The Brussels Post, 1887-5-20, Page 5rt, :f,;i r" k:e:•.tf.m,, :,. THE BRUSSELS POST !,n kN.rP.a...drlw¢"'.,•:rez'. ,l,:.ro,�-+,.m•w,,rr al•^i:"`'t'i�,t,.'3., —00000000— We have 75 different Lines of Parasols that we are closing out at Wholesale Prices. —00000000— We have Thousands of Yards of 1 Prints that'we are selling at prices Below the regular wholesale cost to Merchants. —00000000 -- Our Milliner. MISS SMITH, can give you Millinery to suit the most fashionable and at Prices Away Down below competition IOW CriMINsTrr —00000000_ QB]TB_ —00000000 -- We are Selling Ties, Braces, We are closing out fine lines of Shirts, Rubber Coats and Under- Tweeds at 35 per cent. less than wear at Wholesale Prices. you can buy then elsewhere. LADIES AND GENTS. --OOJ00000- 4.211110 We are selling Boots, Shoes and Slippers at prices that will defy competition. rb"e t atit `lifff:•t •+,.`.n'vhitt.'J7't2t&int 7.'3+bn '!relit ttlitatk'.•"»'p,,, efts- 3•1ae•-,•, a . The Question is often asked us, "How is it you can Sell so Cheap." ANSWER ---The Truth is we Buy Cheap and therefore can Sell Cheap, and still have a small profit to live on. tante betty h""".+.g'.. tottek. re?i'r'rtV,itealtt• e ' :J'then itarai",>t'."ak+aatiw"?tv 4F •.`e,e - . . r .• Sipe YOUR OBEDIENT SERVANTS, W. NIGHTING Rehm I.iRtow el. A general exchange of pulpits was in order in town last Sunday. A brick residence will bo erected on the old post office site by Robert Thompson this year. The (free Masons are arranging to en- tettain their brethren on their visit on Friday of thie week. A. B. McCallum, B. A., ie now filling a position on the Toronto World, as well tie prosecuting bis studies in law. The farmers in this section have near- ly tinishod their spring sending and the general opinion is that there will be a tine orop of fall wheat. -Rev. Mr. Her, of Mitchell, delivered • his popular lecture on "Irish eccentri- cities" in the Lillico Opera House, on the evening of the liitlt inst. Tho Listowel "conspiraoy" case—in the ease of the Queen ve. Hadlock the grand jury fonnel a true bill, but the ease was adjourned till next assizes. T. Jones shipped three car loads of fat cattle on Tuesday, of last week, for the Liverpool market. The average weight of the animals was 1,800 pounds, and the pried paid was a small fraction over 4;t cents. The animal meeting of tho Listowel Dairymen's Association and the 'fret Cheese Fair of the season was held on Thursday afternoon. There were about twenty present and after discussing the proepecte of trade, proceeded to eleot of- ficers for the current year. Alexander ' Allan was elected President and R. For. guson, Seoy, A vote of thanks was peeled to the retiring President, Jas. Dickson. Afr. Dickson, for the Dominion factory, offered the only lot for sale, but no busi- ness was transacted.. A. Aitchfeon wee the only buyer present. Wingfhtaan The.window enamelling fiend is on the program again. M. B. Mallory, L.D.S., has gone to Campbellford where ho will practice Inci profession. District meeting was hold in the Meth- odist church hero on Wednesday and Thursday of this weak, Tho O. P. It. Telegraph Company have opened ten office here, end II. J. Ilis000ks has been appointed agent. William Kincaid, of this town, has se- cured the contract. for the emotion of Help's wooden bridge, between East and West Wawanoeh. Tuesday afternoon W. Y. Brunton sold at public auctionthedry geode stook form- erly owned'by W`Ithitem Elifott, of Wing - ham. The stook wee purohaeod by D. Molnnos, of 'Wingham, at 55 Dente on the dollar. • The stock was valued at 80,406. Ole information laid by Inapeotot Pais. loy, ;John Nixon, Wliteelierch, John Lougbhoad, Belfast, and Thee. Nixon,. Whitechurch, appeared before Lir. Mc- Kay, Wingham, on a charge of violating the Scott Act, Bach pleaded guilty and wore fined 850 and costs. The "sinful" Scriptural Readings aro up for discussion et our School Board. Some think if the kickers wonld pay a little more attention to what is in this selection they would be better men than they aro. There aro no elections ou hand now gentlemen, so cool off. The work on the 0.P,R. has been push- ed rapidly forward lately. A great dual of grading is done and mostly all the cul• vette are built, and tho work of laying the rails will be commenced shortly. Tho oompany aro putting up the fondle as they go along, so that in about six weeks the road will be completed and in running order, The Times says :—It is our painful duty this week to announce 'the loath of Hamilton Buchanan, which sad event oc- curred on Monday morning last. Mr. Buchanan had been enjoying moderate good health until about two weeks ago when ho was suddenly taken ill, which illness proved that dread disease,• gallop- ing consumption. Although everything possible was done to alleviate his sutler - mg and save Itis life, he passed peaeofully away. Deceased was a son -se -law of Wtrn. Wray, Reeve of Morris, and had only been married a little over a year, leaving a wife to mourn hie sudden de- mise, who has the sympathy of the com- munity. The funeral took pace on Wed- nesday afternoon, and was conducted by the Masonic Order, of which deoeaseci was a member. The town band headed the procession playing "Lincoln's Fuller - al March." Grtey. Moat of our school teachers attended the convention fn Winggham last week. The torrent of house clowning is at an end. No more cold meals out in the— barn. Next Thufsday morning the Court of Revision for this township will be hold at Raborteon's hotel, Ethel. Several base ball (lube have been or- ganized. There will likely bo some friendly games played on the 21111. Our ohoeae factories have commenced operetiotre for the season and the milk wagons aro now going their rounds, Jinn has a new dwelling house nearly completed on hie farm near the west end of the 14th line. First the cage and then the bird. We Grovitcs don't want the 0, P. R. Van through now instil after the crops aro off the fields, then shove it along with all possible speed. It ie now almost a ecrtaiuty that the fall wheat which looked so web in the early part of the spring will be a very light crop in this wanton. Seeding is now almost iioished. The Weather was all that could bo desired and %eland in fine order so that the seed was got in in good condition, Last Sunday Wm. Sugdon died after a long illness, aged 70 years. The funeral took place on Monday, Rev, i;.. I'anl, of BMW, emanating the cervica. It is roported that the Halliday family Will move into Grey if they do not go to the North-west. They have been looking after a louse hear llenfryn, would. it not pay tho township bettor to help pay their taponsee to the west ? The root crop is now receiving atten. tion. At the Perth Co. Aspizes, last week the case of Dobson vs. Dobson an action brought by Rath Dobson against her son, both parties live in the township of Grey caste up. The suit was brought for maintenance during her natural life, end she was given a general verdict to that effect. Viotti r:. Court of Revision for this township will be held on ,lfonclay, 110th inst. Last friday night as Jno. F. Stewart's hired man was driving one of his em- ployer's horses from Brussels to the farm, 2,l miles south, the animal fell dead ou. the road, near the cemetery. Thos. Miller intends taking off the roof of his kitchen and will add a half story to it. Ho will also build it number one verandah on tiro front and mrd of the house. W. Iz. Cloakeyhes tiro contract. Spring work is about through. In soma places sodding could not be advanc- ed quickly enough by horse power so the girls were hitched up to the drill. It'a about time this kind of thing was played out in this country. The school teachers got a general rest last week on account of the Convention in Wingham. Some of them took the holiday but forgot to go to the Conven- tion. It would be a good idea to call Woe roll on such 0000eione and publish the list of ebeentees for tho purpose df fur- nishing information to the salted true. toe& W eel toil. The Inspector, Mr. Matlock, tisitoa the school this week. Mies M. Hanna has opened out a dress- maker's shop over Mr, Smith's store, We had almost no fire last Thursday in the saw nnill, amused by a spark from the furnace. c A Literary Sooiety has been orgganized iu Duff's church with Rev. Mr.I3ailan. tyre as President., Nies Jemima and May Brodie, from Seaforth, spent m few days with their parents this week. l On Monday Lewis and Charles' Me. Donald were summoned, by telegraph, to Tileonbuag to see their brother, who was very ill. Peter McEwen; of blaKillop; received word last week that his daughter Oath, Brine had diad. She was engaged. as nurse in the St. Catharineshospital and was taken sick with typhoid fever. The body was brottgltt home and interred at Hensel'. Mr, and Mrs. McElwee have the sympathy of all in their and lose, Walton bits, not lost sight of tho C,P.R, yet. M. Morrison, Seeeetary of our Committee, Medved a letter from Mr,. 73011, of Guelph, stating that the C.P.R. was applying for a charter from Guelph to Godeenh, and also containing the in- formation that if the Guelph people built the road iron Catnpbellvillo the C. P. R. would continue it to tate lake. Wo will be ready to aseist in tho funeral °stetson: lee of the Brnssele Bathed( Cnnrnrittee on the ltteeh's Birthday. Se ri17> r The merchants are waking up to the evil of peddling wagons and dealore in odds and ends. The Mayor enggeste a semi •auuual mu. nioipal election so as to keep up the inte- rest in town affairs. Seaforth assessment: Total, 5570,050; population, 2,640; there were during the lass year 20 births and 10 deaths. Tuesday morning tate boiler in Mr. Trott's cooperage exploded, oompleaely wrecking the angina homes and throwiug the main part of the boiler 15 or 20 feet from the foundation, scattering bricks and splinters for several hundred feet around, several of which went through the windows of tho neighboring houses. No one was hurt. Damage about 8400. if Inca^rile:. We ]rad in visit from a panorama man recently. 1•Ie claims to have the best on this side of the globe. No rain in Bhievale for some titno nnI though many complain that they had ton much not very far away. Mr. Gray, our tailor, has been laid up again, but hip many friends will be glad to learn he is able to be rip. 1Vm. McCracken, of Bruce, was in. town ou Saturday and Sunday last. IIe MOMS to be enjoying himself and teach- ing appears to agree with hint, Rev. A, Y. Hartley was at Clittton ou Tuesday of last week attending the Tem- perance Contention. He reports far more interest in Huron West than round here, Perhaps there is loss liquor soli. The funeral of the late Mrs. Barrett loft her mother's residence, (Mrs. Hill) Bluevale, on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Rev. lIr. Cooke conducted the service. Mrs. Barrett watt wall known in this neighborhood and was well up in years, She diad vary suddenly. Jas. Thompson and wife and Fenton Hartley went on Tneeday of last week to the funeral of Rd. T. Stemmon, of Ethel. Mr. Sleinmon bad charge of Blnovale school for over a year and had many friends here who frilly sympathise with his many friends in Ethel. Owing to MrThom sou bei(' away to the funeral on Tuesday "the boys" had an opportunity of trying their skill. A. and W. are quite proud of themselves. Some, who think they known, are advising Miss Laing, our new lady toddler, to put on the "bud." however, all sensible people think Miss Laing is quite Capable of managing her own affairs. Tis Mrtmrnee.—On ltlenday evening of next week, 211rd inst., a tea meeting will be held in (Inc Foresters' Hall, tinder the auepicoe of the Presbyterian &leech; At, ter tea Rev, T. Goldsmith, of Hamilton, will deliver his interesting looter° on "Womant and her tele -pot." lir. Graney, of Wingham, will furnish readings ; Bev. J. S. Oooko and others will give short ad- dresses, and reoitatious and readings will be giver by local talent. Something good in the musical lino ie expooted from lits. J. S. Cooke, Thos. Gibson, 111r, Herbert olid the elnirell Choir. Tea minted from ii to 8 o'clock, aline taken at the latter hour, That above entortainnont should attract a crowded letwe, i:l srtl t. Benj. icloirrell was brought before the magistrates on Tuesday last, charged with assaulting David Nicoll. He plead- ed guilty to the offence and was fined 510 and costs. --Wm. Gray, of Seaforth, was in town this week.—Some of our Iovers of sport intend attending the races at Sea - forth next weak. -Next Tuesday being the 24th of May all places of business will be closed.—;Urs. Jas. Dodds is at present indieposod.—Last Monday being pay day on the railroad several of the bridge men employed here struck for an advance in their wages. Their domande not being complied with, they conse- quently left town this weak.—Int East Wnewanosh, on Tuesday, May 17th, Wm. C•., only son of Richard Corley, departed this life, at the age of G years and 7 months. Hie last remains wore interred in the Blyth union burying grimed. ou Wednesday last,—The small boy can he seen gently gliding towards the river with a fishing rod ou his shoulder and going to try each a seeker.—P. Kelly was in To- ronto last week.—Two of our married men tried to ren a foot race Last week, but unfortunately Bob, got beaten. Never mind Bob., try it again, don't let Jno. hold the title,—A cricket club has. been organized in town with the following of. ficers :—Pres„ 1'. Kelly ; Vice -Pres., Jno. Emelt ; Sec. -Trona., J. M. Hamilton ; Com.—Messrs. Gidley, Shane and Durn." ion.—j. W. Shaw, principal of the public - school hare; left town for Cookstownlast week, to see his Neter, who was danger- , ouely ill. We aro sorry to learn since that she has succumbed to her illnes and has passed away. Mr. Shaw end the members of the family have the heartfelt sympathy of this community in their Budden bereavement.—Tao. Freeman, ,of Buffalo, is in, town again looking after stock,—Isis not about time that sono steps wore taken towards the early clos- ing system 7 Every town in the county has adopted this movement, but Blyth and our town ehould not take no hark spat from any of them.—The farmers in this neighborhood report,that the. Fall wheat is an entire failure. The majority of the farmers are plowing it up. -W. M. Sloan returned from Torouto this week, whore ho has been attendingStained the nsi Bas CoL- loge.—Miss Allis Sloan, who has been. spending a few weeks with friends Inc the Queen city, returned home last week.-- a. eek:- J. Moffatt was in Toronto this week,—A. M. Emigh, freight• agent at Ingereoll, spent Snnday at home. -will. Walker, of Exeter, and J. Walker, of Clinton, spent Sunday in town. --(3. concert in annonno- ed to be held on Friday evening in the Temperance Hall, ander the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society in aonneotion with the Presbyterian church. The pro- gram will consist of reading, singing, ate. ••-D. B. MgI(innon was In Presoak( this week.—S. Gidley bas purobased a bioyele and will be preforming seen wonderful feats shortly. Be careful and don't get a header, Samuel,—R Milne Is getting his hotel painted.—Two or three parties hsve'been in town lately trying to see What prnepeets there are in starting a loath paper here, --Mite. lianas, of Wing - ham, was the guest of lire. :lbnigl this Week. --We stn pleased to heti' that Gyro. co. Bowed is recovering from his severe at- tack of illness.—Messrs. Lucas, Tanner et Co. are getting the front of their bank repaired, owing to it being badly damaged by the late fire. Ethel. Wm. 4. Sharp bas pnrahased 1I. Henry's house and lot. Mrs. Leishman, of Blyth, is visiting her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Leishman. Rev. J. L. Herr, of Bruepels, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church /met Snnday. Quite a number of the farmers in this locality are through seeding. John Cober finished on the etlr inst. and Lawrence Dobson on the 7th. A meeting was held last Saturday ev- ening in Robertson's Hall for the purpose of appointing committees and making,ar- rangemeuts for having games on the 24th of May. J. C. Fleffernan was elected President and Treasurer, and J. A. Young Secretary. The following committee was appointed:—Jas. Menzies, David: Milne, Dr, Cale, J. M. Davies and Robt. Wray. Arrangements have been imide to here a grand pio-sic ou the•sanie •day. Pic-nio and games will be held• in Robt. Dilworth's grove. Music will bo fnt:Meln. ed by the Attwood and Ethel 1rasabanlde Those who wish - to spend a pleasant 'and' enjoyable day, on the banks of the Malt. land, should net fail to be precut. Foe, further particulars see bills. An elevated railway has been built in Hungary of wire ropefor the transports. tion of ores. An immense amouot of silver had been found aeoroted under the palace of the Maharajah of Gwalior. Blocks of marble weighing fourteen tons are being raised 540 fent to their positions in the tower •01 the new City Hall building in Philadelphia: '•' The editor of The Burlington Free Prase intimates that he will promptly visit any dime museum that will exhibit a baseball nmpl'ie-who'has survived three seasons. The New York Sun hee a plan devised for the capture' of Canada in the.u-voni of relations continuing "drained," dtnd sage that there is in e0ntioquence iso neo ID talking about Commeeegl•tTn out. When the Prince of Wrelee was leaving Manchester the other day a 'member of the Town Council pushed himself forward and in a burst of loyalty" sold :—"13ring tltoold woman with thee next time" The Prince looked surprised, trot o.eactly nit. deratanding to whom the civic dignitary wee referring. Observing ilia, tbo latter said, 'I mean your mother," for in this familiar and local fashion had he alluded to Iter Majesty. In the broadsword• combat in Foto peuglh's show for 52,000, twelve bittttle.h, two earns, 'off Monday at Chinago. geant Walsh wen 10 the afternoon, Welsh -. scoring. three points and Duncan Rusts two. Tuesday night hose won. Roes made four notate .W410. 011,0 Rote, knocking Wallah off Ids liorse, a goad deal of bad blood being shown, 'Roes wnta roundly hissed by tbo audience forrefus. ing to obey 0hn teens on d%niet.ternn titghling,