HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-5-20, Page 6enq erart a (0.iuinn.
In a recent letter to the preen tate
Bev. Newman hall rays :--We hoar
sad stories of evictions by owners
against their tenants. But evietioue
it hundred times more numerous are I
taking pleas all the year at our very
doors, Shivering women and stary i
ing chitdreu aro ruthlessly expelled
from Manse and home by a tyrant
that never relents, end is never sat.
isfiod, who one neither plead justi0s
nor necessity, and his name is A100•
hal. The late harbours, sanctions,
etimulntes this greatest of law break•
erg, and sends him forth equipped
from the arsenal law has establish.
ed, to clutch the rent that might
have saved the home ; to snatch the
loaf from the table, the dress from
the back ; to maim and trample on
the passer•b-y ; to wreck trains, sink
al'lips and fire houses ; to kick wom•
oil and torture children ; to crowd
the poorhouse and the prison ; 'to
be a seducer and a murderer ; to
brealt human hearts, and to send
tens of thousands of precious souls
every year iu a drunkard's grave.
All of which is sadly true. 1Ve
Qllllndiane read with n feeling of
horror rho reports of evictions that
come daily over the wires. One's
heart grows sick as he thinks of
=there and children hurried out
on the road, and their little home
burnt before their eyes, or toru down
to:lurep them from returning to it.
B: ihave we
no evictions s in On
fario ? Is there a township in the
Province in which whiskey has not
turned dozens of men off their
farms ? Is there a town, village or
pity in all Canada in which liquor
hal not turned scores of men out of
their homes ? Yes we have evio•
bops in Canada. More families
fieye boon evicted in Canada by li•
quor in twenty years than have
been evicted by landlords in Ireland
for the last century The vows•
Rapers do not record liquor evic•
Lions. They are going on all the
salne every day.
William O'Brien's Career.
William. O'Brien 'was born in
Mallow, County Cork, Ireland, on
October tad, 1852. He comes of a
family locally prominent in later
Irish revolutionary movements, his
father having taken part in the ex
citing events of '48, and his elder
brother being equally prominent iu
the Fenian uprising of 1867. Will-
iam O'Brien was educated at Cloyne
college, and following his natural
bent toward journalism he joined the
staff of the Freeman'a Journal in
1876. In 1879 he visited the west
of Ireland as the special commis•
siotler of that paper to investigate
the famine then raging there, and
by his graphic descriptions of the
destitution which he found he con•
tributed much to the relief of his
unfortunate people. Umtedlreland
was established in June, 1881, with
Q';Brien state head, as the organ of
the. National leaders. Chief Score.
tary Foster ordered its suppression
and imprisoned Editor O'Brien, and
fourteen members of the staff of the
paper to Kilmainham., jail, as sus
pecta. After his release Mr. O'Brien
renewed the war against the admin-
istration. He was elected to parlia
went from Mallow, and 'his course
in. the House of Commons was die•
tinguisbed by zeal and ability.
O'Brien is of medium height, thin
and studious looking. In disposi•
tion he is modest and retiring, al.
though regarded by Parnell as the
most scholarly man, and one of the
ablest debaters of the Irish party.
gtrarietiei ,
the boy tilittl'1 pants to keep
warm, the dog pants to keep cool.
What might be considered the
shortest way, to spell dog ?—K0.
Any one who'ie•quick 'at repartee
must necessarily have a great res.
pones ability.,
A Westernpaper says there are
some pretty tough nuts in the army.
Poes it refer to the kernels ?
Tsai' at the tailors' convention
'whore the delegate arose and said
that what the country wanted was
measures and not men.
Wife :. Gh dear. l I've been eating
onions, and there wines our mi.aie-
'ter: Husband : Never mind, dear ;
you needn't kiss him today,
. Charles Read° says that all child -
wen allauld be taught to have pre-
' eine of mind, but haven't they got
it? '3atch a bpy in rho sugar box
ant xso't lie looking for flies ?
l`lefv York Jotirnal'having said
of a poliileal "patty that .it cannot
stand still,' 0 l)otroil contemporary
Wickedly responds ; 'That's so; but
We notice that it liea still,
''l utl,uty,' said 0 )Mother to her 7•
veer old boy, you 'telt not iuter•
rapt mo when 1 nut talidllg with
laalps. You must wait, cot tv'• stop,.
aid then you eau talk, Jut you
never stop, retorted Zile boy
How surprised you would be,
Pow wouldn't you, If all the people
you n4,15)31 while you were nw,1y. to
COMP and visit you were to take you
at y'uttr word? And W7ul)lu't you
be pleased ?
!Aurelia, darling.' Yes, Aaiun'.
'You lin try we aro Awn a to gat 1051'
tied' Yes. Aid we sltonid learn
to bo economical lu email thiugs.
Yes. •Eladu't you better tem down
the gas '
Excuse me, deare't, iia said, die.
ontangliug himself. Then he stalked
til 'ho relg„ „f the 031!,) 3331'41.3 rl nil
fiercely domait(led : Buy. what are
you luikiug about the frout gate for
at this tune o' night? "Moruirl'
paper sir ?" •
805110 (me has dieoovore3 that It 1
•mala outwit bray if /t brick be tied
to its tail., 7t is extremely doubt
ful if a man who undertakes to
make the combination can do much
braying or broa hitt,; cltb0r aborti
ten mrutlbe$ later.
Visitor—You look very inrush like
your pa. Juhuuy—do you think ter?
Vi,itot—You take sitar him very
much. You have got his hair.
Jobnuy—Tain't nes what takes after
pa and gets his hair. It's ma wLo
does that whec he comes h'eme
'Sir' said the Customs officer to
the tourist, I thought )to old
mo you bad nothing bat your per-
sonal wearing apparel in the trunk?'
So I did. Well how do yon account
for tho presence of a dos bottles of
brandy? Oh, that's all right. Tliey
are night-caps.
Lawyer ,to timid young woman)
Have you ever appeared, as a wit-
ness in a suit before. Youug woman
(blushing) Y -yes, air, of course.
Lawyer—Please state to the jury
just what snit it was. Young wo
man (with more confidence)—'It
was a nun's veiling, shirred down
the front and trimmed with a lovely
blue, with hitt to match—Judge (rap-
ptng violently)—Order in the court.
Waiter girl (to commercial travel
er)—'There's roast beef and roast
duck.' Commercial traveler—.Can-
yam-back duck?' Waiter girl—Yes.
Commercial traveler (facetionsly)—
Is it shirred down the'irolt, with
law cuffs turned back over the
sleeves, Mary 2 Waiter girl—The
same. Commercial traveler—I will
try some of it, I guess. Waiter girl
—Very well, sir ; will you have it
'with or without ?' Commercial
traveler—With or without what?
Waiter girl—"Buttons."
Jones was Convinced.— Jones was
at a dinner the other day where
there were thirteen at the table,
said Brown to Its wife, and he says
he is convinced there is truth in the
superstition. I went to visit him
to -day and found flim in a, sad
plight. Why, %that happened him?
asked Mrs. Brown.' His mother-
in-law had just came to pay a
month's visit. He says he will
never sit down where there's thir-
teen at a table again. Misfortune
is sure to follow. Brute ! was be:
only comment.
Cnnndian News.
Montreal is estimated to have lost
$200,000 in three years by the
The night editor of the Hamilton
Spectator, F. W. Wodoll, will join
the Kingston News staff shortly.
Peter Mahon, formerly of Pus•
linen, and well known in Guelph,
now in Australia, has sent a letter
to the authorities of the Church of
Our Lady, Guelph, stating that
he would subscribe $1,000 towards
the building fund of ilio church,
W. H. Schneider, msrclianiof
ivtildmay, takes the cake e8 an egg
dealer. Between Monday morning
ai1rT'Saturddj+niglil'he"took infor
trade at his store 1663 dozen of,
eggs, the week before 1,256 dozeu,
last week's receipts were Bold realiz-
ing in cash $166.34.
Berlin News: -"The neutral of
ilirs. Abraham Moyer was very
largely attended, the string of
vehioles passing through town be.
ing fully half a mile in length. Her
six surviving sons, Isaac, Aaron,
Moses, David, Samuel and Abra•
ham, wero the pail -bearers."
A Montreal telegram says l Cigar
importers who are anticipating a rise
in duties aro busily engaged with-
drawing all their goods from bond.
The present fluty is $2,20 end 20
oettts ad valorem per pound, and
Wale importers are under the im-
pre8aion that We Canadian duty
I will he raised to that of the Milted
States, that is, to $2,50 and $0'
Cents ad valorem per pound.
VILLAS 111 OF 1111118,ELS
Notice is thereby given Kiat the Council
of the Corporation of the 'Village of 511'us-
ae1s will meet Asa Court of Revision, at
the COUNCIL C/1I:1neda, OIL
'ear, Spectacles
and I'ilye•Gtassos that will press
Monday, June the 6th, 1887,1 !eyesight,
Ar '15111 Mora Or 8 o'CLorz p, tt.
Manufacturing Optiolnn, late of the Brat
of Lazarus & Morris, 28 ,Maryland Road,
All persons interested will ;;ever' them-
selves accordingly.
1'. S. SCOTT, Clerk,
Brussels, May, 11. 41-:1
Impezall Sipa
la' Wo have 'Three Thousand Pairs of
Boots in stook.
Wewill make it Deduction on livery
We Sell Cheaper
than anyone e'•se, quality considered.
''The Great Boot tli Shoe Muse,
on 1'al bac utity at I,owen'
Adam Good. '•t1'1•S 01 INTRllgtT.
rye year
Harrow Road, London, England, has Ap-
pointed an agent for the Renowned Spec-
tacles and Jaye -Glasses which have been
before the public for the pant :hi years.
Lazarus' Spectacle,. never tiro the eye
Last many years without change,
For Sale by 11. h. JACKSON,
Loan & Investment Co,
This Cumpanv 18 Loaning Money
1s nog
;,ilia, 1' olU l$1 01J 'jttiri,:y,l,;,,i'ci Pa1'ti1A145ed.
enol(: r:
auric t
Bend us 81.00 and wo w111 matt von
North's Phila. Muskat Jenrtutl, 011*'
weer. Wo give ever') aubacriber 88.00
lyorth or 'Sheet elude selooted from our
catalogue as a premium, and publish In
the Jopnx01., during the year, music which
would post in sheet forte, 820,00, p0anib
more •9hus every subscriber re lives $22.00
worth nmsn tly and 0 The •7nstenot, is
published monthly end contains instructive
articles for the guidance of teachers and
pupils ; entertaining musical stories, an ex-
tenslverecord of musical events tram 'all
over the world, and Sixteen Pages of New
Music in each issue, to eking it the most val-
uable publication of the kind in existence,
no not fall to subscribe at once.
Address,. F: A. PawrIt.8 Co.,
No.1308 Chestnut 5t., Philadelphia, Pa.
Brussels Lime Works
The sobsoribera take this opportunity of
returning t)auks to the inhabitants of
Brussels and vicinity for past patronage,
and beg to state that having made several
improvements In their kiln and mote of
burning they aro now in a better position
than ever before to &apply the Public with
First -Chas Limo.
This being the thirteenth Beason of our
business dealings in Brussels, and having
given unqualified satisfaction so far, the
public can rely on receiving g.od treatment
and a Hirst -Glass Article from as.
First -Dials /fine at 10 cent's at the kiln.
We also burn u Ne,1 Lime for Plastering at
15 ciente.
Remember the spat--llrnsseln time
Jl Town & Son.
After another long winter and lots of op-
position I am still alive and in a better
position than ever to attend to the wants
of the Public, having just
Removed to the Store South of J.
.Buyer's Carriage Works.
I am prepared to
Execute all Orders Promptly.
in all its branches.
4 W:1V'IXGS .4XD
Done Up in Style.
a Specialty.
Wm. Roddick.
The undersigned is prepared to
Supply the Public with
Fresh Lime
Give Me a Call.
3, 4, and f) per cent. Interest
allowed on Deposits, according
to=on nt and time let.
OFFICE.—Corner of i1Iarket
Squnreand North Street, t.locic-
Horace' Horton,
TUE WiosoN POENnlltT.
Reduced. Prices !
We have on hand the following
Land Rollers, Plows, harrows,
Soufflers, Horso Powers, Straw
Cutters, Turnip Cutters, Grind-
ing or Chopping Mills, bust
make, and 1 Good Second
Hand Luulber Wagon.
We have started a Planer
and Matcher to work. Parties
wishing to have Lumber Dressed
and Matched, or Flooring sized,
tongued and grooved may rely
on getting first-class jobs 011 the
most reasonable terms.
Repairs of all kinds promptly
attended to at the BRU S8NLs
W. . Wilson .
Rifrtia .i'.
Infallible Blood Builder, Tonic, 'Diuretic
Loan of 'Appetite, Indigestion Dpipcpula•
Blaouanese,. Jaundice,- .1.drer Complaint,
Ehoumotiem„011 Xtdney Diseases
13100008 3)08ul)sr to 1`t,m lea yep, /hem.
Xezomn mid all 84)8 Iiisaasea 1#end80lns,
T'alplteLIon of the 11013, ttmn btoineoll nod
Wart Burn, Purely Vegetable..
‘0118 O. W ea'r 0 00., teeranto, OAh
retrial ar<>><• Nett tl, Money to Loan,
The eubseriner of,1r ;p tyle 11valuable
Porn, in the Tow n3bl5714 boli. Olnprtatnit
lots O. and 7, nen 11 tit: bit 80, Ile ip,t 'Still
'a ,y tk 1,01;1'1ni�eh
from tho thrivinil 8,11,480 of %tette]., i
gond gravel road end!' Thor to. About 150
501600re01oarod,tree "Von) atu13apo nud Inn
bigb state of cultivat ice, ` 110 1/015030 is
4007300d0d. Tbls'faho 15 pnhefe cls
wo11laoaolt,00orly 1)18 whelo of the fences
being straight 0101 1031Dg 1000 erected in
1886 and '86. On the prom Well there is a oom-
fortablu log dwelling house and ague i frame
burn with stone stabling underneath In
whish thorn lea well with an nbuudent sup.
ply of 0xuellen0 water, Thera le likewise a
now frame implontout house, bOx96, well
Awned , above and below, and neatly sided
and painted, For particulars aunty to the
l'rop rioter, ;JAMBS 1110110N,
Registrar, Huron 0o.,
OS OM 001
of Private Funds have just been
placed in ]ay hands for In-
Borrowers cau have their loans
complete in throe days if title is
Apply to E'. E. WADE.
Money to Loran on Farm
perty, at
Brussels, Ont.
la()N 'S( To 1Lta? I
Any Amount of Money to Loan
or Farm or Village Pro-
perty, at
6 cE 6i Per Cent, Yelfrly,
Straight Loans with privileg e
of repaying when required.
Apply. to
A. Hunter,
Dir'ia!ion Court Clerk, 13r113831,1.
Egg Emporium, in Grant's Block, Brussels,
Next Door to the Post Office,
I am.prepared to Pay (:Asn for any quantity of,Eggs.
and 'Remember the Stand.
dd.m4etT on
nI c IE ..
Soots & Shoes, lIats & Caps, Reaay-
Maae Clothing, Gent's Fi r-
nishingc, 84c.
For the NEXT SIXTY DArs T intend running a Clearing Sale of my
Entire Stock, consisting of over $,000 worth of all Styles anti
Sizes of Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, &c., hats & Caps,
Ready-Made'Clothing'-and Gent's Furnishings, so as to Silva re-
moval. The like of such
').BARGAINS'*- ---
as wo will offer were never heard of before in Brussels, and it will
PAY You over and over again to make your purchases
from us during this
The Goods Must and Will be Sold Regard-
less of Profit.
Our Stock is new and in excellent condition. No old goods on
our shelves.
0 all and See our Goods and Get our Prices.
Opposite Queen's Hotel, - Brussels.,