HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-6-3, Page 6B
The Ages of Bird$.
The following table is from an
Engliall source, and olaiwa to be
measureabiy correct as to the ages
of the birds mentioned :—
Blackbird lives 12
Blackcap 15
Canary 24
Crane 100
Crow 100
Fowl, common, 10
Goldfinch 60
Goose 50
Heron 13
Lark 23
Nightingale 13
Parrot Lives
Sparrow hawk
Gee:nist of Thou it.
God has never oeaeed to be the
true aim of all human aspirations.
The man who tells me an indeli-
cate story does ere no injury.
Do not speak of your heppines to
a man less fortunate than yourself,
(riving to God is an loss ; it is
putting your substance in the best
When we walk toward the sun of
Truth. all shadows are oast behind
The manner of giving ehnwe the
uharaoter uf the giver more than the
gift itself.
The realiratiou of God's pres.
once is the one sovereign remedy
against temptation.
How much better is the love that
is ready to die tbau the zeal that is
ready to kill.
If you fear
Cast all your care ou God.
Thatholds the anchor.
.A sound discretion is not so
much indicated by n ever making a
mistake as by never repeating it,
To an honest mind, the best per-
quisites of a place are the advent.
ages it gives a man of doing good..
All mankind acknowledge them-
selves able and sufficient to do many
things which actually they never
It is when we feel all broiten up
and wasted, and that we can only
bring the bliss to God, that He
says Come, and He will take tie and
mend us, and make us whole again.
To be content is not to be saris-
fled. No one ought to be satisfied
with the imperfect. It ie God's
will that we should bear, and con-
tentedly, because in hope of the re-
demption of the body.
Ten Things a Baby Can Do.
It can beat any alarm clock ever
invented waking a family up in the
Give it a fair show and it can
smash more dishes than the most
industrious servant girl in the;,00uu-
It can fall down oftener and with
less provocation than the most ex-
pert tumbler in the circus ring.
It can make more genuine fess
over a simple braes pin than its
mother would over a broken back.
It can choke itseff black in the
face with greater ease than the moat
accompliehed wretch that was ever
It can keep a family in a contin-
ual turmoil from morning till night,
and night till morning, without once
'varying its tune.
It'can be relied upon to sleep
peacefully all day when its father is
downtown and cry persistently ai
night when lie is particularly sleepy.
It may be the naughtiest, dirtiest,
most fretful baby in all the world,
but you can never make its mother ,
believe it, and you had better not i
It can be a charming and model
infant when no one is around, but
when visitors are present it can ex-
hibit more bad temper than both of
the parents together.
It can brighten up a house better
than all the furniture ever made ;
make sweeter music than the finest
orchestra organized ; fill a larger
ilea in its parents' breaets than
they knew they had, and when it
:goes away it can canoe a greater
vacancy and leave a greater blank
than all the seat of the world put to.
Fashion Notes.
In the line of scirf pins the heads
of animals hold their popularity.
Necklaces made to clasp the neck
snugly are shown, and seem to be
growing in fashion.
Gold and jeweled buckles are
worn with .handsome high -necked
dresses, either at the throat or on
the belt.
Flies for scarf ping merit the ob.
servation of the small boy, who re-
marked they Were as large as life
and twice as natural.
Three rose leaves in oxydized gold
pierced with a minattire pin sot
with a ruby, diamond or saphire,
are s favorite pin for la.iea' weer. pteparottnu of the ground, deep' CnttaI(1itttt Ni,an•rt,
Silver toilet artielu8 ceottutut to plowiug in the fall and eballoty t.11eie:ninety teltphuuna fu
be the rage. ,dile silver brushes, I plowing in the ..spring. And gin ase to Zn aro ni nary•
combs, toy and boxes iu beautiful reason is that the seed being small, 'l,'he anlioitnrfor tau' tow.,'1 ••f Gnit
reponse designs are very effective, must ltuve fine soil. to vegetate
u'� is llntd $100 per nuniirn
Finger rings made of gold wires
are doming into vogue. Some are
fainned into a true lover's knot,
while ethers ...re of intrloate net
but after it alae germinated it sent
cut one principal tact root by winch
gnn.ntlt es of ,vlliiefi+i ere
it anchors iteelf firmly in the soil. being t)Aught. at, Pert St,ttloh
Flax feeds right on the surface, and 40,00) sp, aiod ester have bean
it dean stat reguire the soil to be ton pieced iti cruults around (inolpy
Tl decided d cffnE to sup deeply stirred in older o afford flax
fsetnry lett iws'n erratic
prose the pig, the owl and the apul. the menus of taking a firm foot hold. 1 aris for Iralougs all Iri t ,a of u, ed•
or in the mann ao ere n rte to s, lack nl - loN,
and to popularize in their stead the amongst our 'farmers relative to flax d. Ir,tt,•r .inures-ttd 'M'. Green
effigy of the moue. no c t . p
Bann I•, by taut
Ill gold watch elinins the lateet attempting its enitur'e ; arlil further, 'iia," 1, 10' tlg rt elalttl In' nt 11)s
freak in a small barrel link of plati• tbeso who may have entered into it Dnntla' pit '•t.ilic
num and gold, a Inch, instead of probably have not achieved that stic• It i'1 slranur wit t1 n amount of
having a liar as hitherto, passes imam that would have attended n saporetitiuu ,'all exist in •hn nnudn
through Lite button hole to the more thorough acquaintance with
of uhtelligent people, 9'h+' story is
opposite pocket.
Tu wawa w•alkitlg glover it in hard
to decide which is stitching au(1
which is glove,
It is no secret that dress skirts
are so heavy now with their' addit-
ional burden of hoop and criuolioe
that modistes have devised suspend-
ers for women.
The new parasols are furnished
with very long handles.
Novelties iu black Lice dreteet
are coustantly appearing.
Many uf the spring maniacs the
in scar: shape, thin hack being mere-
ly a rouud cape reaching to the
waist line, and long, slender mant-
illa front.
Gray and white check materials
aro meeiing with favor fur spring
The combination of plaids, stripes
and figured dcsigus of all kinds with
plain atufia is the rule now ,in all
sorts of dresses.
English dealers are displaying a
novelty in hose which clue au tan•
bruidered stripe tlowu the center
and an oblong piece of open work
on either side, wluoh arrangemout
reduces tate apparent size of the
French gray kid gloves, bound
and stitched with black, are new
and stylish.
Flax Culture.
work al iu
There is a 'e 'de d 1 1 t ff d fl
f t f trinkets, t A l k of ly definite knowledge
field's farm, Limner
e to lbt has kept them back from '' d e a ill' , . '
There is a quantity of land ad-
mirably adapted to flax culture
through the differout sections of On-
tario, and witti the present low pric-
es of other productions it would cer-
tainly bo a judicious move td incor-
porate flax culture with the other
rotations of a mixed husbandry.
Nothing pays better than a good
flax crop, fie both the fibre mud the
seed always Drive a ready sale. Be-
sides, if iufflcient wore grown, a na
tionitl industry might be developed
which would give employment to a
great many hands. However, it
may be remarked that much depends
upon the soil in flax growth, as ev.
cry quality is not suitable. An au-
thority op this subject contends that
land in which sand or any form of
allied, predominates are not to be
thought of in flax culture. Olays
should also in general be avoided,
particularly if impregnated with
oxide of iron, or gritty clay that
have a gravelly subsoil. At the
same time, in cue ease out of four a
good crop of flax may be raised on
clayey land, but the chances are
against it. Deep alluvial soils, cool
and moist, but at the same time well
drained, present the most favorable
conditions, but while it should be
moderately rich in organic deposits,
land rendered rich by repent manur-
ing should not be sown. The reason
Of the latter remark is, that if too
rank a growth of flax is produced,
the quality and sonndneea of the
fibre is sacrificed in some degree.
Good crops of flax are produced in
Ireland on peaty or moory land that
has been limed a few years previous-
ly ; and it will generally DO found
that soils which do not favor wheat
growing are frequently well suited
for flax, owing to the different kinds
of plant food required. Except on
poor thin soils that have a certain
amount of peaty deposit in them,
flax is not sown after a root crop
that has been manured. It should
never be sown immediately after a
turnip crop or on meadow or old
pasture freshly plowed up. As to
the place that flax should occupy in
a rotation of crape on ordinary land,
the hest place for it is after an oat
crop grown on sod. The following
will give an idea for a flax rotation 1
let year -Boot crops with manure.
2nd year—Wheat, barley or oats,
with seeds.
8rd year—Grass first year.
4th year --Grass, second year.
dth year --Otte on sod.
6th year --Flax.
Of course it does not follow that
flax should always come after Cats,
as good Drops can bo grown after
any kind of grain if the land is free
from weeds. The cardinal point in
flax, growing is thorough culture and
this subject. The profits from a
goal crop of flax aro large, when
both aced and fibre are counted. In
Ireland the crop is valued all the
way from ;24 to 11.8 per acre, Aud
there is no doubt that if flax ouituee
be muuagel with skill it will pity as
a form crop in Ontario.
Never begin work an Friday.
To meet it funeral and not go
back tour stops with it is unlucky.
To pass a churn and not give a
helping hand is unlucky.
It is unlucky to accept a lock of
hair or a four' footed beast from a
It is 001)10113' to pass under a
hempen rope. He who does so will
the a violent death or commit nn
evil act.
To atiek n P00110ife in the mast of
the bout when sailing is meet un-
Never pay away any money on
the first Monday of the year or you
will lose your luck iu gaining money
all the year.
To throw a slipper of ter a party
going ou a journey in lucky : also
at breakfast by candle light on
Ohristmas morning.
Walk three times round a fire on
St. John's eve and you will be safe
from disease all that year.
The yew tree, alder and ash were
sacred ; the willow has in it the
mystery of sound ; the harp of
King Bryan Bora was made of wil-
If the palm of the hand itches
you will be getting money; if the
elbow, you will be changing bed ; 1t'
the ear, someone speaking i11 of you.
It is fatal at a marriage to tie a
knot in a red silk handkerchief and
only an ennemy would do it. To
break the spell the handkerchief
should be burnt.
To attraoh bees, gather foxgloves,
rasberry leaves, wild majoratr, mint,
cammomile end valerian; mix with
butter made on Monday. Boil with
honey, and rub the vessel into which
the bees should go with the mixture.
Place it in a tree and the bees will
Live up to your engagements.
Earn money before you spend it.
Never play any game of chance.
Drink no kind of intoxicating
Good character is above all things
Keep your own secrets, if you
have any.
Never borrow if you can possibly
avoid it.
Always speak the truth. Make
few promises.
Keep good company or none.
Never be idle.
Do not marry until you aro able
to support a wife.
Keep yourself innocent if you
would be happy.
Ever live (misfortune excepted)
within your income.
When you speak to a person, look
him in the face.
Mahe no haste to be rich, if you
would prosper.
Savo when you are young to
spend when you are old.
Avoid temptation, through fear
you may not withstand it.
Never epealt evil of may one. Be
just before you are generous.
Never run into debt unless you
see plainly a way to get out again.
Small and ateady gains give com-
petency with tranquility of mind.
Good company and good oonver-
nation are tite very sinews of vir-
Your character cannot he emit -
tinily injured except by your own
If any ons epoaks evil of you, let
your life Ile so that none will believe
When yotl retire to bed, think
over what you have been doing der-
ing the day.
If hands cannot be usefully em-
ployod, attend to the cultivation of
your mind.
told that the rn,i'le'r of a freight
train whie'I r'e'ttle I'1' utt' CT. and
Trunk at 1Vindtt ir for 11in east ran
dean and (tilled a iendson'le Now
foundland dog near Belle river. He
110,1 declares that since then ha has
frequently seen theof the flog
as be passed 111,, plena et night, As
the train r.piMac111'4 the place n
mournfni hoed is heard, tad midden-
ly a white apparition, rase11111lll'fl It
dog, dnrte out from the roadside and
disappears beneath Oat enaiue's
pilot. The train hamla wnlolt fur
this ghost's t,ppettr'tucu at. night, and
some of them feta' that the 11)11 ted
engine is deemed to meet an ncci
Glen t.
ear • ..•>n rc.eamaaccr-wanr,+a..n.anSn
infallible Blood Pttrlaor, Tonto, Diuretic
Imes of Appetite, indigestion, Dyspepsia.
Biliousness, Jaundice, Liver Complaint,
Rheumatism, all Kidney Diseases, Scrofula,
Diseases peounar to Females, Salt Rheum,
Beaoma and all Skin Diseases. Headache,
Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach and
Dart Burn. Puroyl Vegetable.
Joie C. VIM 9 Co„ Toronto, Ont.
—FOR -
30 DAYS 30
Christmas and New Year's Bar
gains at the Brussels
Woolen Mill.
I have the finest and largest
stock of Fine Yarns ever seen in
Brussels. I will sell the best
worsted yarns, which have
N OTIi.11, 1
Tho ootraail of 't09 COrnor+,tlort of the
County of Ilurmt trllt groin iit the Court
Route, In Otto tuna of Itodurio1 , oe
rton.t. 1,141'101! AL/01501i, Ae. Clerk. de.e
tiny, 26rd, 1637.
Wear Spectacles
ted Eye -Glasses that will preserve you
P. i.JAZ P.;U B
Manufacturing Optician, Late of the firm
of Lazarus d Morris, 23 Maryland Road,
Harrow Road, London, England, has ap-
pointed an agent for Iso Renowned Spec-
tacles and Eye -Glasses which have been
before the public for the pant 25 years.
Lazarus' Spectacles never tire the aye
Last many years without change.
For Sale by 1-1. L. ,LICK,SbN,
at 6 ers. per oz., and an extra
fine quality of eashmerd wools aj ,
8 ate. per ounce for the next 30 •
days, commencing Friday, Dec.
24tH, for Cash Only.
Now is the Time
to secure your bargains, come
early and have your choice in
Black, Brown, Navy Blue, Royal
Blue, Light Blue, Garnet, Card-
in.al, Claret, Scarlet, Dark Green,
Bronze, Light Gruen, . Yellow,
Orange; and a host of other col-
ors, too litlmerous to mention.
But come and see for yourself
and be convinced that you. have
Struck the Biggest Bargains of
the season.
Come one, Come O.
of Private Funds have just been
placed in my hands for In-
Borrowers can have their loans
complete in three days if title is
satisfactory. •
Apply to E. E. WADE.
Notice is hereby given that the Council
of the Corporation of the Village of Brus-
sels will meet as a Court of Revision, at
the Couscrr, Citstn 1II, on
Monday, June the 6th, 1887,
,1T 'ria 1)001: 01' 0 O'CLOCK
All persons interested will govern them-
selves accordingly.
F. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
Brussels, May, 11. 44-3
Loan &Investment Co.
ThieCompany is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at LOWEST
Mortgages Purchased.
3, 4, and 5 per, cont. Interest
allowed on Deposits, according
to amount and time let.
OFFICE.—Corner of Market
Square and North Street, t.iode-
Horace Horton,
.TUN 8, '-tib?
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pre-
perty, at
Brussels, Ont.
M0 ii'1' S'f► LO,1N i
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Phren or Village Pl'o-
petty, at
6 cE 6. Per Cent. Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying tvliwt required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division, Court Clerks, Brussels.
After another long winter and Iota of op•
Position Tam still alive and in a better
position than ever to attend to the wants
of the Public, having just
Removed to the Store South 0' J,
Buyer's Carriage 11'al'ks.
1 ant prepared to
Execute all Orders Proinfilly.
in all its branches,
Done Up in Style.
a Specialty.
YVm. Roddick,
rntifi � USF N F'Itl!NDItY,
Leducea. Prices q
Wo Have on hand the following :
Land Rollers, Plows, Harrows,
Scufliors, Horse Powers, Straw
Cutters, Turnip Cutters, Grind-
ing o;' Chopping Mills, best
make, and 1 Good Second
Hanel Lumber Wagon.
We have started a Planer
and Matcher to work. Parties
wishing to have Lumber Dressed
and Matched, or Flooring sized,
tongued and grooved may rely
on getting first-class jobs on the
most reasonable terms.
Repairs of all kinds promptly
attended to at the BRUSSELS
W. R. Wilson.
Egg Emporium, in Grant's Block, Brussels,
Next Door lo the Post Office,
I am prepared to Pay CASE for any quantity ofrggs.
and Elomember the Stand•