The Brussels Post, 1887-5-20, Page 88 THE BRUSSELS POST Msy20, 1887
lir you wish to save your currant
l�l bushesan,l gooseberries from the
ct-j l av a ae of what is )mown as the
currant wotnr it would be well to call et
once and purc.brtse mottle of our
of wbieh we have just received fl£ty
pouud4. •
The !ties will Born be here and possibly
some of your pet birds or animals are
suffering from lice, therefore ib would be
advisable to buy a few ounces or a box of
our celebrated '
which is euro death to 'those pests.
A. Deadman,
Druggist, Bookseller&• Farley Coeds Dealer.
Wool ! Wool ! Wool !
1 am prepared to Buy, as us -
nal, this Season, Any Quantity of
- good Fleece Wool, for which 1
will pay the Seery Highest Price
in Cash. I''ttr'ners Will consult
their own interests by marketing
their wool at Brussels.
R. Graham,
00U11 EXT8N9IQN, W. 0. & 0. 0.
southrins leave Brussels Station, north and
6o1ne Sarth. tieing North.
7:02 a.m. I Mixed OW axe
9Srprer'......1140 a.m.. Mai. .............. 2:50 p.m
taxed ... .... .,..8:4s p.m. l Express 0 35 p.m
Total stbs gi.C1115.
A chiel's among ye takfn' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
• Finn ceasEns.
Bern is badly needed.
• Tins scents to bo a good year for baby
Tse watering, cart opened the season
on'Tuesday morning,
Fon new blinds, new curtains, new car-
pets, call ou A. B. Smith. 43.
ONE week from next Wednesday will
be the 1st day of June.
1(Ewasr designs iu curtains, blinds and
carpets at A. R. Smith's. 43 -
Tun Queen's Birthday will be observed
as a general holiday in Brussels.
Flung Wean had his band injured in
the "brake" ab the flax mill last week.
Rev. MB. LAW, of Belgrave, occupied
the nelpit of Melville church last Sunday.
5 Bens Dingman'° Electric Soap for
25ots et Thomson's. 41 -
Tun school hag been very thinly attend.
ed this week owing to the prevalence of
A. Berxt w, one of Mr. Savage's work -
ere, intends going to St, Paul, Minn., to
engage In hand work there,
Masers. Picas & Creme have had their
mammoth sign newly painted and letter-
ed. It is 8x32 feet.
LAST Sabbath Rev, J. L. Kerr preach-
ed at Cranbrook and Ethel for Rev, Mr.
McRae, Presbyterian minister.
Tip interesting story of "Little Lord
Fauntleroy," by Frances H. Burnett, is
on sale at Tuns POST Bookstore. Only
25 cents.
C000rnemr has been made about the
large number of young cattle running at
large in the village. Fences do not ap-
pear to be any hindrance to them. What
about the By-law ?
Tint persons who left Brussels on
Tuesday of last week for Sault Ste. Marie
did not get away from Owen Sound un-
til Saturday owing to the ice from the
northern lakes blocking the boats.
Teta public have never lost a cent by
dealing with us, nor never will. We will
Bell at cost as long as anyone does and
will be here to take care of our shoos.
Throe thousand pairs of boots in stook.
By the new time table, which came in-
to effect this week, the morning accom-
modation leaves Brussels at 9:30 o'clock
instead of 10:25. The other trains run
on the old time except the evening ac-
commodation which restates here at 8:45,
Iee Oman Socosn,—Tho choir of the
Methodist *arch intend giving an foe
cream social in the church on the evening
of the Queen's Birthday. After refresh.
menta have been served an interesting
.program of readings, recitations and vocal
and inatrumoetal music will be given.
All are welcome.
DznrcATgn to the proprietor or the
'!ted Store" :
Now set the bells a•ringing
And fire off your guns,
Turn your trunapets inside out
And bang your biggest guns.
14 anybody asks yon •
The canes of all this whirl
You tell them: Skene's the father
Of a, bouncing baby girl.
"Gnu's" Plummet Pram..—Grip, Can•
ada'eComicPaper, has just issued te very
fine lithographed group of Reform Polite -
pians in Cattail. 'Tie is a companion
group to the Conservative Leaders iaeued
from the sante Office last year, and le the
same size, 1846 inohes. When framed
the pair make a handsome ornament for
any library, dining -room or reading.
room. She poitraite are we]] executed,
and the plates are a credit to Canadian
enterprise. ',they are sold separately for
25 cents eath, or a copy of either plate is
soot free to an one paying $2 for one
year in advance to Grip, or subscribers
sending 31.10 will receive (trip for gist
months and their choice cif ei thor Reform
or Conservative groups, Address, (trip,
Toronto, tint.
Go to a good for goad boots. NY48-
Aone wanting a house see People's
column. 413.
Wasw about a cricket match, or game
of hams ball on the 24th?
4 nue. Chole clean Raisins for 25ote. at
Thomson's Grocery Store, 41-
Tett Goderiob Star of last weeksaye:—
Mr. Wilson, of the Brueoele foundry, was
in town last week ordering a oar load of
Is the Brussels Caledouien Society
dead 7 If not it is about time it was
moving in the matter of games mut sports
for this year.
SrsoT.torxO found. The owner can have
them by proving property and paying foe
thio notice by calling at Tint Pose Pub.
fishing House,
Tin; Directors of the Maitland Skating
and Curling Rink shonld have the necess-
ary work done in straightening up the
north side of the building.
Tan election expenses of the respective
parliamentary eaudidates in East Huron
are published as follows : Thomas Far-
row, 479.25 ; Dr. Macdonald. $237.62,
Tete great event of the Queen's Jubilee
will be the Jubilee Number of the Mont-
real Star, a onperbly illustrated paper, of
twenty.eight pages and two artistic plate
supplements. Those who have seen the
advance copies say it is magnificent.
Something that everybody will went and
few can get. It is to be sent by mail for
2bote. Graham et Co., Montreal, ars the
STIMETLoAr.n0c—CO3llplainte are some-
times made by ladies, who have been
passing street corners in the evenings,
that they were obliged to overhear the
grossly vulgar conversation of street-loab
ere. This nuisance should be abated. An
exchange speaking of the nuisance Ilas
the following which world apply in some
respects to Brussels : "Wanted, about
seventy young men of all shades and
sizes, from the tall graceful young dandy,
with a baseball moustache (nine hairs on
each side) down to the little clump-baok-
ed, carrot -headed, woasel•eyed up -start.
The object i8 to form a gaping corps to
be in ottani/mute at the street corners
each Sunday during summer, before and
after divine service to stare at the females
ate they pass, and to make delicate and
gentle manly remarks on their person
and dress. A11 who wish to enlist iu the
above corps will appear at the various
street corners on Sunday, both morning
and evening, when they will be duly in-
spected, and their names, personal ap-
pearance, and quality of brains registered
in a, book kept for that purpose and to be
published. To prevent a general rush, it
will be well to state that none will en-
list possessing intellectual capacity su-
perior to that of a well-bred donkey."
Txaawro Aconorge.—Tuesday morning
of this week 3, J. Gilpin received a tele-
gram that his cousin, T. R. Gilpin, of
Howiek township, near Gerrie, was dead.
He and Mrs. Gilpin went out on Tuesday
afternoon and learned the following par-
ticulars of the sad occurrence :—The de-
ceased had been over to another farm he
owns on Monday and was returning home
in the evening with bis boys. There was
no box on the wagon but a few boards
thrown loosely on the bolsters as is very
common with farmers at this season of
the year. Jno. Young got on the wagon
for e. ride and when lee jumped off the
weight of one of the boys on the back end
of the wagon throw the plank up at the
front of the wagon and frightened the
team which soon became uncontrollable.
The deceased was thrown forward and
his head caught in the hounds of the
wagon and in this position he was dragged
for about half a mile. One side of his
head was literally torn off and his body
wee terribly mangled, The neighbors
gathered fragments of flesh up on the
road. The funeral took place on Wednes-
day at 2 o'clook p.m. The deceased was
well known and was a very successful
farmer, Ho was just commencing the
erection of a new brisk residence on his
farm. A wife and eight children ate left
to mourn his untimely end.
PERM:MS.—James Thomson, of Keith,
Scotland, is visitingwithhie brother, Geo.
Thomson, grocer and baker, of this place.
—Mies Lizzie Boss is home from St.
Johns.—T. Pletcher and Reggie visited
the Queen city last week and spent a few
day's there.—Wm. Vanstono is not getting
very good health thie spring. We hope
the dna weather will help him.—A. Bruce's
eldest brother and his son were badly in-
jured last week by a team attached to a
drill running over them. They live near
Glenallan, Wellington Co.—A. M. Kay,
of Goderioh, was in town for a few days
this week visiting friends.—Jas. Stretton
jr. has been nursing a sore finger, made
so by the bite of a horse.—Iefrs. Jae, How•
lett, of Harriston, was visiting her sister,
Mrs. S. Fear, last week. We are pleased
to state that Mr. Fear hasulled through
his recent illness and is able to be about
again.—Elisha Armstrong, who has been
in the store of Wm. Nightingale .9 Co. for
several years, has accepted of a situation
in the general store of Jas. Timmins,
Bluevale.--Thos. Gibson, 11, P. P„ was
intown for a short time on Friday of last'
week.—Jno, Wilson, wife and daughter,
of Oxford Co., and Wm. Pelton, of Lis-
towel, were visiting at R. G. Wilson's
(hie week.—J. W. Shaw went to Cooks-
town last Friday and remained there un-
til his sister died.—Thos. Roe, of Virden,
Man., is enjoying e. visit with relations in
this locality.—Mrs. Chas. Holland has
gone on a visit to her sister at Port Hur-
on tide week.—Mrs. Thos. Watson, of
Harriston, is renewing old acquaintances
in and around Brussels.—D. M. Mailoob,
Public School Inspector, was in town
this week.—Miss Sayers, teecher in No.
2 department, was on thesiok list part of
tide week.—Wm. Laird, of Teesweter,
was in town last Sunday,—Geo. Martin
is back from Philadelphia and will eon -
thine his studies: with Ms • brother, our L.
1). S„ until college re -opens in the fall —
Joeoph Hugon midwife, of Hanover, spent
a week visiting at ,Wm. Roddick's,—
Among the strangers attending the fun-
eral of the late Miss Shaw we noticed W.
Shaw, of St. Marys ; Dr. bud Mee, Sloan
and Mise Sloan, and Dirs. ' Curtis, of
Blyth ; Jno. McKnight, of (Minket 1 Jno.
Jefforeon and wife, and S.' Bennett and
Wife, of Seaforth ; A. ilxurcfook; /lengail.
—3, W. IvtcOutcheon, of Wingbam, wag
in town this week vieitingltiasoie.—hoot.
Armstrong wont to Striateicl o6 T•huee•
day to set the wheel for tho electric light
apparattne.—ii. le, Wade is laic! up With
au n.ataok of inilannnatnry ncenniittism,
To tenon it Mar Coltaxnu.—J. WV Pear
attendance t A. C n• a$
will bo ina M. M 1e
CO's store to raonive eottloinent for Out.
standing accounts due the firm of Grant
.k Co and give receipts for the same.
YOU MAY ExrnoT the =steal mosquito,
—Strawberries and orearn,-1 ire emelt-
ore.--Broad-leafed hats, parasols, dusters,
&Co, to 001110 into common use,•—The
ladies' Irene to run opposition to the
preacher on the Sabbath,—The boys to
go baok on the girls, It costa something
to "spoon" in the summer time,—A. Polies
Magistrate will soon bo appointed for
lluron Co.—Swimming to become popular
among the small fry and their some of
them sit in the son, with their hats off,
until their hair gets dry before venturing
home.—A quiet day in Brussels on the
2413h.—The festive Ay and the bald-head-
ed individual to forma oo-partnership.—
That people will soon tiro of rhubarb, An
exchange describes it as bridging over the
hiatus between the last of the preserves
and the first of the small fruit, --To find
old shoes, empty cans, &o. in your yard,
for your neighbor le Gleaning up, yott
know -,—That J. G. Skene will get higher
heels put on his boots. See birth notice.
Oerr.—About the let of last April,
Maggie J., second daughter of Jno. Shaw,
Principal of Brussels Public School, went
to Cookstown, near Barrie, to take charge
of the millinery department of Thos.
Elliott's store, this being her seoond seas-
on there. Miss Shaw worked until Sat-
urday evening, 7th inst., and although
complaining a little of headache nothing
serious was thought of it. On Sunday
morning following, Mrs. Elliott fancied
she heard someone moaning and on going
to the room of the deceased she asked
about her headache and said she would
go down stairs and make a cup of tea for
her. Sho goon returned but to her sur-
prise and sorrow found Maggie in con-
vulsions. A physician was summoned
but despite his best efforte etre lay for
nine days in an unoouseious state, during
which tine in her deleriumshe lived over
the scenes of the past and talked inoses-
antly of her work and leer home and
friends in Brussels. Mrs. Shaw went to
Cookstown on the Monday following her
taking ill and waited by her daughter's
bedside, but nothing could be done and
the vital spark fled on Monday last, about
noon, and acute mengengitis had claimed
onefull of life and bidding fair to live for
many years as its prey. The corpse was
brought to Brussels via Cardwell Junc-
tion, Orangeville, Harriston and Palmer-
ston on Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs.
Shaw and her son, J. W., and the inter-
ment took-plaoe on Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Shaw says the attention paid by Mr,
and Mrs. Elliott and frieutle at Cooks-
town was unremitting and if the deceas-
ed had been their own daughter she could
not have been more tenderly cared for.
The one regret of Maggie's Bruseels
friends was that she was too far away for
them to prove their willingness to do all
they could to relieve her eufferinge. The
deoseaed was a general favorite with all
who knew her and she always made
friends wherever she went. The sorrow•
ing relations know, without any formal
expression, that they have the sympathy
of the entire community iu their sudden
and severe bereavement.
JAcxsoN.—In Morris, on the 9th inst., the
wife of Mr. Peter Jackson of a sou.
hoes.—In Brussels, on the 14th inst., the
wife of Mr. D. C. Ross of a daughter.
Smelt—In Brussels, on the 15th inst.,
the wife of Mr. .J. G, Skoue of a
Gamer,—In Brussels, on the 19th inst.,
the wife of Mr. Albert V. II. i'. Gerry
of a daughter.
BALL,—In Seaforth, on the 13th inst„
the wife of Mr. G. L. Ball, L. 1), 2.,
of e. daughter.
PABn—OnuttENTo.—In Hamilton, at the
residence of the bride's sister, by
Bev. Mr. Plannet, Mr. David J.
Park, of Carlisle, Dakota, to Mise
Barbara Clements, of Dakota, form-
erly of Brussels.
Groomes —In Howiok, on Monday, May
16th, T. 11. Gilpin, aged 60 years.
MoGxr,a —In Blyth, on the 17th inst.,
Boyd Hartly, infant son of R. J.
McGill, aged ten months and 21
Snaw.—In Cookstown, Oiet., on the 16th
inst., Maggie J., second daughter of
Jno. Shaw, Principal Brussels Public
School, aged 21 years and 7 months.
-A.'ePCTTOleT ,^oAS.a-
SATOnnAY, MAY 21sT,—Farm stock, im-
plements and household furniture, on lot
Si 29, oon. 6, Morris. Salo to commence
at 1 o'clock. Geo. Armstrong, prop., A.
Delgatty, aunt.
221=A'70113393S $ MARSi�"S'R.
001mECTEx 0050ruLLY MAT %Max,
White Pall Wheat 80
Red Winter 80
Spring Wheat 60
Barley 40
Oats 28
Peas ,,.. 48
Butter, tubs and rolls—. -. 12
Eggs per dozen 10
Fleur per barrel 4 00
Potatoes 65
Hay per ton
10 00
Hides per lb ........... , 5}
Salt per bbl., wholesale... , 60
Sheep skins, each., ...... 50
Wool, per lb. 19
11 00
1 00
0.c oT,ly at' un Poar Publishing Bouae,
OWNED 11086'0 to intimate to the pub -
lie generally that they hive formed a 00.
Partneishin for the Mayor) 01 carrying on
Carriage, sign and Ornamental Painting`
and Oreprorated to attend to the *mita of.
the publlconurost rbitsonablo torics, Mr.
Bola having hod oxpsrlonee Insame ofthe
beet shops in Toronto and both being nram-
tioalNoremmnwe guarantee to give satis-
faction, • 'Bsbirnatee and terms ebosrfoily
-furnished. Shop An the old Pete Publish.
)ng.Aonse, Meg street, 7lraaaele. •
81112:17 k ltOWB,
iiouo the Hats and BOrtmet$ ROW Out of „fz, .Za • Smith's &DM f/1i,s
Last T3'eelz,
&i1 hands Daey waiting on the eager and =Zing throng.
Why Snell a Business? What is it coming to ? Surely the Whole Millinery Tracie is Coining to Us :'
Simply this, we have a
and loav'e kept lien this last lire Seasons, and also Right Goods at Right Prices, have clone their work.
Everything First -Class around A. R. Smith's Establishment,
A. R. Smith's Business has Been Over Eight Years in Existence and
he is not ashamed of his Record, as his has been the Live
and Progressive Store right along since
starting business.
A, R. is bound to Keep Up his Reputation for
Having New, Cheap and Ctylish Goods,
A. R. Smith.
LOT to Let, well fenced, cellar, abed°
trees, pleasant neighborhood. 83.00 per
_. J. B. GRANT.
A few splendid, Improved farms for
Wein the township el Oro Morris and
24010llop. Apply to A. DELGATT1, Co,
Auetloneer,Brussols P. 0.
l.7 of the undersigned lot 28, eons, Gray,
on or about the 5th of undersigned, two ewes and
two lambs. The owner is requested to prove
property'Pay expenses and take them
away. B0131'. 010510, 45.4"
May Sth, It is gold on one side and
enamel on the other, has the words 'In
memory of" on the latter side. There ie a
hiteoess In it, The finder will greatly oblige
by leaving it at Tun PORT Publishing House
at aloe, where they will be suitably re-
warded. 40.
The Court of Revision for the Township of
Morris for the year 18877 w111 bo hold at the
Town Hall on Monday May 38th. All parties
Interested will paean° take notice and gov-
ernthemselves accordingly.
Morris, May 4th, 1887. 43-2 Clerk,
sOarnEa otters for sale hie valuable 100
mere faro:, being lot 0, aon, 10, Grey, and
situated 13 miles from Brussels. The place
will be sold with or without the crop and on
easy terms Porsesnon will be given at any
time. For further particulars as to price,
tonne, &c., apply to the proprietor ou the
premium/. 16. MoliAIIGIITON.
08.50' Brussels P.O.
Royal Mail Steantslta(is.
SUIoinitA1IBANG'PML"NT. 087,
• SASx+TN'CabS-
Fn5MLIVE1trO0T OTnA11ER. Aron 5utna0,
April 001111.,,,. ......... Parisian DIV 10th
Mny 0311 Sarmatian May 20th
Mayllitb ;Circassian June 3rd
May 10th Sardinian June 9th
May 27th ;Polynesian ....lune 17th
June 2nd Parisian Juno 93rd
June Oth Sarmatian...... June 30th
June 17th t Circassian July 8th
;Use 53td Sardinian July 14th
July lea 1Polynerien July 22nd
July 7th Parisian July, Seth
July 14th - Sarmatian Aug. lith
Jniy22nd 1 Otboaesltvl Aug 1261a
July 2861 Sardinian.... Aug. 18tH
Aug. 4th i Polynesian,..... Aug, Vieth
An. Parisian .,,.Sept. list
1 Sabra Steamore. 'Tho Steamers above
named do not carry nettle, sheep or pigs.
Steerage Passengers are :booked to and
from London, Queohston, Dairy, Bblfast and
Glasg8ow at same rata) at Liverpool,
Retest)! paeoago b y theAfail Steamertirom
Quebec to Londonderry and Llteeepool :—
OabIn-e$50,870 and 880, Return—$118,
8130 and 4150. Ihtermediate-$00, return
sdie.. Steerage -530, return, $40,
The fast train connecting at Queboo with
the Mail Steam ors sailing from that pork on
the Thursday, leaves Toronto on the .Wed•
nesday morning, The last train- conneetinq
with tho extra Steamers sailing on the Fri-
day,loaves Toronto on theTherailay morn-
ing. Per tickets and every information np-
1,ly 10
undersigned will boop on lot1, eon. 1t
Groy.Red Hero 71,' a Sue young thee' -bred
Durunm boll for service, Terms-81,00,watt
privilege of returning, if necessary, DUN.
CAN MeL AOCHLIN, Proprietor. 50.8•
FFA NORTH 84 CO 1309 Chestnut
. , Strout,Phila•
dolphin, Pe., keep Everything 3a the Mus-
ical Line. Sheet Mete, Mune Books. A11
tho Benign and American Editions. Pianos
and Organs, by the best known makers,
sold on !that'll terms, Catalogues gent on
application. Mention tble paper,
dersigoed offers his excellent 100 sore
farm. being North a 1 of 28, Con. 5. 111'orrle,
for sale. There are about 00 mares Wonted,
the balance hardwood bush. The buildings
are ra good repslr,. i lmro fo an orchard,
swells rad all the ilessrary eoovsels an.
The farm is only 2 miles from Brussels and
it a good Ioiaely, There would be
given i Wheat in.
There aro 80 sores of
Fall Wheatln, bar further parblsolnrs es
to price, terms, fio., apply to the proprietor
on the paomfees,
lift WARD AVENliT,
35.01n+ Brussels P. 0.
2'ransact a General Ban Ion ci
Notes toband dlecouutetl.
Interest allowed on deposits repayable on
Prompt attoutiongiven to collootions,
TEae, d0. 04)oo iti Leckie% bleak
Brussel M
a. ono to
Y Ltren,
r T • Darrow &Proudfoot, Godorlob) go-
Convoys/mar, do, Oalee, Grant's
bleat, Brattish. Money to loan.
the Fourth Division Court, Co. Buren.
convoyaneer, Notary Public, Land, Loan
andT05urance Ageht. Fuede Invested and
Yo town. Oo,lootione mad°, OAllee 1n Gra-
hame 1l lobk, flruesble,
•. IR. • HUTOah1 sQN HAS RE •
JJ' moved his office to rooms over the
Poolollioe. 1t0eldenoti nn Mlll Strout,
CY r M. L.11, C.1', lldinburgb, PLyetolan,
Surgeon and deem/cher. °Moe,.hire, Shloi's
block, Ttunberry.Street,
M. F. OAJJE, 11,D, 0.141.
Member of the Collette of,P11ysielens Gild
Bur Dons of On taaio br exam inatdon.-
Ofnee hod l.tosidene—yfafu St. Last, lOtltel
T. . ed•7.8-A.t.'r , .te.g'oia.t, ms'a.eeoie, Ontario,
1.1EN Txi`+TJ3 S'.
G. L,B•II.10. D.9 Boner Graduate and
101;10.0. D. g.. of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Prices graded nudes low
as good work eau be demo for.
011108 over Jelmuton's Bardware Store,
W.O.Fear,L,D E.Graduate ofTo-
ronto School of Dentistry, Ail oper-
atione guaranteed. Olaoo—Oedy'e
Bleak, Beaforth,
Artidslal teeth. S rstquallty, and
guaranteed flt,for $12.00 per sot.
71-201430It 410.
m7. .. 2ia:.A.Sv'TS1V-,
Boner Graduate of the Boyat. College
Dental Surgeons, Toronto, NvTnos Oxrm•,
Gas ndministored for the painwse 08tra0-
tiou of teeth.
OPPIOE.-6arlield 1000010, BE08SELfi.
• of Marriage Lioonsee. Office .,.t his
Grocery,Turnberry Street.
painter. Estimates cheerlain fullnd y furnished
Charges moderate.
Aa wimp Licenses, by appointment 01
Ltout..Goyernor, Oommieoloaer, fia., Q. B.
Conveyancer and Agent Eire Trimurti/0o Co,
canoe atthe Oranbrookiost Oiuoe.
• Accident and Loan Insurance Agent
for some of the best Midmost reltable Com•
parties in the Dominion. Otaeo Brick Warr-
aoofPurnborrystreet,near tho station.
• Graduatebbo Ontario Voterivar9
fiollogo has resumed the practice of John
Nott,.V.S„ and hi prepared to treat all d1s•
earee of dome/Wonted animalson aolenttg e
aridapprtved principles, Treatment of clel•
Mete foals a specialty Oglee two doors
North of Bridge,Turnberry sheet,
Teacher of Music. Vocal and Inst,
montalon Organ, Plano, or Guitar. Bar -
moor iesnppapupil.
Itbtorenee—Ladies of Loretto Academy
Guelph. Residence—No. 2, Terrace, /tenth
near etatfon.
Robert Cunningham
Guelph, Ontario.
13 Mot, tlianistai;
his Many customers for Thai
Uberal eupypett in the pas
wiebee to laform then/ that at,
hie $mole a block he keeps nothing
but iiret-clash Meats all kinds of 3bultry,
and Sensage erect Delivered •to ail parks a"
bhbtowb tree. Cash 01811 for .'Fab' Sboc