HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-5-13, Page 5MAY 13, 1887.
.att'JrsAdlty . ±11
r< r:'a,it:N
We have 75 different Lines of
Parasols that we are closing out at
Wholesale Prices.
We have Thousands of Yards of
Prints that we are selling at prices
Below the regular wholesale cost
t- Merchants.
- 0000000(1-
Our Milliner, MISS SMITH, can
give you. Millinery to suit the most
fashionable and at Prices Away
Down below competition.
We are Selling Ties, Braces,
Shirts, Rubber Coats and Under-
wear at Wholesale Prices.
We are closing out fine lines of We are selling Boots, Shoes and
Tweeds at 35 per cent. • less than Slippers at prices that will defy
you can buy theme, elsewhere. competition.
The Question is often asked us, "How is it you can Sell so Cheap."
ANSWER. ---The Truth is we Buy Cheap and therefore can Sell Cheap, and'still. have a small profit
to live on.
gaE,i'nt .f,,M1P.:11.",> a++z•;, f+.fiW- •-ur:a.s.
. t ., is 3 ,
ii,414fS S;a?t:114.7.",.eOliY!S4ti31O;r,.,•.rr,"Stet „ ,?
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Y', trixt I�•,c111 j' .
A largo number of persons are paying
Mir respects to the trout brooks of
Tom's township.tion
Fall wheat is not making much pro-
ress just now except on low land. A
ood shower of rain is badly needed.
On the 23rd inst. John Mooney and
rife will celebrate their silver wedding by
Lavin a gatheringof friends at their
mnforrtale residnce.
Arbor day was observed by a number of
ur public schools and a lot of shade
Tees were planted with the object of
pT11e $r radon the Sapiens a: I. 1Rogoreou,
f Sunn side, user Brussels Crit., is in
ho city on a visit. Ho has land at Oak
River country,, and is highly pleased with
Brandon and its surroundings,
Scnoon RsromT.-Tho following is a re-
ext of the standing of the pupils of S.S.islave
le. 4 for the month of April :-Sr. Four-
h olase.-ist, Minnie Sharp ; 2nd Will-
am Forsyth ; 8rd, Jeunis Walker. Jr.
Fourth class.-lst, Rebeooa Smith ; 2nd
mole MoQuarri° ; 8rd, Maggie Mooney.
r. Third olass.-1st, Lizzie Ledgerwood ;
ad, Jennie Mooney ; 3rd, John Forsyth.
r. Third class.-lst, Daniel MoQuarrte ;
tad, Hobert Smith ; 8rd, Robert Pipe.
000nd nines. -1st, Hannah Forsyth ;
nd, John Mo0utaheon : 3rd. Walterliar•
0. Miss KATE 0.0 r,sS, Teacher.
Win. Simpson C Son have improved
the appearance of their lot by erecting a
nowt fence along the flout,
Mrs. A. P. Annie, after a dangerous 111
ness, is now rapidly regaining strength.
Our village M. D. deserves special credit
in the ease of Mrs. Annis, as her health,
before being taken down with infiamme.-
of the lmigs and pleurisy, was very
low, and for a week she was looked upon
as iu a serious condition, but, thanks to
good uedicel skill and (nursing by kind
friends, she will soon be around, we hope,
to stay for years.
About half a dozen of our villagers were
on Uhe mill road last Saturday, at mid•
night, making night hideous with their
drunken orgies. We are rather surpris-
'ed that our worthy landlord world ou•
courage men about his premises to such
hour, and regardless of the
an , supply
l•qaw, supply them with intoxicating of 153/10li•
depriving We Ihnvo 3110(1 names (the ense
majority of them married men but re-
frain from publishing 4hem, hoping eha4
forme oseouduatn beneflnial efFeet on their
DECE,1813fl.-0u Saturday evening Ed-
ward T. Slemmon, son of John Slemmon,
of the 9th non., of Grey, and well known
in the township, passed away, after a
lingering illuose of many months, borne
with Christian fortitude. kir. Steinman
(vas not a stranger to the people of this
part of Huron, having been bora hero and
has resided bore most of his life. He
was highly esteemed as a friend by all
who over had the pleasure of bis Ito.
qua'ntauco. All through his illness he
was in good spirits, and although fully
aware that the end was near he, up to
the last, took a lively interest in the wel-
fare of those around him. He will be
aliened greatly by all, and }Lia family
have the earnest sympathy of everyone.
Tho deceased tang t school at Duke's and
Smith's sohool houses for a number of
Yearn and teas teaching at Blnevalo when
o took ill. The largo funeral on Tues-
day was ample proof that he was very
highly esteemed and beloved.
Summers xnn PuieENTATroN.-011 Wed-
uesday evening, the 4th ins(., the friends
of Mrs. and Mr. Paul, to the number of
fifty or thereabouts, headed by the Ethel
brass band, wended Choir way to the Par•
sonage, well supplied with bakete OM"
Ualning the goo things of life, After the
visitors had taken full possession of the
house and the band had played sevoral
pieces the following address was read by
William Tindall :-
To the Rev. 7t. P33131 and Lady :. -
REV. AND DsAx Sin AND Pastor. -We
have come this evening to endeavor to ex-
press to you and your beloved consort the
varied feelings of friends on parting with
those very deurto them. Wo aro con.
eoious that in the discharge( of your duty,
, r
mission, on, su°11 prosecution
u,.tetpcome to
pastor and people and therefore regress
would 00001 vain; still, it in a failing of
button nation, if failing it should be call-
ed, to lament the severaa00 01 sweet in.
ter00nrae with those we love and to find
it a stretoIsing of the heart strings,
suffusing eyes with tears, Yes, dear
...:_...,_ ..._ s.-..-...., .._�...,_�_.....,._ ...
we shall 01'01 your theory hail and smile.
We shall miss your kindly hospitality and
your words of courage and sympathy to
the distressed and atlhated, but, notwith-
standing our sorrow, WO can still rejoice
in the thought that God has blessed you
with health and strength and that yon
will go from here still strong for the
Lord's eervioe. We can assure you, dear
sir, that wherever God in His providence
may appoint your work in His vineyard
there will the prayers of your people here
follow yon, that many bright stars may
appear in your crown ashen you go heuae
to receive our reward. We ask you,
clear friends, not to for at us -our
g y
friends of Ethel and vicinity-"Thepray-
ora of the righteous availeth mush," re-
member n9 in your prayers and tlltat we
cent these L e piobuxlat we es of ourself ve said,Mrs.
acPaul as. souvenirs ofyour sojourn hero.
(John Watts hero seantedl Mc. Paul
ith two pictures newt) and beautifully
framed and valued at 20 each.) And
now, dear friends, we wish you In your
future lath through life all the blessings
of joy, peace and plenty that our Heaven-
ly Father gives his faithful followers, and
though sorry to part, we trust -yea, are
assured -our communion in joy shall be
renewed, if not on earth, in that better
,and our Lord Ohrist has gone before to
pre are for those that love Him.
Signed for the congregation by
Imo CaDEn, Steward,
Joos SVooua, Artist,
Mee. Damon Baxaurm,
leas. 1fr, Paul then replied, in sub-
stance, as. follows: Dear Chrietiatt
frioud., I must nay that my faelinge aro
Almon( beyond control. Quite a number
of persons may and do think that I am
lot easi ly moved, but i assure you that
i3 emotions, at (}318 moment, are too
deepfor m° to find words to ex ress, you
havtaken us s° completely by surprse.
It is thirty six year's ago gime X left my
hornet° enter the, work of the ministry--
my lifework -I have had many happy
times -bright spots -and the time silent
in 17t13o1 has been among the brightest. I
must tell the friends of Ethel and neigh.
borhood-we love to go in and out among
yon, to eat with you at your tables and to
worsbiparou3d your family altars. Then
it gives 5115 unbounded pleasure to meet
with you in the hoose of God, to preach
to you the Gospel.01 life and salvation.
Tour constant attendance, profound at.
tendon And earnest sympathy have al.
ways helped me, and now we must short.
ly part.. I must tell you that the break-
ing up of these tender ties and hallowed
assootations will be no small matter to
Mrs. Paul and myself. The addtsoe now
read has touched our hearts and thrilled
the profoundest depths of Our souls. It
breathes noble sentiments, human feel,
ings and Christian love. The pictures
p y gplayed
pit. Wo areevidence tofm au
Valued and pre010l1a Memorise. Wean we
lookat them and miaow them to 0150 friends
in days and 7oars to come wo shall re-
member Ethel and our many waren, lav-
ing friends in that place. I trust you
will a000pt ISO's. Peal's and my warmest
thanks for theca tokens of your love and
. ,.
After rho re )1 the table was spread
i with viands tempting to the inner -man,
and which were done ample justice to,
in fact, we think, some would suffer next
day from their assiduous, and repeated
attempts to conceal an unjust proportion
of the edibles about their persons. After
several more solution by the Baud and a
short time spent le 100181 intercourse the
party broke up, and after wishing Mrs.
and Mr. Paul many years of happiness
all departed for borne and some for other
peoples homes, where, no clonbt, late as
was the hour, sone ewamg on Uhe front
ate end sweet interchanges of nonsense
ware indulged in. ONs w•no was Tnmss.
The following item refers to the
brother-sm.law of our townsman, Win,
Silence :-Tie Presbyterian
of u chats of Iana North Arm, Rev. C G Thomson, Imerof
Brumfield, have been constructed 11310
two separate .ahergos. The 000800
tion of •V L ver tendered I0r, Thom-
son a use Lmous call to be their pastor,
offering bins a stipend of ($1,500 pr ane-
num. Mr. Thomson accepted the call
and was formally induemd on the 20th of
April. We are glad also, to notice that
Mr. Thomson enters upon his new charge
under the most promising oireumstaoces
and with the prospect of a large and pros-
perons congregation in the immediate
future, In eouclndillg its .apart of the
induction proceedings the Herald says;
"Mr. Thomson has, by his genial, upright
and unassuming bearing, gained the res-
pact and confidence of the oitizons of
Vaucouvor, and rho people of New Wost
Minster distrio4 generally."
150, .Jennie Lindsay 160. Sr. 8rd class--
Mary Campbell 271, Isabella Pearson 253,
Lizzie Robertson 222, Robert Lindsay
146, `Walter Robertson 185. Sr. 2nd class
-Samuel Campbell 130, Joseph Ridley
115, David Dake 90, Sarah Taylor 95,
Katie Pearson 78, Donald Kellner 65.
Jr. 23111 olasa-John Lindsay 114, Flor-
°nee Spillett 53, Maggio Robertson S9,
Charles Ames 68, Mary Ames 82, Mar
Jane Holmes 100.
E. G. 1icDoso,u, Teacher.
Dnrron 1 usr.-An item appeared in
ire of r of April 15th referring to an
'tem of previous week's issue, and assum•
inti to correct dates, &a. Now, the in-
dividual who penned the item in question
seems to lace .oat stress on th wrrect•
ness of dates, the main idea in such item,
is the fact of certe parties, with whom
we aro well acquainted, leaving this part
of the country and the place to welch
4}Ley may remora, as to a day before or
after (hair having loft is of no come.
known, a tier author of the roam, un-
ably corrects, as having. had n hole made
in his head through his horse running
away or p'tah'n,e him out of Ms rig.
Now, it is a welll-known fact that some
people, t° whish Mass this correoter of
items probably belongs, aim lose the
whole top of their had and not expose
much brain to the weather. If this
human chrouolog'cal time tabic had Duly
referred to the nnstake in dates we would
say nothing, but after hie wanton and un•
called -for insult to Dna who never injured
him, we cannot let this pass without cam.
moat, and asoribe it only to his being
rooked so muok in an article of domestics
utility that hie brain is in an addled
state, We hope in future he wilt be a
little more careful or his non will get him
into more trouble than a good many boles
in his head. Summit.
'Wiesch Lrtt.
The town council made their usual
giant of $100 to the town band.
The youopr ladies of St. Paul's church
ittend holding a Miley sale 'the 'letter
part of. May.
Tho conu0'1 agreed to exempt rho futn•
itare factory of Gilchrist, Green & Cu. for
ten years, in lien of the 0200 promised
them last Midyear.
D. R• Talbot and D, McInnes Have
opened out a new store in the Queen's
block, where they will carry on busiuees
until t mora suitable building otos be se-ureu. The new
Talbot McIunes.rm will be known as
On account of the largely 1nCr0asod
• number of pupils,. attending the public
school it has become necessary to form a
new room and engage another teacher.
Miss Bargesa, of Ism/knows eppl,oation
deiath of little Jimmy Moyers, 0f
this pinna was at. first thought to have
been due to fright he received at school,
anti from swaliowing eulphnr tum es. from
burning mutates that bigger boys emu-
polled hien to hold in hie mouth, but Dr,
Young aortif}sb that the boy died of ditch.
therotu' 000113, Anil not from the mese at
r,,.•1 „•u...,, t
Goderich and Soafarth play a lacrosse•
match here on the '34th.
Three trotting races on Fairview Park
on the Queen's Birthday.
Tho Skating Rink Company report a
deficiency of about 3150 for the past
The Broadfoot,eBox by-law: will be
voted'on on Dfonday of asst weals. There
is very little doubt but that it will carry
by a large majority.
From the Treasurer's report of the
Listitu30 Uhe receipts for the
yyear amounted to 6(3159,31 and the Bis-
bnrsements to 81,150.14, n addition to
this the consolidated debt of rho institute
was reduced by $100, and there is still in
the treasury a balance of 0283.92, It will
thus be seen that financially the Institute
Is in an excellent condition, and we' are
pleased to notice from the !Secretary's re -
other rt rest it is eats. evenThera L1103 rn we in in
1 the
Library 1L,07G volumes, of which 196 were
added during the year and 34 discarded
issuedg ldurin the year,e vand. there ese
are classified as follows :-Biography
Fiction, 6,723; Histor 1,20; ]1iso Ittn,
sous, 7(35; Period'oal901; Poet • and
Drama '325 ; Religions Literature 560 ;
TSrnvels,1,725 ee and ' 672, and Voyages and
1Gi to Vo el.
J. A. Hacking caught a trout that
weighed 1 pounds.
The present appearance of the fall
wheat in this section is better thou it has
been foo several years. Wherever the
land is in good condition and properly
drained there is every promine of a good
Quees'e BI meters. -The anniyerdary
of Her Majesty's birthday will be cele
Mated here in grand style. 0150 will' be
given in prizes. The following is the
ptogram of the day's ariiisements :-'
• Morning, 10:80-A Locrosee Maloh,
Guelph vs. Listowel, on Rink Compaiiyha
Afternoon, 2 o'clock --Games and
alhletiosports onRink Company'sgrounds
opsa to amateurs iu Perth, Huron and
Hop, step and jump (stealing) O4 112 311
Thinning jump 4 2 1
Standing jump ..,... 4` 2 1
Hop, step and jump (1tu.ling).• 4 2 1
Standing high jump 4 2 1
Running high jump. , ....., 4 2 1
100 yard raga 4 2 1
Race twice around the track, 4 2 1
Hurdle rave, 200 yards .....,, 4 2 3
Hop, etep and lump (atanding(. , 4 2 1
Running jump 4 2 1.
Standing jump 4 2 t
Running hop, step end 3(11)13).,., 4, 2 LF
Standing high lump.... ,. .. 4 2 1
d 5 Z ,1
100 yet rase ti :1 3
300 yard rade 5 2 1
Highland fling, girls under 15S 1
" " boys " 2 l
Sword dellco, girls gilder 1•i 2 1.
" boys , , • 2 ;
Tug of war, open to litho n and
ava.u.•.,, ,,,,....,. , ,,.
Horse trading again to the Econ(.
Louie Eakmier lost a valuable mato
.at week,
Fishing is (110 great sport of the jnyen•
90 now.
Our Literary Society has adjourned for
x months.
A number of our young mon visited
enfryn on Sunday.
Luay, daughter of Alex. Cameron, is
my sink with pleurisy.
J. Heffernan is beautifying the grounds
i front of his residence,
What about the games for the 24th of
fay 7 Will ib all end 'n talk 7
Some of our citizens seem to have made
mistake and took the,8th of the month
q arbor clay.
This is the season of the year Cita folies
Iglu to hunt their diotionary for strong
nguagc to apply to fruit tree peddlers.
At this season of the year "swkward
cute" is the endearing terns sometimes
?plied to the innoeen3 pater -families, all
I hie earnest efforts to help his wife to
+ke down the pipes in the '''best room"
e lets a pile of soot slide from the die-
4nted pipe, to the Oerpot, and then, to
atter it, steps into it.
Itmamasoon, we are in the dilatorry notion
tmy mPending y
E the male corps the .young mon 'Moro
ore out till the "wee on& "ours" en Sat.
May evening praetio'ng the "goose.eep"
1d Ringing Salvation Arm. songs, with
view, no doubt, of orming a home-
lard.: A little knee,drill would 80 them
0 hurt, except that the tuutsual posture
G ray.
Rev. D. Perris will supply at the Nis-
50(113 charge, near St. Marys, Perth Co„
during his vacation,
The Court of Rovsionfor this township
will bo held at Robertson's hotel, Ethel,
on Thursday, May 26.
'There is a good deal of sickness in this
township but no very serious oomplainte
and the fine spring weather will na doubt
have a rejuvenating effect.
TOwNanlr STATISTICS. -We are indebted
to the obliging township clerk for the fol.
lowing recapitulation of the assessor's
roll ;-Total vane of rood property, $1,
696,820 ; personal property, $77,675 ; real
and personal, $1,773,905. Population, 8,-
781 ; number of dogs, 415; rattle, 6,643 ;
sheep, 3;001 ; hogs, 1,069 ; horses, 1,704.
Number of e,oras, 64,500 ; sores cleared,
A football match was played recently
between Uho pupils of S. S. No. e, Grey,
and those of Molesworth village school,
As the schools are about four milts apart
the pupils agreed to meet halfway, on
neutral ground, to test the merits of their
rospsotive teams. They accordingly as.
eemblod at the farm of T. Elliot. Both
un hour mid a half the score stood fav- .
or S. S. No. G by five goals to one,
Senor, EsroiT.-The following 1s the
result of the weakly examinations held
during the month of April, in S. S. No. 5.
Total mambos of marks obtainable in each
class war° as follows :-4th, 875,3 $r. 8rd,
830 ; Sr. '2118, 140 ; Jr. 2nd, l40. ,1th
r„N..,.c„»,,,er livors ;inn. ale.. l'a,•,A