The Brussels Post, 1887-6-10, Page 8S
If so We have a splendid kind
with an Iron Axle which is just
the thing for the amusement
and use of the children. It is
only 25 cents more than you
would pay for an ordinary wood
Call and see at
G..1. DEA.011I.4117'S
Drug, Book and Fancy Goods Store.
Wool! Wool! Wool!
I am prepared to Buy, as us-
ual, this Season, Any Quantity of
good Fleece Wool, for which I
will pay the Very Highest Price
in Cash. Fanners will consult
their own interests by marketing
their wool at Brussels.
R. Graham,
Trainsleave Brussels Station, north and
south aefollOws:—
Going South. Going North.
Mail 7.08 a.m. Mixed 9:80 am
Mixedes 118:8 a.m. m 1 Express 9.95 p.m
gag Rehm 1telits,
A °hiel's amang ye talon' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
Boors at cost price. Adam Good.
FIVE bars of electric soap 26c. A. Good.
Tams Axone, of London, was in town
this week.
5 BAns Dingmau's Electric Soap for
2Sots at Thomson's. 41.
REV.. R. PAUL and wife, of Ethel, talk
of becoming residents of Brussels.
NEws8T designs in curtains, blinds and
carpets at A. R. Smith's. 43-
Mee.RATCLIFFE is away at Toronto vis-
iting friends.
Two Cans of Tomatoes for 25 cents at
Thomson's. 47 -
MRs. WARE is enjoying the lake breezes
at the County town.
Mess ANNIE DECANTILLON, of Dublin, is
visiting her sister this week.
Fon new blinds, new curtains, new car-
pets, call on A. R. Smith. 43-
F. W. Koons is filling his contract in
gravelling in the corporation.
4 LDs. Choir clean Raisins for 25cts, at
Thomson's Grocery Store. 41 -
Mos. W. H. Knee and son are holiday-
ing among friends at Galt, Ayr and Dun-
Tan pulpit of the Methodist Ohurob
by was occupied Rev, J, L. Herr last Sab-
bath in the absence of the pastor.
THERE will be no service in Melville
ohnrch until the lot Sunday in July ow-
ing to the absence of the pastor.
Boer anszn the meeting of the East Bur.
on Farmers' Institute on Tuesday fore-
noon of next week iu the Town Hall, Brus-
THE interesting story of "Little Lord
Fauntleroy," by Franoes H. Burnett, is
on sale at Tan Pose Bookstore. Only
25 cents.
ON Thursday evening of next week
Capt. Cooke will speak on the Modes and
Measures of the Salvation Army, and
will also give his Training Home Lecture.
Everybody is invited to attend.
PETER DECANTILLON, of Chicago, was
visiting his sister, Mrs. T. O'Neil, of
Brussels, this week. He holds a lucrative
position, as reviser of rates, in the head
office of the Chicago, Burlington de
Quincy railroad.
THE General Assembly of the Presby-
terian Church opened at Winnipeg on
Thursday evening of this week. Bev. Dr.
$erns, of Halifax, was elected Moderator.
Maitland Presbytery is represented by
Dunoan Davidson, Thomas Muir, F. Bal.
lantyne, Donald B. McRae, John Ross,
E. A., and Kenneth McDonald, ministers;
John Mullen, Finlay McLennan, John
McDonald, Malcolm McPherson, William
Dawson and James Smillie, elders.
Fon SALE.—A8 I did not dispose of all
my goods on the day of my auction sale
I will sell by private sale, on terms to
suit. 1 horse, 1 binder, 1 seed drill, 1
buggy, 1 plow, 1 set single and 1 set
double harness, and household effects,
consisting of bedroom suite, sideboard,
extension table, parlor table, hair cloth 7
sofa, oue doz. sitting room chairs, kitch-
en chairs, nook and box stoves, couch,
and a host of other household articles.
Goo. Axioms attic, Prop.
Too DEwan ESTATn.—W. B. Dickson,
the young attorney from Brussels, Ont.,
is again in town in the interest of the
heirs of Wm. Dewar, who so mysterious-
ly disappeared hi1883, leaving behind
him real estate in Helena now worth
$40,000 or $50,000, It will be remember.
ed that the property was bid in at delis,
Tient tax sale by Judge Joe Davie, form-
er partner of the missing man ; that Mr.
Molten, about a year ago, wars allowed
to redeem on behalf of the heirs, and that
Judge Davis brought euit to compel the
igen of a deed to him, which ,suit has
not yet come to trial. Judge.,' Davis is
now in the east, and shortly before Mr.
Dickson came west the former dolled up-
on him and made overtures for the settle-
ment of the suit and the assignment of
all claim to the Dewar estate. to him,
Davis. The offer has not been , accepted.
--Helena Independent.
JUNE 10, 1887.
PRESENTS with our 650. Tea. A. Good.
G. A. Pesti, of Petrolln,wae home for a
few days last week.
Tann paokages corn starch 20 cents,
A. Good,
A NEW awning has been put up at Jno,
Grower's grocery and bakery.
Te you only spend 25 oents you will get
a present, A. Good, 48-
A NNW feriae is being built on the north
and west sides of the school grounds,
Mae. AINLAr, sr., is on a visit to rela-
tives at Harriston and Listowel.
Mas, SMALLDON, of Michigan, is visiting
Mrs. John Moli'arlane and Miss Wilaon,
JET Brooch Found. Owner may have
it by paying for this notice. Pose Pub-
lishing House.
OHMS. WELLS and J. Zimmer loft Brus-
sels last Wednesday for Dakota. They
intend taking up land, we believe,
EVERYTHING 15 growing magnificently
sine the heavy showers this week and
the crops look splendid inthis section.
JooN RET, wife and son, of Seaforth,
visited Brussels this week and enjoyed a
pleasant time with their former friends:
ConremnxoN service in Knox church next
Sunday. Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale,
and Rev. Geo. Brown, of Wroxeter, will
assist the pastor.
IT is said a knight of the mortar and
pestle, belonging to Brussels, cut k more
of grass with a scythe in 40 minutes.
It wasn't mull of a day for mowing
GEo, WEST, of Dakota, a former rosi.
dent of Brussels, was renewing old as•
quaiutanoes in this loonlity. He notioes
a great improvement in Brussels since
his last visit 10 years ago.
TIM London papers give an account of
the robbery of a boarding house in that
city in which B. J. Jones, a brother to
Jas. Jones, of Brussels, suffered the loss
of a valuable gold watoh and chain, a
silver watch and $9.60in cash.
THE festive bug is on the wing,
Called deoem Enemies
The currant worm and he in concert
Away with helebore and Paris green,
JAuEs Goon & Co., of Toronto, have
purchased the St. Leon mineral water
business, Lion Alexander being the man-
ager at Toronto. A. Good has been ap=
pointed the sole agent for this locality
and will be able to talk to you about its
curative qualities.
DIEL.—In Winnipeg, on the 20th of
May, Laura E., beloved wife of John
Wesley Hunter, formerly of this place,
died at the age of 33 years and'9 months.
She was the second daughter of E. 0.
Lowery, of Brussels. A little daughter
5 years of age is left with her father to
mourn the loss of a good mother.
SEVERAL of our townspeople talk of at-
tending the Moorefield camp meeting,
which commences on Friday of next
week. Rev. W. S. Griffin, 13..D. ; Rev.
A. M. Phillips, M.A. ; Rev. A. Cunning-
ham ; Rev. David Savage and Gospel
Band, and Miss Dinedale are expected to
be present and take part in the exercises.
THE leader of Band, (Jas. Jones) ft in-
tending to call on our residents asking
their aid toward a fund to purchase a
uniform for the Band. They only receiv-
ed 28 answers out of the 150 circulars
sent oat. The Secretary thinks an effort
should have been made at least to return
the stamp on the envelope enclosed for
reply. The boys mean to push this move
for the purchase of uniform.
ON Friday morning Dr. Carter died at
the residence of his sister, Mrs. D. Hay-
den, after a brief illness, He was buried
in Elms on Sunday morning. He was a
man of good education and address and
was well known in this locality having
been a resident of Ethel for years in the
practice of his profession. Of late he
had lived in the Muskoka District. A
wife and family aro left to mourn his
sudden demise.
Mlesxonanr.—Last Tuesday evening
Messrs. McKenzie and Goforth, reoent
students of Knox College, addressed a
large audience in Knox church. Rev. S.
Jones, pastor, occupied the chair. Mr.
McKenzie dwelt on the mission field of
India and gave an interesting account of
that land. Mr. Goforth gave an exhaus-
tive address on the mission work gener-
ally and on China particularly and inter-
ested the gathering very much with bis
practical remarks. He bad two charts
with him, one showing the proportions of
the world under the mission field and
otherwise. On the other showed the re-
lative amounts expended for missions,
education, public amusements, dress, to.
beam, liquor, &o. Mr. Goforth will go to
China before long and will succeed well.
A good collection was taken up at the
close of the meeting, amounting to $27.81.
Selections of music, appropriate to the
occasion, were given by the choir of the,
church, Miss Lizzie Jackson presiding at
the organ.
Tern Seaforth Sun says :—One of those
very interesting events which excite the
curiosity of old and young alike took
plane at the residence of the bride's fath-
er on Wednesday last, viz„ the marriage
of our popular druggist, I. V. Fear, to
Bessie, only daughter of John Steer, of
Egmondville. The morning dawned
cloudy, but as the hour approached for
the ceremony, the sunlight broke through
the clouds as if to take a peep at rho
pleasant arty, and smile on the fair de.
votes to Hymen. The guests were the
relatives of the contracting parties, and
formed a considerable company. A large
number of handsome and . valuable pres-
ents testified to the popularity of the
bride. The bridegroom looked his hap-
piest, as well he might on such an aus-
picious occasion, and was ably supported
by his brother, Geo. A. Fear, of Petrolia,
and S. A. White, of Seaforth, who is to
follow the benediot in "just two weeks,''
The bride was led to the altar by her
brother John S. $beat, and looked dis-
tractingly lovely. Her dregs was pale
cream with ribbon and lane trimmings,
orange blossoms and veil. The brides-
maids Miss Lottie Porter and Miss Jennie
Hill, who were also dressed in oream col-
or looked scarcely lees lovely, The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. Joseph Mc.
coy, M. A., pastor of the bride, assisted
by Rev. Ezra Fear, of Woodhaln,.brother
of the bridegroom. After partaking o4 a'
sumptuous repeat, the happy couple
started for the railway station amid
showers of rifle and a deluge of good wish.
es for their future happiness and prosper•
STsAwnnnnrixs aro 0010l0g to the front.
THE County Cannoil le in session this
week et Goderiah.
Mies Mane BONERS hoe gone to Stmt.
ford for a visit.
Mae. JAS, ENox, of Invermay,warr visit•
ing old friends in town this week.
THE Autumn Assizes for this County
are set down to open on Monday, Oot, 24.
Tnn Clipper base ball club talk of going
to Wroxeter on Dominion day to take
part in the tournament.
Tan Assessor must ]lave done his work
well this year as evidenced by the few
alterations in rho Assessment Roll.
Wool is Doming to our market in fairly
large quantities. The buyers are R.
Graham, Geo, Howe and W, Nightingale
1: co.
A. linen has purchased the house
and lot, formerly owned by John Alex-
ander, opposite the Public School. He
ie making a number of improvements.
A. Somme has purchased a general
blacksmith business at Rostock, Perth
Co., and he will take possession ou the
16th inst. Mr. Schenck was in town this
Scott Act oases against all our hotelkeep.
era, in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Sat-
urday. We understand two of them will
settle by paying the fine.
JOHN RmHAnhsoN and sister, from the
neighborhood of St. Marys, were visiting
their uncle, Jas. Dudley, this week. Mrs.
Dudley has been a sufferer for the past
two years with an ebsess in her side.
THE Vanebone Bros. were at Elsinore,
Brune Co., last week where they have a
gang of mol cutting timber on their land
there and will out it into lumber this
season. C. R. Venstone will remain
there for a while.
eWAnen».—Applicants (males preferred)
for a good situation involving excellent
business training. Must be not leas than
17 years of age, of fair education and
well recommended. Apply at TIE PoeT
Publishing House. 48
DAME Rehm says thee a wedding is
likely to take place soon between two old
residents of Brussels. We will only be
too happy to oongratnlabo then on the
happy occasion and wish them many
years of untold happiness. Perhaps old
lady Rumor is mistaken though.
REV. J. Ross, B. A., of Melville church,
Rev. D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, Bev.
F. Ballantyne, M. A., and Joseph Smillie,
of Walton, have gone to Wimlineg to at-
tend the General Assembly, which opens
on Thursday evening, 9t3. inst. They
went vin C.P.R. to Owen Sound thence
per boat.
As will be observed by notice elsewhere
Rev. W. Smyth is removing from Brus•
sols to Waterloo street church, Stratford,
and Rev. M. Swann, of Mitchell, is com-
ing to Brussels. Mr, Swan is a man of
large experience, a.good preacher and a
most successful pastor and will do well in
our town. The ministers are expeoted to
be with their new chargee on Sunday,
July 3rd.
Os Thursday night some oontemptible
sneak or sneaks broke into the Army
barracks and out the heads of the two
drums in pieces. This is a very small
triok and shows very little manliness.
Constable McComb will find some sub-
jects for the "cooler" in the neighbor-
hood of the barraoks some of these
evenings, Ruffianism is not going to
run Brussels and the violaters of law and
order should be taught so very emphatic-
Two oar loads of eggs, valued at about
$8,000, were shipped to Now York from
Brussels last week, by our two local deal -
ere, R. Sperling and JRo. Roddick. This
makes 4 oars shipped for Mr. Roddick
and we understand Mr. Sperling has
nearly that quantity in pinkie. Our egg
men are making quite a boom and should
receive the support of the home trade. Ie
is to our interest as a village to look after
every industry or business in the place
and help it all we can.
A STAR gazer writes as follows :—"Ven-
us is now to be seen two and one-half
hours after sunset and will stay out a
little later each night. The Dipper fa in
the northwest, high above the horizon,
early in the evenings of the opening days
of the month. Cassiopeia is on the op-
p051t5 side of the Polar Star from the
Dipper and 11555 in bks northeast as rho
Dipper sinks in the northwest. A little
higher above the horizon than Cassiopeia
and adjacent to that star group is the
constellation Cepheus. The quarter of
the sky occupied by these latter olusters
has an unnal interest for star -gazers just
now from the fact that the so-oalled Star
of Bethlehem, seen by Tycho Brahe in
1672, is now due between Cassiopeia and
Cepheus, It is reported that this star
was seen a few nights ago by an astro-
nomer in Kentucky, but the discovery is
not as yet confirmed by any astronomer
of reputation,
Canadian News.
Ottawa's jubilee celebration will be
held on June 80th and July let.
The Dominion Franohise Aot ooets. the
people of Bruce $8,510.64 for preparing
voters' lists, etc.
The wife of ex•Lieut.-Gov. Robinson
has been presented with a purse of $600
by.friends in Toronto.
James Labadie, of Ohatham, the cele-
brated ohooker player, has arranged a
matoh for $200 with Wright, of Boston.
The Grand Orange Lodge which con-
cluded its session at Belleville, Weaned.
day` night, decided to meet at Winnipeg
next year.
The operatives of the Montreal Cotton
Company's mill at Valleyfield, number-
ing over live hundred, are on strike, with
no likelihood of a speedy settlement.
A. Bruce, Q. 0., Hamilton, has been ap-
pointed bencher of the Law Scalds!, in•
place of Mr, Justice Robertson, who re.
tired upon hie elevation to the bench.
The Minister of Education is to lay the
foundation of the new Queen Victoria
School in Jarkdale on the 28th. The oil -
clarion is to be made a jubilee celebration.
Fred, Mowat, the new sheriff of Toren.
to, entered upon his offioial duties public.
ly Monday morning, when he made his
appearance at the opening. of the Summer
The report of the Meteorological De-
partment shows that last month was, the
warmest May.ot record at the Toronto
observatory and the driest with the. ex.
eeptiOx of 1850.
The Grand Jury ab the Court of
Queen's Huth, Montreal, Wednesday,
brought in two true bflle againsb]idxnund
L. Sheppard, of the Toronto News, on
the charge of criminal libel proferred by
Captain Rthoir and Baueet, of the 65th,
when that Battalion was at the North.
west rebellion, Higli Col -eatable Bieson-
nette left for Toronto lasb evening to ar-
rest Sheppard.
It is rumored in Montreal political
oiroles thnt Mr. Council, M. P., bee been
offered it sort in the Dominion Cabinet in
view of the reported resignation of Mr.
Cbapleau, and that Mr. Girounrd, M. P„
will be asked to accept it if Mr, Ooursol
ref nese.
The wbolosale poisonieg of dogs, which
has been going on in Ottawa for the past
few weeks, continues, attempts ab dis-
covery of the oulprits being futile. It is
estimated that about 100 dogs have been
poisoned. Many of dress were valuable
A deputation from the Conservative
Association of Montreal left for Ottawa
Friday, to urge Sir John Macdonald to
retain Hon, 3, A, Wtaploau in his cabin -
en, and not a000pt his resignation in or-
der that he may accept the Lieutenant -
Governorship of Quebec].
Souse miscreant forced hie way into
Trinity Church, Morpeth, recently, and
destroyed a portion of the Sunday School
library by burning ib in the stove, trod
upon and tore the surplice, drank the
wine need for communion purposes, and
broke a small looking. glass,
Reports received from trustworthy
sources at Batoohe say the half-breeds
are shill very much dissatisfied. The In-
terior Department oSloials have done
their best to settle the differences arising
out of the grant of seed wheat, but the
half-breed& are extremely poor, and not
inclined to lot old sores heal.
Mite Jennie Allen, eldest daughter of
13. Allen, ex.M. P., of Owen Sound, died
on Thursday morning of last week after
a lingering illness of about a year. The
immediate cause of the young lady's
death waa spival disease, supposed to have
been induced by a fall in the roller rink
in the spring of last year. The deceased
was a general favorite. •
The Montreal Conference decided to
meet next year in Montreal. The Con-
ference was most pr000uncei on threw
points :—That the observance of the Sab-
bath should be promoted as much as
possible and all along the line ; that tem-
perance ehould be upheld at all hazards
and without regard for jnolibical conse-
quences, and that sooialfsm should be
most strongly oombatted.
At the close of Parliament the Govern-
or-General and Lady Lansdowne will go
on a fishing trip to Metnpedia, on the Bay
of Chaleur. After remaining there for
some time their Excellencies will visit
the Citadel at Quebec. During the month
of September His Excellency will open
the Eastern Township Exhibition at
Sherbrooke. A state ball is to be given
at Rideau Hall on June 21st in honor of
the Queen's Jubilee,
At the last meeting of the Enniskillen
township council, T. G. Gordon, of Sarn-
ia,applied ou behalf of the Alpha Oil
Company to be allowed to lay a pipe line
from the town line of Sarnia and Ennis-
killen east to lot 3, along the 12th con.
line. On motion the request was grant-
ed on condition that the pipe line is laid
so as not to interfere with any ditoh or
water course or any pipe line that may
be thereon, or any private property what-
During the last half of the seventh inn
ing5 of the Toronto -Newark baseball game
played in Toronto on 7th inst., Hughes,
the Newark pitoher, was hit by a pitched
ball on the left side of the head behind the
ear. He fell to the ground unconscious.
Two doctors were promptly in attendance
andhe was carried into the dressing room
and restored to.consciousness. He then
made fair progress towards recovery until
the evening, when he was taken with a re-
lapse while walking in the corridor of the
Rossin House. His condition is critical.
An experienoed butter exporter of
Montreal says that four and shall pounds
of butter can be made from 100 ]be. of
milk by the creamery prooese, while only
three to three and a half are made by the
ordinary dairy process. When the extra
labor required in making and the lower
value of the produot by the latter system
is taken into account as well, the im-
mense advantages of the creamery sys-
tem are seen. A creamery can be oper-
ated profitably on the produot of about
half the number of oows that would be
required to make a cheese factory pay.
A sad drowning accident occurred at
Strathroy Tuesday afternoon, which has
carried grief into the family of a most
esteemed citizen, Dr. A. McLaren, dentist.
His son Walter, aged 10 years, was bath-
ing in Pincombe's pond along with some
other boys, when he' gob beyond his
depth, whore rho water was cold, and,
being probably taken with cramps, went
to the bottom. When brought up the
vital spark bad fled, and all the efforts of
Drs. Bettridge and 3, M. Thompson, who
were promptly on hand, proved fruitless.
The body was removed to his father's
A 0hioaoo Times special from Winni=
peg says the Canadian Paeifio Road has
reduced freight rates from this point west
forty per cent. The concession, however,
comes to late, as the local government
bas prepared plans and spesifiostions for
building a road to the boundary, and ten-
ders will be advertised for at once, To
prevent any miscarriage, the Lieutenant -
Governor was summoned to the House
to give assent to the bill authorizing the
government ,bo conetrnat the road. The
governtnent has'also repealed' the act -per-
mitting injunotions, . so that the Dom-
inion Government could bob stop the
work if it dared.
The annual report of the Canada
Southern Railway Company Shows that
six miles' of siding hoe been laid during
the year. The equipment owned by the
Company bite been increased by the pur-
chase of 100 oars formerly lensed ; and
the erinipment in use now oonsits of 125
locomotives and 8,822 oars owned, includ.
Mg 90 passenger cars, and 8,212 freight
care, of which number 80 are way cars.
Following aro the nowly-eleobed directors:
Cornelius Vaudorbuilt, William H. Van-
rlerbuilt, Jamos'lilhnf,hast, Anthony G.
Dolman, Charles i1', Cox, Samuel. P.
Barger, Sidney Dillon, Joseph E. Groyne
and Edward A. Wiakos.
The annual reports presented at the
Montreal Methodist Conference tallow the
following statistios :—Total membership,
29,980 ; total received by ministers, $109,-
811,85 ; net deficiency, $17,599;78; pro.
batiouers, 27 ; offeetive ministers, 167 ;
superannuated„ 22 ; supernumeries, 6 ;
looal preachers, 219 ; exhortore, 87 ; lead -
ere, 801 ; stewards 1,174 ; societies, 574 ;
485 Sunday Schools, an inoroaso of 45 ;
3,212 officers, an inoroaso of 243 ; 28,914
scholars, an increase of 1,136 ; 1,885 eon-
vorts, an increase 01529. The following
sums have been raised : For missions,
57,072, an increase of $427 ; for Sabbath
School purposes, $9,905, an inorease of
$827 ; Sabbath Sohool aid, $217, as in-
orease of 630.
The execution of David Gogolin, a
German, who, in October lest, killed his
tenant, a woman, because site refused to
vaoabe Lia house or pay rent, took plane
at Pembroke, Ont., on Monday morning
at 8 o'olock and was witnessed by about
50 people, among whom worn the Sheriff,
Deputy Sheriff, coroner, physician, jailer,
attendant, ministers and a few others.
At 5 minutes to 8 o'olook the murderer
was conducted to the scaffold, accompan-
ied by the German ministers, Revs. C.
Sohrovelier and Roberti F. Kretzmann,
and officials, He knelt with Rev. Kretz-
mann. The condemned man repeated
prayers after the minister with groat fer-
vor, and expressed himself as Perfectly
satisfied to meet his God. He never
once flinched from his terrible doom. A
few minutes before the fatal bolt was
drawn they sang a favorite German
hymn, in which the prisoner joined with
clear and unwavering voice. He also re-
peated at the end a beautiful prayer he
learned when a boy. A few minutes
after 8 the fatal bolt was drawn and David
Gogolin was launched into eternity. He
died without a struggle save a alight mus-
cular oenbraction,
LnATnEI,ALx.—In Brussels, on the 7th
fust., the wife of Mr. R. Leatherdale of
a daughter.
FEAR—Sentnx.—In Egmondville, at the
residence of the bride's father, on the
158 inst., by Rev. Jos. McCoy, assist-
ed by Rev. E. A. Fear, Mr, I. V.
Fear, druggist, Seaforth, to Elizabeth
Gertrude, only daughter of Mr. John
CAnTEx.—In Brussels, on June Ord, Rob-
ert Carter, M. D.
Hoernn.—In Winnipeg, oa May 2Gth,
Laura E., beloved wife of John Wes
ley Hunter, aged 33 years and 9
81.117B9£7-46 3M6AR2r£2,6_
White Fall Wheat 84
Red Winter 84
Spring Wheat 60
Barley 40
Oats 29
Peas ... 48
Butter, tube and rolls..., 12
Eggs per dozen 12
Flour per barrel 4 60
Potatoes 66
Hay per ton 9 00
Hides per lb 5*
Salt per bbl., wholesale.... 60
Sheep skim, oath 50
Wool, per Ib• 20
1 00
El45•i't A ply at Tau Poem Publishing House.
Phaeton Bugg y, set of Single Harness,
Gutter and two Robes for sale Apply to
Loin to Let, well fenced, cellar, shade
trees, pleasant neighborhood. 89.00 per
28' J. R. GRANT.
1 -1 A few Splendid, improved farms for
salvia tbo township of Grey, Morrie and
illop. Apply to A. DELGATI'X, Co.
Auctioneer P. 0.
undersigned will keep on 'oil, con. 0.
Grey,',ed Hero II' a fine young thor'-bred
Durham ball for service, Terme-81,00 with
privilege of returning if neosssary. Terms-81,00,
CAN MoLAUGHLIN, returning,
undersigned will keep during 110 sea
von,alhis hotel, Cranbrook, a thoroughbred
Shorthorn Bull.
TIMMe,-31,00 per sow, with privilege of
returning it ueeessary,
48 084.9. DAME8.
Royal Mail Steamships.
FROM LIVERPOOL, 5TEAM11n, 011011 07E11150.
Aril with Parleian May 19th
May 5th Sarmatian May 28th
Mos, beth 101rsassian Juno 88,1
May 19th Sardinian Juno 9th
May 27111 lPolynoelan...Juno 174b
Jeno 8080 Parisian June 28rd
June 0th - Sarmatian. June 80th
Juno 17th 1 Oireassiaa July 8th
Juno 50rd Sardinian July 14111
Julylet 1 Polyneslan,,..:.July Band
July 7th Parisian July 28th
14111.1 545b..,_,,,.,. Sarmatian Aug. 4th
July 92nd t Circassian Aug 1et11
July 9881 Sardinian....., Aug. 18th
Aug. 4811 1 Polynesian .Aug. 38th
Aug.11111 Parisian Sept. let
i Extra Stcsm8re, The Steamers abobc
named ao not carry cattle, sheep or pigs.
Stomata: Passengers are booked to and
from London, Quoenstou, Derry,ilolfaet and
Glasgow at same rates atLlverpool,
Bates of passage b y the Mail Steamers from
Quebec to Londonderry and Liverpool:—
cabin-200, 870 and $80, Return -8110,
8100 and $150. Intermediate -.580, return
$00. Steerage -850, return, $40.
The last train connecting at Quebec with
the Mall Steenmere sailing from that port ou
the Thursday. leases Toronto on the Wed-
nosaay morning. The last train connecting
w1t11 the Extra lteamere sailing 011 tlio Fri-
day, leaves Teionto on the Thllvsday 5i0rn-
lug. For tlokotu and every information up•
ply to
1. 1T.. GI .fs.1s0 , .A.corat, axu,eeo7.a,
Transact a General Banking
Naos es haus discounted.
%Lterestallowed on deposits; repayable on
Prompt attention Given t0 colleotiono,
TEne, 85o, OlIlOe in Leckie's bion lc
Brussels. Money bo Loau.
• Garrow 0, Proudfoot, Goderiah) So-
licitor, Oonveyaneer. Cc. Office, Grant's
block, Brussels. Money to loan
the Ponrth Division Oourt, Co. Huron,
Oonvoyauoor, Notary Public, Laud, Loan
and Insurance Agent. Punch; invested and
to loan, Oo,loctlous made. Office In Gra-
ham's Block, Brussels.
moved his Wilco to rooms over the
Peetofnos. Residence on Mill Street,
T A.141ONAUGHTON, 51 D., 0.
• M, L. It. C. P. Edinburgh, Physician,
Surgeon and Acoouchor. OOlee, Mrs, Shiers
block, Turuberry Street.
M. F. GALE, M. D., 0. M.
Member of the College of Physlofnat and
Surgeons of Cutouto by examination,
Office and Bosldeno—Main St, Beet, Ethel
G. L.Ba11,L. D.S., Honor Graduate and
PI. It,0. D. S., of Toronto.' Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Prices graded and as low
as good work can be done for..
Oros over Jobuston's Hardware Shure,
W, J. Pear ,L. D. S, Graduate of To-
ronto School of Dentistry. 4.11 oper-
ations guaranteed, OAice—Cody's
Block, Seaforth,
Artificial teeth, flrstqunlity, anda
guaranteed Ht, for $19.90 per act,
Honor Graduate of the Royal College
Dental Surgeaue, Toronto. Nrmi,os 0zx n
Gee administered for the painless extrac-
tion Of teeth,
OFFICE.—Garleld Bloc@,$ RIIU88ELS.
VI' • of Marriage Licenses. Office at his
Grooery,Turnberry Street.
and Carriage, plain and ornamental
painter. Estimates cheerfully furnished
Charges moderate.
• rinse Licenses, by appointment o1
Lieut. -Governor, Oommieatoner, .4c., Q. B.
Cenyeyen0er and Agent Fire Insurance Co.
OlIlee ab the Cranbr,ok Post OMoo.
CI • Aooldent and Lcau Insurance Agent
for Some of the best and most reliable Com-
panies In the Dominion. Office Brlak Terr-
ace ,Turnberry street ,noar rho station.
• Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College has resumed the practice of John
Nott, V.B„ and Is prepared to tread all die -
eases ofdomestieabed animals on sclentiIIc
andapproved principles. Treatment of del-
icate foals a specialty Office two doors
North of Bridge, Turuberry street.
Teacher ofMunio, Vocal and. Inetr
menta 00 Organ, Piano, or Guitar. Har.
mony and Thorough Bass. Advanoed unpile
fitted tor Teaching. Terms ou appltoatton
Bhierenee—Ladies of Loretto Academy
Guelph. Residence—No. 2, Terrace, south
near station.
Robert Cunningham
Guelph, Ontario.
Butsltor, thanking
1� 1
his many euatom500 for their
liberal support in the past
wishes to inform them that at
his shop in Smale's block he keeps nothing
but ilrst-olase meats, all kinds of Poultry
and Sausage Moat Delivered bo all parte of
the town free. Cash paid for Fat Stook
Hides and eheepekins bought for cash,
1.J of the undersignedlot. 20, eon, 5, Gray,
on or about the 5th of 'lday, two ewes and
two lambs. Tho owner is requested to prove
property,pay expanses and take thorn
away. ORT. ROSE. 45.4+
May ebb. It is gold on one side and
enamel on rho other, has she words 'In
memory of on the latter side. There is a
likeness in it. The finder will greatly oblige
by leaving It at Tau Poem Publishing House
at ono°, whore they will be suitably re-
warded. • 44 -
hereby cautioned against negotiating a
promissory note for. $75.00, drawn in favor
ofSosepb Young, or bearer, 4 months' from
Juno let, 1887 so It bas boon lost and pay-
ment stopped. Any person returning the
same to the uaderaigned, whose Ramo 10 0u
rho nota will confer a great favor, JAMES
4A010S0'i, Bruesele P,O- 47.4+
dersigaol ofrere hie exoolleut 100 aoro
form, being North d 1 et 20 Com. 0, Morris,
for solo, There aro about t0 aeras Moored,
the balance hardwood bush. The buildings
are in good repair. There le an olwhard,
w0110 and all the nnoossary oonvenitnees,
The farm ie only 2 nlilee from Brussels and
in a geed losallty, Poesossion would be
Elven immediately, Theme aro 80 'acres of. '
Fall Wheat le, Lor further nartlonlare as
to price, terms, ac]„ apply to the proprietor
on rho psem lees.
130 WARD AUhE1t7ole,'
85-8m+. BrnnsP, U,