HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-5-27, Page 4M 4 gens,i' tio.ttistmcftL, County Council—P, Adamson, Tenders wanted— Alex, Stewart. Razor found—Peer Pub. House. 1115$e[,s'tio5t, FRID-4Y, HAI 27, 1887. GROROT MOFFATT, brother to the late wember who died so suddenly at a hotel in Teeswater, wn s elected to the House of Comtuone, by se clamation, for Restigouolle, last Sat urday. This is the third member of the faintly who has sat for this constituency, THE threat of the C.P.R. to con sign Winnipeg to a side track and run ell the western through traffic on a now line north of them if they built competing lines of railway has stirred up a lot of talk and set the Parliaments of, Manitoba and the Dominion on their feet as to the best menus of procedure. The Grand Trunk, it is said. will make a clove to seoura direct communi- cation with Winnipeg in naso the Canada Pacific carry out their pro• jest. The Winnipeg citizens are greatly incensed over the matter and will probably apply to the Courts for a release from their large bonuses pledged to the Q.P.R. when it first came to their city, The Dominion Government should no promptly and decidedly in this ver important matter and see that .fai play is accorded to all. It is bem corning more apparent every pea that our railway systems will neve be complete until the Governmen controls thein. THE BRUSSELS POST, James Cmutolly, who created adisteib- uncle fn oonneotion with the Q'Briee demouetration in Ottawa, was tined- 650 I Lieut, -Governor Masson has resigned by the Police Magistrate, which was paid on ;mount of i11 health. No ho hspent It few hours in jail. Brantford will spend 561,000 in getting Berlin will honor the high Court dela- an illuminated city dealt. gates of the Canadian Order of Foresters It is the intention of the Gover nrtent by a grand concert on the evening of June to re -organize the Montreal Post Office, lour, in whioh Mrs. Luther, of Buffalo, John T. Hawke, a former residout of A block of nine stores is being built in 1 Salt has boon struck et Streetsville. arrangpmente for running into Chicago. The Ontario Government appointed W. 17. Leonard, of Yarmouth, pollee magi- strate for the county of Elgin, and M. S. Gray for Duffel•in county. About 700 bead of wattle, valued at over 1140,000, wore shipped from Waterloo on Tuesday for the old country by a femora' company lately organized. Au Aseoeiated Press dospatuh from Ot- tawa says Hon, Mackenzie Bowell is mentioned es the suaoessor to Governor Dowdney of the Northwest Territories. It is stated that the Canadian Govern. went and the Imperial Government pro- pose jointly to arrange for tato resurvey of the river St. Lawrence as far as Quebeo. In a running race at Ottawa the brown gelding Bon Brace fell over the chestnut gelding Stranger and was instantly killed. Gibb Alexander, the jockey who rode the animal, received serious injuries. Work on the Sarnia tunnel has step. pad because of a dispute between the G. T. R. Co. and the contraotor, the latter having undertaken the job on the assur- ance that he would have no springs to encounter, The Canadian Y r • Messrs. Warrington and Arlidge, of To. ronto, and other fine talent will take part. Thomas Tait, of the C.P.R. at Port ActhurSuperintendentooweenBraudo has appointed betand Swift Current, with headquarters at Moose Jaw. Mr. Tait was on this divis- ion before, but not as Assistant Superin- tendent. Notwithstanding the threats of the po- lice the Gilmour -Hawkins party met at Black River, near Montreal, at two o'olook on Friday morning, in presence of a few spectators, and after a hard fight, whioh lasted for nearly two hours, Gilmore was completely knocked out. John T. Bulmer, a well-known Halifax lawyer, who oontested Cumberland at the last election with Sir Charles Tupper, as Prohibition candidate, is suing the Halifax Chronicle for 1125,000 for libel in publishing false reports of the trial in whioh Bulmer was Plaintiff. During the coming summer the Can- adian Pacific Railway Company will ex- pend from a million and a half to two million dollars on the Rocky Mountain section of the road in constructing addi- tional snowsheds and other improvements to prevent interruption to the traffic in the winter season. Intense indignation leas been aroused in Winnipeg over the receipt of Sir Geo. Stephen's threat to give that city the go- by, and the people are determined to have a railway to the boundary at all hazards. An engineer has been engaged by the Manitoba Government, and plans and specifications will be got out immedi- ately. A Shelburne young man about to be married by somebody, or about to marry somebody, and afraid he might offend the other local preachers if he gave the job to his favorite spiritual adviser, issued the following notice to the preachers : ',Dear Sir, I want to be married. I want it dun cheep. How much do you want too do it. Ain rutin too the other preachers, but if youre tender is lowest I will cum too yon.,, When General Manager Van Horne was in Toronto on Saturday he met Mr. William Bell (of organ fame) and Col. Macdonald, both of Guelph, and discuss. edwith them the branch line of the Cana- dian Pacific to the Royal Uity. The branoh will start from Campbellville, six miles west of Milton, and run twelve miles to Guelph, There is every pros- pect of the road being put through this summer. The following officers have been elected for the Ontario Sanitary Association, whioh held a eneetiug at Woodstock re. oently :—President, Dr Coventry, Wind- sor ; Dr. P. P. Burrows and Dr. E. Grif- fin lst and 2nd Vice -Presidents ; Dr. P. 11. Bryce, Secretary ; Dr. McLellan, Trenton ; Dr. Cameron, Owen Sound ; Dr. Lundy, Galt ; Dr. Yeomans, Mt. LAST week the Ontario Govern- ment accepted of the nomination made by the recent Temperance Convention, held at Clinton, by ap- pointing Dr. Williams as the Police Magistrate for Huron Co. The News -Record assumed to scout the idea of the Government backing up the person selected by the temper. once people, but this week the Mame sheet takes it back. It was proba- bly an oversight of the Provincial Government not to consult the edi- tor of the Record on this subject but it wculd appear that, they did not deem it necessary. 1Ve believe Police Magistrate Williams will do the fair thing every time and ae be is not an extrumest even handed justice will be dealt out to all. The friends of the Canada Temperance Act should arouse themselves now rind see than the law i$ put iu force as the repeal vote will probably soon be brought on and never since the Act mime in force in i!Aiwa was there at. good an nppurtu iby of doing good work as now. We hope the three Inspector° will leave both ing undone in the dieehitrrge of their duties. Inspector Pittsiry, of the West Biding, has set a good exam ple during the past few months. • Canadian INT otirw. Mr. O'Brien is sufferiug considerably from injuries received in Toronto and Kingston. Winnipeg City Council is seeking legis- lation to enable it to elect the Mayor, in- stead of by the popular vote. There are 999 miles of railway in Mani- toba, according to a return brought down in the Provincial Legislature. The Grand Legion of Ontario Select Knights, A.O.U.W., will hold their next annual meeting in St. Catharines. Much dissatisfaction is expressed in Manitoba at the tariff changes, the duty on iron being especially objected to. The.Canadian Pacific people are apply- ing at Washington for permission to bond goods from Pacific Ports to Now York and New England points. A colored man named 'Washington Be. vios has died in Ingersoll at the reputed age of 111 years. He was a slave on the plantation of Gen, Ross in 1812. A congratulatory address, signed by fifteen hundred students at the various Canadian universities andmedioal schools has been forwarded to the Queen. The Synod of the Diocese of Niagara. will meet in Hamilton May 31, and the Niagara Conference of the Methedisb church will open in St. Catharines June let. The Toronto Industrial Exhibition As. sociation has contracted with the Ball Company to supply the electric lights for its exhibition to be held in September at Toronto. Harry J. Warner, who held a tenth in- terest in grand prize of 6150,000 in the Louisiana State Lottery, is about to re- move to London from Stratford and start in business. The honorary degree of Doctor of Div- inity was conferred upon Rev. J'. Cooper Antliffc, of the Dominion theu renateMeth- odist Church, Ottawa, by Victoria University. Tho White Star Steamers Celtic and Britanic collided on Saturday, and four of the tatter's steerage passengers were kil. led. Both steamers reached New York early Sunday morning. Ad a result of rho Nanaimo coal mine digester 89 widows and 100 children are wholly destitute, besides numerous fam- ilies whoa. support has failed owing to the loss of the single men. Aylmer, and recently editor of the Ottawa Free Prose, has purchased tato Moncton (N.B.) Treneeript.. The Norwich Oonnoil has ordered the emotion of fifteen lamps on the streets of the village, Coal oil will ba used in the lamps, in all probabllity. John Frye, Waterloo township, sold on Saturday to Jos. Bellinger, buyer, 64 head of cattle for 54,500. This is a largo quantity of stock for one man to dispose of, A white marble mine has reoently been discovered on Calumet Island in the Up- per Ottawa, the product of whioh is of very high quality. Steps will immediate- Iy be taken to develop the mine. It is the property of N. A. Allan. A few weeks ago Mrs. Henry West, of Amherstburg was sent to Sandwich as a dangerous lunatic. On, Saturday her husband followed her, also insane. As they have no relativee, the Government will take charge of their property. The grape growers about St. Cathar- ines are feeling bad over the disoovery of new insect pest in the shape of a green beetle about ono -fourth of an inch long that ie eating up the vine buds. Old grape growers say that if the ravages of the bng is not shacked it will bo worse than the Scott Act. James Reyes, the Burgoyne botolltoep- er who had charge o1 Richard Webster, the Chicago millionaire, was last Friday sentenced to three years in penitentiary for being an accessory to Webster's death. Hie hired man, Henry Reymond, who was engaged to assist in the care of Webster, was sentenced to two years in penitentiary. Manager Turner, of the Vandepoele el. ectrio railway system, Detroit, has return- ed from St. Catharines, where he has contracted to put in the largest plant for an electric railway yet built. The road is to be six miles long, and will .take ten motors of 15 horse -power each to run it. The apparatus will °oat 682,000 and the complete railroad 6100,000. Peat) has completed ted Two families named Potter and Haig, living on Papineau street, in 13y ward, Ottawa, were evicted by Sheriff's officer on Monday morning, they having refused to pay rent or to quit property when or- dered by landlord. They had squatted on ordnance land many years ago, and last fall the land was sold by the overn. ment to the present owner, with whom all but two tenants, named above, made -satisfactory arrangements. Among the Canadians who have dogs on exhibition at the Detroit Bench Show this week are Messrs. E. Richard's, F. W. J. Ball, D. O'Shea, F. C. Wheeler and J. E. Platt, of London; R. Wanless, Sarnia; C. M. Nelles, Brantford; A. Laidlaw, Woodstock; H. A. Curler and H. L. Falls, Slime°; R. G. Wilkie, St. Thomas; ilex. Bose, Toronto; C. A. Stone, Windsor ; H. Card, Elora ; H. G. Forest ; Captain Clarke, Guelph, Exeou- • Charlesworth, Toronto ; Terra Cotta siva Council. The other day an accident, which may terminate fatally, occurred in the licit]. ity of Maxwell. It appears that a party composed of F. A. Blakely and Willie Ferrier had gone shooting on the Beaver river. In descending its rooky bank Mr. Blakely stumbled, the gun fell and the shock caused it to go off. Part of the charge entered his arm, carrying away a piece of the flesh, and part lodged in the arm and breast of Ferrier, who was walk- ing behind. On Tuesday, says the Sarnia Canadian, Mrs. McEaehren, who lives near the Fourth Ward school house, was crossing the street near her home, when she was attacked by a cow, which tossed her with its horns and then trampled her and gored her as she lay helpless. Mrs. Mo- Eaohren's screams brought her husband and a young man maned Melvin Harris to her assistance, who with some difficul- ty drove off the COW and carried the in- jured woman to her hone. Her clothes were torn to rage, she was covered with blood and dust, and her injuries appear- ed so general and serious that her ease was at first considered hopeless. An ex- amination showed that, though terribly bruised, no bones has been broken and no serious results are apprehended. The final selection of the Wimbledon team is as follows : Commandant, Lient- enant-Oolonel Ouimet, 65th Battalion ; Adjutant, Captain J. T. Hart, St. Sohn N.B. Rifles. Shooting members—Pte A. S. Kimmerly, 49th Battalion ; Pte D. Mitohell, 18th ; Quartermaster•Sergt J. Ogg, Welland Battery ; Lieut. W. Mitch- ell, 32nd ; Capt. W. Bishop, Ord ; Staff - Sergeant J. B. Mitchell, 46th ; Sergt. D. M. Loggia, 73rd ; Corporal W. Langstroth 8th Cavalry ; Staff.Sergi. G. Marlette, 18th ; Sergi. J. Gouldie, 8th Royal Rifles ; Pte. James Riddle, 6th Fusiliers ; Lieut. D, L. Cooper, 82nd ; Staff -Sergi. J. Arm- strong, G.G.F.G. ; Color-Sergt. N. Mitch- ell, 90th ; Pte H. Graham, 18th ; Lieut. A. D. Cartwright, 47th ; Sergi. J. G. Mo - Murray, 67th ; Capt. L. Thomas, 54th ; Sorgt. W. 0. King, 45th. At the Division Conrt at Drumbo last week, before Judge Finkle and a jury, a suit came up whioh afforded considerable interest to farmers and stook -buyers. It appears that John Hutchinson, of Bright, bought from Menne Hallman, of Rego - villa, during the winter, 180 laenbe, to be weighed and delivered in Galt. Mr. Hall- man took the lambs to Galt and had thorn weighed, as agreed upon, by the town weigh -master ; but in the mean- time the price of lambs had fallen, and Hutchinson, several hours afterwards, demands that the jambe be weighed again ; this Hallman at first declined to do, as it seems that after sheep have been driven some distance they lose weight for several hours afterwards. Seeing that Hutchinson was determined to have them re -weighed, Hallman subsequently agreed, but by this time Hutohinaon had made up hie mind not to take them at all. Hallinan thereupon soli. them to another buyer, but realized 675 less than he was to got from Hutchinson. He then sued the latter for the difference, and this was weeks ago that Cleverdon had made a the case which came up at, Drumbo, The Kalil of 620,000 on bucket shop trained. jury awarded Mr. 'Hallman his 676 claim tions, which rdport, however, it tune out with costs. was incorrect, MAY 27, 1887. NTICO i v, l The Council of the Corporation of the 0 onuty of Reran will moot in the Court llouse, in the town of 100derlolt, on TUESDAY, THE 7t'iI DAY OF JUNE next. 1'1,1'1111 A)A1280N, Co, Cleric 44-2 may, 29x,,1807. Brussels Lime Works 1 The snbearibers take this opportunity of returning thanks to the inhabitants of 1 Brussels and vionlby for past patronage, and bog to statethat having made soyera1 improvements bu their kiln and mode of burning they aro now in n batter pnettinn than over before to supply the Public, with 7'lrst•Olans Lime. This being the /Thirteenth Season of our business dealings in Grease's, and having given unqualified sabisfaotiou no far, the publics can rely on reosiv(ng g.,od treatment and a First-0laae Article from us. First•Olaes Limo at 19 °out's at the kiln. We also burn a No,1 Limo for Plastering at la conte. Remember the spot—ltrnseels Lime Warks. 41 Town & Son. David Pike, the hostler of a Zurich hotel, who attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat a few weeks ago, bas been sentenced by Judge Toms, of Goderich, to six weeks' imprisonment in the county jail. Mr. O'Brien visited Hamilton Monday, being received with enthusiasm by his friends and generally let alone by others, While the party were returning from the rink to the hotel a boy fired four pistol shots, one of which struok a back -driver named Nelson in the wrist. Mrs. Wm. Baker and daughter, of Ste- phen, loft for Europe last week. They sailed by the magnificent steamer Par- isian, of the Allan line. Their object in crossing is to visit friends as well ae to seek better health for Miss Baker who is at present in a declining state. The Postoffice Saving Bank naaount for April shows that the balance in the hands of the Finance Minister on Marsh Mat was 618,682,336. The deposits dur- ing the month amounted to 6722,542. The interest allowed to depositors on accounts closed during the month was 69,078. The balance now at the oredit of depositors is 618,554,951. On Tuesday afternoon, as an old woman named Crawford was trying to light a fire in her house, at Bayfield, she, by some means, accidentally ret it on fire. She ran to toll a neighbor, but the house was so dry that it was all in flames in a mom- ent, and nothing could be -done to save it or its contents. The old lady had about 6100 in her bed that was also lost. Dr. 8tanbury owned the property. Kennels, Toronto; John Struthers, Alma; Richard Gibson, Delaware ; G. E. Cole- man, Soafarth ; G. Bell, Toronto, and others. While Michael Dunn, of North Oxford, was working a seed drill in his field ono day lately one of the reins naught, and, stepping on the pole to loosen it, the horses became frightened and ran away, throwing Dunn from the drill, which pass- ed over hint, inflioting serious injuries. The tooth of the drill fractured hie long and cut his face badly. Although so se- verely hurt he drove the team to the sta- bles and reached the house in a dazed condition. Dunn is about 70 years of ago, and this is one of the five serious mishaps that has befallen him during the past few years—twice injured through horses and ones by a bull. Emigration to Canada is assuming large dimensions. On Friday the Do- minion steamer Vancouver left Liverpool under exceptional circumstances. She took 175 persons selected by the Society for the Promotion of Christian Know- ledge; also 22 young gentlemen Bent from Manchester, and 70 Norwegians, who in- tend to establish a farming and fishing colony at Kromax, British Columbia, in addition to a number of Germanemi- grants. Sir Alexander Campbell was a passenger by the Vancouver, and alto- gether there were 1,000 persons on board. On Friday 135 boys and girls left Liver- pool by the Allan steamer Circassian, youthful emigrants from the Catholic Protective Society from Liverpool and neighborhood. L, Cleverdon, reeve of Strathroy and warden of the county of Middlesex, is re- ported to have skipped, leaving very heavy liabilities and a quantity of forged paper behind. On Thursday last he left the town apparently on a business trip, whioh he does three or four times a week, and nothing• was thought of it at the time, On Saturday, however, when he did not return, inquiries were evade for him at his house, wben Mrs. Cleverdon, go it is alleged, stated that he had gone to Brazil, and would not be bank. This news rapidly spread through the town on Sunday and created the greatest excite- ment, The developments which follow- ed showed that merchants, bankers, brolf- ers,insurance agents and in fact every- body had been taken in, One bank, it is alleged, is in for 618,000 advanced to Cleverdon on forged bills of landing, As is well known, Cleverdon was one of the largest cheese exporters in Canada. He shipped mostly to a Liverpool firm, and they gave the bank instructions to Dash all sight drafts made by Cleverdon on them on the production of the bills of landing without waiting to first find out if the Liverpool firm would accept them. Cleverdon had been working on this principle for a long time, and, therefore, when he produced bills of landing for 618,000 Worth of cheese it excited no ens. pinion. It is now said that these bills were forged, and that not ono pound of cheese was aver shipped. At the mer - ;Jangle agencies Cleverdon has not been rated at all. Thwart reported a couple of Popular Stallions The Canadian Government has discon- tinued the bonus certificates offered for the past two or three years to emigrants proceeding to British Columbia. The bonuses were given owing to the addition. al Dost of reaching the Pacific Province compared with other parts of the Domin- ion, and especially in consequence of the fact that until quite recently passengers had to travel by way of the United Stat- es. Now, however, through rates are quoted by the Canadian Pacific railway. A young man residing on the 05th con. of Goderioh township lulled a fine heifer last week by a now process, and one whioh is hardly likely to become popular as a method of buteheriog cattle. The heifer ran into the stable and to scare it out, he threw a pitchfork at it. The fork stuck into the poor brute's side, and it ran around a nod with the fork still sticking in, the young man doing bis best to catch it, but without success, until, from sheer exhaustion, the animal lay down and died. Two Scott Act eases were disposed of at Exeter on Thursday of last week be- fore Justices Wanless and Govealoak. That against Matthew Kelland, of Devon, after sex adjournments, was dismissed, and the Dass against Henry 9Willert, of Dashwood, was also dismissed, there be- ing no evidence of the sale of intoxioat- ing liquor in either cases. L. H. Dickson appeared for both defendants. The pro- ceedings of the court were enlivened by a ahowerof rotten eggs, ashes and soot from a stovepipe that had been previously sue- pended by some mechanical contrivance over the heads of the justicee. The committee on nominations for the North Huron Teachers' Association pre- sented the following report, whioh, on motion of Messrs. Duff and Malloch, was carried:—Prosidenb, W. E. Groves, Wing - ham ; Viae -President, Mies Dick, Sea - forth ; Secretary -Treasurer, A. M. Burchill, Blyth ; Assistant Seoretary- Treasurer, Miss McGowan, Belgrave ; Executive Committee—J. Turnbull, Olin. ton ; A. H. Plummer, Londesbord ; Miss Anderson, Seafortb ; Miss Simpson, Clin- ton, and Miss Pake, Wingham. Auditors —Messrs. Manning and Scott, Clinton. Delegate—A. M. Burchill, Blyth. 100,000 lbs. `ttT001 W ANTED for the Season of 1887, at the The following Stallions will stand for the Improvement of Stook for the Season of 1887 as follows : Tooia Clerk. MontoAY.—Will leave his own stable, lot 24, con. 11, Grey, and proceed south to the 1611 con. to Hartwell Sperian's for noon; thence to his own stable for night. TnnsDAY,—Will proceed to Robertson's hotel, Ethel, for noon; thence north to con. 1, to Wm. Brown's for night. Wnn- i sit t,—Will prooeed. north to Moles- worth for one hour, then west to Hugh Patrick's, boundary line Howiok, lot 23, for noon ; thence south to lot 8, con. 2, Grey, to Walter Beldon's for night. TIIIIRsDAY,—Will proceed east to side line between lots 15 and 16, then south to John Barker's for noon ; thence east and north to Donald McDonald's, lot 20, con. 2, for night. FRIDAY,—Will prooeed south to con. 4, then west to lots 10 and 11, then south to John McIntosh's, lot 12, con. 7, for noon ; thenoe south to Oran - brook for night. SAsunoAY,—Will pro- ceed, by way of con. 12, to the Central hotel, Brussels, for noon ; thence, by way of 1411 con., to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Micessf, S: MaDowonn, Pro- prietors. Cosntn Mionon, Groom. IN gni 6131ta001.211 0001(0 010 5505 0001CTY Or 11011001. Notice to Creditors. Fn the goods of DAVID DU$.);, tate of the Towwntehip of Gratj, in, the County of Huron, Fanner, Deceased. Pursuant to the provisions af;jtiie Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapters 107 and 48 Victoria (Ontario) Chapter 0,1a hereby given againeb the estaton00 David Duke, having olefin h e township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased, who died on or about the 28th Dav of January, A. D. 1887, to deliver, or Bend byiost, (0 repaid) t0 DARLING & MABEE, Wallace Street, Lstowel ,Ontario, Boltoitore for David Dunbar and James Lindsay, both of the said Township of Grey, the executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, on or before the 1ST DAY 00 ,mien, Aadd sso9 and fullartioularaof their at of their irtime, duly attested, and of the securities (if any) held by them. And further Notion is Elven that after the Bald date the executors will proceed to dis- tribute the'assebs of the dee eased among the parties entitled thereto, regard being bad only to the claims of whioh notice shall theretofore have boeu given; and the ex, canton will not he liable for the assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose manntheynotiso at the time h dtt LISTOWEL WOOLEN FACTORY! HIGHECT PRICE PAIR I wish to call your attention to the fact that I keep on hand a tremendous stook of geode to exohange for Wool. I am de- termined to make this Wool season one of the largest, and as the Wool season is at hand, it will be necessary that you should look around and decide where to make your purchase in WOOLEN GOODS. My stock is open for your inspection, and is the best selected stock ever shown by any Woolen Factory in Canada. Low Priors will astonish everybody, Ybody, Do not be led away by Shoddy Pedd- lers and others, but come and deal direct with one who is endeavoring, to the best of his ability, to give first-class work in Roll Caroling, spinning and lua7t- itfltOtul'ing Tweeds, 1'loolncls, Blankets, cdc., and deal honestly with everybody. Thanking my numerous oustomers for their past favors, would beg to say some and bring your neighbor to see my stock, as you will be highly pleased to see goods so low iu price. You will find me ready to give the most prompt and careful at- tention to all. Yours respectfully, B. F. Brook. OLS kk 'rif. DOCIC, jai )I The Golden Padlock is to the front with a Largo and Well Assorted s Stock of martlatmia XX% TOOLS, such as Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, &c. UoLD ' HARDWARE WCGgonl92co%ers' and Blaoksinith,s' Szopplios, al - 80 az nicely assorted line of General .card ware. Kalsorining- Colors, Paints, Oils, 6'c., Always Kept on Hand. Barbed & Plain Fence Wire,, Awn' paitawmirts We also Beep Well and Cistern Pumps, Gas Piping, Lath and Shingles. GIVE US A CALL. DARLING & MABEE, Solloibcrs for Nxooutors. Dated at Liston'', this Dbh day of MEV. • .6, 0, 1887. 45.2 Co. 1V1.1'' V