HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-6-17, Page 88
YY t+ta•lLo'k,,:r1o1—w% GREEN%
A. fresh shipment of the above
,just received and guaranteed
pure, just the thing for the re-
moval of oro Boos.
We have received a very val-
uable book upon the manufacture
and care of butter, which all
Should hare. It is a largo book
size, G?fx10 inches, and contain-
ing over 100 pages and only 25
cents each. It is published with
the aicl of the Parliament of Can-
ada so as to encourage this in-
Druggist and Bookseller;
SOEThEl[x EsrENsroN, ev. 0. & n. E.
Traiasieave Bru8001c Station, north nue
south as foaowe: -
doing Sonih, doing North.
Mail7:02 n.u,. ! 0fixed ...........0:330 min
klxproee......11.45 am.I Ma11...............9:bOP,m
Mixed 8:45 p.m. 1 Express.... .... .5.35 p.m
!E',..iintetU'a Nte1115a.
A elders aiming ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll pront it.
Boors at cost price. Adam Good.
Guess Gem Jars, } gal., 61.50 per dozen
at Coats' Grocery.
Two Cans of Tomatoes for 25 cents at
Thomson's. 47 -
Tam best Turkish prunee, 5 Ills. for 25
conte, Coats' Grocery. 49 -
Ion CREAM and Strawberries for Jubilee,
Vanilla, Lemon and Pine Apple flavors.
Amar Goon.
Tam interesting story of "Little Lord
Fauntletoy," by Frances H. Burnett, is
on sale at TEE POST Bookstore. Only
26 ciente.
Ir you want to see the largest assort-
ment of Groceries, Crockery and Glass-
ware call at Coats' Grocery, the cheapest
spot in town
NOTICE.—All amounts due Grant &
Co. notpaid before SATannex, Jose 25th,
willbe placed in Court for collection. A
word to the wise is sufficient. GnANT Sr Co,
WANTED.—Applicants (males preferred.)
for a good situation involving excellent
business training. Must be not less than
17 years of age, of fair -education and
well reoommen dad. Apply at Tal. Posr
Publishing House. 48
THE DsMlxlox Bsa enios•—We have
received a copy of the prize list, just is-
sued, for the Dominion Exhibition, which
is this year to be held at Toronto in con=
junotion with the annual Industrial Fair,
from the 6th to the 17th September next.
Any of our readers who may desire e,
copy can obtain cue by dropping a post
card to 11. J. Hill, the Secretary, Tor-
Ar the trial, last Saturday, before
Polioe Maeietrate Williams, for contra-
vention of -the Canada Temperance Act,
T. O'Neil, 7. Stratton and Koenig &
Goebel, pleaded guilty and were assessed
950 each. T. Hall's ease was dismissed
owing to inenfficieut evidence. The
memory of some of the witnesses was
very defective, as usual. Dr. Williams
is going to make a first-class man on the
bench and will not allow any "monkey-
ing" on the part of the witnesses.
Tem Witnese Jubilee edition, well
printed on good paper, is to hand, price
10 cents, and with the great Jubilee pio-
ture, 50 cents, also a cheaper edition,
printed on ordinary paper, for five cents.
The number contains 12 large pages, with.
over 100 portraits and other illustrations.
There is a history of Her Majesty's reign ;
sketches of Canadian statesmen ; a fully
illustrated history of the Royal Arms,
and other interesting articles ; forming a
work of reference with regard to the lus•
tory of ourtimes in Great Britain and
Canada. For sale by all newedealers.
CATTLE SmussNTo. Last Monday
morning three oar loads of good cattle
were shipped front Brussels by Messrs.
Govenlook, Winters and Scott. They
wore purchased from the following per.
Head Weight Head Wert
A. Turnbull 1 1600 0, Heabein 2 2900
A,MoMichml 8 0620 Tho s. Miller 3 4610
T.lifrkconell 4 8020 S. Boddiok 3 4280
B. Dickson 1 2040 St Barr 1 1600
G,Brewan 0 8600 TMoOallum 9 11400
It Armstrongs 6800 Q. Anderson 2 9500
D. Ourrie 1 1920
The prioes ranged from 3t to 42. cents
per pound. Bruesele ie becoming a great
centre for the purchase of good cattle and
the farmers are raising a much better
grade than they did years ago.
Vane PnouETle.—Tho following epistle
passed between two of our residents and
we reproduce it with a slight alteration
in the names, as the persons are well
known in Brussels. The style of the let-
ter is very phonetic :—
BiemeELs, JUNE 7.
Mr. Hans Straublo Eye warn yo and
your partner that If yo Doant Call and
Make Araingmente With nee on The
soling of the liOkur on Thee Morning of
the 4 to Joseph letorrieey of whiOh eye
Can Proov heath by him and Mrs. Mo.
Fee and Mre, Ireland that yo brot inn
What yo Called branday but Eye Wold
Call it a dulterator or Druged Whiskey
of Whish .Eye Drank and John 'White
and Michael Doolittle for eye ata of My
Word and Never Dose any thingrash or
in ft Morey but if yo Daunt Calon mee
to Night yo will apear Before some one
F,is Eye am not like Mrs. Fitzgerald that
thee wold Not giv law t0 and less Juetee
but tbair is law in a nothcr Plage so if
ye Can Fey Joseph Morrisey 0 Menthes
Wages at 18 anonth To Part John White
and Wife yo must have lote to spare so
be sail that yo agreed To deo but Cursed
is he that Part Man and wife.
Your frond Mns. JmanenA ALLAN,
Bruseels, ant,,
Countey Miran.
Pllmsmnvr, Jars Cheap. Ao,wc Goon,
Pclsel N1'R twith aur 360, Toa, A. Good,
P5113 bare of electric soap 25o, A. Good,
Is you onlyy spend 25 pouts you will gob
a present. ,A. Good, 48'
ONE 'thousand pounds of Turkieh
prunes at 6 conte per lb, at Coats' Gro-
Cournzeesn, cooked Corn Beef, a nice
thing for lunch or tea at W. Coats' New
York store,
M[NZEAL Water, guaranteed to aid Di-
gestion, relieve Dyspepsia, Coetiveneee
and regulate the Bowels, ADAM Gamm.
TEE Acton Free Prose says :—Rev,
Wesley E. Kerr, of Rockwood, mot with
a painful aooidest last Thursday. He
mounted his bicyole and started out to
see 0110 of his parishioners, but hall not
gone far when the machine upset and Mr.
Karr was thrown heavily to the ground.
He received some severe bruises about
the faoe and will be incapacitated for 'a
couple of weoke.
A.O,U.W,—Phe following officers, for
the ensuing term, in eouneotion with the
Workmen's lodge, were ()looted :—
M.W., 75. E. Wade ;
Foreman, W. H. Cloakey ;
Foreman, W. Ainley ;
Pinenoier, J. Shaw ;
Recorder, J, A. Creighton ;
Receiver, R. N. Ferguson ;
Guide, T. O'Neil ;
LW., G. Birt ;
O.W., Wm, Thompson.
We regret to have to announce that,
Rev. Samuel Jones is seriously indisposed.
Last Friday something like paralysis of
the palate camp upon himand he has
been oonSned to the house since. What
made a greater matter of regret to Mr.
Jones was that lust Sunday the commun-
niou service was held in his church and
he was unable to be present. He is,to
hold his final service as pastor of Knox
church on the first Sabbath of Jgiy, if
his health will permit,
Fon SALE.—As I did not dispose of all
my goods on the day of eny auction sale
I will sell by private sale, on terms to
suit. 1 horse, 1 binder, 1 seed drill, 1
buggy, 1 plow, 1 set single and 1 set
double harness, and household effects,
consisting of bedroom suite, sideboard,
extension table, parlor table, hair cloth
sofa, ono doz. sitting room chairs, kitch-
en chairs, 000k and box . stoves, couch,'
and a host of other household articles.
GEp, AinSTROxe, Prop.
Join T. MmoLESIonE, the founder of
the Orphan Ohildren's Emigration Char-
ity near London, left Liverpool on the
10th inst, in the S. S. Lake Ontario. with
a party of 68 girls and 100 boys between
the ages of three and twenty years, who
are brought out to this country for adop-
tion or hire, ghrefiy amongfermers. They
are expected to arrive at the Guthrie.
Home, near London, on on about the 23rd
inst, This will be T. Middlemore's fif-
teenth annual visit to these shores with
juvenile emigrants from Birmingham,
England, eine 1872.
writes to Messrs. Stewart 1t Lowick as
follows:—"I have dealt with your mill
and other mills for years and got good
flour, but that turned out since you refit-
ted the mill beats all previous trials. It
will be to the interest of the farmers to
try for themselves as I did, I believe
you can turn out ae good a grist of flour
as any woman wishes to work into bread.
It will want good butter with i1 though to
finish it for eating." This firm has ship.
ped about 12 carloads of their celebrated
flour since the fust of iMIay. 49.
Tae GAI SIELD Hoven,—During the past
month we have done n large trade, es•
peoially in dress goods, millinery and
ordered clothing and the month of June
is opening up splendidly. The public
cannot fail to see that it is to their ad-
vantage to deal with us, consequently we
are kept busy about all the time. We
are making a big run now on our stook
of summer goods and ask persons, who
are not our regular cuetomsrs,to call and
see what we are doing. A dollar saved
is a dollar gained. Give the Garfield
House a trial. W. NIo13TIN5ALE & CO.
dependent says 1—A week or two ago At-
torney Dickson returned to Heleua and,
after due consultation with looal lawyers,
applied to the probate oourt for the ap-
pointment of au administrator of the
Dewar estate. This applioation was
withdrawn and therefore Publio Admi-
nistrator Yaeper applied to take charge of
the property, being supported, presuma-
bly, by Mr. Diokeon. The application
came up for hearing before the Probate
Judge Clements and called up a strong
array of counsel. In support of the ap-
plication appeared Sanders & Cullen, F.
P. Sterling and W. B. Dickson, while
Massenet Bullard and Judge Wade ap-
peared on tho opposite aide. Besides
Judge Davis the chief resistant to the
application was the latter's brother, Louis
Davie, who has a claim upon the Dewar
estate in the form of a mortgage amoont-
ing, principal and interests, to about 97,-
000. The case was ably argued on both
Bides and 'Judge Clements rendered hie
decision in favour of Mr. Dickson. The
chief point at issue was whether the law
can presume a man to be dead upon rea-
sonable showing of oireumstautlal fade
or whether lie is presumed to be alive for
the full period of seven years from the
last information reoeived of him. The
property represented by the estate is now
probably worth 940,000 to 950,000, if it
were clear of all indebtedness.
Poem Sonrnms.—Potato bugs were never
worse than they are this season.—Robert
Rose secured the contract for painting
the interidr of Melville church with els-
bastine. He was working at it this weal..
—A, Stewart and family enjoyed the first
strawberries of the season on Wednesday
and Thursday of last week.—B. Gerry
has put up it new fence on the western
boundary of his lot on John street,—Rev.
W. Smyth returned from Galt on Thurs-
day evening of last week and took hie us-
ual work on Sunday.—E. E, Wade is at-
tending the County Court at Goderioh
this week.—MPs. Wm: Vanetone is visit:
ing at Galt for a few wooke.—Our orioket
club is anxiously waiting for gone olub to
tread on the tail of their coat,—George
Rogers and Wm Waxbill are away this
week at Berlin attending the High Court
of the C. 0. F.—We ate our first newt
etrawberrias last Friday. They game
from Mrs. el, Pearson, who will have a
splendid Drop this your.—The grocers
now close their storoe every every even-
ing, exoept Saturday, at 8 o'olook, during
the summer. months.—Next Tuesday,
Jubilee day, will be observed as a publoo
holiday in town and instead of ue keep.
seg our people at home. they will go to
Seaforth, Stratford,, Listowel and other
places, we preetime.—The usual morning
sarvioe will be held in binox chtucll n,'xt
Sunday morning et 11 o'olook.—George
Leve has a'really improved the appear.
anoe of his dwelling, on Flora street, by
the erection 0f a verandah. --W.15. Clegg,
wife and daughter, of Gorrie, were visit-
ing iu town last Friday,—At a meeting of
the members of Knox church, hold last
Monday, it was bolded to allow Bev. S.
Jones $800 as a retiring allowance from
the.00ngragatian. It is the intention to
call another, minister and the ohuroh will
be open to call a now minister niter July
lot.—On Motltlay A, Currie's sr„ horse
ran away with him. Ila was thrown
out 11±041110 head cut and was otherwise
shaken up'.—Division Court will be held
in Beueeels on Tiou eclay, 30th inst.—
CharlesBuyere was taken to Goderiolt
Rol on Thursday of last week awing to
his mind showing signs of weakness. It
is to be looped ho may speedily reoover.—
Capt. Stretton, had a bee on Friday of
last week hauling gravel to the Queen's
hotel premises and street.—Wo have net
objootion to range but :-when the Sal-
vation Army allow the big drum to be
pounded steadily for nearly an boar be-
fore the march it is too lnuolt of a good
thing and` will have to be stopped.
"Enough is as good as a feast,"—D. D.
Shregg intends removing to the States
ancl will dispose of, his household goods
next Saturday afternoon.—Our Baud will
go to Seaforth next Tuesday, There is
a band'ctmpetition there on that day and
they may take a hand in it.—Alex. Stew-
art, Queen street, grafted an apple tree
last Spring and the graft is now loaded
with blossoms.—W. ll1. Sinclair has been
promoted from the position of Lieut. to
Captain of the Brussels volunteer Co.
Deputy Adjutant -General Aylmer was
here a short time ago and transferred the
stores to Capt. Sinclair,—Tho lot of the
editor is sometimes a pleasant ono. It
WAS last Tuesday when Mrs. T. Ballan-
tyne presented us with a dish of luscions
strawberries. Not that alone, the "triut-
mings,".in the shape of sugar and cream,
accompanied them. Our beet thanks
are due Mrs. Ballantyne.—A number of
our townspeople are attending County
Court this week as witnesses in the ease
of Stratton vs. Dickson.—Thos. 11111 le
laid up with a sore hand, blood poisoning
being the alleged pause.—The regular
meeting of the County Orange Lodge
was held in 'Brussels on Friday of last
week. The business performed was
chiefly routine work,—The Oounty
Cricket Association appears to have"gond
to pot" bhie summer. Brussels club is
ready for a match any time.—Owing to
the length of the County Council min-
utes several interesting matters are
crowded out of this issue.—Will Cale-
donian games 'be held in Brussels this
year' or not ? It should be decided eith-
er one way or the other so as to be able
to,answer engiuirioa.—A sum . of money
was abstracted from the pocket of T. 0.
Harbottle's coat whioh was hanging up in
the freight shed at the station. A por-
tion of the money was returned to the
owner. 'The question is who was the
thief ?—T. O'Neil has purchased a span
of sorrel carriage horses for his livery.—
The youths of Brussels have organized a
base ball club and ohsllenge any junior
club in the County to play them for the
junior championship of Huron. Wm.
James is. the Secretary. This will be a
chance for some of the clubs outside to
win or, loge laurels, -Some very loot days
this week.—Rev. R. Paul is asking for
tenders for the erection of a brick resi-
dence in,Bruesele,-A. Kneohtel and wife,
of Michigan, are visiting old friends in
Brussels and vicinity.—A good job has
been done at the bridge this week by
widening and raising the roadway by the
he$i'of stones and gravel.—A concertina
has been added to the orchestra of the
Salvation Army. It is handled by Capt.
Cooke.—A. R. Smith, of "99," nowdrivee
a fancy photon and the ladies eye it very
suspiciously.—H. Chapman and family
moved to Algoma on Tuesday last.—Gep.
Haycroft has had hie dwelling newly
painted.—A 9 -year-old child of Jno. Mo-
Crae's went out berry picking on Tuesday
and lost its way in the bush and was out
all night, to the great consternation of
its parents. A fanner brought the child
home on Wednesday afternoon.—A sneak
thief, whose whereabouts is fairly well
known, visited our hon house last Wed.
nasally and stole a dozen or more eggs.
The O'Bnien'raoket kicked ftp at Toronto
won't be a patch oltmpared to the recap.
time he'll get if caught on the premises.
If he wants the basement of his pante
filled with buokshot, so that he will have
to take his meals standing for 6 months,
he wants ;to try it again.—Percie, the
three-year-old son of Semi. Walsh, came
down to Reeve McCracken's store, on
Wednesday, with the stage driver, and
when he was wanted to go home he could
not bo found, and on search being made
the little fellow was found on the gravel
road beyond the cemetery He said ho
was "looking for the boy." --Mrs. Sarni.
Fear very kindly remembered Tan Posr
staff on Thursday with a basket of mam-
moth'etrawbsrries. We pronounce them
tint -class endue she has a quantity to
dispose.of intending purchasers will know
where to go,—Mies Lizzie Jackson is
visiting in Toronto this week.—Waterl
Jackson has load his house newly painted
—Andy Oousley is laid up with the
measles.—Mrs. J. A. Grant and Jessie
and Mrs. R. Diokeon are enjoying a visit
at Goderiah this week,
tel•esteretl Ne!wei.
The new Tay bridge is finished.,
Emperor William Is reported in bettor
The Russians are peeking their forces
towards Herat,
- The City of Masked and the Provinoo
al Khoraesan aro threatonedwith famine.
Itis rumored in London that Lord
Lansdowne has 'been 'offered a dukedom.
Prince William will formally represent
the Germalb 1onperor at the ,tylueen s Jub•
ilea; r
Governor Torras of ori la has lamed
aproalamtion offering
a reward of 9500
for the head of oaoli hostile Apache
A number of refugees from yellow favor
stricken Bey West have arrived at Now
Afghan troops are repotted to bo desert.
ing to enter the service of the Khan of
Bok Mara,
Hailstones weighing a pound each fell
recently in adistrlot of Eastern Roumelia
creating great havoc.
Berlin correspondents state that the
German Crown Prieco's life is in serious
danger frnm his throat affection.
The Mayor and several other officiate
of Salo Antonin, Taxas,have been arrest•
ed on the charge of interfering with a
Prohibition meeting.
At Coventry Woodside, of Philadelphia,
lowered the bicycle record for five miles,
making the distance in 14 20 1.5. He
will uow challenge Howell to another
Lord Dufferin, 'ieeroy of India, is
nlalcing 011 energetic effort to locate
Dltuleep Singh, who is supposed to be
largely responsible for the dangers which
now threaten India.
Entomologists trace the IIessian iiy,
which has made rte appearance in Eng-
land,lo grail imported from Southern
Russia. Holding off sowing for a oouple
of weeks later than usual alwaysetope the
ravages of this pest.
One hundred and eighty mora bullocks
have been landed on au uninhabited is.
land off the Scilly group from the British
steamer Gastleforcl, Captain McLean,
which wept ashore while bound from
Montreal for Newcastle.
The Abyssinia, the pioneer steamer of
the 0. P, R. Pacific line, has arrived at
Vancouver from Yokohama, She load 21
cabin passengers and 80 Chinese, with
2,600,000 pounds of tea, and other mer-
chandise, making a full cargo.
Capitalists of Cleveland, 0., have se-
cured a contract with the Mexican Gov-
ernment for construction of wale to
drain the valley of Mexico. The contrasts
call for the expenditure of 91,000,000.
Work will be begun August let.
The officers of the British Navy and
Marines have decided to present the
Queen with silver models representing
the Britannia, whioh was afloat in 1887,
and the Victoria, whish web recently
launched at Newcastle, es a jubilee gift.
The presentation is to be made at Spit -
head on. the day of the naval review.
At Denver recently, Smith, the tall
first baseman of the home club, made a
home run at a critical moment in the
game with the Topekas. No sooner had
he started on the cholla of the bases than
the spectators began to shower silver
coins into the vicinity of the home plate.
The cheering lasted for fully live minutes
and Smith was kept busy picking up his
money. Forty-two dollars was the total
of the contribution.
"Joseph Holman, the nine-year-old
pianist, is continuing his wonderful per-
erformances," says the Paris correspondent
of the London Times, "under his father's
direction, and is exciting increasing en-
thusiasm. His emelt hands seem to fly
over the keys, and there is a contrivance
enabling his feet to roach the pedals. He
is lively and healthy, and not only is his
meohanioal power well developed, but he
ploys improvisations in the most correct
and brilliant style, and his compositions
are full of charm."
Wheat in California was swept by hot
"northers" to such an extent ae to cause
serious injury to the Drop. Some corres-
pondents pine the damage at 25per Dent.,
while others claim it is nominal. Reports
show that the northern half of the State,
including Sacramento County, will turn
out about the same amount of wheat as
last year. In the San Joaquin Valley,
the great wheat -producing section of the
State, the yield will not exceed 60 per
cent. of last year. From San Franoisoo
south, through the belt of country west
of the Coast Binge, the reports are bad
and it now looks as though the yield for
this part of the State, including all the
coast counties, would not be 40 per cent.
of what was raised last year. The total
crop of the State will fall considerably
under that of last year.
Canadian News.
St. Thomas has doubled the local dog
The first sod of the new Manitoba rail-
way is to be turned on the 21st.
Fourohildren wsreburnedin a dwelling
at Bedford, Ont., Monday morning,
Galt's Victoria Rink Company will
erect a block of stores and opera house,
the cost of which will be about 910,000.
The congregation of the Western Meth-
odist Church, Toronto, worship in a huge
tent this summer, while their new 960,-
000 edifice is being built.
The Edmonton Bulletin says :—The
apple trees brought into the oountry in the
fall of '85 and planted out last spring
have uniformly come through the wlntor
well, and are leafing out bsautifnlly.
Elgin County Oounoil will at its pres-
ent 08001011 dlsouse the advisability of
erecting a new County building, to be
utilized as a Council Chamber and for
County office, the plane for whioh have
been prepared.
Previous to the prorogation of the Man-
itoba Legislature fesolutione were adopt-
ed providing for the continuance of work
on the boundary railway should the Bill
be disallowed, and for an appeal to the
Imperial Privy Council.
Ex -Speaker Murray, of the Manitoba
Legislature, has been appointed Munioi-
pal Commissioner. Deputy Attorney -
General Coulter will become Register of
Land and Titles, and G. G. Mills, barrist-
er, Deputy Attorney -General.
Berlin claims to have the largest but-
ton factory in America, the largest shirt
factory, the largest corset factory, the
largest felt boot factory in Canada. It
has the largest tannery, and one of the
latgest furniture factories in Ontario.
Col. Denison, M. P., has been notified
that ho will receive the Khedive's medal
for servieee in Egypt during 1884.6, It
is probable. the same honor will be son-
ferred upon all the Canadian voyagonrs
who went to Lgypt to navigate the Nile.
Bon, Hageman, tho Thorold forger ex-
tradited from San Francisco by Dotao.
live Murray, was released from Welland
jail on Monday, the necessary bail of 90,-
000 having been furnished by lois Rather
and other sureties. Hagaman went to
Ridgotown to join his wife. Sine.) his
flight his two children have'cliod of cliph-
The Galt Electric Light Company hag
reduced the oost of the light to merchants
One.half during the summer months.
Six fishery protection orni8Ors are uow
watching the American fiehsrmen on the
Nova Scotia coact, and the em'ronnding
waters should bo pretty thoroughly guard-
ed against treepaseing,
At Saturday's meeting of the Went.
worth Comity Council, the question of
granting 91,000 in aid of the free roads
scheme was reooneidered, the grant being
carried bytwo majority.
Nearly six thousand dollare hes been
subsorlbed by the members of the Bay
of Quints Oonferonpe towards the endow-
ment of Victoria College in connection
with the federation scheme.
The following interesting orthograplii.
cal item is from the minutes of the Tor -
auto Methodist Conference : On motioa
of Rev. Dr. Shaw, J. W. Saunby, of the
Japan district, was ordered to borooeived
into fell connection and ordained. Bev,
T. A. Largo, of the same district, was
continued on trial and ordered to be
specially ordained daring the year. A
number of Japaneea candidates were also
passed, viz : Received •on trial, Kame-
shiro Gingfro, Ota Torakiohi, Koundo
Toshichi, Jinuma Gonidil„ Ozma Nage-
taro ; as evangelists, !Maki Munizo, Doer.
am • Relict was continued an trial, Kato
Snsllin was continued as a third year's
mato. Kobayashi Mitsushige and Har -
ono IIikoktaro wore received as seoond
year's men, and Talcoda Toshisaburo and
Jidzulca 2.'ennotary worn continued on
trial as second year's mon, The follow-
ing aro continued as evangeliste : Ebara
Sokrulco, Smehara Tamize, Asagawa,
Ggawa Genrolcu, Yoshii Bunzo, Takah-
ashi Alansaltn, Masuno Denshiro, Kawa-
mura Heiji, Otoguro Tovosaku, Yuki
Munizo and Miyashiro.
Woodstock Sentinel•Review : In a cer-
tain hotel not over 1,000 miles from
Woodstock, the other evening, a commer-
cial traveller had a rather novel experi-
ence. Just as he was stopping into his
virtuous couch he was horrified to see a
middle-aged lady of good proportions,
and decidedly en dishabille, rush into hos
room and seize, not himself, but his val-
ise. and loudly asserting it was hors, rash
off with it. Though, lilts his class, a
modest man, the drummer could not see
his valuables carried off without protest.
He was not arrayed for an appearance in
public, or for a foot race ; but he took his
chances and started in hot pursuit. Af-
ter a spirited chase through corridors,
around corners and staircases the Ama-
zon and the drummer were headed off by
a crowd who load rushed out to see the
fun. An excited husband appeared on
the scene, when it was explained that the
rigorous enforcement of the Scott Aot
had affected the woman's head and sent
her off on a little "tear," The drummer
has not yet recovered from the shook of
seeing a female in his room, and now
carefully looks the door when he is alone.
Rose,—In Grey, on the 12th inst., the
wife of Mr. Jno. Rose of a son.
Ross-Mc0eo. uac.-At St. Andrew's church,
Toronto, ou the 1st inst., by the Rev.
D. 0. McDowell, Mn R. J. Ross, of
The Globe, son of Mr. Robt. Ross, of
Bruesels, to Mise Lottie B. McCall.
um, of Detroit, Mioh.
4 50
9 00
White Fall Wheat
Red Winter.
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls....
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl., wholesale...
Sheep skins, each
Wool, per lb
1 00
Apply at Tan ROST Publishing House,
Phaeton Buggy, set of Single Harness,
On twe and we Robes for Salo Appy to
BEV. R, PAT1L, Ethel.
Transact ft General Bastla:tn0
Notes to bawd diecouuted.
Interest allowed on deposits; repayable en
damn nd.
Prompt attention given to eollestione,
T1ane, &e, Office in Leckie's block
Brussels, Money to Loan,
• Garrow d; Proudtoot, Goderloh) So-
licitor, Ooaveyaneer, &o, Offioo, Grant's
block, Brussels. Money to loan,
the Fourth Division Court, Go. Huron,
Oonveyaneer, Notary Plane, Land, Loan
and insurance Agent. Funds invested and
to loan. Oa,leotions made, 011too in era.
1i am's Bleak, B1'ussele,
moved hie o111oe to rooms over the
Postonee. liosidenoe on Mill Bkrest.
T d., MoNAUGHTON, M. D., 0.
el • M. L.11. C. P. Edinburgh, Physician,
Burgeon and Aocameher. Offioo, Mrs, Mon;
block, Turaberry Street.
M. F. CALE, M.D., 0,M.
Member of the Collage of Physicians and
Surgeons of Ontaato by examination.
()Moe andRosi,leno—Main St. Fast, 17kbel
1»31-1.3NTX 8T.RY.
G, L. 13•11,L. D. S., Honor Graduate and
M. 14, 0. D. S„ o1 Toronto, Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Prices graded and as low
as good work can be done tor.
00100 over Johnston's Hardware Sture,
W, J. Fear ,t , D S. Graduate of To-
ronto School of Dentistry. All oper-
atione guaranteed. OIBee—Cady's
Stook, SeatOrth.
Artificial teeth, d rst quality, and a
guaranteed lit, for 819,00 per sot.
.7. A. S2AyZT2IS, 5.,,
D. S„
Honor Graduate of the Royal College
Dental Surgeoue, Toronto, 1,113a00 Oei00•
Gas administered for the pein,808 extrac-
tion of teeth.
OFFICE.—Uardeld Block, BRUSSELS.
'1 r • of Marriage Mounties. 011lce at hie
Gr000ry,Turnborry Street.
„ maga Lioonses, by appointment 01
Lieut, -Governor Commissioner, &o., Q. B.
Conveyancer and Agent Fire Ineuronee Co.
Offieo at the OranbrookPost OMoo.
• Accident and Loan Ineuranoo Agent
for some of the best and most reliable Com-
panies in the Dominion. Office Brick Terr-
ace ,Tarnborrystreet ,noar the station.
L • Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College has resumed the practice of John
Nott, V,8„ and is prepared to treat all die •
came ofdomostioeted animals on aoientifc
aadepproved principles. Treatment of del-
icate foals a specialty Offioe two doors
North of Bridge, Turnborry street.
Robert Cunningham
Guelph, Ontario.
B,itelier, thanking
his many cuetomers for their
liberal suppport in the past
'Wishes to Inform them that at
his shop in Bmale'o block be keeps nothing
but first -Close meats all kinds of Pouhay
and Sausage Moat Delivered to all parte of
the town free. Cash paid for Fat Stook
Hides andoheopakins bought for cash,
Lom to Let, well fenced, cellar, shade undersigned will keep during the sea -
trees, pleasant nofgbborhood. 83.00 par eon, at 1110 hotel, Oranbrook, at thoroughbred
Month. 8horthora Bull.
25* J. R. GRANT. Tnnsre,-91.00 par cow, with privilare of
roturaing10 neoeeoary.
03A8. AMnS.
V. A he splendid, improved farms for ALLAN LINE
sale in the seen ip of Gray, Morrie car;
Molilllop. Apply to A. 1D, LGATTY, Co.
Aus±t000eer,135,oseele 7. 0. Royal Mail Steamslizps.
y undcroigood'will keep on 1081, con. 0.
Durhamballballl for o02viae. Tflue iwes9100,wEh
privilege of returning if npcoesary. DUN-
des:MoLAVOHLIN, returning,
—The subscriber offers how house end
lot on Jobn street for sale, Thorp aro
8 rooms in the house, woodshed, hard and
eotkwater, dc. There Is 1 tore of hind with
fruit trees nod currant bushes, also a good
stable. For terms and conditions of sale
apply to MRS.' TIM, HAYCROFT erne.
hereby cautioned against negotiating a
prolniosory note for $75.00, drawn in favor
015000118 Young, or bearer, 4 months from
Juno ist, 1887, tie it has boon,•IOet and Day
moat stopped, • Any person returniu the
00000 to tllo undersigned,.wetose nenie is on
the note will *wafer .agreat favor. ' JAMES
4,3030501\2, Brussels P.O. , 47.4''
demi add offers his excellent'100 aero
form, being Nerth11: of 28,' Con; 6, Morrie,
for Sale. There are about 00 1101.e5 010060d,
the balance hardwood bush. Tho buildings
aro in good: repair. 1'hore is an otohani,
walla And ell the necessary ,osnvoelohooe.
The tam 1s only 2 miles from Brussels and
in a good lonaltty. Po050soion would be
given immediately. Thera aro 80 acres of
Fall Wheat fn. Por further pnartloularo ae
to er1e0, terni0, &a„ apply to the proprietor
0n the p1OmteOe.
EDWA1±D A00103Y,
85.0111* Brunets P,0,
snob[ LtvnnrOOL. 50EAa11110. Emma 0DE0EO,
tient. 28th Parisian May'igth
ay bth Sarmatian May 26011
May 18th IOiroasalan June 8rd
May iOth Sardinian June 0th
May 27th.,,,,.,, tPolyne0ian ,,.Juno 17th
June 2nd Parisian Juno 28rd
June8th Sarmatian June 86th
Nuns 17th 1 Circassian July 8th
June 58rd Sardinian Tilly 14th
Julylst 1Polynesian—July 22nd
July 7th Parisian duly 28t11
July 34110 Sarmatian Aug. 4th
July 22nd 1 Circassian . Aug 12th
July 28th 8ardinlan....., Aug, 18th
Aug, 4th 2 Polynotian Aug, 20th
Aug, 11th Parisian Sept. let
1 Extra, Stoamore. The .Steamers above
named an not carry cattle, sheet1, er pigs.
Steer a Paosengere are booked t0 and
from London, Queenstou, Derry ,Belfast and
Glaagom at same ratge at Liverpool.
Itasca. 01 Massage by memos steamers from
Quebec to Londonderry and Liverpool :—
Cabin -900, 870 and .980, Return -9110,
9180 and 8150. Intermodtate-986, return
$60. Steerage -520, return, '940.
Tho last train:oclneetiug at Quebec With.
the Mail Steamora Bailing from that port on
the Thursday, leaves Toronto on the Well-
50020)'.morntsg. The last train oonneotiag
with the Extra 13toltmors sailing on the Fri,
day, leaves Toronto on the Thursday morn-
ing, For tiakots and ovary information np•
T. R. G-10 4.1,TV, .4t.lyesat, 33 ague :p,