The Brussels Post, 1887-6-10, Page 731711113 10, 1887,
I tarnmNn4'.? IS t_e7 te_t1f e s .' _ ._ 'w u nRniTffiGfi Ra
.asrsrarstr�-."?rr.�,straetasra,^c-^o^ ars .
TII t U 11U;1a f DAUGHTEr when, unable to lie tossing in her bed,
J sho would spring up, and, heedless of the
Olt freezing air, pace her room till morning,
The wild fire in her eyo, even in the
A TA7'.S7 OF 4FDiOPfG AND lirCilK< Rall ,
By llrs. MAY AGNES I+L1 ING,
Author er"Lost Ear a Woman'', Mona
Parer', Nerrat," Etc., amt.
"I have got a headache," said Georgia,
pressing her hands to her throbbing
temples dizzily,
"Oh, you have l Being in this hot
room all day has caused it. Do let mo
bring you your things, and come out for
a walk. It is a beautiful eveniug, though
cold, and the air will do you good.
dome. I'll go with you, Miss Randall.
Shall I go and get your things ?"
"You are very good," said Georgia,
faintly ; "I think I will ; I feel almost
Maggie bounded away, and the next
moment came flying bank, rolled uta in
a huge shawl; and her pretty lace
eclipsed in an immense quilted hood.
She held another shawl and hood in her
hands, and before Georgia knew where
she was, she found herself all muffled
up and ready for the road.
" Now, then," said Miss Maggio,
briskly ; "tomo along! Seo if the wind
won't blow roses into those white cheeks
of yours 1"
Passing her arm around Georgia's
waist, Maggio drew her with her out of
the house.
The day was cold, and clear, and
bright, and windless ; a frosty, sun.
shiny, cold afternoon. The sun, sinking
in the west, shed a rod glow over the
snow.covorod fields, and gave a golden
brightuess to the windows of tho house.
Some of the old wild spirit, that
nothing but death could ever entirely
crush out of Georgia's gipsy heart, rose
as the cold, keen frosty air cooled her
fevered brow. The languid eyes lit up,
and she started at a rapid walk that
kept Maggie breathless, and laughing,
and running, and quite unable to talk.
"Oh, my stars 1" said Maggie, at last,
as sho stopped, panting, and leaned
against a fence. "If you haven't got the
seven -league boots on, Miss Randall,
then I should like to know who has
You ought to go into braining as a fe-
male pedestrian, and you would make
your fortune in twenty -five -cent pieces.
I declare I'm just about tired to death."
"Why, how thoughtless I am 1" said
Georgia, whose excited pace had
scarcely kept time with her excited
thoughts ; "I forgot you could not walk
as fast as I can. Suppose you sit down
and rest, and I will wait."
"All right, then," said Maggie, as she
clambered with great agility to the top
of the fence and sat down on the top
rail ; "but Hold, Macduff, who comes
here 2"
A sleigh came dashing along the road,
drawn by a small, spirited horse that
seemed fairly to fly. It was occupied
by a gentleman wearing a large black
cloak, and a fur cap drawn down over
his brow.
As ho reached them be turned round
and glanced carelessly toward the rls.
For one instant his face was turned fully
toward them, the next he was whirling
away out of sight.
"Oh, how handsome 1 oh, isn't ho
beautiful ?" exclaimed Maggie, clasping
her hands enthusiastically ' "such splen-
did eyes, and such a pale, handsome
face, edemas a glorious driver. My 1
how I would like to bo in that sleigh
with him. T would—wouldn't you, Miss
She turned to Georgia, and fairly
leaped off the fence in amazement to
see her standing rigid and motionless,
with widely 'distended eyes and white,
startled face, gazing after the object of
Maggie's admiration.
"Why, Miss Randall 1 Miss Randall!"
said Maggie, catching her arms, "what's
the matter ? Do you know him 2"
"Lot us go back, Miss Leonard," said
Gergia, passing her hand over her oyes
as if to dispel some wild vision.
Know him! Yes, as if they had
parted but yesterday. Could Georgia
forget Charley Wildair?
"Aad the stately ships goon
To the haven under the hill,
But oh for rho touch of a vasishod]land,
And the sound of a voice that is still."
All that night Georgia's thoughts ran
in a new direction—Chailey Wildair.
Yes, she has been face to face with the
living, breathing friend of her childhood
once more, The mystery that sur.
rounded him rose up an her mind, and
again she found herself wondering what
he had done, what crime ho had com-
mitted. Evening after evening she
walked out in the same place, in the
hope of seeing him again, when she
was determined to speak to him at all
hazards ; but in vain ; he mune not, no
one knew or could tel
l her anything of
him who had passed that evening. As
day after day wore on, she began to re-
gard his appearance almost in the light ga
of an apparition, something her dime tion that no one was to be told.
tiered imagination had conjured up to Then she voluntarily offered to paint
mock her, and at last the hope of seeing Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and the three
•hint again faded away. children, and, at Jennie's earnest desire,
And so a month passed on. Oh! that her little tortoise -shell .kitten was so,
dreary, endless, monotonous mouth, diced into gifting still long enough to be
with nothing but the dull routine of the taken too. This last was a labor of love,
scsaool-room day after day. for, strangely enough, it brought bank
There were times when Georgia softened thoughts of the happy days
would start wildly up, feeling as though spent in ramping through the cottage by
she worn going mad ; and evening after the sea with Betsey ,periwinkle.
evening, when the last lesson was said, And a faint, sad, dreary smile broke
she would throw her shawl over her over Georgia's face as she painted the 1
shoulders and hurry out into the cold little b]inkini; animal, and thought of all t
wintry weather, and ' walk and walk the old associations it called forth. It
for miles with dizzy rapidity to cool the brought back Miss Joruah% and little a
fever in her blood, Night after night,
presenoo of others; bespoke the oonsun.
Mg fever in her veins that seemed dry
ing up the very Made of life in her
heart. Had she been loading some ex.
citing, turbulent life it would have been
better for her; but this stagnaub mono.
tony seemed in a fair way of makiug her
a maniac before long.. There were times
her er
w o very cry soul would cry out in pane
alienate yearning for what she had Met
—times when an uncontrollable ilrpubse
to fly, fly far away from this phaco, to
search over the world for him elm hail
left, and, in spite of all that had passed,
to cling to him forever, would seize icer
and she would struggle and wrestle with
the fierce desire, until, from very bodily
weakness, she world sink down in a very
stupor of despair.
It seemed to her as if a dark doom had
hoeu hanging over her from childhood
and had fallen at last, a widow in fate
though not in fact, au outcast from all
the world, and almost with the brand of
murder on her brow, But oh, if she had
sinned, was the expiation not heavier
than it deserved ? A life of desolation,
a death unoheered by a single friendly
face, to live forgotten and die forlorn,
that was her doom. Poor Georgia 1 what
wonder that, frenzied and despairing, the
cry of her heart should be, "My punish-
ment is heavier than I can boar."
The Leonards hardly knew what to
make of Georgia. Mr. Leonard looked
pityingly on the white face, so eloquent
of wrong and misery, and expressed his
opinion that she had come throughmoro
than people thought. Mrs, Leonard was
rather puzzled about the young gover-
ness' when in her wild paroxysms she
would boar startling legends of her walk.
ing through frost and snow for miles to.
gether, and would hear a quick, rapid
footstep pacing up and dowaanp her cham-
ber the hve•]ong night, and'i!would see
the wild, lurid fire in her great black
eyes, she would give it as her opinion
that Miss Randall was not quite right iu
her mind; but when this mood would
pass away, and reaction would follow,
and when she wouldnote the slow, weary
steps and pallid cheeks, and spiritless
eyes, and lifeless movements, sho would
retract, and say she really did not know
what to make of her.
Miss Felice snappishly said it was all
affectation ; the governess wanted to be
odd, and mysterious, and interesting ;
and if she was her father she world pat
an end to the long walks, or know why.
But these little remarks were prudently
made when Georgia was not listening;
for if the truth must be told, Miss
Leonard stood more than slightly in awe
of the dark, majestic, melancholy gov-
erness. Miss Maggio declared it was
"funny," but she rather liked Georgia,
though after the first week dr two she
voted her "awful tiresome, worse than
Felice," and left her pretty much to her-
self. Icer pupils liked her, but were
rather afraid of her iu her dark moods,
and, like the rest of the household, stood
considerably in awe of her, wrapped as
she was in her dark mantle of unvarying
During the first month of her stay,
Georgia had spoken to no one but the
household. 1 isitors there were almost
every day, but Georgia always fled at
their approach, and both the Misses
Leonard, conscious of her suporior
beauty, had no desire to bo eclipsed by
their queenly dependent, and were quite
willing sho should bo invisible on those
occasions. Since she had heard Dick
Curtis was a friend of the family she
had dreaded the approach of every
stranger, and always sent some excuse
for not appearing at table at such times.
Therefore, sometimes whole days would
pass without her leaving her own room
and the school -room.
As the children's study ouly comprised
five hours each day, Georgia had a great
deal of spare time to herself. This she
had hitherto spenteither in her long,
wild walks or in her dark reveries; but
now, of late, a now inspiration had seized
Ono day, to amuse little Jennie, she
had seized her pencil and drawn flex
portrait, and the drawing proved so life-
like that the whole family were fn trans.
ports. The Miss Leonard immediately
made a simultaneous rush for the school.
room, and overesholmed Georgia with
praises of her talent, and pleadings to
sketch theirs, too, And Georgia, feeling
a sort of happiness in pleasing them,
readily promised. The drawings were
commenced and finished, and Greorgis
had unconsciously idealized and render.
ed them so perfectly lovely, yet so true
to the originals, that they, in Mich
ecstatic admiration, insisted that they
should be perpetuated in oil. Finding
the occupation so absorbing and so con.
genial, Georgia willingly consented, and
sittings were appointed every day until
the portraits were finished. And finished
they were at last, and set in gorgoons
frames, and with eyes sparkling with de.
light, the Misses Leonard saw them.
selves, or rather their etherealized coun-
terfeits, banging in splendor on the
drawing -room walls, and calling forth
the most enthusiastic praistis of the un-
known artist's skill•f rein their guests, for
Geor 'abed only paieted them on condi.
Emily Murray—dear little Emily Mur
ray, whose memory always came to hoz
lilt the soft sweet minis of an Eolieu
harp amid the repose 01 a storm. Sho
woudorod vaguely if they missed hex
much, and what the would think of her
flight, and whether they would shudder
inlorror when they heard what sho had
done, or whether they would thick lov.
ingly of her still.
Some day, when they bear I am dead
perhaps they will forgive me, and love
me again," she thought, with something
of the simplicity of the child Georgia, as
a gentler feeling came to her heart than
had visited it for many a day. Some-
how, Emily's memory always did soften
her and bring back a gentler mood. In
her wildest storms of anguish and re
morso, in the darkest hour of her dose
lation, that sweet, calm, holy young
face, with its serene brow and seraphic
blue eyes, would arise and exorcise her
gloom, and leave a calmer, softer feeling
Ono day, on the occasion of Mrs.
Leonard's birthday, the children had a
holiday, and Georgia was left to herself.
Seating herself at the window, she began
to draw faces from memory. Tho tint
was a long, angular one, with projecting
bones and sharp features, sunken oyes,
and thin, compressed lips, the hair
drawn tightly back and gathered in an
uncompromising hard Isnot behind. An
intelligent, dignified -looking cat sat coni.
posedly at her feet deeply absorbed in
thought. Any ono could recognize, in
these portraits, Miss Jerusha and our old
friend Betsey Periwinkle.
"Dear Miss Jerusha 1 dear, good
friend l" murmured Georgia, softly, as
ehe gazed at the picture. "I wonder will
I ever see yon again. I wonder if you
have grieved for my loss, and if you ever,
these wild, stormy nights, think of your
lost Georgey. Dear Miss Jerusha, may
Heaven reward you for your kindness to
the poor orphan girl."
The next was a fairer face, a small
head set on au arching neck; a low,
smooth, childish brow; small, regular,
dainty features; sweet, wondering, wist-
ful eyes; a little dimpled thin, and softly
smiling lips, just revealing the pearly
teeth within. It might have been the
face of an angel had it not been Emily
Murray's, spiritualized, as everything
Georgia's magic pencil touched was.
Such a lovely, child -like, innocent face
as it was, smiling upfrom the paper with
such a look of heavenly calm sad seren-
ity, that no breath of worldly passion had
ever disturbed.
"Oh, dear little Emily ! dear little
Emily 1" said Georgia, in a trembling
voice. "My good angel1 if I had only
been like you. Calm, peaceful, happy
little Emily! what will you think of me
when you hear what I have done!".
She hesitated a moment before she
commenced the next, and then, as if a
sudden inspiration had seized her, she
rapidly began to sketch. Soon there ap.
peered a noble, intellectual -looking head
—a high, broad, princely brow—square
oyebrcws, meeting across the strongly
marked cost—large, strong, earnest oyes
—a fine resolute mouth, and square, re-
solute chin. Heavy waves of dark hair
were shaken' carelessly off the noble fore-
head, and it needed nothing now but the
thick black mustache, and the calm,
handsome, kingly face of Richmond
Wildair Iooked at her from the paper.
In the seemingly fathomless eyes there
shone a look of sorrowful reproach, and
a sort of sad sternness pervaded the
whole face. The very lips seemed to
part and say, "Oh, Georgia, what have
you done 2" and, with a great cry of
"Oh, Richmond 1 Richmond 1 Richmond 1"
sho flung down her pencil, then threw
herself on her faoo on the couch, and
for the first time in years, for the first
time almost singe she could remember,
she wept, wept long, passionately, and
It was a strange thing to see the stone-
like Georgia weep. In all her misery
she had shed no tears ; in her stormy
childhood she had wept not, and the
tears of childhood aro an easily flowing
sprig yet now she Tay, and wept, and
sobbed wildly, passionately, vehement-
ly, wept for hours, until the very source
of her tear e
s seemed
dried up, and would
flow no longer.
And from that day Georgia grow
calmer and more rational than she had
ever been before. It was strange the
consolation she derived from those
"counterfeit presentiments" of those she
loved, and yet it was so. For hours she
would cit gazing at them, and sometimes
she would fancy Emily's smiling lips
seemed saying, 'Hope on, Georgia 1 be-
fore morning dawns night is ever dark.
The Leonards, grateful for being made
such handsome people, were quite so-
licitous in their efforts to make the gov-
erness comfortable. Georgia hada heart
easily won by kindness, and as time
passed on, sho seemed, for the present
at least, to grow reconciled to her lot.
Perhaps the secret of this was that she
had begun an achievement that had
long been in her thoughts, and in which
she was so completely absorbed as to be
for a time quite insensible to outward
things. This was a large painting of
Hagar in the Wilderness, a wild, weird
thing, on which she worked night and
day in a fever of enthusiasm.
Had any one seen her, in the still,
mystic watches of the night, bending
over her easel, her dark hair flowing be-
bind her, her wild eyes blazing, her
whole face inspired—they might have
taken her for the very geeing of art .do.
scended on earth, She scarcely knew
what was her design in painting this;
probably, at the time, she lied none, but
a love of the work itself a love that in.
creased to a perfect fever as it grew
under her brush, None of the family
stew aught g t of it, and they puzzled
hemsoives in vain wondering what dm
could be doing to keep alight burning
o late every night.
It was drawing toward the close 'of
February tbut the severest snow storm
that they had duripg the season fell.
For nearly a week it raged with unceas-
ing violence, and several ladice tend gen.
Women from the city were etoree.bound
at IsIr. Leonard's, During their . stay,
Georgia, as usual, absented herself from
the. table .and drawin .room, and the
young ladies were so busy with their
guests that even Miss. Maggie found no
time to visit ber. Georgia did not re:
gree this circumstance, as it gave her
more time to devote lei her painting,
and secured her from interruption.
One wild, snowy evening, when it was
too dark to paint, and too soon to light
the lamp, Georgia passed from her room
and walked swiftly in the direction of
the library in search of a book. She
knew the library was seldom visited,
especially in the eveni when other
amusements ruled the bout, and so, not
fearing detection, she went in, found the
book she was in search of, and, seating
herself within a deep bay window, drew
the crimson damask ourtains close, and
thus shut in on one side by red drapery
and on the other by the clear glass,
through which she could watch the
drifting snow, she began to read.
It was a volume of pewee by W. D.
Randall, the young poet, whose fame
was already resounding through the
laud. Such a sweet, dreamy, delicious
volume as it was 1 Fascinated, absorbed,
Georgia strained her eyes, and read and
read on as long as one ray of light re-
mained, unable to tear herself away
from the enchanted pages, and feeling
as if she were transported to some Ar-
cadia, some fairy -land, by the magic
power of the poet's pen.
At last it grew toe dark to read an-
other word, and then she closed the
book and fell into a reverie of—the
author. She knew he was a visitor at
the house, and for once her curiosity
was strongly excited. She resolved to
see biro. She would make Maggie point
him out the next time he came, and see
for herself what manner of man this
young genius was. There had been a
steelportrait of him in the book, but
Miss Felice had carefully cut it out and
preserved it for her own private use, as
something not to be profaned by vulgar
eyes, to the violent iudignation of Miss
While she still sat musing dreamily,
the was startled by hearing thedoor
flung open, and then a gleam of light
flashed through the certain. Hoping it
might be some servant to light the gas,
she glanced out between the folds, and
saw Miss Felice herself, standing beside
a tall, handsome, disbinguished•looliing
young man. Retreat was now out of
the question. Georgia would not have
encountered the stranger for worlds,
lest he should happen to recognize her.
Trusting they only came for a book and
would soon go away again, she resolved
to sit still.
"And so you will translate 'Uucline
for me, Mr. Randall," said Miss F
whose dress was perfection andwhose
face was brilliantrvth smiles. it
sa. Oh
that will be charming. `.the ohildren's
governess teaches German, but T never
could get her to read 'Undine.'
This, then, was the poet. At
other time she would have become
pletely absorbed in looking at him
the mention of Undine sunt a pa
her heart, and she sank back in her seat
and bowed her face in her hands.
sweet, sorrowful story of the German
poet seemed so like her own—she was
the Undine, Freddy Richmond was the
designing Bertalda, and Huidbrs,d—
oh, no, no l Richmond was not like him.
"It is a lovely tale. You do weal to
learn German, Miss Leonard, if only for
the 'sake of reading 'Undine'' in
original," said Mr. Randall.
"I have something else that is lovely
here," said Miss Leonard, looking arch.
"Yes—yourself," said Mr. Resided].
"No, no; of course not—W. D.
doll's poems."
"And you call them lovely 1 W011, I
gave you credit for bettor taste, Mies
"Oh, they are charming, sweet, so
nice 1" cried Miss Felice, clasping }ler
hands in a small transport.
A smile broke ov • r the handsome lace
of the poet. How pleasant it must be
for a poet to hear his poems called glee.
"Well, never mind them ; let us
'Undine'," said Mr. Randall.
"Pm sure I've sat up nights
nearly cried my eyes out over
beautiful poem'Rogina,' Did you ever
see any one like the 'Regina' you
scribed so delightfully 2"
"les," said Mr. Randall, a son
shadow coming over his face; "once,
in my childhood, I saw such a one, a
'queen of noble nature's crowning';
whose every motion seemed to say;
"'Meade Regina'-
'I iuovo a queen.'"
tom -
ng to
t of
"Dear me," said Miss Felice, "how
nice 1 I really should like to see her..
I suppose she will be Mrs. Randall
some day," and Miss Felice, looking up
between her ringlets, did the artless to'.
Mr. Randall smiled again; it was
evident he read Miss Felice like a book.
"Hardly, I am afraid. I don't ap-
piove of the Regina style of women for
wives myself. SometWegless imposing
would tedb me bettor—a nice little tbibg
like --1
Miss Felice had oast down her longe
lashes, and stood looking as innocent
and guileless as a stage angel ; but hero.
Mr. Randall most provokingly paused
and began caressing a hideously ugly
little Scotch terrier that had folloivod
him into the room.
Geer is had to smile in sppite of her,
self at the provoking nenchaIance of Ilio
poet, more particularly as Miss Police
turned half pettishly away, and then,
remembering that her rola was to bo
sweet add simple, she gave him a snail.
lug glance and returned to the charge.
"And those verses on Niagara are 50
pretty! Pepe took Maggie and me to
the Falls last summer 1 And I did like
them so much 1 Oh, deer me 1 they
are ae sweet 1"
Mr. Randall laughed outright. Miss
Felice locked up m astonishment, but
just at that moment little Jennie came
running in with something hi her hand.
"Oh, Licio 1 look what I have got—
sueil a lovely picture of the most heauti-
1sllady ever was!. Just look."
"What au angelic faced" impulsively
exclaimed Mr. Randall; " a perfect
Madonna 1 And only a penail drawing,
tool Why, Miss Leonard, this is some.
thing exquisite—a perieeb little gem 1
T cover saw anything more lovely."
""Where did you get it, Jennie," said
Mies Felice.
"fa the hall; it's Miss Randall's—she
dropped It coining oat of the school.
room. rat going to ask her to give it
to me; she can make plenty more."
"Is it possible the artist resides here ?
You don't mean to say that—"
"Ol;, it's only the governess," said
Miss 'olive "alae. draws and paints
very well indeed. By the way, she's a
namesake of our too,Mr.IL
Yes, I see now it is one oher drawings ;
T could tell them anywhere."
Theoat was gazing
p gaz! g a sort rap-
ture at the picture. The soft eyes and
sweet, beautiful lips seemed smiling
upon him—the face seemed living and
radiant before him..
"Why, one would think you were en-
chanted, Mr. Randall," said Miss Felice,
hall pouting. "It's fortunate it's only a
picture and not a living face, or your
doom would bo sealed."
"Oh, it is perfect, it is exquisite 1"
said the poet, under his breath ; "a
Madonna, a Saint Cecelia, a seraph!
Why, Miss Leonard, do you know yon
have a genius under thereof with you ?"
"Yes, sir—Mr. Randall," said Miss
Felice, courtesying.
'SPthaw 1 I mean the artist. Come,
is'she the mysterious painter of those
delicious portraits in the drawing -room
that have attracted such crowds of ad.
mirers already 2"
"Well, since you have guessed it, yos.
It was her own wish that it should nut
be known."
"Why, she must be the eighth wonder
of the world—this governess. Who is
she 7 What is she ? Where does she
come from ?" said Mr. Randall, im-
She is Miss Randall—a goveruess, as
T before told you, from New York city,
and that is her whole biography as far
as I know it, except that she is very
strange, and wild, and solemn -looking,
with oh, such immense black, haunting
eyes 1
"Oh, Felice, she's really pretty!" said
Jennie; "a. great deal prettier than you
or Mag. Now ain't ahe, Royal 2"
"Who ?" said Royal, entering at this
"Our Miss Randall."
"Ye:, I reckon she is. Miss Randall's
a` tip t ,p lady,"said Royal, emphatically.
"I r ally should like to see her. Won't
you p:esont me to this genius, Miss
Leoil eel 2 It is not fair to hide so
brilliant a light under a bushel," said
Mr. Randall. "1 shall probably claim
kindred, with for, as we both have the
same name."
Well .I, will ask her," said Miss
Felice, biting her lip. "I am not so sure,
though, that ahe will consent, she is so
queer. Here's 'Undine,' and now for
the translation, Mr. Randall."
Bat Randall stood still, with his oyes
riveted on the drawing.
"Dear me, Mr. Randall, hadn't you
bettor keep that altogether 2" said Miss
Felice; pettishly. "One would think
you had fallen in love with it."
"So 1 hada,"'said Mr. Randall. "Come
here, Miss Jennie ; I have a favor to ask
of you."
What is it ?" said Jennie.
"That if Miss Randall gives you this
drawing, you will give it to me, and I
will bring you the prettiest book' can
find in New York in exchange."
"Will you, though ? Isn't that Moe,
Royal ? ' Oh,I'll get it from Miss Ran.
dall—she's real good—and I'll give it
to you, May I tell her it's for you 2"
'Just ab like ike' tell 3 e anything
you please, so as you get' it for me.
Won't you tell me how I can sec this
wonderful governess of yours, Miss
Jennie 2"
"Let's see. Come .up to the school
room with mamma."
"By Jove 1 I will. But perhaps she
ike me to intrude,
-"Mn `Randall, they are waiting for us
dawn -stairs," said Miss Felice, stiffly.
"Jeanie—Royal—go Out midge to bed."
Georgia caught a parting glimpse of
the graceful, gallant form of the young
poet as ho held open the door for Miss
Felice to go out, and drew a deep breath
of 'relief when they were gone. Then,
leaving assured herself that the coast
was dear, she hurried out and sought
her own zoom, and searched for Emily's
portrait, but it was missing.
Next morning, as Georgia was about
to enter the schoolroom, Miss Felice
fluttered up stairs, in a floating white
cashmere morning -own, and with the
drawing in her hand.
"Good -morning, Miss Randall," she
said, briefly;. "is this yours 2"
"Pea," said Georgia, quietly.
".Will you bo kindd`enough to give it•ta
"15 is the portrait of a very dear
friend. I should be happy to oblige you
wore it otherwise, Miss .Leonard, said
Georgia, coldly.
"A. portrait 1 that heavenly face ! is it
ppootbible 2" exclaimed the astounded
Georgia bowed gravely.
"But oh, do let me have it! do, please;
you Call
a draw ono
t er
Yh you kno
coaxed Miss Felice.
y W,
"Of what possible use can that per.
treit be to you, Miss Leonard 2"
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