HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-6-3, Page 3J'vri4 3, 1887. Tariff Changes. 'Chown nit upiward—HenVl locrooe Ort iron—Articles added to Sha Free MO—Antbrnelte ennr duly Itentoved. — The followingare the °bangoa made in the tariff, as announced in the Budget Spores h and as amended in Committee of the Whole. Some other amendments may bo made be- fore the Rouse is prorogued. The former tariff is given in the case of articles iu common use, though in some instances, e. g, iron, the change in classification has render- ed this impossible :— Shoe blacking, 80 per cent., form- erly 25. harness and loather dress. ing, 25, formerly 25, and lumped with 'decking (formerly nil); laund- ry blueing 80, formerly 20, Advertising oalenders and alman- acs, advertising piotares, periodicals and price lista, and tailors' and mantle -makers' fashion plates (form- erly a dollar per 100), 6 cents a pound and 20 per cent. Advertising pamphlets, one cent each. Braces, etc., 35 per cent., former- ly 80. Buttons, vegetable ivory, horn or composition, 10 menta per groes and 25 per cent., formerly 25; all others 25, as before. Buggies, farm wagons, farm, rail- way or freight carts, pleasure carts or gigs, costing lees thou $50, $10 comb and 20 per cent. ; costing $50 and less than $100, $15 each and 20 per cent. ; and all costing $100 and over, 85 per cent. All these were formerly 85 per cent. Cotton thread on spools 25 per cent., formerly 20. Jeans, etc., 25 per cent., former- ly 20. Printed or dyed cotton fabrics, 324 per dent., formerly 274. Demijohns and juge, churns and crocks, 8 cents a gallon. Earthenware, stoneware, Rock- ingham, white granite, iron stone- ware, cream colored, and all not elsewhere specified, 35 per cent., formerly 80. Flagstones, sawed, etc., $2 por ton, formerly $1.50. Glass carboys, demijohns, bottles, and decanters and flasks and phials, less than four ounces, 80 per cent. On flasks of four ounces capacity and ..ver, ten cents a dozen and 30 per cent. Telegraph and lightning rod in- sulators, jars and glass balls and ' tableware, 10 cents per dozen pieces and 30 per dent. Gold and silver leaf, 80 per cent., -formerly 25. Sewing machines, whole or heads, $8 specific and 20 per cent., former- ly $2 and 20. Sole leather, 8 cents per pound, formerly from 10 to 25 ad val. On leather belting of all hinds and all upper leather, including kid, lamb, eheep and calf, tanned or dressed, but not colored, waxed or glazed, 15 per cert. Japanned, patent or enamelled leather, 25 per cent., formerly 20. Liquorice root paste, 2 dents per pound. Floor oilcloth, 5 cents per square yard and 15 per cent.; oilcloth, 5 cents per square yard and 20 per cent., all oilcloths formerly 30 ad val. Paper hangings—Brown blanks, 2 cents; white, grounded and satin papers, 3 cents ; single point bronz- es, 7 cents ; colored bronzes, 0 cents; embossed bronzes, 11 dents; colored borders, narrow, 8 dents wide, 10 cents ; bronze borders, narrow, 15 cents ; wide, 18 cents, and embossed r c bond e s, 20 don+e per each eight yards. , In all cases paper not specified, oalonderod or not, 25 per cent. Manufacturers of paper, including ruled and border papers, papeteries, box papers, envelopes and blank books, 85 per cent. Pickles in bottle;; •40 oonts per gallon, formerly 25. In bulk, in vinegar or mustard. 85 cents, and in bring, 25 dente per gallon. . Saucee and oatsups, 40 cents per gallon, and 20 par cont. Plated knives, costing under $8,50 a dozen, 50 cents a dozen and 20 per cent., formerly 90 ad val. All other electro.plated ware 80 per dont. Plumbago, 10 per cent., same as before. Manufaoturere of plumbago, 25 per cent., formerly 20. Salt, ooaree, 10 bents, formerly. 8; fine, in bulk, 10 cents, formerly 8; in begs or barrels, 15 cents per 100 pounds, formerly 15. • Salt from United Kingdom or British possession, or salt for sea or gulf fisheries, free. Sand, glass, flint and watery pit. por, 80 por cont. School slates, ono cont each and 20 par cent. Cigare end eigarettoe, $2 per pound and 25 per Dent., formerly $1,20 per pound and 20 ad val. Trunks of all triode, pocket books and purses, 80 per cent. Valises, satobe]s, carpet bage, cases for jewels and watches, 10 cents oriel: and 80 per cent., former- ly 30 ad val. Twine of all kinds, one coot per pound and 25 per cent. Varnishes, ote,, 20 cants per gal. lon and 25 per cent., formerly 20 dents per gallon and 20 per cent, Potatoes, 10 conte a bushel, form- erly 10 conte, Tomatoes, fresh, 80 cents a bush el and 10 per cent., formerly 30 seats per bushel. Vegocables, not elsewhere speci fied, including sweet potatoes, 25 per cent. formerly 20. Watch actione or movements, 10 per Dent. All fabrics cgpopoeed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca goat or other like ani- mals, not otherwise provided for, 22.4 por cent. ad val.; on all such goods costing ten seat per yard and under, 224 per cont. ad val.; coet- ing over ton cents and under four- teen cerate, 25 per ant. ; costing fourteen Dents and over, 274 ad val. Barrels, ooutaining salted meats, 20 cents each, formerly free. British gum, dressing, sizing oream and enamel, 1 cent per pound. Shirt collars, 24 cents per dozen, and cuffs 4 cents per pair, with 80 per cent. additional, all formerly 80 per cent. Gas meters, 80 per Dent. Glue, 3 cents a pound. Mucilage, 30 per dent. Newspapers, partly printed, 25 per cent., formerly free. Photographic dry pintos, 15 cents per square foot. Shirts, cotton or linen, $1 per dozen and 80 per cent., formerly 30 per cent. Veneers of wood, sawed only, 10 per cent, Colored fabrics eoven of dyed thread of cotton or jute or both, 25 per cent. D'focoaroni and vermicelli, 2 cents per pound. Oranges and lemons in boxes not larger than two and a half cubic feet, 25 cents per box ; half boxes, 18 cents each ; in cases, 10 cents per cabin foot ; in bulk, $1.60 per thousand ; in barrels, 55 cents per barrel ; formerly 20 per cent. Tarred paper, 4 cent per pound. Spectacles and eye glasses, 30 per cont. ; unfinished parte, 25. Axes of all kinds, adzes, hatchets, hammers, not elsewhere specified, 35 percent. ad val. Formerly 80 per cent. Picks, mattocks, blacksmiths' hammers, sledges, track tools, wedg- es, crowbars of iron and steel, 1 cent per pound and 25 per cent. ad val. Axles and syringe of iron and steel, parts thereof, axle bars, axle blanks or forgings for carriages other than railway or tramway vehicles, 1 cent per pound and 30 per cent. ad valorem. Hay knives, two or three -pronged forks of all kinds and hoes, 5 cents. each and 25 por cent. ad val. Shovels and spades, $1 por dozen and 20 per cent., formerly 85. Shovel and spade hlanks to be finished iu Canada, $1 per dozen and 20 per cent. Mowing machines, harvesters, with or without binders, reapers, stiley and walking plows and other agricultural implements not else- where specified, 85 per cent,, as bo - fore. Grape vines, costing 10 cents or lose, 8 canoe each ; gooseberry bush- es, .2 cents each ; raspberry and blackberry, 1 cent; peach 'trade, 4 cents rose bushes, 5 onto ;• seed- ling stock for grafting, 10 per Dent. Wrought scrap iron and scrap steel, being waste or refuse wrought iron or steel, that hes, boob in tunnel use and is fit only to be re manu- factured, $2 por tan. Ferro -Manganese, ferrosilicon, speiged steel bloom ends, and crop ends of steel rails for the menufao. ture of steel, $2 per ton. Iron in pige, iron Kentledge, and cast scrap iron, $4 per ton, former- ly $2. Iron in slabs, blooms, loops, pud- dled bare, or other forme lose fin - lobed than iron in bars,, and more advanced than pig iron (except cast - begs), $0 per ton, formerly 10 per cent. Bar iron, rolled or hammered, comprising flats, rounds and square 00; bars and shapes and rolled iron, not otherwise specified, $13 per ton. Iron and steel wird, galvanized or not, smaller than number five and not smaller than number fourteen THE BRUSSELS POST gauge, 20 per cent, Formerly free. 8 create per pound; lees than 000 inch, 11 dente per pound; other sorewe of iron, braes or other metal, 85 per gent. ad vat Hardware, viz.:—•Builders', cab- inet makers' and carriage hardware and loolce, 95 per cent., formerly 80, 11'Iusketo, rifles and other fire- arms and surgical instruments, 20 por Dent, Nails and spikes, and brads, gal. vanizod or not, and horse, mule or ox shoes. Horseshoe nails, hobnails, wire - nails and all other wrought iron or steel nails not °lamberts specified, 14 cents per pound, but not less than 85 por cent. ad val, Iron or steel rivets, bolts or blanks, less than throo-eights of an inch in diameter, one cent and a half per pound and 30 per cent. ad val. Cut tacks, brads or sprigs, not exceeding 16 oz. to the thousand, 2e. per thousand ; exceeding 16 oz. to the thousand, 2o. por pound. Iron or steel rivets, bolts with or without threads or nuts, or bolt blanks and finished hinges. or hinge blauke, 1 cent per pound and 25 per Wire of spriug•eteel, ooppered or tinned, cumber num gunge or email - or, not elsewhere apeoified, 20 per 0001. Buller or other plate iron, ehoar- ed or unsheared, altelp iron, ehoared or rolled in grooves, and eked iron, common Or black, not tbiuner than No, 20 gunge, not elsewhere speci- fied, $14 por ton, Sheet iron, common or black, smoothed or polished and coated or galvanized, thinner than No. 20 gouge Canada plates and boiler or bridge plates of iron or stool not lase than 30 inettee wide and not less than a inch in thickness, 12.E per cent. Hoop or band, or ecroll or other iron, eight inches or lees in width, and not thinner than No. 20 gauge, $18 per ton. Hoop or band, or scroll or other iron, eight inches or less in width, and thinner than No. 20 gauge, 124 per cent. Railway fish plates, $12 per ton. Iron or steel beams, girders, joists. angles, channels, epeeist sec- tions and rolled eye bar blanks, cent. mode by the Klomau process, and Cut nails and spikes of iron or building forme, together with all steel, 1 Dont per pound, formerly other structural shapee of iron or half a cent and 10 per cont. steel, $16 per ton, but when lin- Iron or steel railway bars and ported by bridge manufacturers for rails for railways or tramways of their exclusive use, 124 per cent. any form, punched or not punched, iron bridges and structural iron- not sleewliere epeeified, $6 per ton, work, 14 cents per pound, provided formerly 15 per Dent. that duty shall not be less than 85 Manufactured artiolee or wane per cent., formerly 25 per cent. not specially enumerated or provid- Forgings of iron and steel or ed for, composed wholly or in part forged iron of whatever shape or in of iron or steel, and whether partly whatever stage of manufacture, not or wholly manufactured, 30 per elsewhere specified, 1.4 cents per cent. pound, provided that the duty shall Labels for fruit, vegetables, meat, not be less than 35 per cent. fish, confectionery and outer goods, Steel ingots, cogged ingots, also tickets, posters, advertising blooms and blabs, by whatever loo- bills and folders, 15 Bents per pound cess made, billets and bare, bands, and 25 per cent., formerly 10 and hoops, strips and shoots of all 20. gauges and widths, all of above Printing presses of all kinds, fold. classes of steel not elsewhere pro- lug machines and paper -cutters, 10 vided for veined at four cents or per cent. less per pound, 80 per cont., but Repeat the following items in not lees than $10 per ton, except schedule A., in the Customs Act, ingote, cogged ingots, blooms and Nos. 57, 135, 148, 344, 345 and 360, slabs, upon which specific duty and to make the following provisions shall not bo less than $8 per ton. in lieu thereof :—Rice one cent and When of greater value' than four a quarter per pound. All clothing °ante per pound, 124 per cent. made of cotton or other material not Plates of iron and steel, not spec otherwise provided for, including ifically enumerated or provided for, corsets and similar articles, made 30 per cent., provided that oti all up by the seamstress and tailor, also iron or steel bars, rods, stripe or tarpaulin, plain or coated with oil, steel sheets of whatever, shape, and paint, tar or other composition, and on all iron or steel bars of irregular cotton bap made up by the nee of shape or section, aold rolled, cold the needle, not otherwise provided hammered or polished in any way for, 85 per cent. ad val. Drain pipes iu addition to the ordinary process and sewer pipes, glazed, 85 per cent. of hot rolling or hammering, there ad val. shall be paid one-sixth of one cent The duty on pianos and piano. par pound in addition to the rates fortes is increased 5 per cent., mak- imposed on the said materials. ing it 30. Malleable iron castings and steel Clothes wringers, a specific duty castings, not elsewhere specified, of $1 each, and 30 per cent. ad val. $25 por ton, provided the duty shall Square pianos, round cornered or not be less than 80 per cent. not, under seven octaves, $25 each ; Oast iron vessels, plates, .stove all other square pianofortes, $30 plates and irons, hatters' irons, each ; upright pianofortes, $80 each; tailors' irons and castings of iron, concert, semi concert or parlor grand not elsewhere specified, $16 par ton, pianofortes, $30 each, and, in addi- provided the duty shall not be less tion thereto, 20 per cent ad val. than 80 per cent; Oast iron pipes of every descrip- tion, $12 per ton, provided the duty shalt not be less than 35 per cent., formerly 25 per dent. Iron and steel oar axles, parts thereof, axle bars, axle blanks or forgings for axles and oar springs of all ]rinds, $80 per ton, but not less than 85 per cent. Engines, boilers, machinery, viz. —Fire engines, 85 per cont., form- erly 25 ; locomotives and other steam engines, boilers or machinery comported wholly or in part of iron and steel, not elsewhere specified, 80 per dont., formerly 26. 1'rovid ell no locomotive whose tender weighs 80 tons or over shall pay a duty of less than $2,000. Portable machines --Portable steam engines, threshers and eepar- ators, horse -powers, portable saw - rains and planing mills and parts thereof in any stage of manufacture, 85 oar dent., formerly 25. Boiler tubes or flues or stays of under half an inch in diameter, when imported by wire manufacturers for use in their factories ; locomotive tires of Bessemer steel in the rough ; redwood planks and boards sawed, but not further manufactured. The Export duty on shingle bolts of pine or cedar and cedar logs cap- able of being made into shingle bolts, $1.50 per cord of 128 cubic feet. THE FREE LIST. The following articles are added to the free ]iet:—Fire brink for smelting or melting furnaces and for gook ovens, anthracite coal, cot- ton yarns finer than No. 4, for usa in manufacture of certain fabrics, oanuister, gums, amber, arabin, Australian copal, darner, meths, sandarac, shellac and tragacanth, quills in their natural state or un - fumed, steel rails weighing not less than 25 lbs per linear yard, for use in railway traoks ; steel valued at 24 per pound and upward, for nee in the manufacture of skates ; scrap iron and scrap stool, old and fit only to bo re -manufactured, being part of or recovered from any vessel wreck- ed in waters subject to the jurisdic- tion of Canada ; steel bowls for cream separators ; steel for the manufact- ure of files, when imported by file manufacturers for use in their foo- tories ; veneers of ivory sawed only; iron or steel rolled round wire rads, wrought Iron or steel, 15 per cent. Wrought iron tubing, plain, not threaded, coupled or otherwise, manufactured, over two inches in diameter, 15 per cent. Other wrought iron or steel tubes or pipes, 14 cents perponnd, formerly 25 per cont. Safes, doors for safes and vaults, scalps, balances and weighing beams of iron or steel, 85 per cent., formerly 25. Skates, 20 cents per pair, and 30 par cent,, formerly 30 per cent. Wire rope of iron or steel, not otherwise provided for, 25 por Dent., formerly 15 per Dent. Screws, commonlycalled wood. ecrewa, Iwo inches And Over in length, 6 cents per pound; over one inch and loss than two inches, P. Boose. of Windsor, shipped 2000 muskrat skins to England on Tuesday. The Southern Counties Fair Board are selling 8 years member- ship tickets. Wm. Watt, of Westover, delivered an ox in Hamilton the other day that weighed 2,240 lbs., for ebip- ment to ldnglend. IMPLEMENTS! Having been appointed its Agent for the Massey Manufacturing Company in the place of Mr. Thomas'Vlratson, I will at all times have the Machinery made by the Company on hand, such as SULKY RAKES, MOWERS, REAPERS, BINDERS, WILKINSON'S PLOWS, ETC. Office and Storeroom in connection with tb.e East Huron Car- riage Works, whore ell Repairs can be had. - Yowls TRULY, r.t, Ca -,y HAST HURON arria JAMJJ -173UiJJ± S --MANUFACTURER OF— CARRIAGES, DE MOCRATS, EXPRESS WAGONS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, IETC., ETO., ETC. All made of the Best ;Material and finished in a Workmanlike manner. .Repairing and Painting promptly attended to. Parties intending to buy should CaII before purchasing. REFEReuCEs.--Marsden Smith, B. Laing, Jas. Cutt and Wm. Mc- Kelvoy, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Brewer and D. Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blashill, Brus- sels ; Rev. E. A. Fear, Woodham, and T. 'Wright, Turnberry. REMEMBER THE STAND—SOUTH OF BRIDGE. JAMES BUYERS. Grist and Flour Mills ! The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the. Mill in First Class Running Order and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new ones as possible. Chopping done. Flour and Feed Always An. EaLde Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain, W.M. MILNE, �a�ga 8�mo ,e y, v.s.sTa,Pwy rn _ .,.aha$__..,.