HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-5-27, Page 6'iEi1I>rj?eeI,`anft (hr,O.1l:1I11t,
Au evil should be killed mud rot
The vented rights of rum are
recited wrong,.
Prohibition ie the livest living ie•
elle of to•dny.
It is your 000 that the whiskey
and boor ellen want.
If moral 80581011 is right, legal
euaslelr is inevitable.
The liquor traffic ie orgauized to
boycott its way to power.
HOT SNOT.—'1110 eritninel maker
ie as guilty es the criminal.
No agency to•dny so menaces our
holy religion as the saloon.
The party that crucified a princi
Me in a political malefactor,
Party slavery is lower in moral
grade than African slavery.
The ram -mill manufactures paup
ere for other people to support.
`The liquor traffic lies s murder
one grip on the Canadian home.
The party that dares to fight the
eelnou line the furture in its grasp.
Don't put Prohibition i0 your
prayers and whiskey In your ballot,
Criminal is that "industry" which
reduces women and children to bone
temp diet.
and charged as provided iu seotion
(9) Auy owner or prtrty interested
under proceedings ticket' .Miner or
by virtue of the six preceding sub
seettons, (shall have the right of 811;
peal as provided by title Act, whore
the amount involved exceeds . the
num of $20,
3. Section 5 of the said Aol is
hereby amended by eubstitnting the
word "twelve" for the word "eix,"
in the tenth line thereof.
8. Section 0 of the said Act to
hereby amended by striking out the
word "shall," in the eighth line,
and inserting lieu thereof the words
"be naked to appoint e day iu whloh
he will," and by inserting after the
word "six," iu the ninth line, the
words "nor more than twelve,'.' and
by adding thereto the following ora•
"Provided, uovertheloss that when
it shall be necessary in order to ob-
tain en outlet, that the drain or
ditch shall pass through or partly
through the lands of more then five
owners (the "owner" mentioned in
the first and second lines of this
section being ono` the requisition
shall not be filed, unless
(n, Sieh owner shall obtain the
assent, in writing, thereto of (iuclnd.
ing himself) a majority of the own
ere affected ar interested ; or,
(b) Tuless a resolution of the
DITCHES AND 'WATERCOURSES( cauneil of the municipality, in whin''
the greater portion of the work is
The 1357 Amendment Act. to be done, Approving of the scheme
a co of the ar proposed work, shall be first
Herewith we
presentcopypassed after those mterested have
been heard or have had an oppor.
tunity to be heard by the council
upon notice to that end."
(c) When the engineer shall tin
Act passed at the late session of the
Ontario Legislature, amending the
Ditches and Watercourses Act of
1883 :-
1. Section 3 of The Ditches and der section 8 of the said Act require
Watercourses Act, of 1888,
ice other parties whom he deems inter.
amended by section 1 of the Acte nates to bo notified he shall not us•
paeans in the forty seventh year seas or bring in without his or their
of Her Majesty's reign chapter• assent more than one additional in.
ed 48 and intituled an Aot to amend
terested person when the majority
the Act respecting Ditches and \Vat• of those so notified and intoreeted
ercourses, is hereby further amend- aro opposed to being so brought in
ed by adding thereto the following or aeeessed
(d) Unless the assent (by reeolu•
tion) of the earl municipal council
sub -sections :
(8) Such consent shall be in writ-
ing, and signed by the party con- approving of the proposed extension
sealing and shall be filed with the to the lands of other interested part -
clerk of the municipality, with the fes ehsll be first passed after a hear -
award and may bo recited or refer- ing et, notice as herein before pro.
red to therein. vides.
(4) If after a ditch or drain has 4, Section 8 of the said Act ie
been constructed under the previa- hereby amended by striking out, in
ions of this Act, and in ease ,iny the tenth and eleventh lines, the
owner whose duty it is to maintain worde "from the receipt of the r0 -
and keep in repair any portion of qutsition by him," and inserting in
such ditch or drain neglects to keep lien thereof the words "after the clay
such portion in a proper state of re- of meeting named in the requisi-
any ono i f the owners who is tion "
liable for maintalniug and keeping ,. Section 8 of the said Act is
in repair any portion of snob ditch further amended by adding the fol.
or drain luny in writing notify the lowing subsection thereto :—
owner who neglects to keep bis por• In no case shall the en !neer
tion of such ditch or drain in a prop- include or 11,95085 the hinds Tying
er state of repair, to have the same
put in euch repair, aud to have the more than fifty rods ((hove the point
same completed within thirty days
from the receipt of such notice.
(5) The owner who serves such
notice may, if the work has not been
performed at the expiry of the thirty
days, make application to the coup.
oil of the municipality to have said
repairs carried ont and completed.
(G) The council shall, when such
of the commencement of the ditch
cr drain upnn the lands mentioned
the notice (Form B) provided for by
section 5 of said Aot, nor the lauds
on either side of the ditch or drain
which lie more thau fifty rode from
the drain, and only so much within
such fifty rods as, having due regard
to the nature of the locality and of
application is made, order an exam- the soil and the lay of the land and
ination of the portion of such ditch its distance back from the ditch or
or drain as is complained of, to be
made by the engineer of the munici-
pality or by some other person to benefit which it will receive by such
be appointed by the council, and construction.
who may be called tbe"Inspector of G. (Section 9 of the said Act is
drains and ditches.' The inspec• amended by adding thereto the fol -
thou shall be made uo later than lowing sub -section :--
twelve days from the time of the or- (2) If it appears to the engineer
daring the same, and the engineer that roek•etttting is required to be
or inspector, as the ease may be,
shall, within twelve days after mak- doue the engiueer may get the rock
int{ euch inspection, file with the ant or blasted by giving the contract
clack of the municipality a oertifi• out to public competition by tender
este, stating whether the complaint or otherwise, instead of requiring
is well founded or not, and wherein
the ditch or drain requirea repairing.
(7).If the engineer or inspector
(as the case may be) certifies that
the complaint is well founded, then
in such case the council shall pro-
ceed and let tho work as provided
in section 18, for reletting work,
unless the owner hae himself in the
meantime completed such repairs in
accordance with the report or oertifi-
011te of the engineer or inspector.
The provisions of sections 14 and 15
shall apply as to inspection and
payment 0f engineer's or inspector's
fees and costa of work, and the
council may, by by-law, fix the re-
muneration of the inspector during
the time he may be engaged in the
performance 'of any duties under
this Act, A member of the council
shall net be appointed inspector.
(8) If the engineer or. inepeotor,
decides that the complaint 10 net
well founded, then in such case" the
party making such complaint shall
pay the fees of the engineer or
inspector, as the ease may be, ani
if not laid by him it shall be paid
drain, us well be benefitted by the
ditch or drain, and then only ac-
cording to and in proportion to the
each person benefited to do his
share of the work. Tho engineer
shall, by his award, determine the
atim which shall be paid by each of
the persons benefitted, which sum,
nnlese forthwith paid, shall bo add
ed to the collector's roll, together
with seven per ceut. added• thereto
and the same shall thereupon be.
coins a charge against the land of
the parties so liable, and shall be
collected in the same manner as any
other municipal taxes.
7. It shall be the duty of the
municipality, through the treasurer
thereof, to pay the contractor for
the work as soon at,done to the sat-
isfaction and upon the oertificnte of
the engineer, pending the subse-
quent collection thereof as aforesaid,
8. Section 10 of the said Act is
amended by striking out the Cords,
in the first aud second lines, "when
such award is made file the . same,"
and aubstituting the following in
Him thereof t "within thirty days
from the dtty appointed by him, as
named in section 8 of this Aot, make
and filo Iris award,"
0. Suction 15 of the shift Act as
einuudrd by neetiou 2 of the Ate
passed in the 47th year of Her ?J
jeety's tame, chapteretl 43, and in
titul_ed "An Act to amend the Aet
respecting Dildoes mall \\rtrteroottre
hereby further amended by
subet.itnting the word +'seven" fur
the :surd "ton" in the twelfth line
10,--(1) Ju any ctrso where air
upon diteh or drain lure been, or
may be constructed under the lou.
virions of 'The Ditohea and Water.
coureoe Act, 1888," or Puy of the
nulendmente thereto, any perecn
through whose lands such dtloh or
drain enrr been opened, may, with
eouseut of the engineer of the mai.
icipittity, convert so much of such
ditch or drain as rune through the
lauds of such person into a covered
(2)The engineer before giving
such consent, shall examiue the por
tion of the ditch or drain which is
proposed to be covered, aud shall
determine the size and capacity of
the proposed covered portion of such
Orem or ditch, and the nature and
quality ni material to be used tilers•
in, but no such consent shall be
given by the said ongiueer, if the
ouveriug of any such portion of suid
ditch or drain would impede or de•
lay the free How of the water which
such ditch or dram is intended to
parry off.
11. The engineer shall file with
the clerk of the municipality Welled
consent is given) an award Notting
forth the partioulare in accordance
with the provisioue of the said Act,
aud the amendments thereto, and
said award shall be subject to lip•
12. The person making the ap
plicatiou for the covering of the
ditch or drain, may notify the en•
gineer to inspect the ditch or drain
in the first place, aud shall also no-
tify the owners interested whole
lands are situated above his owu of
the time when the engineer will ex•
amine the said drain, and shall also
notify sets engineer when the work
is completed, and it shall not be
necessary for such persons to take
the proceedings provided in sections
5 and 6 of said riot, and such per-
son shall be liable for the (es and
expenses of the engineer, aud, if
not paid by suob person to the en-
gineer, such fees and expenses shall
be collected, as provided for in said
18. Such person (and the subse•
queut owners) shall maintain and
keep the covered portion of such
drain of such sufficient eine and cap.
,city as uot to impede or delay the
free flow of water above the covered
portion ur brought thereto by said
drain ; and any damages occasioned
by the neglect or failure to so main•
tam and keep euch portion of the
eine end capacity aforesaid shall he
payable by the owner of the land
upon witch the insufiictet or imper-
feet portion of the drain is situated.
14 Sub -section 8 of section 11 of
the said Act is amended by adding
the following thereto as sub section
(a) :
(a) The place for hoaxing such
appeals shall be iu the division of
the Division Court iu which the
laud of the appellant is situate.
15. This Act shall apply to deep
ening or widening a ditch or drain.
10. This Act and the said Act
passed in the forty-seventh year of
Her 1Majesty'a reign chapter 48
shall be road with and as part of
"The Ditches and Watercourses
Act, 1883."
Kern, the Woodstock organ man,
has erected a new chimney 128 feet
high at his factory.
During the ringing of the bell for
prayer meeting in the Methodist
church at Dutton, the supporters
gave way aud the 400 pound bell
came down and almost buried itself
In the ground.
There is a man in Cobden town.
ship, Renfrew county, who has been
married twice, and his first wife's
son is married to his father's second
wife's sister. What relation will he
and his father and their children be
to one another ?
A. son of D. S. Burk, of Fergus,
struck luck in Peel the other day.
He found a batch of young foxes,
seven in number, and brought them
home where he intends to raise
them. They are lively young chaps
and seem to take kindly to their
adopted home.
Tho phunny man of Burford rill.
ago perpetrated a joke on the man
aging committee of a church ten
mooting at that place a couple of
weeks ago, by sending iii a basswood
cake nicely turned to have the Ap-
pearance of a fine throe story specie
men of the real article. The ladies
are now after hula with a sharp
m .s
Wear. Spectacles
and Lye•Glasses that will preserve your
llfauufnoturing Optician, late of the firm
of Lazarus 0 Morris, OS Mlarvltrnrl 'toad,
Barrow Road, Loudon, England, luta ap-
pointed en Agent, for the Renowned 8poe-
taelee and Eye -Masers which have been
before the public for ti10 pass 'Io roars
1? rtruo Voir evil et,
'1lroauesorin recrurel800 l0 his valuable
IParru,,1 thu'townalitg,ni split his
1uteean117,0011.11 1111 mita r�ov q)1le, !01,1,
1,081onntninsnonaorpgipr'0rdlrl itpinll Iles
trout the thrivlsx This a o,( ryssolll, a t1r
aa0dgrave, roadloafh, ,t110l'e o, Abouilee
40005 500 a ertred, f re0 TOW 1101a110 and In n
WO state of oult:ration, '0jie balance is
doily Brooded. This inlp'za Is Particularly
Wsnf1aaod,uearl ytho wludla'p1 rho !moos
5014 etraleht and nevtnxboon orooted in
1808 and'9a. on the ere:weep there in a own.
fnrtablo lox dwelllug 1.1011s0 and moo 4fram0
barn with steno stabling underarm to in
W11 1011 thorn is 1001) With an abundant, sup-
ply of,xoollont water. Thorn la lnriwisoa
nolo frame Implement house, 4040, well
:loured, ahoy(' and below, and neatly aided
nail pnluted, I',r lulrtioutare ap01y to EUo
Prnprlckor, Jdllhla LIOwSON.
llugltErur, iiurou. Co.,
1) 11 Goao,4oh.
Lazarus' HNC ta0loa
uuver tern the eye ` ..—..._
Last min's sear., wi!icnt change. 'O.
leo?. .Salo by II 1,. JACKSON, —•----
'f—ICRON ,1NI) itinteI;
LoanL.Investment Co.
This Cornpany is Leaning, hooey
on Farm :Security at Lowlas'r
RITES 00 Ixeee 1ssT,
�iul'l. ll. cgs, :'llt'CI4mtr,e(1.
3.1.v1Ntts 17.1NIi lenAsiefl.
8, 4, and o por cent. Interest
allowed on Deposits, according
to itulonnt lend time let.
OFFICE.—Corner of Market
Square and North Street, tiode-
Horace Horton,
r�ll 'WILSON 4'r111Vr)R T.
Ileducod Prices !
We have on hand the following :
Land Rollers, flows, Harrows,
Seuffiers. Horse Powers, Straw
Cutters, Turnip Cutters, Grind-
ing o:• Chopping Mills, best
slake, and 1 Good Second
Hand Lumber Wagon.
We have started it Planer
and hatcher to work. Parties
wishing to have T,Itimber Dressed
and Matched, or Flooring sized,
tongued aud grooved may rely
on getting first-class jobs on the
most reasonable terms.
Repairs of all Binds promptly
attended to et the Bnirssrns
W. R. Wilson
Infalliblo Blond Purifier, Tone, Dlurotfo
Lona of Appetite, Indigestion Dyspepsia.
Ilniottsnesa, Jaundice, Livor t, napluu",
I111oumntlsm, all Kidney Diseases kr„rtule,
Disuosoa penaliar to Vomnlna Salt Mises,
Jtnzoma Ikea all Skin ])menses, 1lnnQ,who
Palpitation of tile. heart, tour Stomach and
ISeart (lura. Purely Vegelablo.
JOHN o, Wain 0 Co., Toronto, Oak
of Private Funds have just been
placed in sly hands for In-
A`.1' 7 PER CENT.
Borrowers can have their loans
complete in three days if title is
Apply to E. E. WADE,
Notice is hereby given that the Council
of the Corporation of tho Village of virus•
sats will Meet as a Conrt of Revision, at
the Cooicis °matnao, on
Monday, June the 6th, 1887,
.10 (Sirs 110011 or 8 051,0(70 P. 11.
Allpersons interested will govern them-
selves accordingly.
F. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
Brussels, May, 11. 4,1-8
Imperial rip.
C3''tYs have Three Thousand Pairs of
Boots 01 stock.
Wewillmake a Reduction on Every
We Sell Cheaper
than anyone else, quality considered.
The Great linnt d'' Shoe 110,185,
Adam Good.
If you want your watch put in
good running order go t0
Dealer in Ladies' and Gent's sol-
id Gold and Silver 'Watches, Cuff
Bnttous, Broaches, Ear -rings,
Gent's pins, roll plate vest chains,
and Necklets.
He has also 0 nice. stock of
in fact everything that is kept
in a first-class jowelery store.
r Special attention given le the re,
pairing of {Vetches. Satisfaction guur-
Jas. Jones,
Queen's Hotel Block.
NAY 27. 1..887
Money to Loan.
Monoy to Loan on Farm Pre•
perry, at
Brussels, Ont.
Any Amount of Moleey to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty, at
6 a 611 Per Cent. Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
After another long winter and lots of op.
position I am still alive and in a better
position than ever to attend to the wants
of the Public, having just
Removed to the ,Store South of .1.
7irq/el•'s Carriage Works.
1 am prepared to
Execute all orders Promptly.
in all its branches.
,4 ..:L✓V:U
Done t?p in Style.
a Specialty.
1-.V111, Roddick,
The undersigned is prepared to
Supply the Public with.
Fresh Lime Lima !
Give Me a Call.
Egg Emporium, in Grant's Block, Brussels,
Next Door io the Post Office,
I am prepared to Pay C.lser, for any quantity nfeEggs.
and Remember the Stand.
J'1019UNT e5 At