HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-5-13, Page 8TATE BRUSSELS POST MAy 18, 1887 c +F you Pith to cavo Your currant (t� l bushes and gooseberries from the rev a *en of what is known as the ottrrRut warm it would be well to call at once and purchase some of our HELLEBORE of which we Immo jurat received fifty pound,+. The flies will aeon be here and possibly some of your pet birds or animals, are suffering from lice, therefore it would be advisable 10 buy a few ounces or it box of our celebrated CT POWDER which is sure death to these posts. G. A. Deadman, Dregoiet, fioote,lkr& Fancy Goads Dealer. Wool ! wool ! Wool 1 1. am prepared to Buy, as us- ual, this Season, Any Quantity of good Fleece Wool, for which I will pay the Very Highest Price in Cash. Farmers will consult their own interests by marketing their wool at Brussels. R. Graham, GRAIN DEALER, BRUSSELS. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Bou•r0Enx EXTRUSION, W. O. & • TjyRine leave Bruesela Station, north and Muth as follows Going South. Going North. Ma{1 7102 a.m. I Mixed 10:28 8,51 Rspreas......11:48 a,m. I Mail 2150p.m Mixed 8150 p.m.I Express 9.31 p.m vomeessmsoa ?Iota' A chiol's arming yetakin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. JosEM LAM/ and family aro visiting at Xiemllton, Pott new blinds, new ourtaine, new ear - pets, call on A. R. Smith. 43- Queeo's Birthday one week from next Tuesday. New= designs in curtains, blinds and carpets et A. it, Smith's. 43- S. H. Lamp and Edna Earl, aro visiting her relatives in St. Thomas. 5 Bona Dingman's Eieotric Soap for 25ots et Thomsons. • 41 - LAST Tuesday afternoon Edward Bar- rett's mother died at her home, Bluevale. ALL the square timber in Brussels station yard was shipped east this week. Mese MATTIE DEVITT wee called to Brookville this week owing to the illness of her sister, LAST Sunday the pulpit of the Metho- dist church was occupied by Rev, W. E. Kerr, of Rookwood. JNo. BODDroR is booming the egg trade Red ie shipping large quantities of "hen fruit" to Toronto and Montreal. Tusnew advb. of Jas, Jones, the watch- maker, Dame to hand too late for this week. Watch out for it in the next issue. Tun interesting story of "Little Lord Ronne Woo, of Wingham, was home for last Sunday. Rev, Geo. A. 11080019, formerly of Brirssols, late student of Knox College, has accepted a call to Rodney and New Glasgow Presbyterian ollurollee, Now that the railway )tae 080500ed its guietue for the time being what about waking up in the matter of the purebaoo of the new Agricultural ind Recreation Park ? Anon day was not observed in Brus. eels, The Council is filling the ithaoes of dead trees with live ones, however, and in this way keeping up our name for niooly kept streets. Ie you seo E. E. Wade and Rarry Dennis coming to you got out a dollar bill and join the (ricket club at once. You may as well do it first fie last its you Can't resist their persuasive appeals. Tine Listowel Banner of last week Bays :—Dr. H. R. Ray and W. F. Hay took a voyage down the river to Brussels on Monday, in their new boat, the "Wat- er Lily," Barring severalobstructions in the river below Trowbridge, they had a pleasant sail, They returned with the boat by the evening train. Panntleroy," by Frances H, Burnett, is C.P.R.—The following letter, in reply on sale at THE Pose Bookstore. Only 25 cents, Tag measles have been getting in their work in great shape during the past .two weeks and our M.D: s are often palled in- torequiaition. ADJUTANT PHILPOT, the new Divisional officer, will be with the Brussels corps of the Salvation Army on Saturday evening of this week and the following Sabbath. Tun lane handkerchief advertised in a recent issue of Tire Poor was brought to our office the day after the advertisement appeared. It takes Tun POST ads, to catch them. A NEW set of maohinery is being put in motion at the Brussels Salt Works to facilitate the manufactory of dairy salt. The salt cannot be beaten in the Prov- ince. Din you notice the double barrelled smile on Walter Coats, our new grocer ? An 8-pomld baby girl that he calla "my daughter" is the pause. Oh I its nine to be a daddy. Is the program of the Guelph Confer- ence services we notice that Rey. W. Smyth is one of the speakers at the children's servioe. The Conference will meet at Galt on the let day of June. THE Sanitary Inspector wants to get on to several hog -pens and small barn- yards that are now shedding their "frog. ranee" on the passing zephyrs. The only trouble is it is a little too loud. THE band will give their weekly con- cert on Friday evenings instead oflSatur- day as it is a more convenient evening for some of the band boys and the music can be enjoyed by our business men who are usually very busy on Saturdays. Go to a good for good boots. 18 - Ian CREAnr has made its appearance. SEVERAL cases of diphtheria in town. THE watering cart is the subject of diecnssion now. JOHN HALLIDAY, of London, has been in town for the past week. Baty one wanting a house see People's column. 43 - Mrs. W. J. Feat, of Seaforth, wasvisit- ing relatives in town last week. A TEMPORARY bridge has been erected over the river near the flax mill. Maim. Sacen, youngest daughter of Walter Smith. is seriously and, we learn, dangerously ill. IT is reported that Win. Martin has purchased a park lot from bas. Dudley. south of Brussels, Mao CATLEY, eider to the Miss Gatley who taught in the Brussels Public School, died recently at her home. Geo. Molise leaves- for London this week, wherehe takes his old situation in the McClary store works. 4 ens. Choi( clean Raisins for 25cts. at Thomson's Grocery Store. 41- A new frame residence is being erected W just south oOloakey its doing the Sohn eCae. work. HOnssxIEti, order your bills at THE PoOT Publishing House. Large selection of oats, and no tedious waiting for your bilis. Tin: school teachers of this locality aro attending. the North Huron Teachers' Convention in Wingbam on Thursday and Friday of this week. Tors week R. McNaughton, the veter- an :Ash vendor, is to the front and will be able to supply our residents with the best fish fresh from Lake Huron. Tun wool busineee will soon be moving and we are pleased to state that 11, Gra- ham has already made the announcement that he is ready to purobase any quantity of good fleece wool. REV. J. Ross, B.A., Rev. W. Smyth, Marsden Smith, Geo. Crooks. G. A. Deadman, A. Good and W. H. Kerr at- tended the Temperanoe Convention in Clinton on Tuesday of this week. To WHOM 10 MAY ColiosnN, J. W. Fear will be in attendanoe at A. M. McKay & Co.'s store to receive settlement for out- etanding aocouuts due the firm of Grant & Co. and give receipts for the same. . Bess FOR SAus.—Thirty colonies of pure bred Italian Bees for sale. Aro in itpiendid condition after wintering. Must be Bold as I have not time to devote to them. Will be sold in quantities to suit purchasers. Enquire of J. R. Smith at A. M. McKay & Co's hardware store. 43. Tim greenhouse of Thos. Kelly ie a very attractive place at this season of the year. Between. the beautiful flowering cud foliage plants one is lost in the var- iety, For a small emir of money S splen- did assortment of the beautiful may be obtained, Dlr. Kelly also keeps in stook Arabs, evergreens, Roc. A visit to his premises will repay you. Tun Assessor has •returned the roll for thin year. The following facie are glean- ed from it :—Real: estate, $259,185 ;• per- sonal property, 851,725 ; income, 14,200, total, 6816,100. Number of doge 38, of the female persuasion 8 ; cattle 722 ; sheep, 15 ; pigs, 42 ; horses, 95. Popul- ation 1,250. The assessment is about 58,000 higher than 10 was last year. LAST Monday morning a telegram was received from Cookstown by Jno. Shaw stating that his daughter, Miss Maggie, who was filling the position of milliner, was very ill with brain fever. Mee. Shaw left on the noon train and reports have been coming every day but wo aro Sorry to say they have not been of a very cheering character. We trust before this a change for the bettor hag come and that lilies Shaw will soon be well enough to be bronpbt hone bo her many friends Xn Brussel,. THE public have never lost a cunt by dealing with us, nor never will. We will sell at Dost as long as anyone does and will be here to take care of our shoes. Three thousand pairs of boots in stook. 44- ADAM GOOD. C.O.F.—The following officers were elected for the current term in connec- tion with the Foresters' Court here :— Win. Blashill, C.R. ; Rev. W. T. Cluff, V.C.R. ; Walter Smith, R.S. ; Geo. Rog- ers, F.S. ; R. Maloohn, Chap. ; Semi. Swale, Treas. ; A. Iicenig, S.W. ; James Walker, J.W. ; lrhillop Seel, S.B. ; Wm. Rolling, J.B. ; J. A. Hutchinson, Physi- cian. Fon ' nx "Soo."—Last Wednesday morning has. Laird sr., Jas. Laird jr., S, H. Laird, J. Rivers, SV. Hill and 3. Dock- et started for Sault Ste. Marie, per C.P. R. from Wroxeter to Owen Sound thence via C.P.R. steamer. They left Wroxeter at 5:47 a.m. and expected to get to their destination at 11 a.m. the following day. Wm. Mooney and Fred. Hindes went last week for this much talked of "paradise." BLAcs KNOT.—Hon. Allan Francis, U.S. Consul et St. Thomas, has a cure for black knot—a remedy he has tried, with the most beneficial results. Rio plan is to dig down to the root of the effected tree, four or five inches, bore an augur hole in the trunk, and fill the hole with dour ofIeulphttr. The sulphur finds) ifs way through the tree and effectually kills the bug which i8 responsible for the black knot. A tintee11 of persons are interesting themselves in the Halliday family and their proposed removal to Manitoba, where the boys are. Something should be done at once in this direotion and the matter should be dealt with by the Councils of Morrie and Brussels. While some members of the family may be able to work they should not be compelled to goto gaol on account of their poverty nor should they be kept on public charity when by a little effort they could be gent to their relatives, who, have agreed to provide for them. M.C,Y.P.C.A.—Monday evening Melville church was well filled by a very atten- tive and appreoiative audience assembled to listen to the closing entertainment, for this season, of the Young Peoples' Associ- ation. The following very varied and interesting program was presented and very heartily received by those present:— Opening hymn, "Only an armor bearer" ; anthhm, "Seek ye the Lord," by the choir ; Secretary's report ; reading, "The missionary surprise party," by Miss Annie Brooke ; duett, 'Come with thy love to the fountain,". by Misses Lizzie and Kate Wilson ; recitation, "The re- lief of Luoknow," by Miss Elsie Robert. son ; solo, "The dying child's farewell," by Mise Maggie Stewart; reading, "The story of the bad little boy," by Ryall Pel- ton ; Kindergarten song by a number' of little girls ; dialogue, "The six virtues," by six young ladies ; recitation, "The eagle's rook," by Miss Sarah McGuire ; duett, "Whispering hope," by Mrs. Kerr and Miss Joan Ross ; the second edition of "Good News," the Society paper, read by the editor, S. Y. Taylor ; quartette, "Welcome spring," by D. Stewart and family ; addrees.by Rev. J. Ross, B.A., On "Life" ; anthem, "Let us bow down before Him,,' by the choir. A few clos- ing remarks by the President, A. Good, and the usual complimentary. votes 6£ thanks brought this enjoyable meeting to a close. The Society Will not meet again until October when it will be re -organ- ized for another season's work. There ie a large amount of talent in its member- ship and the meetings held have been iu- teresting and profitable. to a request for an interview explains it- self and heeds no spooial comment at this time :—F. S. Scott, brussels, Ont„ DEAR Sin.—Replying to your favor of the 25th ult., I must say that we are not prepared to discuss the natter referred to. It i0 not likely that anything will be done west of Guelph during the present season and until our engineers have examined the country nothing could bo gained by an interview. Yours truly, W. C. VAnHerx, Montreal, May 2nd '87. Vice -President. A. NEW PsnronioAL.—The Grip Publish- ing Company, of Toronto, have comment- ed the publication of a new monthly peri- odical, entitled Grip's Own Library. The first number is made up of "Good Things from Grip," being comic pictures and comic reading selected from the pages of Grip. It is printed on the finest oalen- dered paper, and at the price of ten cents is a credit to the publishers, and will no doubt meet with a very largo sale. The second nnmber will be entitled, "Jubilee Jollities," to be issued Julie 1st, and a very large edition is being prepared in antropation of an enormous sale. '.a3AA.8 AR exchange says :—This is the weath- er we long have sought, and mourned be- cause we got it not. This is the weather when we want to go fishing but we can't. This is the weather, this the time, when all the house smells loud of lime. This is the weather that makes us tired to work for theman with whom we're hired. This is the weather when the goat pre- fers tin cans to green spring poet. This is the weather when the country editor can't palm off cordwood on his creditor. This is the weather when the spark goes out after dark to catch a lark, and the platform preacher converts the park. Taking it altogether, this is weather. A enema. Lodge of Instruction in connection with the A.F. & A.M. Order, 5th Masonic District, will be held at Lis. towel, on Friday, May 20111, commencing at 2 o'clock p.m. In addition to Deputy District Grand Master Gunn the follow- ing brethren have promised to be present and assist in the work viz ;—R. W. Bros. : 0. McLellan, D.D.G.M., 4th Masonic District ; T. P. Smith, D.D.G.M., 7th Masonic,Distriot, John Ross Robertson, D.D.G.M., Toronto District : Martyn, Rupert, Radcliffe and Harding, Y.D.D. G., h'I'e Huron District ; J. 3. Mason, Grand Secretary, 1V. A. Green, P.G.J. W., &o., &o. First Degree, 2:30 p. m. Exemplified by W. Bro. 0. Hacking and the officers of Bernard Lodge, No. 225, Listowel. Second Degree, 4 p. m. Ex- emplified by V. W. Bro. E. E. Wade and the officers of St. John's Lodge, No. 284, Brussels. Third Degree, 7:30 p. ni. Ex- emplified by V. W. Bro. Ben. Freer and the officers of Northern Light Lodge, No. 98, Kincardine. Reduced fares on the railroads to persons attending. amaa- SfintimoR.—In Grey, on May 7th, Edward T. Slemmon, aged 29 years and 6 months, of consumption. COATS.—In Brussels, on May 9th, the wife of Mr. Walter Coats of a daugh- ter. BARRETT: In Bluevele, on the 10th inst., Bethel Ann, reliot of the late Thos. Barrett, aged 66 years. Av0'SO:Ox1 S s r. - SATURDAY, MAY 21sT.—Farm stook, im- plements and household furniture, on. lot Si 29, eon. 6, Morris. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. Geo. Armstrong, prop., A. Delgatty, and. BRZrsszamo 24:ARZC9ETS- CORRECTED OAREFULLY EVERY rms. White Fall Wheat........ 80 8I Red Winter .............. 80 81 Spring Wheat ... 60 81 Barley 40 50 Oats 28 80 Peas ,... 48 Butter, tubs and r0118.... 12 Eggs per dozen 10 Flour per barrel 4 00 Potatoes .. 60 Hay per ton ..., . 10 00 Hides per lb.. ..... 5} Salt per bbl., wholesale.... 60 Sheep thine, Neil 50 Wool, per lb. 19 50 13 00 00 00 11 00 6 80 1 00 21 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 9 ILLINERY MILLINERY V How the Hats and BOn bet, .Flew Qat of tL..P• Smith's Store tht,s Last Week. Ru ,r F�F'' rJ+1 61 ORIW . A CO1\i r -i IiNV �1 ING- ! A.11 Eands Busy waiting on the eager and anxious throng. Why Such:a Business? What is it coming to 2 Surely the Whole Millinery Trade is Coming to Us Simply this, we have a LOCKET LOST ON FRIDAY, May Oth. 10 is gold on ono side and enamel on the other, has the words •'In memory 03' on the latter side. Thorn is a likeness In it. Tho finder will greatly oblige.. by leaving it at Tns Poem Publishing Honed at once, where they will be eultably re- warded., 44 - `EW FIRM. --THE • UNDER• SIGNED desire to intimate to the pub- lic generally that they 'Jaye formed a co- partneishipfbx the parpooe of carrying on Car rago,..sign and Ornamental Painting' and Soo prepared to attend to the 'tante of the public on meat reasonable terms. Mr. Rooe,hav'eg hod oxperidnoo in 00100 et the beet t ops In Torcuto andboth bolog nrao- Wel Workmen we gaernetee to giro sari- -; fao0ion, ]lstimatoo and tering ohoorhtily I furnished. .Shop in the old Poem Publish- , Mg Holtee,,ll.lug street, Brussels. 88(3113 & 11030. FIRST-CLASS MILLINER, (MISS LACK) and have kept lie;' this last Five •Seasons, and also Right' foods at flight Prices, have done their work. Everything First -Class around A, R. Smith's Establishment. A. R. Smith's Business has Been Over Eight Years in Existence and he is not ashamed of his Record, as his has been the Live and Progressive Store right along since starting business. Al R. is bound to Keep tip his Reputation for Having New, Cheap and Stylish Goods, A. R. Smith. COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND Loo to Let, well fenced, cellar, shade trees. pleasant. neighborhood. 59.00 per Month. 25° J. B. GRANT. 'rX HORO'-BRED BULL FOR 1. SEnvitn.-Tito undersigned will keen for service on St lot 20, eon. 4, Morris, a thoro'-bred Durham bull. Terme, 31.00. J. & P.BARR, Proprietors. - 41.4' CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE.— A few splendid, improved farms for sale in the township of Grey, Morris and Mollfllop. Apply to A. DELGATTY, Co. Auotlonoor,Bru0eels P. 0. PULL FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service on lot 24, eon. 14, Grey, the well-known them'. bred Durham bull, "Bonn and White:' Ped- igree maybe seen any time at the owner', resldenee. Terms, 31.00. JOHN D. Ms }OIL, Proprietor, TAKE NOTIOE The court of Revision for the Township of Morrie for the year 1887 will be held at the Town Hall on Monday, May 801h, All parties interested will pleaee take notice and gov- ern themselves accordingly. W CLARK, Morrie, May 4th, 1887. 48-2 Clerk. FARM SUB.. SALE.—THE SUB emu= offers for sale his valuable 100 sore farm,being lot 0, oou, 10, Grey, and situated 11 miles from Brussels. The place will be sold with or without the crop and on easy terms Possession will be given at any time. For further particulars as to pride, terms, &o., apply to the proprietor on the premises. R. McNABUGR a P.O. 98.551 ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Storms/4s. '87. SUlt'IMEit ARRANGEMENT. '87. iAsyexitvniiro0n. 'OTEAsmn, roostnnsnn0. Pinto 19011 flay 55th h Sarmatian Hay 30th Maylith tOireaselan June 8rd May 19th Sardinian June 0th May2701 tPolyneelan...June 17th June 2nd Parielan June, 28rd June 9th Sarmatian -June 80th June 17th 1 Circassian ably 8th June acrd gardmian ...... July 14th July leg t Polyneelan July 22nd July 7th Parisian July 28th July 14011 Sarmatian Aug. 4th July 22nd i Oiroassien .... Aug 12th July 28th Sardinian Aug. 18111 Ang. 4th I Polynesian AUS. 20th Ang. 11011..... ....... Par elan,,. ,Sop*. let 1 Bytes Steemere, The Stcamere above named do not carry cattle, sheep or pigs. Steerage Passengers are ,booked to and from London, Queoneton, Derry, Belfast and Glasgow at Dame rates at Liverpool. Rate' of passage by the Mail.Steamere from Quebec to Londonderry. and Liverpool Cabin -900, 170 and 380, Return -11110, 3180 and 3110. Intermediate—$80, return $00, steerage—ego, return, 340. The last train oonnooting at Qaoboo with the Mail steamers galling from that port on the Thursday. loaves Toronto on the Wed• Wh08,morxnrian,ntTmrsetsatranioo0onnheoTng iloyloaves Toronto on the Thursday morn- ing. ing. Pi or dulcet, and every information 1,1y to T. F.- G7.:t,4.13 01, 8.30)51, 20vAsset4+1o. FNORTH t4 1908 Chestnut ) �l NORTH 51 9tr COiJ .1 Street,Phiht- delphin, Pa., keep Everything in the Mug - lent Line. Sheet Music,Memo Books. A11 the Foreign and Amer lean Editions. Pianos and Organs, by the best known makers, sold on liberal terms. Catalogues sent on application. Mention this paper. PAY UP.—ALL PERSONS IN- DEBTEntoA.Bolieaok aroseettested to call at the old stand and settle the same me soonae possible. 10. Cleric has the books and has full authority to 0o,leot accounts and give receipts for the same. 41.40 A. SCHENCK. IfARM FOR SALE.—THE UN. dereignedoffers hie excellent 100 acre farm, being North } I of 28, Con, 5, Morris, for gale, There are about 00 acres cleared, the balance hardwood bush. The buildings are in good repair. There is an orchard. wells and alt the noe000ary conveniences. The farm is only 2 miles from Brussels and in a good locality, Possession would bo given immediately. There aro 80 acres of Fall Wheat in, For further particulars as to price, terms, &o., apply to the proprietor on the paemi580. EDWARD AUBERY, 90.9510 Brneeolo P. O• BANKING. MOINTOSH & MOTAGGART, BANKERS -:- BRUSSELS Transact a General Banking Business. Notestohand discounted, Interest allowed on deposits repayable on demand. Prompt attention given to collections. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. WADE & SINCLAIR, BARRIS- • mune, &e. Mee in Leckie's block Brussels. Money to. Loan. • 'XV' B. DICKSON, (LATE WITH r V •'(Jarrow & Proudteot, Godorieh) So- liditor, conveyancer, &o. °Mee, Grout's block, Bremele. Money to loan, ALEX.. HUNTER, CLERK OF the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan andlneuraneo Agent. Funds invented and to loan. Oo,leotiehamade, Mee in Gra- ham's Block, Bruotele. MEDICAL CARDS. DR. HUTCHINSON HAS RE • moved his ofhoo to rooms' over the Po5loffloe, ,tiesideneo onMllISireot A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D , O tJ • M.I.,TLC. P. Edinburgh Ph eiefan Surgobn and A000ublier, Ofdoo, Eire, Shlol'e 0110011, Turnborry Street, M.F. GALE, M. D., o. At. v Member efthe Ootiose of Physislens and Surgeons ofontaato by examination. Office and lteeidene—Mabt St. Nast, Ethel Ontario, DENTAL. ID NTIr8T13,'S . G. L'.Ball , L. D.8„ Honor Graduate and M. R. 0. D. 8., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered. Prices graded audits low as good worst oan be done for. Office over Johnston's Hardware Store, Seal orth. 1DEN%XRT. W, J. Fear ,L. D S. Graduate of To- ronto School of Doatietry. 5,11 oper- ations guaranteed, Ohl oe—Oady's Block, Seaforth. Artiflefal tooth, firstquality, ands gusra,,tosd 01, for 312.00 per set. DENTIST. E, A, n4:AR@IST, I , 11. S„ Honor Graduate of the Royal College Dental Burgeons, Toronto, NlTnee Or/DP. Gas administered for the painless extrac- tion of teeth. 03FICB.—Garfield Block, Bnuesst0. BUSINESS CARDS. WH. McORAOKEN, 1Sy'UEII • of Marriage Licenses. 011lee at his Greoery,Turnberry Street. WM, RODDICK, HOUSE, SIGN and Carriage, plain and ornamental painter. Estimates elteorfully furnished charges moderate. AMoNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR. • rlago Lloonese, by appointment 01 Lieut: Governor Commissioner, ,4c., Q. B. Conveyancer anrtAgent Fire Iuenranee Co, Moo at the Cranbreok Poet OMMoe. J• M.O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, • Aeoidont and Loan Insurance Agent torsome of the boot and most reliable Cam- panian lathe Dominion. Oilloe Brick Torr. toe ,Turnberryetreet moor the station. FW. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR • Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College has resumed the praotims of John Nott, vat " ani is Rrepf1ered., to treat all die. 0aae5 of domesticated -animals on scientific andapproyed principles, Treatmentof del. ioate foals a specialty Office two doors North of Bridge, Turnbbrry street. MISS LILLA O'CONNOR, Teacher of Music, Vocal and Inst, 510ntalon Organ, Piano, or Guitar. Mar- moayaa'dThorough Pest, Advanced undo od for Teaching, Terme on aPAcadeion Guelph. of Loretto Acndomy nearst1. •Reoidcace—No. 2, Termite, south near 08188100, Robert Cunningham INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, Ontario. TVM. BLASHILL, Buloker, thanking hie many ouetomors for their liberal- impport in the past wishes to inform them that at his e)yep in Smale'o-block 115 keeps nothing but first -chino Moate all killer' of Poultry and Bauoago Moat Delivered to 511 parts el the town tree. Cashpaid for, Pat Stock Rides and sheopekino bought tereasb.