HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-5-6, Page 7MAx (3, 1887. 1 H E 1:313.USSLS POST
A TASJi OF 6l CCID5465 AND 1141010 0 E.
Anther of I.o°C For n WO1.lanj'"R)nndl
Porey'e 14ceret," R]te., Etc.
house. Oh I why am I not suilloie;lt ?
Why need he invite all those people
here ? Bob I forget they are his friends;
they are to him what Emily Murray is
tomo. Dear, loving, happy little Emily!
with hor calm, seraphic eyes, and pure,
serene brow. What is the secret of her
inward happiness? How different she
is from me; even in childhood none of
those stoma of passion agitated her
that distracted my tempestuous youth.
Can it be that Christianity, in which
she so implicitly believes, has anything
to do with th s perfect peace ? Is there
a heaven?" she said, going back to the
window and looking gloomily out.
"Sometimes I have doubted it; and yet
there ought to be. Our best happiness
in this world is so short, so feverish, so
fleeting, and the earthly Fife is so long,
and wearisome, and oorsnwful, that we
need perfect rest and peace some.
whore. Two abort months ago I was so
happy -oh, so happy! -and now, at this
fust slight trial, my heart lies like lead
iu my bosom. Flow false tho dazzling
glitter of this world is ?"
And, as if involuntarily, she murmured
the beautiful words of Moore:
" This world is all a floating show,
Seer man's illusion given;
The smiles of joy, the tears of woe
Dooe1t[ulsbine, pee tin now,
There's nothing true but Heaven,"
There was an unusual shadow on little
Emily Murray's face that day, too, as
she went home. She was thinking of
Georgia. The eyes of affection are not
/easily blinded, and she saw that under
allherproud reserved exterior, her friend
was unhappy.
"I know sho dreads the coming of all
those people from the city, Uncle Ed-
ward," she said that evening to Father
Murray, as she sat busily sewing at the
"'Poor child," said the kind old clergy-
man. "I feared from the fust this mar-
riage would not contribute much to her
happiness. Not that it is Mr. Wildair's
fault; he means well, and really does all
for the best, but your friend, Emily, is
peculiar. She is morbidly proud and
intensely sensitive, and has a dread
amounting to horror of being ridiculed.
People of her nature are rarely, if ever,
perfectly happy in this world ; they are
self -torturers, and their happiness comes
in flashes, to be succeeded by deeper
gloom than before. Georgia was always
in extremes ; she was either wildly,
madly, unreasonably joyful, or else
wrapped it a dark, sullen gloom that '
nothing could alleviate."
The next three days Emily was not
up at the Hall, but on the fourth after-
noon she started to see Georgia. The
train from the city had jest reached
Burnfield station, and two large sleighs,
felled with Iadies and gentlemen, were
dashing up amid the jingling of bells and
peals of silvery laughter toward Rich-
mond House.
Emily paused and watched them until
they disappeared up the avenue, and
then, as elm was about to turn away,
she saw ilirs. Hamm, cloaked and hood-
ed, advance toward her.
"Good -afternoon. Miss Murray," said
the stately little dame, in a tone of lofty
courtesy that would have become a
"Good -afternoon, Mrs. Hamm," said
Emily, pleasantly ; "I see you have
visitors up at the Hall."
"Yes, friends of Mr. Wildair's from
New York -his mother, and cousins,
and others -quite a large party. Excuse
me, this is my way. Good.day, Miss
What inward feeling was it that
made Emily turn and send suob a look
of pity up at the window of Georgia's
room ?
"Poor Georgia!" she said, as sho
turned away, fooling, she hardly know
why, a most uncomfortable sinking of
hex heart, at the thought of her sensi-
tive young friend amongst all those un.
sympathizing strangers. "Poor Georgia!
poor Georgia I"
ea without the girls. .And iinmcd./64ly up -
0 on their entrance Master Henry crossed
e over, to where Georgia and Mies Arling.
ford eat, and, drawing up an ottoman,
d deposited himself at their foot, and bo.
gars opening a conversation with his
1- younghostess, whom, he had informed
d Captain Arliugford, ho considered oho
n greatest "stunner" he had ever seen in
Lie life, and that, in spite of all people
said about it, his opinion was that Rues
t Wildair had allowed his good taste and
good sense by marrying her.
e "Where's the other Mrs. Wildair-the
dowager duchess, you know?" ho said,
m by way of commencing.
e "In her room," replied Georgia, with
, a smile. "She was rather fatigued after
, her journey, and would nob tomo down
; to dinner. She wilt grace the drawing -
room by her presence by and by."
o "Horridly easily fatigued she must
be," said Henry, who was ono of those
favored individuals who can say and do
anything they like without giving of -
s 'endo. 'Freddy Richmond's with her,
x I suppose ?"
e "Yes; sl -•a would not leave her aunt,
Both will be here very shortly," replied
solved that to merit hie approbation, s
would try to dissimulate, and try to b
amiable and courteous to all, even to th
detestable 14liss Iliobniond,
, The great dining=room of Richman
House wae all ablaze that evening, an
the long table fairly glittered and flus]
od with its wealth of massive silver an
out.glass; and around it gathered a
the gay guests from the city, and not
lady among them all was half so hand
some or brilliant as the dark, brigh
girl, in the rich sheen duces, who eat
at the head of the table and did th
A very select party they ware who
Richmond Wildair had invited. Thor
was Colonel Gleason, a tall, pompous
looking gentleman ; and Mrs, Gleason,
stiff, frigid lady, not unlike Mrs. Flamm
then there was a Mrs. Harper, a buxom
jollylooking matron; and her tw
daughters, dashing, stylish -looking girls
who had never beep guilty of a blush i
their lives. There, too, was Miss Reid
a client, languid, delicate -looking youn
lady, reminding one of a fragile we
japonica; and a Mr. Lester, one of tats
irresistible bipeds known as "Broadivay
swells," who never pronounced tho lotto
R, and who had the nicest little bits
feet and hands in the world. There wit
Lieutenant Gleason, the colonel's eldest
son, remarkable for nothing but a
ferocious mustache and a pair of long
and slender Iegs ; and there was Mr
Henry Gleason, a youth of eighteen, who
stared at the company generally through
an eyo-glass, and gave it as hie opinion
that there never was such a rum old
house, or such a jolly stupid old
place as Burnfield in the world before.
There was Miss Ariiogford, a pale, darlc-
oyed, pleasant -looking girl, and her
brother, Captain Arlingford, a hand-
some young sailor, frank, off -hand, and
bravo, as all sailors are. And last, but
by no moans least, was Mr. Disk Curtis,
who on a oert'iin interesting occasion
had "stood up" and now, resplendent iu
a white vest and excruciating neck -tie,
was making most anxious inquiries
about our friend, Emily Murray, aboat
whom he said his private opinion, pub-
licly expressed, was that she was a "real
nice girl -a regular stunner, sir, and no
mistake l"
"Aw-should like to see her-weally,"
lisped Mr. Lester; "this heaw Bunauld
seems so good at that sort of thing, you
know-waising handsome gals, eh ?"
And the oxquisito glanced with what ho
fancied to be an unmistakable look at
his hostess, whose haughty lip, in spite
of every effort, curled while meeting
Captain Arliugford's laughing eye; she
had to smile, too.
"I say, Lester," called Mr. Harry
Gleason from across the table, "that
must have been the little beauty we saw
standing hi the road as wo drove up. By
1 Jove! she was a screamer, a regular out-
' and -outer, a tip-top, slap-up girl," said
; the youth, enthusiastically.
"Houry, my dear," said his mother,
looking shocked, "how can you use such
dreadful language? 'Slap-up 1' I'm real-
ly astonished at you I"
"Well, so she was slap-up I" reiterated
Master Harry, determinedly, "nothing
shorter. Ask our Tom, or Lester, or
any of the follows, if you don't believe
A true bill, Harry," replied his
brother Tom, the hero of the ferocious
mustache. "I see, Wildair, you'll have
to prosoub us."
"Couldn't, my dear fellow," said Mr.
Wildair, laughing; "little Emily would
fly in terror at the sight of your gold lace
and sword -knot. No chance of getting
up a flirtation with her."
"AN -couldn't expect anything bobtail
from a wustic; they ah not wuth the
time spent in flirting, you know," drawled
Mr. Lester, sipping his wino.
Georgia gave a sudden starb, and, had
looks the power to kill, poor obtuse Mr.
Lester would never have murdered tlio
king's English again. Glances wore ex-
changed, and one or two smiles curled
sundry female lips. The gentlemen
looked down at their plates, and Rich-
mond's mouth grow stern. Not ono
present but felt the words, save the noodle
who had spoken, and that fasb youth,
Mr. Henry Gleason.
"Curtis is a goner, anyhow," said
Master Henry, breaking the awkward
silence; "he turned as red as a boiled
lobster the moment he clapped his eves
on her. Eh, Curtis, you're a gone case,
ain't you ?"
It's no use, though, my dear fellow,"
said Richmond, recovering his bland
look; "my little friend, Emily, wouldn't
have you if you were President of the
United States. Isn't that so, Georgia?"
he said, gayly, appealing to his wife, who
was conversing with Miss Arlingford and
er brother, the only two whom sho did
of positively dislike:
"I really do not know," she said,
rawly, for she did nob exactly relish
his free use of Emily's name.
"And why, Wildair e" said Curtis, so
meetly that all laughed.
"Simply, my door fellow, because you
and she have antagonistic views on many
A change of theme was soon after el-
ected by the ladies rising' and seeking
th a drawing.room. There they diapers-
themselves in various directions,
he eldest Miss Harper sat down at: the
luno, in the hope of attracting the at.
ention of Miss Arlingford, whom sho
released a strong attachment for, on
the principle of "let me kiss her for her
tether;" to change the song a little.
ut Miss Arlingford, who had taken a
cep interest in the proud young lady of
the house, sat down beside hot and be-
an to converse. The rest gathered in
rouge to chat or listen to the music, or
urn over prints, until the entrance of
lie goutlomou-for which they had not
o wait long, as that fast young soma of
ho House of Gleason had moved a
s' eedy adjournment, to the drawing.
oom, pronouncing the talk over the
'walnuts and the wine" awfully slow
✓ Georgia,
of Even as she spoke the drawing -room
s door opened, and a tall, hard -featured,
haughty -looking, elderly lady entered,
leaning on the arm of a small, wiry girl,
with little keen gray oyes, and hair
which her friends called auburn, but
which, was red, and very white teeth,
displayed by a coustant, unvarying
smile. A smiling face ought to bo a
pleasant one, but somehow this £rocicled
one was nob. There was a cringing,
fawning servility about her which made
meet, people, except those fond of flat-
tery and adulation, distrust her, and
which fairly sickened Georgia.
A nxusADI eoMIiie 7.Iumi.
"than a dream whish was not all a dream."
" And wo caw Media burning
At hos passion -planted stales'
Richmond House at last was full of
guests : every room was filled ; peals of e
laughter, and silvery voices of ladies,
and the deeper tones of gentlemen, made
music through the long silent house, 5
and scared tbo swallows from their
homes in the eaves. The idle servants f
had enough to do now, and were tearing
distractedly up and down states, and ed
here, and there, and everywhere, with a T
terrible clatter, and all was gay bustle p
and lively animation. t
Georg'a, superb es a young empress, p
iu purple spun, with a brilliant flush on
her cheek, and a streaming light in .her b
eyes, had never looked so handsome as B
that day when she received and weloom- d
ed her husband's guests. And when
this ceremony was over, they were Showa e
to their rooms to dress for dinner, and gs
Richmond, with a gratified smile, eon- t
gratuleted lion on the elegant manner itt t
which she had performed her part, t
Georgia. listened, and her cheek flushed t
deeper, and her egrew br ghter as she p
replied to his Blaine" a with one that Wade r
Jler fasts fairly radiant, and inwardly re. '
Speak of the —" began Henry,
einkiiig hie voice piauinilno, and con -
sandbag the sentence to himself.
Georgia mese, and almost timidly
approached thein, and enquired of the
elder lady if she felt better. Mrs. Wild -
air opened her haughty oyes and favor-
ed her with a stare that was downright
insolent; and then, before her slow
reply was formed, Miss Freddy Rice),
mondtook it upon herself to answer,
with a fawning smile
"Thank you, yes -quite recovered.
A night's rust will perfectly restore her."
Georgia turned her flashing eyes down
on the smiling owner of the forret optics
and red hair, and a hot "I did not ad.
dress myself to you -speak when you
are spoken to," leaped to her tongue ;
but Georgia was learning to restrain
herself since her marriage, and so she
only bit her lip till the blood started, at
the open slight.
"Can we not get on, Frederica ?" said
Mrs. Wildair, impatiently.
Georgia was standing before them,
and now Miss Freddy, with her silkiest
smile, put out her hand -a limp, moist,
sallow little member -and gave her a
slight push, saying:
Will you bo kind enough, Georgia,"
(she had called her by her Christian
name from the Srst, as if she had been
a maid of all work), "and lot us pass.
I see Mrs. Colonel Gleason over there,
and Mrs. Wildair wants to join her."
Richmond, standing over Miss Harker
who was deafening the company with
one of those dreadful overtures from
" Il Trovatoro," had not witnessed this
little scene. Indeed, had he, it is ?re-
liable he would have observed not lug
wrong about it ; but the gesture, the
tone, and the insolent look -half super.
cilious, half contemptuous -that accom-
panied it, scut a shook through Miss
Arlingford, brought a flush to her bro.
thor's cheek, and even made Master
Hoary mutter that it was a "regular
jolly shame."
They brushed past Georgia as if she
had been the ,louse -maid, and she was
loft standing there before those who
had witnessed the direct insult. Her
bead was throbbing, her face crimson,
and her breath came so quick and stifled
that she laid her band on her chest,
fooling as though she should snffooate.
Sho forgot the ourious oyes bent upon
her -some in compassion, some in grati-
fied malice -she forgot everything. but
the insult offered bor by the worm she
despised. With one hand resting on
the table to steady herself, for her brain
was whirling, and with the other pressed
hard on her bosom, sho stood where
they had left her, until Mise Arlingford
arose, and taking her arm, said kindly;
"The heat has made you ill, Mrs.
Wildair; allow me to lead you to a
She did not resist, and Miss Arling-
ford aondnotod hes to a remote seat
somewhat in the shadow, if euoh a thing
as shade it could be called m that bull-
Iiantly Iighted room. And then the
young lady began. talking carelessly
about the music, without looking at her,
until Georgia's emotion had tiles to sub-
side, and, outwardly, at least, sho grew
calm. Outwardly -Mat, oh 1 the bitter-
ness that swelled and throbbed in that
proud heart until it seemed ready to
burst, that left bar whits even to the
very lips, that sent such a dreadful doe
into hor dusky eyes as if all the life in
]ler Heart had lied and concentrated
She did not hoar a word Miss Arling-
hor singing,: on rather ebsetcbing, some. d
terrific Italian song, and all the time G
she was combating a dereo,;'mad fns- 1
pulse to spring upon her and to -she ]i
id not knave whet -strangle her, per- ba
haps. And then her song was ended
the dual unearthly shriek was giv
like to nothing earthly but the nee
of a steamboat, and she saw her
preach, and, with her small, glitteriug
-~ now that her evil geniva was gone, re.
04, 1 clambering her busbend'e look, tried to
al smile and talk chimera)? with the rust,
aP' but, as she said herself, she had not yet
learned to dissimulate. And the wild
snaky oyou fixed upon her, in a vo
audible to all, ask her -Water hostess
to favor them next. Now she, as w
as most of them there, knew Georg
could nob play; but wishingto have
little pleasure quizzing te "count
girl," they came crowding +around, a
it was;
"Oh, pray do, Mrs, Wildair,"
"Don't refuse us now,"
"Do favor us, Mrs. Wildair ; I am su
you sing beautifully."
"Of course Georgia will play; eh
knows it's not polite to refuse her
guests," said Miss Richmond, winding
up the chant and smiling insolently
up in her face as she laid her hand on
her arm.
Georgia started as if a viper had
stung her, and, striking off the hand,
arose white witb concentrated passion.
Richmond, coming up at the moment,
had just heard his cousin's silvery.
toned request, and the startling way in
which ib had been received,
Miss Richmond and Miss Harper
started back with two simultaneous
little shrieks, and Iooked at Georgia as
they would at a Shawnee savage, had
one suddenly appeared before them,
and a profound silence full on all around.
Richmond's brow for one moment
grow dark as night, and he caught and
transfixed Georgia with a look that
made bur start as if she had received a
galvanic shock. The next, with his
strong self -command, his brow cleared,
and, malciug his way through the start
led group, he said, smiling;
"My wife docs not play, Freddy. You
forgot music teachers aro not so easily
obtained in 73nrnfield as in Now York
city. Why, Georgia, you ars looking
quito pale. Are you ill?"
She diel not speak ; she only lifted her
oyes to his face with a look of such
atter anguish that his anger gave way
to a mingled feeling of compassion and
ice glitter of her syn and her marble -like
face told a far different story, and her
ell of%ria to be at ewes were sa evident and
la so painful, that all felt it a relief when
a the hour carne for retiring and they
rY could seek their own rooms,
nd Mr. and Moe Wildair bade their last
guosb good•night, and then bhoy were
alone iu the drawing -room,
re ing even to look at him I and Ric mond,
his courteous smile totally gone and Lis
e face grave and stern,
stood with his
I am afraid Mrs. Wildair is indis-
posed," said Miss Arlingford. "We will
leave her to your caro, Mr. Wildair,,
while, if my poor efforts will be aeeept-
ed, I will endeavor to take her piece at
the instrument."
As Miss Arlingford was known to be
a beautiful singer, the offer was in-
stantly accepted, and, the kind-hearted
young lady was followed to tho piano
by all present, who seated themselves
near, while Riebmond, Freddy, and
Mrs. Wildair, who with a frown on her
brow, had just come up, gathered round
"Really, Richmond, your wife has
made a most extraordinary exhibition
of herself this evening," said his mother,
in a tone of withering contempt. "Are
you quite surd she is perfectly sane ? I
do not ask from curiosity, but because
Mrs. Gleason has been quite terrified."
Georgia started as if she would have
sprung from the sofa, but Richmond
hold hos down, while he said, coldly ;
"Yon can tell Mrs. Gleason she need
not alarm herself on the subject; the
unusual excitement has been too much
for her, that is all."
"The unusual excitement 1 Oh, I
perceive," said Mrs. Wilclair, with a
smile more cutting than any words could
have boon. "Perhaps she had better
retire to her room altogether, and I
will endeavor to play do hostess to
your guests."
"My dear Georgia," said Freddy, lay-
ing her Hateful hand on Georgia's, and
looking up in her face with a hateful
smile, "I am afraid my request offended
you. I am sure I quite forgot you could
not play, and never thought you would
have resented being asked; it is so com-
mon for people to play nowadays that
one cannot realize another is ignorant
of wbat every child understands. 1
really cannot leave you until you say
you forgive me."
Georgia shuddered at the hateful
touch, and her hands clinched as she
listened, but Richmond's oyo was upon
her, and she only shook off the hand,
and was silent.
"Do say you forgive me, Georgia, do,
please, I ani so sorry," fawned Freddy,
with one arm around her neck.
"Oh, Richmond, take her away ! Oh,
Richmond, do 1" she cried out, shrinking
in loathing from her.
Freddy, with the sigh of a deeply in-
jured but forgiving spirit, gob up and
stood meekly before her.
"Really," began Mrs. Wildair, with,
haughty anger; but her son, with a
darkened brow, said hastily ;
"Mother, leave her to me. Freddy,
go ; she does not know what she is say-
ing; she will regret this by and by, and
bo, the first to apologize. She is excited
now.; tomorrow you will see her in a
very different frame of mind."
"I hope so, I am sure; it is very
muob needed, I must say," observed
Mrs. Wildair, coldly, as, with a frown on
her face, she drew Freddy's arm within
hers and led her away.
"Oh, Richmond 1" began Georgia,
assionatoly lifting her eyes to his face.
And there she stopped, the words
ozeu on her lips. Ile did not speak,
ut catching bet wrists in a steady
asp, he looked sternly and steadily in
er eyes, until she sat shivering and
ambliug before him. And then he
upped her bands, and without a. word
ow her arm within his and led her
tun to where the rest wore, and seated
or on a sofa botwoon Colonel Gleason
d himself.
The song was finished, and amid a
urmur . of applause Miss Arlingford
so from;the .piano and came 'over' to
hero Georgia sat to inquire if she felt
t tor, And thon Captain Arlingford
Henry Gleason came, too, and
corggiis was soon the centro of a gay,
aughing group, who .strove to dissipate
or gloom and restore the disturbed
mealy of the evening. And Georgia.
ford was saying, she scarcely knew she gr
was beside her; she did not.know what. ,Ewas going on around her fora inomont, ti
until, with one grand crash that might dr
have smashed a more firm instrument, dr
Miss Harper arose from the piano and do
sailed over to *hero the youn captain li
and Henry Gleason wore taping, and a
made herself quite at home'with them
at once, • And then Georgia, whose eyes m
Were fisted in &sort of•.terrible fasoifia- ro
tion on Miss Richmond, saw her 1ed. to ey
the piano by her hueband, and heard' be
elbow leaning on themarble mantel, r./.2
looking down on her with a stern, steady CD "e
„Mrs. Wildair I" he said, coldly.
"Oh, Richmond l" she crud, passion 0
"Well, this is a delightful beginning, pless
,i �° ®,
I must say," he observed, calmly. "Are [`? i --i°
you aware, madam, that you made Y '
nboth ight?" yourself and me ridiculous' to.
CJQ t -g"
"Oh, Richmond, I could nob help it I I -i s
Oh, Richmond, I felt as if I should go c..te
mad I"
"It would not take mush to convince e• .j
our friends thab you are tact already, �y
my dear. May I ask if it was Frederica's �✓
simple and natural request that you 1st
would play for the company that came
O ri
so near drivingm r
you mad? I saw you j° • ri
drop her hand ne if there were contain i ov
- i (li
inetioc in the tecta,"
"Oh, so there is 1 so there is l" she cp 0 i y,
cried, in frenzied tones. ��
"Really, madam," said Mr. Wildair,6-2
in a tone of marked displeasure, "this
is carrying your absurdity too far. Take d_ 5° PD
caro that 1 do not begin to believe you
mad as well as the rest. Are you aware is -el ° Via"`
that you grossly insulted my oousin be- �+,1 I• ,V )
fore my guests this evening?" '"
"She insulted me 1 -the low, fawning !J ( wi
hypocrite ! Oh, thatI should be obliged t7 -i a i
to live under the same roof with that 0
thing I" exclaimed Georgia, wildly a)
wringing her bands. ' 111:
There was a dead pause. It had t-�
more effect on Georgia than any words Le CD elD
he could have uttered. She looked up, H
and saw him standing calm, stern, and
deeply displeased, with his large, strong 1TM•-1 =, Ip.,
eyes fixed upon her in sorrow, surprise, F ` s
and grave anger.
"Oh, Richmond what sbalI Ido? 1
am going crazy, I think. Oh, Richmond, ase, en ct-
1 tried to do well, and not displease you, ' 0
but she--. Oh 1 everything that is
bad in my nature she rouses when she
comas near mo I Richmond, Richmond, �y�#^
I cannot bear to have you angry with W 4 t--±
me. Tell me -do tell me -what shall' 1. iP a
do?" 11
"It is very plain what you must do,
my love. You must apologize to Miss et'
As if she had received a spear -thrust,
Georgia bounded to her feet, her eyes
blazing, her lips blanched,
"What!'' 6'1 rse
"Nay, my dear; it is folly to excite
yourself in this way. Be calm. 01 j 0 0
course, you must apologize -there is no �P
other way in which yon can atone for a./ e
your unparalleled rudeness."
"Never!" 0 C÷
"You will not? Georgia, do I under-
stand you right? You mean you will H.
apologize ?"i 0"Never?" L
"Georgia, you will I"
"I will not I"
There was another 'lead pause. Still
he stood calm and colclly stern, while 1 1�a°'
she stood with her tall form drawn ups
to its full height, hes oyes flashing
sparks of deo, her brew corrugated, her Lees.
lips white with passion and defiance.
"Georgia," ho said, coldly, and his h -"CD Cyt
words fell like ice on the raging fire in
her stormy breast, "once your boast was
that you never told a lie ; now you have
sworn one. You vowed before God's 0
minister to obey ice, and yet the first
command I have given you since you ,,te�ll
passionately refuse to obey, I am no M'aO
tyrant, Georgia, and I shall never re, goi...,. 1-1
quest you to do anything for me again ;
but remember, madam, I shall not for.
He was turning away, but with a (, /a I 1„m,.1
great cry eho sprang after him and 0
caught his arm.
"Oh, Richmond, unsay your words I &-
Oh, I will do anything, anything, any. 1 a
thing sooner than part with you in
anger ! Oh, Richmond, my heart feels
as if it were breaking. I shall die if youlamed
do not say youforgfvo me 1" 0 {� ° 1"
"Will you go. to my cousin to -morrow, d4 � .
and beg. her pardon for your insane con- iii
duet tonight 2"
She shivered as one in an ague fit,
while from her white lips dropped' the le -se 1.4
hollow word:
"That is my own brave Georgia. The
insult was publicly given, and should be
publicly atoned for ; but I will spare Q
you that humiliation. And now' 1 feel
that this lesson, severe as it is, will do 0 aaa it
you good. You will he more careful for
tho future, Georgia."
She lifted her head and looked up in 0
his fano with. a smile that startled him. ci- er, 0
"1t has come true, Richmond," she 1-1 ° kW CO
said. •
"Whateasily, has, any love?" he asked,
"My dream: Do you not remember
the dream 1 told you and Charley, long .1"' +^ 0
ago, when know you ?"
"Yes, I reme1drstmber it. You told it so
impressively I could not forget it. What
of that dream, my dear 2"
She laughed - such a monkery of
laughter it was 1
"It was you I saw in that dream,Iiich•
mond;' it was you who drove me, all
wounded and bleeding, through the fiery
furnace. You are doing it now, 1 ich-
mond. But I did not tell you all any
dream then, I did not toll you .then
that at last I turned, sprang upon my
get this."