The Brussels Post, 1887-6-10, Page 22smaaniansasstsassar A New York loan adverliess to Dirsotory of Chtuohos and Socloti�st restore old paintings, Wonder how Isih:LVILI E Cuoncu.—Sabbath Services at 11 a.m. and 0:80 p. lin. Sunday School at 2:130 p, an. Rev. John hose, B. A., pastor. IfNOa Cnuaou.—Sabbath Services at 11 a, m. and 0:80 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p, m. Rev. S. Jones, pastor. ST, Toh1N'o 011nncx.—Sabbath Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Bev. W. T. Guff, Incumbent. MET1O1IWS Cuenca'.—Sabbath Services RA tool t. said O:B`\ran. Smyth, m Sunday School at 2:88 0 p.. pastor. ItonAN CATEOLIO Cnuucn.--Sabbath Service third Sunday in every mouth, at 11 a.m. Bev. P. J. Shea, priest. ODD FELLOW LODE every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MASONIC LODGE Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A. 0.11 W. LODGE on let and 3rd Mon- day evenings of each month. FoRESTo1T' LODGE 2nd and last Monday age of each month, in Small's hall. even L. C. L. let Monday in every month, You Can't make a man a gentle• in Orange }fall. him ono. Pon OFFICE.—Office hours from 8 a.m. times ma man sy bycalling ngan lease him Bnd carr ut some - to 7 p.m. y MECIIANIC•' If0T000O , Reading Room your point, and that is more to vonr •brar • in Balmer' block, will be WARY he hall etelen. New Joni)), is excited because ono of its citizens lies married hie grandmother. [Io believes in keep- ing a good thing in the family. Tkoaeeoda ow'e tholr recovery from Ithemnattsm to West's world's Wonder or Family Liniment, It is 00nooded every- where to be the bust /mown remedy for ihoumat1Sm .fluts, Bruises,S Iraine, Burns, Scalds,andan diseases. requiring external application, PYioe 25 conte and 50 cents poi bottle. Sold by all druggists. Young wife -1 wonder the birds dou't come here any more; I used to throw them bits of cake 1 made, and -Young husband -That accounts for it. Salt Rheum Cured. McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Carate has been tried and found to tie the only positive eure for Salt Rheum, Pimples, nlotohes on face or hande.Outs, Duras, Brulaee, or any Sore that nothing oleo will heal. 130 sure and get the geou100 made by McGregor t Parke, Price 26o. hold at Hargreaves Drug store, Brussels. any r,I }, openfrom Oto 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Lib- rarian. FLttclrtoaa Notes. Large buttons are entirely out of style. Wraps this season aro usually very small. So-called 'classic effects' are the aim of all skirt draping just at pre- sent. 'You are Greek, or you ore gone. Spring and Summer. Prepare the body for health and vigor by taking Dr, Chase's Liver Cure, No Spriug Medicine equals it. It stimulates the Liver, aids Digestion, and, purifies the blood. Large bottle 0 1100010 BoOk, $1.00. Sold by A use is discovered for the thim- ble. It is worn while eating gropes to avoid staining the finger with the fruit. Pain minim waist atter the patient has taken It single dose of west's Pain Ring, the magic cure. Do not be induced to take a Paititute, but Insist uon n Etna Sold by 511 druggists ing West's Parasols are extremely high. They have to be, to clear some of the hats which fashion clings to in spite of ridicule,. On London -made costumes are deep and wide pockets on the out- side of the overskirt, intended more fore use than show. Re on Sour guard. purpose. "They have a larger sale in my district," says awell-known druggist, "than any other pill on the market, and give the boat eotie- faction for sick headache, billlousnees, 10. digestion, etc,, and wben combined with ,Johnson's Tonic Bitters, Johnson's Tonic Liver Pills will perform what no other rued- ioine hat done before for suffering hunan• ity." Pills25 cents per bottle. Bitters 50 cents tied Al ver bottle. Sold at neediness's drug stole, Itr0ss010. The world may be becoming more wicked every day, bus we had not yet 'heard of such monstrous depra- vity as a airl wearing a family Bible for her bustle. '•Never Tried it." Whet! Never tried Johnson's Tonle Bit- ters! Then do so at once, it's positively the best general tonic on the market. I've often hoard of it but thought that it was to be plauodou the list or the ninny trashy pro- pasationo that 8008 010 market. but since you. reeorumenh It so highly I'01 siva it a trial. Do so it's. good for any complaint In wnioh a tonic is otbeuefit, and can be token hymen, woman, or child, 50013s. and el per bottle at Deadman'e drug store, Drtieeele. A. little girl In the primary school was asked to tell the difference be- tween the words 'foot' and 'feet.' She said 'one foot is a foot, and a whole lot of foots is a feet ' DYSPEPSIA CUED, Mr. It. Walker, of Waterford, Bays :— "Dyspepsia has been my wife's trouble for a long time past, and alio has suffered greatly with it ; but, thanks to Dr. Car- son's Stomach Bitters, she is completely cured. It acted very nicely, and did not sicken or gripe her while taking It. If people only knew about the Carson Stom- ach Bitters there would not be so much Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly suffering in the world." you can be cured for s15e. Catoninto wapplica tions wiloure incipient Oatarrh. One or two boxes will aura ordinary Catarrh. Ono to 5 boxer will sure chronic Catarrh. Trp Dr. Chase's Canadian Catarrh Cure—it will Cure you. The 'exquisite new' pink called honeysuckle is called liouoysac'sle because it did not 'tulle' under another 081110 last year, Wedding breakfast menus are in the form of tiny white satin slippers, and are carried from the table to be thrown after the bride. Invisible but laetantane0ras. All pains or aches will be inetavtly remov- ed by a few drone of Fluid LSgutuiag applied over. One affected parts. No time lost• no vauseeus m edioines needed; no ponitieing or using greasy liniments. It will not blister or discolor the akin. Sold at 25o. per bottle fico growth of hair. Do not wait until too ebyr Ino.Hargreaves & Co.,rs the:ath. Suffer- late but get a bottle at oneo. G. A. Dead- eye from Neasalg0o assure vs thai they uev er Dead -Wheelbarrows woven of small flowers and foliage and filled with fruit are the newest Ocean steamer gifts. Apparently life -preservers are more needed. Some of the tip top in society say the low.necked dress .rust go. They will please say which way it must go in time t0 warn thou who wish to go to the woods, if it goes lower. madness, Thin Mir, ..ter Those who are bald, who have gray or thin hair, or who ore troubled with dandruff should invest In u bottle of Dr. Doreuwend'a 'Bair ltaglc,' It is the toast preparation for the hair and soaln now in use. Itis rap- idly supercediug all other hair toxics. It stops failing, reetoregg the original color to gray hair cull ror baldness, whore there aro the slightest possible roots. it will produce a fear it when their house contains a bottle of man arta J. Hargreaves & Co., Agents, Brus Fluid Lightning. Women are now wearing great silver girdles hanging loose from the waist in medieval fashion, and supportiuga silver -bound memo- randum 60514, gotten up to look like a 'book of hours,' and a silver '01. grim's bottle' by way of a vinai- grette. Varieties.. A. steady job—walking a 'tight rope. Man want but little here below— zero. A. Scotch reel—A. drunken Scotch - man. Who wants a chest protector most—A. miser. Important Netts item. CooasTowN.—"Mie. Campbell hat been troubled for a number of years with Indl- gestion and Constipation, and was ivduoen to try McGregor's Speedy Cure and found it all that was needed. She would recommend its use to any person similarly troubled." This invaluable remedy is told in every part of Canada at 50ota. and 51.00 par bottle. Sold at John Hargreaves & Co.'s drug store, Brussels, New leaves turned over should bo panted down and riveted. Girls ought to be good at boat racing. They get round the buoys so easily. There is one branch of labor. which must always be done by (land --picking pockets. . . SERE PROTECTION. The :maintenance of ahealthy state of the system is the surest protection against disease t experience has shown that by the use of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipa- tion Bitters a parboil state of health can be assured, It frons the system from all impurities, cleanses and purifies the blood. Por sale by all Druggists at 50 cents a bottle, A Berlin woman recently gave birth to hortwentyfiret child. Mother and child are reported well Laid from his recumbent position. and the father as cheerful as can be 'Ma, do you knew that I feel like expected. I being an orphan ?' - eels. A young man in Oounecticut went to the first pin -sic of the sea- son iu a thin white suit and a straw hat. Before he got home, two incluse of snow fell, and a custard pie was frozen to the seat of his trousers. The days of the summer excur- sion are upon us. You can now eat strawberry shortcake three days in a week and a strawberry pie and plain strawberries the other four, without mortgaging your house and lot to pay the greengrocer's bill. STRATFORD, Aug.B'80, I have mnoh pleasure in re- commending your Dr, Jug's Med- icine and Pills. As for the latter I can strongly reeOmmevd them. For the last five weeks I have boor, suffering from a severepain in my right ride and have found the Pills a most edea teal remedy when other remedied have failed,. Yours truly, E. B . 0350008. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Brusoele. The Rev. E. P. Roe says : An open wood. fire is company In itself. Still it is all the more companion- able when there are a pair of spark- ling eyes, rosebud mouth, oherry lips, and a slender waist oontiguoue; not necessarily for publicatioon, but as a guarantee of good faith. SlcGregor's Lung Compound. Have you a bad Cough, a Ohroilio Hoarse- ness, a fooling of Lightness in the Chest soe,bny Lungs, tle ofyMoi Moil Lung Com- pound om- pound -at once. It will onr0 you. It eon. tains entirely now species, of which ono dose is more effectual than a whole , bottle of the old time remedies. It 1tut up. fit 500, and 91.00 bottles. `Beid by John Har. groom es & 00., druggists, Brussels, Try it, and you will never.0600 Teas= to oomplain. Your papa and mamma know what's best for you Bobby, said hos another, dont tease me any more. Bobby lay down on, the rug and rol. led over oneo or twice, Then he THE BRUSSELS POST 'Pilo sea serpent bad made ata first appearance for 1887 in Lake Brie, lie probably purposes to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel. This anuuucetnent ie made for the pur- pose of attracting crowds to the Queen Victoria Empreee of India Niagara Falls Park. Ain, D. Assos'r, 91 Adelaide is treat West. Toronto, writes :—"Por a long time I have boon troubled with a disordered Stomach,_ and at last I got so bad that I was arm - polled to quit work, Sud for clays I could neither eat nor sleep, and the pain in my head LvUB most intense. I w110 induced to try a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bit- ters. After taking three dozes I was al- most completely restored to health. My appetite Game batik; the racking headaohe wee gone, and I never slept sounder in my life." An eastern editor has started a crusade against the bustle, and in - obits that it isn't desirable for a woman to loon like an arm chair walking backwards. The editor is correct. More bustle than woman is out of proportion. Still we eon- tinue to sell old newspapera at forty cents per hundred. Farm N c1toa,. The harrow should follow closely after the plow, especially u1 hot, drying weather. The soil on the newly turned furrow is oxpoeod to the air and the warmth of the sun, and dries out quickly. Early in the Spring this is beneficial, but later it becomes and couti00ea to be a disadvantage through the warmest weather. West's Liver Pills cure sink headache, dys- pel dn,n indigestion and liver; ompl,u0t. "-5o. Any one looking at a pasture where cows or other erotic have fed can easily see why this is the best feed, without being fully satieflied that tide is the best method of feed- ing. Cows are very particular in selecting only the daintiest, choiceet herbage, and of course this involves the rejection not only of all weeds, but of much grass that has grown a little coarse and become leas palat- able. Winter has passed, and now comes sum- mer, with all the terrors of cholera,bowel complain: flux, cholera infavtum. Provide ror emereenciea by purchasing at once a bottle of West's Pain Ring. 200. All druggists. The common rhubarb; or pie plant, as it is usually called, is the rankest of all feeders in the garden. After the roots have become well established the ground around it may be made almost a manure holip with decided benefit. The early growth is much hastened by placing over each drown a barrel, with both heads out, to protect from cold winds. This will draw up the leaves, making them not only more vigo. roue, but blanching them slightly, and giving rue same variety a little Imre acidity. Much wafering could be avoided by con- stantly keeping a .supply of West's Pain Ring in the house. A oertam euro for aux dysentery, cramps, antlls, colic, cholera enc{ cholera morbus. 05 eta. All druggists. The proper time to prune grape vines is in the fall, after the leaves have dropped, or in early winter. But if neglected then itis not too late to do the work, even though the vines bleed profusely. It is seldom if ever that any perceptible injury to the vines results from thie blend. ing. After the bud start into leaf the sap does not run, as the fiupert Me attraction of the leaves retains it. IVluoh slashing of the vines et this time, however, is really more injurious than pruning a little earl- ier, even though it involves some loss of say. wen's World's Wonder, The demand is steadily increasing for this truly popular remedy ter rheumatism and all kindred diseases. 25o. and 50. All druggists. The beet mattes its growth in cir- cles around the centre, and the longer time that these have the larger the product becomes. A. very few days' difference in earlineee of planting will make en astonishing 10creaee is the size of the root, al. though the fertility of the soil has very much to do with this. If etunt- ed by too early planting or by steri- lity of soil, the beet sometimes tries to run up a seed stalk, and of course becomes worthleea for any use. All biennial plants, if checked in growth from any cause, will try to form seed, the first year after planting.. Pains cannot exist after the patient has taken a single dose of West's Pain Ring, the Magfo Cure, Do not be Induced to take a substitute, but insisupon having west's Pain Ring. 25o, ggistr. By planting early of an early ripening corn, the crop may be got off in time to sow with wheat, thus getting land seeded again in the shortest time after the sod has been broken lip, and providing a covering for 11 in the Winter wheat the fol• lowing winter. The corn field so managed ebould be near some grass land, to which the ripened corn may be drawn as soon as out and left un- til dry enough to husk. This, though involving more labor, as a better plan than the old time prac- tice of plowing or cultivating be - JUNE 10, 1S 8 7 twee° the rows of etalke, sad logy ing tile, latter to be seeded just at the beginning of winter. In abode timer; this hate sown wheat will net amount to moll ; but by eleering off early, the wheat may be suocess• fully grown after the corn, West'eLlydr Pills w111 never disappoint you, Always reliable. 250, All 110081ate. A tree naturally mak05 the best conditions for the own growth by the depth to which ate roots enter the soil. If we change this much, the tree suffers. But the effeot is worse if a large amount of dirt is piled around trees, oak often done in malting cellars. If the tree is at all valuable draw the dirt some- where away from it A depth of a foot of'subsoil spread over the sur- face under a tree has entirely killed it, the tree not being able to make new roots above in time, and those below being effectually shut out from light and air. It is not the poverty of the subsoil that does this. Au equal thickness of rich soil would produce the game affect, and piles of stable manure around trees are evert more fatal, because the leachings from fresh manure are too strong for the tender feeding roots to take up. Weal's Pain Ring lures the worst ease of ootid in Ave minutes. Cures fohillo, cramps, cholera, and cholera morbus, 200. All druggists. Some kinds of poultry have been bred to produce nearly the possible limit of eggs, and the failure of the hen to provide the requisite mater- ial for her daily product is more likely than not to be shown in its shell. The wonder is how and where so much lime oau be aceum- ulated and passed through the eye - tem daily. With free range fowls pick up an enormous amount and great variety of food. Thin shrills are not often found where fowls are allowed to run at will. But if they are obliged to live on what is fed to them the latter has rarely enough lime in its composition. Ground bones tare the best form for giving lime to fowls, me in them much nutrition in their gelatine is mixed with the mineral. But they will eat more of common lime in a day than anyone would suppose while laying freely. If allowed to lay thin shelled eggs hens soon got in the habit of eating them, and this makes the fowls worthless. West's Worid'e wonder, or Family Lini- ment, cures rheumatism, neuralgia'cute,. burns, sprains, and bruises, 250. end iOcts. All druggists. All young chicks aro tender, and especially liable to be chilled by running•in wet grass. There is little difference in this respect, though some kinds get in full feath- er earlier than others, after which time they are less liable to be injur. ed. .There is, however, much dif- ference in the liability of different breeds to be draggled around In the wet by their mothers. The kinds that are good forages are for that veryreason poor mothers. They are too enterprising, getting up and running around early in the 'morn- ing for food, while the heavier Asia- tic breeds will sit and brood their young until the dew bas dried off.. The tenderness of young turkey chicks is mainly due to the propen• may of the turkey hen to forage early in the morning. They need to be kept shut up until nine or ten o'clock, and be fed once or twice before being let out. When turkeys beeome as large as quails, they can run anywhere, and with their own mother will Thrive better than with a common hen, 0e she will travel farther. An Orangeville cat gave birth to a kitten with two heads. It did not live. A. Brantford man was fined $2 for fastening his horse to a abede tree. Large quantities of water cress is shipped from Halton county to Buff- alo. Wm. Phillip, jr., of Galt, has a four legged chicken. What a terror to gardens. Paris council voted $100 to the sufferers by the coal mine disaster at Nanaimo, B.O. The chief attractions in the Strat- ford Park on Sunday, May 2016 was a base ball match a ntl the Salvation Army. John Henry Bateman, the horse thief arrested at Paris, was senten. cad to three years in the peniten- tiary. et large doctor '0 bill is often saved by tak- inggin timoa few doses of West's Livor Pilla,tho standard remedy for livor. com- plaint, dyspepsia, indigestion, and siok headache, 250. All druggists, The other day a eon of Charles Abraham, of Sarum, aged about six years, while playing about his fath- er's fishery, full accidentally into a caldron of lye, some of which enter- ed his throat, causing death the following day. AGENTS WANTED: • Steady 1'ntploymcntto Good Men. None need bo Idle, Previous Experience not essential. We pay either Salary or Com- mission. 100 den Tanta. To Canvas for the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. The Fontliiil Nurseries, Largest in Canada, 01:Cf' 400 Acres. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class References, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work. ADDztuss Stone & Wellington, Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont. T. FL ETCHER, Practical Watchmaker cC Jeweller Thanking the Public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage. We are opening out full lines iu Gold and Silver Watches. Silver Plated Ware from established and reliable makers, fully warranted by ng. Cloaks of the Tates designs, Jewelry : Wedding Rings, Ladies Gem Rings, Broaohee, Borings, &o. Also have in stook a full line of Violins and Violin Strings, Pipes, Its. re N.B.—Issuer oflfearl age Licenses T. Fletcher. Bargains ! Bargains ! —FOIL THE— rid lfl DAYS e,}1w cu in Plows, Steel Harrows, Seecl Drills, Bain Wagons, Buggies, Organs, Sewing Machines, Sulky Plows, one four spring Wagon, one 1 horse Wagon, and one see -1 oncl hand Lumber Wagon. Land Rollers for $25, best in the market. Three kinds of Scufffors, Port Perry Grinder and Horse Powers, Clothes Wringers, Churns, and ANYTHING You MA.Y ENQUIRE 70I1. Geo. Love. ARRI AGES .A. nice assortment of Baby Car- riages on Exhibition at H. Dennis', where you can also get a Splendid Trunk, Handy Valise, or Satchel at a Low Price. Full lines of Light and Heavy BleatniMeGo Whips, Combs, Brushes, &c. in stock. 1V'e Lectcl bat Neter Follow. H. DENNIS 7 Sign of Big Scotch Collat. HEALTH IS WEALTH, D1t,O,E, WE9'o'e Ne000 end (train trot t- ment, a guarnu100u tip refile for Ilyster a, 1 izsiness, Couynlslona,Fits, Norvous, N u. might, lie ndaohe,N emus Prostration a aur - ed by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wako- fulncas,nt0ntel Dap mesio n, Sof toning of the Brain resulting in insanity, loading to mit- ery ,deeay and death, Premature 01d Age, Bareness ,Lpee ofPower in either sox, In. Voluntary Losses and hp ormotorrhwa ea0S • act by oyer -os nmol 01 the Brain self-abuse or over -Indulgence, Bash box contains one mouth's treatment, el it box or six boxes for $5, sent by nail, prepaid, on receipt of pricy WE GUARANTEE SOX BOXES To ware any case. with ouch order receive d by usforeix boxes, accompanied with $3, We will Rand the porches or our written guarantee to refund the money- if the treat- ment does clot ailed a cure. Guarantees issued by all druggists. IIV PORTAE T TO ALL Who are bald or whose hair 10 thin or gray, or aro troubled with dandruff, Da-. Do R.ouo%*enca'S HAIR MAGIC ! is Olio greatest ton ie for strengthening the growth of rho hair aver discovered. It stops all falling 000 of the linin, removes all tines of dandruff, restores gray lair to its origi0 al color and iu ensue et bildnem. whore the roots are not destroyed, it will produce o luxuriant crop o1 hair. Tena warning if your hair Is in a feeble ,tato get a bottle at once balers 14 is too late. Dr. Doreowend's " [(sir Menlo," Is on Snle at all principal Drug Stores. Ask for it andtake nothing else. G. A. DEADPAN .son 8. HARGREAVES & CO., AGENTS FOR BiWosELo. A. Donn wen d Sole Manufacturer, Toronto , Oanada. A. Dorouwend keeps the largest Hair Goods establishment in Canada. PAINTING! GEO. PIIPP 11W, PAINTER, BRUSSELS, :- ONTARIO, IS PREPARED TO LO ALL RINDS OF Painting, Graining, Glazing, Kalsohaiuing, Papier Hanging, &'c. All work done Promptly and at Reasonable hates. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED in every instance. GEO. PHIPPEN. BLYTH Woolen Mill. R. Forsyth & Son, formerly of the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg to inform the Farmers in this vi- cinity that they have Now in Op- oration a Woolen Mill in Blyth, and hopo that by adhering to their old plan of slaking noth- ing but Sound, Durable Goods and trust that by so doing to moot a liberal patronage. CUSTOM WORK of all kinds promptly and care- fully attended to-. The HteminsT PRIM] paid for Wool, in Exchange for Tweeds, I+tull.Cloths, Plannels,Yarns, etc. A Trial Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed !' R, Forsyth & Son..