HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-5-13, Page 6Vitriekies. The toboggan, unlike the rolling atone will gather moss for a few Months, The elephant always travel° with a trunk : the cow gots along Mealy with only a bag. Shu: Yon have given yourself away.—EIe: I gave ,nothing away. She f that's what I said. Prince Bismarck is a gram* old Haan, but he will persist in wearing a oap that makes him look like a sleeping car conductor. Mistress (to new servant): 'We have breakfast generally about eight o'clook.' New Servant ; 'Well mum, emuly, "is lost forever.' 'So is auy- ifI ain't down to it, don't wait. thing eine plat you loso,' said the Madam, said a gentleman to a boy Bitter Oreek.' 'Oh no,' replied THE BITTS LS Pb ST Tim, do you kuuw what I mean 7 Do you know what a degree in ?' l'upil ; 'Yon, sir.' Teaohei : 'What 7' k'upjl ; ' Sixty-nine and one-fourth miles,' • .14ervou9 Patient (in dentiet'n chair) ; 'Will it hurt muoh, Doo• for 7' Dentist (reassuringly) ; 'I'11 guarantee it won't hurt a bit,' Nor. vous Patient (not convinced) ; 'But what if it slluuld, Doctor 7 What would your guarantee amount to 7' Dentist (eviilentally num of him- self) ; 'If I hurt you, my dear dr, I'll pull avery,tootti iu your head, and 11 won't coat you a cent.' 'Lost time,' said the pastor sol. lady 'pardon me, but your hair is coming down.' 'And yours, sir,' replied the lady indignantly, 'ie coming oil.' 'What bate you been doing to- day ?''asked a young man. 'I've been watching mother darn clothes,' replied the lady, and the young man wont off and wondered why her mother needed watching darn close. 'Mamma,' said Bobby, 'I know why a burned child dreads the fire.' 'Why 7' asked mamma. 'Becarse when he gets burned once the buru makes him smart enough not to go near the stove again.' Struck Him Right at Laet.—Oue Bohemian, meeting another dressed 1n black, remarked : 'Well, what's up now ? 'Don't yon kno,v 7 We've jnsl buried poor B,' also a Bohem- ian. :You don't mean to say he's dead 2 Weli, be is in luck 1' 'Speaking about the artist who painted fruit so naturally that the birds came and peckel at it,' said the fat reporter, 'I drew a hen that was so true to life that alter the sage threw it into the wastebasket it laid there.' 1 never will go to that full dress reception,' observed1'1rs. Deco lette.' 'Why not ?' inquired her husband. Because I haven't a decent dress.' Weil, I wouldn't let that troubte me. You'll find a good many there that hasn't either.' Said Captious, pointing to a sign which read, 'Umbrellas repaired and recovered,' 'There is a palpable lie.' 'Why, how do you make that eat ?' asked Snex. 'Well, umbrell- as may be repaired, perhaps, but they are never recovered.' Lightning rod Agent f 'It's dang- erous to be under this tree in a thunderstorm. One of us might get killed.' Victim : 'Well, if you are killed, you won't be able to talk any more ; and if I am killed, I earn hear you. So 1 guess we'd• better stay.' The Paris Press Olub is to give a • fanoy dress ball, at which every cos- tume must represent a newspaper ill some shape or other. One editor hail announced that his wife will go as &page. We presume that the prevailing type will be the printer's deyth, 'Have you the carte du jour 7' sail'f'tjle affected mise to the hotel wailer. 'A parte as the dure, is it ?' he said. 'Faith, oi've not, mum. It's a'waiter, an' not a rag man, Oi balave Oi am, mum,' and then she complained of his insolence and stupidity. 'Major, if some one was. to. aha11•- .engo you to fight a duel, what would yew do 7"It would all depend on whether he was agentleman or not,' .e.id the major. 'If he was a• gent - :imam, I'd certainly fight hip{.' 'But how would you judge as to that 2' -'That wouldn't be hard to tell. If ,he was a gentleman, he wouldn't the pastor. 'You may luno any• thing else and find it again.' 'Then 'tain't bort,' said the new boy, and somehow the minister didn't just exactly know how to go on with the oonversatiou. And yet he had been warned against that vary boy: • Campion New w. The Leamington Post has been. sold to H. Johnston t•f that place. .A. petition is being circulated in Guelph for the repeal of the Scott Act. Two Winnipeg midwives are to be proeeou ted for premising medicine without a licenee. Mr. Cargill, M. P , of Eau Bruce, has giveu notice of a Bill to repeal the Scott Act, The address fiend reigns in Toren.. to. Lord Lansdowne had five fired at him in one day. A. protest has been filed against the electiou of Mr. Watson, M.P. for Marquette, on the ground of cor- rupt practices. The Canadian Manufacturers' Association at 'Toronto on Wednes- day evening passed resoluttone op- posing.reoiprodity with the United States. A new freight line, called the Can. adlan Paoifin.Despatch; hiss gone in- to operation in connection with the Canadian Pacific Railway and all its connections. Wm. Cook, of Glenmorris, has been found guilty of forging two notes of over $100 moll on farmers fu Puelinch township, and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. The Plasterers' Union, of Brant- ford, have notified the members that all plastering work will be charged 11c. a yard, and 20c. a yard with material found, after May let. Scott Act convictions in West Kent since the 1st of May last, amount to $8,700, $150 of which goes to the county ; $8,100 have been paid in, and iu East Kent the fines amount to $3,575. The morals of the young teen of Aylmer are sought to be improved by the young ladies of that place who have formed an association, the vow taken being to refuse to associ- ate with any young man who drinks, smokes or uses profane language. A man named Wm. Smith has been sentenced by a couple of Paris Magistrates to 80 days' imprison- ment for allowing a livery horse to stand all night in harness, without food or water, in an open shed, in. stead of returning it to the stable. A.rep-ort from. Ottawa atatee. that Engineer Jennings, of the Canada Pacific Railway, bought the land for the divisional shops of the Canada Pacific Railway in the city, which were promised on condition that the line would be extended from London towards the western boundary of Ontario. want to fightme unless I had in• It is understood that an effort is . suited him ; and I wouldn't insult being made to secure ajoint meeting . him if he was:a gentleman.' of St. Thomas bakers and millers Rector (with tremendous force) : for the purpose of advancing the 'Do you ask me to believe that even price of bread and flour inthe city. after r(tia shameful treatment, Jacob 1 Bread•now sells at 10 cents por four was pelt out.' Sport -loving Deacon (wallttng up suddenly) 'Yes, he was, an' Kelly never'd• a reached \second if'=(and • the organ played softly:) OW Gentleman 'Here, sir 1 You are s.• regular fraud. My hair's, euming out as bad as ever. • This stuff isn't worth t continental.' Barber ; '1 didn't promise that it would keep. your hair from coming out. I `said it would preserve your scalp. :your eoalp's all there, isn't it ?' • Mamma (coaxingly).: 'Come Bob- by, talc's your medicine • now and then jump into bed I Bobby : 'I do not want to taiidany medicine, ma. Father (who knowe how to govern children) :,'Robert, if you don't take your mddieine itt onto you will be put ib Merl ;without taking it at all,' Teacher (giving directions for standing) : 'Stand with your heels together, toes turned out, making an angle of d0 degrees.' (This was followed by a look of bewilderment on one boy's face.) Teacher : 'Well, pound loaf; and it ie the desire to advance it to 12 cents. or 6 cents per two pound loaf. Joseph Hickson, General Manager of the Grand Trunk Ilailway, aays. that while -feeling confident that the annual floods at Montreal can •be prevented, that result will never be attained till the harbor and the riv- er down to Quebec are placed under the charge of the Dominion Depart- ment of Public Works. At th,e annual meeting of the T.I. 0. ''X'ract. Society, at Toronto, the following officers were elected: Preeidrent, Rev. Joshua Donovan ; vice-presidents, Hon. Wm. MoMaet- er„ Bev. Wm'. Reid, D. B.; Right: Rev, 11. 8. Baldwin, D.D., Bishop of Huron ; Daniel Wilson, L.L.D., president University College ; Right Bev. A. Sweatman, D.D., bishop' of Toronto,; John Macdonald ; Rev, J. A. Williams, D.D. ; Hon. Chancell- or Boyd ; Rev. John Burton, 13.5. ; treasurer, J. S. Ptayfafr ; joint sec- retaries, John I1. 1oiaedonald, Bev, A. P. McGregor, B.A. OTE LOST,—LOST IN EI'1'H alt ernosole on Oranbrook, on the lalis April, 1887, a Promissory Note dated 18th ' Apr11,1887 made by Wm. Park 10 fever nl (loured Mielunl, or bearer, and payable throe years atter date with 0 per omit. rtaultally, All persons are homey cautioned against* 1legotlating oeul nota, 1{51 pa}zneut hag Leen etupp od. rhe butler will h0 rewarded on epplloetlan and return of note to 011741005 ! IIIOCH2EL,Oraebrooit P. O. 41,4 'l,I'AAND YOUR KOttiES BEAU UL L TIP arritAo'1'lys: Tbo undnr- elgnod has Inc sale a limited number of Bulbs and Tubers of OLAbr0Lln lied those superb nen0trt DAIIL0A0 that atbreoted su much attention at the Fall Show at Bru Eisele, et the following very low prices: U,adiolle Bulbs, at...80 Dents per citizen ;Dahlia Tabors, from 10 to 25 .ciente °sob ; Dahlia 'Cullers, Now Singie It erlean, 18 cents, Saud in your orders early, Plante ready by the 24051 or May. DANLF1ra STEWAI4T, 40.8 Imperial dip. THERE IS NO LEATHER SO GOOD( tar We have Throe Thousand Pairs of Boots in stock, We will make a Reduction on Every Pair. We Sell Cheaper than anyone else, quality considered. The Great Boot (C- Shoe house, Adam Good. $22,00 15081010 FOR 400 Send ue 81.00 and we will mail. you North's Phila. Musical Journal, One Tear. We give ovary enbeerlber 82.00 }north of Sheet Music selected from our catalogue ds a premium.. and publish in the JounNAr; during tho year, music which wonldoost in sheet. form, 820.00, possibly more ; thus every subeoribor receives 822.00 worth of music f or 51.00, The 7olin0AL is published monthly and contains instructive articles for the guidance of teachers and pupils ; enierlalning musical stories, an ex- tensive record of musical events from all over the world and Sixteen Rages of Npw Mario in each world, it the most val- uable publication of the kind in existence. Do not f1t11 to subscribe at once. Address, F. et. NORTH. .e 00., No.1308 Chestnut 8t., rhiladclphin, PH.. Brussels Lime Works I STILL AHEAD. The enbacribers take this opportunity of returning thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels and vicinity for past patronage, and beg to state that having made several improvements in their kiln and mode of burning they aro 00,0 in a better position than ever before to supply the Public, with Tiret-Ulass Lime. This being the Thirteenth Season of our business dealings in Brussels, and having giveu ungnalifed satisfaction so far, the public can rely on reoniviug g.od treatment and a First-01ose Article from us. Pirat-Glass Lime at 13cent's at the kilo. We also burn a No.1 Lizne for Plastering at 15 ciente, Remember the spat--ltru$sols Lime Worhs. 41 Town & Son. cazunnAtilEit HERE WE ARE AGAIN ! After another long winter and lots of op- position I am still alive and in a better position than ever to attend to the wants of the Public, having just • Removed to the Store South of J. Buyer's Carriage Works. I am prepared to Execute all orders Promptly. GRAINING, GILDING, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTING in all its branches. 4WNIXGS .1ND SHOP BLINDS i Done Up in Style PAPER HANGiNG. a Specialty. Wm. Roddick, 0RANBROOK LIME WORKS. The undersigned is prepared to' Supply the Public with ANY QUANTITY —oLr— Fresh Lime! Give' Me. a OalI. V. GEALYI! IVI 9. PROPRIETOR. Wear S eotaeies and Eye -Glasses that will preserve your Eyesight. Manufnotnring Optician, late Of the Run of Lazarus ,4 Morris, 28 4laryle:id Road, Harrow Road, London, tdul, l ngland, has tip - pointed an agent for tho Renowned Spat, Moles and Hve..01e.sseu which have been before the na1Ue for the past 24 years, Lazarus' Spoe•nole. never ti -s the oye Lest many yam!. without oblongs, For Sale by If. 1,. JACKSON, BRUSSELS, - ONT. 1_1URON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co. ThisCompauy is Loaning Money on 1''arul Seetu'ity at LOWEST RATES OP• IN'rIRls'ST, 310etyu.:-('4 PttrCIiaSed. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 8, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time let. OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, ti ode - rich. Horace Horton, MANAGER. T11G WILSON 8OUNDIIT. AT GREATLY Reducer. nixes! We have on hand the following : Land Rollers, Plows, Harrows, Seuffiers, Horse Powers, Straw Cutters, Turnip Cutters, Grind- ing or Chopping Mills, best make, and 1 Goocl Seconal Hand Lumber Wagon. TAKE NOTICE. We bare stlirted a Planer and hatcher tp work. Parties wishing to have slumber Dressed and Matcher*, or Flooring sized, tongued and grooved nifty rely on getting first-class'jobs on the most reasonable tombs. Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to d,1 the Bnu SUMS FOUNDRY. W. R. Wilson Infallible Blood Marna, Tonle Diuretlb Lose of Appetite, Indigestion byxitaps a, Biliouseees, Jkuudlee, Liver Complaint, ilhomnutlein, all Kidney Diseases Sororulp, Disoneee pecuitar to L'eumioa Salt Rheum, 8otftina awl all Skin Menses Ilon,loulte Palpitation of the heart, hour Stomach and Matt Burn, Purely Vegetable, J01171 C. WAST 0, Ue„ ''reroute, Oat. 1:treat Vol- e'•ietlle. 'The subocrlooraerator stile bin valuable Perm iii the Township Of Grey, eumprising lots 0 au d 7, 0071 .1I lu •Alt G?wfillblp, T11i11. tar11190800{111 gen ante x714,1 �y14111n 11 me0 from the thriving v l ego or, lbOlio oto, )WISP genii gravel road load; l tiler!) About 108 510001155 to °loured{ free 'remstumpnild -Ina high state of oust vatic o, Rho hu,anpo is einly wondud. Tido t.rt11 is partlpnlarly wullhunted, nearly the whole of Elm fences lean, straight and having been created in }000 and '88. On the premises therein it conl- iIntalile log dwell hog beetle and °goo d[rani e hart) with oteuo stabling undernea11, in which there is it well with nu abundael• 011p - ply ufe*Oellent 1.0 tor, There le ill:owls°a now frame Implement hoose, 40x90, well floored , above 111,1 below, and ueut,y eldo,i and painted. For particulars apuly to tbo Proprietor, ,T.‘ AI 110 11 (01150N, liogi, tray, li \�zou Un„ 18-11 God oriel*, ON EY TO LOAN, PRT v;/1 J'E FUNDS. of Private, Funds have just .been placed in my hands' for In- vestment. A`1' 7 PER CENT. Borrowers can have their loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory. Apply to GH. F. WADE. cis MAI- 18, '.SSI Money to Loan. Money to Loan on Farm Pro perty, at LOWEST RATES, PRIVA'fEfdAND COMPANY FUNDS W. B. DICKSON, Solicitor, Brussels, Ont. OINI.IY'I'0 Lent, Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 cl 6 Per Cent. Yearly, Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, J)isis'iwr Court Clerk, Brussels. FOR ECCS! HAVING OPENED OUT AN Egg Emporium, in Grant's Block, Brussels, Next Door 10 the Post Office, I am prepared to Pay CASTE for any quantity ofjEggs. BRING ALONG ALL YOU HAVE and Remember the Stand. if nova:now. SELLING HP, ,. HMG N G SELLING OFF. 331{1°{'` Boots & Sh,oes, Eats & Caps, llcaay- Made Clothing, Gent's 'ux- 3aishingP, &c. For the NEXT -SIXTY DAYS I intend running a Clearing Sale of my Entire Stock, consisting of over $5,000 worth of all Styles and Sizes of Boots and Shoos, Slippers, Ribbon, &o., Hats & Caps, Ready -Made Clothing and Gent's Furnishings, so as to save re- 'moval. The like of such BARGAINS 1G as we will offer were never heard of before in Brussels, and it will PAY You over and over again to make your purchases from us during this CLEARING SALE. The Goods Must and Will be Sold Regard- less of Profit. Our Stook is new and in excellent condition. No old goods on our shelves. G all and See our. Goads and Get our Presst Opposite Queert's:Hotel, Brussels. SOSTRANDER. SIXTY D9YS, SIXTY DAYS.