HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-5-27, Page 88
MtY 27, 1887.
(FisrF you wish to save your oiuran•
1 bushes and gooseberries from the
r ravages of what is known as the
currant worm it would be well to call at
owe and purchase some of our
of which we have just received fifty
The flies will eoon be here and possibly
some of your pet birds or animate are
suffering from lice, therefore it would be
advisable to buy 0 few ounces or a box of
our celebrated
,,rX 8'.ECT PO WD.ER
which is sere death to these pests.
G. A. Deadman,
Droopier. Bookseller dFumy Goode Dealer.
Wool ! wool 1 wool 1
I am prepared to Buy, as us-
ual, this Season, Any Quantity of
good Fleece Wool, for which 1
will pay the Very Highest Price
in Cash. Farmers will consult
their own interests by marketing
their wool at Brussels.
R. Graham,
SOOT0E0N rXw:N0ION, W. O. C B. B.
Treineleavo Brussels Station, north and
south as folio= :--
Gotng South. Going North.
1. O11 7:02 a.m. I Mixed 0:80 a.m
Express 11:46 a.m. Mail 2:60p.m
Mixed 8:45 p.m. i Lzpress...... —OM p.m
goat' Xi.c.i135 (toms.
A chiel's among ye ,akin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
Axa one wanting a.house see Poople a
column. t 48-
4 Ens. Choio clean Raisine for 25ets. ab
Thomeun'e Grocery Store. 41.
Penten n Spew was ill for Bavaria days
last week and school was consequently
diemiesed in his department.
Fon new bllnde, new curtains, new oar -
pets, call on A. R. Smith, 4B.
Some heavy showers of rain have come
very close to us during the week but very
little rain fell here. It is badly needed.
NEXT Wednesday the Mothodiet Con-
ference opens at Galt. J. H. Young and
W. H. Kerr are the Lay delegates from
A. 'MD squirrel, captured this Spring by
Adrion Thourel, of THm POST staff, pro-
eented her owner with three baby squir-
rels on the 24th fist.
Tam Dominion Gazette oontains the
announoemeet that Tuesday, Juno 21st,
is proclaimed a publio holiday in honor
of the Queen's jubilee.
Tau communion will be diepeueed at
Melville aliuroh next Sunday. Rev. P.
Musgrave, of Winthrop, will preaoh on
Saturday at 2 o'clock p. m. Rev. A. Stev-
of Molesworth, will occupy the
pulpit on Sunday evening.
Go to a good for good boots. 48.
WELT about our Caledonian games ?
NEXT Tuesday is the last day of May,
CounTY Council one week from nest
THE strawberry crop promisee well if
wo get rain.
5 BEMs Dinginan's Electric Soap for
25ets at Thomson's. 41 -
NEWEST designs in curtains, blinds and
carpets at A. R. Smith's. 43-
BRusmRLs School Board will meet on
Friday evening of next week.
TnE stone foundation of the new plan.
ing mill of Smith Bros. is about ready
for the bricklayers.
A BABY belonging to H. Finn was ser-
iously burned last week by falling from a
chair against the stove.
ON Thursday evening of this week Rev.
W. Smyth delivered hie lecture on Ire-
land in the Methodist ohurch, Walton.
THIRTEEN cars of wheat were shipped
to Montreal, last week, for export by R.
Graham. He has handled alarge quan-
tity of grain this year.
ABOUT 80 names have been placed on
the membership roll of the Brussels Me-
ohanics' Institute this Spring. The lib-
rary is is excellent shape.
Bay. W. SMITH leaves this week for
Galt to take bis place on the Stationing
Committee of the Methodist Conference.
He will be absent two Sabbaths but his
pulpit will be supplied.
To waoM IT nae CoxeEnO.—J. W. Fear
will bo in attendance at A. M. McKay &
Co.'s store to receive settlement for out-
standing accounts dee the firm of Grant
& Co. and give receipts for the same.
ON the afternoon of the Queen's Birth-
day D. Stewart entertained his Bible
olass and the members of the choir of
Melville church at a firivate pio-nio on
his lawn. A very enjoyable afternoon
and evening was enjoyed by the young
B:wrrno BROS. were awarded the con-
tract of carrying the mail from the Brus-
sels postoffice to the station and return
and Peter McDonald will carry Her Maj-
esty's mail between Brussels and Cran-
brook. The new contraete run for four
years and date from July 1st, 1887.
A rsollnniNT dealer recommends that
if farmers would shear their sheep at
eine the wool would be worth from 50
cents to a dollar a head more than if
shorn off a month or six weeks from this.
Some wide awake farmers around Guelph,
the Mercury says, have already shorn
their stock and have reaped the benefit
of it. The animals are also said to Rain
in flesh much faster at this season with-
out the wool on their backs than with it.
Tee National Roller Mill has been
thoroughly overhauled, new machinery
added and everything put in perfeot
working order. The mill is in better
shape now than ever and it is estimated
that the mill as itstands at present has
cost $25,000. There is over 2,000 feet of
belting used in running the machinery.
Messrs. Stewart & Lowiok have a large
quantity of wheat on hand and they pur-
pose ruching it through and turning out
No. 1 flour. T. H. Fee is the head mill-
er with W. Montgomery as assistant.
THE Muslo0L Joue u r ,—This is a bright
inetructivo monthly, for all lovers of
music, amateur or professional, pupil or
teacher. Itis web printed, ably edited,
end adapted to the wants of musical
people who seek enlightenment and en-
tertainment, Eaelt number contains 8
pages of new and mostly original music,
and 8 pages articles, sketches, letters and
reports. The publishers eeek to culti-
vate a love for the pure, beautiful and in-
structive. Tho subscription price is $1
per year, single copies 10e. Addrese,
Timms. 1100v (tete., Publishers, Oxford
Frees, Toronto, or order through your
time agent or mush) dealer.
THE public have never lost a Dent by
dealing with us, nor never will. We will
sell at cost as long as anyone does and
will be here to take oars of our shoes.
Three thousand pairs of boots in stock.
44- Aram Goon.
ON the 181h inst. Miss Teethe, second
daughter of Duncan McIntosh, el Win-
nipeg, formerly of Brussels, was united
in marriage to Barry B. Dunphy, of that
city, Mrs. Dunphy's Brussels friends
wish them long years of wedded happi-
ness. In referring to the above mention-
ed marriage the Winnipeg papers say :—
Harry B. Dunphy, of Strang & Co„ was
married on Wednesday evening to Mise
Christina McIntosh, daughter of Duncan
McIntosh. The ceremony was performed
at Mr, MIclntosh's residence, Notre Dame
street, by Rev. Mr. Langford, in the pros•
ence of the relatives and most intimate
friends of the oontraoting parties. Mise
Minnie McIntosh, a sister of the bride,
filled the position of bridesmaid, and E.
Sinclair supported the groom. After the
ceremony the party partook of an excel-
lent wedding feast, and were entertained
during the evening in a most hospitable
and enjoyable mariner by Mr. and Mrs.
McIntosh. The young couple were pre-
sented with a large number of presents
by their friends.—Morning Call. The
marriage of Harry B. Dunphy, of Messrs,
Strang & Co., wholesale grocers, to Mies
Christina, daughter of Duncan McIntosh,
came of last evening at the residence of
the bride's father, 18 Notre Dame street,
Rev. Mr. Langford officiating. The bride
was attired in a oream-lane dress trimmed
with orange blossoms. Miss Minnie Mc-
Intosh, sieter of the bride, acted as
bridesmaid, and E. Sinclair stood best
man for the groom. The happy couple
are well known, and in response to the
issue of cards a largo and select number
of lady and gentlemen friends were pres-
ent to witness the interesting ceremony.
During the evening congratulatory mes-
sages were received from well wishing
friends of the bride and groom. After
the wedding feast had been partaken of
a pleasant evening was spent by all. The
bride was the recipient of many beautiful
presents: free Press.
PEorLs Wm Kxow.—Jno. F. MoCrae, of
Toronto, was in town for about a week.
The hot weather appears to agree with
J. F.—Thos. Calbiok, of Holmeaville,
spent a few days among his friends here
this week,—G. A. and Mrs. Powell, of
Stratford, formerly of Brussels, were
visiting old friends here Sunday, Mon-
day and Tuesday.—Miss Annie Har-
greaves, of Paisley, and J. Mason and
daughter, of England, are the guests of
Mrs. Hutchinson and 1, Hargreaves.—
Thos. Watson was in Brussels over Sun-
day.—Miss Jennie Stewart is away on a
holiday visit to Woodstock.—J. B. Kelly,
of Blyth, was in town on Sunday.—Misses
Bessie and Minnis Moore are spending a
week among old friends tear Mitchell and
Stratford.—Last Saturday afternoon J.
D. Ronald arrived home from the West,
where he had been with one of his cele-
brated fire engines. He reports the out.
look very favorable, and says the addi-
tional duty placed on American engiues
will give him a better show, as they buy
their way instead of securing it by fair
competition.—Mrs. Ostrander and Mrs.
Gore left Brussels last week for Tileon-
burg, where Mr. Ostrander expects to re-
move in the course of a few weeks,—T.
G. McCracken, wife and daugher, of Har-
riston, were in town on the Queen's
Birthday.—Poe. Molndoo, Wingbam, wag
in town last Sunday,—Bandmaster Whit-
ley was away on a visit to Owen Sound.—
Jno. F. and Addie Cormack left Brussels
last Saturday for Sault Ste. Marie.--
Samul Rivers went to the "Soo" last
Tuesday.—Mise Shepherd, of Clinton,
was visiting Mies Laok on the 24th.—
Geo. Love, jr., hag taken the position ad-
vertised as vaoant in last week's POST, in
the Telegraph and Express office.—E. E.
Wade le able to be about again.—Mrs.
Robt. Roes arrived home from Guelph on
Tuesday of this week.—Miss Eva Beer,
of Stratford, is visiting Mies Carrie Beer
of this place.—Mrs. Robert Bissett and
Miss Bisset, of Colborne, are spending a
week with relatives in town.—Wm.
Johns, of Aylmer, was in town this week.
—Geo. Good and wife, of Seaforth, and
Jae. Good and wife, of Toronto, were in
Brussels on the 24th to visit A. Good.—
L. Duncan, of Wingham, was holidaying
in town on the Queen's 'Birthday. -0.
Sperling and G. Shier, of Woodham, left
here for home on Thursday after a'short
stay with R. Sperling, grain and produce
merchant.—Mrs. Meiklejobn, of Harris -
tan, was visiting old acquaintances in
town this week.—Ohne. Sorrier, of Sea -
forth, spent the 24th in Brussels.—Wm.'
Thomson, of Burk's Falls, Muekoka, was
in town over Sunday, visiting his broth-
er, P. Thomson.—T. MaKague was in
Toronto last week on a visit to hie sister
who was ill.—Miss Kato Ferg'ason was
home for the Queen's Birthday from
Clinton.—Mrs. West and daughter,. of
Stratford, are vieiting at Semi. Prom's.—
lum s:—
Adam Reid and wife and Mrs. Timmins,
of 33luevale, were a A. Bruce's on the
24th,—J. R. Clark is at Granton on a
visit to his "mother,'—Mrs. W, 0'. Van.
stone and children are visiting at Walk-
erton.—The Listowel papers say J. Rose
fa a ''dandy" bowler.
BE a decision just rendered by the
Judge at the Berlin Division Court it ap•
pears that dogs running in and destroying
gardens or which may make themselves a
nuisance, may be shobby the party whose
property is injured without the owner of
the dog being able in law to recover dam-
J. B. T, McCosin states that persons
are making toe free with plank laid down
for repairing the sidewalks and that they
also help themselves to old plank before
they got permission. The Council or Mr.
McComb are the only persons who have
the directing in this matter and people
should remember this,
Meanings to the revised Municipal
Act the qualification for mayor, alder-
men, reeve, deputy -reeve or councillor
will be as follows :—Must be a mals of
21 years old, and not disqualified under
the Act, British subject by birth or
naturalization. Has, or whose wife has,
at the time of the election, as proprietor
or tenant, a legal or equitable freehold or
leasehold, or partly freehold and partly
leasehold, or partly legal and partly equit•
able, rated in his own name, or in the
name of his wife, on the last revised as-
sossrnent roll of the municipality, to at
least the value following, over and above
all charges, liens and incumbrance af-
fecting the same :-1. In incorporated
villages—freehold to $200 or leasehold to
$400. 2. In towns—frosbold to $600 or
leasehold to $1,200. S. In oibies—free-
hold to $1,000 or leasehold to $2,000, 4.
In townships—freehold to $400 or lease.
hold to $800. And so in the same pro-
portions in all nsunioipalitiee, in ease the
property is partly freehold and partly
leasehold. But if within any municipal-
ity any such person is, at the time of
election, in aotual occupation of any.
such freehold, rated in his own name, or
in the name of his wife, on the revised
assessment roll of the said municipality,
he will be entitled to be elected, if the
value at which such freehold is actually
rated in said assessment roll amouute to
not less than $2,000, and for Chet pur-
pose the said value shall sot be affected
or reduced, by any lieu, incumbranoo or
charge existing on or affecting such free-
stump WHEAT Fans. -4, brace of those
gentry who are selling white winter geed
wheat to unsuspecting farmers at eight
dollars a bushel found a victim in tho
vicinity of Clinton the other day. The
farmer signed an order which really bound
him to take 80 bushels of wheat at $8 a
bushel for it—$240. Whereas he thought
the order only bound him to act as agent
for the sale of it on commission. Some-
time after the, wily farmers' friend had
gone away the farmer put on his thinking
cap, and the more he thought 'the mors
he felt convinced that he had been taken
in and done for. He consulted some
friends, then lie consulted lawyer Powell,
of Clinton, who, upon finding out the con-
tents of the order, also became satisfied
that his client was in a fair way of being
swindled. On Thursday evening the
agents were found at Kennedy's hotel,
and forthwith a big commotion was got
up. Lawyer Powell demanded the return
of the order whioh the farmer had signed.
The holders demurred, Threats of arrest
and'other forms of applying the tentacles
of the law failed for a time to evict the
contract or order out of the possession of
the holders. Finally the efforts of Mr.
Powell produoed the desired remit and
the contraot. Though it was not given
up it was torn to pieces in the presence
of its maker and his lawyer. And thus
the farmer is saved $240 which he would
have to pay for about thirty dollars worth
of wheat. Farmers have been so often
told that they should not sign any of
these contracts for strangers that it is a
wonder they have not had their eyes
opened before this. The warts invariably
hold that a contract is good for what the
face of it calls, no understanding or verb-
al arrangement can cause it to be varied
FiiNeTON.—In Neepawa, Man., on April
20111, the wife of Mr. W. Funston, of
Winnipeg, (daughter of A. Bruce,
Brussels,,) of a daughter.
EAHnT—BEHAn0IELI.—In Grey, on the
18111 inst., by Rev. Jno. Ross, B.A.,
Mr. Henry I4aket to Miss Sarah Ann
DUNPHY—MOINTesa.—Ab the residence of
the bride's father, 18 Notre Dame
St„ Harry B. Dunphy to Miss Chris.
tins, daughter of Duncan McIntosh,
both of Winnipeg.
Burnoms—JOHNSTON, -On Wednesday,
May 181h, by Rev. T. J. Parke, in
Trinity Churoh, Blyth, Archibald
Bridges, second son of Mr. T. Bridges,
of Morris, to Mise E., oldest daughter
of Mr. D. Johnston, of East Wawa -
BU110E08.—I1 Morris, on Thursday, May
19th, Mary Ann, reliot of the late
John Burgess, aged 79 years and 3
$1.3.1706r1%M0 MARsS7TS.
ooaiN0TE5 OAR11700LY EVB1Y WEEK.
White Fall Wheat 88
Red Winter.. 84
Spring Wheat 75
Barley 40
Oats 28
Peas 48
'Sutter, tube and nolle.... 12
Eggs per dozen - 11
Flour per barrel 4 0050
Hay per ton 9 00
Hideo per lb 5i
Salt per bbl.,whoiesale.... 60
Sheep eking, each ' 50
Wool, per lb ' 19
10 00
1 00
A1rp]y at' Tun Po00 Publishing H05105.
Los, to Lo;'well tensed . cellar, shade
;roog,pleasant neighborhood. $8,00 per
26' J. lb, GRANT,
.flow the Hats and Bo7272ets ,FZew Oast of 4, R, Smith's Store this
East' Free77.
F9 ?
A CO I N "CT .A.- L, C U'R SE" I T G I
X11 lands Busy waiting on the eager and ai .z o1s throng.
Why Such a Business? What is it coming to 2 Surely the Whole Millinery Trade is Coming to Us ?
Silvglly this, wo have a
and have kept her this last Five Seasons, and also Right, Goods at Right Prices, have done their work.
Everything First -Class around A . R. Smith's Establishment.
A. R. Smith's Business has Been Over Eight Years in Existence and
he is not ashamed of his Record, as his has been the Live
and Progressive Store right along since
starting business.
At R. is bound to Keep Hp his Reputation for
Raking New, Cheap and Stylish Goods,
undersigned will keep on lot 1, eon. 6. I �'
Grey, Red Blore II," a flue young time -bred
Durham bull for service. Terms -91.00, with
privilege of returning if necessary. DIIN-
OAN McLAIIOHLIN, 'Proprietor. d5.8a
A. few splendid, improved farms for
sale in the township of Grey Morris ,and
Meb011lop. Apply to A. DEi;GATTY, 00.
Auctioneer ,Bruesels P. 0.
'.3 of the undersigned, lot 29 eon, 6, Grey,
on or about the 5th of May, two owes and
two lambs. The owner is requested to prove
property, pay expenses and take them
away. BORT. ROBE. 45.4°
May 0th. 1t is gold on ono side and
enamel on the other, has the words "In
memory Of' on the latter side. There is a
likeness in it. The finder will greatly oblige
by leaving it at Tnm Poem Publishing House
at onoe, where they will b0 suitably re-
warded. 44 -
Th Court of Revision for the Township of
Morris for the year 1887 will be held at the
Town Hall on Monday, May 90th. All parties
interested will playas take notion and goy
ern themselves noaordingly.,
Morris, May 4111,1887. 49.2 Clerk,
eonrmmn offers for sale his valuable 100
acre farm being lot 0, sou, 10, Grey, and
situated l# miles from Brussels. Tho place
willbe sold with or without the orop and on
easy tune Possession will be given at any
time. For further particulars as to price,
Oerme, &o., apply to the pproprietor ou the
prem88 6m R. Mc Brussels P; O.
Royal Mail SteanaslcoJs,
13100 LIVEnP00L. 5TEAainn. 00100 QUEBEC,
April 28th Parisian May 10th
May 6th Sarmatian , May 26th
May 18th tcircaeelaa Juno 8rd
Mayl9tb Sardinian June 0111
May27tb ,Polynesian ...June 17th
June end Parisian June 29rd
June gip Sarmatian Juno 80th
Juno 17051 1 Circassian July 8th
June Ord Sardinian July 14th
July 10t ' PolyneelanJuly 22nd
July 7t0 ................ Parisian July 28111
July 14th Sarmatian Aug, 4811
July 22nd 1 0lrcassiau Aug 12011
July 281h Sardinian,.... Aug, 18111
Aug. 4th 1 Polynesian Aug. 26th
Aug. 11011 Parisian Sept. 1st
i 1)xtra Steamers, The Steamers above
named do not carry cattle, sheep or pigs.
Steerage Pa :engem aro booked to and
from London, Queenston, Dorry,Bolfeet and
Glasgow at same rates at Liverpool.
Bees of nonage by the Mail Steamers from
Quebec to Londonderry and Liverpool :—
Cabin—SO, $70 and $80 Return -0110,
$190 and 0180. Intermediate—$80, return
800. Steerage -820, return, 840.
The last train connoting at Quebec with
the Mail (Romero sailing from that port on
'Che Thursday. leaves Toronto on the Wed-
motley morning. The last train oo nloetiag
with the Textra Steamers sailing 001110 Fri-
day, leaves Toronto on the Thursday morn-
ing. For tiokets and every information s5.
917 10
0-. R. C-rih'.s.La.N'2', AGreaat, mnaeaelo,
.vV Butcher, thanking
his many customers fox their
liberal support in the past.
Wishes to inform thorn that at
his shep in Simile's block he keeps nothing
but first-class meats, all kinds of Poultry
and Sausage Meat Delivered to all parts of
the town free. cash paid for Fat Stook
Hides and sheepekiae bought for cash.
Tenders will be received by the under-
signed, till the Gbh of donator a job of paint-
ing rho walls and °allies of Melville Church,
with two coats of Alabaetiae of a tint or
shade to maths) committee. 1Phe lowest or
any tender not necessarily to be accepted.
Chairman. 46.2
dereigaed offers his excellent 100 acre
farm, being North 41 of 28, Con. 5, Morrie,
for eslo. There are about 00 acres cleared,
the balance hardwood bush, Tho buildings
aro in good repair. Phere is an orchard.
wells and ell the necessary conveniences.
The farm is only 2 miles from Brueeola and
in good looalfty. Possession would be
given immediately. There are 90 acres of
Fall Wheal in. For further particulars as
to puce, terms, Coo., apply to the proprietor
on the paemisee.
85.8m+ Brussels P. 0.
2'ransact a General Banlctocg
No tee to hand discounted.
arElv''X'I .lt. .
G. L. Be11,L. D.B., Honor Graduate and
IDI. 15.0. D. B., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Prloos graded and as low
as good work can bo ,]ono for.
011lco over Johnston's Hardware Store,
Seat ortb,
W, J. Fear ,L. D B. Graduate of To-
ronto School of Denbletry. AB oper-
ations guaranteed. Oftlee—Oady's
Block, Seafor•th,
Artifloialteeth, drstquality , and
guaranteed lit, for $10,00 per sot.
:DIM NUCI 4'A' -
m. A. 1V0ARTIN, IJ, 37, S.,
Honor Graduate of the Royal Oo11e8e
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. NXTRos Ox0Dm
GAs administered for the pain Ain extrac-
tion of teeth,
OFFICE.—Garfiehl, Block, BRUSSELS.
H. MaORAOKEN, _ISSUERW• of Marriage Lioonsce. Office at his
Grocery,Turnborry Street.
7 7 and Carriage, plain and ornamental
painter. Estimates cheerfully fnrniohed
Charges moderate.
,,.rugs Licences, by appointment of
Lieut: Goyernor Commissioner, &c,,. Q, B.
0enyoysnoer and Agent Fire Insurance Co.
Offiee at the OranbreokPoet Offioe.
Interest allowed on deposits repayable on .0 ivl. U'CONNUR, FIRE, LITE,
demand. . Aooident and Loan Ineuraaoo Agent
Prompt attention given to oobbeotiono, for some of the best and most reliable Com -
ponies in the Dominion. Office Brick Terr-
ace,Tarnborry street ,near the station.
7 7 Tmne, dm. Office in Leokio'e block
Brussels. Money to Loan.
• Carrow & Proudfoot, Goderfoh1 So-
licitor, Oonveyanoer, do, OIDoo, Grant's
block, Brussels. Money to loan.
the Fourth Division Court, Go. Huron,
Oonveyanoer, Notary Public, Land, Loan
and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and
to loan. Codeetions made. Office In Gra-
ham's Blook,Brussolii.
moved hit office to ro0me Over the
Posbollloe, Seaidenoe on MillSiroet.
J A. MaNAUGHTON, M. D., 0.
• M.1.i,18,0.P. Bdlnbnrgli, Phyafeian,
Surgeon andAosouoher, 0ffi00,Bre, Micro
Week, Tarnberry Street.
W iyd, F. GALE, M. D., 0.M.
Memborofthe College of Phyoielans and
Surgeons of Ontario by examination.
Ol00o a1:1 ltooldeim—Alain Bb. Plast. 131101
TT e
L' •
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College has resumed the practice of John
Nott, V.S„and is prepared to treat all dis-
ear0sofdomesticated animals on scientific
andapprovod yrinolp]es. Troatmentof deli
Mate .foals s specialty Oteeo two doors
North of lit idge, Turhberry street.
Teacher of Music, Vooat and Instr
mentaloa Organ, Piano, or Guitar. Har-
mon and Thorough Bass, Advanoedpupils
fittest forToaohing. Terms on applioatioa
Rhferonee—Lailiee of Loretto Academy
Guelph. Residence—No. 2, Termed), south
near station.
Robert Cunningham
Guelph, Ontario.
110 generally tail theynhave fore tomed aub-
partneishlp for the purpose. of parrying on
Carriage, Sign ane Orhamontal Painting'
and aro prepared to attend to the wants of
the publio on most reasonable berme. Mr.
Rosa having bad experience In smno of the
beet ahope In'1+aranto and both being mac.
Meal workmanwo guarantee to give antis -
Rotten, Jbsbimatee and tctme ahieorfufly
furnished, Shop in the old Pow Publish.
ins 1louse, icing street, Brussels.
SMI011 d ROSS.