HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-5-27, Page 2Directory of %mhos and Soclotioot Wi 1 ante is the only orae that
grows by gaslight,
It in a good tiling to male a se -
orifice for friend, and it is also a
good thing to concent the effort
]undo in making the sacrifice.
Donoate females, old people, and children
aro Olean ,lioased with West's Liver Pitta,
Mild, effective, sad they always aura, 30
auger -coated pills 95080. All druggists.
Let those who would affect sin-
gularity with success, first determine
to be very virtuoua, and they will be
sure to be very singular.
sWoffrllrlreWt will
will andtwo
to three bottles aure any;case of rheumat-
ism. 2e eanls and 00 Dents. Yoer druggist
sells it.
If any one says he has aeon a
just man in want of bread, we
answer that it was in some place
it'fr:Lvmen Cuouctlr-Sabbath Services.
alai. a.m. and 0:30 p.m. Sunday Sohool.
at 2180 p. m. Rev. John Ross, B. A,,
Brox Cnulicn, Sabbath Servieee at 11
a. m, and 0:00 p' m. Sunday Sahool at
2:30 p. M. Mev. S. Jones, pastor.
ST. 300N's Crosier.—Sabbath Services
at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at
11:80 a,m. Rev. W. T. C1uff, monmbent.
Meei(ourse Cnunen —Sabbath Services
at 10:80 a. m. and 0:00 p, In. Sunday
School at 2:00 p. m. Rev. Win. Smyth,
Botl1N C.trnoxlo Cnunen. abbatls
Service third Sunday in every month,
11. a.rn. Rev. 1'. 3. Shea, priest.
Onn FOLLOWS' Lows every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block,
M.tsosrc Lonop Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A. O. U. W.L000n on 1st one. 3111 Mon.
any evenings of each month. where there was no other just man.
FOuCeTEIlT' Loners 111 last Monday pain aanaot exist offer thesilent has
evenings of each month, in Snievery
Ball. taken a single does o! Woot'oPalnliing, ilio
L. O. L. 1st Monday in month, ,reio cure. Do cot bo induced to take n
in Orange Hall. subetttute, but insist upon having West's
POST Opvrca.—Office home from 8 a.m. Pain Bing Sold by alldruggists.
so 7 p.m, The hardest thing for a man to
MECUOltlrs' INerrru•rs, Reading Room do is to own that he has made a
and Library, in Holmes' block, will be mistake in hisjudgment. IE is nu
open from 0 to 8 a'elook p.m. Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Roes, Lib. impeachment of hie welk side—his
reriait. mind.
...___ _ West's World's Wonder or Faulty
- - - --- "—i moot, a superior remedy 1or uenrldgbt, 1800-
]E'neeei . Beole Pi. I madam, lame back, sprains, bruieee, auto,
burns, or wounds. Cheaper, goes further,
"Wolf teeth" in horses do no lasta longer than any other All druggists.
harm and Should. be let alone, says
an exchange.
Any vaso oflamo hock oared by a few ap•
plioatioas of West's World's Wonder; also
euros sprains, bruises, mita and burns.
Cheapest and best. All druggists
The Canadian Bee Journal de-
scribes Rev. N. Clark, a former
valued contributor, as "the poet
laureate of the bee -world."
West's Pafu Bing should be kept in ovary
house for sudden 'attacks of cramps, colic,
infer.' callc, cholera fnerbu0, dux and
All tho good things in this world
are no farther good le us than they
are of use : and whatever we may
heap up to others, we enjoy only as
much as we can use, and no more.
Purify your blood end regnln10 your liver
and digestive organs before the boat of sum.
rner, and thus cavo n dootor•'o bill by the
Reidy use of West's Liyer Pills. Sold by all
Poopla are to pay yon in the self
same c01I1 you piles on them, If
you give them the gold of love you
dysentery. Only2Sc. All druggista will get gold in return, and if you
A filthy ponitry house ie not tol- give the brags of impertwoilea you
erated by a good breeder. He will got it back again before maby
knows that it is detrimental to the days.
health of his flock, as well ns a source Wast'sPain Bing—the boueehold remedy—
Of disgust to visitors. Always useful. Never fans to cure cholera
West's Liver Pins—genuine wrapped lu
blue—tho standard remedy for liver oom-
.\77pll druggists.sia,ndigestion, n nd stek head -
Germantown Telegraph : Horses
ought invariably to be watered be-
fore feeding, or the email practice of
unindigested food get washed into
the intestines, causing indigestion,
stoppage, and colic.
West's Cough Syrup cures whooping -cough
asthma. bronchitis. consumption and all
throat and lung difficulties. Mats.. 25e, and
111. All druggists,
There`ia nothing so good to keep
a sow from getting crazy and de-
stroyiug her pigs as bran. It should
be given twice a day in liberal
doves. It may be mixed with corn
meal, rye or anything.
The friends of Suffolk swine °lath
that in all qualties that constitute
a perfect animal for producing the
of the best ualit • at th
most pork quality e
least emit this breed stand unrival-
led by any in the United ;ates.
In the West the Suffolk bad 1' ecer
many friends among the practical
feeders, and still lees now thou
The hest regulators for the at mach and
bowels, the hest cure far bili luavess, sick
headache, iudlge0tlon, and all affections
arlaiug from a disordered livor, are without
uxoention Johnson's '''onto Liver Pills.
small in size, anger coated, mild, yet ef-
fective. 2000, a bottle. So1d by 1i. A. Doad-
Asan addition to manure or com-
poet-heaps, snnpeuds arm excellent,
containing, as they do. not only She
alkalies of sena and potash, but al
a0 effete and uitrOg0n0lle matter, s0
very fertilizing in their properties.
Indeed, we might safely soy, that as
fertilizers the average soapsuds
from the laundry are worth more
than the soap from which they aro
Important News I(e11,,
CoostTow8."Airs, Campbell has been
troubledfor a number of years with Indi-
gestion and Constipation, and was induced
to try McGregor's Speedy Cure and found it
all that was needed. She would recommend
its use to any person similarly troubled."
This invaluable remedy is sold in every part
of Canada at Mete. and 81.00 per bottle.
Sold at Sohn Hargreaves 0 Co.'s drug store,
J. W. Bartlett, of Lambeth,
writes : When the young chicks are
about a week old take a sponge, dip
in coal oil, then squeeze dry and
sponge the under part of the lien
well; not allowing enough oil to re -
mitt in the sponge to blister the
akin of the hen or hurt the eyes of
the chick. This is the most effec-
tive method we know of getting rid
of lice, and almost all chicks have
Tho firatlilter of
=.a young sow
will never be a -large one, and four
or six pigs well fed and thrifty are
more profitable tha}1 a,greater num-
Ler. As the sow has not yet made
her full growth the pigs should be
taught to eat as early as possible,
to diminish the demand on her for
nutriment. They should be taken
oil when aim weeks old and fed by
themselves, though ono or two of
Now is the tithe when the man
who keeps Mena bogies to be viewed
Wilif intenee a'n7:iety by his neigh-
bors who have gardens. •
Popularity is it thing that is vary
seldom found by those who so111011
for it persistently, and coules often-
er from accident than design.
11II{.D. Anson, 21 Adelaide Street West,
Toronto, writes:—"For a long tone I have
been troubled with adisordered Stomach,
and at last i got so bad that I was com-
pelled to quit work, and for days I mild
neither eat mor sleep, and the pain in my
head wag Meet intense, I was induced to
try a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bit-
ters. After taking three dozes I was al-
most completely restored to health. My
appetite (tame beak; the reeking headache
was gone, and I never slept sounder in my
A New York paper says there is
considerable bustle in the dry goods
market, but then there always is
when the ladies go shopping.
Remember that the stuff you drink,
Upon the outside ahem,
So always let your intellect
Shine brighter than your nose.
Raldste e, Tian Hair, .Cc.
Those who aro bald, who Move gray or thin
hair, or who are troubled with dandruff
should invest in a bottle of Ur. Dorenwond'e
'Heir Slagle.' IO is the anent preparation
for the hair and scalp now in use. 1t Is rap •
idly euperoo(Itug all other bair tonics,- It
atolls falling, rostorogg the original color to
gray hair a urs nor baldness, where thorn are
the slightest possible roots, it will produce a
anegrowth of hair. Do not wait until too
late but get is bottle at once. G. A. Dead -
titan and J. Hargreaves & Co., Agents, Brae -
Now Jersey Wife—John, I'd like
some word split right a gay. New
Jersey Husband—Can't do it for ten
minutia. I haven't driven the mos
(init066 down to water vet,
If it takes a boy 231 minutes to
cot three titmice of wood to geb sup.
per by, hely long will it take hitn.
next morning to wall( three 011188 111
the country to meet a circus coming
to town.
A Profitable Lire.
Pow moss have aoeompliehed the nine
amount of work and good In this world as
the aolebratod Dr. Chase. Over 50,000 of hie
works have boon soidin Canada alone. Wo
want ovary person troubled with Liver
morbus, pains in stomach nr halve's, crump, Coulplalnt,Dyspepei0, Readaohe,Kldasy or
colic, chills or summer complaint. 550, All Urinary Troubles, 10 call ni at rourdruggiet
and buy a bottle of Or.Ohooe'I. Liver (lure,
it will cure you. Medicine and ReelpeBook
'Another advance ho shoe leather,'
as the young fellow said when he
saw bor old man's foot approaching
for a second luck, when the first oue
had sent him down the front steps.
When a man complained about It
hotel with no means of escape in
case of fire. Popkine said be didn't
Dare for means to get out of a hotel.
What be needed was means for stay-
ing there.
No work, however menial, can
make au hottest poor man lose his
self respect. Do whatever ,von eau
get to do, and do it eo well that
your employer will see that you are
fit for something better, and the time
is not far off when you will begin to
leviable but Instantaneous.
All pains or aches will be ibstantly remov-
ed by a few drope of Fluid Lightning applied
over am affected parte. No time lost; no
nauseous medicines needed• no poulticing
or tieing greasy liniments. It will not blister
or discolor the skin. Sold at 200, per bottle
by Jno.Hargreavee dr Co., Druggists. Suffer.
ora from Neuralgia assure us that they never
four it when their house contains a bottle of
fluid Lightning.
A wise elan will never rust out.
As long as he can moire and breath
he will be doing for himself, hie
neighbour, and for posterity. Who
is old ? Not the man of energy, not
the daylaboror in science, art, or
benevolence, but lie only who Buf-
fers his energies to lay dormant.
An act to amend—sewing on but-
Man is 00 per cent. %titter and
yet the prohibitionists are not eatia-
Many men are said to make fools
of themselves when nature is really
the responsible party.
Thoueande owe their recovery from
Rheumatism to West's World's Wonder or
Family Liniment. It is oonoeded every -
whereto be the best known remedy for
Rheumatism ,flute , Bruises, Sprains, Burns,
Scalds, Ulla all diseases requiring external
application. Prior 20 Dente and 00 °ante per
bottle. Bold by all druggists.
Queer—is it not ?—'Chat baeoball
should depend very much upon the
pitcher, and cricket upon the bowl.
Why do some old maids resemble
letters ? Because mails (males)
won't take them without stamps.
A married man remarlte that the
principal difference between a man's
hat and a woman's bonnet is about
Salt Rheums Cured.
McGregor & Parka's 0arboli0 Comte hoe
been tried and found to tie the only positive
cure for Balk Rheum, Pimples, Blotches on
face or hands, Outs, Burns,' Bruises, or 0uy
Sore that nothing else will Beal. Be pure
and got the genuine, made by McGregor &
Parke. Price lac. Sold at Hargreaves Drug
Nine•tentlle of the blind men in
poor houses are bachelors. They
probably lost their sight trying to
thread needles.
The man who doesn't care what
people think of him must not be
surprised to find that they don't
think anything of lying.
Mct„regor'g Lung Compound.
Haveou a bad 00141, a Chronic L3oaroe.
noes, a feeling of Llgrltneso in the Chest,
Weak Lungs, or any similar complaint? If
00,bnyabottle of MoGregor'e Lung Com-
p0gnd at once, It w111 erre you. It con-
tains entirely now apecioa, of which one
dos, in mere effectual than a whole bottle
Of the old time remedies, It le mut tip_ in
p00. and $1.00 bottles, field by John Ear-
roa1ee R Co., druggists, nrueoele. Try 1t,
and you will never have reae50 to aomplaln.
J'Ne11ow slaves," began an orator
the weaklings may bo left a couple at a labor meeting In Buffalo; and
of weeks longer. With this -help ; sad then he stopped, "Go ahead,"
the litter will make a more even lot ' cried a voice in the audience ; most
of shoats. of us are married."
Tho maintenance of a healthy state of
the system is the surest protection against
disease ; experience has shown that by the
use of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipa-
tion Bitters a perfect state of health can
be assured. It frees the system from all
impnritios,cleanses and purifies the blood.
For solo by all Druggists at 50 cents to
"Imported Sherry" retailing for
Sfi a bottle is made In New York at
a cost of 02 cents per quart. Tho I received with sorrow the sad intolli-
sing LOW, wo will have the sermon
Bret and slug afterwards." Smiles;
on the part of the congregation were.
very- nearly audible.
A boy paid his first visit to a
Ward 8011001 the other day as a
scholar, and when he 011108 Homo at
flight hie mother enquired, "Well,
Henry, how do you like going to
suhootl ?" "Pirst•rate," he replied
in au excited v0i010. "1 sew four
Wye get Belted, one got his ear pull•
ed, and a big scholia bunt his elbow
on the stove. I don't wail't to mise
a day.
Not 1r 1100k Agent.
Afr. Bondman, Druggist, .is nob a book
agent, but has the agency in brussels for
JohnsoII a Tonto Bitters, Which 110 can
heortily r000mutond for any ormplaiut to
wliioh a tonic medicine is appltoabto. 'Phis
valuable medicine has been used with moat
astonishingly good results in oases of goner.
al dotlilitp, weakness, irregularities peculiar
to !omelet, extreme paleness, impovertsh-
troublos,loes of aint of the ppetiod, te,oand for that acli and egen-
eral wore -out feeling that nearly every one
is troubled with at some part of the year.
Don't forgot the minis, Jobnsou's Tonle
Bi1tors,00o.und 911 or bottle at Doadman's
drug store, Brussels.
Show us a man who always keeps
hie subscription paid up and we will
show you a man who will intik mus-
ic from a harp in the eternal sum-
mer land of song We are not the
author of this beautiful expression
but we admire the sentiment. While
the beautiful therein is not destroyed
the hard -pan facts are brought
prominently ort, but if only tboee
who fill the bill in the first two hues
get the chance to pick music hi the
eternal summer laud of song, the
inhabitants from 801110 loonlitiee we
could name will 110 comparatively
3011100 up there.
"I want to be au angel," singe the
maiden in the choir ; rho pines for
wings end thinks she'd like to twang
to golden lyre. But if sho'd note the
customs of maidone of today. She'd
surely see that angels would never
dross that way. For instance, take
the bustles, such an yon will daily
meet ; now, would't they look queer
if worn upon the golden street? And
Saratoga waves and hangs, and false
teeth and blondine ; an angel, girls,
with such affairs would surely neer
bo seen. So girth, if you're in ear.
nest you see you started wrong ;
and if you're not, why don't yon
quit, and sing some other song.
The following rosolutioca of eon-
dolenco were passed at the North
Huron Teachers' Instituto :
Itloved by J. H. Thompson, sec
ouded by J. C. Linklator, that we,
the officers and. members of the
North Huron Teachers' Association,
desire to express our deep Borrow
with which wo learned of the death
of our late fellow tencbor, Edward
Slemmol, awl we hereby exproos
our sympathy for the bereaved par-
.loved by J. W. King, seconded
by W. G. Duff, that the Association
man who wants what be pays for
will drink buttermilk.
"Speaking about the artist who
painted 11'utt e0 naturally, that the
birds came and pecked at it," said
the flat reporter, "I drew a hen that
wag so true to life that after the sago
threw it into the waste basket it
laid there.
6TfATP0111t, Aug.a 'es,
have mob pleesure in re-
oommonding your Dr. Jug's Afed-
ioine and Pills. As for the latter
I eon et robgly recommend thorn,
For tho last eve weeks I bare
been suffering from a severe pain
In my right ride and have fount
the Pills a most effectual remedy
when other remYouedriestrulyhayo,
fail act.
Sold by G. A. Doadman, Brussels.
You can't convince a young man
whose best girl hasjust paid "yes"
that this country is going to wreak
and ruin, and you can't convince a officers and members of the North
young min whose best girl has pet Huron Toaahere' Association desire
said "no" that this country is worth to express the deep feeling of sorrow
A wog, trying to annoy a popular
preachor, asked him If the fatted
calf in the Scripture parable was a
male or fetnale. Preacher (looking
squarely in his face)—Why a female
to be sure ; I see the male is yet
alive in the flesh l
Mr. R. Walker, of Waterford, says :—
"Dyspepsia has been my wife's trouble for
a long time past, and she has suffered
greatly with it ; but, thanks to Dr. Car.
son's Stomach Bitters, site is completely
cured. It anted very nicely, and did not
nialfen or,grlpe her while taking it. If
people only know about the Carson Stout.
ash Bitters there would not bo so mush A sturgeon . measuring G feet
suffering in the world." inches in length and weighing 108 •
When a young man stays and in• lbs, was -naught in the river Trent
sista on sitting up with 8 young lady by a Bellevillefisherman.
until after 12 o'clock, the father of W. J. Laing sowed =the farm of
the young lady should present him David Watt, lot 15, con. 10, Pus -
with au axe, show him the way to linen, G:, scree of peas in one hour
the wood pile, and tell him to split and twenty minutes.
wood till breakfast is ready.
'3Ltt 0 0 .'
genco of the death of Hiss Kato 1\Ic-
Ewen, aur late follow teacher, and
that the condolence and sympathy
of the Association be tendered the
parents and relatives in their sad
Moved. by D. 131.'lialloch, second-
ed by J. W. King, that it was with
the deepest sorrow that we learned
of tllo death of our late fellow teach-
er, mhos Laura Cagey, and we de-
sire to extend to her sorrowing rel-
atives our warmest sympathy in
their hour of trial and affliction. Her
many excellent qualities of both
heed and heart had 'endeared her to
a wide circle of friends, who, will
sadly miss her kindly words of
sympathy and advice.
Moved by W. B. Groves, second-
ed by A. M. Burchill, that wo, the
with which we learned of the death
of our late follow teacher, Thomas
W. Sloan, nor can w0 permit this
occasion to pass ivithuut bearing our
testimony to his many virtues -both
in his public capacity as a teacher
and in his private lite as a citizen.
We feel that the parents have .oat it
good and loving son, the teachers
an earnest, talented and kind heart-
ed friend and co -laborer, and the
state has lost ono who would. have
been a useful and influential mem-
ber of society.
Absent mindedness on the part of
a Bridgeport clergyman caused him
to give out a hymn dust as one had
been already sung. He crept out of
it by saying—"No, we don't want is
W. J. Shaw, of Brantford, has
distributed 31,000 speckled trout fry
amongst a number of private ponds
in that city. The youngsters wore
obtained from the Government fish
hatchery at Newcastle..
Steady Employment to Good Men.
None need be Idle. Previous
Experience not essential.
We flay either Saltary or Com-
100 En Wanted
To Canvas for the Sale of Can-
adian grown Nursery Stoclf,
The 1?t►altltiil Nurseries,
Largest in Canada,
O('e)' 400 :trees.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class References, and
want to work. No room for lazy
men, but can employ any num-
ber of energetic men who want
Stone & Wellington,
\T411.311511 (' 1 ,
• Toronto, Ont.
Practical Watchmaker (C.Icwelter
Thanking the Public for past favors and
support and wishing still to swore your
patronage. We are opening out full linos
Gold dnd1ilver Watchet.
Silver Plated Ware from established
and reliable makers, fully warranted by
Clocks of the lutes designs.
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem Rings,
Borings, che.
Also have in stock a fall lino of Violins
and Violin Strings, Pipes, the.
r N.B.—Isstier of Marriage Licenses
Bargains !
T. Fletcher.
Bargains !
in Plows, Steel Plarrows, Seed
Drills, Bain Wagons, Buggies,
Organs, Sewing Machines, Sulky
Plows, one four • spring Wagon,
one 1 horse Wagon, and one sec-
ond Manes Lumber Wagon.
Land Rollers for $25,
best in tho market. Three kinds
of Scufilers, Port Perry Grinder
and horse Powers,
Clothes Wringers,
(J'llnrn3, alld ANYTHING YOU MAY
Goon Love.
A nice assortment of Baby Car-
riages 011 Exhibition at II,
Dennis', Where you can
also got a
Splendid Trunk,
Handy Valise,
or Satchel at a Low Price.
Full lines of Light and Heavy
MAL% 741664
Whips, Combs, Brushes, &c. in
We Lead lint. Never Follow.
Snrpn of Biy Scotch Co\li fO..
MAY 27, 1887.
Dn,0.1S, Wtte'r'o Nerve and prate 1'reat-
niosut,a g001100teed Sp eciae for tl yatw•la,
Dlzziness,llonvu101one, rite, Nervous, Neu-
ralgia, Headaeh o ,Survey 0 Proelratiuu pans.
ed by tho lieu of alcohol or tobacco, Wake.
fulnoas,Men nal Depression, Softening of the
Brain remitting in Hamel ty, loading to inN.
ary,doouy anti death, Prematlue 01d Ago,
13arenese,Loso of Power hi either ass, In.
wluntarr Lenses and Tape rluutnrrbLea 0000.
oil by over-ux alto! 01 the Brain, salt -abuse
Or Over -Indulgence. )tach box eoutulsa One
mouth's treatment, e1 it box or six boxes
for $5, sant by 11 tt,prepanl. on reoetpt of
1'o cure any wow. With enol, ardor received
by usloraix bozos,aacompanied w1130 $0,
we will send the pure lms er Our written
guarantee to retu:l the money t the tree
1nentd000 Slot elleot ,l cure. Guarantees
issued by all druggists.
who are bate m' 1v110613 hair is Ude or gray,
or aro tronb'od with tin udruU,
Dr. Dor oluweIod'1
is the greatest tonic for strengthening tho
growth of the hair over discovered. It stops
all falling out of the hair, remove', all traces
of dandruff, restores gray hair to 10 original
color and in 011500 of bnldnosa. where the
roots are rat destroyed, it will produce a
luxuriant amp of hair.
!rake warning if your heir is in a feeble
state got a bottle at once before It into° late.
Dr. Dorenwoed's " BIDir 3Ligta,' 10 011 Salo at
all principal Drug Stores. Asst for 11 and rake
nothing nose.
G'. A. DEtn,LtN axe J. Iiennllsniro C Co.,
A. Doyon wend Solo Menu (enterer, Toronto ,
Canada. A, Doreuweed koeus tbo largest
Hair Goode establishment in Canada.
18 P1II:1'.tiuui •1'O 1101 111.1. ItINt,S 0P
Painting, Graining,
Glazing, Kalsouaining,
Paper Hanging, c^'c.
All work done Promptly and
at lloasonable Rates.
in every instance.
'Woolen Mill.
R. Forsyth & Son, formerly of
the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg
to inform the- Ii farmers in this vi-
cinity that they havo Now in Op-
eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth,
and hope that by adhering
to their old plan of making noth-
ing but Sound, Durable Goods
and trust that by so doing to,
meet a liberal patronage.
of all kinds promptly and care-
fully attended to.
The HxaIirsT Plum paid for
Wool in Hxchango for 'Tweeds,
Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etc.
44 Trial Solicited 1
Satisfaction Guaranteed !
R. Forsyth & Son..