The Brussels Post, 1887-5-20, Page 2tireotory of Churches end Saddle:,
� itavir.wt 40011.—Sabbath Servioee
.tt ei a, m, and 0:30 p. ni. Sunday School/.
at 2:$tl p. 1n. Rev. John Moss, 13. A.,
IL'aolt Cnuncn.--Sml,batlt Services at ht
a, in. end U;0O p. in. Sunday School at
3.30 p. m. Rev. S, Jones, pester.
So. Jonr;'s Cituaeu.--Sabbath Services
at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at
2:90 Bev. W. T. Cluff, fuoumbant.
IrenonIST Cr neli.—Sabbath Services
at 10;30 a. in. mud 0:30 p. m. Sunday
School at 2;30 p. m. "Rev. Wm. Smyth,
pastor. ath
Boni CATnoLIo Cpuncu.---Babb
Service third Sunday in every month, at
11 a.m. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
Ono FELLOWS' ]nonan every Thursday
evening, in Graham's or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A. 0.1.7. W. Ldnaih on let and 3rd Mon-
day evenings of each month.
Foi,EsnsST' Lollar 2nd and last Monday
evenings of eadh month, in Smile's hall.
L. 0. L. lot Monday in every month,
in Orange Hall.
PORT Orrice.—Office hours from 3 a.m.
to 7 p.m.
MECHANICS' ianterTE, Reading Room
fu Holmes'
�.a'nn'fa4. .
Fennera would raise more cab• J Never Ivo !crit furniture for elle
tinges tf they lord the plants, and ' kitollon ; it shows °lust, tnuoh more
the roaeon they 'llttve no plants le than light and requnite double the
°cause they o na gots the se A coil way ll oaring a sty on
Wast'inend.tiWer ile toholdt'omoly^ g
Al\Puy. iUefml NeyOF folie to alit@ ahOleFa. aha (yebal- le to bent 11 tea6p0Uil fill or
b d t tl ed care,
00110,111tIs orinetomautrmpluinola, Oraln)l of camphor and lipply to the sw'ell-
oolie,ohlIn0rsnt0ul0r complulnt. 26c. Ali p 1p Y
armlets, .ins.
Lice aro frequently very trouble-
some to sitting hens, Powdered
sulphur should be sprinkled in the
nests. Never nee a fleet a second
time without thoroughly fumigating
and oleansiug.
Purify your blood and regulate your Byer
mer and thud save abdootoo a bills by¢ the
timely> 1 eo of \'Pest's Livor Vile. Sold toy all
Damp in the most prolific source
of disease, especially iu young
chicka ; and, as prevention is better
than cure, the hen with her young
brood should be kept in confinement
till the dew Is off. en every night just before retiring
\Vnst'a World's Wonder or Family Liui. to rest will soon make the thinnest
hent, a superior remedy for neuralgia, rhea-
ntatient, lump beck, nprelne, bruised, cuts, figure plump.
burns. or wounds. Cheaper, goes further, A Profitable Life.
lusts louger than any other All druggists.
The onion Drop mast have nitro- B0\v mon have a000mFdished aha am:
g i block will be x111010 of v, :i O o gbo,1 In skis Wert° as
and Library, the nnetreted Dr.011100. Over60,00l*of bio
dpenfrom Pito S o'clock p.m. Wednesdays gen. Ashes have frequently been work! have boon soidin Canada 0.10120. We
and Saturdays. Miss Sessie Ross, Lib- 1 applied where the same plot wan want eve]y peyrsonii, n troubled with Liver
Minn. planted year after )'ear, but they Urinary Tronblee,4000.11 ni at roar dru gist
are looking In nitrogen, and sooner' and b
y bolul0 of Medicine 0use'm T4vnrReelp nook
or later the bottom will go out of forttl.oc,
the land. To clean make! on stoves use a de
Delicate females, old people, and children web iu ammouin. Apply with an
are always pleased with West's Liver Pills.
Mild, elfin. lee, and they always mire. Bo old toothbrueli and rub with a wont
eu.gar-eontud villa 25atn. All druggists. 011 cloth.
It is desirable to get in the onion It has been proven that eggs eon
seed as early as possible, on ae• be kept fresh for two or the months
count of the danger of the crop euf. by simply packing iu salt or iu drv,
fering from drought when sown sifted coal nom.
inter, hat if lila crop can be jrrig• s THATFOED, An g.8 '65,
Readiness, Thin halt, Sr.
Those who oro bald, who have gray or thin
batt, Or who ale troubled with dandruff
eheel1 invest in bottle of Ur. Derenweud'e
Hair '1egiol" It i8 the flaunt preperatlou
for the hair and solo naw in use. 1t le rets.
Idly eupereedieg all other hair teniae. It
stops falling, restoro8 aha original color to
gray hair and rorbal moss, whore there are
Ano growth of hair. Do nods! 01ll (0 until too
late but (;00 n bottle at mice. G. A. Dose -
men nod J. Hargreaves k Co„ Agents, Brus-
Put camphor un cold -sores when
they first come, and that may heal
them or prevent theta from develop-
It is said that a pini of mill( tak-
F'fi.`ren N Otero.
Thorough cultivation must go
hand in band with manuring.
West's Liver.P4118—aconin! wrapped 1n
blue—the standardremedy for liver com-
plaint, dyepepti+i,1u`eetion, and sick b end-
nehe. A11 druggists.
The new "perpetual flowering
weeping fuchsia, Storm IKing," is
said to be the "ehoiceet flowering
plant and the greatest flora! novel-
ty of the times."
West's 10113 Sing should be kept In every
home) for sudden lattaake of cramps, colic,
painters' colic, cholera morbus, flux and
dysentery. Only 25e. All druggists.
It pays to clean out the chidden
coops everyday, provided the drop-
pings ere carefully preserved. The
droppings begin to deteriorate in
quality as soon as they roach the in. the celery leaves the laud free
Any eerie of tauto haat cured by a few ap.
pn0atn010 of West's World's Wonder; also
•)urea sprains, bruises, cute and burns.
Me west sue hest. All druggists
The fresher the egg the smaller
ated conveniently. there is less need t I have much pleasure in re'
of very early sowing of seed. commending your Dr.Jug'o Med-
icine and P1110. As for the latter
Why will you; suffer wb0u cue bottle of Iain strongly recommend thorn.
West's World's\lt'ouder will relieve, end two For the last nve weeks I have
to three bottles cure any 0080 of rhoumat- been suffering from it, severe poly
ism. 25 cents and 50 cents, Your druggist in my right ride and have lout
sells it. the Pine is most 0ffeetual remedy
Near a good market where celery when other remedies have failed,
Yours trul(1,
eau be ..old ea + sily it is a good crop
n. Sold by O. A. lloadwun, Brussenl. 1.000.
to grow with onions. The constant 11O not use cracked dishes ; they
tillage of the land in fall for bank absorb oils or fats from different
kinds of food which render them un-
the air sack in the large end, and
when cooked the stale egg can be
peeled like an orange, but the con-
tents of a fresh egg nether° to the
skin when .bard boiled.
The hest regulators for the stomach and
bowels, the best cure for biliousness, sick
hcad0,abe, indigestion, and all affections
arising from a disordered liner, are without
0xeeptiou Johnson's Tonic Livor Pills.
Small iu sine, 8050) coated, mild, vet ef-
fective. soots. a bottle. Sold by G. A. Doad-
The wise poultryman sends his throat and lung difficulties 50cts-, 200. and
yellow -legged fowls to market, as I at. All druggists.
such are preferred. but the dark- The greatest irouble in raiding
legged fowl he uses on lois own celery planta IN in the beginning.
The seeds germinate slowly, and the
tiny plants are so tender that they
require almost constant earn until
well up and growing. While a hot-
bed is good, if one knows just what
to do, or how to ran it, we have
been more successful in growing
plants m the open ground.
Thousands owe their recovery from
Rheumatism t0 West's World's Wonder or
Family Liniment. It is conceded every-
where to
very.whereto be the best known remedy for
Rheumatism ,nuts, Bruises, Sprains, Burns,
Scalds , and all diseases requiring external
apptloution. Price 2,5centea❑d 50e onto per
botnta. Bold ?Jim
from seeds of weeds, and is fine or•
der for next year's work.
Pain cannot exist after the patient has
taken 0. single dose of West's Pain King, the
magic mire. Do not be induoedt insist upon •to take a
PetntIiing'bSold by all druggists. tnf' \9ee1'e
It is idle to think of growing a
good crop of onions unless previous
preparations have been made by
thorough cultivation the preoeeding
year. The crop will Never succeed
on a Sod, and a two-year..' orop of
potatoes where cod hoe been turned
under, Is better than one.
West's Cough Syrup aures whoop@ug•oongll
theta, bronchitis, oonsumptien end all
table, in which respect he secures
an advantage, as the best table fowl
do not have yellow legs.
Iiwarogor'e Lung ('omp% lttnd.
Have yott a bad Cough, a 0 bronle 111)&1110-
11085 0. feeling of Lightness in the ('best,
Weak Luogs, or any s inflal corupiatnt? If
Bo, buy et once a bottle of 110Grnlnr'8 Lung
Compound. It will turn you, It onmuum
entirely pew specifies. of \vhieh one dose in
inure effectual than a whole bottle of the
old time remedies. Ie is put up in 50018. and
:61.00 bottles. Sold by J. Hargreaves fi. Co.,
Druggists, Brussels. Try it, ,and 7011 will
never bavo reason to uomplain.
Waldo F. Brown, of Oxford, 0.,
says, in the Albany Cultivator and
Country Gentleman, that in the fu-
ture he promisee to g011i 00.28 es early
Fie possible. The firer day that the
ground can be worked Ile intends to
sow. He has been many years
reaching this eonclueioll, and has
grown some poor cops fano late
Invisible lint Instantaneous.
All pains or aches will bo instantly remor-
cd by a few drop of Fluid Llgntning applied
over the affected parte. Nn time lost: no
nauseeuemedicines 1100ded; no poulticing
or using greasy liniments. It will not Whiter
or discolor the skin. Sold at 25c. per bottle
by Jno. Hargreav@e k Co., Druggists. Suffer.
ere from Neuralgia assure us that they never
foal it when their house contains a bottle of
Fluid Lightning.
The white ash, catalpa and 'tile
soft maple are mentioned by Prof.
L'openoe as the three !finds which
have succeeded best in the several
groves planted come years ago on
the farm of the Kappa Agricultural
College. The land is high and dry.
The evidence of neighboring plant-
ations show the equal importance of
the black walnut on lower and rich-
er *oil.
Unportnut News Item.
Cooasiowa.—e➢Ire. Campbell has been
troubled for a number Of years with 1nd1•
potion and Constipation, and wag induced
to try McGregor's Speedy Cure and found it
all that was, needed, She would roeo10711on0
Its any person eimtiarly troubled."
Tbie invaluable remedy Is cold in everyart
of Canada et 50ote. and $1.00 per bottle.
Sold•at Jsbn'8argroayes k Co.'s drug store,
Where lice are very troublesome
to the birds, Persian insect powder
should be blown among the feathers.
For ten Dente, a bent glees tube can
be procured front ahstost tiny drag
store, 1)ip one end' of the tube in•
Neste for setting should he so
planed that other fowls cannot die.
tact the booder, withattempts to
lay in her neat, or by sitting with
her. A. good plan is to have each
nest connected with a covered run,
winch should contain food, water
and gravel. It will pay to go to a
little extra expense, especially where
eggs from en expensive *train of
Jowls are being hatched.
Salt Rhenfu Cured.
McGregor k Parka's Carbolic Coate has
been tried and found to no the only py00itivo
orae for Balt ltb8um, Pimples, Blotches on
foceorkanothuto, Burne, O cal. , ar any
Sore that nothing oleo 12111 heal. Be euro
and get the genuine, made bMcGregor
u00a or(
Parte. Pries 25e. yt�dr
store, Drusselr.
The land planted with early peas
and beans ehould be made to earry
a late crop of squashes or cucumber
pickles. For this purpose, if squash•
es are to be grown, leave every
fourth row blank when towing peas,
and put in aquneh seed about June
1 to 6. If pickles are to be grown
go through the field about June 20,
and hoe up hills in the furrow be-
tween each second row of peas or
beans and put in the encumber
Keep lemons in a jar of water, to
be renewed every few days.
When the least bymplom of
heartburn is felt, take a drink- of
sweet milk.
A teacup of lye in a pail of water
will improve the color of black
goof s.
to the powder ; e quantity. of which Moisture is the greatest enemy of
will enter the'Yube; insert it under .the piano, and it cannot be too care-
fully gtiarded age t.
Hard soap should he kept in a
dry place several weeks before us.
ing, It will last Much longer,
the feathers, blast Ittnartly clown the
other end of the tube, and the 'paw-
der will ,scatter over the body of the
bird. A Simple and cheap method.
Ingrain carpets need to be shak-
en oftener than Bruseels, as fr)nl
their more open weave the dust per
colates through them. -
Not it nook Agent.
Mr. Deadman, Druggist, is not a book
agent, but has the agency in Bruee000 for
Johnsons Tonic Bitters, which he can
heartily recommend for any oompiaint to
which a toile medicine is applioabee. This
valuable medicine, has been used with most
astoniehiugly good resulto in ca0e8 of gener-
al debility, woukness,irragularltiee peouliar
to femaln0, extreme paleness, impoverish-
ment of the blood, etomnclt and livor
troublea,lose of appetite, and for that gen-
eral warn -cut feeling that nearly ovor.y one
is troubled with at some part of the year.
Don't forget tho name, Johnson's Tonle
Bittere,60s.nnd 011 er bottle at De0dmaa e
drug store, Brussels.
Stains from tea or coffee will
come out at once if they aro taken
immediately rind held over a pail,
while boiling water is turned over
Put ten and coffee away in air-
tight reoeptaaloe as soon as they
are brought to the house, They
Ione much of their flavor by staJld-
ing uncovered.
Mr. R. Walker, of Waterford, says :—
"Dyspepsia has boon my wife's trouble for
along tame past, and she has suffered
greatly with it ; but, thanks to Dr. Car-
son's Stomach Bitters, site is completely
cured. It noted vory nicely, and did not
sicken or gripe her while taking it. If
people only knew about tho Carson Stem.
soh Bittern there would not be so much
suffering in the world."
Never let the feet become cold
and damp, or sit with the back to-
ward the window, as these things
tend to aggravate any existing hard -
noes -of hearing. i The attention of Mr. Barnum is
Do not place TAW meat directly called to Egbert Lyon's yoke of
steers. Ina little over a month he
has taught them to kneel and walk
on their knees, sit dowu from a
standing position, sit up from posi-
tion of lying down, walls up a bridge
into the cart aid return, put their
forward feet on a turning table and
walk around on their hind feet, see.
saw on a plank, stand on three legs,
jump over one another, walk under
each other, and other easter tricks.
Orange pie..• -Tette the jnioe and
pulp of two large sear oranges and
the grated rind of mimeo cup of eltge
ar, ant' ehg, a coffee cup of water
and two spoonfuls of rice floor; shits
thee° ingredients and bake with two
!rusts inciting the pante very rich.
If a new broom be immersed in
boiling water until it is quits cold,
and then thoroughly dried in the
air, it will be far more pleasant to
nee aid will last much longer.
Frequent lnoietoniug of the broom
is conducive to its usefulneee and
also to the carpets,
Ma. D. Ansiorr, 21 Adelaide Street West.
Toronto, writes;—"For a long time I have
been troubled with a disordered Stomaoh,
and at last I got so bad that I was o(m-
polled to quit work, and for days I 000ld
neither eat nor sleep, and the pain in my
head was most intense. I was induced to
try a bottle of Dr. Oarson's Stomach Bit-
ters. After taking three doses X was al-
most completely restored to health. My
appetite came baok; the racking hoadaolle
was gone, and I never slept sounder in my
Chineso gloss etaroh is made of
two tablespoonfuls of raw starch,
one teaspoonful of borax, diieolved
in 4 cups ()fluid water. Dip the
thoroughly dry, uuatnrohed cuffs,
collars and bosoms of shirts in !hie,
then roll them up tight and let them
remain a fow hours In a dry cloth,
then rub off and iron.
Canadian IVe'tvtu.
Wm. Jaffrey has been 26 years
puetmasler of Berlin,
A family of 17 occupy a 18m24 ft.
hour° at North Bay.
Prince Leopold, of Prussia, and
suite passed through St. 'Phomas
nu Sunday, in his special 'car over
the 0. S. 1I.
It id stated thatDr. Clarke, super-
intendent of the Toronto Asylum,
has hopes of the recovery of Mr,
Befl, i11.P. for Addington.
The Ontario Government on Tuee
day of last week appointed James
Noble, or Strathroy, to be Police
Magistrate for the County of \Liddle•
The International Convention of
the Young ltien'e Christian Associ•
ation in 50e6ie11 at San Francisco
has elected Hon. S. 11. Blake, of
Toronto, as president.
The Dundalk Herald tells of a
woman W]lo came lo that village with
a basket of eggs, and after vainly
trying to enter several stores she
covered !kat it was Sunday.
The reeults of the recent exit t'in-
httions at cbe College of Physioiane
and Surgeons of Ontario has just
been made known. The large num•
bur of 11118 have passed their prim•
ary examination, and 120 their final
Deeisive notion 111 at bast being
taken to get the Government to Ito
knowledge the claims of the volun-
teers who served in the Fenian raid
of 1886 and 1870 . A circular has
been issued to ench battalion and
the corps interested in floe !natter, to
send delegates to Ottawa on the 71Is
of May.
The following gentlemen have
passed their examination as bltrrlo•
tors ;—W. F. Kerr, R. H. Collins,
A. O. Gibson, 0. 3. T. Gould, A. E.
Swartout, J. A. Macdonald, H. H.
Langton, S. C. Warner, A. W.
Fraesr, J. Elliott, 1+;. lvf. Young, A.
B. Cameron, W. H. N'. Holmes, J.
L. Skinnen, E. W. Morphy, G. A.
Loney, J. F. Oryer, 3. L. Peters, J.
H. Bobier, W. K. Cameron, A. A.
on ice, for the juice is apt to he
withdrawn. It should never be loft
in the wrapping paper. Put it in
an uncovered earthen dish and then
get it on (110 1030.
£11111,11 PROTECTION.
Tito Maintenance of a healthy state of
the system is the surest protection against
disease- experience has shown that by the
use of 1)r. Carson', Stomaoh and Constipa-
tion Bitters a perfect state of health oan
be assured. It frees the system from all
impuritios,cleauses and purifies the blood.
Por sale by all Druggists 'at 00 (mnte a
Vegetables with a etroug flavor,
such os onions and ttsrnips, will be
much improved by putting thein,to
boil in cold water, renewing dile
from a kettle of boiling water as
soon as it comes t0 a scald.
Poisonous wounds made by spid-
ers, centipedes and scorpions are
treated in the samo way as tlhoee
made by'inseete, that is, by the di-
rect application of hartshorn to the
wound, and; when neeeseary, intern-
al stimulants,
Inlc stains may he removed from
white goods by saturating the spot
with water anis then covering with
pounded matte riflemen. Pitt in the
sun for five minutes, wash with soap
and rinse. A paste of elhlori(le of
limo and water well rubbed in will
take ink matins from silver or plateal
ware. 'Wash and wipe as usual,
MAI- 10, 1557.
Stat° y Intl)lajn(int to Goo(1 J;G'cn,
Nano need bo Idle. Previous
Experience not essential.
)Vo pay either Salary or Com-
1001VIen panted
To Ct111V1os for the Salo of Can-
adian grown Nursery Stock.
The L o1Ithil l Nurseries,
Largest in Canada,
Oyer 400 Acres.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class References, and
want to work. No room for lasy
Men, but can employ any num-
ber of energetic men, who want
The annual general needing of
the Canada Pacific Railway Com.
pony was held in Montreal on . May
llth, at the company's office, Sir
Geo. Stephen, Bart., in the chair.
The annual report was discussed,
after which the following Board of
Directors wore elected for the en -
ening year : Sir Geo, Stephen,
Bart., W. C. Van Horn, Sir Donald
A. Sinith, K.C.11 .G., M.P., Richard
B., Angus, Edmund B. Ogler, San-
ford Fleming, C.E., C.M.G., Hon.
Geo. A. Kirkpatrick, M.P., R. N.
Martinson, Hon. W. L. Scott, Geo.
R. Harris, Hon. Levi P. Morton,
Richard J. Cross. The following
Executive Conithittee \vac thine
elected : Sir George Stephen, Bart,,'
W. 0. Van Horn, ,Sir .Donald A.
Sinith, 11, B. Angus. Ata eubee.
quant meeting of the Board of Di.
rectors Sir George Stephen, hart,.,
was elected president and W. C,
Van Itorn vice-president,
Stone & Wellington,
Toronto, Ont,
.Practical Watchmaker ce. Jeweller
Thanking the Public for past favors and
support and wishing still to 6000re your
patronage. We are opening nib full lines
Gold and Silve r Watcher.
Silver Plated \Vaso frons established
and reliable makers, folly. warranted by
Clocks of the totes designs.
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem Rings,
Barings, Pc.
Also have in stook a full lino of Violins
and Violin Strings, Pipes, Ce.
N.B.—Issuer of \IarriagoLicenses
T. Fletcher.
Bargains ! Bargains !
—Foi1 THE—
4).R) (•U
in Plows, Steel Harrows, Seed
Drills, Bain Wagons, Buggies,
Organs, Sowing Machines, Sulky
Plows, one four spring Wagon,
one 1 horse Wagon, and one sec-
ond hand Lumber Wagon.
Land Rollers for $25,
best in the market. Three kinds
of Scufflers, Port Perry Grinder
and Horse Powers,
Clothes Wringers,
Churns, and ANYTHING 'You MAY
Geo. Love.
A nice assortment of Baby Car-
riages on Exhibition at H.
Dennis', where you can.
also got a
Splendid Trunk,
Handy Valise,
or Satchel at Low Price.
Full' lines of Light and Heavy
Whips, Combs, Brushes, &c. i.t1
We Lead hoer Never Follow.
SS'il/at of Big Scotch Grolier.
• and Brain Treat-
' r e t 41 i
en1, 1 amore 7.0V
1l00011a 0,(oov guaranteed sprc10o for Hy, Nou-
7ll la He,(tonvnlslrnn,I''ils, Ntn0iou0 aim-
ed or tobacco, Wako.
fMoos ,Mental Deprenelon, Bel toning of the
Brain moulting in I esani ty, Ionians to mire
ory,deany and doeth, Prutuntu re (ltd Ago,
Barone e6 ,LOa8 of Power iii tltb0r 330x, 11✓
yolontary 7 oi,ees and s ,0rmotnrrhcen cane •
oft by over-ex:rtloe ut tbo Brain ,eu11-ebnte
or ov0r.1n0111ge000, Neel; box eontelno one
mount's treatment. e1 a box er six boxes
for$5, omit by mail, prepaid. on receipt of
n'rt a111Aft.tSTlai SIN IIOSriS
To cure .any come. With each order received
11) us fornix 0,0x00, noon] panted with $5,
we will se n,1 the punier+er our written
guarantee to refund the money if the trot t-
wentr100s not effect m cure, Guorauteeo
issued by n11 druggls la.
who I1rc *3010 or whoop heir is thin or gray.
oe are troubled with dandruff.
Di-. Dorcii'wcr1(l'S
is the groateettonic for Strengtltenhlg 1110
growth o1 the bale over diem:weed, Rental
all falling 000 of the hair, rotnnves all t'ra00o
of clan°ruff, restores grey Italy to its original
color and in rases of belstiwno, whore the
roots ere not destroyed, it will produce a
luxuriant crop of hair,
Tatra wttruieg If your bear ie :u n (edit°
state got a bottle 01 Dime Iretm'a itis too late.
Dr. Doronwond's "Stair Magic," 1e on Salo at
all prinoipnl Drug Stores. Ask for it end trace
n001110g else.
G. A. MADMAN AND J. IlancnnivEs ,b Co„
ASIMPS 4011 Dgrasnrs.
.A. Doren weed Solo Manufacturer, Toronto,
Canada. t, Donmweed keeps the largest
Hair Goods eotublisbmeut. in Cen01a.
IS l'1111PAIIEh To nn ALL nixes 01.
Painting, Graining,
Glazing, Kalsoenining,'
Paper Flanging, &c.
All work done Promptly and
at Reasonable lutes.
in every instance.
Woolen Mill.
R. Forsyth & Son, formerly of
the Wroxotor Woolen Mills, beg;
to inform the Farmers in this vi-
cinity that they have Now in Op-
eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth,
and hope that by adhering
to their old plan of making noth-
ing but Sound, Durable Goods
and trust that by so doing to
moot a liberal patronage.
of all kinds promptly and care -
:fully attended to.
The HromtaT Phan paid for
Wool in Exchange for Tweeds,
Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etc.
A Trial Solicited 1
• Satisfaction G¢ravanteed 1
R. Forsyth & Son.