HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-6-17, Page 2THE ERUSSELS POST
Directory of Churches and Sooietieel
MELviLLE Girona.—Sabbath Services
at 11 a.m. and 0;90 p, in. Sunday School
at 2;80 p. m. Rev. Jan Ross, B. A„
Knox Chinon. --Sabbath Services at 11
a, M. and 0:80 p, lir, Sunday Sohool at
2:80 p. m. Rev. S. Jones, pastor.
S. Joua's Orman —Sabbath Services
at 11 a,in, and 7 p.m. Sunday School at
0:80 a.m, Rev, W. T. Cluff, incumbent,
MEznODIST CnoncB,—Sabbmatlr ServSunday
at foal t, :3 . in.t:80 Rev. Wm. Smytli
School at 2:80 p.
Rob[As C.CrnoLlo Cnoncn.—Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
11 a.m. Rev, P. J. Shea, priest.
Ono ELLows' Londe every Thursday
evenings in Graham's block,
MAeONI5 Loners Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block,
A. 0.1f. W. LODGE on jet and 378 Mon-
day evenings of each month,
FoaosTonr' LODGE 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month, in Smale's hall.
L. O. L. 1st Monday in every month,
in Orange Sall.
P0OT irises.—Office hours from 8 a.m..
to 7 p.m.
MEOHANms' INeTIEUTE, Reading Rooth
andLibrary, in Holmes' block, will be
open from O to 8 o'clock p,m. Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Mies Jessie Ross, Lib-
dressed senoras bow their,heade and
oroeethemselve8, while Tullian wont•
on ii11001 ill Brayer,
'T2Ilotauhds owe their recovery Irons
fibefanallom CO West's World's Wonder or
nosily, Liniment Itis oonoe1od every -
whereto 50 the best knoEn 'remedy for
Rheumatlem,fluts, Bruises, S ,rains, Burns,
6oalde, and all diseases .requiring external
aplilloation. Price 28 cants aid 20 omits per
bottle, Bold by all druggists.
As for women's hate of the pres-
ent day, gays Tho Epoch, they are
abominable in every respect. They
are ugly in shapes and unbecoming
to any except youthf2l faces.
Women's hate have been carried to
the extreme of height, weight and
general ugliness, It must be re-
membered that a hat, if it be too
high, changes the appearttuoe of a
womao's fade. Any woman looks
better without a hat than with one.
A bit of delicate cobweb lane knotted
about the head is beoomiug, simply
because it is an accessory, not a
prominent feature. The hats of the
present day seem to me to call di-
rect attention to themselves and to
detract much from the face of the
wearer. I believe that the low hat,
ornamented with soft feathers, and
with the brim slightly shading the
face, is sure to be in fashion again
(,semi. of-Thous:Oat.
before very long.
Things are sullen and will be as I
they are, whatever We think or wish All women are not angels, of
them to be.—Cudworth. course, but it isn't prudent to tell
W.eat'a Liver Pills cure Mak headache, dye- thein e0.
pepsic, indigestion and liver:complaint. 5o.
All duvets.
He that has Christ for his leader
and captain may follow Him with
confidence, courage and comfort.
Weet'OLiyer Pills will never disappoint
Sem Always reliable. 25o. Alidruggists.
Those who think they have only
a very small talent are often most
tempted not to trade with it for their
Lord.—F. R. Havergal.
Week's Pain Sing cures the worst case of
colic in five minutes. Otu09 cramps,
cholera. and cholera morbus. '5o. All
Covetousambitioo, thinking all too
little, which presently it hath,
poeeth itself to stand in need of all
which it hath not,—Sir Walter
West's World's Wonder, or Family Lini-
ment, cures rheumatism, neuralgia, cuts,
burns, sprains, and bruises. 25c. and beets.
All druggists._
Afflicted one, you cannot believe it
now. But you will come out from
that furnanoe seven times purified
in the refining
s of
Macduff, D. D.
A large dootor'O hill is often saved by tak-
ingin time a few doses of West's Liver
Pills,the standard remedy for liver com-
plaint, dyspepsia, indigestion, and sick
headache, 25c. All druggists,
Because Christ loves us, He claims
us, and desires to .have us wholly
yielded to His will, so that the open
ations of love in and for us may
find no hindrance,—F. R. Havergal.
Pain cannot exist after the patient has
taken s, single dose of %Vest's Fain Sing, the
magic ouzo. Do not be induced to take a
substitute, but insiet upon having West's
Pain ring Sold by all druggists.
God is Ib Ouu. He is the infinite
good. Nothing bat Il living, seneiblo
communion with Hum Can displace
heaviness from the heart and shad
happiness over the life.—T. Pearson.
'Winter has passed and now com01 sum -
mar, with all .1110 terrors of cholera, bowel
complaint, flux, oholera infan tum. Provide
for emergen1150 by purchasing. at 01100 a
bottle of Woet's rain ring. 25c. All
We till Gun net our daily deeds to
the mucic of a grateful heart, and
seek to round cur liyee into a hymn,
the melody of which will be recog•
nized by all who come in contact
with ugr and the power of which
shall not be evanescent, like the
voice of the singer, but perennial,.
like the music of the spheres.—Wm.
M. Taylor.
Fashion Notes.
Stringa.are not wore with sum;
mer bonnets.
West's Worlds Wonder, The demand is
steadily increasing for this truly popular
remedy for rheumatism and alt- kindred
diseases. 220, and. GO. All druggists.
Since the hair has been dressed
in plain bandeaux, dombs have.come
into fashion again.
M1oh suffering 0olimbe. avoigad by con-
stantly keeping a supply of West's Pain
dyse itery, crampsse , ohilli colic cholera and
cholera inorbuo. 25ats. All druggists.
High clusters of flowers are no
longer worn on top of bonnets. ' The
newest trimming consists of two
wreaths of tiny. flowers laid, along
the edge of the entire brim and all,
around the crown.
Patesoa8not exist atter the patient has
taken a single dose of West's Pain zing, the
Magid Oure. Do not. b0 induced to take a.
subatitute, blit theist upon having West's'
Pain Xing, 250, A11 drugglet,.
Women do not,trttend funerals in
Mexico. It to against the rules -of
society; and the rection is said to be
that limy cry tee much: .A. wife
cannot go to her husb•and's funeral,
nor can a mother follow her babe to
the•grave. One of -the prettiest Dns•
toms in Mexico ie' the universal re.
sped that greets a miming funeral.
Spring and Summer.
Prepare the body for health end vigor by
taking Dr. Onos8'0 Liver Cure. No Spring
Medicine equals it. It stimulates the Liver,
aids Digestion, and. purifies the blood,.
Large bottle and Recipe Boost, 81,00, Sold
by all druggists.
A Havoratraw woman, who believ-
ed there was "good luck" in having
a bird fly into n house, chased a
canary bird in, and, in doing tio,
upset and broke a $10 looking glass.
Snit Itbenne Cured.
McGregor& Parke's Oarbolt° Comte has
been tried and found to -be the only positive
ice oxhn Salt
B Berns, Bruises, or achea ny
Sorethat nothing else will hoed. Be sure
and get the genuine, made by McGregor &
Parke. Prim. 20e. Sold at Hargreaves Drug
Boarder—°'Seems to me this
(thicken must be rather a peculiar
breed." Boarding-house Keeper—
"It's a genuine Plymouth Rock."
"My '. my1 Come over in the May-
flower, eh ?"
Philadelphia is becoming so law-
abiding uiicier'its new administra-
tion, that a man taking home two
early cucumbers in his pockets was
arrested, charged with carrying con-
cealed deadly weapons.
"They have a larger sail% is my district,"
say}s a well-known drugglet• "Eben any other
p00100 the mi1yyrket, and glue the hest ootia-
faotioi for e1Ek beadoehe, billiovenees, fe-
dihgention, etc., and when combined with
Johnson's Tonic Bitters, Johnson's Tonic
Liver Pills will perform what no other med-
leina has dobe before for suffering human.
ity." Pills 25 cents per bottle. Bitters G0
cents and 01 per bottle. Sold at D eadman'8
drug store, Brussels,
"1 um transported at having you
hanging ou my arm," said a young
fellow to his betrothed. "Indeed,"
Bald the fair one, "we must be a
pretty couple when one is transport-
ed and the other hanging."
A lady took her little boy to
church for the first time. Upon
hearing the organ he was on his
feet instantly. "Sit down," said
the mother. "I won't," he shouted,
"1 want to see the monkey."
Mr. R. Walker, of Waterford, says :—
',Dyspepsia has been my wife's trouble for
a long time past, and she has suffered
greatly with it ; but, thanks to Dr. Ger-
son's Stomach Bitters, she is completely
cured. It acted very nicely, and did not
sicken or gripe her while taking it. If
people only knew about the Carson Stom-
ach Bitters there would not be so much
suffering in the world.: .
An old bachelor editor writes :—
"11 1s sweet to hug a delusion." Just
imagine his sensations if he would
drop hie "delusion" and ask some
sweet girl for o hug. It would turn
every eyebrow and whisker into a
band of music
A. four-year-old was much ins-
pressed with her first out•of doors
i h. in. the starlight. . On her arrival
home she skipped joyfully up to her
mother with the glad tidings, "Oh,
-mamma 1 I've seen the moon and
all her little children."
STR020012D, Aug;8 '85,
I have much pleasurein re-•
commending your Dr. J hg's Med-
icine and Pills. As for the latter
I can strongly recommend them.
For the last due weeks I have
been suffering from a severe pain
in my right ride and have found
the Pills a most effectual remody
When otherromodiee have failed
Yours truly, -
sold by G. A. Deadman, Brussels,
'Well, Johnny, did you .enjoy
yourself very much at the Sunday
echoes picnic ?"Naw, not much,'
growled Johnny. 'Why, what was
the matter ? Were you sick ?'
'Naw, didn't got within ter eat but
a :eandwieh an '00 douple of dry' calm
with red eabd sprinkled on top.'
'What became of, the turkey and
the poundcako and the chicken sal -
Every man, from the millionaire to . ad that I gave you to contribute ?'
the half-clad poor, takes off his slat' 'Superintendent and teachers ?ebb -
till the end train lied passed. Well a led 'em.'
The feet that olveet things aro of•
ten sticky lode a,recent philosopher
to accept this tis en.explo exploration of
the fact thatmen eo. frequently get
"stuck" on pretty. girls.
se en Tour Guard.
Don't allow a °old in the head to slowly
and surely devclepe itself into Catarrh, wltou
you can be mired for 15e. A few opplloa.
ons will euro inoipiont Catarrh. Ono or
two boxeewill cure ordinary Catarrh. Ono
to 5 boxer will Duro chronic Catarrh, Try
Dr. Chase's Canadian Catarrh Cure --it will
cu=Writing n letter ie, to many peo-
ple, an irksome tush ; but it isn't
half so irksome as it ie to hear a
lawyer reading your letter aloud five
years afterwards in open court,
Iauporinul News Item,
000llernwN.—"Mrs. Campbell bun boen
troubled for a number of years with Inds.
gestion and Constipation, and was induced
to try MoGregor's Speedy Cure and found it
all teat was needed. She would recommend
its use to any person similarly troubled."
Thio invaluable remedy 10 sold in every part
of Canada at Mete. and 81,00 nor bottle,
gold 8t John Hargreaves & 0o,'s drug store,
Were our pen a quill from the
loftiest seraph that basks in
gloaming glor3,,end dipped in the
retulgent radiance of the rainbow's
fountain, we could not describe how
supremely happy one of our young
men looks when in the ethereal
presence of his adored one.
Ievlelble but Instantaneous.
All pains or aches will be instantly remov-
ed by a few drops of Fluid Ligetuiug applied
over the affected parte. No true lost • no
0020080e medicines needed; 110 poulticing
or using greasy liniments. It will not blister
or discolor the skin. Sold at 250, per bottle
by Jno.Hargreaeoe S Co„ Druggists. Suffer.
ars from Neuralgia assure ns that they never
fear it when their house contains a bottle of
Fluid L lghtoio e.
"You ought to be ashamed of
yourself a great big man like you,
ouilitu't to be afraid of work." "I
know it, mum, but I can't help it.
You gee, my nurse frightened me
once iu a dark room when I was a
baby, and I have been timid ever
to bea beggar and a tramp. ou
handle on a large eoale ? Is it pee-
sibleti that these' hardy creatures
Papuot,belntide to pay in a aaltbi
for..aheeeA•making ? If their . kids
were kept at home They could be
wade to graze on the roughest
ground and would return home to
bo milked.
3111.1). AnDoSr,21 Adelaide Street West.
Toronto writes l --"For a long time I have
been troubled with a dieordored Stomach,
and at last I got no bad that I was ccm-
polled to quit work, and for days I could
neither eat nor sleep, and the pain in my
head was most intense. I was induced to
try a bottle Of Dr. Carson's stomach Bit -
tors, After tithing three dozes I was al-
most completely restored to health. My
appetite' oamo book; the racking headache
was gone, and I never slept sounder in my
habit some cows have of holding up
the milk is a difficult one to over-
come. L. B. Arnold amounts for
this habit by the following oxplan•
niton : It consists in shortening the
time of relaxation of the cords con-
trolling the valves to the little, res•
ervoirs holding the milk. These
are distributed through the udder,
and there are several ciroumetancee
which tend to mane cows shorten
this relaxation. Rough treatment,
fear, grief, solicitude, loud noises,
etc„ are among them. The circum-
stances inducing a prolongation of
the relaxation are comfort and quiet-
ude, together with the relief afford-
ed by the flow of milk. The best
way, according to the authority
quoted from, is to avoid all occasions
of disturbance and observe those
whieli pleasure and quiet for the
cow and to milk as rapidly as pos.
sible consistent with comfort, with
a view to getting the milk before the
'letting down' cease. Milking rap-
idly does not mean jerking sharply
or moving with Hasty or irregular
movements in the preeence of the
cow. Such a course would counter-
act the very thing aimed at. The,
motions of the n1111s should not be
such as to attract her suspiaions.
They should be deliberate and cool,
but when set down to the milking,
let nothing be allowed to interrupt
or retard the work. This will in•
duce continual letting down, by giv-
ing relief tothe udder. The milker
should bear constantly in mind the
fact that the letting down is short
and that every movement should be
availed of
to the best advantage.
When the milk ceases to fiow the
milking should stop at once, wheth-
er the milk is all out or not. There
is no use hanging on after it stops
coming, as it only cultivates and
confirms the idea of 'holding back.'
To give a cow the least possible oc-
casion for holding back her milk
is the best way to prevent her form-
ing such a habit, and the surest and
readiest way to make her forget it
after it has been formed. To break
up the objectionable habit, let the
milking be quick, easy and regular.
The maintenance of a healthy state of
the system is the surest protection against
disease ; experience has shown that by the
use of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipa-
tion Bitters a perfect state of health eau
be assured. It frees the system from all
impurities, cleanses and purifies the blood.
Por Bale by all Druggists at 50 cents a
Bill collector (to little girl at the
door)—"Your father promised to
pay this bill to -day." Little girl
(timidly)—"I know it, sir, but you
will have to excase him." Collect.
sterniy hat excuse can
' W
there be for this neglect ? What ie
his excuse ?" Little girl—"It isn't
his fault, really sir ; you see he went
and died yesterday."
"Never Tried re."
What! Never tried Johnson's Tonic Bit-
ters! 'Then do so at once, it's poeittrely the
best general tonic on the market. I've often
heard of it but thought that it was to be
plaoedon the limb or the many trashy pre-
yon reoommenh It so highlykI11 give 11 ca
trial. Do so it's good for any oomplaint in
winch o tonin ie of benefit, and can be taken
hymen, woman, or child. GOote and $1 per
bottle at Deadman's drug store, Brussels,
One day the children were having
an object lesson on the blue heron.
The teacher called attention to its'
small tail, saying, "The bird has no
tail to speak of." The next day the
teaoher asked the scholars to write
n description' of the bird, and a little
Goriuttu wound up liy saying" "Teo
blue heron has a tail, but it must
net be talked about."
Meareger'e Lung Compound.
Have 7011 a bad Cough, a Chronic Hoarse-
ness, a foaling of Lightness in the Chest,
Weak Lungs, or any similar complaint ? If
so ,bny a bottle of MoGregor'e Lung Com-
ponent at once. It will cure you.. It con-
tains entirely new Species, of which one
does is more effectual than a whole bottle
of the old time remedies. It ie put up in
500. and 3100 bottles. ;Sold by John Her.
greaveo 11 Co., druggists, Brussels. Try it,
and you will never have reason to complain,
" 11fy dear," said Mrs. Ferguson
Montgomery to her husband, "why
do they keep •that hen at the dime
Museum ? I don't see anything
about it different from the ordinary
fowl ?" Ferguson opened his eyes
in mild surprise. 'Well, well,
didn't you notice ? That hen ie
one of the most interesting features
of the Dime- It hasn't any teeth.'
'Is it possible ?' meditatively re.
plied the spouse. 'Well, I must go -
down again.'
Fart. Notes.
The British dairy farmers' asso•
cieption,is going to establish dairy
schools "Which shall train students
ins the art of making dairy products
and if possible pay its way in . sell-
ing cheese and butter made from
purchased milk
newness, 'salla bait, Ore.
Those wile aro bald, who have gray or thin
hair, or who aro troubled with dandruff
should invest in a bottle of Dr. Dorenwentt's
"Nair Magic." 'iris the finest preparation
for the hair and scalp new in use. it le rap-
idly superseding all other Hair tontoe, It
stops falling, restores; tbo original oolor to
gray hair and ror baldness, whore there aro
the slightest possible roots, it willproduoe a
Oneitowtit of hair, Do not watt until too
late but got a bottle at once, G. A: Deae-
nand3,Hergreovos.& Cob us
Agents, Br-
Is there no means of making
goats profitable in this country ? 11
is simply because goats breed freely
and live without caro and yield 'a
rich and delicious milk, that no ono
can possibly afford to breed and
Canadian Newt.
JUNB 17, 1857.
Steady Entplor1meltt to Good Men..
None need be Idle. Previous
Experience not essential.
We pay either Salary or Com-
100 Men Ifanted
To Canvas for the Sale of Can-
adian grown Nursery Stock,
Tlie l ofltliill• Nurseries,
Lary est in Canada,
Or'er 400 Acres.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class References, and
want to work. No room for lazy
men, but can employ any num-
ber of energetic men who want
Stone & Wellington,
t'oronto, Ont.
Practical Watchmaker IG Jelt'eller
Thanking the Public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure your
patronage. We lire opening out full lines
Gold and Silver Watches.
Silver Plated Ware from established
and reliable makere, fully warranted by
Clocks of thelateedesigns.
Jewelry :
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem Rings,
Borings, its.
Also have in stock a full line of Violins
and Violin Strings, Pipes, &Ge.
Caledonian games at Parkhill on
the 23rd inst. ; $400 in prized.
A dangerous $2 Canadian note is
in circulation throughout Michigan.
Torontontans will vote next month
on a bylaw to raise' $100,000 for
"Island protection works,"
The Sarnia tunnel contractor is
busy trying to pump out the hole
which has been filled with water.
Thomas Caldwell, of Dundee, died
the other day of blood poisoning,
caused by a wound from a rusty
Guelph alderman have formulat-
eda long address to the Queen, and
will discharge $400 ,worth of fire•
crackers in her honor.
S. Robbins, of Brantford, has paid
the fine of $60 imposed upon him
for giving liquor to Indians.
Ata fashionable colored wedding
at St. Thomas, at a fashionable
colored hour on Saturday evening,
the wedding Dake weighed 27
The St, Thomas Car Wheel
Foundry is now working on a eon,
tract to make 1,000 wheels for one
firm, the value of the world ordered
being about $40,000.
A Scotch firm of locomotive man-
ufacturers have entered into eorres-
pondence with the Dominion Gov-
ernment, offering to remove their
headquarters to Canada provided
the Government will buy fifty loco-
motives from them to give them a
The Sault Canal was puffed ou
June 6th by seventy-seven vessels,
the largest ou record for one day.
The loch chamber was in continu-
ous operation from 8 a.'m., when
the fog lifted, until 'midnight, t1.t
this rate there will be a speedy in-
ternational nee for the Canadian
Canal, at St. Mary's Rapids, when
it is built. The $1,000,000 roquir-
ed for it was appropriatedby the
Commons on Tuesday night,
N.B,-Isaner of Marriage Licenses
T. Fletcher.
Bargains ! Bargains !
—colt T1IE—
1)10,0.1:. Wrs2'0 Nerve and Brain 'Treat-
ment,a guaranteed 8p solea for Hysteria,
Dlealn000, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous, Neu -
by the use of alco of orl,tobacco, Wtration ake.
fulnoas, Mantel DOpresSio n, Softening of the
Brain resulting in in said Gy, leading to mis-
ory,doeayAnd death, Pr°ntatnte Old Ago,
Bluenose ,La ss of Power In either aux, In.
voluntary liosos and 611n'113otnrrlitea 0028•
ed by over -ex :roan of the Bruin , coil -abuse
or over•indulg since, Each boX uontaine one
month's treatment, 01 a box or six boxes
for 82, sent by mail, prelatic!, 001 receipt of
in Plows, Steel Harrows, Seed
Drills, Bain Wagons, Buggies,
Organs, Sewing Machines, Sulky
Plows, one four spring Wagon,
one 1 horse Wagon, and one sec-
ond hand Lumber Wagon.
Land Rollers for $25,
best in the market. Three kinds
of Scuider8, Port Perry Grinder
and Horse Powers,
Clothes Wringers,
Churns, and ANYTHING You may
Geo. Love.
To euro soy ease. With ouch orderroee{yod
by us forst' boxes, umlaut panned with $5,
we will send the purchaser our written
guarantee to refund the money if the treat-
ment does pot effect a cure. Gnarauteee
issued by all druggists,
A nice assortment of Baby. Car-
riages on Exhibition at H.
Dennis', where. you can
also get a
Splendid Trunk,
Handy Valise,
or Satchel at a Low Price.
who arebald or whose hair le tido or gray,
or arc troubled with de ndruff,
Dr. Do,- nwend'S
Pull lines of Light and Heavy
Whips, Combs, Brushes, 810. ill
We Leacl but Never Follow:
Sign of Ely ,Scotch Collar.
is the greatest tonic for strengthening the
growth of the hair over dlsoovered. 11 stops
all telling out of the hair, removes all traces
01 dandruff, restores gray hair to its original
color and in cases of lald,,00s. where the
roots are not destroyed, it will produce a
luxuriant crop of heir.
Tata warnieg it your hair le in s. feeble
state got a bottle ac once belorn ilia too late.
Dr; Doronwond'e "Heir Magic;' is on Sale at
all principal Drug Stores. Ask for Ib and take
nothing else.
G. A. DssDnrnx AND 3. HA RGREAVES tt•. Oo.',
AGENTS FOR B uns: mLg.
A. Doren send Sole SIauntnoturer, Toronto,
ronweu,t keeps the largest
Canada. Bootle
Do iis g
Hair i00nst0.bli ehia0nb in GouOde.
GEC. P -111315 1T,
Painting, Graining,
Glazing, Iialsontining,
Paper Hanging, &c.
All work done Promptly and
at Reasonable Rates.
in every instance.
Woolen Mill.
R. Forsyth & Son, formerly of
the Wroxeter Woolen Mille, beg
to inform the Farmers in this vi-
cinity that they have Now in Op-
eration a Woolen Mill in 'Blyth,
and hope 'that by adhering
to their old plan of making noth-
ing but Sound, Durable Goode ,
and trust that. by so doing to
meet a liberal'patronagc:.
of all kinds promptly and care-
fully attended to.
The Hut nIsT PRICE paid for
Wool in. Exchange for Tweeds,
Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etc.
A Trial Solicited
Satisfaction Guaranteed f
R. Forsyth & Son.