The Brussels Post, 1887-6-24, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST Dirootory of %Tolle; tooiotios. I Pig8 rsquire Pl°11tY g°Qa teed fed reghlarty,. aeon quarters u proper Ore. Witbout either oraeotif kteavnim Quinten.-Be at 11 a.m. and MO p.m. Smelly School at 2:30 p. rn. Bev. John 'twee, 33. A., pastor. Zoo 011I/Ro11.-Sabbatit Services at 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. in. Burnley SehOol 2:80 p. In. Rev. S. Jonos, pastor. Jontes Ounce.--Sehbath Bervieee at 3,1 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9:30 emu Rev. W. T. Cluff, incumbent. 11.1ETHODIST Cuonon.-Sabbath Services at 10:80 0,. in. and (tee p. in. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Wm. Smyth, pastor, BOMAN OATEOLI0 CIIURCII,-Sabbath Servioe third Sunday in every month, 8,1 11 a.m. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest. ODD PELLoWs' Loam every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MASONIC Lovas Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 IT W. LODGED 011 lot and 3rd HOW. 8 these requirentente, no matter how good stock lo farmer may have to begin with, he will not be etweess- end hie stock will goon begin to deteriorate. Salt Rheum Cured. McGregor & Perko's Carbolic, Comte has been tried and found to be the Only positive aura for Salt Mown• 'Sletchea 015 face or Isauds,Cuts. Burns, 13rulees, or any Sorethat nothing else will heel. Be sure and get the pueblo, made by idecroeor & Parke. Prioe 25c. Selst at Hargreaves Drug stere,Brussele. Buttermilk, or skitn.inillc thicken- ed with middlinge, makes au ex collect food for young pigs after they have been weaned, but they should Oen have grass. Avoid feeding mud' corn. Growing pigs ehould not be mado fat, bat kept in day evenings of each mouth. . .1. • r, growing condition, EMMERT' Lome 2na sna htst Monday e ..rn.y evenings of each month, in Smale's hall. •"They have it larger We in nay district," L. 0. L. let Monday in Very month, pettuVisoil‘tehelguporwkont,dclungdgielyt.outthbezie booty e..tlitiesr in Orange Hall. faction foreick headset°, billiousness'in- . POST OFFIcE.-O°° hours from 8 a.m. digeetion, ate., acid when oombiued witl .1 ohneou'e Tonle Bitters, Solinson's Tonic' INSTITUTE, Reading Boom ligelocie done before for sufferiiivume: nd MECUM:1CW i to 7 pan. erPills will perform what no other 0 and Library, in Holmes' block, will be ity.•• Pills 21 cents per bottle. %Meg 450 open from 6 to 6 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays cents and 81 per bottle. 0014 at D embnares and. Saturdays. Miss Jessie Boss, Lib- deuestere,hrussas. A lazy horse eau be taught to walk rarien. fast by driving him alone and 0011 Farm N °tem. tinually urging him to move a, de- sired. Any particular word, prompt - If vonr hens feed on the =Intim ly uttered every tune the whip is ' applied, will 110011 give him to under- stand what es reqtured. A system- atic coarse of lessons at short inter- vals must be given, in order to suc- ceed. pile and drink barnyard water, 4011 expect eggs with a delicious flavor. West's World's Wonder, The demand is steadily Ineronsing for this truly popular remedy for rheumatism end all kindred diseases. SU. 08111 00. All druggists. Tho shell of hatching eggs will be easier broken by the chicks if occa- sionally moistened with warm water. mesa suffering could be avoided by con- stantly keeping a supply of 'West's Pain Sing in the house. A certain cure for Mix, dysentery, cramps, chills. colic, cholera end cholera morbus. Diets. 211 druggists. Mainly no Goosennitates.-Pow- dered charcoal Is recommended as a preventive and cure for mildew in gooseberries. Pairs cannot exist after the patient has taken a single dose of West's PB111King. the Magic Cure. Do not bo induced to take a substitute, but insist upon having West's Pain Sing. 25e. All druggists. Cover the floor with dry dirt ur sawdust, In order to absorb the dampness from the feet, thus adding to the comfort of the poultry house. Winter has ranee and now comes sum- mer, wit11 all the terrors of cholera, bowel complaint, flux, cholera. infantum. Provide for emergencies by purchasing at once a bottle of West's Pain Xing. 250. 211 GAltp,,-Ond cup molasees„ one cup euear, two tableepoenfuls black pepper, two tableepoonfule ebgtitut°t:ra.; ut‘tivi(Qf )) thirdeistiliarlsown' urnillnek, fieuvle) (sups flour, one leaspoonfal soda. Dewoaxe Pm -Whiter; of two eggs, four tablespoonfule 01100011. one large spoonful flour, out oup white eugar, one sup cold water ; flavor with lemou. Lino a pie pieta wite pastry, pour in ft mixture and bake at made. MoGrogodto Lung Compound, Have yen 0 bed (Thigh, 0111101310 3100.1180. 0005, 0, leollug of Lightness in the Chest, Weak Lungs, or any similar complaint ? It so ,bny obottlo of IdeGregor's Lung Com. ponna ab mice. It will euro you. It 000. 001110 outirely new seethes, uf which one 4080 00 mere effectual 33308 00 whole bottle of the 000 11,110 remedies. It is rut up, in 50e. and 81.03 bottles. ;Sold by John SBA, grimes ct Oo., druggists, Brussel& Try it, and you will never have reason to cometani. Lnlion PIE, -One and one.half oups water, two teaspoonfuls corn staich, one oup sugar, a small lump butter, three eggs, beat the yolks and whites separately, stir the yolks 111 tke water and cornstarch and the whites for frosting. ODENHEOL flaPINS -One and our half cups cornmeal, the game of Baur, two teaspoonfuls belting pow - dew, half cup sugar, half teaspoonful salt, small teaspoonful melted butter. two eggs, milk enough to make a stiff batter. Important P0119 Item. CoonsTown.-"Mrs. Campbell hes been troubled for n number of years with Ind!. gestion end Constipation, and was inallOOd to try McGregor's Speedy Cure and found it all tent 'MIA needed. She would reoommend its nee to any person similarly troubled." This invaluable remedy 18 0014 10 ovary part of Carman at 50010. and 81,03 per bottle. Sold at John Hargreaves & Ws drug store, 13russels. 0131CRANT Pie. -Ono teacup mash- ed currants (canned ones will do,) one teacup sugar, two eggs, two tablespoonfuls flour and um teacup cold water ; bake with one crush. Wheu done make a frosting of the two whites and spread on top. Invisible but Instantaneous. 211 301110 or aches will bo instantly remov- ed by a few drops of Fluid Ligntning applied over the affected parts. No time lost • no nauseeus medicines needed; no poulticing or using 5110007 011110181100. It will not blister or disoolor tee skin. Sold at 25o. per bottle by 7no.Hargxeaves & Co., Druggists. Suffer. ere from Neuralgia assure rus that they uev er fear it when their house 0081001015 00 bottle Of Fluid Lightning. CREAM C00RIES.-008 cup 8011r cream one up sugar, one teaspoon- ful ada and one of cream tartar, with a teaspoonful lemon juice, a very little gritted nutmeg and two tablespoonfuls caraway seed, Mix lightly and roll out as soft se poe- Bible, using just flour enough to keep them from Blacking to the board. DYSPEPSIA CURED, Mr. R. Walker, of Waterford, says :- "Dyspepsia has been my wife's trouble for a long time past, and she has suffered greatly with it ; bat, thanks to Dr. Car- son's Stomach Bitters, she is oompletely loured. It acted very nicely, and did not sicken or gripe her while [taking it. If people only knew about the•Carson Stom- ach Bitters there would not be so much suffering in the world." PINEAPPLE Farreens.-One pint milk, ono pint flour, three eggs, a little Balt, .one teaspoonful baking powder ; add one pint or less pine• apple cut into small pieces. Beat the eggs well, add part of the milk and salt, then the flour and milk al ternately , cook immediately, by dropping it in by the spoonful into hot lard. SURE PROTECTION. The mnintenanee of a healthy state of the syste11 is the surest protection against disease • experience has shown that by the nee of 1)r. Carson's Stomach and Constipa- tion Bitters, a perfect state of health can be assured. It frees the system from all impurities, cleanses and purifies the blood. For sale by all Druggists at 50cts. a bottle. 1)r. Werner, in Germany, fed tamp with rations containing pure cane sugar and sugar beete. He found that sheep receiving pure sugar developed lees rapidly than threw fed with sugar beets, and that the food was more costly iu the formor than m the latter case. He therefore recummende against pure sugar and in favor of sugar beets for Itunbe. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Whiting or ammonia in the water .druegists. is preferable to soap for cleaning For spraying apple trees for Cad. iodows or palut. ling moth, the preparation shoul(7 be one pound of Paris green or London purple to two barrels or one hundred gallons of water. Vain clarinet exist after the patient has taken a single doze of Weet'sPranKing. the Inag10 cure. Do not be induced to take a .substitute, but theist upon having West's Pain King Sold by au druggists, It 18 8, true, if not g new, saying, that a man will succeed the best with a breed in which he fettle an especial interest, because he will give to ench a breed the care neeesaary to make West% World's Wonder, or Family Lini- ment, cerise rheumatism, neuralgia, 01188, burns, enrage, and bruises. 250, and eacts. A.11 druggists. The lustre of morocco may be re- stored by varnishing it with the white of an egg. Apply with a, sponge. West's Pala Mug cures the worst ease of colic in five minuted. Cures •ohills, cramps, cholera, and cholera nimbus. 25e. All druggists, Washing the Lauda twice a day with ournmettl, and rubbing on a lit. a 1111000138ofit. Ile glycerine at night, will keep 'Re en Your Guard. them soft and white, and surely develope itself into Catarrh, when you. Always reliable. 250. A.Ildruggists. Don't allow a cold. in tlie head to slowly Wast'sLiver Pills will never disappoint you can be cured tor 15e. A few applies- To remove grease from coat col - aloes willeure incipient Catarrh. One or two bexeswill Ottra Ordinary Catarrh. Ouo litre and the glossy look from the to 5 boxeS oure chronic Catarrh. tr y D Ohs e's Cauadian Catarrh Oure--it wi 1 elbows and seams, rub with a cloth '00110 750. It has been demonstrated that calves pay better when kept until ten or twelve weeks old than when sold as soon es born. They will give lo return for all the milk they -consume, 0E4 well as lessen the eup. ply of milk marketed. Spring and Summer. Prepare the body for health end Tiger 010 taking Dr. Chase's Liver Cure. No Spring Medicine °quail It. It stimulates the Liver, aide Digestion, and purifies the blood. Large bottle and Recipe Book, 31,05. Sold by all druggists, The luxuriant growth of thistles and other noxious weeds, to be seen upon most 0( 0111 highways, would incline a person to believe that there were no laws providing fax the abatement of the nuisance. A large dooter's 11111 10 often saved by Sek- iya in time a few dowse of Wostql idler PlUs,tbo standard remedy for liver cam - plaint, dyspepeia, indigestion, and sick headache, Me. Ali druggists. An excellent egg•produoing food 10 one part corn meal, two parts bran, two parts ground oats, one part ground meat and one part middlings, to 'which may bo added a small proportion of bone meal and salt ; scald it and feed early in the morning. 1151(1008s, Thin flair, ste. Those Who are bald, who have gray or thin hair, or who are troubled with dandruff should 100500 10 a bottle of Dr. Dorenwend's "10air Magic." It la the finest prupsration for the hair and goal tow 10 use. It is ran • idly superoading All other hair tonits. It steps blithe, restoreg the original color to gray halt end Mr baldnOns, where there are the slightest poinsible r005s, 10 will Meanie a fine groWth of hair. 316 not wait until too late but got 0 bottle 0,0 0800, e. 3. Delo- mien acid J, Hargreaves & 00,, Agorae, 13050 - eels. The calves want Corn Meal to make fat, Which will keep them Warm, bran to minium° and EineW, oats ground to make muscle end time, and linseed meal to keep the bowels healthy and the pone open and to make the whole animal ma. chime), work. dipped in amnion's. Weet'e Liver Pills cure clot headache, dys- panda, indigestion 0011(1.1iverloompla1nt. 250. All druggists. The most effectual remedy for slimy and greasy drain pipes is cop- peras dissolved, and left to work gradually through the pipe. Cor 0A0100.' -One cup sugar, one tablespoonful of butter, one ettp of milk, one egg, three imps flour and ona teaspoonful of baking powder. Thousands owe their recovery from Rheumatism to West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment. It is ooneected every- where to be the best known remedy for Rheumatism ,nuts,Brulees,Eiprains, 33 urns, Scalds, and all diseases requiring external application. Price 25 cents and 50 acute per bottle. Sold by all druggists. GLASS 0.u�. -Four eggs beaten light, one glass sugar, one gloss flour, two teaspoonfuls baking pow- der, flavor with lemon or vanilla. SUGAR Coomes.-Two (sups sugar, wne oup butter, one half cup Meet milk, four eggs, three teaspoonfuls balling powder ; flatter with nutmeg. Sows CREAM (3001IIEB.-011p 80111 cream, cup sugar, small teaspoonful' •soda, a little salt, flour enough to make a soft dough and flavor with lemon. "Never Trlod It." What; Never tried' Solintion's Toole Bit- ters! Thou 110 50 at once, it's positively the boat general tonic OD the market l've often heard of it but thought that 11 wee to be Mace don the list or the mealy trashy pre- parations that flood our market. but since you reconireenh ft no highly I'll give It e trial. no eo, it's good for 0,07 complaint in wide!). a tonic le of benefit, and can he taken by man, woman, or ehild. 50ots. and 81 par bottle at Deadman'e drug store, Enigmas. MEAT BALLS.-Talio cold roast beef and shop fine, season with gait, popper and sage, put in one egg, Mike into little balls and fry in but- ter or drippings. WRITS Qm-Whites of six eggs, two cups sugar, three sups flour one onp sweet milk, three-fourtha oup butter, two teaspoonfuls cream tar - I tar, one teaspoonful soda. heavy comforters whieli admit of no ventilation, but, iustoncl, absorb and retain' the ex halatien from the body. Bede and bed (nothing should be .aired frequently. Many housewives consider the airing of the sleeping room all snlAeient, but this is 1. mietake. Not only should watross- es bo turuod and aired at least three time a week, but pillows and bout. store ought lo be beaten, shaken and exposed to the SUE every two or three days. If beds and their (urn. tailings are not carefully cared for the bedding teeon coulee to have a atugy, disagreeable odor, and that odor means sleepless nights, for per • foot rest is gamed only in a bed that ie fresh and clean. 4111.11 D8JUGS MEDICINE Luria 3(0/118111 BLOOD BTRATzenD, Aug.5 '85, I have much pleasure in re' commending your Dr. J ug's Med- icine and Pills_ AB for the latter IsBn strongly recommend them. For the last five wooka I have been suffering from a severe pain in my right ride and have found the pills a meet effeetual remedy When other remedies have failed, 7110110 111017, E. B . LinEEN. Bold by G. A. Dominion, Brussels. PREECE RoLxis.-Of light bread dough take as mach as will make one loaf. Work into this one egg, one heaping tablespoonful dark, two of white sugar. Set in a warm place to rise. When light, work down, knead again; when very light and puffy, roll out. Jut with bis- cuit cutter. When raised, bake twenty minutes in quick oven. Mn. D. Anson, 21 Adelaide Street West. Toronto, writes :-"For a long time I have been troubled with a disordered Stomach, and at ices 30 got do bad that I was com- pelled to quit Work, and for days I could neither eat nor filoop, and the pain 11t my head was moot intense. I wail induced to try a bottle of Dr, Carson's Stomach Bit- ters. After taking throe dozes I was al. most completely restored to health. Aly appetite came back; the reeking headache was gone, and I never slept sounder in my life." Brew BAtte,-Two cups sugar, one and a half sups butter, one oup sweet milk, three ups flour, three teaepoonfuls baking powder, whites of five eggs. Bake in deep !quare pens. The following day out In two inch equates. Out off the crust and leave it white. Take each piece on a fork and frost it upon all sides and then roll in grated cocoa- nut. BEDS AND BED OLOTEING.-Tho covering of a bed ought to bo light as well as warm. Woolen blankets are far more healthful than are Inahshioo. Notes. Garnets are becoming fashionable. The crest•ehapecl bonnet has re- appeared. The real genuine, old time alpaca has oome back to favor. All yellow flowers are in fashion, and the dandelion holds flret rank. The newest sunshades shown in England have handles a yard and a quarter long. Seventy•two yards of lace can be gathered into the lace collars and ;abbots now so fashionable - Pendant oar drops are coming rti fashion agatn.The solitaire diamond earring has apparently had its day. Spite of the efforts of fashion avriters, dressmakers and milliners, helitrope ia not a popular color, 11 is "trying" to almost every variety of complexion. A new way of showing off a hand' some locket or pendant is wearing it attached to a dainty bit of ribbon on the left side of the corsage, in the style of military decoration. Parisian flower -makers are said to have doeigned plastrons, panels and ekirt•fronts made entirely of flowers mounted on the imitation trelliswork of twigs, it long garlaud of blooms being wound around the bodice en suite. A GENTS WANTED: Steady Employment to Good Men. None need be Idle, Previous Experience not essential. Wo pay either Salary or Com- mission. 100 Men Vanted To Canvas for the Salo of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. The Ponthill Nurseries, Largest in Canada, Over 400 A CrdS. Don't apply unless you can furnish first -class References, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work. ADDRESS Stone & Wellington, Ngrseryinen, • Toronto, Ont. Gems or Thought. bir Audrew Clarke define s health as that state in which the body 18 not consciously present to us -the state in which work is easy and duty not ever a great trial, in which it is a joy to see, to think, to feel, and to bo. Life needs for its happiness, and character for its stability, a definite eim, endrgetiaally and regularly pursued. 'Whatever monotony there its in that is itself an element of happiness which men cannot afford to do without. It gives security, confidduce, and brunt in themselven and in each other. It gives rest to life and makes relaxation possible and pleasurable. As the pleasure the year finds in rhyme is said to arise from it as re- currence at measured periods, from the gratified expectation that at certain intervals certain effects will be repeated, so it is in life; the re- currence of the things that are the same or similar, the content in the fulfilment of expectations so familiar and so gentle that we are scarcely concoious that they were formed, have a harmony and a charm, and often make the only difference be. tween life's poetry and its prose. Nearly every intelligent youth knows something of his own bias. Ho knows whether he is inclined to be hasty or phlegmatic, idle or dili- gent, frugal or extravagant, selfish or generous. If, according to this knowledge, he will cultivate assidu- ously those qualities in which he is deficient, seeking opportunity for their exercise and resolutely bring- ing them to the front whenever they fall into the rear, he will acquire an ever increasing power of seltoontrol that will go far towards establishing and strengthening a well-balanced and harmonious character. T. FLETCHER, Practical W (ztchnzaker dl Jeweller Thanking the Public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage. We 0.10 030118113 out f all linos 011 Gold and Silver Watches. Silver Plated Ware from established and reliable makers, fully warranted by 110, Clocks of the totes designs. J ew e I ry : J1,./xli 24, 1867 oesuentommettisrErmates=sa HUTH IS HALM Wedding Rings, Ladies Gem Rings, Broaches,' Barings, tte. John Duffy, who was charged, with murdering his wife, was no - quitted by the Grand Jury, in the Court of Queen's Bench, Montreal. McLauron'a elevator, at Brandon, and its contents, consisting of 6,000 bushels of tritest, wore destroyed by fire Wednesday morning. Loss $20,000. Mre. Youmans, the temperance advocate, has purchased the lot on the corner of Curtis and George streets, St. Thomas, and will erect a brisk residence thereon and ree move to the Southern City, Mrs. Ada Biddleoorabo, of St. Thomas, has received from the U. S. Government $1,800in cash, bask pension, and a pension of S1.2 a month, Her husband was killed in the American civil war. Mrs, Bid. &combo has been corresponding with the Government for seven years in reference to the claim. Also have in stook a full line of Violins and Violin Strings, Pipes, &e. DIr N.B.-Issuer of Marriage Licenses T. Fletcher. Bargains ! Bargains ! -P011 THE- o)ThCo DAYS .4.74ce 314Lil4.L. 110000' Dn.0 Water'n Nerve an 1 Brain Treat- ment, a guaranteed op1lto for Hysteria, Mean ess, Convulela rite, N rayons , N au - might, Headaabe,Nervon Penetration 0 alin- ed by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Waite' fulness,Mental Depression, Sof tenieg 01 1110 Brain resulting in lusani iy, leediug to ruin- ory,decay end d Beth, r1.01110011110 0101 Age, 13 arena as ,T./088 of Power lu titi er sox, In. voluntary Losers od Sp ornic.terrlicea emits • ad by over -ex ortine of the Bra , self-abuse or over•indulgence. Each box contains one month'e treatment. 01 a box or six boxes for 85, sent by 10010,prepai(l. on 'receipt of price, in Plows, Steel Harrows, Soed Drills, Bain Wagons, Buggies, Organs, Sewing Machines, Sulky Plows, one four spring Wagon, one 3 horse Wagon, and one sec- ond hand Lumber Wagon. 'WE GUARANTEE SIX. MIXES To cure 0430 01000. With each order reeelyed ns foretx boes, accompanied with 55, Ire will send the puralinser our written guarantee to refund the money if tho treat- ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees 10011001 11)' all druggists, Land Rollers for $25, best in the market. Throe kinds of Souftlers, Port Perry Grinder and Horse Powers, Clothes Wringers, CIhtutts, (111C1 ANYTHING, You MAY ENQUIRE FOR. Geo. Love. nArtlalir ARRI AGES ! IMPORTANT TO ALL who are held or 'whose hair is Ude or gray, ('11 01110 troubled with dandruff. Di. ext-wen.cl's A nice assortment of Baby Car- riages on Exhibition at H. Dennis', where you can also get a Splendid Trunk, Handy Valise, or Satchel at a Low Price. Full lines of Light and Heavy Ultaattgageh Whips, Combs, Brushes, &c. in stock. • We Lead but Never Follow. H: DENNIS, Sion of Big Scotch Collar. HAIR MAGIC is the greatent tonic for strengthening the growth of the hair ever disooverod. 3.1 stOP k all falling 001 00 the hair, rernovee all traces of dandruff, restores gray hair to its original 001011 0013 in oases of baldness, whore the 10015 0110 not destroyed, it will produce a luxuriant crop of hair. Take Warning it your hair Is in a loeblo state got 6 11010(0,01 owe before 10 10 too We, Dr. Dorenwend's "Heir Magic," Is on Sala at all principal Drug Stores. Ask for it and take nothing else. G. A. DEAD:MIN AND T. 118n0nAtves 4 00., AGENTS FOR BRUSSELS. A. Doren wend Sole Manufacturer, Toronto, Canada. A. Derenweud keens the largest Hair Goode establishment in Canada. PAINTING! GEO. PAINTER, BRUSSELS, -:- ONTARIO, IS PREPARED TO DO ALL RINDS OF Painting, Graining, Glazing, Kalsomining, Paper Hanging, &c. All work done Promptly anti at Reasonable Rates. SATISFACTION • GUARANTEED in every instance. GEO. PHIPPEN. BLYTH Woolen Mill. R. Forsyth & Son, formerly of the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg to inform the Farmers in this vi- cinity that they have Now in Op- eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth, and hope that by adhering to their old plan of making noth- ing but Sound, Durable Goods and trust that by so tieing to moot a liberal patronage, CUSTOM WORK of all kinds promptly and care- fully attended to. The HicamsT Pumn paid for Wool in Exchange for Tweeds, Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etc. A Trial Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed ! R. Forsyth & Son.