to be at first ludioarous, Hien offensive to all the rest of the paseengere ou the vessel. With difficulty she was prevented from accepting his lnvit• ation to join him in his proposed trip to Niagara Falls. The purser, of the ship, as honest a soul as ever lived, took the matter in his own hauls, and never lost sight of the girl until he had. put her on board the far west train and soou her start home with her mother and small sisters and brothers. The steamer Champlain was burned on Lake Michigan and soy. era] lives were 'lost. The Governor-General gave a State ball on Wednesday night, which was a very brilliant affair, to which 1,500 invitations had been issued. They had what they called a "crazy sociable" down In Lambtoii county the other evening. The but - tor 'Wali brought in handcuffed to a email dog, the cheese chloroformed to prevent escape, Coffee was served with a straw, the meat came 111 in imitation of boot and shoe soles, and the bisottite wore loaded and tut. Jas. Jones, (,Queen's Hotel Block. Wear. Spootaclos and Eye -Glasses that will preserve your Lyeeigltt, Iufalliblo Blood Purifier, Tonic, Diuretic Loos of Appetite, Iudigestiou, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Jaundice, Liver Ownphliut, Rheumatism, an Kidney Diseases, Serorula, Diseases peculiar to Females, Solt Rheum, Eczema and all Skin Diseases, Eoodaohe, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour stomach and Heart Burn. Puraiyy Vu etable. JOHN 0. WEST 80 00., Toronto, On. H. DAZAR,TTS Manufacturing Optioian, late of rho Arm of Lazarus &i Morris, 28 Maryland Road, IIarrow Road, London, England, has ap- pointed an agont for tiro Renowned Spec- tacles and )'lye -Classes which have been before the pallia for the past 25 years. Lazarus' bpeataaloa never tire the eye Last many years without change. For Sale by H. L. JACKSON, BRUSSELS, - ONT. MONEY TO LOAN. NYPEIVA'7'E FUNDS. Any Quantity of Wool Wante —AT THE 13RtJSSELS— oolen Mill eaos, 00 of Private Funds have just been placed in my hands for In- . vestment. AT 7 PER CENT. Borrowers can have their loans complete in three clays if title is satisfactory. Apply to Highest Afgarket 'Price Paid in exchange for fine Tweeds, coarse Tweeds, Check Flannels, in all wool and 'inion, Grey Flan- nels, and Blankets. Also Sheet- ing, in both Gray and White, fine and coarse Yarn, &o., of which I have a good supply ,NCS TY UN LLLIND• I am prepared to do all kinds of manufacturing, such as ROLL CARDING, SPINNING, WEAVING, TWISTING, COLORING, FULLING, &o. Satisfaction anaranteedv E. E. WADE. JUNE 24, 1887 Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty, at LOWEST DATES, Smith 6- Ross are prepared to attend to CARRIAGE: PAINTING in all its branches, as well as Sign, and OTna7meltta1 Painting. All kinds of Knitted Goods Made to Order, Give Mo a Call before dispos- ing of your Wool elsewhere. Yours truly, GEO. HOWE. PfOIVA'f E AND COMPANY FUNDS They have had years of exper- ience and they guarantee their work to give satisfaction. A rig well painted is hall sold. Estimates and terms cheer- fully given. GIVE L'S A CALL. Shop in the old 'Pon' Publishing House, King street, Brussels, Smith & Ross. 11r. B. DICESON, Solicitor, Brussels, Ont. MONEY To LOAN 1 J JURON AND RECTOR Loan &Investment Co. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 & 61, Per Cent. Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to • A. Hunter, Division. Court Cleric, Brussels. This Company is Loaning Money on Form Security at Lowasr BATES OF INTEREST. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 8, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time lot. • OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, itode- rich. Horace Horton, 1klAN AGN [t. It:r_ 7,31 zlriE HERE 11,E ARE AGAIN ! After another long winter and lots of op- position I am still alive and in a bettor position than ever to attend to the wants of the Public, having just T?entorccl to the Store South of J. Buyer's Caiiiage 1Vorlrs. I am prepared to Execute all Orders Promptly. GRAINING, GILDING, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTING in all its branches .l TV✓ 'T.,;I�GS ,1ND SHOP BT JY'DS I Done Up in Style. PAPER HANGING a Specially. kI WSit. Roddick,'�+f" THE WILSON r'011t,i '. AT GREATLY edueea Prices I Wo have on hand the following : Lancl Rollers, Plows, Harrows, Soufflers, Horse Powers, Straw Cutters, Turnip Cutters, Grind- ing or Chopping Mills, best make, and 1 Good Second Hand Lumber Wagon. TAKE— NOTICE. Wo have started a Planer and Matcher to work. Parties wishing to have Lumber Dressed and Matched, Or Flooring sized,' tongued and grooved may rely On getting first-class jobs t It the most reasonable terms. Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to. at the BDUSSET,S FOUNDRY. W. R. Wilson, IIAVING OPENED OUT AN Egg Emporium, in Grant's Block, Brussels, Next Door 10 the Post Office, I am prepared to Pay CAsei for any quantity of Eggs. BRING ALONG ALL YOU HAVE and Remember the Stand. rIt1I _Mmes