The Brussels Post, 1887-6-3, Page 2Dil'ootory of Churohos and Sociotiost fruit, alis the sail up thorongllly and
MELVILLE CEcacu,—Sabbath Services
at 11 a, m, and 6180 p. m. Sunday Sellool
at 2;80 p. rn. Bev, John Ross, B. A„
KNOX CEMICIL—Sabbath Services at 11
m. and 6:90 p. m. Sunday School at
2:60 p•, . Rev. S. Jones, pastor.
Sr. Tout's Clnancic.---Sabbath Services
at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sunda}' School at
6:60 a.m. Rev. W, T, Ciuff, tnaumbent,
MitruohisT Cnuttco.—Sabbath Services
at 10:80 a. in. and 6:20 p. m. Sunday
Sohool at 2:80 p, m. Rev, Wm. Smyth,
BoMAN CATuoLro Cntntco,^Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
11 a,m. Rey. P. T. Shea, priest.
ODD FELLOWS' Lonox every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
MAsoom Loves Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A. 0 I, W.Lonen on let and 8rd Mon-
day evenings of each month,
FOEESTEa ' Lonna Zndandlast Monday fatten which Id a partial digestion,
evenings of wall month, fu Simile's hall. end enters the etornaoh in a loose,
L. 0. L. 1st Monday fh every month, Hanky state, easily acted upon by
11 the gastrtajuices. Ili Nome reopeets
it resembles koumise, the most di•
gestible of milk products. It is a
decided laxative ; counteracts con•
theta apply a good dreeeinft pl` well -
rotted, stab! manure n , work
thoroughly i to the soil Then, if
you have theta, apply a dressing of
wood ashes. If three fail to revive
the tree, after giving a goad` prun-
ing, it is about past redemption,
and ebould give way to something
Important Now$ 8 4M,
There is nothing bettor than eat
straw to oleate the legs of chickens.
Cover the floor to a depth of Kix
inches with Olean, dry Orem dant
hag been ran through a cutting box
throw a few Oats and some wheat
among it, and lot 111 the poultry.
The amount of soratohing they will
do cleans the lege perfectly, gives
them fine exercise, anal does them
good in all particulars.
Co0Rsrowl,--"Mani Campbell has boon rraiduee , Thin (lair, etc.
troubled for a number of years with Indi. Those who aro bald, who have gray or thbn.
gelation and Constipation, and was Maimed hair, or who are troubled with dandruff
to try McGregor'e Speedy Cure and found it should inyest to a bottle of Dr. Dorenwend'a
all that was needed, the would recommend
"Heir Magic." It is the driest preparation
its use to any person similarly troubled." for the hair and Beale now in use. It is ran-
Tbie invaluable remedy is sold in every art idly suporeedtng ail other hair topics. I0
aob Jahn Moto.
Delos K Uo s drug etotne, stops fatting, restoreg the original Dolor to
Brussels, gray hair and ror baldness, whore there are
tho e8llght0 at possible roots. it will produce a
Of all the dairy products, butter• tine but growth of b iiia at not
o. eutii to
milli is perhaps the least appreolated, man and J. Hargresvoe ,8 Oen Agents, Brus•
It is more easily digested than sweet Bela.
milk, as it has undergone a fermen- The carelessness with which egg
shells are thrown to fowl from the
kitchen after the contents are used,
is frequently one cause whereby
hens that destroy their newly -laid
eggs become addicted to this very
bad habit. When hens have con-
tracted this habit 1t is almost in.
possible to break them of it, and
what is worse they will teach other
hens to do the same thing. The
best surest remedy is to wring
their make a pot•pie for
POST QrnrcE.—Office hours from 8 a.m.
to 7 p.m.
MECEANICS' IxerrruTE, Reading Room
and Library, in Holmes' block, will be
open from 6to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Mies Jessie Roes, Lib-
The maintenance of a healthy state of
Farm1Wotelae. the system is the surest protection against
disease ; experience has shown that by the
use of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Conetipa-
D. P. Roe says the cucumber, if tion Bitters a perfect state of health eau
grown in the home garden and used
fresh, is not in league with the un•
dertaker. It makes a great differ•
ence with the healthfulness of both
fruit end vegetables whether they
are stale. withered, and on the point
of tinny, or freshly gathered.
Salt libCured.
McGregor & Parke's Carbolie Cerate has
fax Salt Rhend um, Pimples, nd to Do the only on
face or hande,0nte, Burn., Bruises, or any
Sore that nothing alae will heal. Bo sure
Paries: Prloeo200. Sold at Hargreaves Drug
L. N. Bonham, Secretary of the
Ohio State Board of Agriculture, is
a practical farmer whose farm ro-
tation Is clover, corn and wheat,
Corn after clover is clean and free
from weeds. The clover sod is
ploughed in the fall. The thorough
working of the soil in corn is just
the right preparation for wheat.
Invisible but Instantaneous.
All palne or aches will be inetaatly remov-
ed by a few drops of Fluid Llgntning applied
over the affected parte. No time hist; no
nauseous modiaiaes needed; no poulticing
or using greasy liniments. It will not blister
or discolor the akin. Sold at 25e. per bottle
by Jno.HOrgreavee do Co„Druggists. Suffer.
ors from Neuralgia assure ns that they never
fear it when, their house contains a bottle of
Fluid Lightning.
The gooseberry bustles do best
when they are well trimmed. They
make very rank growth. It is the
fruit that does best in partial 'bade,
and iF the mildew do not attack it
at crop may talw'ays be looked for.
They are not grown extensively for
sale, but every farm nud garden
should have n space devoted to
Thouoands owe their reeova,'y from
Rheumatism to West's World's Wos,,ler or
Family Liniment. It is eoncoded every -
whereto be the best known remedy for
Rhenuat13m,r11180, Bruloeo, Sprains, Burns,
Scalds,aud all diaoasee requirlug, external
app00atios. Price ?5 conte and 00 omits per
bottle. bold by all dzuggitte,
W. F. ,Brown, n well-known writ-
er no agricultural topics, rseem.
mends burning over rtnhble, and
says Prof. Luzenby, of the Ohio Ex-
periment Station, always has the
wheat stubble burned over when
wheat is to follow wheat, and the
affect is beneficial. Burning will
destroy cut -worms, chinch bugs
end Hessian fly.
Mettregor'e Lung Compound.
Have you a bad Cough, a Chronic Hoarse-
ness, a feeling of Lightness in the Chest,
Week Lunge, or any similar complaint? If
so ,buy abottle of MoGregot's Lung Oom-
ponnd- at once. It sill cure you. It con-
tains entirely now species, of which one
dose is more effectual than a whole bottle
oftho old time remedies. It is put up_ in
100, and 81.011 bottles. :Sold by John Har-
greaves & Co„ druggists, Breads. Try it.
and you will never have r050011 40 complain.
A wise farmer will protect the
birds, the insect eaters. robins, cat
birds, blue birds, black birds, thrush-
es; oriolee, red birds, woodpeckers
and the like. All the birde men-
tioned have a mission to perform in
the economy of nature. The mart-
in destroys weevils, the quails
chinch bilge, the wondpoekers dig
worms. natapillars and bugs.
0TEATFonn, A1rg.8'80,
I have muob pleasure in re -
commanding your Dr. Jug's Med-
icine and Pills, As for the latter
can strongly r000mmand them,
For the last ave weeks I have
boon suffering from a sovere pain
in my right ride and have found
Mc P1111 5 most effectual remedy
when other remodiee have failed.
Yours truly,
B.B. UnI.EN.
Sold by0, A. Deadman, Brues010.
Josiah Hooper thinks' if farmers
were aware of the value of the cut•
ting back process on their newly -set
trees, 17e should hear of fewer fail -
urea and ase better . shaped speci
mens. Peach trees a year from the
bud should have the side branches
heeded back to short epure and the
leader severely shortened, there
wouid then be a fine growth of
young wood and also a good root
If you have old trees that have I
failed to yield profitable crops of i
l,toICly f
be assured. It frees the system from ell
impurities, cleanses and purifies the blood.
For sale by alt Druggists at 80 cents a
Clean the mlluara out of the hen
houses and keep it in a dry place
until you tient to use.
Any case of lamo haak cured by it few 0p.
plioations of West's World's wonder; also
cures sprains, bruises, auto' and burns.
Cheapest and beet. All druggists
Some hens have peculiarities in
their tastes. Feed a variety of food
so as suit all or else kill the hen.
West's Palo King should be kept in every
house for sudden 'attacks of cramps. colic,
painters' colic, cholera morbus, Nur and
dysentery. Only 25e. All druggists.
The early cockerels make the
high-priced early broilers ; the early
pullets lay the high-priced winter
West's Cough Syrup curesWhooping-cOpgh
aetbma, bronchitis, consumption and all
throat and lung 118001ties. nets.. 250. and
91. All druggists.
Whilewaohing for the cleansing
of ben houses should he performed
at leasttwice every year. Apply
the brush vigorously. Use plenty
of whitewash and pay especial at-
tention to the corners and crevices.
West's Liver Pills—genuine wrapped In
blue—the standard remedy for liver com-
plaint, dyspepsia, indigestion, mad sick hoad-
aoho. An druggists.
As a general tiling the farmer
, wants an "all purpose” fowl as near
as possible ; something that will lay
eggs when they aro scarcest and
high priced, and that will make the
beet of eating when put upon the
The distresalrg paleness so often observed
iu young girls and women is due In a great
measure to a lank of the rod oorpusoles in
the blood. To remedy this requires a med-
icine which produces these ne00005ry little
blood constituents, and the best yet discov-
ered is Jottneon's 'rosin Bitters. Prion Rote.
and 81.00 per bottle at G. A. Deadman's
Drug Store, Brussels.
Feed cut small potatoes and any
other vegetables that you can neith-
er use for your own table or sell.
Boiled and nixed with bran they
make an excellent and cheap morn•
ing feed for all kinds of poultry.
When prepared for fowls :het are
codifined to yards add some ground
A Profitable Life.
Pew men have aocornplished the amu
amount of work and goad in this world as
the 0olobrated Dr. Chose. .0ver 50,000 of bill
works have been width Canada alone. We
want every person troubled with Liver
Complaint,Dyspopsia,Eoudaoh0,Kidney or
Urinary Troubles, to can ni al, your druggist
and buy a bottle of Dr .Ohayo's Liver Cure
itwilloure you, Medicine and 1ieeipoBook,
for 81.00.
The turkey is one of the beet
paying fowls the farmer can keep
when the surroundings are favor-
able. Throughout the entire year
turkeys aro saleable in lesser quan-
tities, for the city hotel and restaur-
ants chiefly, and there is no com-
mon poultry, perhaps, that will
average the year through better or
steadier in price than these fine
"store Trouble luny be Expected,"
If you do not heedthe warnings of nature
and at once payaltention, to the mainten-
anoe of your health. How often we 500 a
per000 put off from day to day tbo purchase
of a medicine whiehrif procured at tbo out-
etart of the dleoose,wonld Have remedied it
almost immediately. Note. of Johnson's
Tonic Liver Pills had been taken when the
flint uneasiness made Its ap8earanoe the
Minces would have been "nipped in the bud."
Johneon'e Tonic Bitters and Liver Pills ore
decidely the best.7dedleine0. on the market
for general tonic and invigorating proper-
ties. Pelle %Sete. per bottle. Bitters 00 ciente
and 51 per bottle. Sold by Cr, A. Deadman,
Druggist, Brussels.
The farmer who keeps a flock of
twentyfivs cr thirty !long, with the
usual accolnp6nient of a !hundred or
more lively chiake, and allows them
to share his domain in common
-with himself, his other stock and
farm utensils, finds perplexity and
most abominable ,Company at every
torn. Thehen at large; in the mid-
. tipliea forth, is worse than an army
of longs, and her following as of -
lenitive SS a pestilence,
necks and
Little things that tell : Little
Did you hoar of the accident to
Jones? Why, no ; what happened
to flim ? Well he fell from his
lady's favor, and broke his engage
Delicate females, old people, and children
are always pleased with Wost'e Liver Pills.
Mild, effective, and they always cure. e0
sugar-coated pills ?Sete, All druggists.
Spring is dangerous, for then the
grass is full of blades; the flowers
present pistils ; the leaves shoot ;
the bull rushes out, and the cow
slips in the front yard.
Wily will you' suffer when one bottle of
West's World's Wonder will relieve, and two
to three bottles euro any lease of rheumat-
ism. 20 cents and 50 cents. Your druggist
sells it.
A Delicacy.—City Consumer—
Mr. Jacobs, I found an eel in our
milk can :big morning. Milkman
(unabashed)—Yss'm; wife thought
you'd enjoy a delicacy.
Pain cannot exist after the patient Iles
taken a single dose of Wost'ePain King, the
substitute,•Do b t insist upon induced
\Vogl e
Pain King Sold by all druggists.
Good m5ruin,' Mrs. Breau. Au'
how is your brother in•law, Mr,
McCafferty to day 2 Very bad in-
dade, Miss Corcoran—very bad in-
dade. Sorra a bite does he ate ex-
cept what he drinks.
West's World's Wonder or Fancily Lini-
ment, a superior remedy for neuralgia, rheu-
matism, lame back, sprains, bruises, mita,
burns, or wounds. Cheaper, goes further,
lasts longer than any other All druggists.
The white minister iu Florida,
having excused bimeelf from saying
much in his sermon on auco1nt of
poor health, the colored minister in
the olosing prayer said: 0, good
Lewd, bless our good brother who
has preached to us in his pore weals
Purify your blood and regulate your liver
,l and thus save abdoctoxs bill: bye the
tlmeiy tae of West's Liver Pills. Sold by all
Tommy (who wants to prove
things that he hears)—Mother, do
you think our big dog Lion would
save a little girl's life if she fell
into the water ? dtlother—I dare
say he would, dear, Tommy (en-
thlltliitstioally)-011, then do !row
Topsy in.
West's Pain King—the household remedy—
Always useful. Never fails to aura cholera
morbus, pains in Stomaoh or bowels, cramp,
colic, chills or summer complaint. 250. All
A Oonsideration.—Lady—Why,1
only paid my last servant four dol.
lays and you ask four dollars and a
half. Candidate—Well mum, that's
my price ; but at me an' you is
about the some figure I'll make the
allowance of til' fifty elute for bein'
able to wear your clothes whin you
are out.
Mr. I1. Walker, of Waterford, says :—
"Dyspepsia has been my wife's trouble for
a long time past, and she has suffered
greatly with it ; but, thanks to Dr. Oar -
eon's Stomach Bitters, she is completely
cured. It acted very nicely, and did not
sicken or gripe her while taking it. If
people only knew about the Carson Stom-
ach Bitters there would not be so much
suffering in the world."
A comic actor was much addicted
to drink, He was on the road and
billed to appear in a small town.
When he came out on the stage he
was so drunk that the audience his-
sed him. Steadying himself on the
scenery the actor amid : Ladish and
ehentlernens—When an artist of my
ahtanding oonehente to appear at all
in each a little ono-hotsh town AA
this, he mush: either bo drunlash or
crazohy. I 'prefer to be conshiderocl
an inebriate. The audience roared
and forgave him.
The minister (coming on them
unawares` : B o•eh ! Sandy Mo-
Deugal 1 Ah'm sorry to see this!
And, you, too, Wally ? Phalan.' o'
the Snrbeth 1 Ali thought ab'el eu-
stellot better principle—•(A. rise.)
e'elt 1 Wally, man l—ye' hae'm
entil'm 1 Mud np yer rod,
man, or ye'll loee'm• -talk' ear•r-re 1
—(Recollects himself and walks
A lady who had been abroad wale
describing some of the sights of her
trip to at party of Mende, 'But
what pleased me ale much its env•
bhiog,' oho said was the .woudorful
clock at Strasburg. 011, how I
would love to see it l gushed a
pretty young woman in pink, I'm
so interested in Buell tbiugs, Ant
did you see the celebrated watch on
the Rhee, too ?
Ma. D. AanoTT, 21 Adelaide Street West.
Toronto, writes:—"For a long time I have
been troubled with a disordered Stomach,
and at lost I got so bail that I was ocm-
pelled to quit work, and for days I could
neither eat nor sleep, and the pain in my
head was most intense, I was induced to
try a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomaoh Bit-
ters. After taking three dozes I WAS al-
most completely restored to health. My
appetite 0anle back ; the racking headache
was gone, and I never slept sounder in my
Bank President—Sorry, but I
can't accommodate you ; your paper
is not good. Indignant Customer—
I remember wheu you were a poor
roan, 20 years ago, I lent you a
thousand dollars without security.
Bank President (pleasantly) --I re•
member the circumstance, and I
also remember clow I wondered at
your greenness. Yon probably have
more sense now, end so have I.
Good morning.
Spring and Satusnter.
Prepare the body for health and vigor by
taking Dr. Chase's Livor Cure. No Sprang
Modiolus equals it. It stimulates the Liver,
aide Digestion, and purifies the blood.
Large bottle and Rooipe Book, 81,00. Sold.
by an druggists..
A Satisfactory Explanatiou. Wife
(indignantly)—Albert, here is a
letter I found in your pocket. It is
signed Mabel, and is, I must con.
fess,`the most /sickening missive I
ever read. 011, you horrid monster!
I will tell mother about it. Hubby
--but my dear have you looked at
the date ? Wife—No, but I will.
Why, it is dated December 1st, 1888!
Hnboy (with a look of triumph)
—Yes, darling ; one of the loving
letters you wrote mo before we were
Be Olt Your Guard.
Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly
and surely developoiteolf into Catarrh, wheu
tuoawnnbu0ruernepo1.OA w aOnpo icar
twolboxewill aura Catarrh. Ono
to 5 boxer will ours ohroni0 Catarrh. Try
Dr. Chase's Canadian Catarrh Cure—ib
ear Geography and Patent Medicines.
—They tell ins you are out of work.
I thought you had a splendid job
with that patent medicine bones.
So I did have ; but I got myself
into trouble before I had been there
a month. It was all owing to my
ignorance of geography. You coo
I dind't know how to apportion the
testimonials and the consequence
was that the people got circulars
chookful of testimonials dated right
in their own vicinity. Of course, it
wasn't long before we received bush-
els of letters calling us cheats,
swindlers and other pet names.
Well, to make a long story short, I
left. The folks said they liked me
first rate ; personally they had no
fault to find with me. But I could
see bow it was myself. A know-
ledge of geography was the one
thing needful in the patent medi-
cine business,
Composition on the Cow.
Here is a little girl's composition
on the cow :---A. COW ie an animal
with four legs on the under side.
The tail is longer than the legs but
it's not used to stand oo. The cow
kills flies with her tail. A cow has
big ears that wiggle on hinges so
does the tail. A cow is bigger than
a calf bill not as big as an elephant.
Sho is made small so elm can go in-
to the barn when nobody ie looking.
Some cows are black. And some
hook. A. dog was booked once. She
tossed the dog that worried the oat
that killed the rat. Black cows give
white mills ; so do other cows.
Milkmen sellmilk to buy their little
girls dresses, which they put water
in and chalk, Cows chewe cud;
and each cow finds their own chew.
This is al; there is about cows,
Ridgetown expects 150 bands and
fire companies to assemble there on
the 8th and Uth of Juno.
Duncan McGregor, of South Dor-
chaster, has a fig tree on which
there are over 80 figs growing,
A project to oohetruot a canal
from Port Stanley to St Thomas is
being diecussed in the latter named
A milkman has given the Strat-
ford Herald printers a glass of milk
each. Scheme to induce them to
drink water.
Steady Employment to Good 1IIcn..
None need be Idle, Previous
Experiouco not essential,
We pay either Salary or Com-
100 lien Wanted
To Canvas for the Sale of Can-
adian grown Nursery Stock.
The L?onthill Nurseries,
Largest in Canada,
Ot'el' 400 Acres.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class References, and
wantto work, No room for Lazy
men, but can employ any num-
ber of energetic men who want
Stone &Wellington,
Toronto, Ont.
Practical 1Pa-tchnlaker cG Jeit'eller
Thanking the Public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure your
patronage. Wo aro opening out fulllines
Gold and `!liver Watches.
Silver Plated Ware front established
and reliable makers, fully warranted by
Clocks of thela tee designs.
Jewelry :
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem Rings,
.'Gnrings, Cc.
Also hare iu stook a full lino of Violins
and Violin Strings, Pipes, i&e.
re- N.B.—Issuer of ilarriageLioensss
T. Fletcher.
Bargains! Bargains !
a Co
in Plows, Steel Harrows, Seed
Drills, Bain Wagons, Buggies,
Organs, Sewing Machines, Sulky
Plows, one four spring Wagon,
one 1 horse Wagon, and ono sec-
ond hand Lumber Wagon.
Land Rollers for $25,
best in the market. Throe hinds
of Scufflers, Port Perry Grinder
and Horse Powers,
Clothes Wringers,
Churns, and ANYTHING You nrAY
Gee. Love.
A nice assortment of Baby Car-
riages on Exhibition at H.
Dennis', where you can
a190 get a
Splendid Trunk,
Handy Valise,
or Satchel at a Low Price.
Full lines of Light and Heavy
Whips, Combs, Brushes, &o. in
We Lead but Never Follow.
Sit !'`Big Scotch Collar.
JIJNx ,s, 1887.
Do, C,00 WEBT's Nerve nud B'ratn Treat-
ment, guaranteed similes for Hysteria.
Disable de, Convulsions ,Pits, Nervone, Nou-
ralgia Boadnaho,NerveesProstrationoaua-
e,f by the use of 51011101 or tobacco, Wako-
fulnese,elental Depression, Softening of the
Brain resulting in ineaulty, loading to mis-
ery,decoy and death, Premature Old Ago,
Bareness,Loss of Power in either sex, Iu.
yolantery Lassos and lip erano9er„htea ague •
ed by ovor-exartion of the Brain, Solt -abuse
or overindulgence. Roel, box contains one
month's treatment. ala box or nix boxes
for85, sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of
To euro any cns0. With each order received
In us torelx boxes, ;moon; panted with $6,
we w111 scud the purchaser our written
guarantee to refund the Ill oney if the treat-
rnentdoes not chest a cure, Guarantees
Issued by all druggists,
who are bald or whose hair 1n thin or gray'
or are troubled with dandruff.
]Dr. 11)os•enwezid'n
is the greatest tonic for strengthening the
growth of the hair ever discovered. 1t stops
all falling out of the hair,roaloves 1111 traces
of dandruff, restores gray lair to Re original
Dolor rind in cases of baldnest, where the
roots are not destroyed, it will produce a
luxuriant crop of (lair.
Take warning it your hair is in n feeble
Nato got a bottle at voce before i, is too late.
Dr. Dorepwond's "flair tingle," in on halo at
all pslnoipnl Drug Stores. Ask for 11.,and fake
nothing else.
' Loomis 11011 Bausesl:e,
A. Doroa wee d Sole Maun faatnre•, Toroo to ,
Canada. A. Doreiwond keeps the largest
Hair Goods establishment in Canada.
GEO. Or r3ua7st P caaneeo't r,
1S 1'ln:l'.1IIL•'11 1'0 DO A1.1, HINDS OF
Painting, Graining,
Glazing, Kalsomining,
Paper Hanging, 5'c,
All work done Promptly and
at Reasonable Rates,
in every instance.
Woolen Mill.
R. Forsyth & Sou, formerly of
the Wroxoter Woolen l4Iilis, beg
to inform the Farmers in this vi-
cinity that they have Now in Op-
eration et Woolen Mill in Blyth,
and hope that by adhering
to their old plan of making noth-
ing but Sound, Durable Goods
and artist that by so doing to
meet a liberal patronage.
of all kinds promptly and tare -
fully attended to.
The HIGnnsT Pawn paid for
Wool in Exchange for T\veecls,
Full Clothe, Flannels, Yarns, Ste.
A Trial Solicited I
Satisfaction Guaranteed !
R. Forsyth & Son.