HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-5-13, Page 2iairootory of Churohos and Sooiatiss.
MELVILLE CTltntcn.--Sabbath Servioee
at ll a. m. and 0:80 p.m. Sunday Scheel
at 2;30 p. m. Rev. John Roes, B. A.,
Eszox Crluhcn,---Sabbath Services at 11
a. m. and 0:30 p. 01. Sunday School at
2;80 p. m. Rev. S. Jones, pastor.
ST. Join's Ontrncn,--Sabbath Services
at 11 a.nr. and 7 p.m. Sunday Sohool at
9:80 a.m. Rev. W T. C'duf, moumbent.
Ms.rsonls'S OOIn1C1r --Sabbath Services
at 10:130 a. in. and 0,30 p. n1. Sunday
School at 2:80 p. m. Rev. WW1. Smyth,
BoMMAN G.'rsoLrc Cncncre.----Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
11 a.m Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
Ono FELLOWS' Loners every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
1fnsoseLoren Tuesday nt or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A, 0. TJ. W. Louon on 1st and Ord Mon-
day evenings of each month.
FonesTi:IT' I,o,OOe 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month, in Smale's hall.
L. 0, L. let Monday in every month,
in Orange Hall.
Peso Orrran.-0ffrce hours from 8 a.m.
to 7 p.m.
Mncybmes' INSTITUTE, Reading Room
and Library, in Holmes' block, will be
open from 0 to 8 o'olook p.m. Wednesdays
and Saturdays. llfiss Jessie Ross, Lib-
Farina Note
Surround the granery.with two
thicknesses of rough hemlock hoards,
breaking joints, aucl no rat or
moue° will gnaw through.
West's Cough Syrup cores whooping•eOngh
asthma, bronchitis, oonsumption and all
throat and lung difficulties. Sects., Ole. and
el. All druggists.
The small shnote around the
apple treat) should be closely pruned,
as also any from the centre of the
trees on the larger limbs. Thie
growth is the natural remelt of win-
ter pruning the previolte year, and
to entirely check it the pruling may
be postponed until the leaves have
etarted. This with too rapidly
growing trees le often a good method
to set them to fruit -bearing.
Delicate females, old people, and children
are always pleased with 1Vost's Liver Pills.
Mild, effective, and they always cure. 00
sugar-coated pills 2Octe. All druggists.
The tomato to one of the most
Important vegetables we have. Dur-
ing the Glimmer months the children
of many families almost live on
them. Tiley eat then both raw
enol cooked at anti between meals.
They should not be restricted either,
but encouraged to eat more of them.
The tomato is both a mild cathartic
and n febrifuge, and will keep them
free from worms and lever during
the heated term.
Thousands owe tlt.iir recovery from
Rheumatism to West's World's Wonder or
Family Liniment. It in conceded every-
wheretn be the best ieuawn remedy for
Bhenmatlem . puts, Brn ices, Sprains, Burns,
Scalds, and all diseases requuing external
application. Price 50 Dents ted 50 cents per
bottle, Sold by 511 druggists.
A hotbed is not neeettetlry to start
cabbage fur the hate crop. Make
a bed in souse rich grieve', est the
surface n1 fine til th °tint rf,w the
seeds thinly in rows su the' the line
may be passed bete 0.11 them. 13 is
important to push groetll rapidly,
and if the plants are taken up and
reset in the beds they will be more
steely lend have more amnia roots,
to that %visa tinnily set out in the
field there will be little or no check
to them growth.
11 Profitable Lite.
1 ew men have aocomp1is11ed the ams
amount of work and goodin tuts world as
the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 00,000 of his
works have been soidin Canada alone, Wo
wank every portiontroubled with Livor
Complaint, Dyse'opsia, leoadaohe,Iiidney or
Urinary Troubles, to call ni at yourdrugglet
and buys bottle of flr.Oha•,o'e Liver Cure,
it willcnre you. Medicine and lteoipenook
for moo.
The black color of charcoal makes
it valuable as a top -dressing for
lawns to early spring, It lies some
manurial properties, all charcoal
having too potash, all
when old
it has also in addition- 801138 ammo-
nia it has absorbed from the air.
It makes a pretty sight to see bright
green leaves of truss springing up
through the bluets surface which a
thin dressing of charcoal makes.
Tho dark color absorbs and retains
the heat from the direct rays of the
sun, 5vbile later in the season the
upspringiug grass covers the char-
coal, whish then tete as a mulch,
keeping the soil beneath mniot and
Baldness, Thin glair, dc.
Those who aro bald, who have gray or thin
hair. or who aro troubled with dandruff
should Invest in a bottle of Dr. Doronwend's
Hair Magic." It is the finest preparation
(Or the hair and scale now Muse. It is rap-
idly superseding all other hair tonics. It
stops falling, restorer{ the original color to
gray hole end rot baldness, NO oro there aro
the slightest possible roots, It will produce a
lnegroWth 01 hair, Do not wall until loo
]ate but get 5 bottle at Ouse, G. A.. Dead-
man and J. Hargreaves & Oo„ Agents, Brus-
Tho London Live Stook Journal
saye :—A large number of half-
breeds, from the thorough -bred ata] -
lion or the light Cart mare, are be-
ing used in our London tramway
cars. In the single horse carp ,they
seem to be just what is wanted, as
they are wide -sot and fill up the .
epeee.'between the trails, Thais
short legs, Shoulder well planted for
pulling, and steady, slogging agtion,
well suit them for the work, They
seem to be quiet et stetting, and
aro Very ready in eterppin{f when re•
gnired—a ]patter of some import -
aeon when fares are to be picked up
every hundred yards or so,
Pain eamlot exist attar the patient has
taken a single dose of West'O Pain EMS. tbo
mtgio apse. -Do not be induced to take a
substitute, but insist upon having 'Vest's
Pain I{ing Sold by all druggists.
That a cow has a very ;'small calf
may be due to several °aeries, in-
flueucea of its sire, deficient feeding
of the materials regnirod to make
growth, or possibly to small size in
the dam herself, Heifers while
makiug growth usually drop small
calves, but many farmers have
found that the calves from heifers
are often superior milkers and well
worth raising, if heifers, until they
become cows. It might be suggest-
ed that the tendency to early milk
production may be inbred by letting
heifers drop their calves very young
and breeding from those. Perhaps
this may be one of the means by
which the Jersey cattle were origin.
aced, thus accounting at the same
time for their small raze.
Why w111 you• suffer when one bottle of
West's Wor1d'oWonder will relieve, and two
to three bottles aura any ;cane of rheumat-
ism. 25 cents and 50 cents. Your druggist
sells it.
In making a new lawn, the first
point is the proper preparation of
the Buil. It should be thoroughly
and deeply tilled, with au abund-
ance of well composted manure
worked into it. Then sow foto' io
six bushels of seed to the more. 1n
making a new lawn, it is well to lay
an edge of turf along the paths or
roads, and along the margins of the
beds that are to be made in the
lawn.—If paths or wrlks are to be
made, whatever the material, eeoare
a good foundation by excavating
stud filling iu broken stone to make•
a solid bottom.—ibis is the month
usually preferred for transplanting
evergreens. The essential point is
to prevent the roots from drying.
From the minute they are taken
from the soil to the time when they
gointo it again, the roots most not
dry. Shelter them from the sae
and air, end, if possible, keep them
STnaxronn, Aug. a,'65.
I have much pleasure in re
commending your Dr. Jug'o Mod.
i itre and Pills. .3.s for the latter 1
• ti VEll
titt o
I canthe
asOfiveweekrecommend thaw.
erin five weeks I have
been stttferingfr0m a severe ]rain
fn my right ride and have found
Ib °Pills a most 0000 teal remedy
when other remedies have fulled,
Yours truly,
L. B . Gnnnx.
Sold by 0, A. Deadman, Brussels.
Although spring is usually a busy
time for men and teams, it is on
some accounts the (lest for under -
draining. The soil while moist and
loose from recent frosts is much
more easily dug than after it has
been scorched and dried out by the
heat of summer- There is some
advantage also in having enough
water in the ditch as dug to secure
a uniform fall. A depression of
ono or even two inches below the
grade may pass unnoticed when the
bottom is dry, but with enough
water to make a small stream every
little sag le made manifeet at once.
It ouly takes a small depression to
impair, if not entirely destroy, the.
usefulness of an uuderdrain, end
when water is renuing, a uniform
fall can be got without the use of
the level. While spring ought to
bo a busy time on the farm, it is al-
so true that wet land cannot be
worked until it is either drained or
dried out. Sometimes putting a
drain through a wet piece can be
done 10 less time than it can be got
ready for the plough without, and
in such cases it is better to put the
drain through, making a permanent
improvement, rather than keep men
and teams idle while the land is
drying. But the full benefit of un•
derdraining done in aprlug is not
shown until at least one winter has
passed over, the drained groaned
freezing the soil deeper than it oould
be while wet, and thus making it
fertile to a greater depth
Tepid milk and water Olean oil-
cloth without soap.
Save your old tea; itis excellent
for cleaning grained wood.
West's Pain Ring should bo .kept 1n every
beano for sudden {attacks of °ramps, colic
painters' colic, cholera morbus, flux and
dyeontery, Only 260. All drdggists,
If you scorch clothes in ironing,
place in the sun to draw the marks
Any ease of (5mo hook cured by a few ap.
plication, of West's Worll'e Wonder; 5100
cures sprains,bruises, outs and borne.
Cheapest and leet. All druggists
Use white oilcloth bank of the
kitchen table and sink, and tinder
hooks that hold tinware.
Bean or oatmeal water should be
used when bathing children suffer-
ing with searlet fever.
If when,blaokiog the stove a email
lump of sugar and some soap be
added it will improve It very much.
Put a piece of °berated in a pot
with boiling cabbage, to prevent it
filling the house with WS smell.
N'est's ;Livor Pills—genuine wrapped in
blue--thostandard remedy for liver com-
plaint, dyspepsia,- Iltdtg0stlo0, epd stole head.
ache. All druggists,
The moot effectual remedy for
slimy nod greasy dreiirpipes is °op-
pornts diesolvod eel left to work
gradually through the pipe..
west'saatn Ring—tbo household remedy—
Alwaysuseful, Never fails to 0020 01,01055
morbus, pains in stomach or bowels, era11
polio, chilli or summer complaint, 200. Ali
Two apples kept in a cake box will
loop moderately rich cape moist for
a groat length of time, if the apples
are renewed when withered,
West's World's Wonder or Family Lini-
ment, a superior remedy for neuralgia, Aleu-
matiem, lame back, Bprafae, bruises, outs,
burns, or wounds. Cheaper, goes further,
lasts longer than any other All druggists.
Never put a good keit() into loot
greea0, ae it destroys lie sherpuess.
Have always at hand a lcitoben-fork
for turning moat or frying potatoes.
Purity your blood and regatta° your livor
and digestive organs before the hoot of stun -
mer, and thus save a doctor's .bill by the
tlmet,,ry use of West's Liver rills. Sold by all
Powdered cinnamon will scatter
black and rets amts effectually. 'Let
it be strewn in craeke of cupboard
shelves, end along the edges of tin
cake boxes, and the posts will soon
disappear. This, Wiib red popper
(cayenne) will be sufficient t'1 -re-
111050 them, however finely they
may seem to be ostnblieLed.
Mothers! If your daughters are in 111
health, or troubled with auieuono that
seems incurable, or it they ,user from gen-
eral debility, nervousness, languor, weak-
ness, or less of appetite, procure at °nos a
]latae of Johnson's 'Soule Bitters, and you
elI1 not regret the outlay. The Tonto and
generally ttreesthening effect of this medi-
cine is truly marvellous. 00010, and 01.00 per
bottle et D0adman'6 Drug Store, Brunsole,
All iu(auts and young ohildreu
would die In a very fete weeks if not
allowed to eat enythiug contaluiug
Angor, because they need the carbon
of the sagas to keep them warm ;
their extravagant, their insatiable
fouduees for everything sweet is a
wise ittetitict of nature. If °endive
were used as desserts in winter,
and trolls and berries, 10 their na
turd elate, ripe raw and perfect iu
summer, to the exclusion of pins,
tarts, pastries, and puddiugs, human
life would be extouded.
E'asshion Notets.
Rubies are decidedly in fashion.
Necklaces are little worn nowlt-
Solt Rheum Cured.
McGregor & Parke's 005110110 Cerate hos
been tried and Sound to be the only positive
euro for Salt Rheum, Pimples, Blotches on
humor haads,Cuts, Burns, Bruises, or any
Sore that nothing else will heel. Be sure
and get the genuine, made by MoGrog or &
Parte. Prior 250. S01,1 at Hargreaves Drug
Lace insertion and ribbon drosses
are now very fashionable.
Turbans remain in favor for city
streets and for travelling hats.
The fashionable waist is extra-
vagantly long and idiotically tight.
Important News Item,
nooxoTowx.—"Mrs. Campbell has boon
troubled for a. number of years with Indi.
gestlon and Constipation, and was induced
to try MoGreger's speedy Ouro and found It
all tliatl its needed,. She wouldreoonomend
110 1230 00 any person aimllarly troubled."
Tills invaluable reefed). is Boldin every part
of Canada at beefs. and 31.00 par bottle.
Sold at J oho Hargreaves & Co.'s drug store,
Audacity is the most marked char-
acteristic of the season's millinery.
White lilacs are first choice for
bridal naso gays, white lilies of the
valley a good second.
111SloIbtC beet Instantaneous.
All pains or aches will be instantly remov-
ed by a few drope of Fluid Llgutning applied
over the affected parte. No time lost; no
nauseous medicines uoeded; no poulticing
or using greasy liniments. It 5511 nob blister
or discolor the skin, Sold at25e. per bottle
by Jao.Hargrenvea & Go„Druggiota, Stiffer_
ere from Neuralgia assure us that they nay er
fear it when their house contains a bottle of
Fluid L igllsnin g.
Plain net without dots now rivals
point d'esprit with its many dote for
drone bonnets.
Artifioiel flowers never loots well
in the hair unless that and the coma
plosion are artificial as well.
nice resorts Lnng 0000poufd.
Hero you a bad Cough c Chronic Hoarse-
nees,a feeling of Lightness in the Choat,
Weak Lungs, or any similar complaint ? It
so, buy at once a bottle -of McOrogor'e Lung
Compound. It will cum you, It contains
entirely new specifics, of w11i011 ono dose is
more effectual than a whale bottle of the
old time remedies. It is put up in nets, and
$L00'b0tties:.,'Sold by J. Hargreavee'•ik 0o:,
Druggists ,brussels. Try •1t, and. you. will
never have reason to complain.
The peculiar and startling colors
of the season give bad taste every
possible ch,inoe to assert itself,
Leather `buttons; iilorocco, bid,
seal, alligator and dog skin, hand
painted, are a now fad for street
More Remarkable 01111.
Found at last ,what the public hat been
looking for those many years and that 'is a
me,f0i0e which, although bnt lately intro -
d eod,bea made for lt0olf/ a reputation See,
and to none the medicine is Johnson's Tonga
Bifore, which, in eonjunotion with John-
001110.Tonla Liver PIlle, has performed some
most wonderful cures. Impure and im-
poverished blood soon bowmen wattled and
enriched. Biliousness indigestion sink
ho511dohe, livor complaint, languor, weak-
ness, &o., 0008 disappear 'hien treated by
thoseoxoollout tonic medicines, ger sale
by G, A, Dosdbann. tremolo,
French milliners, it is said, often
provide mere burlesques of their
best designs, to tneet,'Jiinglieh and
American metes.
The fashiouablo bride wears but
one glove, The first brideemaid
carries the other,. It is not good
form to employ a meseengel' boy for
A pretty feature of a rout %vel-
ding .vas the woarlug of natural
Blowers iu a high cluster on dress
herniate of lace, both in black and
white. Thie sono decoration wag
also noticed upon bonnets wore in
the cities on Easter Sunday.
DYSPEPSIA. 0010 010,
Mr, 13. Walker, of Waterford, esys
"Dyspepsia has been my wife's trouble for
a long time past, and elle has suffered
greatly with ft ; but, thanks to Dr. Oar -
son's Stomach Bitters, she is completely
cured. It aeted very nicely, and did not
siolf0u or gripe her while taking it. If
people only knew about the Carson Stom-
aoh Bitters there would not be so muti1
suffering in the world.”
The beautiful gowns of dove -gray
faille, surab, or cashmere imported
this mean, when not decorated
with Ruseiau paesemeutories of n
deeper color, or garnished with self-
triminiugs, are combined with sills
of pale, pinkish mauve, olive green,
a sunny shade of pale, golden brown,
of white silk, in cream or ivory
]'Ire slew very deep beaded fringes,
some of which are quite a yard iu
length, are draped across the entire
fronts of llandsoino gowns, of are
arranged as panels at each side.
They are also used to decorate the
fronts of the graceful vasitee meds in
peplum style, the friugos reaching
from the shoulder to the extreme
edge of the long points
The maintenance of 10 henithy state of
the system is the surest protection against
disease; experience has shown that by the
use of Dr, Carson's Stomach and Constipa.
tion Bitters a perfect state of health eau
be assured. It frees the system from all
impurities, cleanses and purities the blood.
For sale by all Druggists at 60 cents a
The "Beatrice" driving coat is a
new model in utility wraps deeigued
by an English house in Paris, and
highly popular in America. The
coat is of exquisitely fine cloth in
invisible checks or stripes, and is
made iu single and double breasted
styles, the seams of the coat double -
stitched and lappiug ou the outside.
Large Englisli pockets are placed
on either side and on the left preen,
and good-sized buttons of old silver
mud enamel are set down the front.
One model made of dark blue cloth
barred. with Japanese red is accom-
panied by a red silk vest, fastened
with dant blue buttons. The hood
at the back is lined with the same
rich color. •
Mn. D. ABBOTT, 21 Adelaide Street West,
Toronto, writes:—"For a long time I have
been troubled with a disordered Stomach,
end at last I got so bad that I was arm -
palled to quit work, and for days I could
neither oat nor sleep, and the pain in my
head was most intense. I was iudaood to
try a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bit-
ters. After taking throe doses I was al-
most completely restored to ]health. My
aplife.petite Same back ; the racking. headache
NMI gone, and I never slept sounder in my
Ohallie in solid colors, striped,
dotted, floral or foliated, seems to
partake in the general improvement
noticeable in other light wool, veil-
iuge, canvas goods end the like.
Nun's veiling can now be had iu
such a variety of colors, qualities
and combinations, that the infinity
of oven French caprice can find
wherewithal to gratify its changing
moods. Muslims and lawns also
follow the lead of their more solid
rivals in the matter of ornamenta-
tion and show every eoneeivablo
variety of loom and hand wrought
embroidery, either in close 05 open
designs, and not unfrequeutly com-
bining both in one piece of goods.
Draperies this and the Doming
season are to be worn both loug and
simple, short and bouffant. Hori-
zontal and lengthwise drapings
again appear on stylish gowns de•
signed for either house or street
wear. Pipings set row upon row on
panels, tike, mud other portions of
the dress, are also revived, and some
new walking dresses sent over allow
gray serge, dark blue vigogne, end
other woolen stuffs laid with an ex-
tra wide hem at the foot, with a
narrow vine embroidery above, this
portion being kilted the entire width
of the skirt, and finished with a
short tonic above, with alight drap-
ery at the back.
A project is on foot by the Can-
adian Pacifico Railway to build 'a
line from Woodstock to Niagara
Mr. Hickson has petitioned Par-
lianient to extend the time for con-
atructiug, fire Toronto and Ottawa
line to April, 1898.
Police' Magistrate Noble commit-
ted George Kennedy, a London
township hotel -keeper, to gaol for
two months in default of a Scott
Act fine and costa;. amounting to
MAY 13, 1887.
,Steadf/Employment to Good lien.
Nolle gleed be Itdle, Previous
Experience not essential.
We pay either Salary or Com.
0 lin Wanted
To Canvas for the Sale of Can-
;"; adian grown Nursery Stocka
The Pontin! Nurseries,
Largest in G'ftcfda,
Over 400 Acres.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class Reforent.os, and
want to work. No room for lazy
Leen, but can employ any num-
ber of energetic men who want
Stone & Wellington,
.Toronto, O]tt.
Practical Watchmaker d•,Tetcellcr
Thanking the Public for past favors and
support aucl wishing still to s00ur0 your
patronage. We aro opening out full lines
Gold and Silver Watehus.
Silver Plateal Ware from established
and reliable makers, fully warranted by
Clooks of the lates designs.
Jewelry :
Wedding Ringo,
Ladies Gem Rings,
Barings, &c.
Also have in stook a full Iine of Violins
and Violin Strings, Pipes, &c.
N-B.—Issuer of Marriage Licenses
T. Fletcher.
Bargains ! Bargains
in Plows, Stool Harrows, Seed
Drills, Bain Wagons, Buggies,
Organs, Sewing Machines, Sulky
Plows, one four spring Wagon,
one 3 horse Wagon, and ono sec-
ond hand Lumber Wagon.
Land Rollers for $25,
best in the market. Throe kinds
of Scufflere, Port Perry Grinder
and Horse Power's,
Clothes Wringers,
ENQuian volt.
Ge®n Love.
A nice assortment of Baby Car-
riages on Exhibition at H.
Dennis', 'where you can -
also get a
Splendid Trunk,
Handy Valise,
or Satchel at a Low Priee.
Full lines of Light and Heavy
Whips, Combs, Brushes, &c. .in
JVe Lead but Negri' Follow.
Sign (If 1349 Scotch Collar,
TIIE UlI IS 117ATile
y„(h„e �ry;iNttnnl
Dn,C,L. N'rs'r's Nerve and ]wain Treat.
lent, e guaranteed enrolee for Hysteria,
fliaainoss,Convulsions, rite, Nervous, Neu-
ralgia Hentlac 10 ,N ervoue I'rnetratlon onoe-
ed by the use 0f 1410111101 or tobacco, Wake.
f tlucae,o100tel Depression, softening of tbo
Brain resulting in lfoanity, loading to mis-
ory,d0ooyand death, Preulature Old Ago,
Baraleap,Loee of anwor er rltLur sex, Ars?:
Voluntary.e egos and Oph Brain, selfrhom cmis-
od by r.induxertlo, at the brain, saff-nhuno
Ornver-1 ,,'gut meet, Yillnll box 00110511,11 0110
month's treatment, SI a box or 015 310x00
for $5, Bent by mail, prepaid. on reoelpt of
To Duro any case. With colt order receive d
by us fornix boxes, nounm ponied with $6,
wo will send the pur0100er our written
guarantee to rotund the money if the treat-
ment dace not effect a cure, Gonna] teas
Issued by all druggists.
Watchmaker 86 Jeweler
Has on Hand a Splendid Stook of Silver
and Gold filled Watches, also Cuff But
tons. Brooches, Earrings, Gent's Pine,
Finger Rings, Roll Plate Vest Chains,
Necklets, also a lino assortment of Wall -
nut and Nickel Clocks.
t' -Repairing Neatly and Promptly
whu aro bald or 111000 noir is thin or gray,
or aro troubled with dandruff.
Dr. Doz-enwelitl",at
is the greaten t tonic for strengthening the
growth of Alto hair over alsooverod. 1t stone.
all telling out 05 the hair, rem ewe alt traces
of dandrefr, rcetorus gray hair to its original
color and in oneun of tnhtnesn, whore the
roots aro net destroyed, it will produce a
luxnriant crop of hair.
Take warning 1f your hail' is lu a feeble
state get a bottle at 0000 before 11 is too late.
Dr. Dorenwond'e "Halo Magic," is 011 Sale at
all principal Drug Stores. A.elt for it and take
nothing else.
G. A. Denman Alin J. Fieveeeevns & Co.,
Anmoss ('011 B1%tisenLe,
A, Doren wend Sole Manufacturer, Toronto
Canada, A, Doronweud keeps the largest
Hair Hoods establishment in Canada.
`r11 EO. PrBas:Y sat ,,
Is PREMED TO 110 ALL 108010 ON
Painting, Graining,
Glazing, Kcolsomiiai'ng,
Paper Hanging, 6'c.
A11 Work clone Promptly and
at Reasonable Rates.
in every instance.