HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-5-6, Page 8THE BRUSSELS • POST
MAY G, 1887
F you wish to save your currant ISMO E'3TYrA'TEIOx Was home over Suk1. THE green tinged window panes hi the
1 Chamber 1 notgot MOSS wt
bushes and gooseberries from the daY Train OodeTioh, l ouuoi Cham e will 1 o grown
ANY ells wanting a house see People's for want of somebody to break them. The
c ravages of what is known as the column. 43. recently appointed Wetting ollioor of the
Durrant worm it would be well to call at Law Toosday A. D. Stewart loft for band isrighton to them so they can
on,e and purchasesonlo of our Minnedosa, Mao., per O.P,R.
Fon new blinds, new curtains, ROW oar -
look out for ansmith..LL
HELLEBORE, Opets, call on A. R, Smith, d3-
A soon job was made o! scraping the (skimtarut Neww,
of which we have just received fifty Main street by John Meadows, land at ie Irish miller's want a duty on flour and
high time the dirt was hauled aWaY. Belgian farmers a duty o0 asitia,
pounds. NEwoor designs in mutable, blinds and Ono hundred and fifty persons were
The flies will soon be here and possibly oarpete at A. R. Smith's, 48• drowned by the oinking of a Singapore
dome of your pot birds or animals aro Rev E. A. PEAn, of Woodham, was in steamer,
town this week visiting his father who is Pearl fishers to the number of 550 per.
suffering from lice, therefore it lvonld be
still seriously Indisposed, ished in a storm on the coast of Western
advisable to buy a few ounces or a box of Taxman Boos. finished sawing at their Australia,
our celebrated mill this week, They have cut up a vary Russia wants to trade the arrears of
II- ;;yy �I 7, �r7 7�'/ 'r� large quantity of timber this season. the Turkish war indemnity for a slice of
IXSECT C -C �-l0 FAY DE.0 t, G80nGE PIT%0ATnIex, who has been Ade Minor,
bothered a great dual for same time with Tho British authorities ars on the look -
which is sura death to these paste, inflammatory rheumatism, is now able to out for dynamite, which is said -td have
work. been shipped from San Premised around
G. A. Deadman, Tim Poetoffioe Department is consider; by China and the East,
ing the advisability of cancelling the At midnight every saloon in Wichita,
Druggist; 1looksellarIt I''ancy GoadsDOaier, mail route between Brussels and Sea- Kan., was closed by order of the Mayor.
-- forth by stage, Hereafter the prohibitory law will be
!� __. ..__ Rev. W. E. Mout, of Rockwood, is etriatly enforced,
GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. home on a short visit. He headed the A farmer in Greensborough, 116., think.
list in hie class at tho recent examination ing to change his grade of potatoes, bar-
sO0TnE1IN Exr1Na1ON, W. G. & n. n. at Guelph for probationers. reled all that he had, shipped them to
EVERY married man now "bolts" his Baltimore and ordered a few barrels of
'r^ainsleare Brussels Station, north and meals at a 2:40 rate so as to mars exits flue northern potatoes for seed.
souoh as follew8 pouudiug carpets, whitewashing, &o. While barreling his own tubers he lost
tieing Routh. Going North. This house cleaning is a Moe job. his spectaolee. When he received the
Mali.......... 7:03 am. I Mixed 10:25 o.m
t8NEW awnings have been put in place at northern seed potatoes he found his mis-
xi,ress 11:45 a.m. Mall .............. WO p.m F.C. Rogere', W. Coats' and A. Currie's sing spectacles in one of the barrels.
Mixed0:00 p.m. { 11xpxese....,......86p.m this week by Wm. Roddick. The "Col• Such thins destroy aonfidonoo,
""m' ouol" is groat on the awning business. "Gals didn't go spatkin' round at your
R. L' EATEEI nALE disposed of one of his age when 'was a gal," I said Grandma
' at ae RriDs t'C1II S, black mares to Hess Bros., of Listowel, Threescore, severely ; "they didn't know
for 0165. She is it splendid driver and what a boy was till long after Choy were
. - ` will be used as such by her new owners. grown women." "Girls had Boaz in the
A chill's among ye Lakin' notes A COUNTY Scott Act Convention will be time of Rntb, long before you were born,
AD' faith he'll prent it. held m Clinton on Tuesday of noxt week, grandmother," said Edith demurely.
commencing at 10:80 am. Tho question "Ruth was a widder woman," said grand-
1t1nY, of a Polioe Magistrate for the County ma, triumphantly, and then she bent her
Duro will be taken up, hard and peered over her spectacles,
NAY flowers. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,—J, W. Fear waiting for someone else to rush out and
l3=ADTI10L weather. will be in attendance at A. M. McKay & tackle her on Bible ground.
GARDENING is all the rage. Co.'s store to receive settlement for out. I does seem arrange that up to about a
standing accounts due the firm of Giant fortnight ago there was not an ironclad
Timor fishing ie now legal.
Go to a godd for good boots. 48- & Co. and give receipts for the same. e in the British navy bearing the Queen's
• Two weeks from next Friday will be A m001IN0 of all interested in the osllse name. But this remarkable neglect on
the Queen's Birthday. of temperano0 will be held in the Metho- the part of "the rulers of the Queen's
Tang= is said to be a good deal of snow dist Church on Friday evening of this naves has been duly atoned for by the
in some of the swamps yet. week, commencing at 7 o'clock, to ap- Christening of one of the largest and
BRGv1E MoCRAor.Ex has bad the outside point delegates to the convention at might,est war vessels in the world—The
of his store painted this week. Clinton and transact other business, 'Victoria. She has been two years on the
5 BARS. Dingman's. 'Electric Soap for WE are informed that certain parties stooks, and she is the heaviest war ship
25ots at Thomson'0. 41. shoved a scantling through the fanlight yet launched on the Tyne. Her lenght is
Mise ?Maas, of Attwood, is visiting at in the door of the Salvation Army bar- 340 feet and breath 70 feet. She will
Robt. Wilsons this week. racks, one evening last week. A person have 13,000 horse power engines, and will
W. B. Dicxsou left Brussels for Mon- don't require any brains to do a triok be armed with 110 -ton guns, firing 1,8001b.
tans on Thursday of this week. like that and they should bo taught a slot.
4 ins.'Choi° Olean Raisins for 250ts. at lesson before a Magistrate. A man named Henry Younglove, about
Thomson's Grocery Store, 41- A.. R. SMITH'S horse ran away last 60 years of age, died on Thursday in Do.
DEOEABED.—Car Railway Committee- Monday morning and after a scamper on troit from hydrophobia. He had been
Funeral at Walton on the 2401 of May. the sidewalk and upsetting Mr. Smith bitten two months ago by a pet rat ter -
WK. Blsaor represented the East Hur- out, the buggy was left near Sperling's tier, His death was a terrible ono. To -
on Farmers' Institute at the Convention egg emporium, having come in contact ward the last it was impossible to keep
held hl Toronto last week. with a new top buggy belonging to the him on the bed and he lay on the fluor
Oust younger :legal luminary scored a , Oity Carriage shop. The harness and writhing in awful agony, the utmost ef-
very decided point, in foot several points, buggy were damaged and Mr. Smith forts of four strong men being insufficient
at the. last Division Court. somewhat shaken up.to restrain him. Be yelped, barked,
• $Qi'eseswa, order your bills at Tun Pon WE had a short call from oar old friend snapped at hie attendants In the attempt
Piiblishing House. Large selection of B. Fralick one day last week. He in- to bite them, tore at them with his nails
cuts, .and no tedious waiting for your formed us that be was 80 years of age on and beat himself . about the floor with
bills. ' March 19111 and that his sister, Catherine the strength of half a dozen well mea
F. E. WAD= returned this week from Shibley, of Portland, Frontonao Co., who until exhausted he sank into a semi-com-
the Stratford Chancery Sittings and gods died on March 7th had reached the ad- doss Condition, anfi death mercifully
down nett Monday to attend to cases at vaned age of 96 years, lacking one ended bis sufferings.
the Assizes. month. Mr, Fraliok is quite bale and A whale of the Greenland species,
j. G, SEINE has purchased a short line hearty for an old gentleman, measuring about 47 feet .in length and
of hose. which he attaches to his pump, W.F.M.S.—The anniversary meeting ten feet across the tail, was captured on
and will keep down the dust in front of of the Woman's Foreign Missionary SD- Sunday at Skegness. It was sighted
the Red store this summer. cies', held i01 Melville church last Tues- about half a mile from the shorn, and,
M.C-Y.P.C.A.--This Association will day evening, was largely attended and coming inland, rushed with force against
hold itsjast meeting for this season, is proved unusually interesting. The fol• the pier. It was so seriously injured
Melville church next Monday evening. lowing is the program :--evotional ax- that there was little or no fear of its be.
An interesting program will be given and erases ; motto song by 9 little girls ; pap- ins able to escape. Assistance was ob-
the pnblio are invited to attend. er ou missionsby Miss Robertson; sacred tatned, and its was driven towards tho
Do not be grumbling at us because we song "Go ye into all the world," by Mrs. shore, and further injured by rifle shots,
are out of sizes, Wo won't get any more Hutchinson ; recitation, "Appeal to Eng. of which five or sit were fired into its
nail we get a living profit. We will sell lish Women," by Bliss McGuire ; sacred body. Having been sufficiently disabled
what we have at cost and will be here to song "Go work," by D. Stewart and fam- to permit of its pursurers approaching it
repair them if they do not wear Well. ily ; address on missions by Rev. A. Y. with some degree of safety, they soon
48- AnAM Goos. Hartley, Bluevale ; missionary anthem fastened a rope round. its tail, by means
AN exobange says :—"A new style of by Young People's choir ; recitation and of which and the aid of the flowing tide
boys' trousers has been invented, with a sung "Plea of the Nations," by 5 girls they got it ashore. Life, however, did
copper seat, sheet -iron knees, rivetted and 2 boys ; anthem "Praise yothe Fath- not become extinct until some time after
down the seams, and waterproof pockets er," by the Choral Society ; recitation,
it was safely landed. Its girth is eish•
to hold broken eggs and worms for fish. "The wine glass," by Mia McGuire ; teen feet, the length of its mouth mne
ing. closing hymn by congregation. The So. feet, and the breadth of its tail ten feet
Tan stock exchange has been closed piety is In a prosperous condition and fear inohee.
mud the repeating instruments placed in has about 50 members. The contribu
the North Western Telegraph Co's office, tions last year were 3120.00'—`
H. Cormaok left Brussels last Saturday COUNTY ov HuliON Oslcx0T AssOOLeTIox. flag—'�T-
for Toronto from whence he expects to go —The regular annual meeting of this As- WanuER.--In Ethel, on April 30b11, the
to Now York, sooiation was held at Seaforth on Mon• wife of Mr. Henry Wanner of a
Trios. BALLANTYtw owns a Pekin cluck day last, 1. Ross and F. S. Scott attend- daughter,
that is making.a record fcr herself by ing as delegates from Brussels. Besides
presenting her owner with eggs that our own club Seaforth and Clinton were
McOaLnuM.—In McKillop, on Saturday
H4easures 77� =muss.
9i inches. It is surely no represented, but Goderich "stayed out."
harm to get off the gray beaded joke of The officers elect for the year 1887 are :— April 30t11, Fannie, daughter of
this being something egg•atraordinary. E. E. Wade, President; F. Iiolmested, James McCallum, aged 15 years.
BEES roil SAL=.—Thirty colonies of Vice -President, and Wm. Jackson, Sec.- 'Flinalc=LT•oN.—In McKillop,on Saturday
splendid condition after wintering. Mast the early portion of the year in order to
pure bred Italian Bees for sale. Are in Treas. Matches were arranged only for April 30th, Mrs. Freollelton mother-
be Bold as I have not time to devote to enable Goderioh and Wingham to come law of Thoe
them. Will be sold in quantities to suit inshould they desire. The matches sr -
purchasers. Enquire of J. R, Smith at ranged so far are as • follows:—On May
A. 165. McKay & Co's hardware store, 43- 24th, Brussels and Clinton, at Seaforth ;
CvEli 3200 worth of new books is being on June 2nd, Seaforth and Brussels, at
added to the library of the Mechanics' In- Brussels, and on June 14th, Clinton and
stitute this spring and it is expected that Soaforth, at Seaforth, Tho President
as many more will be added dnring t1,e , announced his intention of presenting a
yams. J. D. Ronald and John Broadfoot silver orp, to be played for Hader proper
h@. ° also donated 325.00 worth of books regulations. It was also resolved that a
10 Ibo Institute. It is expected that the bat should be presented by the Aesoeia-
li6rary will open to the pnblio next week. tion for the highest average score by
LAST Monday Joe Davis, ex•Jadge of innings in the County.
Probate Court, of Helena, Montana, left FIRE Bu,us m .—At the annual meeting
Efussals after a short sojourn here for a of the Brussels Fire Brigade the follow•
visitto friends in the east before return• ing officers were elected for the ensuing
lug to his western home. He came here year :—
to see W. 13, Dickson and his (Dickson's) P. Scott, Chief ;
,olikints concerning the disputed Dewar A. Currie, Captain ;
-bnate In Montana. There 10 likely to be Jas. Ross, let Diouf. ;
more litigation concerning the property 0. R. Vanstone, 2nd Lieut. ;
as Davis, who is a Wealthy man, claims F. 5, Scott, Sec.-Treas. ;
all ownership and will fight for it in the E. Mellon, 1st Engineer ;
Courts. We'll bank W. B. i11 bolding bis Jno. Meadows, 2nd Engineer ;
0. Waterer, 1st Bxanohman ;
Ax exchange says :—May will be the George Fulton, 2nd Bxanohman ;
vary antipodes of April. Like the Irish- D. Roes, 8rd Branehmen ;
�leav sago downfmll have
will be water
galore.ll but 1st Lieut.,llama, 4th Bxanohmah ;
their frequency followed by warm sunny 2nd Pranoh., No. 1 Real ;
days. will gladden the h
of 0
Expect ectr.alevery
ofthe 81 days will be wet., he Queen's S.Jaokson
birthday will bofine and bo the month 2n6 Lieut.,
firing in h dr,Jun is common. 3rd Branch.,
plme month generally h1%emarkablo 4th Branch.
No. O
Real ;
heat arrive on the 5h an
•12th, fol. D. Btracban,
Io is
th . Wm. Ainley
and Y
15th. Oleomargarine and BtYtterine will .Jas. Jonas,
liquify on the 253t11 and numerous sun. 13. Gerry,
strokes be Iecor'ded, Tho Queen's Jubi- W. H. Kerr, No, 8 Roel
len :Day, the 21st, Will be bright, belt a W. Ft Vanst n0,
do1d wind wi11 render tflc viewing of oat- 'PA
P. ll Stymie Cesi•enxt,
door sports unpleasant.
10 001 I. 11 =70,MS..
00nRECTED 01krinvi LY EVERY lyres.
White Fall Wheat 77 78
Red Winter
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls....
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Hldse per 1b'
Dressed Hoge
Salt per bbl., wholesale....
Sheep skins, each
78 79
00 80
40 48
28 80
48 40
13 15
10 00
4 00 00
50 00
9 00 11 00
5} 6
5 50 00
00 80
50 1 00
The 0 Dort of Boyieion for the Township of
Morris for the year 1887 trill bo held at the
Town Hall on Monday,. May 00th, All parties
eiedwill l
ease take notice and got, -
era thomsol ea accordingly.
Morrie, May 4th, aim 48.2 Clerk.
merino desire to intimate to the pub-
lic generally that they have formed n co-
partnetshlp for the purpose of carrying on
Carriage, Sign and Ornamental Painting'
and are prepared to attend to the Wants of
the public on Meet reafiena111e toting. Mr.
Ross haying htld experience In 501110 of the
beet Meek to 7.breebo and both being orao-
tioal •workmen we gualanteo to give $atis-
faction, Itstimatee and terms cheerfully
furnished. Shop in the eldPeer 1ublish•
ing Rome, icing street, 18roosel7,
5611TH it; 11088.
How the .Hats and Bonnets Flew Out of .11, R. Smith's Store this
Last W'eek,
GON1i'LN'U,A-L1 I Ui i TCr t
t�r11.gand,s Busy waiti..g on the eager ai,d, X11:=;.lotto throng.
Why Such a Business 9 What is,it coming to ? Surely the Whole Millinery Trade is Coming to Us
Simply this, we have a
and have kept leer this last Five Seasons, and also Right Goods at Right Prices, have done their work.
Everything First -Class around A. R. Smith's Establishment.
A. R. Smith's Business has Been Over Eight Years in Existence and
he is not ashamed of his Record, as his has been the Live
and Progressive Store right along since
starting business.
R1 is bound to Keep Up his Reputation for
flaying New, Chea and Stylish goods.
�J DoT toLet, well fenced, Dollar, shade t .� 5treet,Phila-
trees, pleasant neighborhood. 88.00 per hit L dolphin,
SboetRosie, T9xalo 130008, All
Month, Choi oret n and Amo, icon Editions. Pianos
20* J. R. GRANT. and Organa, by the best known makers,
sold on liberal terms. Catalogues sent on
3_ H 0 R 0'-B R E D BULL FOR application, Mention this paper,
B=nvrcn.—The undersigned ' will loon - - - - •--- - ----•---
forsorvice on tii lot "o, eon. 4, Morrie, a DAY UP. -ALL PERSONS 1N-
thoro'•bredDur am buil. il. Terme, 81,00, .
& P.BARR, Proprietpre, 41.4" n=n5ss1 to A . Schenck aro requested to
call at the old stance and settle the same as
soon an possible. It. Cleric has Cho books
and has full authority to collect accounts
and give receipts for the same.
41.4" A. BOHENOI0,
A Lew splendid, improved forme for
*dein the township of Grey,Montt and
Molilllop. Apply to A. DIIGATTY, 00.
Auctioneer,Brussels P. 0.
undersigned w11l keep for servioe on
tot 24 eon, 14, Grey, the well-known there'-
bred Durham hull. "Roan and White." Ped•
igree maybe seen any time ,at the owner'?
residence. Terms, 01.00. JOHN D, MOBIL,
Proprietor, 41.4"
' sonf13011 offers for sale 1118 valuable 100
acre farm, being lot 8, con, 10, Grey, and
eltuatedl}miles from Brneeele. The place
will be sold with or without the crop and on
easy terms'Possession will bo given at any
time. For further particulars as to price,
terms, dcc., apply to the proprietor on the
promisee. R. MONATJGHTON,
88.5m Bruesele P.O.
ER Brussels on Oranbrook, on the 18111
April, 1887mad Promissory Wm,
Dark In 00108 18511
°Aoril uoed 87 Mior
70010 a ter da t, w th p and 111, payable three
years after date with 0 per Dent, annually.against All persons aro barony cautioned ngaiast
negotiating end note,as payment has been
stopped. The finder will be rewarded on
application and return of note to 0UN10OD
MICH0L, Oranbrook P. 0. 41-4
1\i- 01102, AND A00111001109.10115 under-
signed has for sale a limited number of
Bulbs and Tubore of OMAntenro, aodthoso
superb D0D8LE DAD:LIAe that attracted a0
much attention at the Pall Show at Brussels,
at the following very low prides :—Gladiolas
Bulbs , at...80 conte per dozen ;Dahlia Tubers,
from 10 to 25 omits each •Dahlia 'tubers,
New Single Mexican, 15 sante. Send in your
orders early, Planta ready by the 24s11 of
Second class nonprofessional examination
at the High Schools in the county on Mon-
day, 4th July, 0 a,m. Third class ioonprofee-
atonal=ordination atthe H1 h Schools In
Moodily, County on Todily, 12t11. July, 0 a.m.
First class, grade 0., Monday, nth July, 1
p.m. First ohms, grades A and B, Tuesday,
nth July, O a.m. Oandidotee who wioli t
write at either OlintonorSeaforth must not -
it yD.M.MALLoo0, P, S,Iammeeter, Clinton
pOet oM1ae, not later than the Mat May, etat-
ing whish of the schools they wieh to write
to rte at G oderloh
o ahwrite G
• aadth
those who WA
• notify ts, ho TOM, a S. I.et be 0 at
the same date. Tho notice moot b0 wow -
panted 4 if the cand-
o to0.ot 82,00 r 5 ,W
ante by
VV third as oil ao. a 2nd
eI000 eto= a th w
examination. tDrt name will be flee
worded 10 the Department amass the iso
00halfr les it, Forma of application may
be had from the Seerotary. The head roan•
tend the High Schools will please pond the
applications of their candidates to tho1oun•
tyImpeder of the division in Whish the
high Scheel ie situated. First algae Candi•
ta y LO4onDprmenioen o,
llama ADAMSON,
Soe'y It. 1nx1•a,
Godarlcil, April ?0111,1887. 40.2
dorsigoedoffers his excellent 100 sore
farm, being North 3 L 0t 28, Oen. 0, Morrie,
for sale. There are about 00 soros cleared,
the balance hardwood bush. The buildings
0,1510 good repair. There is an orchard,
walls nod all the neeemary eonv0R/epees.
The form is only 2 milds from Brunelle and
in a good locality. Possession would be
given immediately. There are 80 sores of
Fall Wheat in. For further particulars so
to price, terms, 18,, apply to the proprietor
on the promises,
85.8m* Brneeele P. 0.
2'7•ctnsact cc General Banking
Notes to hand discounted,
Interest allowed on deposits repayable on
Prompt attention given to 0olleotiono,
Tene, &o, Office in Leekie's block
Brueeels, Money to Loan.
• Gamow do Proudfoot, Goderieb) Bo-
lieibor, Conveyancer, dm. Mae, Grant's
block, Brussels, Money to loan.
the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron.
Oonvoyanoor, Notary Public, Land, Loon
andlosuranoe Agent. Fundo invested and
to loan. Oo,Ieetions made. (Moe In Gra-
ham's B1aok,Bruesole,
moved hie moo to rooms Over the
Poetoilloe. Sesidenee on Mill t Street.
. M, L.14. 0. P. Edinburgh, Physioian,
Surgoonand AOeouoher, 00100, Mrs, WIMPS
1110011, Turnberry Street.
M. P. CALE, 3112. U,, C.14,
.Member ofthe College of Physicians and
Surgeons of.Ontaaioby oxafnination,
01800 and RoeCdeua—tfain St. East, Athol
ntarl0 ,
]U 1+L`Nr.CI0Ct`13,7a'.
0, L.Be11,3.07. S„ Honor Graduate and
M.14.0. D. 8„ of 'Toronto, Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Priers graded and no lei,-
airas good work Dan be done for.
Ofaoe over Johnston's Hardware Store.
Soarer th.
W. ,T, Pear ,L.D S.Grad .nate ofTo-
ronto School of Dentistry. All oper-
ations guaranteed, 011iee—Oady'e
Block, Seaforth.
Artificial teeth, fi rst quality, 14111a
guaranteed lit, 1or $12.00 per sot.
7D]Erti' MUST.
m. A. Tm n RTIS7', Ir, a, S.,
Honor Graduate of the Royal College
Dental Surgeons, Toronto, NITEOa OxIDi,,
GAs administered for the painless extrac-
tion of teeth.
OFFICE.—Garfield Block, 5000050001,5.
. of Marriage Licenses. °Mee at his
G1o0ery,Turnberry Strout,
and Carriage, plain and ornamental
painter. Estimates oheerfully furnished
Chargee moderate.
11u ridge Lioeneee, -by appointment of
Lieut, -Governor, Commissioner, 15., Q. R.
Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Co,
Ofliee at the Oranbrook Post office.
. Aooident and Loan Insurance Agent
forsome ofihobest and most reliable Cern-
pantos intim Dominion. OiRoe Brick Terr-
000,Turnborrystreet ,near the station.
• Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College hal ?mourned the prsotioe of John
Nott,V,S., and is prepared to treat all dia.
;eases.ofdomestieatod animola on orientate
andappraved. principles, Treatment of del-
icate foals a epooialty OIOOo two door's
North of Bridge, 'Purnberry street.
Teaoher of Music. Vooat and Instru-
mentalon Organ, Piano, or Guitar. Har-
mony and Thorough Base. Advanced pupils
fitted for Teaching. Terms on applioation
Rhforenoe—Latlies of Loretto Academy
Guelph. Reeidenoo—No, 2, Terrace, south
near station.
Robert Cunningham
Guelph t Ontario.
Et dicker, thanking
his many oustemero for their
liberal support in the past
wishes to inform thorn thatat
his Oen in Smala's bleak he keeps nothing.
but first-afaee moose all kinds of Poultry
and Baptago Moat Delivered to all parts of
the to* 1.1 tree. Cash 'paid for Pat Stook
Enloeona $hoovokiva1)011011for oash