The Brussels Post, 1887-6-3, Page 8S THE BRUSSELS POST JUNE 3, 188 7 A.RE YOU IN NEED OF A WAGON P If so we have a splendid kind With an Iron Axle which is just the thing for the amusement land use of the children. It le Only '2;a cents more than you would pay for au ordinary wood axle. Call and see at 0. A. DEADDIAN'S Drug, Book and Fancy Goods Store, ool ! Wool! Wool! I am prepared to Buy, as us- ual, this. Season, Any Quantity of good Fleece Wool, for which 1 will pay the Very Highest Price in Cash. Farmers will consult their own interests by marketing their wool at Brussels. R. Graham, GRAIN DEALER, BRUSSELS. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, SOUTHE13N EXTENSION, W. a. & B. E. Trains leave Brussels Station, north and south as follows: - Going South. Going North. Mail 7:02 a.m. I Mixed 090 a.m EXpreae11:45 a.m. Mai1...............2:50 p,m Mixed 8:45 p.m. 1 Express 0.35 p.m MIN\ smanismas gnxa:l geiU S Ileum A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes An' faith he'll Arent it. JMIE. Two Cans of Tomatoes for 25 cents at Thomsons. 47- SonooLBoard meeting on Friday even- ing of this week. 5 Bans Dingman's Electric Soap for 35ots at Thomson's. 41 - Fox new blinds, new curtains, new car- pets, call on/A. R. Smith. 43- J. W. AND Mao. FEAR attended the wedding of their brother at Seaforth on Wednesday. BEV. S. L. Kona married a couple last Monday morning, before breakfast. They camp from near Attwood. Tal: interesting story of "Little Ldrd Fauntleroy,' by Frances H. Burnett, is on sale at Tao Pose Bookstore. Only 25 cents. A. Comers, butcher, killed a lamb last Monday that dressed 42 pounds. It was purchased from Wm. Dark, of Grey township. This will be hard to beat. A MEETING of all persons interested in discussing the questions brought before the Provincial Farmers' Institute will be held in the Brussels Town Hall on Tues- day, June 14th, commencing at 10 o'olook a.m. A large attendance asked for. AT a meeting of the Band on Tuesday evening Jas, Jones was chosen leader. The boys intend keeping up their regular praotiee and weekly concert. The funds -usually paid for a teacher will be applied on a new uniform for the Band. By pulling together the object may be attain. ed. We wish them success. Tan Toronto correspondents of the London Advertiser and Free Press sent the following item to the papers men- tioned above. John Brown, the person referred to, spoke at a politioal meeting in the Brussels Town Hall during the late Dominion election contest :-"A writ was issued at Osgoode Hall Monday at the instance of John Brown, journalist, of this city, against and Daniel Thomas McGillicuddy, proprietors of the Huron Signal, claiming 910,900 for libel; The alleged libelous articles were written dur- ing the Federal campaign, and charged plaintiff with being concerned in the Phcenix Park murder." CATTLE sorIPMENTS,-Four car loads of splendid cattle were shipped last Saturday and Monday from Brussels station. The Most of them were for export. They were made up as followe :- er JOSEPH CLE0e, Owner. Head. Weight, H, Burkholder, ..... 2 , 3,660 0. Proctor, J. Wilkinson, J. Clegg Jamieson, J. Scott, Stubbs, Sanderson G. Hood Warwick •0. Wheeler 3t. Jamieson, G. Avery, Brit', Dulmage, . T. Proctor, F. McCracken, W. McCracken McLean, Abram, 2 2,610 1 1,800 4 5,400 2 2,580 1 2,010 8 4,230 1 1,220 1 1,220 2 25,80 2 2,780 2 2,560 1 2,910 3 8,480 2 2,960 1 1,200 2 2,050 9 3,570 3 8,790 2 3,480 BY THOS. 00V1NL0315. Hugh Elliott 1 1,170 .Tae.Olennan, 1 1,620 Jiro, Cardiff 'k 2,510 Jas. Cardiff, 1 1,62 Chas. Forrest, 2 2,70 A. McDonald, 1 1,88 W. Forrest 2 2,57 W. Barrie, 13. 10,93 11d. Moses, 04,200 A. Forrest, 3: biotin'1 1,860 '''The prices ranged from' 8;i to 5 cents por pound, Masers. Steene rand Winters also shipped a oar each from Brunsole last wok, Wm. Barrie, 6th line, Morris, received the handsome figure of $804.17 for his 18 hoed. NEWEST designs do oprtains, blinds and oarpate At -A. R. Smith's. 44 - Tun Guelph' Merenry says :-Joseph Tovell has shipped a side saddle to Bras. eels. Tus showers of Tuesday and Thursday were very welcome end will do an untold amount of good. Corm= meeting on Monday evening of next week. The principal bush:hes will be attending to the appeals against the aesesement roll. Ray. T. J. SebINE, of Walton, oobupiod the pulpit of the Methodist ohuroli last Sunday morning. Rev. J. L. Kerr oreaah- ed in the evening. A NoMnsn of pupils from our public eohool will write at the entrance examin- ation to :the High School and another class will write for Third class certifi- cates. Tine High Court of tho Palladian Order of Foresters will meet in Berlin on the 14th inst. Geo, Rogers, High Senior Beadle, and Wm, Blashill will attend froin Brussels. A grand concert will be given on the evening of the 16th. Timm Wednesday evening Capt. McIn- tosh was presented with a suit of clothes SA a parting gift from the corps here. Lieut. Johnston has gone with the Capt. to Clinton, and Capt. Cook, of Mitchell, will take command at limeade. Ansa long years of blisefulanticipation D. McGilliouddy ,of Gedorioh, has attnin- ed to the proud position of being able to sing, as he rocks the cradle, "Bye 0 baby in the tree top," or "Hush l my dear lie still and slumber." T:no Pon extends congratulations. ON Thursday of last weektbe flax mill completed the work of manufacturing last year's orop, and the mill was closed down. A very large quantity of flax has been handled and the mill will now he put in filet -class shape for the new Drop, which will be ready about August. Fon SALE. -As I did not dispose of all my goods on the day of my auction Bale I will sell by private sale, on terms to snit. 1 horse, 1 binder, 1 seed drill, 1 buggy, 1 plow, 1 set single and 1 set. doable harness, and household effects, consisting of bedroom suite, sideboard, extension table, parlor table, hair cloth sofa, one doz. sitting room chairs, kitch- en chairs, cook and box stoves, couch, and a host of other household articles. Geo. ARMSTRONG, Prop. InlrnovEHsoTs.-Heury Wilboe has built a new picket 10000 in front of his dwelling and is now engaged in making internal improvements in his house. -G. A. Beer has had Ms lot, on Queen and Princess streete, nicely fenced. -A. Wil- son has raised hos house and will put a stone foundation underneath. -The Board of Management of Melville church is ask- ing for tenders for the painting of the church inside with Alabaatine.-Geo. Birt bas improved his house, on Turn - berry street, by putting fn a gothic win- dow and putting up a new fens. -A. Currie has built a neat fence along the front of his lot, on John street, and he in- tends having the large hole in the corner lot filled up and enclose the lot with a fence. -Albert Gerry is intendingto move his dwelling back from the street and will put a stone foundation under it. 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 LES. Choio Olean Raieins for 25ots, a; Thomeun's Grocery Store. 41. Tule week G. A. Deadman received a queen bee from the well known, apiarist, Doolittle, of Uncle Sam's domain. The price paid wee 98.00 and to anyone out. side of a beekeeper woald be considered an extravagant figure for the little insect, MEesne. Gemini AND MOKENZIS,reeent graduates of Knox College, Toronto, and who have offered themSelvoe for Foreign Mission work in the Preabyterian Ohuroh, will hold a missionary mooting in Knox Mural, on Tuesday evening of next week et 7:80. Inberesbing addresses may be expected. THE HALLIDAY FAzrmr.-Afber a some- what checkered experienos, since coming from Godorioh. Mrs, Halliday and daughters started for Deloraino, Man., on Monday evening of this week. 'Their tiokete were purchased by Reeve Me- Craoken from T. Fletcher, agent for the C.P.R., and the municipalities of Brussels and Morrishavefooted the bill,wbiobwill amount to something near 960. Grey township council was asked to contribute but voted down a motion to grant 910, although many of the residents of that township were tormented for years with the appeals of the family for help. The Woolen's Christian Temperance Union very generously arranged three baskets of provisions and Reeve MoOraoken collect- ed 94 or 95 to provide for any emergency on the way. The family will be cared for by the two boys who are now in the West. It was the only thing that could be done with them as they wore a great nuisance to the public and were entirely unacquainted with work and had they remained here would Have been a dead weight on some corporation. The amount paid for their railway faro would go a small distance in providing a home, board, dc., for them. It is to bo hoped they will turn over a new leaf in their new home and settle down to oath an honest livelihood. Pensones.-Mrs. Geo. Wbitam, who was visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. L. Scott, returned to Mt. Forest last week, - John Lyons was visiting friends in Mt. Forest last week. -Miss Mary Buyers ar- rived home last week after a visit of sev- eral months with friends at Sandwich and Stratford. -Mrs. P. Barley, of North- ville, Mich., was visiting at Wm. Blas - hill's this week. -Joseph A. Laird, of Brussels, and 0. W. Burns while trout fishing on May 18th in the Nipissing District met with good look, capturing a number measuring from 12 to 19i inches. Joe. is taking up land in that section. - Fred. Hinds, who went to Sault Ste. Marie a few weeks ago, returned home on Friday laid up with a lame knee. -Last Monday Harry J. Whitley removed to Seaforth, whersho has obtained a situa- tion, Mr. Whitley came to Brussels about 4 years ago and took charge of the Brass Band as teacher. It was badly disorganized but by hard work and good management on the part of the leader we have to -day one of the best bands in the county. A large number of the members are beginners but they are bidding fair to succeed well. Capt. McIntosh, of the Salvation Army, "farewelled" on Wed- nesday evening and has gone to head- quarters for fresh orders. He was well liked and was a . very eflieient officer. - John Burgess has taken a situation in the telegraph and post office at Luoknow. He went there last Monday. -Reeve Mo- Craoken goes to the County Council next week. -T. Fletcher and wife spent last Sunday in Luoknow.-Mrs. Geo. Beaker arrived borne lest Saturday from a week's visit to Zurioh.-Miss Davies, of Ethel, was visiting Mrs. McKelvey this week. Miss Carlisle, of Hensall, and Mr. Shaw, of Toronto, are on a visit to Dr. and Mrs. Graham: Robt. Martin, father to Geo, and E. A. Martin, of Bruseele, had his hand severely injured by his entire horse recently. -A little girl of Caleb Whitt• ing's is the possessor of no legs than five fingers, 100'65 the thumb, on one of her hands. -D'. Frain has secured the looal agency for the Singer Sewing Madhine Co. He ought to make a good agent. In addition to Mr. Frain's other accomplish - menta he has mastered the bioyole and uses it in going to and from hie work. - Thomas. and John Strachan attended the meeting of Maitland Pres- bytery, held at Luoknow, on Tuesday, representing Knox church congregation. -Rev. Wm. Norton, brother to Thos. Norton, of Brussels, has taken a Supor• annuated relation in the Montreal Con- ference this year. Mise Lily Vanstone is visiting at Goderfoh.-Mrs. Percy White, of Pert Elgin, is spending a week with her father, Thos. Hail. -Walter Wil - bee had one of hie lege iujdred in the mill yard of J. & P. Ardent this week.- The Mitobell. Advertiser of last week says; -Gus. 'Goebel, proprietor of the American 73ote1, Brussels, and hit sister, Mrs. Adani Koenig, are visiting their Mitchell friends this week. Gus, reports ail salubrious in the Scott Act town, 1Ie says, of attune we 'gat a little lager, and that don't hurt ally man -the German his lager, the. Celt his porridge, eo that all agree in Brussels. -J, H. Young has been on the 'sick list this week,--Mre. S. Lucas, of Campbellford, ie recruiting at I her sister's home, Mrs. W. F. Vanstone. Oana414ani Ne-ww. It is reported that an English capitalist is about to start a flax mill at Moosomin, N. W. T. Dissatisfaction among the Halfbreeds and Indians of the Northwest is again causing grave anxiety. The Montreal Methodist Conference dopted unanimously a series of strong resolutions on the Temperance question. The first Bitting of the Supreme Court for the district of Eastern Assiniboia was held at Whitewood on Monday, May .16th. Hon. Edward Blake has purchased the property of F. X. Tremblay at Point an Pio, Murray Bay, for a summer resi- dence. W. Herrington, a Huntingdon farmer, about 70 years of age, has been gaoled on a charge of setting fire to his wife's barns. The Paris Council has donated 9100 to the Nanaimo sufferers. The disaster left 39 widows and 106 children without means of support. The Governor-General returned to Ot- tawa last week, meeting with enthusiae. tio receptions at the Capital and places along the route. The Burford and Brantford. Lodges, A. 0. U. W., intend holding a joint exonr- sion to the Model Farm, Guelph, about the 20th of June. George A. Buzon, theBelgian Bankrupt broker who embezzled about 980,000 and was arres;ed at Montreal, has been com- mitted foe extradition. Barbie Smith, a little Hamilton girl, saved an infant from being run over by a market wagon, but was herself knocked down and badly bruised. Nine thousand three hundred and sev- enty-four boxes of cheese were exported from Montreal last week, as compared with 4,957 the previous week, and 9,282 the same week last year. Norman McIntyre, an old man who has reached the age of 90 year, is work- ing for John Agar, of Norwich, and a few days since did 80 rode and 15 inches of ditching through heavy olay ground in one day. Mr. Nash, for the Windsor Gas Compa- ny, has contracted for the purchase of an electric light plant from the Royal Elec. trio Lighting Company, of Montreal, and expects to be in running condition by the 1st, of July. A Winnipeg photographer recently ex- hibited a Dasa full of photographs of his debtors, each being labelled with the name, address, and indebtedness of the person represented. Every one of the ex- hibited can sue him for libel. Robert Young, a man who lives near Kinlough, was brought before a magis- trate recently, charged with the offence of cruelty to animals, having left his team tied to a post all night in the open air. 115 was fined 95 cud oosts, amounting in all to 910. Major-General Sir Fred. Middleton will begin his annual inspection of the Canadian military about the 14 inst„ when a number of the camps will °seem. ble. He will also oombine with this the duty of inepeoting the various pelma nen, schools throughout the Dominion. Wm. Grier, of Barrie, a County Con- stables of Simooa, has just been appoint- ed a Provincial Constable on a000unt of the valuable services he has rendered in several important Government oases, more particularly in the Sarnia dyna- mite case, where he figured as Billy Armstrong, the famous drain -digger. 11. H, Gault, ex.bLP„ of Montreal, is nnder'atopd,tohe dying. Winnipeg has voted 9500 to the suffer• ors by tbo Nanaimo mine disaster. Patrolee, by a vabo of 285 bo 30, has re - eased to upend 920,000 for publio build• ings in that town. It is generally believed In Ottawa that Mr. Chaldean will become Lieutenant. Governor of Quebec, The season already is said to have coetthe municipality of IndianHendeome 92,000 for gopher toile, A Bonneville men named Alfred Sot. ties committed suicide on Thursday by holding his head in a spring of water. On Saturday the Oshawa Fanners' Club declared in favor. of the removal of all trade restrictions between Oanada and the United States. It is thought probable that the preli- minary shaft at the Sarnia tunnel will bo abandoned, and tbo tunnel proper put throngib at ,moo. Chas. LeGard, of Artemesia, had an apple tree which born fruit twine lash season, The second mop grew to be as largo orab-apples. 8, H, Ghent, Wsnworth, County Oourt Clerk, is suffering from blood poisoning, the result of doming in contact with poison ivy while working in his garden. The sawdust from some Canadian saw mills is now taken to the United States and made, by a process of pressure, into ornaments for furniture and for interior decoration. Tho youngest son of W. J. Peacock, of Cartwright, Durham county, while in the Sold \SS followed by a horse, whish streak him with his fore foot and killed him instantly. A twenty pound whitefish was naught at Pt. Brune a fow days ago in one of Yonne & Sens' pound nets, Using the largest whitefish ever naught here. It was sent t0 Buffalo. A. new milling company, with a capital of 9300,000, has been formed, entitled the Lake of the Woods Milling Company. They advertise for tenders for the ora- tion of mills at Keewatin. The Grand Trunk Railroad Company will appeal the ease wherein Mrs. J. T. Jones was awarded 92,000 for the life of ' her husband, killed by one of their en- gines at Point Edward during the winter. An enormous mass meeting in Winni- peg Wednesday night pronounced judg- ment on the disallowance question. The executive of the Farmers' Allianoe, of Winnipeg, on Tuesday declared in favor of the Hudson's Bay road. Only eighteen of those eligible for places on the Wimbledon team have so far signified their intention to go, while the thirty-seventh man on the list .has been reached. The number of refusals is much larger than expected. In reply to a request from the Counoil of Whitewater, Mon„ for the exteneion of the Manitoba South-western Railway, Mr. Van Horne stated that the Canadian Pacific Railway Company had no money to expend on branches in Manitoba. The city council of Loudon has accept- ed estimates for the Western Fair build. Tugs, amounting in all to 960,000. The main building 200 feet by 80, will oost 920,000; horse stalls, 98,000 ; cattle and sheep pens, 95,000 ; field machinery hell, 94,000. When bringing Joe Font, a cattle thief, to the Winnipeg police station Tuesday night, Chief of Police McCrae was shot by the prisoner in the groin. Font then made his escape, but was wounded by McCrea, who fired after him. MoOrae's wound might be very serious. A Tuesday's telegram says : Bush fires are raging on the Indian Peninsula and Manitoulin Island, which are becoming serious owing to the long drouth and warm weather. Many miles of pine lands back of Lion's Heed are laid waste, but no settlers have suffered the loss of build, ings yet. The new Hamilton Y.M.O.A. building is to be erected at the corner of Jackson and James streets, opposite St. Paul's Church. The building will he proceeded with at onoe, although only $20,000 of the 985,000, whish will be the total Dost of ereotion, has yet been subscribed. The Royal Sooiety meeting in Ottawa has elected officers for the current year as follows : President, Sir H. M. Dew. son ; viae -president, Sanford Fleming ; seoretary, Dr. J. G. Bourinot ; treasurer, Dr. J. A. Grant. John Charles Dent, of Toronto, was eleoted a Fellow of the so- ciety. The C.P.B. Company have arranged to issue return tickets to. all commissioners, lay and clerical, to the Presbyterian Gen- eral Assembly, from Winnipeg to Vancou- ver, for 980. They also issue free passes to all ministers aid alders from Winni- peg to any point along their lines as far west as Regina. Sir Hector Langevin has told Aldermen Boustoad and Baxter, Toronto, that as soon as the city of Toronto has passed a byelaw for 9100,000 for Toronto harbor improvements the Government will Derry the work to completion, and that the Do• minion will then take it over and main- tain it asa publio work. The Executive. Committee of the To- ronto Industrial .Fair have decided to meet for the aboomrnodabion of the news. Papers a separate building, t some 30x75 feet, including rooms for writing, a Tee. taurant, lavatory and other essentials. J. H. Hill, tbe'manager and seoretary, announces that theExhibition'Committee purpose giving a dinner to the' press on Sept. 18. , The Chippewa and Pabtawatamio bande who occupy Walpole Island in the river St. Clair, consist of 821 souls, having increased in number, notwithstanding an apidemiq,of measels, whiohrevailed in the month of August. Theis condition has been fairly prosperous-no'eases of destitution having occurred' in the bead. The daily attendance at the schools has been sufficient to test the capacity of the Oohoal-hduse.'' Two men in'the'employ of Chas. Whit- her, 13empworth, apperently found it necessary to have a fight in the presence of their employer. Mr. Whitner is a well built man,. of great strength and of German descent, but unless aroused is quiet and inoffensive, and will . stand off until necessity prompts him to show his strength, On finis occasion ho watched the proceedings till it had gone gnito far enough to suit him, tylion ho caught one in each Neild, and separated them so `quickly and With such force that he broke a leg of one and three ribs of the other. The annual Camp of Instruction which will be held in Landon on June 14th and ten days following will be composed of the 22nd (Oxford, 24th (Kent), 25th (El- gin), 808o (Wellington) Battalions, the London Field Battery and the First Reg., iment of Cavalry. It is highly probable that the 25th will be short, and if so the deficiency will be made up by the 26th Middlesex Battalion. Duncan 0. Rose has deposited $1,006 to back a ohellenge to E.' W. Johnston the well•knovn professional all round athletic champion, to compete in a series of Caledonian games, the best ssvouin eleven, for 91,000 to 96,000 a side, and the ohampionship of America. Ross al- so agrees to allow Captain James C. Daly to compete if he will putup the game amount of stakes as Johnston.. The lat- ter is trainer for the Brooltlyn Athletic Association, and it is understood that they will find 91,000 fora match tvit10 Duncan 0. Ross. •Simooa ]las voted 95,000 toward re- building the cotton mill recently burned in that place. Tile total values of farm piroduots and animals exported to Great Britain front Canada during the year 1886 amounted to 922,545,891. Of the same articles to the United States, Canada exported 915,- 495,788, Taking the total exports to the two oountries they stand -941,540,- 804 to Groat Britain ; 983,747,371 to the United Staten. Those statements are to be found on p.p. 762 and 767 of the Trade and Navigation Returns for 1880. The writs have been issued for the eleotions iii East and Wdet Algona. Nomination clay is June 23rd and polling day July 7th in both oonstitnenoies. There is a statutory provision that the Provincial elections for these oonsbituen- cies shall take place in the sarnmer. which is the reason why these elections were nob held at the time of the General Election in Dooetnber last. The Liberal candidates are Messrs. Lyon for East Algoma and Conmee for West Algoma - the ex -members. An unfortunate accident happened Tuesday, of last week, at Sherbet Lake, whereby James Curry, of Milton, lost his right foot. Curry, who was on his way to England to look after some cattle that are being shipped there, was eating Ms breakfast at the refreshment roome, when some one called out to him that his train was going. On hearing this he rushed out and jumped upon the train. He, However, slipped and fell, his foot getting in front of ono of the wheels, which passed over it. oast R>s>ra_ No'a r-McIN'renE.-Ab Brussels, on May 30th, at the residence of the oflioiab- ing minister, Rev. J.L. Kerr, Mr. Al. bort Nutt to Miss Mary McIntyre, both of Newry, Perth Co. CAMs -HILL. --Ll Grey, at the residence of the bride's oarsets, on the let inst., by Rev. J. L. Herr, Mr. Edward Lavis, of Holmosville, to Mies Eliza, daugh- ter of Mr. John Hill. axEx_• Htet.-In Morris, o3 May 27th, James, son of Thos. Hill, aged 13 years, 7 months and 13 days. -- BRSTSSEZS MAme=3EI'i^S- CoIMEOTE0 OABEFDLtY EVERRI 1EE0. White Yell Wheat......., 83 Red Winter 88 Spring Wheat 65 Barley 40 Oats 29 Peas, , 48 Butter, tubs and rolls..... 12 Eggs per dozen 11 Flour per barrel 4 00 Potatoes ... 70 Hay per ton .. 0 00 Hides per lb 54 Salt per bbl., wholesale60 Sheep skins, each 50 Wool, per ib 20 85 85 85 48 30 50 13 00 00 75 10 00 6 80 1 00 28 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. HOUSE AND LOT TO RENT. Apply at Tin Poem Publisbirg House, COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND Loa: to Lot, well fenced, cellar, shade trem pleasant neighborhood.' 58.00 per Month. 25* J, R. GRANT, "PULL FOR SERVICE. -THE kJ undersigned will keep on lot 1, son, 0. Groy. Bed Hero II," a fine young thor'.bred Durham bull for service. Terms -81.00, with privilege of returning if necessary. DUN- OAN MOLAVOHLIN, returning, 45-8* CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE.- ‘,..) A few splendid, improved 'farms for sale in the township of Grey, Morris and McKillop. Apply to A. DEL GATTY, Co, Auotioneer,13russele P. 0. ``ITBAYED ON THE PREMISES 5.. of the undersigned lot 20, 000.5, Grey, on or about the 0th of May, two owes and two lambs. The owner is requested to prove propertyy, pay expenses and take them away. BORT. ROSE. 40.4* OCKET LOST ON FRIDAY, May 8th. It is gold on one aide and enamel on the other, has the words "In memory of" on the latter side. Thereis a likeness in it. The finder willreatly oblige byleaving'14 at Tan Poem Publishing House at once, where they will bo suitably re- warded. 44- T TOTE LOST. -THE PUBLIC) IS ill hereby cautioned against negotiating a promissory note for 870,00, drawn in favor olSoSOph Young, or bearer, 4 months from Juno let, 1887 as it has been lost and pay- ment etoppod. Any persona returning the same to the undersigned, whose name is on the note will confer a great favor. JAMES JACKSON, Brussels P.O. 47.4'' ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamship's. '87. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 687. BANKING. Mr1INTOSH iG MoTAGGART, BANEERS •:• 1111IJSSELS Transact a General Banking Business. Notes tohand dteoouuted, Iuterus t allowed on deposits repayable on demand, Prompt attention given to collections. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. WADE R SINOLAIR, BARRIS. THEE, /0, Oillee in Leoklo's block Brussels, Money to Loan. V B. DICKSON, (LATE WITH • Darrow to X°roudfoot Godorich) So - Colter, Conveyancer, ate. bolos, Grant's block, Brussels. Money to loan. ALEX. HUNTER, CLERK OF the Pourtli Division Court, Go. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and /neurauoo Agont. Funds invested and to loan. Oo,lootions made, Oliloe un. Gra- ham's Bleak, Brussels, as.e.17-1 sacs. 0nost LIvnnrOOL. 5TEAMEn. Meat 1301BB0.' Apr310841t Parisian May 10th May 5th....... .......... Sarmatian May 21611 May D,th SOiroasaian Sono 8rd May 19th Sardinian June 9th May 27th...„... ...... .4 Polynesian June 170 Juno 2nd Parislan .. June 23rd Junosbh Sarmatian June 90th June 17th t Oiroasaian......July gbh Juno 58fd Sardinian July 14th July lot i Polyneslan,J1113 22nd July 7511 Parisian July 28th July 14th Sarmatian Aug, 4th July 22nd 0 Circassian Aug 12th July 28th Sardinian...,.. Aug,. 18th Aug. 4415 5 Pol)moeian.,.... Aug. 2061 Aug, 11 t Parisian Sept. let Extra Steamers. The Steamers above named do not carry cattle, ahem, or pigs. Steerage Pessdngers are booked to and from London,. Queonoton, Derry,Belfast and GlasgoW at. same rates at Liverpool, Rates of pae0age b y the Mall Steamers Prom Queboo, to Londonderry. and Liverpool :- Cabin -9130, •.970 and 880, {totnrn-9110, 8190 and 9160. Intermediate -590, return e00, Stoorage-800, return, 940. Tbo last train connoting at Quoboe with- the Mail Stoamal'eyexiling from that pert on Dooleyyy3Inc 1o1o13. 1'ho last train connect! g with 6110 Extra itoannore sailing on the Pri- day, leaves 'Toronto on the Thursday mora- ine, Por Nakao and every hif0rmation:ap. ply to a-, ,Mc. G7.e., LSP, 4.0.eat, t3vv,narele, MEDICAL CARDS. TO. HUTCHINSON HAS RE. .LJ 'moved hie ofMoo to roome over the Postma0o, - Residence on Mill Street. e • T• ?i...MoNAUGHTON, M. D., 0. df, L. IL O. P. Edinburgh, Physlalan, Surgeon and Aoaouoher.. Once, furs, Shiol's block, Turnborry Street. \VM, F. CALE, M. D., 0. M. Member of the. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontaaio by examination OOloo and liosideuo-Main St. East, f4 thol Ontario, DENTAL. »18:147 TIbT.R,Tir G. L.Ball,L.D.S,. Honor Graduate and a M.lt. 0. D. S.. of, Toronto. Nitrous Oxide Gas edministeted. Prices graded and as low as'g0od work can be done for. Office over Jobueton's Hardware Store, Sealorth. 1a'I+7N'YIST. N..7. Pear ,L.li, S. Graduate of To- ronto Sehoo1 of Dentistry. All opor- atlons guaranteed. O00o-Osey's Block, 9oaforth. Artificial tooth, firs ,quality, and guaranteed 'fit,for 812.00 per sot. IYENPI>•iT• a. a. x¢A.merias, z, a, s„ Honor Graduate of the Royal College Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Mimics Oxm1 Gas adiainistoredfor the painless extras• tion of teeth. OFFICE.-Garlleld lrloolr,i hitt ssist5. BUSINESS CARDS. • �13�7T H. MoORACKEN, ISSUER 1 Y • of Marriage Licensee. Moo at his Gxoeory,Turnberry Street, WII, RODDIOK, HOUSE, SIGN and Carriage, plain and ornamental painter. Estimates cheerfully furnished Charges moderate, A MONAIR, ISSUER OF MAR - .51. riage Licenses, by appointment o1 Lieut.-Goyernor, Commissioner, ate., Q, B. Ocaveysseer and Agent Piro Insurance Co. Ocoee at the Oranbrook Poet Office. JM. O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, • Accident and Loan Insurance Agent for come of the best and moat reliable Com- panion in the Dominion. Office Brick Terr- ace ,Tnrnberry'steeot ,neerthe station. FW. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR • Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College has resumed the praotiee of John Nott, V.8„and is prepared to treat all die • eases of domesticated animals on 051505iflc andapproved principles. Treatment of del- icate 1Dabs a specialty Omoe two doors North of Bridge,,Turnberry street. MISS LILLA O'CONNOR, Teacher of Music. vocal and Instr mentalorvOrgan, Piano, or Gniear. Har- mony and Thorough Bass. Advancedpunile dttod for Teaching. Terms on application Rhference-nadirs of Loretto Academy Guelph. Rodfdonoo-No. 2, Terrneo, south near elation. Cobert Cunninghaim INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph; Ontario. w NEW PIRM.--THE UNDER' eraxgn' doeiro.to intimate to .the pub- lic generally that they hare formed a co- partnetehlpfor the purpose of carrying on Oarringe, Sign and Ornamental Painting' mud are prepared to attend to the wants of tiro public on moot reasonable terms. Mr. Ross having 1100 eaperionce in 001110 of the best shops in Toronto and both being prac- tical vrohmen guarant0e to give satis- fkotion, Estimates and terms oheorfbily furnished. Shop in tbo old Pow Publish. tug Reuse, Sing street, Drnseele. SMITH at ROSS. TTM. BLASHTLL, VVVV Butcher, thanking bis•nlany :customers fox their liberal support in the peat *Mos to inform thorn that at his shop in Smalo's block he keeps nothing but first -oleos moats all kinds of Poultry and sausage Moat 006105rod to all parts of the town free. flank paid for rat Stook Hides and sheepskins bought for clash, T ENDERS WANTED 1 �. Tenders will bo received by tho under- signed, nder signed, 0116 thsOth of ,for a. job of paint - Ing. the walla and ceiling of Melville Ohuroh. with two ooate of Alebastine of a tint or nhade to suit the oomrtiittoo. Tho lowest or any tender not neaeaeariiyy to be a000ptod, ALEXANDER STEWA'RT, Queen Street, Chairman. .'. 40-2 i-iARM DOR : SALE. -THE DN. dorsi tied offers his excellent 100 koro farm, being North' 1. of 0s, Con, 5, Morrie, or tale, There aro. about 90 aere0 Moored;the balance hardwood bush. The buildings aro in 0001 repair, Plaera is an orchard, Wells and 011 thd'nooensary °onvoniondba. The farm 3.6 01117 2, Mlles from Brussole ,and T. a goad locality.. Possession, would be given imnicdlntoly. Thera We 00 amen of Tall Whoatln, 01' further parbloular0'50 to prloe, terms, 10,, apply to the proprietor On the pAomleed. -' EDWARD AUAE1tY, 35.9010 Brnsaels'l.0.