The Brussels Post, 1887-6-24, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST romairassaisassasanspasaiemairsaser olid EtiSEME•rdE. Strayed—F, LeBon. For Sale -7. W. Fear: Leeals—Walter Costs. For Sale—J, R. Grant, Locale—Geo. Thomson. Found—PoaT Pub, House. Monster Show—T, K. Burk, Tenders Wanted—Geo. Hood. Lost—Post Publishing House. tin Nxllssels Vast. FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1887. THIS Dominion Parliament was expected to prorogue on Thursday or Friday of this weak. The session has nut been marked by any partic- ularly noticeable legislation, outside of the changes in the tariff and mat tare of minor importance. HER Majesty's Jubilee was cele brated in a very patriotic and en• tbuelastio manner in great many places iu both the New and Old world, but it was left to old London to eclipse all others in their demon• stration. The Queen received a great many complimentary and con- gratulatory messages, none wore more expressive of kindly feeling and sentiment than the one Bent by President Cleveland. The National Anthem, and "Rule Brittania" wore very popular airs during the week. WE think it is about time our citizens awoke to their own interests in the matter of local celebrations on the regularly appointed holidays. ('here was a time when the Queen's Birthday was right royally celebrat- ed in Brussels and a good day's fun enjoyed, but for years we have al lowed other towns to supplant us and the consequence is our residents go, in large numbers, to these plea. es and spend their money inetead of leaving it at home. People who are inclined to kick at almost every thing proposed gay the hotelkeepers are the only ones bonefittecl on these days, but we thinly not. As a rule they give about three times ns much as anybody else to aid these celebra• Clone but the butcher, the baker, the grocer and others also share in whatever advantage there is. We have a nice pleasant park, a tip-top band, dozens of local athletes and a fun loving community en the sooner we wipe the duet off our spectacles and look a little into the future the better for ourselves. Probably the chief reason fol dropping the local holiday was the advent of Caledon- ian games but'as this kind of sport has been almost run to geed iu our country there le no reason why some of the old fashioned sports should not be revived. What is wanted is someone to take the lead in thie matter and an energetic committee would soon arrange a program, Our duty as citizens is to build up home ahead of everything else but this will never be attained unless an of fortis made to shake ogrselvee out of our present lethargy. It may be too late to do anything this season but the questioon of a big celubra. tion for next year can be !rept in view and token up in time to ensure MUSS. txenor•a.i News. Gen. Boulanger is to receive a command in the French army. The Haitian and Beach race in Austra- lia is set for November 25. Over two hundred pilgrims were drown- ed while trying to cross the Danube. The loss at the Havemeyer's refinery fire in New York was over a million. One hundred thousand people in Asia Minor are threatened with starvation. The Dutch Parliament has passed a bill temporarily extending the franchise. Russia is again threatening Turkey in oonneetion with the overdue war indemn- ity. rebellion in the Argentine Republic has been suppressed at the coat of 400 Yves. A. lawyer named Henderson crossed from Dover to Calais in a six foot canoe in eleven hours. Secretary Whitney is co'heidered to be the best dressed man in the United States Cabinet. The parents of a pair of Boston twine named one Shaul and the other Taneous, because they were born at the same time. Italian astronomers place the age of the world at 80,000,000 years, and are agreed that it haebeen peopled for about 50,000,000 years. Bordeaux, France, is said to supply more oaaes of appopleay than any other Elace of equal population in the world. xcessive drinking is the cause. The Temperance movement is steadily gaining ground in Denmark. It is re- ported that there are now about 86,000 pledged total abstainers in that country. A Wieconain Norwegian sold his wife for a hog weighing 164 pounds, but after six weeks bought her beak for a calf and two shoats. He had to lose her to learn her value. The Russiati Government threatens to prohibit the use in Lutheran churches of prayer books and hymnals printed in the Gorman language. The suppresion of German teaohingin the Dorpat Univers- ity is imminent. The Queen removed from Windsor Castle to Buokingham Palate, and was received with great enthusiasm in Lon- don, A Dubuque grocer named Scott offered to let a woman named Taylor strike hit( with a codfish for 26 Dente. It was all a joke, you know, but she paid the money, gave the codfish a whirl or two, and when it hit grooer Scott it broke his jaw and tore off part of his ear. General Sheridan, it ie said, carries his wife's pooket.handicerohief when ho goes out shopping with her, If Mrs, She. ridan, in exobange for this piece of gal. lantry, she Carries her husband's pocket- book when she goes out shopping with him she hag rather the best of the bar. gain. An insurance paper has been colleoting the statistics of suicide in the United States. Among the moat singular and perplexing things is the fact that "the classification by condition shows a great- er proportion of euioides among the mar- ried than the unmarried, which is con- trary to the accepted theory. .5. olaseidoation is now made of the rich Jews of London from which it ap- pears that 100 are very rich, having a total imamate of 55,000,000 ; 1,400 aro rioh, with a total income of 57,000,000 ; 800 are well to do, with an average in- come of over $2,500 each ; 200 are retired professionals ; 8,000 shopkeepers, 2,000 traders, 1,000 servants and assistants, 1,884 are poor and 3,423 very poor. A recent report of the Pasteur Institute states that out of 2,628 patients who have been treated 2,104 had been bitten by an- imals which were undoubtedly mad, and that out of these 2,104 only 29, or 1.34 per cent., died. Before the discovery of this method the lowest death rate for persons ander' by rabies was 16 per cent., and the Secretary of the institute claims that 317 persons owe their lives entirely to Pasteur's discovery. Thomas Bull has just completed at Florence, Italy, a Large statue of P. T. Barnum. The statue is a marls of esteem tendered Mr. Barnum by his partnere in the show business. When the veteran showman was sitting for the statue he • made the proviso that it should not be erected until after his death. The statue will be cast in bronze, at the Royal Foun- dry in Munich, The face is said to be an excellent likeness of Mr. Barnum. The largest dam in the world is to be built across the upper end of the San Mateo Canon, about four miles west of the Village of San Mateo. The dam will consist of a solid wall of concrete from hillside to hillside. It will be 700 feet long, 170 feet high, 176 feet think at the base, and twenty feet thick at the top. The reservoir which will be formed by this dam witl have a capacity of 32,000,- 000 gallons, and sometime in the future will be connected with the San Francisco water -abed by a tunnel five miles long. Chicago, Ill., June the 10.—The Times publishes reports of orop conditions col- lected from 1,009 points in the North- west. Although wheat has been damag- ed by prolonged drought and intensely hot weather in some localities, the gene- ral prospects are very encouraging. There is a largely -increased acreage, eepeeially in Dakota, and the aggregate yield in the Northwest promises to be the largest ever known. The outlook for corn is very favorable. There will be short crops of timothy and flaxseed, and the barley crop also threatens to be a partial failure. There is an undertaker's clerk in At- lanta, Ga., who has a queer idea of fun. It has been his custom to dress himself in a shroud, lie down in an empty coffin, and then have a confederate get some un- suspecting citizens to come and help move hits out. And then as the ooflin was be- ing solemnly carried out he would jump out of the coffin, yell like a, Comanche Indian and laugh with delight at the ter. ror of the carriers. But the other day some victims, who didn't see where the fun came in, had him arrested, and he was fined. He is now trying to invent a less expensive joke. A great International Sunday School Convention iu session in Chicago, 1,000 delegates being In attendance from all parts of the United States and of she Do- minion. Commenting upon the work of the Sunday school, the Chicago Newe says that there is abundant proof that it has prospered in the faot that last year there was a gain in the United States alone of 1,459 schools, with 865,645 eoholars and 68,452 teachers. The report shows that the Sunday schools of the country con- tain 8,084.478 children under the instruc- tion of 1,107,170 teachers. These enor- mous figures alone are proof of the power of the institution which Robert Raikes founded not so many years ago in the most humble manner. Another peculiarity of Mexican life is that everybody lives over a shop, if the house be of two storeys, or uses his lower floor for stabling the hores, quartering the servants, eto. Even millionaires of- ten rent the ground floor of their swelled residence for business purposes and no- body seems to have any domestic use for their lower front rooms, which Americans consider moat desirable. Go to call upon a bishop, or some other high dignitary, or upon, any family of known wealth and if there is not a shoemaker pegging away at his bench just inside the front door, or a tailor shop, or hair -dressing or blaok- emithing establishment, you are obliged to epueeze past carriages standing in the passageway, or run the gauntlet of horses' heels, besides 'viewing the para. phenolic,. of the forever -open kitchens and smelling the next meal's menu. The New York Independent has collect- ed atatisties showing the strength of the principal religious denominations in the United States 1 Ch's Min're Memb. Methodists 47802 29498 45325.58 Roman Catholics 6910 7658 4000000 Baptists 40854 27880 8728020 Presbyterians 12868 0429 1082436 Lutherans 7678 8990 080820 Congregationalists 4276 4090 486879 Episcopalians 4524 3865 480531 In this table only the actual communi- cants of the Roman Catholic Church are counted with that body. The a gregase Catholic population is put at about 7,000,- 080. The small, separate bodies of Chris- tians are classified and counted with the denominations to which they belong, and the total number of communicants or actual church members ie estimated at 16,000,000, The Irishmen of San b'ranoisoo are about to start a school of Glolio, The Pope is sending messengers on a epeeist mission to the Trish bishops, Boston has a mayor's olub, composed of ex -mayors of the Hub, which has a monthly dinner at soma restaurant. A man in New York Saye he always feels like raising his hat when he segs a nice little flower plot in front Of a house. A girl wholately died in Auburn, N. Y,, had preserved the love letters of 31 dif- ferent young men, and she had looks of hair from most of their heads. No sane girl oven burns a love letter. Postmaster -General Vilna, of the Unit- ed States, has it force under hint which numbers between 95,000 and 96,000 men, The Poatofmce Department in a pitched battle could probably 'clean out" the War Department. Vienne.—Later particulare show that the recent furry accident at rake, on the Danube River, was mull worse than was at first reported. It is estimated that 300 persona were drowned. Over 200 bodies have been recovered. Lightning struck a flock of? flying geese in California recently, and killed six of them. What will be thought of this by people who believe that the plane of safety in a thunder -storm is the mid- dle of a feather bed? An editorial writer for the Cleveland Leader states in that paper that he look- ed through Sir Walter Soott's library at Abbotsford a few weeks ago and did not find a single American book among the 20,000 volumes there preserved. Mr. Gladstone says :—My age as well as my engagements precludes lny visiting Amerios, but I never lose an opportunity (and I found an excellent one at Cardiff) of saying what seams to me likely to strengthen the union of our country, and of giving weight to the judgement of America on the great (for it is a great) Irish question. Tho Government printing office at Washington cost last year 52,798,896.40. The salaries of the controller and other officials amounted to 517,484.77, while the wages of compositors, pressmen, machin- ists, bookbinders, Sm., reached the gigan- tic. sum of 51,959,619.97. The expenses of bringing out the "Congresaional Re- cord," amounted to 5125,615.05 ; for steel engraving& and lithographic prints 5148,- 780.20 were expended ; and the printing connoted with the Census Report cost 590,211,85 ; printing, the., for the Senate oust in the last year $183,456.05 ; the cor- responding charge for the House of Re- presentatives was set down at 5303,468.- 18. An interesting item of 5789.67 ap- pears for paper used for "proofs" of print- ed papers. Canaetian News. The House of Comm ons threw out the bill for the divorce of Susan Ash. In the House of Commons it was decid- ed to drop the proposed export duty on elm loge. The Manitoba loan 00 51,000,000 is said to have been taken by A .T. Drummond, of Montreal, for a London syndicate. An Ottawa rumor is to the effect that Mr. Carling, Mr. Ohapleau and Mr. Fos- ter will be admitted into the select com- pany of Canadians knights. The opinionis held by prominent Quebec politicians that owing to the pres- sure on his friends Mr. Ohapleau will not acoopt the Lieutenant -Governorship, but will remain at hie present post. It is stated that the contested eleotions in Three Rivers of Sir H. Langevin and Hon. Mr. Turootte will be dropped, also the contestations of the seat held by Messrs. Trudel in Champlain and Duples- sisin St. Maurice. Throughout Canada the Queen's jubi- lee was celebrated in a right royal mea- ner, demonstrations being held at St. Thomas, Woodstock, Seaforth, Belle- ville, Owen Sound, Niagara, Halifax, Hamilton and other places in Ontario. Jubilee religious services were held at Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and other cities. The two evangelists of the American Southern States, Sam Jones and Sam Small, will hold a week of continued re- vival services at Grimsby park this sum- mer, from Tuesday, Ang. 23rd, to Monday Aug. 29th. There will be services each day, afternoon and evening. Sam Small, according to present arrangements, will be in advance of his brother evangelist, and'will take the services for the first couple of days, An admirable list of ser- vices and lectures has been prepared for July and August, the program including the names of numbers of well-known Canadians and Amerioans. 141ARM F011 SALE,—THE UN derelgned olere hie exoellont 100 'tore farm, beingg North 3 Z of 28, flan, 5, Morrie, 10 sale. Tlioreare about 00 acres cleared, the balance hardwood bush. The buildings are in good repair. Phere le en orchard, wells end e13 the ueoesury conveniences. The farm Slimily 2 miles from Bru smile and in a gond leoalfty. Possession would be given immediately, There aro 00 porus of Fall Wheat in, Dor further particulars se to price, tame, ka„ apply to the proprietor oaOtte pamnlsos. EDWARDAUBREY, 86.3m• Brnssele P. 0, VAR Jf FOB SALE.—THE SUB- srninan elfars 40r ealo his valuable 100 acre Lunn, being lote, con, 30, Grey, anti situated 11 miles from Brunie, The place Will bo sold with or without the atop and on easy terms Poteesslon will be given at any time. For further partioulurs 00 to prion, terms, &o., apply to the proprietor ne the promisee. The above farm will he offered for sale. by Public Auction, an the premises, on WuD• NaeDAY, JOEY ail, at 3 Waxes P. M. 38.6m R. 1.f0NAUGIITON, Brussels, Fortin Vox - The suboerioer offers for sale ble valuable Farm in the Township of Grey, comprising lots 8 and 7,000.11 in said township. This farm eantaine 200aoree and within 13 miles from the thriving ylllage of Brussels, with goadgravel roadleediag thereto. About 160 acres are cleared, free from stumps and In a high state of eultivatico, The balance to IID, ly wooded. This farm is particularly wellfeneed,nearly the whole of the fences being straight and having been eroded in 1886 and '86. On the promisee there in a com- fortable log dwelling house and agoo dframe barn with stone stabling underneath in which there is a well with an abundant sup- ply of excellent water. There is likewise a new frame implement house, 40x28, well floored ,above and below, and neatly sided and painted. For particulars apply to the Proprietor, SAVES 010080N, Registrar, Enron 00., 18-tf Goderleh- Brussels Lime Works I STILL AHEAD. The enb scribers tare this opportunity of returning thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels and violuity for past patronage and. beg to state that haring medo several improvements in their kiln and mode of burning they are now in a bettor position than ever before to supply the Public with First-Ulnss Lime. This being the Thirteenth Season of aur buaii.eee dealings in Brussels, and having given unanaliaed satisfaction so far, the public can rely on receiving gaol treatment and a Plrst•Olaea Artlole from us. Firet-Olas. Lima at 13 (oath at the kiln. We also burn a No.1 Lime for Plastering et 16 cents, Remember the spot—Brussels Lane works. 41 Town & Son. LIMB ! LIJ.B ! The best Lime in tho Domin- ion may be had at the ORANBROOK LIME WORKS For 13 cents per bushel. V. GRAMM, 47 PROPRIETOR, the very beat quality of Boots and Sell at the very Lowest Living Profit. Over Three Thousand Pairs of Boots in Stook, Boots Made to Order and Repairing promptly attended to. Adam Good. M" Sign of the "Big Red Boot." Positively the ONLY SHOW that will visit the Do- minion this Season. COMING ON I'TS OWN SPECIAL TRAIN IN ALL ITS OVERSHADOWING COMPLETENESS, Burl's New United Monster Railroad Shows WELL ycxuri 3IT AT BRUSSELS, JUNE 28, 1887. PUEBLO BILL'S NEW WILD WEST. Full 100 Brilliant Arenic Meteore. Great Universal Trained Animal Exposition. Nature's strangest vagaries and apt artistic excellence in unison unrivalled, Grand convocation of wonderlands marvellous miracle. Presenting more that is absolutely now and original than over before concentrated for popular favor, Pronounced by the press and public of Ontario the very boat show that ever visited the Dominion. The 5250,000 Drove Eduoated Arabian and Mexican Horses, Unbridled, untram. meled in the aslua, understand spoken language, obey by word, and alive in a series of foate hitherto deemed impoeeiblo. Must be aeon to seem oreditable, Two grand exhibitions daily, rain or shine. Doors open at 1 and 7 p.m. 'Price of ,c .dtnitttfslon Only' 26 Coutts. The POS BOOKSTORE is the Place to Buy JUNE 24, 1887 Fancy Hand Baskets, HANDSOME FANS, STRONG EXPRESS WAGONS, •TOY CARTS AND 4, 6 & 6 BALL CRCQVET SETS. All the School Books, Toys, Fan- cy Articles, &c. Bats, Balls, Hammocks. A New Stock of Harmonicas, Miscellaneous Books contain- ing interesting stories. —FIRST-CLASS— NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES. Any book not in stook Ordered and secured in a few days. ICALL AT The Post Booksto re. 100,000 lbs. Wool -'VCTANZ'ED for the Season of 1887, at the LISTOWEL WOOLEN FACTORY ! HIGHEST PRICE PAID, I wish to call your attention to the fact that I keep on hand a tremendous stook of goods to exchange for Wool. I am ds• termined to make this Wool season ono of the largest, and as the Wool season is at hand, it will be necessary that you should look around. and deoide where to make your purchase iu • WOOLEN GOODS. My stock is open for yourinspection, and is the beat selected stook ever shown by any Woolen Factory in Canada. y Low ?viols will aston>oh ovorybodyi Do not be led away by shoddy Pedd- lers and others, but come and deal direct with one who is endeavoring, to the best of his ability, to give first-class work in Roll Carding, spinning and man- ufacturing Tweeds, 1 lannels, Blankets, etc., and deal honestly with everybody. Thanking my numerous customers for their past favors, would beg to say come and bring your neighbor to see my stock, as you will be highly pleased to see goods so low in price. You will find me ready to give the moat prompt and careful at- tention to all. Yours respectfully, B. F. Brook. LOOK SERE ? !say= you 1 lb. of good Green Tea for B5c. 1 Ib. of good Black Tea for 87,o. 1 lb. of good Japan uncolored Tea for 871.c. and a HANDSOME CHINA OUP AND SAUCER with every pound. Give it a Trial. CHOICE COOKING RAISINS at 6 Cents c lib., or 20 lbs. for $1.00. I would call special attention to my large stock of China, Crockery and Glassware, which is the largest in town. Come alld See China Tea $5.00. Chamber Sets, 9 pieces, at $12.00. All to be had at the NEW YORK STORE. Sets at Cheapest Spot in Town for Groceries. Try the New Era Baking Powder. A handsome present given with every Can. Next Door to B. Gerry's Hardware. WALTER COATS. P. S.-2 Brooms for 25 cents. "slope", • 1 a